35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Ladies!! Congrats Beth and Jules on Charlie and Gabby. :happydance:

Anna, so sorry your dealing with similar issues only with a different substance.

My cousin is still working my bum off however this week I've been a bit slower. Tomorrow or actually today (since it's 1am) it's our 11 year anniversary and Doug took 3 days off. I'm having cramping, bitchy, and eating my way to a whole other person. I'm thinking I'm pms'ing. I don't usually get a period because of PCOS so we'll see if this exercising is working to normalize my hormones. I should say my hormones are still a bit odd. Sugar levels are high (though the endocrinologist says they aren't so bad) and my hair is falling out. I'm also getting skin tags from the excess insulin. :wacko:

Friday I'm going to a glow in the dark Zumba class. White shirts, etc. and you glow during the dancing. THIS should be interesting. I'm quite overweight and though I was a dancer for 14 years. I haven't danced in 10 years. I'm clumsy now. :lol: Training starts the end of April I found out so I'm continuing my workouts with my cousin and maybe will keep with these classes. I've been thinking about going vegetarian. I think it's called pescatarian?? Fish, fruits, veggies and legumes. I've been thinking about eating vegetarian for awhile now but I can't have soy anything because I'm hypothyroid and already have a high level of estrogen. I have to find protein from other sources. Fish, hummus, quinoa. I bought a book with recipes and a good description of basic principals. My issue is I get bored. I don't have the creativity to figure out different dishes for each meal that are vegetarian. I've been thinking about hiring a dietician to come to our home and help me. If I'm taught, I can do it. I'm a hands-on person.

Finally, another reason I haven't been on is that a man tried to force his way into my home while Amelia and I were home alone. He tapped on the door then banged REALLY HARD. I turned the light on so neighbors would see and looked out the window. The guy held a tag and said he was from my energy company and needed access to my basement right now!! It was 715pm and he was dressed all in black with a greenbay packers had on. Doug called while I was telling the guy to get the heck off my porch or I'd let my dogs loose and he tried to break my window to get in. I let Doug go and called the police. The guy ran off. An hour and a half later, the officer shows up and blames the mayor for the issue with cutting back on officers. So, I called the mayor the next day. She did an investigation. They apologized but still said it was to be expected because other issues were more important. There's more to the story but I won't bore you with it. Needless to say, we're OUTA here! We're having our taxes done and I'm PRAYING we have enough saved up for a down payment on a small home. I'm sick of landlords, sick of renting and we want out of the city to a town we are more familiar with that will have room for our dear girl (and maybe some siblings) to grow. We're still looking for rentals but so far nobody wants our dogs even if we prove we cage train them and care for them. We really need a miracle! I'm VERY emotional over this whole issue since Doug is gone through early morning hours. I'm even more now with this pms'ing. My dad said something rude and we just left early and doug through something out without asking so I went upstairs and had a good cry by myself. :wacko:

Amelia is going to bed at 10pm now. We're getting up at a good hour so far. Even went to church this past weekend. :happydance: She's crawling (though complains doing it) and is starting to stand up with only one of my hands holding her lightly. She's laughing and now baby babbling. Whenever a song is on, she starts what I think is singing to the tune (I've been singing to her since she was in my belly and I sing to her everyday)

Love to you all and I'll come back to catch up more as soon as I can. We're looking at affordable houses to buy and or rent. It's in Gods hands what the final deal will be. Hopefully I will keep exercising and not use food to deal with stress.
WOW what a lot to catch up on. I'll try to update later but just wanted to say congrats to Beth and Jules!!!! Your babies share a birthday like Sophie and Callum :cloud9: Congratulations to you both! and Poppy is a boy?!? :shock: i don't know why but I was certain you were having a girl! LOL

Oh MA your story frightened the crap out of me!! So was he actually who he said he was??? How terrifying. :hugs:

Anna, thx so much for your supportive words. I must really sound like a spoiled brat having a year off and you all only get 12 weeks or less. :(
As for the food, definitely start Jo on rice cereal if you think she is ready. I started Sophie on Saturday! She's trying barley now! So much fun!!!
Beth - Congratulations on the birth of Charlie!!!! YAY I am so happy and excited for you. If you don't have time to post for a bit, we understand, but will be here if you have any questions or just want to share the fun things about being a mommy and about baby Charlie (same goes for you Jules!!!)

Rebekah!!!! What a scare you must have had. I am still shaking hearing the story.I am so sorry you and Amelia had to go through that. I am glad that he left when you called the police! I will be praying that you find somewhere else soon whether it be a rental or a house of your own.

Anna - yes you can definitely start Jo on cereal as Chris stated rice would be good, however please note that rice may cause constipation. I had to switch to Oat cereal which has fiber. Good luck! It is fun when they start to eat solids.

