35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey Ladies,

Vivienne I am sure it is very emotional for you as bf is such a special bond with your baby but you have done such an amazing job with Cal that he seems like he is ready for the next step. Going onto formula now is not a negative thing and I am sure he will not go without so please don't worry about dehydration. You have come so far together and I am sure you will continue going in the right direction.

Hey Jules hoping that everything is ok with you and the BP is behaving itself. Thinking of you right now as I know you must be more than a little anxious but your Dr's seem on the ball so I am sure they will know exactly when to cary out your C-sction. Hang in there honey not long to go x x

AFM I am having a really emotional and bad day due to DH's parents and the visiting saga. Yesterday I was online to friends and his Dad popped up to chat and basically didn't ask how me and DH were it is straight into "how is my grand daughter doing, can't wait for you to visit and for me to take her out etc etc" I was upset and told DH that they make me feel like an incubator. Like my feelings are not important it is all about the baby I am carrying and that is all they are interested in. DH told me I need to make more of an effort with his family and that I need to see them when I am back in the UK and stay up there. When I point blank refused to stay with them because of the lack of space (I thought I was good and did not bring up the lack of hygiene issue) he replied that we would pay for a cottage for a week and hire an station wagon sized car for me for the week. All in all this would cost nearly 2,000 pounds for a week somewhere I really don't want to be, especially on my own. Today I have been really tearful about it all and I am now at the point where I am going to cancel my plans of visiting the UK completely and be stuck in the house during Ramadan here. My DH is being such a pig about it all, I will make the effort as he puts in when she is a year older but when she is only 8 weeks I think the 7 hour plane journey is more than enough committment they can make the few hundred miles in the car to come and see me where I can keep our daughter in her routine and happy rather than shove her in a car for endless hours and try to bf at a service station on the highway.

Sorry I know I am really ranting but I am just so upset by it all as he is trying to make out that I am unreasonable. I just want to cry right now.
Carole do NOT feel badly for being angry about this! I can't believe your dh and his parents are pushing things this way but he will see once that sweet baby gets here that it isn't so simple as just renting a house and car, etc. try to put this out of your mind for now and just tell your hubby you guys will revisit the issue once the baby is here. I think he will see it very differently once he holds his baby girl. Tell him you do not want to be driving your 8 week old on unfamiliar roads in an unfamiliar car by yourself over long distances! If it comes to it perhaps you could just go for a night or two and take your mom with you? I definitely understand how you feel and I think your hubs will too once the baby is here and he sees for himself what all is involved. I am so sorry this is stressing you and am sending you huge hugs!
Did you b'feed, pump, use formula or a combination with Katelyn? The babies are not matching and nursing is such a struggle. They were on tube feeding initially in the ICN, then took formula with dome of my expressed milk, but their mouths/sucking reflex is too small for nursing due to be preemies. I hate the pumping every 3 hours amd I only make enough for one baby per feed so I supplant the formula & alternate. I feel guilty about quitting & going to formula. Any tips for me?

I believe I have either the baby blues or something more serious. I cried all day yesterday and I'm scared to be alone with the babies. On top of that Lily passed her 1st hearing test prior to discharge & when she went for her retest on Fri, she failed. Both children are required to have the retest b/c of an antibiotic they were given in the NICU. It can cause permanent hearing loss to the inner ear. We have been.referred to an.audiologist. No one discussed the risks with us. There are less dangerous alternatives. I am so angry & sad. She doesn't respond to noises/voices like she did in the hospital. I am devastated that my precious baby girl could have been stripped of her hearing.

So I am feeling like a woman on the edge & wonder what have I gotten myself into. Thanks for listening.
I believe I have either the baby blues or something more serious. I cried all day yesterday and I'm scared to be alone with the babies. On top of that Lily passed her 1st hearing test prior to discharge & when she went for her retest on Fri, she failed. Both children are required to have the retest b/c of an antibiotic they were given in the NICU. It can cause permanent hearing loss to the inner ear. We have been.referred to an.audiologist. No one discussed the risks with us. There are less dangerous alternatives. I am so angry & sad. She doesn't respond to noises/voices like she did in the hospital. I am devastated that my precious baby girl could have been stripped of her hearing.

