35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi girls!

I've got so much to catch up on - but in the meantime I would like to introduce you to my new daughter, Gabriella Maria. She was born on Monday, February 6th at 5:17pm, weighing in at 6lbs 3oz and measuring 18.5 inches long.

To say she is the light of our lives is an understatement! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: I'm writing up my birth story which I will post when ready, plus I need to read back a few pages and catch up with you all!

I am so ridiculously in love with our baby girl! Last night, we bought her home from the hospital. It was a bit of a rough night, she kept us up until 4:00am LOL. But today she has been doing well.

I was very fortunate in that my colustrum came in right away and she's stayed on it, supplemented with formula until my milk came in 4 days later. It's been tricky having her get a good latch on the breast, but practice makes perfect! I've been pumping a lot in the meantime and when I don't produce enough milk, I add on formula. If anyone has any tips to increase breast milk production I'll gladly take them!!

So here are some pictures of our little cherub. I just love her to bits!

I'll post again very shortly and write more once I've caught up :thumbup: I hope you are all doing well!!! :hugs::hug:


Oh my goodness. Look at her beautiful locks! Amelia was pretty much bald with a little curl in the back of her head. :haha: She's beautiful Jules...just beautiful!!
yehh it worked, ok one more that cracks me up ....


LOL!!! Anna

:rofl: LOVE it! This was the prime time to get her photo's done. She is REALLY photogenic!
Thanks ladies. We're excited about the approval. We were going to look at a couple houses tomorrow but can you believe we're getting a snow storm now?? I shouldn't complain but the timing is silly. Haha

Anna, the fear of a mortgage for 50k is what I was afraid of too. At least we don't live in New York City where it's even more expensive than central NY. I'm concerned that some of the older homes here may have radon. Obviously that's why we do inspection but I get so nervous. This is a HUGE purchase. We qualified for more than the 50k though so I hope that gives you a little comfort.

The glow in the dark zumba class was fun but it kicked my BUM! I almost fell to the floor bawling because the weight has caused me to be so uncoordinated. I was a dancer for 14 years so I felt self conscious. You have to start somewhere though. I won't give up because I gained weight...I'll keep going and gain good health.

On another note I'm so sad about Whitney Houston. I'm assuming it was drug related. Even if it wasn't literally drugs, most drug addicts can have heart issues. She was the inspiration for singing over the years and I'm sure many listened to her. Just such a huge talented loss. I had hoped somehow she'd overcome and with more training would get her voice back. ((sigh))

Well, onward...I think I'm going to try a silly yoga class to see if it helps with breathing and maybe even coordination. I know it can help with stress. I'm researching it.

Here's a peek-a-boo pic of Amelia. She's 4 mos. now.
It's a little big even though I cut it. :haha:
Ma, she is adorable!!!! Such a happy baby!! Love it. Sometimes I have to pinch myself that it finally really happened.

So glad you are keeping such a positive outlook. Exercise is hard, if it wern't we'd all do it and be in great shape. I think yoga is a great idea, but like any new "sport" it takes some getting used to. PLEASE be patient. Also let your instructor know where you're comming from , just had a baby and new to yoga and ask if he/she will give modifications on the hard poses. I've seen a lot of people get frustrated with yoga when the instructor is too wrapped up in the class and not in the student's practice. A good instructor will help you make the most of the class so you get the most benefit. I love yoga, it keeps my body happy and well balanced so I can abuse it running, hiking, working on my feet all day. Just be patient with yourself.

How are the new mommies doing???

AFM, tried rice cereal yesterday most ended up on bib, but we'll keep working at it. Also going to try and get baby on better sleep schedule. I know the doctor Sears method, but it doesn't work or me, anyone with any other suggestions? Think I'm going to move out of the house while I do it to my parent's cabin up here. DH is well meaning but too soft hearted and get's his feathers all ruffled if I criticize him so think I will go it alone. Hard enough dealing with cranky baby, can't deal with cranky DH as well.

It's snowing here too. Which is good we needed the snow. Ohhh I forgot to mention my parents are treating the whole family to a week in Mexico in April!!! We've already got her passport application in , but has anyone traveled with an infant out of country and then had to deal with baby food. I am planning on making hers, but can't travel with a week's supply. Plus there's the whole water thing. I know most resorts are really careful with water so their guests don't get sick, but what about Water for a bottle? What about washing bottles??? Any advice???

