35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh, hey Angela - how did you change your ticker to show birthday number 2? I went to Lilypie and didn't see where I could do it.
Hi ladies,

I am taking a break from packing and Katelyn just went to sleep...It is HOT here in Los Angeles. The move is coming along we should be outta here by Sunday and then Monday we will come back and vacuum, etc.

Purple - LOVE the photo of your little bean, especially the 2nd one where baby is kicking out a leg LOL.

Rebekah - Katelyn gets hives ALL the time, but then they go away. I do agree with angela, in that it is an allergic reaction (in fact her Dr said that is what it was). Sometimes when we go outside and in the grass she will get them, but then again, my husband will get a hive for no reason or if he gets too hot. It is funny you said that about the laundry, because that was my first thought, that she was breaking out because the detergent was too harsh. I hope you are able to pinpoint as I know how frustrating that can be. Keep us posted on the house. As for the weight loss, I am not doing so great either. I too am waiting until we move to resume my workout schedule. We are literally around the corner from a partk and our new neighborhood is lovely so there will be lots of walking going on. Lets keep each other motivated!!

Jules - sorry that you are going back to work soon. It is not fun. I am still not used to it and I have been back for 7 months!

CJ - Love the photos of Z! He is simply precious! Glad you are both home and doing well.

Angela - thanks for the prayers on the move...keep em coming!

Hi Chris, Anna, Carole...anyone heard from Skye lately?

Hope you all are having a fantastic week!


I think we must be related! :lol: We're very similar you and I.:winkwink::flower:

Good luck with the move. I'm guessing when we move in the middle of July it will be about as hot as it is right now where you are. I don't envy the moving in heat. In fact, I get pretty darn grumpy in heat. The three of us are REALLY light. In fact, Doug's brother is called "white lightening" back in high school. You could literally see through him he was so pale. :rofl: I RUN from heat. You'll find me under an air conditioner with a tea in hand. Hahaha I used to covet my friends who could sit out in the sun and have beautiful tans. I would sit out and end up with blisters so after my first blister in the sun I decided heat wasn't my friend!lol

Does Katelyn use creams when she breaks out in hives? I'm wondering what to do next week. She's due her shots but If they don't clear up I wonder if we should wait? :shrug: Tonights bath proved they aren't any worse but they aren't getting any better either. Angela is right about the couple of weeks I'm betting.

You'll have to take pics of the new place when you get the time. I bet it's nice. You'll be able to breathe once your moved in. I think it will also be great to encourage each other to exercise. Today I did pretty well. I was craving ice cream and so far I've had my share of fruits and veggies. Since my sweet tooth is at night I decided to make a pineapple,coconut, raspberry and banana smoothy. All natural no sugar and blended it in our vitamix. Oh Yummy! I also made my pasta sauce in it too today. Threw in a bunch of veggies with some herbs and it made a great sauce. SO paid for our vitamix with all the uses we're getting out of it!

Praying your move goes smoothly dear friend!

:hug: to everyone!
I feel quite jealous with you ladies taking about the heat, I am still scraping frost off my car in the mornings! although Im not not so keen on really hot sunshine, it's nice to be able to walk the dogs or go out doors without a coat!
Steph good luck with your move, I hope all goes smoothly and easily :)

Mommy Angel - have you found a new home now?

Ladies you have to bear with me a little bit, because it's going to take me a while to get to know you all :)

I have realised I didn't really introduce myself either properly :dohh: I am Louise - Lou, Im 40, married to Brad. we were ttc for just over a year. I am a nurse in a doctors surgery in the Midlands UK, and I am so happy to be here :)
Hi Ladies -

I've been so busy with preparing poppy's baptism party that I haven't been on much here, but I do check back here and there!

CJ, I want to see pics!! I don't see them yet, i know you are recovering (hey, it took me almost a week to even tell you ladies I had poppy!) and I hope you are enjoying every moment of those precious newborn days. I sent you an invite on facebook, so I can't wait to see updates!