So I am feeling like a woman on the edge & wonder what have I gotten myself into. Thanks for listening.

Honey, I can't speak to anything else, but the fact that you have suffered from depression in the past means you're at elevated risk for ppd now.... You know yourself better than anyone else does, and if you feel like you're not right, then call your dr and say so, and don't let her dismiss your concerns. My sister had ppd after the birth of my nephew 5 years ago and it took her a year for someone to take her seriously... she has since said that in retrospect, she knew on the very day he was born that she wasn't herself. The fact that now you're concerned about Lily's hearing, and the added stress of taking care of two babies instead of one, are going to amplify any "ordinary" new mom stress. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Laura, I have a couple thoughts I would add to what HA has already said, which I agree with. :hugs:

Re: Lily's hearing, I can only imagine how scary that is...that said, try not to presume the worst at this point. Ethan tested fine in the hospital (and was never retested) but when we got home, I was surprise that he did not seem to respond to noises much at first...even our barking beagle, who is ear splitting...it was surprising to me how little they seem to react to in the early days. I actually began to worry he was not hearing well... Hopefully Lily is just fine, but i agree they definitely should have discussed any such risks before giving her any meds. :hugs::hugs: I am praying for you all! How soon can you see the audiologist?

Re the bf'ing, I have heard that the nipple shields can help with smaller babies especially. Have you tried those already? I think someone here (maybe
Rebekah?) was using them with a good bit of success...

As far as the PPD, it sounds like you have a lot of the symptoms I had, but i do think the feeling overwhelmed when left alone with the babies part is normal for all first time moms. And I imagine it is magnified with two, so I know it doesn't help much to know that everyone goes through that part, but you WILL get more comfortable with them. I was petrified of being left with Ethan and especially when I was most exhausted. But please do not hesitate to seek help for the ppd if you even think you might need it. One thing I did was start taking a fish oil supplement (because omega 3 deficiency is now being looked at as one of the prime triggers of ppd) and that seemed to help a LOT for me. You might try that while you are looking into the options you want to pursue re: help.

I wish I could give you a big hug right now and PLEASE let me know if I can help with anything, even just running errands for you guys. :hugs:
Laura, I have a couple thoughts I would add to what HA has already said, which I agree with. :hugs:

Re: Lily's hearing, I can only imagine how scary that is...that said, try not to presume the worst at this point. Ethan tested fine in the hospital (and was never retested) but when we got home, I was surprise that he did not seem to respond to noises much at first...even our barking beagle, who is ear splitting...it was surprising to me how little they seem to react to in the early days. I actually began to worry he was not hearing well... Hopefully Lily is just fine, but i agree they definitely should have discussed any such risks before giving her any meds. :hugs::hugs: I am praying for you all! How soon can you see the audiologist?

Re the bf'ing, I have heard that the nipple shields can help with smaller babies especially. Have you tried those already? I think someone here (maybe
Rebekah?) was using them with a good bit of success...

As far as the PPD, it sounds like you have a lot of the symptoms I had, but i do think the feeling overwhelmed when left alone with the babies part is normal for all first time moms. And I imagine it is magnified with two, so I know it doesn't help much to know that everyone goes through that part, but you WILL get more comfortable with them. I was petrified of being left with Ethan and especially when I was most exhausted. But please do not hesitate to seek help for the ppd if you even think you might need it. One thing I did was start taking a fish oil supplement (because omega 3 deficiency is now being looked at as one of the prime triggers of ppd) and that seemed to help a LOT for me. You might try that while you are looking into the options you want to pursue re: help.