Have. Good Monday!!! Anna
Hi Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still on cloud nine here but Poppy is sleeping, Charlie is nearby and I am taking a moment to give you the update on my c-section....

So last Sat night, Charlie and I went out for a lovely nice quiet dinner as we laughed and said this MIGHT be the last weekend we have to ourselves for awhile! Well, we had a great time but the next morning, I woke up with some cramping pain....Not that this was new, I had been getting TONS of braxton hicks all along, esp last week, so I brushed it off. But when I went to get up for church about an hour later, I was still getting the contractions but they were so random. Charlie asked if we should time them and I said there was nothing to time! So I decided not to go to church but Charlie did and left me a pen and pad of paper and said just write down the times they start while he was out. When he got back home an hour later, I had a bunch written down but they were 8 mins, 12 mins, 37 mins, 9 mins....all over the place! The OB said to call her when they were 5 mins apart and I didn't see that happening. Charlie looked at my list and said, honey, we're having a baby either today or tomorrow! I started to cry and said "NO we are not!" It was my brother's bday on Sunday and I share my bday with another brother and I didn't want Poppy to share a day with anyone! Sounds crazy I know, but since I share a bday and I'm not a twin (we are 9 years apart) I just wanted Poppy to have his own day (besides that brother isn't very nice!). The rest of the morning and early afternoon gave me the same irregular contractions but by the time dinner time came (and the superbowl), they had stopped and I only got about 2 more before bed. So I convinced both of us they were the false ones.


I slept poorly as usual, and at 3:20 when I had only dozed for about an hour total, I got a contraction. It passed pretty quick and they at 3:30, I felt like a CLUNK in my pelvis...I said outloud "OH" and sat up. Immediately, my water broke! Charlie had stirred with my OH and when the water broke I yelled his name and he was instantly up when I said, MY WATER BROKE and ran to the bathroom in the midst of the huge gush.

Can I just take a moment to say here that it is SO not like they show in the movies....where they have a cupful of water and women go "oops, there it goes". This was like the Poland Springs 6-gallon JUG of water that burst and you CANNOT STOP IT.

Anyways...all over the rug and bathroom floor.....then it started coming in fits, trying to empty fully, I guess.... so in between more gushes, I open the bathroom door to Charlie dressed, phone in hand saying what do i do?? I asked him to call the OB and thankfully our OB was on call. She called right back and asked me a few questions, one of which was "do you feel the baby move?" I said no, should I??? She laughed and said, you are prob all freaked out, don't worry, go to the hospital Now, I'll meet you there.

At that point, I was calm, water mostly gone out of me (although had a few more runs to empty out) and we got to the hospital quick - we are 5 mins away anyways. The nurses were great, got me in a room, ready and 10 mins later, our OB was there. They had the monitors on me measuring the contractions and once I spoke with everyone, They walked me to the OR at 6:11am. Got the spinal, immediate numbness, Charlie came in with his scrubs on (handsome!) and sat by my head looking very nervous for me. The OB was great, talked us through everything, telling me she had to make the incision bigger because he was breech....and then she asked what we thought either a boy or girl and we said boy, she laughed and said "yep, it's a boy!" He came out bum first and then promptly peed! That's my boy!!!! The OB kept saying, oh he's so chunky! Then she said if we lasted to the delivery day, he would have been 9.5 pounds.....what a chunk!

So Charlie got a few photos and then got to hold Poppy and looked so happy! I was wheeled back to the room and did just fine for awhile, but then the gingerale they gave me just came up over and over. Poor Charlie was holding and swapping the buckets for me.....he really is a peach. I was able to move my legs pretty quickly and I kept doing it to speed up the recovery. I was taken to the final room we stayed in for the next 4 days and was able to get some much much needed skin-to-skin with Poppy while Charlie made some phone calls.

They took the catheter out the next morning at 5am and got me out of bed. Because the incision was bigger and the baby was big, I have a burning sensation on my right side of the incision but it's getting better.

