35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

CJ , I agree you sound awesome!! So glad you are feeling so well!! How is Zoe doing with the idea of a new baby??

Carole, how are you doing??

Hang in there mommies, almost time!!
Morning Ladies and Happy Easter!

Angela hope your feeling ok and the sickness is more manageable than last pregnancy. Totally love seeing pics of Ethan he really is a cutie:hugs:

Rebekah your pics of Amelia are to die for, they are perfect. Such gorgeous big eyes that will break hearts in future I am sure:hugs: Also so excited for you on the house, praying that all goes smoothly and quickly from now on and you settle in your new home :happydance:

CJ so excited for you and your c-section, when is the exact date again? I have pregnancy brain at the moment and can't remember things like I used to. Ladies please tell me it comes back after birth. You must be counting down the days:hugs:

Anna have a totally fab holiday with the family, I am sure it will be perfect. I have always wanted to go to mexico but never quite got there as we have adventured the other direction in the far east and asia. Looking at the US and islands next year for DH's 30th and my 40th. DH has never been to the US so he is super excited as loves american football, wrestling etc.

Need to catch up as not been online as much in the last week. Super busy at work and just getting plain exhausted now due to lack of sleep. Have taken today off as boss out of town and had a horrible day/night yesterday with lots of pains in my back and vjayjay. Going to try to rest so that I am ok for the remainder of the week at work. I am guessing that this is how it is gonna be for the last few weeks and that the pain is basically Zara getting ready to be born. Kinda hoping that she makes an appearance earlier than 40 weeks, I am working in our corporate box for the Bahrain Grand Prix F1 race in 2 weeks time when I will be a few days off 37 weeks so hoping all the noise and excitment gets things started. I have another scan on Tuesday this time in colour but it will be interesting to see how big she is now as she feels so much bigger again even though I am eating a fraction of what I did before.

Oh well better go as gonna take a nice soak in the bath and then might go for a walk on the beach with my dog.

Take care all and hope to catch up later:hugs:
Hi girls!!! I had every intention of catching up but somehow I was behind 10+ pages..... :shock: it's taking me forever but starting now I will try to read everyday!

I did see the picture of Charmaine's little girls OMG how adorable!!!!!!!! They are all so different.

Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Easter!

We are doing good except afternoon naps have been a disaster for weeks now. I have no choice but to let her cry it out and she's just not catching on. i don't know what happened? Her new thing is she'll play in her crib for 30-45 min. then start to cry. I refuse to give in because she is only 7 mo and still needs her two naps. Her two front teeth are cutting through so I blame that, but even on days when I have given her advil she still fights her nap. She wants to sleep on my booby. It's been a week of really trying to retrain her and I thought by now she would have caught on, but here I am listening to her cry as I type this. It's killing me.......................
Oh I just went back one page and i am so glad!!! MA Amelia is gorgeous! What awesome pictures!

We had a photo shoot done around 6 mo. The pictures are good but not as good as I was hoping for. Just different visions really but still nice to have. I'll try to post some soon. xo
Hi All,

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

CJ - Not long now!! how is everything with you. I bet you are super excited!

Carole - Sorry that you are having pains and not sleeping well. When are you stopping work!

Rebekah - I love the photos of Amelia too cute! Yes, always do measurements and not the scale. That is where you will see results first! and YAY on the sex drive...I am sure your hubby is liking that!

Chris - hang in there I am having similar issues with Katelyn and the not wanting to sleep in her crib. I tried to let her cry it out for about 10 minutes, then I went in and got her and she went right to sleep. I have a video camera so i was watching her cry and it broke my heart...but it will be ok. Stay strong!

AFM - Katelyn had her 1st birthday on Saturday. We had a nice time in the park with lots of family and friends. I will post photos soon. Both sets of my parents fly out and it was nice that they got to spend time with Katelyn.

Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing well and I will check back in a few hours... at work and I have a few meetings...oh this will be my last week of pumping at work! Whoo Hoo!

Carol, hang in there!! I know it's hard, but the walk on the beach sounds lovely. Yes I am excited for our trip. Mexico is an easy flight for us in Colorado and relatively affordable. However I have always wanted to go to south east Asia!!!! Take care and take days off. I went down to four dad a week at 36 weeks. Just couldn't handle working on my feet five days a week.

