35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Beth sounds to me like the keflex. That drug does a number on my tummy too. It's not the photos so just ignore your mom! The wayshe speaks to you makes me so angry for you! :hugs:
Beth, Z was the same as a newborn, she was only soothed if being held. So she was held for the first 3 months of her life, then started needing us less... She was sleeping through the night by 7-8 months of age in her crib, so it seems she "needed" that extra nurturing for the first few months. It does get better :hugs:
Thanks Ladies -

We had such a bad night, poor little Poppy was miserable with tons of poops and bad bad gas - kept him spitting up tons and grimacing with pain and discomfort with passing gas. Charlie and I took turns holding him during the night to at least give him a little bit of relief as he sleeps better on us.

I spoke to the visiting nurse this morning who comes everyday to change my dressing for the c-section infection and said it did sound like the keflex as that drug normally will mess with your GI tract and he's just so little that even the little bit that gets through the milk will affect him. She recommended gas drops to see if that will provide some relief and said he is sleeping better on us because he is propped up a bit so maybe try propping his mattress up a little too.

So I called the ped to make sure it was good to give him the drops and the dr said to try it but it may not work and will just get better when I'm done with the keflex.....so Charlie is off to get him some of that now.

Angela - I feel like you are my own personal cheerleader and I love you for it! My mom just knows what buttons to push with me and does enjoy pushing the hell out of it! Thanks for your reassurance. :)

June - This only started a day and a half ago once the keflex got into my system. What stinks is that I have to take it 4x a day for 7 days! We love to snuggle but the constant need of it is new only from starting the antibiotics, so it's prob due to that. And since he is my full-time job to make him feel safe, loved and comforted, I guess I will be holding my little snugglebunny all day long.... can't think of a better way to pass the day since I'm stuck with restricted movement due to this pocket of fluid that is infected. We will see how he does by Tuesday if his little system is getting better. My heart just aches to see him in such discomfort....it is so obvious he is not himself.

So we will do a ton of skin-to-skin and snuggle. I was doing that last night and humming to calm him and eventually he was trying to make the same noises as mommy. My little love.

I must get back but I keep meaning to say how beautiful all those pictures are. Everyone's babies are so precious at all the different ages, it makes my day!

ok - I'll be back later, hopefully to say the gas drops have worked.

Hello girls!

Beth, I am so sorry to hear about Charlie's upset stomach and gas :( It's heartbreaking when they are crying and uncomfortable isn't it?

Angela - how are things with you? Are you still trying for #2? I will admit I really, really, really miss being pregnant and I want another already LOL. I have to wait a year though because I had a C Section with a myectomy (fibroid removal) so I need to be patient. My age is up there though - I will be 40 in a few weeks so I am worried about that:nope:

Caroleb - I am so sorry to hear about your dog :( how are you feeling? You're entering the third trimester already! It's going to fly by..I am so excited for you! :hugs: I love the pics of Zara Grace. My Gabriella always had her hands up by her face when we had ultrasounds done..and now she is out of the womb she still does it and sucks on her fingers and hands quite often!

JuneBug - how are you feeling also? I am happy to hear baby is doing well but sorry to know you are not feeling 100% - I do hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Rebekah - how is the house hunting going?

AFM, Gabriella is doing really well! We took her to her first appointment with the pediatrician this past Wednesday and she has gained an ounce since birth! She was 6lbs 3oz at birth, 5lbs 13oz when we left the hospital and was 6lbs 4oz on Wednesday :happydance::happydance::happydance:

The first several nights were brutal - she didn't sleep at ALL during the night, only during the day. The past couple of nights she has been better - we usually watch TV in bed but stopped doing that because the glare of the TV I am sure wasn't helping matters. We also have started to keep it quiet and dark at night and lively during the day so that she can help distinguish between night and day (per our pediatrician's advice).

I'm still breast feeding and supplementing with formula but the good news is that my milk production is getting better. Has anyone taken red raspberry leaf tea to increase milk production? Did that work for you?

My hubby Tony is completely wrapped around Gabriella's finger - it is so cute! She is the spitting image of her dad and he loves her so much. It's so sweet to watch him with her. Tonight I was feeding her and we were watching the animated movie 'Rio.' When the music came on and I kissed her head, she would smile a big smile. We got such a kick out of it!