The incision also started weeping on the second day and for the next day and a half I was just told it was normal but when it started getting heavier weeping they got another OB to look at it and I have a pocket of fluid between one of the staples that MAY become infected if it doesn't drain. And the more I move, the more it drains and hurts like hell. So they put me laying down flat and the OB stuck a huge q-tip between the staples and dug around to open it more to drain. IT HURT SO MUCH! I was in tears for about 2 hours afterward and I am still draining now. My OB came in Friday morning and checked it out saying she wasn't going to stick me with the q-tip but would take the staples out on Tuesday and at that time she would decide if it was draining well or if she needs to do something else to it :(
The good thing was that we didn't need to stay in the hospital any longer and went home Friday morning!

Charlie stayed with me all week in the hospital and was SOOOO awesome to me. He is so in love with Poppy it brings tears to my eyes. He loves holding him and held him just as much as I did in the hospital! And got up with me every feeding to fix the pillows and when breakfast time came, he would sit on the bed and feed me while I fed Poppy. And he has been doing every diaper change so far - even when at home - because it hurts the incision to bend over even slightly.....and he does every burp after I feed! He loves to hold him and always says "just a few mins longer" when I offer to relieve him. :) Poppy makes us both laugh all the time as he's so alert and looks around so much and picks his head up all the time!

So I am breastfeeding exclusively. And I have quite a porker on my hands! We had a TON of cluster feedings one night before the milk came in - almost 4 hours straight! I would feed for about 50 mins, put him down and 10 mins later he was wanting more! My milk came in with a vengeance, let me tell you! So much so that he has a hard time latching on because I'm so full! I have started pumping after some feedings and have pumped an extra 6 or so ounces AFTER a 30 minute feeding session (even offering both breasts!)! So I have no issue with milk production.....but I do feel very cold after I feed...no fever or red streaks but just cold. I di have a call into the lactation and OB people to make sure it's just hormones.

Our first night home was a rough one, I was a bag of hormones, convinced SIDS was going to happen, convinced he was cold and shivering and he slept so poorly we were up ALL NIGHT LONG! Charlie was groaning he was so tired and too old to do this and my hormones, already so over the top, couldn't take it and I was in tears most of the night! Then Poppy was having biiiiiig poops and peed all over the bed and Charlie was SO frazzled! The swaddle we did with the blanket didn't work, he kept getting out of it! The next night we put him in a sleep swaddler sack and he slept straight for a few hours until each feeding and went right back to sleep. We were all able to sleep!!!!!! God knew what He was doing when He made babies so adorable - all the frazzled feelings and lack of sleep go away when you look into your baby's beautiful face and they are looking back at you.

One last cute thing about little Charlie - when he gets really hungry (which is about every 2 hours!) he makes a sound that sounds like an OINK! :haha: Charlie and I laugh and call him our little piggy and then he feeds with a vengeance! We already have a little ritual we started right away in the hospital....when Charlie hands me Poppy to feed in the cradle hold, I say "hello my angel" and kiss his face and then he raises his little foot to my mouth and I kiss that too! Sometimes I forget because he's so frantic to feed but he still sticks his foot up until I kiss it and then will settle down and feed....and stare at me! My heart melts.

Charlie is home for this week too then will be part time from home for awhile and his work is about 5 mintues from home anyways. I have such support from him and I feel blessed. Doubly blessed with little Charlie Jr. and Sr.

The pictures are so cute to me - and I love the one of Charlie holding Charlie - he just looks so happy.

Ok love to you all ladies.....just want to say that Jules, little Gabby is SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!! Amazing! I want to scoop her up and kiss that perfect little face! She is a beauty and how wonderful our babies share a day! Happy birthday to our babies - they are a week old today and have learned so much in a week!


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Beth thank you for sharing your birth story. Little Charlie is just adorable. I love the photo with his arms up. It makes me laugh. You look BEAUTIFUL as well. Sorry to hear about your incision. I hope that your pain goes away quickly. All I can saw is WOW 6 ounces of milk so soon! I have been pumping almost a year and I barely get 6 oz each time I pump LOL. Good for you! You will have so much milk to store which is great!

Jules - i have been stalking you on FB to see your photos LOL. Gabby is beautiful. Please keep the photos coming (both of you!)