I am off to a meeting and hopefully lunch! HUGS to all!

:shock: so that's why she hasn't had a proper poo in days! :dohh: She's on barley now and trying oat tomorrow.
Good Monday evening ladies!!

Jules and Beth, so sorry to hear it has been a scary past couple of days but so happy things are working out and sounds like those babies are on their way!! I can not wait for two more little miracles. I think it's awesome how positive you've both been!! So good for the babies. Fingers crossed no more surprises, hang in there any day now.

CJ, yehhhh third tri!! Also do happy your hips and back are doing better. I suffered through my last trimester because of my hips. Like u we needed the money and I couldn't stop working. So happy things are looking up.

Carol, so happy DH is behind you and your family. So much better to not have the stress. Wooo hoo on third tri!!

Lava, yeh on the hearing test. I hope all is well. How are you feeling? PPD is no small matter and it has nothing to do with you as a mom!!! It is all chemical. Hormones running rampant. Most of us had some sort and with twins the hormones are double as is the work and changes you're going through. I'll agree with everyone else and say get help now. Do not suffer needlessly. Lots of hugs!!!!!

Vivienne, how I have thought of you over these last few moths and hoped all was going well. Cal is such a cutie!!! Love the pooop story. Only reason Josephine hasn't gotten feet is poo yet is sheer determination on my part during diaper changes. Quick question, when did u know when to start baby on food? This is a question for all moms. Everyone here says 6months, but she eats every three hours at night and it's killing me. I think she might be ready for some rice cereal. She just turned five months the other day. Any suggestions?

Chris / svet, going back to work was not my favorite thing to do. I could lie and say i needed it, but truth be told I hated it and was surprised I did. I always thought of myself as a "career" mom, someone who would juggle baby and career just fine. In reality I hate being back at work. Maybe not what you want to hear but it's the truth. Saying that, I like my job and it's a necessary evil. The baby is well cared for between day care, my parents and her dad. Most of us have to work. Yes you will miss her so enjoy the time you have together. Please do not stress for the next 6 months. What will be will be. And enjoy the time. I have friends who went back after 6 weeks. I was lucky and had 12 weeks off. I will say the time away makes you appreciate all the time you have together.

Rottpaw, so glad Ethan is feeling better!!

MA, awesome job working out!! I am truly so very proud of you!! I have found it almost impossible to find time to work out. Yeh for you!!! On the other side of the coin, sorry to hear about the crappy living situation. We have neighbors who do the same thing only the smoke is of another kind so popular in Colorado. Any kind of smoke is AWFUL!!! and it makes me even more frustrated if it might affect my baby. Get as high as you want , just don't let it get in the hallway I have to walk through. We own out unit, but all out neighbors rent. We too have the baby in our room, in our bed actually but that's a whole other story. Anyway I was really ready to put my foot down and get her in her own room, then one night the neighbors decided to have a knock down drag out fight at 1am in the room that shares a wall with the baby's room. I can not tell you how frustrated I am. I completely understand your anger and feel for you. What about moving and renting a house, no shared walls or furnaces???

Steph, how are you?? So glad to hear your little girl is doing so well!!

Ok I think that's everyone but if I forgot someone I am really sorry.

AFM, as I said I am not liking working but oh well. I have been trying to work out but as I said before am having trouble finding time, plus the guilt thing. Any other moms suffer giult from not spending all their free time with baby? With work I feel like. I see her so little so I feel guilty spending an hour at the gym. However like MA, I want to be healthy for my daughter, do the things a mom in her 20s can do. So right now it's yoga Saturday am, family hikes or skis on Sunday, Pilates on Monday's, spin class Thursday. I thought the pounds would melt away after the baby. Everyone said that if you BFd then the weight would fall off. Not true!! Granted I only Bd for three months, but still. Other than that Josephine is awesome!! Laughing really hard now. She is growing crazy well and is a big baby but both her dad and I are tall so it's to be expected. We hired a professional photographer a couple of weeks ago to take some photos. Should have the results back soon. Did I already mention this???? Will post some photos when I get them.

Have a Good Monday!!!! Anna

Hey Anna!
So glad Jo is doing and growing well.

