35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

So glad your DH is being so supportive of you & taking a firm stand with his parents.

Jules & NMG,
I am so sorry that the pregnancy has been so tough especially in the home stretch here. Hang in there b/c soon you will have your gorgeous babies in your arms. I am praying for your safe delivery & their good health.

Also Mrs Muffet, HA, Vivienne, Angela, MA, Junebug ... thank you for the encouragement on my emotional state. We were up all night with fussy babies and I'm exhausted. I hate the routine of bottle feeding, burping, changing, swaddling (x2), pumping, washing clothes & bottles, and then starting again. They are such slow eaters and spit up a lot b/c they are so small. I have decided to continue pumping until their due date and then start to reduce the pumping sessions gradually until we have them all on formula. I think I will be happier & enjoy the babies so much more. Then I can get back on my Wellbutrin. At least I will have given them some breastmilk but I need to get myself together & not resent being a mom. I tried so hard & prayed and cried just to get here. I want to enjoy this time. I'm not really sure though how to go about stopping my milk from coming in b/c I am in pain if I don't pump every 3 hours so I dread the process of.stopping as much as I dread continuing. Any advice from those who switched to formula?

On a positive note, Lily passed her hearing test in her right ear but failed in her left. They will retest that ear on the 16th but as long as she can hear & is not completely deaf, I am relieved. Of course, I hope her hearing turns out to be perfect and it was juat fluid in the ear or a fluke with the test. Liam passed in both ears yesterday. Thanks for your well wishes & prayers.

Sorry that I'm forgetting some of what I wanted to say to everyone. I am really appreciative of all of you. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Carole, I am so proud of you for sticking to your guns with your hubby. It sounds as if he has come around which is wonderful!! :thumbup::hugs:

So it is finally sinking in that our little sweetheart might be delivered next week! Both hubby and I are already starting to mourn the loss of my belly! LOL. Hubby loves me pregnant - *I* love me pregnant! I'm going to miss everything about this!! But we get the most precious gift in its place and we are so terribly excited.

Considering this might be our last weekend before our darling gets here, I'm doing some more baby laundry and washing all of her bottles. Hubby is installing the car seat and will be setting up her swing and bouncer later. I think then we will be ready!

Love to everyone - hope you guys are all enjoying your Saturday!! xoxo
Hi Ladies,

Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. We went back again for more monitoring and the frustrating thing is that the arrhythmia is so irregular that we thought there was not going to be an episode until the last few minutes when it happened again. :cry: The nurses are so nice but can't offer much in the way of explanations beyond, we just hope this will stop and correct itself. One thing the doctor did tell me was if it is an abnormality in the heart, it wasn't from any of the medication I have been on for the pneumonia , thank goodness. The thought that I did something would have broken my heart.

More monitoring soon but we are hoping that Poppy just wanted to make a dramatic show and keep us guessing. Trying to stay positive!

Still breech, but Poppy is certainly active and keeps moving the big head back and forth and sometimes it makes my belly rise up so much I have to say "down periscope!" :haha: Looks like an alien moving around in there! I, too, already am missing the connection we have but can't wait to have that moving, active little one in my arms. :cloud9:

Jules - can you believe we are at the finish line? This is it!!! We will be holding our bundles so soon! Love the fact that you are spending such quality time with hubby getting everything ready! It has really brought Charlie and I closer, esp at night when we talk about our day and the days to come and we just lay there feeling Poppy move around. Charlie is painting a table right now that my dad made for the nursery and I just finished folding some baby laundry.

Earlier today, Charlie treated me to a manicure and spa pedicure at a local salon in our town. He drove me there and waited while I was pampered for an hour, he says I needed it after the crazy and stressful few days. He is so good to me.

Laura - so glad Lily passed one of the tests, hopefully the retest will be positive too! As far as the wellbutrin, a happy momma is most important, esp since you have already done some BF.....they make some excellent formulas out there, so do what you need to do to get your emotional state back to what you want it to be.

Carole - sometimes serious discussions are absolutely necessary and will clear things up and straighten them out. Hurray for you for being firm in what you feel and I am so happy that you hubby can agree what your points!! :happydance: He's a keeper!