Speaking of photos... Anna, Jo is precious. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of the two of you. What a great expression she has on her face! ADORABLE! As for sleep training. I struggle at times as well. Katie was doing well and then she would be up every hour, and then she went back to sleeping well. I did try the crying it out method. That lasted 20 minutes. I am not cut out for that. My friend is giving me a sleep training book. We shall see if it works. I will keep you posted. That is great that Jo likes swimming. Did you put her under the water? What about water in her ears?

Rebekah - YAY on Zumba. I too used to dance (we have soo much in common!) and was thinking about a Zumba class. I just need to find the time or I should say I need to MAKE the time.

Angela - hugs to you...I missed saying it to you on Friday. I also wanted to know if you haev started Ethan on finger foods. Katie is starting to not be interested in her baby food, but wants our food. Steve (my hubby) is going to make some mashed potatoes this week and we will give her some. We are also thinking about giving her some refried beans since they mash easily. I tried giving her those little puff things. She just squeezed them in her hand and wasn't too interested in eating them (everything else goes directly in her mouth, not the puffs LOL). Are you starting to give Ethan your food yet? How is that going?

CJ - if you have any advice on this as well, I would be grateful! How is baby Z doing? Not long now!

Nikki - Welcome and congrats!!!!!

AFM - nothing new going on other than trying new foods. I am noticing that Katelyn has very sensitive skin. We were in our Kindermusic class and they blew bubbles and she got a little hive from the bubble. I will have to email her Dr about that. Well I am off to lunch. I will try to post back later.

Chris - friend me on FB.

Steph, we definitely started Z on finger food by 10 months! Make sure the puffs you have dissolve easily in the mouth. I think we started giving her Cheerios once she figured out how to chew them, she had 6 teeth by 7 months but it took her a while to figure out how to use them :haha: We also gave her small pieces of banana (if you try this, not too much since bananas, pears and apples constipate too) at that age. The rice cookies (MumMums) were a favourite at that age, they melt nicely in the mouth and help with teething pain, but once again, not too much since they constipate. Hmmmm having a hard time remembering other details, if I think of something else I'll pop back on later :flower:

Baby Z is doing good. Growing like a weed I think! Bump has increased dramatically in size in 2 weeks...
Okay girls, I'm reading back now because I blinked and missed a ton of news and updates! I read but can't always comment right away and I want to take some notes so I can comment specifically.

While I'm doing that I just want to say I am LOVING all these GORGEOUS photos! Beautiful babies and beautiful mamas and papas! :cloud9: keep the pics coming!

steph on the finger foods I think you can pretty much begin as soon as they "ask" or start pulling things from your plate. Cj will definitely be a better resource on that right now because our case is a little weird. Ethan is 11 months now and STILL gags immediately on the SLIGHTEST texture. (CJ, if you have any words of advice on this please let me know!) he will eat purees no problem and will put things like arrowroot cookies into his mouth and gum them, but if any pieces of the cookie break loose in his mouth, however tiny, he begins to gag. If I don't immediately sweep them out of his mouth, he will gag until he vomits (usually, vomiting up everything he's just eaten, such as a whole bottle and any solids he has eaten to that point.) at his nine month appt, our ped was completely unconcerned and said he was just not ready yet. And he is gaining weight fin, I just feel like he (and I lol) are missing out on him enjoying finger foods. Sigh. I guess he will mature into it eventually, but I don't know if I should be worried that it's still this way at eleven months. :shrug:

Okay, I'm off to read back and catch up so i can respond to all these updates! And enjoy all these pics again. :haha:

Hugs to all! :hugs:
Okay, think I am caught up now. thank you to all who wrote re: my dad. I miss him SO much, but know he is home with the Lord. I just wish he could have known Ethan. :cry:

Rebekah, good for you on the workouts! I know it is so hard, but you are right to just take it one day at a time. I am slowly taking off the weight I gained, and I wish I could do its faster but just keep reminding myself I'm making forward progress and that is what counts. You can do it! And SO scary about the attempted break in. I will be praying for a speedy relocation for you all! Oh and happy 11th anniversary! As far as starting solids, we did so at 4 months. I never gave Ethan cereals of any kind because he has been on the rice cereal thickend formula since two months, so he gets rice cereal every day in that sense. I tried giving him the regular cereal once and he wanted none of that! We started solids with things like applesauce, sweet potato, peas, peaches etc, he loved all the foods and there are only a couple things he won't eat.