Chris!! So good to hear from you!! Take your time catching up. How goes the teething?? How long was it between lower teeth and upper two front?? Jo just got done cutting the two lower and I fear the two front teeth will come in while we are on vacation. I am taking baby Tylenol and ibuprofen just in case. How are things with you??? Have you gone back to work yet??

Steph, so glad the birthday party went well!! Pictures please!! How goes the house hunt??

AFM, had the girl all to myself over the weekend as DH went out of town for a boys trip. I had the baby and the dog so we went for hikes every morning and played all day. By the end of the weekend though she had developed another cold( runny nose) and has been really fussy. When I took her into daycare they said all the babies had it. Great! So anyway just working, winding down the ski season an looking forward to sitting on the beach. I am taking steri bottles with me so we don't have to deal with washing bottles or risk washing them in bad water. Has anyone used these?? They're disposable bottles and sterilized. We are also taking freeze dried baby food called NurtureMe all natural baby food. Anyone heard of this?? The reviews were pretty good. So that's it. Happy Monday!!

Hi girls! :hi:

I have a lot of catching up to do, which I will do tomorrow - we got back from a long weekend in Rhode Island for Easter, which was lovely! :thumbup: Gabriella got so incredibly spoiled by everyone!

So today we took her in for her 2 month check up and her shots - and oh my gosh, did I ever make a fool out of myself! She got her first shot and burst into tears...then the nurse said 'now this next one is going to really hurt her' (didn't need to hear that!!) she gave Gabriella the 2nd shot and of course, she screamed her little head off! I just about fell apart right there and burst into tears right along with her! :rofl:

The poor nurse! :rofl: she told me that a lot of mothers cry - I think she was just trying to make me feel better LOL.

I just got so upset over my little girl screaming and crying like that. I've never heard her so upset before and it really got to me. Ugh. So embarrassing. :rofl:
:hugs: Jules, I cry like a wimp too when she's upset due to vaccines, don't feel bad!

Carole, hope you're hanging in there OK! Until when are you working?

Chris, great to hear from you! I hope the sleeping resumes soon :hugs: I found that with Z, whenever she's teething, she doesn't nap and has a really hard time settling at night. Advil and Tylenol sometimes help, but sometimes don't. Until those darn pesky teeth come out, there really is nothing else to do.

MA, news on the house?? Fingers crossed for you!

Steph, I hope Katelyn's first birthday party was a roaring succes! :cake:

Angela, how are you feeling?

Anna, glad you fared well on your own with Jo!

AFM, finally got Z sleeping in her big girl room :happydance: She's still in the crib, I decided she's too little still for the toddler bed. We'll keep reading books there and cuddling, but for the night time it makes me nervous that she might wander out of the room alone on the 3rd floor. I will buy an accordion style baby gate to keep her in the room (with the door open) and try maybe after her 2nd birthday to get her to sleep there. I posted pics of the room in my journal if you're interested. I'm really happy with how it is shaping up!!!

Little Z will be here in 8 days! Got to see DH for 36 hours (Friday night to Sunday morning) as he came for a visit. Was on my own with Z from Sunday AM to today, when my nanny came at 7AM and my sister is coming back from Ottawa. It went very well.

I was craving fresh bread yesterday. Ate half a loaf of sourdough to myself for dinner :blush: No wonder my weight at my apt today was 6 lbs over Sunday morning's! I'm not even logging it. Shame on me.

OK back to work, only this week left! Can't believe I'm 37 weeks today :shock:

Hugs to all!!!
Anna, I forgot to mention: I don't think Z really knows that an actual baby is going to come out of my big belly :haha: She always points at it and says "baby" but I don't think it is a concrete thing in her mind.
Hi ladies! So good to hear from all of you. Jules, next time you can ask for two nurses to do the shots at the same time one on each side. We do that at our pediatrician and it's done and over. I also know which shot was done in which leg because they were both done on opposite sides. Cuts down on the pain. :winkwink: Also, if your not doing it already try and give her baby tylenol before she goes into the office. Doug and I have found that it helps cut down issues BEFORE a fever were to develop. So far so good!

Anna, Oh how the girls weekend sounds peaceful! You deserve a peaceful weekend. Hopefully you and hubby found renewal and will be refreshed again.

Chris, Can't WAIT to see those photo's!! :happydance:

Carole, your working for the Grand Prix?? Wow!

Beth, how are you??

Viv, Charmain, Chris 2, Angela, and everyone else....how are you all doing??