Next Friday is her 2nd appointment with the pediatrician and following that, we are taking her to NYC to meet with a newborn photographer to get her pics taken. I want to remember her this little :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I am healing really well from the C Section. I went in to see my Dr. today who gave me a check up. I am wearing my binder to keep myself held in. I'm looking forward to working out again but that's going to have to wait a few more weeks unfortunately. Gotta get rid of the baby weight LOL

Hugs and love to all!!
Beth sweetie, I hate to say anything unkind about anyone's family, but your mom and the things she says to you make me want to smack her. You just ignore all her nasty sayings and enjoy that baby! You are a wonderful mother! :hugs: I was at a baby shower this afternoon and thought of you and all that your family put you through over the idea of a shower. It still makes me mad for you! :hugs:

I am so sorry Baby Charlie is suffering so much gas and tummy upset, but I bet it just the keflex and he should be fine as soon as the course is over. Just snuggle and comfort him as others have said. You'll both soon be back to feeling well!

Jules, thanks for asking about our ttc! Not sure if I mentioned it here yet or not, but we will be moving back to actively ttc starting this cycle. I'm super excited about that and can't wait to see how it goes! In addition to the shower I attended today, I also got to swing by and see an old friend who just had her third child in November. Just to hold a newborn that small/young again makes me want another little one! :cloud9: Ethan is of course a delight in every way, but it is amazing how quickly they get to be so much bigger and they are not wanting to snuggle and just be held the way they do in e first few months. Ethan now just wants to cruise and play and almost never wants to be held lol! Ah, I already miss those early days of snuggling. But I will say, I sure do love getting to sleep these days as well lol!

So glad to hear you ladies are doing well with those little ones! :hugs::hugs:
Morning Ladies,

Beth my heart goes out to you right now, do not listen to your Mum you are now a mother yourself and follow your instincts you will know what is right for you and your new family it is not for anyone else to force their views on you. I am lucky that my Mum is great but my Mum in law is a completely different case she always drops nasty comments in. When we were TTC and going through IVF she actually told me that I should not be wasting her sons money like wtf it is our money and I earn a considerably more than DH. I know it is upsetting but try your best to ignore and enjoy your moment with your son. She has had her time now this is your special moment. Hang in there with Charlie being poorly as others have said this is a temporary situation that will pass once you are done with your meds and it will get easier I am sure:hugs:

Jules so glad to hear you are healing well and enjoying motherhood, can't wait to see the baby pics of Gabby once they are done. I am sure they will be a memory to treasure for ever:hugs:

Angela YAY to TTC again, i am hoping that things happen quickly for you and that you get your BFP real soon. This is a very exciting time for you guys :hugs:

AFM not much to report apart from I seem to be getting the exhaustion back again, is this normal for this stage of pregnancy? I thought it would start a few weeks down the line. I have found myself having to sleep during the day this weekend as just couldn't keep my eyes open. Not sure how I am gonna cope at work as I am supposed to be working until the day I go into labour due to the super short maternity leave here in Bahrain. Any tips ladies for making it through this?

Also nursery is almost complete now just waiting for my shelves and pictures to be put up, I am over the moon with it as it is a really calming space. I will post pics as soon as the last bits are done.

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday off, work today is crazy for me. Think I might crawl under my desk in the afternoon for a nap :haha:

Take care and catch up later :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Went to see 4 more houses today. I was disgusted when someone asked for us to take off our shoes and their home was DISGUSTING! It was literally a hoarding mess. When we finally went to the basement and there was no room to roam along with cat poop and dog poop all over, we decided we weren't going to live in it. Ugh!

Found one we liked and the owner later wasn't being honest with their disclosure. We noticed the tile was pulled up in the bathroom and revealed rot. Went in the basement and someone had pulled the ceiling down to reveal water damage and mold. We decided if they couldn't be honest we weren't going to invest in their property. We'd rather someone be honest. The Inspector would have found it anyways...why not just be honest??

Other than that...either people want WAY too much for their homes that are assessed MUCH lower because they bought a house worth more than it was worth OR there's just nothing out there in a small ranch at our price range. We're looking in 3 counties and several townships. :sigh:

I know we just started and it takes time, I just wish we could find more in our price range that didn't consist of older homes with lead or homes that need a whole lot of work. Maybe we should move to texas where you get more for your money. lol I'm sure the grandparents would love us for that move. :lol:
Hey guys!

