35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Steph, we're going through sleeping issues as well with Amelia. I'm surprised there's no teeth yet. Today she broke into hives on her back and belly. Not sure WHAT it is. I did give her Organic corn/butternut squash. Someone on FB said corn is an allergen for kids until a year old. ((sigh)) Well. I'll stop feeding it to her ASAP and see what happens. It could be teething maybe? or the new sunblock, though that wasn't put on her back. She doesn't have a fever either.

Man cave. He needs that as much as "I" need him to have it. lol I'm sure he'll enjoy it. My rule is it can't look dorky and MUST be kept picked up. Other than that, he can go to town! He loves video games, watching sports, movies I can't BARE to watch. He's not much of a drinker but he loves the games and guy movies.

My mom has begged for Amelia so we're letting her take Amelia for a couple of hours. I'm not sure what we're going to do together. I'm going to try NOT to worry. lol
Hey girls!

How is everyone doing? I'm sorry I haven't been on in a bit - it's been a hectic week and I have been so tired this week for some reason.

Carole - how are you feeling? I remember what it feels like to not sleep well during the 3rd tri. You're so exhausted and you feel as if you have 5 bowling balls strapped to your stomach, and you're just over it! Hang in there honey, not long now! :hugs:

Angela - I am so sorry that you are having sickness with this little bean :( I know how sick you were with Ethan - I hope the nausea goes away soon - you deserve a nice, easy-going pregnancy! :thumbup: By the way, the family pics you posted on FB are just gorgeous! Ethan is just too adorable for words! I also love the song you chose for the montage "Fly me to the Moon" by Jason Mraz. Hubby and I love Jason Mraz and one of his songs 'I'm Yours' is a song we sing to each other :cloud9: (I know, how sappy are we? :rofl:)

JuneBug - yay on Z moving into her room! :thumbup: How are you feeling?

Rebekah - Amelia's pics are beautiful and how gorgeous is Amelia? You must stare at her all day long! I'm so pleased to hear that progress is being made on your new house purchase because you really need to get out of your current neighborhood! Great tip on having two nurses do the shots at once - I didn't think of that. I'm going to ask for that next time. BTW I added you as a friend on FB :thumbup:

Anna - yikes on the rodeo plans by your house! :shock: Best of luck selling the property, I hope it all goes well for you! :hugs: Also, have a blast in Mexico! I am so jealous, I need a vacation LOL

Steph, I love Katelyn's pics on FB - she is SO beautiful. I was browsing them the other day and hubby commented on how adorable Katelyn is. I can't believe she is one already, can you? Time flies! I can't believe the poor thing had SIX shots in one visit. OMG I would have lost it LOL. Poor little thing.

Beth - speaking of shots...I said the same thing Charlie did about how deep the needle goes into the leg. I wish I didn't see that and had turned away like you did. Hubby and I had our eyes glued to Gabby at the time (I still can't believe I cried after :rofl:) Best of luck with the baptism! I can't wait to see how handsome little poppy will look in this outfit! :cloud9:

AFM, well I finally got my period last Monday which was great and now the weight loss is starting to happen - FINALLY!! I lost 6lbs this week, but that was mostly water weight. I'm aiming to lose no more than 1lb - 2lbs a week from here on. I don't want to lose too quickly. So if all goes to plan, by the end of summer/early Fall I will be at goal weight! :thumbup:

I've been so tired this week - maybe getting my period has something to do with that? I'm not sure. I need to hit Kohls to return some stuff but I can hardly drag my ass off the couch LOL

Here's a pic of Gabby taken in R.I over Easter - her father has super long eyelashes (everyone comments on them) and I was hoping that Gabby would get them and it seems that is likely to happen (fingers crossed!!). Look how long they are now!

Hope everyone else is doing well? Love to all and a happy weekend to everyone! :hug:
Oh my gosh Jules she is just beautiful!!!! I love the shots you take of her! You should be in the photography field. So sorry you are so tired, but Yehhh oh the weight loss front, go girl!!

Ma, we would love to find a house with a big garage and I think that would be DH's man cave. But he needs one too. So happy for you on the house front and goo luck on the sleep front. Hope the hives clear up. I had not heard that about corn but the baby food book I have does have a list of foods that should not be given before 1 year. Who would have guessed honey??

AFM, it's Saturday and we leave tomorrow. So excited and getting a pedicure right now!! Take care and be back in a week.