As far as the heartburn - mine got so bad this past week I begged the doctor to help and she told me to try the over the counter Zantac - it has been a lifesaver at night! So much better. So know there are options that are safe if it keeps you up at night and close to tears like it did me.

hello and hugs to everyone else. I hope you are all doing well and I will update again soon on Poppy's monitoring.

have a great weekend!
Hey Beth!

I love your positive attitude with regards to Poppy and her heart and I think you are right - she is keeping her mama on her toes until she makes her entrance :) I have everything crossed for her and hope her arrhythmia settles and is a non-issue once she arrives:hugs:

Your Charlie is a keeper! That was so nice of him to buy you a spa mani / pedi:thumbup: Like you guys, baby is definitely bringing my Tony and I closer (which is amazing in itself, because we were pretty close to begin with!). I am so thankful for my husband. I think that when I was going through the very painful fibroid issues and the support, love and care he gave me through that episode took my love for him to a new level. I know, that sounds so sappy! :haha: I love that your Charlie is a good hubby to you too.

I am both excited and anxious that our little girls are almost here! Nine months dragged on but at the same time came and went so quickly. Like you, I just finished doing some baby laundry this afternoon..I love doing baby laundry :cloud9:

Tell that baby of yours that it's time she turns head down ! Come on little Poppy, you can do it! LOL :thumbup:
Good Monday evening ladies!!

Jules and Beth, so sorry to hear it has been a scary past couple of days but so happy things are working out and sounds like those babies are on their way!! I can not wait for two more little miracles. I think it's awesome how positive you've both been!! So good for the babies. Fingers crossed no more surprises, hang in there any day now.

CJ, yehhhh third tri!! Also do happy your hips and back are doing better. I suffered through my last trimester because of my hips. Like u we needed the money and I couldn't stop working. So happy things are looking up.

Carol, so happy DH is behind you and your family. So much better to not have the stress. Wooo hoo on third tri!!

Lava, yeh on the hearing test. I hope all is well. How are you feeling? PPD is no small matter and it has nothing to do with you as a mom!!! It is all chemical. Hormones running rampant. Most of us had some sort and with twins the hormones are double as is the work and changes you're going through. I'll agree with everyone else and say get help now. Do not suffer needlessly. Lots of hugs!!!!!

Vivienne, how I have thought of you over these last few moths and hoped all was going well. Cal is such a cutie!!! Love the pooop story. Only reason Josephine hasn't gotten feet is poo yet is sheer determination on my part during diaper changes. Quick question, when did u know when to start baby on food? This is a question for all moms. Everyone here says 6months, but she eats every three hours at night and it's killing me. I think she might be ready for some rice cereal. She just turned five months the other day. Any suggestions?

Chris / svet, going back to work was not my favorite thing to do. I could lie and say i needed it, but truth be told I hated it and was surprised I did. I always thought of myself as a "career" mom, someone who would juggle baby and career just fine. In reality I hate being back at work. Maybe not what you want to hear but it's the truth. Saying that, I like my job and it's a necessary evil. The baby is well cared for between day care, my parents and her dad. Most of us have to work. Yes you will miss her so enjoy the time you have together. Please do not stress for the next 6 months. What will be will be. And enjoy the time. I have friends who went back after 6 weeks. I was lucky and had 12 weeks off. I will say the time away makes you appreciate all the time you have together.

Rottpaw, so glad Ethan is feeling better!!

MA, awesome job working out!! I am truly so very proud of you!! I have found it almost impossible to find time to work out. Yeh for you!!! On the other side of the coin, sorry to hear about the crappy living situation. We have neighbors who do the same thing only the smoke is of another kind so popular in Colorado. Any kind of smoke is AWFUL!!! and it makes me even more frustrated if it might affect my baby. Get as high as you want , just don't let it get in the hallway I have to walk through. We own out unit, but all out neighbors rent. We too have the baby in our room, in our bed actually but that's a whole other story. Anyway I was really ready to put my foot down and get her in her own room, then one night the neighbors decided to have a knock down drag out fight at 1am in the room that shares a wall with the baby's room. I can not tell you how frustrated I am. I completely understand your anger and feel for you. What about moving and renting a house, no shared walls or furnaces???

Steph, how are you?? So glad to hear your little girl is doing so well!!

Ok I think that's everyone but if I forgot someone I am really sorry.