I wish I could give you a big hug right now and PLEASE let me know if I can help with anything, even just running errands for you guys. :hugs:

Yes, I was using the nipple shields. You'll get all kinds of "oh, don't use them". However, if it comes between bf'ing or not just because of the nipple shield, I'd go ahead and use it. We used them because from the getgo Amelia wasn't taking to either nipple. I think it was because she was introduced to the bottle. Either way, I had her on it until I couldn't handle bf'ing anymore...about 3 months. I pumped a little bit more that I have for her for cereal when she's ready. With the nipple shield, you can use it to help and when the baby is older you can try and wean them to the regular nipple when they're more able. I know of several who used the shield until they stopped at a year old. :winkwink:
I only have a minute as I'm pooped and have to pee every 5 minutes, but I wanted to send Laura massive :hugs:.

You are going through so much, times two, and I wish I had something comforting to say to ease your worries and feelings. But I only have my prayers to send your way that things will ease up, Lily's hearing will be fine, and the overwhelming feeling you are unfortunately experiencing will soon pass. I get some anxiety of being alone with the baby too, so having 2 of them is completely understandable.

I wish you peace, my friend, you will get through this, and if you need to get seen about it, do it! You are a strong momma, you can do this and we are here for you! Many many many :hugs:

I am running on about 45 minutes sleep the past 2 days, I am a little more than normally stressed out. I will try some sleep aid tonight and will be back on tomorrow, hopefully refreshed and ready to respond to everyone. I just needed to send Laura some much deserved hugs.

Hello ladies! :flower:

Just wanted to pop in to give Laura a big hug.:hugs: Laura, I do hope you feel better soon and I have your babies in my thoughts.

Carole, I am sorry your DH isn't being too understanding. Like Angela says, I think that once baby gets here he will realize that it isn't as easy as renting a house and car and will change his mind. :hugs:

Angela, how is Ethan doing? Is he better?

Rebekah, did you start up at the gym yet? How are you feeling and how is darling Amelia doing?

Hugs Steph, Vivienne, Beth, Chris and everyone! :hugs::hug:

As for me, all good! Ended up back in the hospital yesterday morning for high blood pressure again :wacko: but our nurse was awesome - she monitored me and baby and took my bloods, gave me an IV and it all took about an hour and a half and we could go home as everything was fine and BP dropped back to normal after a bit. I should just move into the hospital at this point, we are there so often! :rofl: 2 weeks today..almost there!! :happydance:
Hi Ladies -

BnB site has been konking out on me...

I pumped for Katelyn. She was in the NICU for six weeks and early on was getting fed through a tube straight through her stomach. Once she was able to have breastmilk. I think she did donor breastmilk for a week and then I had enough and they switched to my breastmilk. I hate pumping as well, but I did it every 3 hours, although in the evenings I would stop around 12 or 1 and then resume at or 6 am. I can’t imagine having to get enough milk to feed 2 little ones. You may need to do a combination of formula and breastpump. Katelyn didn’t really start nursing until about 2 ½ months old. I probably could have started her earlier, but I was lazy and thought that pumping and feeding her with the bottle was easier than nursing her in the middle of the night…it isn’t LOL.

I did have baby blues, but what you are describing sounds like more than that. Were you assigned a social worker when the twins were in NICU? If not, you should definitely call and try to speak with someone.

In terms of Lily’s hearing, I know that Katelyn failed her test the first time, and then the second time she passed. There are all sorts of reason why they can fail…sometimes the monitor is not put on correctly, or they way they are laying can cause interference. I will be praying for her, please keep us posted!

Sorry all, I have been swamped at work. I promise to catch up and write a longer proper post later this week.

Hugs to ALL

Laura I had one other thought I want to add... Re bf'ing, remember that they do not have to get *exclusively* breastmilk in order to get the benefits of bf'ing (as far as antibodies, etc)... Any quantity helps them get those benefits, so try not to stress if you can't produce enough for two babies... Just divide what you do get between them and they will each get benefits from it even if they also get formula. And you know my experience and how I feel about it, but Ethan has thrived on formula and there are some great ones to choose from so don't put extra stress on yourself feeling like you have to feed both of them bmilk exclusively!