Angela - that scan is awesome! I'm so happy for you!! Yucky nausea is worth it in the end. :happydance:

Lou - love that you are here. I saw your scan and it made me want to get pregnant again NOW! :haha::haha: Then getting up at 5am made me say....hmm, maybe in a few more months, not yet! but I'm so glad you are here, settle in and get to know our warm and loving family on this board. open arms to you and little one!

MA - scary about the hives! so sorry! I would be a wreck as I never had one and wouldn't know what to do! Good for you on the weight loss. all my baby weight is gone but I had convinced myself, quite easily I must say, that since I'm bf'ing, those 500 extra calories can be from eater candy. :dohh: Once the christening is over, I'm all set for walking the neighborhood! we should start a virtual club!

Hi Steph! good luck with the move! My old job (that I may go back to), while I worked in Boston, my entire group was based in our office in Culver City, so I've been to LA many times....hot hot hot. I was there in May a few years ago when there was a record heat wave....and I don't do well in the heat! but I always had fun out there. Last time I was there was last May (during my bday! luckily charlie was with me) and we went on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. We made plans to come back and spend a night in the hotel there, but 2 weeks later I got pregnant....so that will have to wait! :winkwink:

Jules - how are you dear? :hugs: How is the beauty doing?

AFM - I'm thinking we are in another growth spurt....eating like mad and sleeping all the time. so I've been feeding him around 10-10:30 at night, or I will wake him for a sleep feed at 11pm and he is usually down until 5 or 5:30....with the occasional night he sleeps until 7am! So he is doing much better with the sleep, of course last night, he was up until 11pm but I fed him at 10:30 and he slept from 11pm to 4:45 but I'll still take it, as he went back to sleep and slept from 5:15 to 8:30 - he could have gone longer I think but Charlie wanted to hold him before he had to go to work!

The party is sunday, my mom made the christening dress and it's beautiful. I hired a cleaning service to come in as poppy still wants to be held all day and I can't clean like that. Charlie is pretty stressed about the party, not looking forward to it and says he feels like he is on display. :dohh: His sisters haven't helped that feeling when they call every night and complain about themselves and then were surprised to find out that we were handling the party ourselves, very surprised that we thought to invite Charlie's older kids (he has 2) - that said: (and I could hear them on the other side of the phone) oh I didn't think you would have even thought to invite them. (what the hell's that about? ) and were SHOCKED when they pushed Charlie to let them bring something and he said, ok you can bring some wine if you want because we don't have any - HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE WINE? I heard that question loud and clear through the phone sitting next to Charlie. Umm, ok, not having wine is not like I'm starving my child here. charlie drinks beer and I have had only about 2 mixed drinks since I even GOT pregnant, but I never drank wine anyways.....ugh. They are constantly annoying me. He said last night that we needed to get some help Saturday as poppy is too draining on us to get much done since we have to hold him all the time. He said he'd call his sisters and I flipped out. I said no, no way in hell would I do that because I'm not having them think I can't do things and take care of my child. It would be just the ammo they needed to make remarks later, such as, well, remember when we HAD to help you.... no thank you. I'll do it all myself. I was very stressed last night. today is better, but I must go while poppy is still asleep and clean up for the cleaners coming! weird I know, but I want to clear out some things so they have a clear path of things to clean.

hello to everyone!!!!! I will post pics of the party! and will try to get on later.

Hi Purplelou! :hi: Congrats on the pregnancy and the wonderful scan pics - so cute!!

Hello ladies!!:hi:

How is everyone doing? Steph - glad to hear the move is going well! :thumbup: Moving is such a pain in the rump, isn't it? I bet you can't wait to get settled.

Rebekah - hopefully not long for you to go until you get to move. I bet you can't wait! It's such a nice feeling to move into your own home and decorate it to your taste. I am super jealous you have a sewing room! I wish I had one! I'm not much of a sewer (I'm learning!) but I am hoping I can get to the stage where I can make Gabriella some cute dresses and accessories one day.