Svet, you can add some prunes to help with any constipation. I give than a spoonful or two of prunes mixed into his breakfast every morning and that seems to keep things moving smoothly :) and yep, the poo gets NASTY as you move into solids, and especially noticeable if you have been bf'ing only (bf poo doesn't smell as much as all the other kinds). I will admit we have had to relocate our diaper pail to the garage! :haha:

Viv, as far as the pacifier (dummy) we went thru a period where Ethan would wake up and fuss all during the night anytime he lost his. It about drove us crazy but he finally figured out how to find it and put it in his mouth himself. That has made ALL the difference. Ifnyou don't felt like fighting the weaning of that right now, just know he will get to where he can find it himself. Ps. What is custard there? Is that like what we call pudding? Like a yogurt consistency? Or ice cream? Just curious! :haha:

Anna, I LOVE the photo shoot! Gorgeous photos of all of you! On the sleep training, I am not a cry it out person either, so we basically fought through it till he was sleeping ALL the way through the night without waking. We did not pick him up or feed him in the night past about four months, but we did give him his paci (see my note to Viv above). It does get better, I promise! :hugs: Oh and re: Mexico, I am afraid I am biased bc I had a horrible experience there and ended up in the hospital with an unidetified stomach bug my last trip there. But I would says take all your own solid foods for Jo, prepackaged from here in the u.s. Then use only unopened bottled water for her bottles. The resort we stayed in was top of the line and everything was supposed to be treated and safe, etc. but I still got sick, and I NEVER get stomach bugs here at home. So I just don't trust it.:dohh:

CJ, I hope you are over your cold and I'm so sorry about your MIL's dx. Praying they caught it early and please keep us posted! :hugs: and in happier news, I can't believe how close you already are! zacharie will be here before you know it!

Jules and Beth, congrats mamas and those babies and photos are gorgeous! As Steph said just post as you re able, we all understand how chaotic it is in the beginning! We are here if you have any questions!

Laura, I appreciate your support this week and I owe you an email! :hugs:

Chris 2 and Charmaine, we miss you ladies! Post whenever you can and know we are thinking of you!

AFM, we are well and just trying to plan Ethan's first bday party. Can't believe it! I have been thinking we will do a teddy bear theme, it will just be a small party with a few friends, my sister and the grandmothers because I've heard too many people can overwhelm the birthday baby at this age. But i thinki it will be fun and I will be sure to share some pics!

Okay ladies, hugs and love to all! This mama is off to bed! :hugs:
Hello ladies!!

Gosh, where do I start? LOL. I guess I will give you guys my birth story! I'll try and keep it short and sweet :)

Last Monday, February 6th I woke up with mild cramps and what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions. (Beth, like you I was getting them a lot so I thought nothing of them). I got up and walked about to try and shake them off. That didn't work so I ran a warm bath and soaked in it for 20 mins. That usually does the trick but that didn't work either..:shrug:...as I'm laying in the tub it finally dawned on me - I could actually be in early labor!

We called my Dr. who told me to come into her office so she could check me out. I was 'ow'ing' and grimacing a lot in the car on the way there so my poor husband was worried and trying to stay calm for the both of us LOL

We get to the Doctor's office and my cervix is closed, but my blood pressure is high (what a shocker LOL). So she tells me to get to the hospital, she wants to deliver that day. At that point, both hubby and I gulped in unison as it dawned on us that we were going to meet our daughter that day! (The hospital also confirmed I was in early labor - lots of frequent contractions but mild ones)

Long story short, Gabby was delivered at 5:17pm weighing 6lbs 3oz and 18.5 inches long. I'll never forget hearing her cry for the first time, my heart stopped:cloud9:

I had believed the C Section procedure would be a breeze and the recovery would be brutal, but for me the opposite was true. I actually had a panic attack on the operating table. I felt claustrophobic and the feeling of paralysis as the spinal took hold was a feeling I absolutely hated. I kept my eyes clamped shut the entire time which was not how I had envisioned the birth of my daughter going down.