Please keep us posted when you can about Lily! :hugs:

Beth, I hope you get some rest sweetie. I know how miserable that is! :hugs:

Jules just hang in there mama! Just a few more weeks! :thumbup:

Steph, hope work is not making you too crazy! :hugs:

Bek, how are you feeling this week?

Thanks all who have asked about Ethan. He is doing great and seems completely recovered. Yay!! .he goes back to church daycare this wends so here is hoping he doesn't get anything else there for a long time! He cut his FIRST tooth yesterday :happydance: and has been eating and drinking LOTS better since. that makes me a happy mama! I'm hoping he is on another growth spurt now, as he hasn't had one in a while bc of the teething.

:hugs: to all and happy week!
Did you b'feed, pump, use formula or a combination with Katelyn? The babies are not matching and nursing is such a struggle. They were on tube feeding initially in the ICN, then took formula with dome of my expressed milk, but their mouths/sucking reflex is too small for nursing due to be preemies. I hate the pumping every 3 hours amd I only make enough for one baby per feed so I supplant the formula & alternate. I feel guilty about quitting & going to formula. Any tips for me?

I believe I have either the baby blues or something more serious. I cried all day yesterday and I'm scared to be alone with the babies. On top of that Lily passed her 1st hearing test prior to discharge & when she went for her retest on Fri, she failed. Both children are required to have the retest b/c of an antibiotic they were given in the NICU. It can cause permanent hearing loss to the inner ear. We have been.referred to an.audiologist. No one discussed the risks with us. There are less dangerous alternatives. I am so angry & sad. She doesn't respond to noises/voices like she did in the hospital. I am devastated that my precious baby girl could have been stripped of her hearing.

So I am feeling like a woman on the edge & wonder what have I gotten myself into. Thanks for listening.

Oh sweetie. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Tell someone NOW how you are feeling especially if you have suffered from depression before. I thought I would be fine but it hit me suddenly too when things started going wrong. I had the exact same reaction "what have I got myself into"

Please don't fret over the formula supplementing you are still giving them breast milk alternately and as they grow and develop the suckle reflex properly you will be able to feed them. As long as you pump at least once a day off each breast you will not lose your supply and if they are able to suckle later on that will in turn up your supply. But you think if it is affecting you mentally then switch to formula for your sake and sanity.

I only have the one child so I cannot imagine what you are going through with two but I pumped and formula fed for my sanity while in the psych hospital. And when Callum was better at suckling he went for it and really ramped up my supply :dohh:

As for your darlings' hearing, please do not fear the worst before time. I would definitely speak to the hospital though about the lack of informed consent.

MY heart and prayers are with you sweetie. :cry: Please, please speak to someone about your feelings now. Happy mum=happy babies.

Love :kiss: V
Hi Ladies,

Lava, Angela is right. Even the smallest amount. Remember, it's going to take a while to work up the amount you need. the babies need to keep sucking to encourage more milk. One of the nurses kept telling me that the nipple shields can cause reason for not getting enough milk out but I can set your mind free from that with Amelia's experience. She did REALLY well.....but she just liked the freedom of the bottle and working less for it than the breast milk. Have you been to the multiples forum? Or the Bf'ing forum in here?? I'm sure you can get some tips from those who've been there. It's not an easy task by any means but you can do it if your up for it. If not, you can do well with formula feeding. We stopped at 3 months, I pumped some to freeze for cereals and that was it. Maybe next time the next one will take to the nipple but Amelia just wasn't patient.