CJ, Oh...I was concerned about Amelia in her room here in our apartment which is why she's still in her pack and play until she moves. We'll move her in her big girl room at the new house.

So glad you got to see your DH. I bet that was nice. As for the weight. Baby is taking in the nutrients that he needs. The weight gain will come off. You eat what you need to and know that you are taking care of him. :hugs:

As for what's going on. We signed with the sellers contingent that they fix a few things before closing with proper documentation from the mason and furnace techs. Honestly there wasn't a whole lot. Even our inspector was surprised that the foundation was in such good shape. The basement is dry but there are some ducts they need to clean to keep it that way.

Today we signed for the actual loan and the appraiser arrives in 7 days to appraise the home then the lawyers check out the contracts and we discuss rental agreements as they need to stay in the home until mid July. They will be paying us rent which will consist of daily rates for mortgage, interest, insurance, etc. They will put down a deposit which will go to an escrow account and they'll get it back as long as they didn't break something that wasn't that way upon closing. There will be a HUGE penalty if they don't move out within 60 days from the closing.

I'm EXCITED! We've decided to live on the first floor. Both rooms are small but they will work. I figured we may as well be on one floor so it will be easier for me to handle everything when we ttc again and I'm back on bed rest with a stitch. It will be much easier on me with a toddler. We're going to take care of the first floor and then remodel the second. The second will be my sewing area and I'm thinking it will also house the homeschooling desks and our office. Later we'll combine bedrooms OR we'll make it one full bedroom with a nice master bath.

So far so good! Thanks for asking. Now we're praying it continues to go smoothly over the next several steps.
Morning Ladies,

Rebekah great news on the progress of the house, it all seems to be going in the right direction. You will be moved in before you know it. As for my work, I work for a senior dignitry in Bahrain and get involved in many projects that improve the social and economic standpoint of our wonderful Kingdom. Grand Prix is something that we support and attend to entertain our stakeholders each year so there is a great deal of organising and hard work but it is a fabulous event that brings so many positives to our small island. Although I am exhausted I am really looking forward to it.

Svet great to hear from you and sorry that the naps are being a challenge at the moment, I am sure this will pass and things will settle down. My sister went through the same with her little boy:hugs:

Jules glad you had a lovely Easter break with the family but I feel for you on the jabs, it is heartbreaking to see them cry and it is a very natural reaction to get upset. I am sure we remember the incident far longer than our babies do:hugs:

Steph glad you had a wonderful party for Katelyn and looking forward to seeing the pics:hugs:

Anna so rubbish about Jo getting the sniffles again, thats the thing with kiddies they seem to pick everything up from one another so it is so hard to keep them germ free. Hope she feels better soon:hugs:

CJ so excited for you that your little man will be with you in a weeks time YAY.

AFM all is well with the pregnancy but I am so exhausted now it is untrue, I am just not sleeping really. I go to bed early as so tired and then just can't get off as so uncomfortable and needing the toilet constantly. Last night I must have finally dropped off just after 3.30am and then my alarm goes off at 5.45am for work. I really do not know how I am going to cope with the next 5 weeks at work, I just feel like crying today I am that tired.

I have to try and make it through this week and next at least as I have the Grand Prix with all our VIP's attending from the 20th so have to work through the weekend for this. After that I might see if the Dr will sign me off sick for a few days rest.

Oh also had my scan yesterday and Dr tells me she is going on leave and will not be back until the 9th May which is 5 days before my EDD. Now have to hope that Zara does not come before she is back as I am with the 75 year old male Dr that I don't like until she returns. I should be on weekly appointments now but she is putting me on bi-weekly so that I only have to see him once as she realises that he is isn't that well liked. I feel horrible as I am sure he is experienced but I can't help how I feel.

Have a great day ladies and hope to check in later:hugs:
Morning all,

Jules, shots are so hard!! And I agree with ma, have two nurses that do it all at once. That's much less of an ordeal. Poor little girl. Poor mom. When Jo got hers DH was the at the beginning of the appointment them he was going to leave. He couldn't handle he shot part. He said ,"she'll be fine she's got you.". And I said I need you here for me!!! Not her. Anyway hope next round goes better. Hugs to both of you!

CJ, big girl room sounds great. You are so close!! One more week of work!! Woohoo! Glad you have help comming in.