My husband was trying to soothe me but I told him I needed quiet and to try and block it out. Then my Dr told us that there was a problem with the fibroids - they were in the way and my Dr. couldn't sew me up. She had no option but to remove them (which made me very happy!) So she removed two baseball sized fibroids - one on the right and another on the left. Hubby saw them sitting in a jar and said they were huge. So glad those are out.

Anyway, my scar is healing nicely and I have been mostly taking midol - the pain isn't bad at all. Healing has been pretty good for me.

Breastfeeding initially started out well, but it's been challenging as of late. Either Gabby can't latch on right or I don't produce enough. So I have been supplementing with formula and pumping more than breast feeding. Her pediatrician tells me to free feed her on demand. It is hard to tell how much she takes in when she is on the boob. But when she's on the bottle, she eats between 1oz and 2oz each feeding. Is that ok ladies? She is eating every 23 hours at the moment or whenever she is hungry.

Another issue has been hiccups. She has kept us up the past two nights crying, as when we try to lay her down she gets the hiccups and starts to wail:cry: I spoke to my pediatrician about that too and she says I need to burp her more effectively and more often during feeding. The new method of burping has worked today - hopefully she will sleep more tonight! We didn't get to sleep until 6am this morning as we were up all night with her.

She is honestly the light of our lives! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: And it's so funny because her wardrobe right is now quite literally bigger than mine! :haha: Everyone keeps buying her the cutest little outfits!

I'll take some more pictures this week girls!

Beth! Many congrats on your beautiful little Charlie :flower: He is so precious! Like you I am terrified of SIDS! I keep checking to make sure Gabriella is still breathing. How are you feeling following the C Section? I love that our children's birthdays are only a day apart :hugs:

Rebekah - first, happy belated 11 year anniversary! :hugs: When I read the story about the man trying to break into your home I got goosebumps:nope: What a horrible thing to happen. However, I loved your paintgun idea - that is genius! Congrats on the mortgage approval! :happydance: I love the picture of Amelia you posted - her smile will break hearts when she is older:hugs:

Steph, I can't believe Katelyn is 10 months old - she is so gorgeous!:hugs:

CaroleB - how are you feeling? :hugs:

JuneBug - I am so sorry about your MIL. That must be so difficult considering your FIL passed not too long ago. :hugs:

Anna, I LOVE the pics of Jo. What an absolute cutie!!:flower:

Hello Chris and Angela and everyone else!! Hope you are all doing well! :hugs: I will update more but in the meantime, keep your fingers and toes crossed we are able to get some sleep tonight LOL
Jules thank you so much for sharing your birth story!

whew, I am beat today! I am still working on getting back into jogging and ramped up my workout today. It's kicking my butt around the block! :dohh:

meanwhile, I wanted to share a few recent pics of Ethan. Those on my facebook have seen these so I apologize for the duplicates. My little guy is growing up so fast and will be a year old in two weeks! I can't believe it!

hugs and love from all of us! :hugs:


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Angela, Ethan is gorgeous! He is certainly going to break lots of hearts when he grows up..love those dimples! :thumbup:
Morning Ladies

I have missed so much in the past days Phew.

Jules your little girl is so beautiful beyond belief, all that gorgeous dark hair. You and DH must be so happy to have here with you finally. I am so happy that things went well for you in the end and even better that they removed those crazy fibroids so they can't give you anymore pain. Enjoy being a Mummy, I am looking forward to reading your updates:hugs:

Woohoo NMG what a cutie your little boy is and again I am so happy that all has worked out for you. You have had a difficult last tri with all the sickness you had and the worry on the heart side of things. Now it is your time to enjoy being a Mum and lap up every moment :hugs:

Angela OMG I can't believe how grown up Ethan is already and how adorable. You are so blessed. Impressed with the running I am not able to exercise as much as I would like now and the bump just gets in the way and I get breathless so easily which sucks. Just some gentle walking and the odd swim is my limit.

Rebekka congrats on the mortgage decision that is fab, you are on on your way to a family home free of annoying inconsiderate people YAY. Such an exciting time.