Hey CJ just saw ur FB status keep us posted on baby boy. I'm so excited
Hey girls! Chantal had her baby Zacharie! Born last night (Monday evening) 7 lbs 5 oz! I'm sure she will update when she is able but from FB post, everyone looks well and happy!

So I'm sitting in my RE's office, waiting, waiting, waiting for my scan. Hopefully, she won't be running an hour behind today! :wacko:
Hi ladies!

Everyone must be busy working or with those babies! :haha:

Ethan just went down for his nap, so I thought I would share today's ultrasound photo. Baby is tracking perfectly, at 8+4! Heartbeat good and strong at 177! :cloud9: I will now be turned over to my OB, whom I see in 3 weeks. Meanwhile, I'll just be praying this sickness eases up! :sick:

The only thing that helps my stomach feel better is eating, so I am probably gaining crazy weight. It's not showing up as much yet because I am losing muscle as fast as I'm gaining fat (no extra energy right now for walking or light strength training, but hoping to get back to that in 2nd tri). I'm constantly cramming down food I don't want and that doesn't appeal, because I know it will help the nausea. Every so often, I get a true craving (this weekend I had my favorite sandwich EVER, as had been craving that for a week! :haha:) but so far, otherwise food is pretty much blah. The same diet (basically, chicken and potatoes and variations on that bland theme!) has been working about like it did with Ethan, so I'm sticking with that. But man, am I OVER the eating of food I don't want. And it's getting bad enough I'm needing a zofran any time I have to actually go anywhere or do anything. Sigh. Hoping for better days soon!

So it's quiet on here today! How's everyone doing? I hope Anna is having a great time in Mexico, and CJ is enjoying that precious little boy!

Please keep PurpleLou in your thoughts and prayers, as well, for her scan tomorrow!

:hugs: girls!


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Hi Angela,

Thanks for the update on your Dr appointment and on CJ as well as PurpleLou!!!Old wives tale is that if the hb is above 155 it is a little girl. We shall see Hee hee!

Rebekah - how was your mom's visit with Amelia?Also, I saw the post on your FB about the corn. I had never heard of that...hmm

I hope that Anna is having a fabulous time in Mexico

AFM - I will be MIA for a few days. We are moving all this week and will be out of the current house this weekend. This is extremely stressful and hubby and i have been arguing non stop. He is currently giving me the silent treatment. Fun times! This is the first house we are getting together so there is lots of bickering about where things are going to go, when is it going to go, etc. It is quite the learning experience I shall say. I am hoping that Katelyn doesn't have any major sleeping issues with being in a new room, etc. Wish me luck and SANITY!
Thanks Steph! I will keep your move in my prayers, I KNOW how awful moving is WITHOUT a one year old! Can't imagine doing it right now! Hugs! :hugs:
Congrats CJ!!! Can't wait to see pictures!

Awesome new on the scan Angela!!

Just a quickie but hope everyone is doing well!!! At least one person for sure is... Anna in Mexico! :haha: *Jealous!!!
Congrats CJ! Can't wait to see pics!!

Angela - great news on the scan! :cloud9: Not so great news on the nausea :( I'm sorry honey, I hope the nausea gets better soon :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well - I can't believe I go back to work in 2 weeks. BOO! I am NOT looking forward to it:cry:

Off to do some grocery shopping, so more later!! xo
Congrats CJ!! :happydance: I don't think your on my FB. Not sure why. Maybe when you actually get some time we'll hookup together on facebook. Praying your basking in joy with your family. :hugs:

Steph, Time went well with gramma!

The corn issue. I'm not all sure WHAT is going on. AMelia still has the hives. She hasn't had the corn since Friday and yet she's thrown up twice. The Dr.'s think she has a virus that needs to run it's course but I'm thinking it's teething. I keep getting told that hives aren't associated with teething. Tonight was better and she was happier altogether today but I have noticed it's not as bad for her to bite down as it was yesterday. I didn't feel for a tooth because the Dr. said yesterday it wasn't even breaking through. It's like a guessing game over here. :wacko: The hives aren't a bother to her (at least I don't think they are) and while she had a mild fever on Monday, when we took her on Tuesday it was back to normal. Any experience with this??

Hoping Anna is having a great time. Chris, how are you?? Haven't seen or heard from Viv in a while.