Rebekah - it must be frustrating looking for a new house, but hang in there! I am sure something you like will pop up soon when you least expect it. Not sure what the market is like where you live (upstate NY, right?) - it's crazy by us. We live about 12 miles away from midtown Manhattan and the mortage and taxes we pay on this house cripple us. :nope:We have been talking a lot about downsizing and/or moving to Rhode Island (where Tony's family lives and he is from) so that I can be a stay at home mom. If we do that, we'll lose money on this house though because the market is bad. :growlmad:

I'm on 3 month maternity leave and I really, really don't want to go back to work. :nope:The good thing is that I work from home so it won't be so bad when I go back, but the bad thing is that my boss wants to sell his company. If that happens, the likelihood of me finding another working from home gig is rare, which will mean I will have to get a job in NYC. I do not want to leave Gabriella in daycare or with a nanny - so moving to RI is a possibility. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it; I just need to win the lotto so I can be a stay at home mom and not worry about finances LOL:thumbup:

Angela - I am so excited to hear that you are going to start trying this cycle! :happydance::happydance::happydance: As mentioned before, I really, really miss being pregnant :cloud9:and I can't wait to start trying again but I have to be patient :growlmad: You must keep us posted on how things go with you :hugs:

Beth, how are you doing hon? How is your c section incision healing up and how is little Charlie doing? You're in my thoughts - hope all is well with you!:hugs:

AFM, things are going really well. I have my mother in law, my brother in law, my twin nephews and my brother in law's new fiance here from Rhode Island. Gabriella is the first girl in the family for many generations so you can imagine how spoiled she is getting LOL.:winkwink:

My mother in law made me the most amazing Chicken soup (an old Italian recipe) and she swears it will increase my milk production. I'm not sure if that is true, but the soup is delicious lol. I'm pumping more than actually BF'ing these days because Gabriella falls asleep on the boob after a couple of sucks! It is hard to wake her and I know she isn't getting enough just by BF'ing. I am still supplementing with formula also.

She is doing so well at night. She's now sleeping 3-4 hours at a clip and wakes up when she is hungry. I feed her, change her diaper, give her snuggles and then she goes back to sleep.

We go back to the pediatrician on Friday for another check up and weigh in.

How is everyone else doing? Love and hugs to all and I hope everyone has a great week! :hugs:
Carole, I started to feel pretty tired again around seven months. I kept thinking, seriously?? But yes, it can start up again that soon. What helped me as far as work were several things. If you can identify the part of day that is worst for you, see if you can tailor your work hours to suit how you are feeling. For me, mornings were the worst as I was still nauseated when I woke. So I was able to come in later to work (like at 10), eat lunch at my desk (take no lunch hour) and then stay till six. That was my eight hours, but a much mor workable schedule for me than coming in at 8:30. Could uyou possibly do something like that? The other thing that helped is, if there is ever a time for you to delegate tasks freely and without guilt, it's now! Whether at work or at home, never be afraid to say you need help with something and let coworkers or hubby help or take over things that wear you out. You are in the home stretch now and you'll be amazed how quickly that beautiful baby will get here! What I saw was that few people actually go to the whole 40 weeks and delivery at 36-37-38 weeks is very common. So from 27 or 28 weeks remember that you may only have ten more weeks or so! :happydance: ps I can't wait to see the nursery!

Bek, so sorry the housing search is so difficult right now. I will keep you guys in my prayers!

Jules so glad all is well! Hugs!

How is everyone else doing this week?

Hi All,

I hate to read and run, but I am so very slammed at work and by the time I get home, I have enough energy to play with, feed, bathe, and put Katelyn to bed and then I am done for the evening. I am hoping that on Friday I will have some time to respond to some of the posts.

Really quick - Jules - Fenugreek tablets will help with milk production.

Ok gotta run. I miss you guys!

Steph, we miss you too but we definitely understand!

I will be going on a scrap booking retreat with a. Girlfriend this weekend and leaving hubby with Ethan for the first time EVER. I'm freaking out but desperately need the break for myself and know it will be good for all three of us lol. Mommy gets to recharge and hubby and ethan get some daddy and son time.