AFM not much going on here apart from still missing our little dog and running out of hope of getting her back now:nope: Don't understand why people can be so cruel. On the positive side I have now entered the 3rd Tri and have 89 days till my EDD and appointment with the Dr and midwife tomorrow morning so I am sure she will let me see her in 4D again:happydance: The Dr seems to take extra care of me and gives me the scan every time now as she dealt with me when I MC so I think she is giving me a little extra TLC. I will share the pics tomorrow if this happens.

Take care all and hope to catch up with you all later :hugs:
Thanks to Svet.... she reminded me to come and post as I'd unsubscribe by mistake :dohh:

Will have to go back and catch up...a lot by the looks of it :haha:

Congrats to Beth and Jules on your new babies :cloud9:

OMG Angela Ethan is so so so cute!!! :cloud9: RE: texture aversion, have you tried MumMums? They melt in the mouth so they may help him get used to more solid food? If I think of any other suggestions I'll come back and write them!

Carole so sorry to hear about your dog :cry:

Ughhhh Z up at 4:30AM with teething pain and I was unable to settle her back to sleep. I'm exhausted and now on antibiotics for a sinusitus. I feel crappy :-(

Had my OB apt yesterday, I still have 5+ blood in my urine on dipstick which is way more than they just see in pregnancy-related hematuria :cry: Being referred to a urologist. I did have a normal kidney ultrasound a few weeks back, to rule out stones and tumours... My BP is low as usual 110/50 (explains why I feel so faint on the subway), and bump is measuring at 27 weeks which is fine for petite me. I'm glad baby is doing great. I have a BPP March 5th...

Hugs everyone!
Morning Ladies

Junebug sorry to hear that your test results were not what you were expecting and really hoping that your appointment goes well and nothing too alarming. Being pregnant is enough to cope with without added medical hassles. Hang in there, I will be praying for you that all goes well:hugs:

Was just thinking about Skye as haven't seen anything from her in a while, if you are lurking Skye I would love to hear how you and Shirin are doing:hugs:

AFM just back from the Dr and midwife and all is well Zara is measuring ahead at 29w3days and is already 1.4kgs or 3.1 pounds for those in UK. Supposedly still have just under 13 weeks to go until EDD so looking like she is gonna be very big indeed. To be expected when I am a 6ft tall lady and her Dad is 6ft2 and a huge rugby player, labour could be very interesting :haha:

I have attached the latest pics, again she was moving so much and kept her hands in front of her face so it was difficult to grab a good shot.


  • Zara Grace 27 weeks.pdf
    152.8 KB · Views: 10
Ahhhhh just lost post....will rewrite it later. It was almost done and huge!!
Hello ladies!!

Gosh, where do I start? LOL. I guess I will give you guys my birth story! I'll try and keep it short and sweet :)

Last Monday, February 6th I woke up with mild cramps and what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions. (Beth, like you I was getting them a lot so I thought nothing of them). I got up and walked about to try and shake them off. That didn't work so I ran a warm bath and soaked in it for 20 mins. That usually does the trick but that didn't work either..:shrug:...as I'm laying in the tub it finally dawned on me - I could actually be in early labor!

We called my Dr. who told me to come into her office so she could check me out. I was 'ow'ing' and grimacing a lot in the car on the way there so my poor husband was worried and trying to stay calm for the both of us LOL

We get to the Doctor's office and my cervix is closed, but my blood pressure is high (what a shocker LOL). So she tells me to get to the hospital, she wants to deliver that day. At that point, both hubby and I gulped in unison as it dawned on us that we were going to meet our daughter that day! (The hospital also confirmed I was in early labor - lots of frequent contractions but mild ones)

Long story short, Gabby was delivered at 5:17pm weighing 6lbs 3oz and 18.5 inches long. I'll never forget hearing her cry for the first time, my heart stopped:cloud9:

I had believed the C Section procedure would be a breeze and the recovery would be brutal, but for me the opposite was true. I actually had a panic attack on the operating table. I felt claustrophobic and the feeling of paralysis as the spinal took hold was a feeling I absolutely hated. I kept my eyes clamped shut the entire time which was not how I had envisioned the birth of my daughter going down.

My husband was trying to soothe me but I told him I needed quiet and to try and block it out. Then my Dr told us that there was a problem with the fibroids - they were in the way and my Dr. couldn't sew me up. She had no option but to remove them (which made me very happy!) So she removed two baseball sized fibroids - one on the right and another on the left. Hubby saw them sitting in a jar and said they were huge. So glad those are out.