MA, the house sounds wonderful! You've inspired me! More on that later. Too bed you have to wait until July to move but at least there's a light at the end of the renter tunnel. Congrats!!! Jo is still in her pack an play too. Her room is next to the neighbors wall and they are too noisy. Ahhh well.

Carol, I have to figure out where you live. Truth be told thought I knew but I have to pull out a map. I am so sorry you are so tired. I think pregnancy is a whole different thing when ou have to work late into the pregnancy. I feel for you, but here's an idea. When ma, myself, sunshine, and abet were all pregnant the doctors would prescribe ambien so we could sleep. Turns out it's perfectly safe and a god send!!!! Ask your doctor. You need sleep!! I have some ambien left and I am guarding it saving it like a treasure to be used sparingly.

AFM, well the small town strikes again. By that I mean it seems the town makes decisions that effect people and they just don't care. They have proposed putting in a rodeo behind our house this summer. There are large dirt fields behind our house that the ski area uses for free skier parking in the winter. Past the fields is a lovely river with a great trail that we use daily. Anyway they are proposing a rodeo every weekend this summer. I wrote a letter to the town as did many residents who live in the area against the rodeo due to noise, smell, waste, littering damage to the river Eco system etc. they had a meeting yesterday and the rodeo is still a possibility but they have decreased the number of weekends to 5-6. However that still means my house will smell like cow poop for most of August and September. Sooooo I called my friend that is a realtor and I am going to put my condo on the market. We will see what happens. We can't afford anything else until we sell our current house. If t sells then we will start looking for something else and rent of live in my parent's cabin until something else comes along. I plan to be aggressive in selling but it will still be difficult given te current market and the fact that the unit is in a mixed use building. This means that given the current lending laws you can not get a mortgage, so we need a cash buyer. We'll see what happens, but it just hit me this morning how desperately we need to move. We will stay in the area but look for something that's a single family home. ( no more shared walls!!). And something that's in a neighborhood where they won't put in a rodeo just feet from my baby's room! Ahhhhhhh so frustrated!! Ok rant over. Jo is good, still has a cold, but doing alright. Counting down to Mexico!!! Have a good day all!! Anna
Morning all,

AFM, well the small town strikes again. By that I mean it seems the town makes decisions that effect people and they just don't care. They have proposed putting in a rodeo behind our house this summer. There are large dirt fields behind our house that the ski area uses for free skier parking in the winter. Past the fields is a lovely river with a great trail that we use daily. Anyway they are proposing a rodeo every weekend this summer. I wrote a letter to the town as did many residents who live in the area against the rodeo due to noise, smell, waste, littering damage to the river Eco system etc. they had a meeting yesterday and the rodeo is still a possibility but they have decreased the number of weekends to 5-6. However that still means my house will smell like cow poop for most of August and September. Sooooo I called my friend that is a realtor and I am going to put my condo on the market. We will see what happens. We can't afford anything else until we sell our current house. If t sells then we will start looking for something else and rent of live in my parent's cabin until something else comes along. I plan to be aggressive in selling but it will still be difficult given te current market and the fact that the unit is in a mixed use building. This means that given the current lending laws you can not get a mortgage, so we need a cash buyer. We'll see what happens, but it just hit me this morning how desperately we need to move. We will stay in the area but look for something that's a single family home. ( no more shared walls!!). And something that's in a neighborhood where they won't put in a rodeo just feet from my baby's room! Ahhhhhhh so frustrated!! Ok rant over. Jo is good, still has a cold, but doing alright. Counting down to Mexico!!! Have a good day all!! Anna

I'll put my two cents in here but maybe it won't work for your situation: The owners of OUR house listed their place for lower than market value. What happened is they listed it and within two days because it was GORGEOUS and they were aggressive to sell they had several people who wanted the house. Luckily the home stayed within our budget and we didn't go over too much BUT they got what they were asking for the house because they priced it low and people were responding. It was quite amazing. We STILL got more house for the money and they got what they wanted which they were quite surprised and also floored that they had signed within a few days of listing.

That may help you a bit. It may entice the buyer if your place is competitively priced and "could" get quite a few buyers ready to come to the table. After all was said and done, I thought the seller and their realtor were pretty darn creative in this market!
Hi All,

For some reason, I couldn’t not get on yesterday. I tried a few times.

Jules – It is perfectly normal to cry. I still cry whenever Katelyn has shots.