TBH we started Callum on solids to help his reflux at 5months. He seemed ready though, could hold his head up and watched us eat, reached out for food. He is quite picky though and it has been slow going. Really loves banana's which is what we started him on. Banana's and baby cereal but not keen on veges and absolutely refuses any tinned or packaged baby food so I cook and puree it myself and then freeze it in ice cube trays. I am going to start giving him more finger food so he can play around with textures and tastes and get a better grip on things. At the moment when he does take food, he grabs it in a fist, tries to put it in his mouth and then gets cranky cos his fingers are in the way!!! :dohh:

So far I've tried him on and he will eat:- banana, apple, pear, nectarine, peach, mango, baby rice, toast sticks (gums them) kumara (sweet potato in Northern Hemisphere), courgette, pumpkin, parsnip, minced meat, chicken, custard. Not fussed on everything but can usually get some in.

will not eat:- carrots, potato, avocado, tinned baby food or drink water.

Plus side, has started to take a bottle again thank goodness.

I just started small with little tastes every 2-3 days of new food, just one meal at first (now on 2 about to go to 3), and just let his appetite guide me.

Oddly he will try to grab our food at restaurants and I have had him go for a Subway sandwich when I wasn't looking, and yesterday I ended up feeding him bits of my feta and spinach muffin at coffee group because it was either that or a total meltdown!!!. :dohh: He appears to have a taste for bread so I will try lots of purees and spreads on toast.

Whatever you do just remember under one food is fun and just follow Jo, she'll know what she likes!!!
Hi ladies. Chris, no. The guy had a badge for an energy company but it wasn't MINE. He was trying to force his way to everyones basement. He's from a company called "Just Energy" that's out of Ontario Canada. The company has hired these people from literally off the streets. If you google Just Energy you'll find all kinds of issues with them.

The worst part is in order for the police to get here I have to be dead. lol I told the dispatch that if he was to get in I'd shoot first and ask questions later. In New York, it's illegal to shoot an intruder unless you can prove he was breaking in to do bodily harm. Hmm. Had he broke in, I wouldn't have waited. The guy was aggressive about getting in and looked as though he was on something too. Momma bear would shoot to keep baby bear safe. Even if it meant Id lose my own freedom. Luckily the idiot ran when I started threatening the dogs and called the police who were useless because they weren't even dispatched until a half hour after I called. :wacko: I think pet roosters could protect me better than the local police here. :rofl: I respect police by the way, just irritated by what happened and the fact that the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing here.

I told Doug I want a paint gun and anytime some idiot walks on the porch, I'm going to hit them, dial the police and tell them what color their wearing. Haha We've been getting some interesting characters for awhile now. I think it's just living in the city. I can't have that here with baby bear! Tonight at 1am the new neighbor was on her porch hollaring at the top of her lungs. Doug went outside to kindly tell her to quiet down. She replied with "oh, you could hear me?!" Uh, yeah...and the rest of the neighborhood too. :wacko: Had it been me to go over there, that phone would be down her throat since my kid was sleeping.

Did I mention I'm having cramps and hormonal? I think exercise may be bringing on an actual period...I have PMS symptoms. Lets just say I'm short tempered with people as it is. I have no patience with idiots. :rofl: That includes when I act like one too. :lol:

The pediatrician told me we could start Amelia on cereal and one food a week. She's 4 months. How old did you all start? Amelia LOATHES the rice cereal, tried her on pears too and she cried with that. My parents tried a little taste of chocolate ice cream and she liked it but her tongue spit it all out. I don't think she's ready yet do you?? Her tongue isn't keeping food in. Should I be concerned??
Oooo wait, they become like adult ones and the smell is sooo different. It's rather weird seeing a poo that is now just a mini version of an adult one TMI TMI TMI I know!!! but it means they are growing up too fast :(

AFM Callum is now proudly not STTN any more nor going to sleep without his pacifier, and when he loses it in the middle of the night, we know all about it!!!!!!! FACEPALM. Oh well, had a couple of good weeks, now am going to have to wean him off that dam dummy!


Rebekah, how terrifying. Good on you for getting out of there!
She pooed yesterday a few times in the evening. It was similar to when she drank formula but the smell!!! :dohh: It lingered in the room for awhile. I wanted to die changing her. I don't think the diaper genie will work it's magic anymore.

My goodness MA where on earth do you live? For some reason I thought you were in the country. Doesn't sound like Amelia is ready for food yet. Every country has different standards and Canada recommends six months. I started two weeks early because she seemed really ready and so far she is really enjoying it.

Viv I'm sorry about the STTN. Get him off that dummy!! Lol. How did you manage the bottle? I'll have to tackle that again soon. Step one was the sleep training now bottle. One thing at a time. Thank you so much for the advise on the sleep training. It went really well as iM sure you read on FB. It was well worth that first night!! :hugs:

On the phone so short post...

Where's Chris 2??? I miss her!
Hi girls...just popping in quickly to say hi!

MA: That was horrible news about the attempted break-in. You think those sort of things only happen in movies, and then it happens in real life.

Congrats to all who recently had babies.
Welcome Nikki and hugs!