Ethan is doing great right now and just started crawling (a little late on that, but he has been cruising for a while now and is almost walking, so it's not a developmental issue at all). He is now discontent unless moving constantly lol. He has cut two teeth and is just Mr. personality these days!

Okay gotta run and make some dinner. Hope all are well and I will check back in when I return! Love to all!

Hi Ladies,

Jules, They keep saying it's a "buyers market". I'm not really sure it's a buyer OR a sellers market to be honest with you. YES, the interest rates are lower than ever but homes were bought for more than they are worth. For instance, Houses that are valued at 80k are going for 125 or MUCH more. In fact, the market is all over the place. We're looking at small ranches like my parents have. a ranch in the SAME area with say 1040sq ft is going for 89k while another ranch with only 890sq ft with less to offer is going for 139k. It's not making a bit of sense.

The housing bubble didn't really happen here because there are so many stipulations with mortgages in New York state than there were in Ohio where we resided for 6yrs where the housing bubble DID take place. People STILL bought homes that were more than the value of the places. So now people are trying to make the money back on their homes and their finding either they have to stay there OR take a HUGE CUT or even just let their homes go.

We on the other hand want a deal. For obvious reasons we don't want to spend over our budget and KNOW we're going to have to fix several things over time but there's no way we're going to spend 130k or even 120k on a home that is valued much less than they paid for. Not to mention that in some areas, town assessors hadn't been updating on their assessments and now some townships are complaining that takes are going up some 10k or more to make up for the 10 or so years they hadn't assessed. It's CRAZY.

I DO have to say that we're cheaper up here in CNY than where you are. In fact, I don't know what your job title is, but I can recommend suburbs from the rochester area which are good. The hospitals are pretty nice too. From what I'm hearing Boston MASS. is just as expensive to live. The only ones that weren't hit by all this are the mortgage companies. I'm willing to bet it's only a matter of time since there's a second and third bubble happening over a time period. Anyways, I could be talking out of my behind.

Thanks everyone for the support. I'm hoping we'll find something soon. 3 minutes away there was a gang shooting with two cars involved IN DAYLIGHT!! Would you believe one car had a 17 year old driving who was shot and a 15 year old in the back in critical condition?? The 17 year old jumped out of the vehicle and was letting it run while the other kid was still in the back. Two kind gentleman helped. One jumped into the car to stop it while the other ran and caught the 17 year old who was trying to flee the scene. The person in the other car fleed the scene.

It's just so sad to see these kids turn to gangs. Many of them have parents in gangs so it's all they know. Kids killing kids. The great thing about all of this is that people have an idea that muslims or middle-eastern people are all bad because of 9/11. The two hero's in this scenario were two middle eastern men who put their lives on the line to save the public. If that doesn't make a statement, I don't know what does. I'm quite proud of them!

So, we're still looking. I'm sure more homes will start coming on the market for spring. Not sure if they'll be our price range but we're praying for a miracle. My parents bought a BEAUTIFUL smaller ranch in the 90's. It was just before the market blew up. Not sure if we'll find the same. The house is in EXCELLENT condition and all they had to do was eventually do some aesthetics.

Glad to know everyone is well. Looking forward to catching up with you all soon.

Hello all - just doing my regular swing by to check on my favourite Mummies! Hope you're all doing ok https://www.runemasterstudios.com/graemlins/images/grouphug.gif
Hi Ladies -

I have a moment to myself - Poppy is changed, fed, burped, in Charlie's arms and dinner is in the oven.....

We saw the OB again yesterday for my incision infection - it was a staph infection :cry:. But it is slowly healing - slowly because I went back on the prednisone so that slows my healing down a bit - and she took another culture today and will let me know in a few days when I go back and see her. She did not renew the keflex :happydance: but she said she may if it comes back as still infected. Good news is that it isn't the one that is antibiotic resistant, thank goodness. I still need to have a visiting nurse come to the house every day to change the packing/dressing but I'm ok with that as it beats my having to keep going to the OB every day!