CJ – I love the photos of her room. It gorgeous! I think it is great that you are getting her used to being on the bed slowly. Her 2nd birthday is coming up soon. Oh, be careful with the accordion baby gates, I just received a thing from our Dr’s office saying to avoid those kind as babies head’s can get stuck in them! As for the sourdough, I’m not pregnant and could probably eat a half of loaf especially if it is nice a hot with butter! Yummy! Good for you for staying at work so long!

Rebekah – I love the plans for your house. I can’t wait to see photos! It is exciting to move and start fresh! Please take photos so we can see before and after. What are you planning on doing with the basement?

Carole – I am sorry the sleeplessness! As Anna said, ambien is safe and I believe a few of the moms in this thread were taking it prior to delivery. Also, what a bummer about your Dr going on vacation right before your due date. And don’t feel horrible about wanting YOUR dr to be at the delivery. I think we would all feel the same in your situation. I belong to Kaiser and the way they do it is however is on call in the OB that day/night is who delivers your baby. My OB/GYN who I have been seeing since I was 19 wasn’t supposed to deliver Katelyn. It just so happened that the day Katelyn was born, she was scheduled to do a c-section and since mine was an emergency and she was already there, she came and did it. I am sure it will all work out!

Anna – Glad you and Jo had a girls day! That is fun, but that sucks about the rodeo! Looks like you, me and Rebekah will all be moving soon! I am in a townhome so I too am sharing walls and can’t wait until we are in a single family dwelling. Hope Jo’s cold goes away soon!!!!Hugs!

AFM – Katelyn’s party was a lot of fun. I have photos, but need to size them down for BnB and just haven’t had a chance to do it.
Katelyn had her 1 year old shots yesterday and she had to have SIX of them. Three in each leg. Luckily Steve when with me and I told him he had to hold her down (I couldn’t handle her looking at me with sad crying eyes that look like “why are you letting them hurt me”) I started to tear up when I saw her screaming and such – so don’t feel bad Jules!

Well, we found a house and are signing the lease on Monday. Fingers crossed that everything goes off without any complications! I am very excited about it and am looking forward to our new neighborhood. It isn’t too far from where we are as we will still be living in the San Fernando Valley, but we will be walking distance from a nice park! Work is still kicking my butt and I have to go to a meeting now. I will check back in a few!
Steph, 6 injections?! ((faint)) NO WAY could I handle watching Amelia so I'm right there with you. Luckily we're doing an alternative schedule. I won't lt them give her more than 2 so either we reschedule alternate times or in some cases we opt out altogether. So far we're only opting out of 2. Nothing for SEVERE issues. She doesn't go to daycare so some we have the luxury of opting out.

So glad you found a place! In the neighborhood you wanted too! :happydance:

AFM: The basement will be Doug's man cave. It will look nice BUT have much of a manlier feel. It's partially finished. The other side I'd like to have finished and painted. It has my washer/dryer and wash tub. I'd like to put some cabinetry above, a shelving unit between the appliances. There's excess storage for food down there, a coat closet and place for our deep freezer. There's also a work space and huge storage for basement stuff.

Honestly the house is bigger than it looks and has storage all over the place! :happydance: Over time we'll remodel here and there.
Hi Ladies -

Been a few days and I've missed so much! First, I hope everyone had a blessed Easter and I loved the photos (I think on fb) of the babies in their Easter outfits. Adorable!

MA and Steph - congrats on the houses!!!! :happydance: It must be such a relief. We have already outgrown this little house (did I mention there are only 2 closets in the whole house? One in our room and one in poppy's, but they aren't deep enough to fit a regular hanger normally - we have to have them at a slant :growlmad:).

I still am bf'ing but need to pump a lot more as I used up almost all my milk last weekend as we both got thrush last week and it was too darn painful to feed. So we bottlefed my expressed milk for many feedings. Hoping I can build up my supply again, but also thinking of trying to supplement at 3 months for convenience and also to be able to know how much he's eating - not to mention if that will help with the reflux too.