How are our pregnant ladies doing? Angela how are you feeling? Let's hope you speed through the 1st trimester and settle into the 2nd trimester with no nausea. It's no fun feeling icky all day.

Looking forward to hearing from you, JuneBug! Can't wait to hear details!! :hugs:

Beth, how are you doing? How is little Poppy?

AFM, I am doing well - I joined weight watchers on Monday. The weight is starting to come off, but it's rather slow. As long as the scale moves in the right direction, I'm alright with that! :thumbup:

I've got my follow up appointment with my gyn today. I was supposed to go back at the 6 week mark but I've been putting it off! My scar is healing nicely and I'm rather fond of my tummy pooch, I must say LOL. When I look at it, I think of Gabriella, so it really doesn't bother me. Funnily enough I didn't get ANY stretch marks while I was pregnant but now that I'm not pregnant and my stomach has shrunk back, I am getting stretch marks! They aren't too bad though, just a few on either side of my lower abdomen.

Ladies, did anyone's hair start to fall out after giving birth? My hair is thicker than ever (much thicker than it was before I got pregnant) so I am waiting for it to start falling out - any day now I'm sure. How long does it usually take for it to start falling out? I'm not looking forward to being fat AND bald! LMAO! :rofl:

Hope everyone is doing well! Happy Friday!! :hugs::hug:
Hey girls!

Thanks to all asking how I'm feeling. Still pretty much :sick: mostly 24-7. Occasionally I will get a craving and feel hungry for something, but mostly just feel queasy constantly. Have to force down food, as thats the only thing that helps my stomach feel better. But then today i had a chicken cutlet (which usually eorks pretty well) then got so sick halfway thru i had to feed the rest to ethan! (good news there, though - he ate a few tiny pieces of real chicken! SO ready for 2nd tri! 9 weeks today. :happydance:

So my RE said I could quit my progesterone supplements on thhe 23rd. But, as with Ethan, I'm too nervous to stop them then. :dohh::dohh: I know, inKNOW I should listen to my dr., but I waited till 12 weeks with Ethan after reading google horror stories (d$mn that website!) so can't quite bring myself to do it. Dr. promises the placenta fully takes over by 9 weeks, but so many things on web seem to say it may not take over fully till 12 weeks which is why I waited the first time around. Sigh. Would LOVE to stop them but can't convince myself. :dohh:

Anyway, so glad everyone is well! Beth, the christening party will be lovely and I can't wait to see pics! Steph, still praying for your move! Bek, see if dr will give you anything or tell you a Benadryl dosage for those hives. CJ, can't wait to see more pics when you have time (in all your free time, :rofl:) Jules, you are rocking the weight loss! Don't worry about pacing, just as long as it comes off you're golden! And I love your attitude about tummy pooches! I need to adopt that because the one I've already got now (and can't blame on baby,who's way too small yet!) is already driving me nuts!

Purple, we are so glad to see you here! Come on in and make yourself at home! :hugs:

Okay ladies, just a quick post as Ethan is taking his short afternoon nap. Off to tackle laundry and grocery list. :hugs: please excuse massive typos!
Oh, steph, on the ticker, not quite sure but I think it was under kids tickers, seems like in a different section than babies' tickers, Hth!
Hi Beth!

Your hubby's sisters sound like quite the pair! LOL They wouldn't like our house because we don't have wine either LOL. Like you. I'm not really a big drinker, never have been and I don't mind a glass of wine (rarely) but I'm not much of a wine drinker.