AFM, as I said I am not liking working but oh well. I have been trying to work out but as I said before am having trouble finding time, plus the guilt thing. Any other moms suffer giult from not spending all their free time with baby? With work I feel like. I see her so little so I feel guilty spending an hour at the gym. However like MA, I want to be healthy for my daughter, do the things a mom in her 20s can do. So right now it's yoga Saturday am, family hikes or skis on Sunday, Pilates on Monday's, spin class Thursday. I thought the pounds would melt away after the baby. Everyone said that if you BFd then the weight would fall off. Not true!! Granted I only Bd for three months, but still. Other than that Josephine is awesome!! Laughing really hard now. She is growing crazy well and is a big baby but both her dad and I are tall so it's to be expected. We hired a professional photographer a couple of weeks ago to take some photos. Should have the results back soon. Did I already mention this???? Will post some photos when I get them.

Have a Good Monday!!!! Anna
BTW I AM NOT 8 weeks pregnant, promise to change my ticker. I wish I was though....
I wish I could write a long, thoughtful post like so many of you and I promise I will when things calm down here but I'm barely hanging in there these days it seems. I just wanted to thank everyone for the support.

I will be so excited to see new babies here soon. Hang in there Jules & Beth, enjoy these last few days just with hubby, go on a special pre-Valentine's date, and keep us posted on your little ones' arrival.

Can't wait to see pictures!

MA & Anna,
So sorry to read about your frustration with your neighbors. We are in a condo & even though we own it, I hate sharing walls. I never noticed how late our next door neighbor gets home & clomps around until I stopped sleeping so soundly through the night. The smoke thing would put me over the edge so I sympathize with you girls.

I've tried to nurse Liam a few times in the early evening & he latched great, then falls off. If I could exclusively bf the twins and didn't have to worry about pumping on top of formula & bottles, it would be so nice, but the combination of it all is really getting me down. I've started trying to slowly wean myself off the pump but it is a painful process & I am so torn about only giving breast milk for a month, but then I am certain it is the best thing for me & I'm anxious to start my Wellbutrin. Our nanny who will be with us full-time when I go back to work in April started part-time today (3 days a week for 5 hours). She is such a calming presence and is so good with babies. I'm not, but of course, I'm doing my best. I'm just so out of my element. I have such mixed emotions about returning to work. I'm going to try better to enjoy each day.

I am so grateful for yall.
Oh lava!! You are an awesome mom to your babies!! They love you so much and I am sure you are great with them. That self doubt is the hormones honey!!! You are doing an amazing job!!! It's all anyone can ask of you is to do your best. There is so much pressure to BF, but as we can all attest to it is very hard and not an easy process, and that's just with one baby. If u want to continue have you talked to a lactation specialist?? Or the nanny, does she have some advice?? In the end do what's best for you and by default it will be what's best for the babies. Lots and lots of hugs and no pressure to keep up here. I had to duck out for a couple of months until I got my feet under me, we all understand. Take care and thinking of you!! Anna
Just a quick update ladies on Jules (animal cracker)- she had her beautiful baby girl yesterday feb 6, 6lbs 3 oz and 18.5 inches long! I saw her update on fb and am sure she will post here when she is up to it!

Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA for a bit. Work is kicking my tushie!!!

Jules – Congrats on your baby!!!!!Can't wait to see photos. I will be stalking your FB page. LOL

Beth – Ah sorry to read what is going on with Poppy, but like Jules, I love that you are so positive. That is awesome that your hubby is so great. That makes a HUGE difference to have that support.

Laura – I totally understand what you mean about the monotony of the day wash, rinse, repeat. I used to think that the cycle would never change and it can get depressing. Katelyn was a VERY slow eater. It would take her almost an hour to eat ½ an ounce. But it will get better. I am still pumping/nursing, but I don’t pump as often as I did. I think your plan of gradually reducing the pumping sessions will work. In fact, I think after about 3 weeks, the nurses at the NICU told me to stop pumping round the clock. They said to pump every 3 hours until midnight and then sleep and wake up at 6am to start the every 3 hour pumping. That may help you start. Any breastmilk you give is great. If it is only a month, that is fine!

Also, glad that Lily passed her hearing test in one of her ears. I am sure she will pass the other as well. Also you are a GREAT mommy. Please don't doubt yourself. It is perfectly natural to feel lost and unsure of what to do...I mean it is all new. Even though, we may have neices and nephews it is different when they are OURS. You are AWESOME and will get into a good rhythm!!!! You keep the faith and it will be ok. Like Anna said, if you have to disappear for a while, we understand, just know we are here when you need us!