Ahh Jules, the shots. The things we mom's go through! Our poor babies. Good to know they don't get any better (I guess?). We had our shots Monday, 2 in one leg and one in the other, and a liquid he had to drink. Our ped said not to use tylenol unless over 103 as he read studies that tylenol can decrease effectiveness....I think that is crap, personally, but luckily there was no fever anyways. there was a delayed scream after the first shot, but the nurse was quick and was all over in less than 2 mins and she said: hurry mommy, pick him up! And he was screaming for a few minutes burrowing into me but calmed down quick. I couldn't look at the shots being given but Charlie did and he was freaked out about how deep the needles went! He said it was a good thing I didn't look....I had my head down on the table right next to poppy kissing his head all through it.

the rest of the ped appt went good, 12 lbs, 23 inches - but the ped thinks that the nurses didn't measure him right and he is a little longer, and will continue on the omep. The only issue with the omep is trouble pooping. I guess it can't be called constipation because when he does poop, it is not hard or pebbly, but an explosion that hurts him pretty bad. He is managing a poop about every other day, and it's only once in that timeframe and he is miserable most of the day he is not pooping. We give him a little pear juice by the 2nd day of not pooping and that usually does the trick but takes a bit. He has SO much gas and is in such distress when he can't poop that he is now not feeding properly when he goes too long. :nope: It was a looong night last night when it took him an hour and while I can't tell how much he ate due to bf'ing, he only sucked for about 10 mins total. the rest of the time was straining and trying so hard to poop - poor thing. He finally pooped this morning, so hoping he eats better today.

Next Sunday is the baptism, so I'm starting to tie up the utensils with a pretty blue ribbon trying to do things in advance so I'm not scrambling next Sat. I do things here and there when he's sleeping, today I'm going to cover my cupcake tree stand and trim with ribbon and then put the leaf in the table and move it into position against the window. I'm hiring someone to come in and clean next week - I'm not dealing with cleaning on top of everything, not to mention I hate cleaning!

My old boss called me yesterday and asked if I still wanted to do things here and there for him as the consultant I used to be......I said yes, as long as I can do it all from home. He said absolutely! and it would only be on an as-needed basis and for a few big projects I can do remote. He is trying to get funding for me, and it would be in a few months, so that is even better, poppy will be older too....It will also give me not much money, but enough for me to use for little things, like haircuts and shoes, and not have to ask Charlie for money. I'm getting better with that but I've been working since I was 14 and to not have my own money coming in is a bit odd for me.

MA - loved those photos you posted. Amelia is Beautiful!!!!

CJ - so darn close! So happy for you!

Carole - sorry about the tiredness - I barely slept at all in my last tri too.....but I didn't know what tired was until I had to get up and feed and change every hour and a half the first month! I STILL am behind on my sleep!!!

Except for last night, Poppy was starting to sleep from 11or11:30pm (after the 10 pm feed) until about 5, which is great! He may wake up once and fuss for a few mins, but I pop he pacifier in his mouth and 2 sucks later he's out. Once I just readjusted his swaddle and he was out right away. Last night was 11pm feed, down at 12, up to feed at 2, down at 2:45 and up at 6 for the day. But he was having so much trouble pooping that I think that had something to do with it as he was barely eating, just straining. :shrug:

I know I missed so much and I'm so sorry. Many hugs to you all, I will try and review to see what I missed and post again.

Steph, thanks for the heads up on the accordion gates. Z's head is sooooo big (wearing size 3-4 years hats and 18-24 months clothes :dohh:) that I doubt it'll fit even if she tries :haha: Will keep an eye open for little Z though (in case he's not as top heavy as his sister!).

Beth, nice to hear from you :hugs:
MA and Steph, yay for new houses!!!
Ughhhh Anna I'd be frustrated and getting out of there too if I were in your shoes :hugs:
Carole :-( So sorry your doc has decided to take time off right around your due date! I'd be peeved too. I hope Zara decides to make an appearance while she is still here!!!

6 days :shock:

Transition to big girl room complete. Now, to move all her clothes, diapers, toys, etc... up there this weekend. My sister already helped me switch the crib mattresses, the one in the nursery is so much better quality and since little Z will be sleeping in my room in the co-sleeper for 2-3 months, he doesn't need the good mattress yet in the nursery. Now, it is in Z's big girl room. I still want to put up some pictures, will get my mom (she is arriving this Saturday for 3 weeks :dance:) and my sis to help me this weekend!
Hey ladies!

I'm so sorry to be so completely MIA. my "all day every day and night" sickness has hit with a vengeance and I'm just sort of survivng each day. Between exhaustion, nausea, and chasing Ethan, pretty much every moment of every day feels like a challenge right now, but I'm trying not to complain as I'm very thankful to BE pregnant again. Just trying to make it through first tri and keep a level head, as I know I'll feel better (and feel more comfortable taking my Zofran, if not feeling better) by 2nd tri.