Poor Poppy's belly is much better - we gave him a bottle of my expressed milk a few days ago that I expressed before the keflex - i think it gave his belly a break as he did much better that night - feeding at midnight, 4:30am and 7:45am! And didn't wake up screaming for food, just wimpering and fussy like he did before the darn pills messed with him. It really has given him so much gas and keeps straining to poop - the other night he was totally miserable until he was finally FINALLY able to poop during the night - Charlie and I took turns every few hours and just held him all night while he struggled to poop. He was miserable and I was basically in tears. Only Daddy was calm and soothing. Speaking of daddy - he was supposed to go back to work today but only ended up actually being in work for one hour today :haha: he missed us!

I am off the keflex fully and while the straining and bad gas on little Charlie is better, he is a pooping and eating machine! Definately a growth spurt. he is now feeding about every hour and a half to 2 hours and was up allll night! not crying, just fussy and hungry hungry hungry. And since midnight has had 6 big poopy diapers! but I'm glad my little angel is better.

Thanks for the support about my mom....she can really push my buttons! She asked me yet again what we were going to call him as a nickname and I said Charlie but we still call him Poppy and she said that was ridiculous and he won't like that so dont call him that....i got mad and said that they called my brothers kid "precious" for the first 2 years and she said "well yeah but wasn't he so precious?" So i call him Poppy when we talk on the phone just to make a point. :haha:

despite the no sleep all the new mommies and daddies go through, we are totally in love with our little angel. He makes the funniest faces and loves to snuggle. Daddy props him up next to him in bed every night to watch the news and let him sleep until the next feeding. he just loves to hold him...we also call him our little snugglebunny. and boy does he stare so much at daddy!

bf is going really well, great supply of milk, even with the almost every hour feeding! haven't been able to move around much due to the infection, so I'm stuck on the couch eating then feeding all day! but I'm down to about 2 lbs above pre-pregnancy weight....not that I was slim to begin with but hopefully I can lose more soon! The OB told me because Poppy was Frank breech, she had to make the incision bigger than normal so she said to heal fully before thinking of having more...she said 6 months before getting preghant again...maybe its because I had the c-section and not a vaginal delivery, so I'm not all stretched out down there :)haha:) but I can't WAIT to have sex again! 4 weeks to go, but I think Charlie is a little horrified by it so isn't quite as amorous as me right now! Prob esp with an open, oozy wound at the incision - prob a turn off....

Jules, I wish we lived close as I would love to have our little birthday cuties know each other....still amazed they were both born on Feb 6th!

Angela - love the idea of the scrapbooking retreat! Want to know how it goes!!! Love the pics!

MA - I feel for you with the house hunting. Charlie bought the house we are in now a few years ago before we got married and is already planning on a new house in the next few years and it will be tough. Prices around Boston, MA are well into the 300K and up for not much house or land. We are looking to move after the next baby or before we have to put poppy in kindergarten....so within the next 5 or so years.

i know I have more to cath up on but I wanted to get this in....miss you all and hope to be back soon......

Just popping in to say hi. So many of the graduates have had their babies, and I'm just getting started, LOL. Congrats to Animal (Jules) for her new bundle!

I hardly ever travel anymore, yet was on an airplane for three trips (thankfully all short) between late January and this past Tuesday. I'm happy to now be at home on terra firma for an extended period. My house is a mess, food aversions are no bueno, and I've felt so scattered between traveling and work. And my birthday is in two weeks. :) So AFTER my birthday, and based on good reports from OB, I'm hoping to finally settle into this pregnancy. Keeping this from so many people is SO difficult, especially from my good work friends, many of whom are sort of guessing since I'm having so many food related issues. So for that reason, I can't wait for the first trimester to be over. I WOULD like to tell my parents, after all.
Nikki so great to hear from you and I know, those early weeks are so hard. Both with the worry and with the trying to keep the news a secret! Hang in there! The nausea will get better soon and you will be able to share the news, which makes it easier. ANd don't worry about just starting the pgcy journey. Hopefully, I won't be far behind you with our second! We are starting to try with this cycle. Yay! Hugs! :hugs:
:hugs:Morning Ladies,

Hope you are all having a great Friday morning.

Thanks Amanda for the advice, I too struggle to get up in the morning and then afternoon I flag again. I do not have flexibility with my work hours as I work for a government officials office and need to be in at 7.30am :growlmad: but I must admit that my boss was out at meetings all afternoon one day this week and I left early at 2pm as I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I went home and slept.