Anyway, my scar is healing nicely and I have been mostly taking midol - the pain isn't bad at all. Healing has been pretty good for me.

Breastfeeding initially started out well, but it's been challenging as of late. Either Gabby can't latch on right or I don't produce enough. So I have been supplementing with formula and pumping more than breast feeding. Her pediatrician tells me to free feed her on demand. It is hard to tell how much she takes in when she is on the boob. But when she's on the bottle, she eats between 1oz and 2oz each feeding. Is that ok ladies? She is eating every 23 hours at the moment or whenever she is hungry.

Another issue has been hiccups. She has kept us up the past two nights crying, as when we try to lay her down she gets the hiccups and starts to wail:cry: I spoke to my pediatrician about that too and she says I need to burp her more effectively and more often during feeding. The new method of burping has worked today - hopefully she will sleep more tonight! We didn't get to sleep until 6am this morning as we were up all night with her.

She is honestly the light of our lives! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: And it's so funny because her wardrobe right is now quite literally bigger than mine! :haha: Everyone keeps buying her the cutest little outfits!

I'll take some more pictures this week girls!

Beth! Many congrats on your beautiful little Charlie :flower: He is so precious! Like you I am terrified of SIDS! I keep checking to make sure Gabriella is still breathing. How are you feeling following the C Section? I love that our children's birthdays are only a day apart :hugs:

Rebekah - first, happy belated 11 year anniversary! :hugs: When I read the story about the man trying to break into your home I got goosebumps:nope: What a horrible thing to happen. However, I loved your paintgun idea - that is genius! Congrats on the mortgage approval! :happydance: I love the picture of Amelia you posted - her smile will break hearts when she is older:hugs:

Steph, I can't believe Katelyn is 10 months old - she is so gorgeous!:hugs:

CaroleB - how are you feeling? :hugs:

JuneBug - I am so sorry about your MIL. That must be so difficult considering your FIL passed not too long ago. :hugs:

Anna, I LOVE the pics of Jo. What an absolute cutie!!:flower:

Hello Chris and Angela and everyone else!! Hope you are all doing well! :hugs: I will update more but in the meantime, keep your fingers and toes crossed we are able to get some sleep tonight LOL

2-3 ounces is good. She'll be there for awhile. Usually it IS hard to tell how much is coming out of the boob. If you feed her from breast first then let her have the bottle, you'll continue to produce more breast milk.

With the hiccuping and screaming when she's on her back, it sounds like she has acid reflux as Amelia has had since she was brought home. Everytime their on their back they start to scream, the babies need their head lifted up a little to sleep. We used the boppy to prop Amelia up during the day while we watch her and used the boppy again to place her head on while changing her so she wasn't lying flat. The best burping position for Amelia (still is) is with her sitting up in a sitting position. Once the pediatrician put her on Axid, she got better. Try that before you stop bf'ing solely. Amelia didn't take to my breast either. We made it to 3 months and I pumped a little while longer so she'll have some breast milk with cereal.

Hope that helps a bit.:hugs::kiss:
HI Ladies - quick selfish question.....
Does anyone know if Keflex (antibiotic - a strong dose, 500mg) passes into breastmilk? I think it is affecting our little Poppy - he is very very cranky with tons of gas and many poopy diapers, with curd-like spitup. Temp is fine and this just started when I had to go on the pills to treat the infection in my c-section incision. I read a few posts in other places that say it can affect baby's tummy and give some diarrhea and gas but was wondering if anyone here experienced it. I have to take it 4x a day until next Tuesday! I can't handle 5 more days of this, it is breaking my heart!

My mom told me he is like this because I had the newborn pictures done this morning - and it was too much on him with all the posing and moving around. So is it my fault or the antibiotics? I understand about cluster feedings and growth spurts and that some babies get cranky sometimes, but he is just obviously not himself. I am calling the ped tomorrow, naturally, but wanted to see if anyone had to take it here and got a reaction passed through the milk.

thanks and I will respond to everything when Poppy settles down, my brain is addled by this. The only time he is soothed is when we hold him constantly so we are taking turns.


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