Please forgive very short catch up post, but have just a couple minutes at desktop while little guy naps. He's sick AGAIN, which has me :dohh::dohh::dohh: and going mostly crazy feeling so badly for him. He didn't even GO to church daycare last week, so I don't even know where he picked this latest up. He only went to Buy Buy Baby, to get the new carseat this weekend! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: This poor child has been sick about once a month since last October, and I'm just about fit to be tied. Sigh.

Meanwhile, he's doing well otherwise. We had our family portraits (thank you, Zofran, for making it possible for Mommy to look normal human instead of pukey!) and I think they turned out GREAT, so I'm so thankful for that! Then (as mentioned) he has graduated to the "big boy" carseat, so we bought that this weekend. It'll be a little harder to wrestle him into, but I'm sure eventually we will get the hang of it as he will hopefully be in it till he is five or six! :haha: He is also (FINALLY) beginning to eat VERY small amounts of "real" food, like grains of orzo pasta and some pieces of american cheese slices. Thank you LORD as I will take ANY progress on this front I can get!

CJ, did Zoe go through a period of spitting food and blowing raspberries while eating? for every step forward we seem to take one back, and he is positively SPEWING food at me at every meal. :dohh: It wouldn't be so awful, except that with MS, I can hardly stand the SIGHT of the pureed baby food meats, let alone the smell. (shudders!) SO gross. I'm desperate for him to get past this pureed meat thing because I just can't handle it right now. Not even poopy didapers or trash set my tummy off like that nasty pureed meat!!! :shrug: I think it's because diapers and trash are expected to stink. Meat just shouldn't LOOK like that! :rofl:

Anyway, hugs to ALL and please know I'mr eading and keeping up even if I can't post that often right now. Little guy has discovered the stairs, and I swear it is a 24-7 job just to keep him from killing himself on them rigiht now. He goes up them GREAT, just has no appreciation yet of the danger.

Anna, have a GREAT time in Mexico and I think the disposable bottles sound perfect! So sorry about the rodeo, but I will keep your house hunt in my prayers!

Rebekah, LOVE the house and I'm loving all your ideas on Pinterest/Facebook!

CJ, not long now!! SO excited for you! Love Zoe's big girl room photos!

Carole, hang in there honey. I honestly think 3rd tri is just as hard as 1st, it's just no one likes to admit it and scare anyone else :haha: Not long at ALL now though till you are holding your precious Zara! The F1 race sounds like fun and you're right, maybe the noise and vibration will get her moving LOL!

Beth, all your domestic projects amaze me! You and CJ are superwomen LOL!

Jules, hope you are doing welll and I think you said your trip to Rhode Island is coming up. Was that Easter? Or is that still to come?

Steph, YAY for new house! I don't envy you the move but I wish I could be there to help you! Hugs!!

Chris, glad you checked in and hope all is well! We need some updated pics of miss Sophie! :hugs:

Okay girls please forgive if I missed anyone, I've got serious Mommy-baby-nausea-exhaustion brain going. Sigh. Just trying to take one day at a time.

Hugs and love to ALL! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies, so good to hear from so many.

Steph, so glad you found a house!! Glad the birthday party went well, but so sorry about the shots!! Yikes! Our next appt is her 9 month, but no shots at that one. What will I do at the 1 year?? Good to know ahead so I can insist DH goes with. Hope the move goes smoothly.

CJ, glad Zoe got transitioned to her big girl room. She is so cute. LOL on the big head!! I have a small noggin as does DH, so Jo's head is pretty small, but I love that Zoe is top heavy! More room for a bigger brain like her mommy!! Hang in there!! Almost there!!

Angela, you poor thing!! I hated the sight and smell of meat when pregnant. I do not know how you are doing it. Can you take the anti nausea medicine?? Many hugs and hope you feel better.

Beth, ahhhh so sorry you were sick with thrush. Poor you and poppy. And. sorry the little guy is so constipated. The only bad side effect of the reflux meds. The baptism preparations sound great!! The very thought of the cup cakes is making my mouth water.

Ma, the house just gets better and better. I am so envious of all the storage!! And thanks for the sale advice. Myself as well as my realtor are on the
Same page.