So glad to hear poppy is sleeping better!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: and I am so excited to see poppy's Christening pictures - he is going to be just beautiful in his outift. I love that you have an heirloom piece for him to wear. :cloud9:

Thanks for asking about Gabby, she is doing great, thank you!! I just love her to bits and she's such a happy girl!:cloud9:

Angela - I hear you on the Progesterone! I was on it for a bit (my Dr. put me on it just to make me feel better really, as it was dipping in the early days). Like you, I didn't feel comfortable getting off it too soon. My Dr. said if it made me feel better, to stay on it for a while longer, so I did - until I was 11 and a half weeks! Even if it's for peace of mind, if it makes you feel better, stay on it for a little while longer honey!:hugs:

Just got back from the doctor's office and my scar looks good. I asked about contraception and she told me to not get back on it and to just test for ovulation. If I am not ovulating, then to go ahead and do the deed!:rofl: It's a bit like jumping without a safety net, but as she stated - what's the worst that could happen? I get pregnant. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be right? LOL

Time to feel Gabriella - hope everyone is well!
Hi Ladies,

Lou, we DID find a home and right now we're going through the underwriting now. I'm told it's hit or miss on how long it could take. We'll probably be in by the end of July. As for weather, I certainly hear you! Today was in the high 70's and sunny. The weekend we're getting snow. :wacko: The weather has been odd this year. We're in Central NY where we get TONS of snow and we've hardly had any...that is until now which is spring. :wacko:

Angela, I'd stick with what is comfortable for you. I don't think 3 more weeks will hurt with progesterone but I'm not a Dr. of course. I do know I was on at 14 wks until 36wks with injections. Mine for different reasons. Thanks for the heads up, I'll ask the Dr. next week for meds if she hasn't cleared up. She's been moody again today. I REALLY think this is more a teething thing. She's biting down really hard on things and her cheeks are bright red. She smiles otherwise.

Beth Christening party will be lovely. I agree with Angela. Speaking of that, Amelia will have her "baby dedication" at church on May 13th with both grandma's and both grandpa's. Just a small intimate family gathering though one would say it's a bit bigger with the rest of the church who came around us during our loss with Jackson and then again while carrying Amelia. She has become "everybody's baby". I kind of like it a lot. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I like the idea that while we're training her the way she should go, the church will come around her to pray for her, love her, guide her, etc. We'll order a sheet cake for the church and most likely go out for dinner afterwards with the grandparents.

Jules, I hope you get your sewing room one day. It's really not that hard at all. I'm more of a quilter than a "sewer" but I just bought a DVD to help along with a friend of mine who sews clothes. I bought some material last winter and hoped to make some clothes for Project Christmas Child but never got to the clothes because I was ttc and hormonal. I just sent packages instead of making outfits this year and it broke my heart. I usually gather with other ladies in my area to make a quilt for the New York State Fair which gets judged and then goes on to a children's hospital. I also knit a little bit.

Everything I learned, I learned during the grieving process when we lost our son. I took a knitting class, then a couple quilting classes, some cross stitch and I have to say each group was FILLED with ladies who were in different seasons of their lives. Some during hardship, others during their primes. It was the best thing I did and I'm hoping to do it again once we get settled in our own home.

Well, that's it here for now. So glad to see all the ladies are doing well.
Thank you for the warm welcomes ladies!

beth - the Christening party sounds lovely, I can't wait to see pictures. Hope the day goes beautifully for you xx

Rebekah - glad to hear you found a new home, I hope the process goes quickly for you and you can be in and settled soon xx

Jules - Gabby is beautiful - look at that smile in your pic xx

Angela - I hope the nausea lets up soon, mine has just settled, but it's sooo draining isn't it!

Steph - I hope the move has gone smoothly and you are now getting settled in.

:hi: and :hugs: to everyone else xxx
Hi Ladies!