AFM: think I'm going to try and coerce dh into letting Amelia stay in our room in the other corner (if we clear it) in her own crib. I'm scared about putting her in her own room as well. My own fear is that we're on the second floor. The landlord took out the stairs in order to knock down a wall to make the living room bigger. When he did that, the stairwell spokes aren't the even 3" apart as specified for safety. THEN there's the staircase itself. The closest safety gate I find is to tighten it to the wall on one side and use a plastic tie around the upstairs spokes...same with the downstairs one leading UPstairs. Again, since they took down the stairs, I'm not honestly sure how safe and well put in these are. I'm not even sure what to put on the hallway spokes to be sure she doesn't try to get through the spokes to fall flat down on the first floor. THIS concerns me.

There is also a single mom who lives next door and has a whole possy come with her. They all smoke like a stack and that's become an issue as I don't want my daughter inhaling second hand smoke. It's coming through the furnace and going into her room, all throughout the downstairs. I get LIVID. They obviously don't care themselves because they have two children in there with them. Landlord is renigging on his promise to make the place smoke-free and says it's not in the lease agreement. ((ugh...kick myself now for NOT asking them to put it in writing. ))

We've been weighing what to do with purchasing a home. We can't really afford a whole lot, but I'm SICK of renting. Our last landlord foreclosed on all his properties and we had less than a month to get out. He stole our HUGE deposit. We moved in here and while it's BEAUTIFUL and like a home we "would" purchase, the tenants he's had here are filthy. We love the neighbors on either side of us who live in their own homes. Luckily for us they are neighborhood watch and while we were gone the tenants ex boyfriend next door tried to break into her home at night. She came by to thank "us" and it wasn't us because we weren't here. I FREAKED out!

I'm just so sick of moving from one rental to another. I like that the landlords fix things when they go bad, THEY do the lawn and plow....I know with a home of our own, we'd be trading one headache for another though. I need a vacay BAD! We haven't been on one since our honeymoon over 10 years ago. I'd take a home of our own over a vacay and make our backyard a place to rest. We're going to try farmers home mortgage and see. It's HARD to qualify these days and my husband has excellent credit. PLUS there's still a housing bubble in the midst. My husband and I are unsure what we should do. WAIT, or buy and get the heck out of renting for good. At least we can make our place our own and we can get away from landlords and idiot tenant neighbors. Granted we'll also be paying for upkeep, but having a place to call our own would really be a gift even if it's a little house where love grows best. ((sigh))

Amelia had her 4month appointment today. She's now 12lbs 10 ounces. She's under the 50th percentile but over the 50th percentile with her height of 23 1/4. Her height didn't come from my side. She's on target for her head circumference and is sitting up, holds her head up and is starting to stand on her own. She had the Dr. roaring with laughter. We're now feeding her solids though I'll start on Wed. or Thursday because she had one of her injections and her oral med. We're using the Dr. Sears alternate injection schedule and it seems to be working well so far. She's been fussy tonight. Add to it we were visiting grampa at the hospital who had cardiac work. I would NEVER usually bring a baby to the hospital but my husband is the only kid here and is his dads medical go-to (whatever you call it...I'm tired.lol) So we had to be there right after Amelia's appointment so I put her in her carseat put a blanket over the top, added her to the stroller and put the umbrella cover over that so nobody could look, cough or anything else on her. Hands had to be sanitized before touching her and though gramma wanted to carry her up the halls I asked that she not because of possible infections looming in the hallways.

Food: We bought HappyBellies Super Brown Rice Cereal to start her on.

I also have a couple of the Plum brands and one Sprout brand which are both organic. What are you both planning to start the kids on when their ready? I've been trying to find a steamer I wanted to try my own. I can't see good ratings on many or the baby food makers. Any advice?