AFM, well it's a done deal and we are listing our house. The good news is that she was pretty impressed with the upgrades we have done and thinks it will garner top dollar in it's market. Bad news is average days on market are in the 200s. So since we want to get out sooner than later, we are pricing it a bit lower to move it faster. My realtor is a friend and I really appreciate the fact that she was pretty straight foreward about the listing price and didn't try and inflate it, or try and blow smoke up my wazoo telling me it was worth more than it is. I was a real estate appraiser for 10 years and I know an inflated price when I hear it. I've had friends that had property on the market for years because their realtor kept telling them to wait for a better offer. In the en they sold for less than some of the original offers. So anyway, I am hopeful we will be out by June or July!!! Fingers crossed. As for Jo she's still sick. A little nervous about flying with her with a head cold. Her ears may really bother her when the pressure changes. I always feed her a bottle on decent and ascent but with a cold I don't know of her ears will clear correctly. Any advice?? And Angela I hear you, seems jo is sick every other week. I blame day care, but maybe it's just that they haven't been exposed yet to the different germs.

Ok I'm out. Just got caught by my boss typing on my phone and sitting on the counter. Oops! But two more days and it's MEXICO!!! I'm just a little excited.
Adios!! Anna
Hi Mommies and Mommies to be!

Beth – sorry to hear about the Thrush, but glad you both are recovering. If I remember correctly, you were pumping like 8-10 ounces, you should be able to get your supply up in no time! YAY Poppy’s Baptism! I am sure it will be lovely and heck yay on hiring someone to clean! You don’t need to add that stress, and you just recently got cleared from your c-section. Better to take it easy.

Rebekah – LOL on the man cave! All men must have one somewhere in the house (garage, den, basement). That is awesome about the extra storage. That is the only drawback on the house we are renting. It is bigger, but it doesn’t have the storage space. So that is a bummer.

CJ – YAY big girl room and LOL on Zoe’s head size…too funny. How wonderful that your mommy will be in town for 3 weeks. That is nice. What a blessing that she will be able to stay for a while to help out, as well as your sis. I am so excited f you…the next few days will FLY by! This time next week we will be seeing photos of little Z…Can’t wait!

Angela – Yikes all day sickness! I hear you about pureed meat. Katelyn won’t eat it at all. We gave her regular meat and she actually ate it. She does better with the regular meat than the baby food stuff. For only having 2 teeth, she eats pretty well LOL. Poor Ethan being sick again. Is it another cold? Perhaps he is allergic to something? At any rate, I hope that he feels better. I was going to say that all the sickness may mean that you are having a girl, but you also had a lot of all day sickness with Ethan as well.

Carole – I hope that you have been able to get some sleep

AFM – nothing new. We have started to give Katelyn more of our food per our Dr. She said she could eat anything that wasn’t a choking hazard (nuts, grapes, hard candies). In fact he said to give her eggs 2-3x a week. So, the other night, in addition to some baby food (which she promptly stopped eating the minute I gave her some pasta), she had some chicken, pasta, and refried beans (we were having tacos). She ate all the pasta and chicken that we put on the plate for her. That was the highlight, the downside is that she is not sleeping very well. I think her teeth are bothering her. Last night she was up at 12:15am and it took me an hour to get her back to sleep. She was asleep I kid you not from 1:15 -1:25 and then was standing up in her crib crying. By that time I was so tired, I just brought her into the bed with us and she slept fitfully. She tossed and turned and woke up repeatedly. I am glad that she was in our bed because getting up every hour due to her crying would have really sent me over the edge. Needless to say, I am exhausted and Steve’s back is acting up, because not only does she toss and turn, she HOGS the bed! And she likes to sleep right up against him or have some body part (hand or foot) touching him, so he sleeps on the edge of the bed. I will say, he did get up this morning when I did. I was about to be pissed that he was going back to sleep when I had to get up and go to work, but he got up and tended to her so I could pump and get dressed.

I did stop pumping at work. I am a bit uncomfortable by around 4pm, but I am happier. Only 7 more weeks until I stop pumping completely…(hopefully, unless I cave) and will only nurse when needed. Sorry for the lengthy post!

Chris, Jules, Viv Hi!!! Hope you all are doing well. I know there are few other folks out there and a few new folks that we haven’t heard from in a while. I hope you all are doing ok too! Hi to all the 35+ lurkers Hope you have a great weekend!


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