Rebekah I am sorry you are having such a tough time house hunting, I have no experience of the US market apart from what we get to see on the news but I know it can be so tiring going to see so many houses and not seeing anything that is right for you. Like you said I am sure loads more will come on the market for spring and you will find the one for you and your family. Hang in there :hugs:

Nikki you are in the home straights of the first Tri now so not much longer until you can share your news and things will get easier for you. Take it easy as much as you can and enjoy every moment of being pregnant:hugs:

Beth so happy to hear that things are getting a little easier for you now with Charlie junior. I am sure from here on out you will find it easier each day, you have to remember you have been through so much and it takes time to adapt even after a natural delivery let alone a C- section with infection. Hoping that your incision heals quickly now and you can get more mobile:hugs:

Jules Gabby sounds like a dream baby with that sleep pattern, I hope I am that blessed. As for the job situation I hope that you manage to keep working from home as that will be amazing for you and Gabby although I am not sure how much work I would do hehehe.

Twinks lovely to see you pop by here and check on us all, hoping you get to join us real soon:hugs:

AFM it is the start of my weekend today and so far have managed to chill on the sofa and get some rest. Much needed as so tired this week. We have a charity dinner to attend tonight and I seriously do not have anything really dressy enough that I can fit into. I have found one stretchy maxi dress that is the only dress that I can wear but it has thin straps which is not ideal with my ugly maternity bras with their thick straps so need to go and buy a shrug or thin cardigan that will go with it. I just refuse to buy something new now when this will be my last big event before delivery as I will not wear it again. Counting down the days till my next appointment and scan on Thursday when I get to peek at Zara again.

Take care ladies and enojy your weekend:hugs:
Twinks, I was just thinking about you today. Funny you posted. Amelia finally fits in the outfit you got her and she looks ADORABLE. As she went to bed, I thought I should have taken a pic so I could show you. I'll do it next time. She is just so cute in it!

I have decided that I want Doug to buy the 3 million dollar estate I found in a REALLY good and private neighborhood. :winkwink: :rofl:

Today I thought I found THE HOUSE and in fact it turned out it was someone else's. :lol: They got to it first. ((sigh)) We found another one near the lake (not on it) that's close to my parents. It's a good price but they don't show the innards so I'm wondering. My dad is going to go by it. Thing is, while it's close to my parents, I'm not sure I'm thrilled with Dougs drive which will put a good 45 minutes both ways (that's when it's not snowing) and the fact that my parents aren't an arms length distance. :rofl: My mom LOVES spending time with Amelia. I still like privacy though so I'm undecided about the whole thing even if it does show nicely.

Did I mention (my memory is horrible with everything on it lately) that we have been eating vegan the past two weeks. I CAN'T believe we're doing this. I miss my cheese of all things holy. :rofl: We switched from skim milk to flax seed milk which has just as much calcium and a whole lot of fiber and protein. I can honestly say it doesn't taste near as good as skim milk does. Haha

We did this because my husband has been doing research on vegan diet and it seems as though it can reverse heart disease. (he works on a cardiac unit) Doug has a family history of heart disease. His grandpa died of a heart attack at 40, his uncle died of heart disease at 50 and his dad had a couple heart attacks early on and now in his 70's has had several complications and stents placed.

So far in the two weeks we've done this, my husbands blood pressure is the lowest it's EVER been.

I have to say I don't feel as bloated (unless I eat beans which give me bad gas and make me feel sick and bloated) and the depression is slowly going away. I still have terrible anxiety but I start private yoga lessons next week and will teach me proper breathing techniques and then see how flexible I am. (I'm obese, odds are that I won't stretch like a pretzel like Mrs. Incredible). :rofl:

Since it's nice and spring will be here soon, I'm hoping to buy a baby jogger and start taking Amelia on trails with us (though we could probably carry her in the baby Ergo).

SO fun to hear updates from everyone both ttc, with child AND baby's. Your all such a good bunch and I'm blessed to experience all this with you all.

Thinking of the ladies who haven't been on in awhile too.

:hug: to everyone!
Ooo I'd love to see a picture of her in it! Hope you find a lovely hosue really soon! xx

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