As for weight management. My cousin came over on Sunday and wripped me to pieces. We did Jillian Michael's training. Jumping jacks to pushup back to jumping jacks and pushups. Went on to two reps of lunges and crunches, reverse crunches and high kicks, then crunches with arm flies with 5lb weights and up again to jumping jacks. It was level one and it kicked my butt! I have a LONG way to go. Over a year since I last exercised.:wacko:

Did I mention I'm signed up for a 42 day program like "Biggest Losers"? They weigh how much actual fat you have and how much lean mass. You do HARD CORE cardio and hard core free weights (which I used to do before my first pregnancy) and they add in a nutrician plan as well. It's going to be CRAZY. I'm actually training to train right now. Hahaha The program starts mid April. Hopefully by my birthday I'll feel and look better. Obviously I'll have more work to get where I want to be only to ttc again, but at least I'll be healthier BEFORE going into it again.

My hope is to get off this insulin pump the Dr. wants to keep me on. I'd love to lose fat and gain muscle. Of course we know 42 days won't fix it all, but it will be just the start. I'm looking forward to it!

I at least thought my cousin would go easy on me and we'd do Walk away the lbs for a couple of months. She just busted right in. Haha I suppose that's a good thing. I REALLY want to get back into shape. I am not in shape at all. Even after the first day of exercising I started to have a happier demeanor. I want to be here to watch our daughter grow. At the rate I'm in now, I won't live very long. I'd also like to be thinner when we try to conceive again. The less weight the better.

Here's the Project 42 I was talking about. This is one of the prior classes.

Well Callum's gone from 6.86kg to 7.22 and grown another 1 1/2 cms in 3 weeks so I think they were happier with him. I asked my doctor about the BF'ing and he said it sounded like he was just being lazy and couldn't be arsed doing the work anymore :dohh: I will keep trying but I think I will drop a feed for formula once a day. He still won't take water, hates it, (I don't like water either!) but I persist with a cup everyday. He's also decided that he only wants bananas and cereal and no veges!!!

At least we are all getting more sleep so I can cope with the stroppy feeding during the day. Currently he sleeps around 12 hours a night (with a dream feed at 10.30pm) and has a couple of hour naps a day, if not more. He can also put himself to sleep now, so no rocking, patting, shushing. It was a hard road and I don't expect it'll last as he moves on to his next stage of growth, but I'll TAKE IT!

Love to all.

Oh, I put him nappy off on his mat today (luckily with a towel down) and started to fold laundry. When he went quiet and there was this god awful smell I turned, and there was a palm sized poo on the towel and his feet were in it :dohh: He was kicking like mad so happy with his effort :thumbup:
Hi Ladies - selfish post today...

we went to our weekly OB appt yesterday and when we were listening to Poppy's heartbeat, she detected an abnormal arrhythmia and sent me right over to the hospital. :cry: I was hooked up to the non-stress test thing and I was certainly getting contractions but also they could see the arrhythmia and couldn't explain it. They said it may go away or it could just be like mine. My poor baby. Mine isn't so very bad that it's not controllable, but I certainly don't want to subject my poor little one to it :cry::cry::cry:
Then suddenly, the little heartbeat went back to normal and stayed normal for a few hours and they couldn't explain that either, saying it didn't make sense as it should have happened again. :shrug:

I'm exhausted and have to go back to the hospital every day until the 17th so they can monitor Poppy's heart. I just wanted to update everyone....
I'll try to get back on later. hugs to everyone.

Hi Ladies - selfish post today...

we went to our weekly OB appt yesterday and when we were listening to Poppy's heartbeat, she detected an abnormal arrhythmia and sent me right over to the hospital. :cry: I was hooked up to the non-stress test thing and I was certainly getting contractions but also they could see the arrhythmia and couldn't explain it. They said it may go away or it could just be like mine. My poor baby. Mine isn't so very bad that it's not controllable, but I certainly don't want to subject my poor little one to it :cry::cry::cry:
Then suddenly, the little heartbeat went back to normal and stayed normal for a few hours and they couldn't explain that either, saying it didn't make sense as it should have happened again. :shrug:

I'm exhausted and have to go back to the hospital every day until the 17th so they can monitor Poppy's heart. I just wanted to update everyone....
I'll try to get back on later. hugs to everyone.