Carole – glad that you and your hubby talked things through and he is now support your decision.

Anna – I feel you on the returning to work thing. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job (and glad I have it as we are constantly having lay offs and one is coming in the next week – so fingers crossed I am not impacted!), but I miss being with my baby. Good for you and Rebekah for being able to work out. I need to make time to do that and just haven’t. Yes, I do feel guilty if I have free time and don’t spend it with her. I sometimes find it so much easier to leave her with her Dad and then run some errands and not have to be bogged down with the stroller and car seat, etc. I do feel badly though.

Angela – how is NTNP going?

AFM – Katelyn is 10 months today!!!! Time has FLOWN by. She is crawling now as well as trying to stand up on her own. Still no teeth, but you can see two little ones on the bottom waiting to cut through. We joined a Mommy and Me kinder Music class. It is so much fun. We do it every Saturday morning and then afterwards, a few of us get together and walk for an hour or so in the park. I am going to start looking for a mommy and me swimming class as well. I love the water (and so does my hubby) and I want to start getting Katelyn used to the water/pool.

In addition to the official Mommy Classes we are in, my friends from work and two of my other friends have started our own Mommy and me group. There are 3 girls and 3 boys. All of our kids are around the same age 7-10 months old. In fact we will be having our first official outing (with the Daddy’s) on Feb 19th when we all go to Disneyland!!! It should be interesting and fun. Well, I have to run. I am looking forward to Beth and Jules sharing their birth stories and PHOTOS of the precious babies soon! It is soooo exciting…

Huge HUGS to everyone else – Viv, Chris 1, Chris 2 (we miss you – how is Hannah??), Rebekah, Charmaine, Sky, Never, CJ, Terri, Amanda, Lucy and anyone else, I may have left out by accident. I miss talking/reading with you all every day. Hope everyone is doing well with either their babies or with their pregnancies!

Much love,
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA for a bit. Work is kicking my tushie!!!

Jules – Congrats on your baby!!!!!Can't wait to see photos. I will be stalking your FB page. LOL

Beth – Ah sorry to read what is going on with Poppy, but like Jules, I love that you are so positive. That is awesome that your hubby is so great. That makes a HUGE difference to have that support.

Laura – I totally understand what you mean about the monotony of the day wash, rinse, repeat. I used to think that the cycle would never change and it can get depressing. Katelyn was a VERY slow eater. It would take her almost an hour to eat ½ an ounce. But it will get better. I am still pumping/nursing, but I don’t pump as often as I did. I think your plan of gradually reducing the pumping sessions will work. In fact, I think after about 3 weeks, the nurses at the NICU told me to stop pumping round the clock. They said to pump every 3 hours until midnight and then sleep and wake up at 6am to start the every 3 hour pumping. That may help you start. Any breastmilk you give is great. If it is only a month, that is fine!

Also, glad that Lily passed her hearing test in one of her ears. I am sure she will pass the other as well. Also you are a GREAT mommy. Please don't doubt yourself. It is perfectly natural to feel lost and unsure of what to do...I mean it is all new. Even though, we may have neices and nephews it is different when they are OURS. You are AWESOME and will get into a good rhythm!!!! You keep the faith and it will be ok. Like Anna said, if you have to disappear for a while, we understand, just know we are here when you need us!

Carole – glad that you and your hubby talked things through and he is now support your decision.

Anna – I feel you on the returning to work thing. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job (and glad I have it as we are constantly having lay offs and one is coming in the next week – so fingers crossed I am not impacted!), but I miss being with my baby. Good for you and Rebekah for being able to work out. I need to make time to do that and just haven’t. Yes, I do feel guilty if I have free time and don’t spend it with her. I sometimes find it so much easier to leave her with her Dad and then run some errands and not have to be bogged down with the stroller and car seat, etc. I do feel badly though.

Angela – how is NTNP going?

AFM – Katelyn is 10 months today!!!! Time has FLOWN by. She is crawling now as well as trying to stand up on her own. Still no teeth, but you can see two little ones on the bottom waiting to cut through. We joined a Mommy and Me kinder Music class. It is so much fun. We do it every Saturday morning and then afterwards, a few of us get together and walk for an hour or so in the park. I am going to start looking for a mommy and me swimming class as well. I love the water (and so does my hubby) and I want to start getting Katelyn used to the water/pool.