And thanks so much, Chris. for those not on my facebook, today was the first anniversary of my Dads death, It's been a long and emotional day. :cry:
So sorry Angela. :hugs: Praying for peace and strength through the grieving process.

Chris, we live in Syracuse area of Central NY.

We got approved for a mortgaged today. :happydance: We start looking ASAP! praise God for answered prayers. Had another issue with our new neighbor. Somethings going on next door. She has yet another boyfriend and this one looks quite interesting. He doesn't look like the type who can afford a mercedes and is really acting weird. Oh Lord, please don't let there be a pharma going on directly next to me. :wacko:

Few months and maybe we'll be in a modest home of our own!

Good news is my cousin went with me to blacklight zumba. LITERALLY glow in the dark zumba with old school music. SO fun. I was able to set my frustration and hormones free with exercise. I'm looking forward to a new season in a safe neighborhood and hopefully some weightloss. THEN come next winter maybe a sister or brother for Amelia. We shall see!! One thing at a time.

Congrats NIKKI!! :hugs:

Love to you all.
Great news MA! Hope you find something soon :hugs:
Angela, :hugs: :hugs:
Congrats and welcome Nikki!
Still sick with a cold, 2 weeks now. Can't take a day offf work to recover so will try to get as much rest as possible this weekend...
Just found out MIL has breast cancer. FIL died 7 months ago after a 4year fight with multiple myeloma. I wish we could get a break from illness :cry:
Hi girls!

I've got so much to catch up on - but in the meantime I would like to introduce you to my new daughter, Gabriella Maria. She was born on Monday, February 6th at 5:17pm, weighing in at 6lbs 3oz and measuring 18.5 inches long.

To say she is the light of our lives is an understatement! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: I'm writing up my birth story which I will post when ready, plus I need to read back a few pages and catch up with you all!

I am so ridiculously in love with our baby girl! Last night, we bought her home from the hospital. It was a bit of a rough night, she kept us up until 4:00am LOL. But today she has been doing well.

I was very fortunate in that my colustrum came in right away and she's stayed on it, supplemented with formula until my milk came in 4 days later. It's been tricky having her get a good latch on the breast, but practice makes perfect! I've been pumping a lot in the meantime and when I don't produce enough milk, I add on formula. If anyone has any tips to increase breast milk production I'll gladly take them!!

So here are some pictures of our little cherub. I just love her to bits!

I'll post again very shortly and write more once I've caught up :thumbup: I hope you are all doing well!!! :hugs::hug:

Just gorgeous Jules! :hugs:

So sorry ladies to dash by and then run but promise a proper update tomorrow. Hugs!
Wow lots to catch up on,

First, congrads to Beth!!! Can't wait to seepictures of your baby.

spreaking of... Jules she is BEAUTIFUL!!!! so sweet!!!

MA, break-ins, paint guns and Zumba class. You're one busy mama. Glad you are safe, love the paint gun idea too, and good for you for going and having a great time!! Ohhh and the mortgage too!! Yehhhhh!!! I'm terrified to see what we qualify for. I'm afraid they'll say $50,000 and you can't buy squat here for that. Good for you and i'm so excited for you. One of our neighbors just got evicted. The same ones who shoveled all their dog poop off their deck onto the sidewalk below in front of one of the businesses. The business owners promptly scooped up the dog pooop and put it all over the renter's car. Ahhh so glad we can all act like adults!!

Anyway, chris and Vivienne . . helpp!!!!!!! On sleep training. I'm not on face book so you'll have to tell me here.

CJ, so sorry about your MIL. Many hugs!!

Rottpaw, so sorry, I remember when your Dad passed away. Hugs going out to you too!!!

Nikki, congrads!!!!! wooohoooo!!!!! and welcome!!

AFM, took the girl swimming today and she loves it. gets to kick her legs a lot!!! Thanks for the food recommendations. Think I will try it tonight or tomorrow.

About a month ago I hired a professional photographer to take some family photos of us. I wanted some pictures of me and Jo before she wasn't a baby anymore. I didn't have any as I am always the one with the camera. So I've been waiting patiently for the results and they came on Friday. Some are really good, some are really bad, and some are hysterical!! If I can figure out how to post them I will. (we all remember I am special needs when it comes to posting pictures on line).




have a great weekend!!
xoxo Anna
yehh it worked, ok one more that cracks me up ....


LOL!!! Anna
Anna such beautiful pictures!!! We are planning to get some done soon to mark Sophie's six months. I really regret not doing new born shots.

Jules wow! What a beauty. I love all these pictures girls!! Congrats again Hon!

Junebug sooo sorry to hear about your MIL. Hopefully they caught it early enough and she'll pull through! :hugs:

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