Oh Beth honey

I am so sorry you are going through this. I am thinking about you and Poppy and I am praying that the arrhythmia was just a weird 'hiccup' and that it goes away and stays away.

Please keep us updated and let us know how things go with your next monitoring. I have both you Poppy in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Beth I am so sorry as I know that must be scary. Hugs and prayers coming for all of you! :hugs:

Jules how are you feeling sweetie?

More from me a bit later girls, got to feed the munchkin! :hugs:
Hi ladies!

Beth :hugs: So sorry that you're going through this... Hope the arrhythmia doesn't recur!

Laura, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Becoming a mom was a HUGE adjustment for me. I had PPD that lasted 4 months, it was horrible. If you feel overwhelmed/depressed please talk to someone ASAP. I started Zoloft (sertraline) at the beginning of second trimester this time to help decrease the likelihood of having it again. Nursing is not easy in the first few weeks, especially when dealing with small babies who may have less of a developped suckle. It DOES get easier with time, especially when latches improve. If in the end it turns out that you need formula, it's really not a big deal :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Rebekah, sorry to hear about the lousy housing issues :cry: It would drive me NUTS to have cigarette smoke (or other types of smoke...) coming anywhere near my baby!!! I hope you find a solution to this dilemma. Congrats on starting the weight loss program, I love how your cousin kicked your butt! It's so helpful to have someone to work out with you and keep you in line. Great that DH is joining the weight loss quest too!!!

Jules I hope the BP is behaving itself :hugs:

Viv, so nice to read you more often! Good growth Callum! :dance:

AFM, I had really bad symptoms from SPD with hip and lower back involvement, but after 2 weeks of chiropractor, acupuncture, massage, icing and cold packs, I'm all healed! So relieved... I was getting so stressed that I'd have to stop work early, leaving my family with no income at all and lessening the amount of time I can spend on mat leave (since my mat leave is unpaid beyond 3 months). DH is coming home tonight for a 7 week block :dance: Thank goodness, Z and I are both sick with a cold and were up from 4-6 this morning :wacko: I was late for work, slept in an extra 45 minutes...

Other than that, I'm in third tri as of Tuesday. 10 weeks and 5 days to go until the C-section!!! Getting so excited to meet this little guy :cloud9:

Hugs to you all, Angela, Steph, Chris, Anna :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Beth I am so sorry as I know that must be scary. Hugs and prayers coming for all of you! :hugs:

Jules how are you feeling sweetie?

More from me a bit later girls, got to feed the munchkin! :hugs:

Hey Angela !

I am doing well - some more drama at the doctor's office today, but nothing bad. Beth, like you it is heart related - but it is with me.

So again, my blood pressure was high during my appointment. My doctor had three different people take my blood pressure to be sure. Then my doctor noticed that my pulse was skipping. :wacko: She tested this several times and it was skipping enough that she wanted me to see a cardiologist...she made the appointment for me and they squeezed me in today.

Truth be told, I have been having heart palpitations since the 3rd trimester...sometimes I feel my heart beating very loud and I can feel skipped beats but honestly, I thought it was a normal thing with pregnancy! :shrug:

Anyway, long story short, I get to the cardiologist, he does an EKG on me and it shows that my heart has extra beats - but he says it is not dangerous and that we shouldn't be concerned. It could be something I've always had but never knew about...or it might be a result of pregnancy. He gave me a heart monitor which I am wearing right now...I need to wear it for 24 hours and it is recording my heart beat.

My doctor then called me after she spoke to the cardiologist...she said that on Wednesday, when I go back for my regular appointment - if she gets another high reading on my blood pressure, then she's calling it quits and the baby will be delivered then...so ladies, our cherub might be here next week!!

I feel fine though! So it was a bit of a shock to hear all of this..so we'll see what happens. Baby is kicking up a storm at the moment...I think she's also ready to meet the world :thumbup:

Beth...I have been thinking about you and Poppy all day. How are you feeling, love? Do let us know what happens during your next appointment.