I have finally recovered from the christening Sunday! :) We had a lovely time, which was a relief because little poppy was very off all weekend! spitting up SO much I was afraid he was sick, but didn't have a temperature. crying all the time too in big discomfort. Sunday morning, he was spitting up everything we gave him but the second we got into church and through the rest of the day, he was a perfect angel, only spitting up on mommy a few times and not too much! :haha: Poor Charlie said we would NEVER have a party again, this was too much on us....I told him we can wait about another 18 months and have another christening, we should be recovered by then :haha: But it was stressful, the two of us thought we wouldn't pull it off but we did! when the ceremony finished and we were taking pictures, I realized I never put on makeup except for lipstick and couldn't remember what I did with my hair. Oh well! I looked presentable so I'll take it!

we catered the meal itself and I made the desserts... the photo of the desserts - I made cupcakes, oatmeal scotchies (cookies), chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cup tarts, lemon tartlets (lemon curd mixed with cool whip, spooned into phyllo cups and topped with a raspberry, so easy!) and stuffed strawberries (marscapone and sweetened heavy whipped cream mixed together piped into berries). Just about all the desserts are gone - I never even got a strawberry! just a few cookies and a cupcake or two. For the meal photo - the tray in front was for the stuffed mushrooms, then we had steak tips, chicken verdi, haddock, chicken tenders and a salad. We had a couple of accidents of food on the rug and someone spilled red wine (figures!) and someone broke a statue, but all in all, not a bad time. family issues, of course - 2 of my brothers never bothered to speak to me and only stayed about 40 minutes - enough for the food, and left......they had never even been to the house before and didn't speak with either charlie or myself, but then they are just rude. The party lasted about 5 hours and boy were we exhausted! Poppy never slept at all from 10am on..just a 5 minute catnap here and there on me, but was fascinated with all the people and just sat quietly on myself or charlie the whole time. I fed him twice in private in the nursery but he just wouldn't sleep! When everyone left, the three of us snuggled quietly the rest of the night. I was hoping he'd sleep like a rock being up so long but he didn't....wasn't bad, but did wake up. Yesterday we spent a quiet day and he chowed down so much food and slept from 8-11, woke for a nightcap top off and slept until 7am! but he is a very loud sleeper, moaning and grunting, so he kept waking me up! but he stayed asleep.

I made favors as well and put them in a basket by the door - little onesies with a cross and his initials....cute, I loved them.

all in all not a bad day even though we had miserable weather - cold and rainy and raw - somehow we managed to fit in 35 people into our little home.

anyhoo - lou - love having you here! 13 weeks, goes by so fast! LOVED the scan. I keep going back to look at it. :flower:

Jules - hello my friend, how is little Gabby? As far as the contraception - my OB put me on progestin and said not to get pregnant for 6 months as my scar was bigger and needed a full year or so to heal. I swear in my head I have a big red circle around September to get off them and try again! Charlie may not quite realize it yet but hey, we aren't getting any younger!:haha:

MA - I can understand how Amelia is considered "everybody's baby"...just one look at her and you want to cuddle and be around her! I wished we all on here lived close so our babies could play together.

Angela - how are you feeling hon? I hope this nasty nausea passes soon. How do you think Ethan will fare with a new baby? I'm still trying to imagine a little one with poppy....naturally, he will be bigger but I'm curious as to how to juggle more than one as he is all-consuming for me right now.

Hello to everyone else - CJ (I hope you are recovering! can't wait to see pics), steph, anna, and all the lovelies. :hi:


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here are close up pics of the christening dress my mom made


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Hey ladies! :hi:

I started a long post yesterday, and my ipad crashed and took the post with it. :grr:I am getting so fed up with that thing - as handy as it can be, it's only useful if it works, and lately it crashes about 80% of the time I'm trying to use it! Sigh. I do realize it's a first world problem, LOL. I just wish it wouldn't crash while I'm typing something that I can't retrieve!