House is going smoothly so far. Waiting on the appraiser which I had hoped would be out by the end of the week but I haven't heard anything so maybe it will be next week. I'm also PRAYING for a miracle that the kind sellers would leave earlier than expected. They have been sweet so far but we REALLY need to get out of here! Girl is back next door and I just have no idea what she plans to do. The home fills with cigarette smoke when they are home and with the weather warming up for summer the nuts come out to play. Even if it is the middle of July at least we'll have a place now. I'm enjoying looking at ideas for remodeling which will obviously happen over time and NOT all at once. I can't WAIT to be all on one floor for now. Especially since we will try again in the winter. It will help to be on the same floor even with the rooms a bit smaller.

Weight loss for me is a bit slower because I'm not able to get out and walk or hike like I'd like to with the area we're living in. I go out for a short time when Doug IS here but it's not the same. I have no doubt I'll start losing once I get more active. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude but I must say I've been quite depressed living like a hermit. :lol:

Anyways, waiting to hear from all the pregnant ladies to hear all is well. Can't wait to see pics of the new babies as well. What JOY!
Hello ladies,
Im sorry Ive been in and out of here a bit, but I kept worrying that I was jinxing something by posting here too early :dohh: anyway, I hope you are all well :) the babies on this thread are all completely scrummy!!!

I went for my 12 weeks scan yesterday and all seems well so far, just waiting on the screening results but baby was very active and measuring 64.2mm and NT measurement was 1.5 - which I think is ok.

Rottpaw - I love your little peanut's picture :hugs: !!

Here is ours..

Thanks all for the sweet notes about my scan! So happy that all is well, just REALLY ready to get past first tri lol. So tired and sick and tired of feeling sick and tired :rofl:

Purple, welcome to grads and we hope you will feel welcome and comfy here! It's a great group of ladies and I think you will love it! Congrats on the gorgeous scan photos! Baby is lovely!! Just a few more weeks till you can find out gender!

Okay girls sorry for short post. Am chasing little monkey all over the house today lol!
Jules, I just realized I never responded to your note above - thank you! We love the photos and video the photographer did, an I love that song too! I'd hear of that artist but not heard his music, really enjoyed the version of the song that our photog selected! And major congrats on your weight loss girl! Awesome job!

Bek, I don't believe teething causes hives; JMHO but far as I'm aware hives should be considered a fairly serious allergic reaction... I was once hoapitalized with them. Once you get them they can take a while to go away (like weeks, if not treated with cortisone etc) so just because she hasn't has corn in a few days, that could still be the culprit... Just a thought!
Hi ladies! Angela thanks for updating! Just got home now, we're both well. Off to nap and will come back with more details tonight!
Purple, beautiful baby bean pic. LOVE it! :hugs:

Angela, Thank you. She's still got the hives. It's not red but they're bugging me seeing them and they're not gone. She has an appointment next week and I'll be asking for something to get rid of them. I checked her gums myself and there's nothing there while the gums are white not inflamed.

I'd say it's the corn, the new sunblock I put on her that day or the fact that Doug washed her clothes in our regular detergent and not Charlies Soap.

CJ, so glad your home and all went well. Can't wait to hear everything.
Hi ladies,

I am taking a break from packing and Katelyn just went to sleep...It is HOT here in Los Angeles. The move is coming along we should be outta here by Sunday and then Monday we will come back and vacuum, etc.

Purple - LOVE the photo of your little bean, especially the 2nd one where baby is kicking out a leg LOL.

Rebekah - Katelyn gets hives ALL the time, but then they go away. I do agree with angela, in that it is an allergic reaction (in fact her Dr said that is what it was). Sometimes when we go outside and in the grass she will get them, but then again, my husband will get a hive for no reason or if he gets too hot. It is funny you said that about the laundry, because that was my first thought, that she was breaking out because the detergent was too harsh. I hope you are able to pinpoint as I know how frustrating that can be. Keep us posted on the house. As for the weight loss, I am not doing so great either. I too am waiting until we move to resume my workout schedule. We are literally around the corner from a partk and our new neighborhood is lovely so there will be lots of walking going on. Lets keep each other motivated!!

Jules - sorry that you are going back to work soon. It is not fun. I am still not used to it and I have been back for 7 months!

CJ - Love the photos of Z! He is simply precious! Glad you are both home and doing well.

Angela - thanks for the prayers on the move...keep em coming!

Hi Chris, Anna, Carole...anyone heard from Skye lately?

Hope you all are having a fantastic week!


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