MA - I am so sorry to hear about your living situation :nope: but I am so proud of you for starting your workouts! (I am out of breath just hearing about them...I can hardly walk from room to room without feeling breathless - I feel like a 90 year old! LOL :jo:

Angela, how is Mr. Dimples? I think I saw on Facebook that he has his first tooth?! He is such a cutie!!

Love to Steph, Vivienne, Chris, Svet, Laura - I am sorry if I missed anyone! :hugs::hug::hugs:
Morning Ladies hope you are all enjoying your weekend, we have a long weekend with Sunday off work for Prophets birthday.

Lava so sorry to hear that things are difficult for you honey but others as said it is not surprising as most of us face a struggle with one and you have two little bubbas to deal with. Please reach out and get help if you are feeling so low as they Dr's can help to get you feeling more level again and make it that little bit easier for you. Also do you have a family member or friend that can stay with you for a little while whilst you get into a routine with the babies? Even if they deal with all the other household duties whilst you just concentrate on the little ones. Take care and pls update us and lean on us that is what we are for:hugs:

Beth again my heart goes out to you with all the issues you are facing in the last stages of your pregnancy, pls let us all know how things go but remember you are in the final straight now and it will all be over soon with your gorgeous Poppy delivered safe and sound I am sure. Keep strong:hugs:

Jules OMG you too are not having a good time of it at all but I like that your Dr is ready to deliver next week if your BP is still playing games. Your baby is ready to enter the world and in my opinion it is better for both you and baby for this to happen now if your body keeps playing games and making you worry. Just think this time next week you will most probably be holding bubba in your arms, focus on that amazing thought and leave all the rest to the Dr's. Looking forward to seeing the pics :hugs:

Rebekah hoping your situation with homes resolves soon for you as it is so stressful for you to be facing this. Also well done on the gym, I am struggling now to bend and do half the normal things I used to do as bump is getting so big so I can't wait to join you in some gym work. Keep going honey and you will meet your goals in no time at all :hugs:

AFM DH and I have had some pretty serious discussions this week about his family, the pressure that they and he is putting on me. It seems I have made a breakthrough as he has finally agreed with me. I basically told him that I am sorry but me and his daughter have to come first at this time and that others need to be flexible to us to make our lives easier. Said I would not budge on this point and if he allowed his family to continue he would be putting both Zara's and my health at risk as I am sure the stress will have an effect on my BP. I have told him that his parents can come to us in Bahrain for the first week in July as I will be going back to work so they can spend time with her and that I will travel to the UK to be with my Mum from the 20th of July when Ramadan starts and that they can come to see her again if they travel to London but I am not going to travel to them in the north. I feel so much better about all of this now, I think he saw how upset I was and the dicussion where I said that we are now a family and he needs to put "our family" first now not his parents etc. Explained that when Zara arrives his live will change forever and with it his priorities of course both our parents, brothers and sisters are important but our family unit will come first.

Apart from that all is good although starting to suffer with heartburn and tiredness coming back. I guess it is to be expected as I will soon be in the Third Tri.

Take care ladies and hope to catch up soon :hugs:
Carole :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I sympathize with your situation 100%. My DH was also putting a lot of pressure on me to welcome his entire family (parents, 3 sibs, their partners and all their kids) IN OUR HOME (they all live out of town, so it was for over night stays) not only during our pregnancy but also shortly after Z's birth, not to mention travel 8 hours by car to visit them. I also had to explain that "our family" = me, him and baby are now his priority, and taking care of us his main responsibility. With my PPD, I couldn't emotionally handle what he was asking of me and it caused serious issues in our relationship. Not to mention the fact that Z HATED the car and couldn't spend more than 30 minutes tied in her seat without crying hysterically, which as a new mother one cannot handle, period. I'm glad you seem to have had a breakthrough, I'm here as a listening ear as I went through exactly the same thing :hug:

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