In addition to the official Mommy Classes we are in, my friends from work and two of my other friends have started our own Mommy and me group. There are 3 girls and 3 boys. All of our kids are around the same age 7-10 months old. In fact we will be having our first official outing (with the Daddy’s) on Feb 19th when we all go to Disneyland!!! It should be interesting and fun. Well, I have to run. I am looking forward to Beth and Jules sharing their birth stories and PHOTOS of the precious babies soon! It is soooo exciting…

Huge HUGS to everyone else – Viv, Chris 1, Chris 2 (we miss you – how is Hannah??), Rebekah, Charmaine, Sky, Never, CJ, Terri, Amanda, Lucy and anyone else, I may have left out by accident. I miss talking/reading with you all every day. Hope everyone is doing well with either their babies or with their pregnancies!

Much love,
Jules!!!! Woooohoooo!!! Congrats!!! I am the last person not on fb, so I will have to wait for news and photos here. Hope you and baby are doing well!!

Nmg, how r u today??

Steph, fun outing with the mommies! I really miss a peer group here with babies. Love the swim idea!! I take Josephine to the pool about once a week and she loves it, but it would be fun to do a class. Best of luck with work, I agree lucky to have a job these days.

AFM, my parents are in town taking care of the baby as they do every Tuesday and Wednesday and I know I should be greatful but they drive me crazy!!!! My mom got hammered last night on wine and was soooo obnoxious!! Jo didn't sleep great and I was up three times. Cj, question re: high maintenance baby... How did you get Zoe in her own crib??? I may have asked this before. Anyway hope everyone has a good day!!! Anna
Jules, congrats!!!!! So excited to see pics!

Anna, she was sleeping in her UppaBaby Vista bassinette in our room, so when we started transitioning to her crib, we just placed the bassinette in the crib to maintain a familiar environment, then after about 2 weeks, tried her on the crib mattress. It took about 2 nights to sleep as she did in the bassinette... Hope this helps!
Woohoo Jules HUGE congrats on the arrival of your gorgeous girl, I can't wait to see the pics. I hope you are recovering well and enjoying your new family:hugs:

Sorry for quick post but have been poorly for the past 2 days with a virus feeling so weak, nauseaous and dizzy. Back off to bed now as midwifes appointment early tomorrow.

Hope everyone else if well and promise I will catch up this weekend :hugs:
Hi ladies - only have a moment as I'm on hubby's phone here but surprise! IT'S A BOY!!!!! My water broke monday at 3:30am and little Charlie was born at 6:53am. We are all ok and coming home friday so I can read and post here. Hubbys phone is dumb and hard to use.

Love to you all!
So sorry girls as have both ad time to quite catch up yet but Yayyyyyyyyyyy! And congrats Beth! Both you and Jules the same DAY!? awesome! So excited for you both and please check in when you are able. I'd live to hear the birth stories and of course PICS!

(and laughing at myself for saying that because I WELL remember how crazy it is and I don't think I've ever managed to post my birth story on here :rofl:)

Hugs to all!
Hi ladies, just tried to post but hubbys phone is dumb!

Only have a minute but surprise! IT'S A BOY!

Water broke monday at 3:30 am and little Charlie was born via section at 6:53am! 8lbs 8oz... Was told would have been 9.5 lbs if went to original section date!

We are all fine and coming home friday. Will read all posts then and reply. Did jules have her little girl? This phone is horrible..... If so congrats momma!!!!!!

Love to you all!
New Mommy Beth
Hi girls!

I am currently laying in my hospital bed cuddling our most precious baby girl! I went into labor on Monday morning - and Gabriella Maria was born by csection on Monday at 5:17pm.

My dr had to remove the two large fibroids during the op as they were causing complications, but everything is fine and I am healing. Gabby is breast feeding quite well with just a little formula supplementation.

I can't begin to explain how happy I am! I will be here until Friday and will post pics then!

Beth congrats!! I can't wait to see pics!! I love that we gave birth on the same day!
Congrats to Jules on little Gabby and ...
Congrats to Beth on little Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo!

So happy for you girls! Way to go mommas. Can't wait to see pictures.


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