Beth, everything is BEAUTIFUL! You are a baking MARVEL, woman! i don't know how you do it - when I had a two month old, I couldn't handle making anything more complicated than toast! And even in my normal state it would take me days to make all those desserts! awesome job! And the christening gown was lovely! I'm sure the party was a hit, and you and Charlie will both recover and be ready to do it all again when Poppy's first birthday rolls around! :happydance:

I'm hanging in there, thanks. MISERABLE with nausea these days, all night and all day. It's getting bad enough that I'm needing to take a zofran most days or nights (trying to keep it to one per day, but even that is hard!) :dohh: I wanted to limit my usage of that in the first tri especially, but it's so hard when I have to hit the ground running (and keep going!) all day with little bear. i just sort of have to do whatever it takes to be able to function. So I'm just praying nothing I'm taking will affect the baby. To answer your question, I don't know how I'll manage two under two, but after managing one with 24-7 nausea, I'm figuring it's GOT to get better from here LOL! I know it will take some adjustments on all our parts but I think (hope!) we will have less drama next time than we did the first time. I'm hoping we won't have had any more family losses (my Dad died 3 weeks before Ethan was born, and my grandma a month before him) and that I can avoid PPD this time around (I am thinking at least some of my PPD was PTSD and grief). So, God willing, this next little one will enter the world on a calmer note in terms of our life events at the time! :thumbup:

We had a nice weekend, as on Sunday our RE clinic hosted their first ever (in 14 years) "baby party" to invite all their graduates and babies to the local park/zoo for the afternoon. It was so nice to introduce Ethan to our RE (whom I LOVE), and I think he enjoyed his first trip to the zoo! He was a bit quiet, as he always is around crowds, but I think he enjoyed the day. Hubby and I enjoyed it as well, and the weather was just gorgeous! My RE asked how I'm feeling with this pgcy (I'd just seen her early that week, but she was making sure I'm doing okay because I was released from her to my OB at that appt). I told her, I may be calling you soon for a Zofran refill! :sick: :cry: She laughed and said no problem! Unfortunately, I'm running out of the stash I had leftover from my last pregnancy, and those things are lifesavers.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well!

Anna, how was Mexico!?

Jules, how's the continued weight loss going? I'm so jealous LOL and I think I am putting on whatever you are losing! :dohh::haha:

CJ, hope all is well sweetie and post when you can. Love to you guys and baby Z!

Bek, I've enjoyed seeing all your home improvement ideas on FB and I'm stealing some of them! :haha:

Lou, so glad you are here, and don't worry, you will get to know everyone quickly! Yes, the nausea is killer. So glad yours is on the way out!

Steph, hope the move is going well! I feel for you, as I positively DETEST moving. Bleh!! Hubby has been making noises lately about looking for a new job if he doesn't get the promo he's looking for next fall, and I'm already campaigning for why we can't sell our house in this market! :rofl: I told him, NO moves until we can clear our investment in this house (and our kids are all 1 or older!) Of course, I'd be willing to follow anywhere God leads us, but I'm not convinced He's leading hubby to change jobs. I'm thinking that's more hubby's irritation with feeling overlooked. sigh.

Carole. How are you feeling sweetie? Not long now!! Hope the race week went well!

Hi to Chris, Viv, Sunshine, Laura, and all our other ladies out there! Please forgive if I'm missing anyone. I've got serious :sick: today and can't think straight.

oh, PS, someone asked about Skye. I've PM'ed her several times but heard nothing. Hoping she's okay!

Hugs ladies! :hugs:
Hello all my lovely friends!!! Or should I say buenos Dias amigas!!!

Mexico was great but more on that later...

CJ!! congrats on little Z!! I am so excited for you and hope all is well.

Angela, I am so sorry you are so sick. I understand the progesterone issue, from what I understand it won't hurt the baby and if it makes you feel better then so be it. However it is probably contributing to your MS. Good luck and feel better!!

Beth the christening sounds lovely and the photos are so beautiful !! I agree with Angela you are a marvel!!!! Glad all worked out. Sorry for the rude relatives what is it with some people??? Hope poppy has recovered and is sleeping. I am so jealous of his sleep!!

Lou!! Welcome and congrats on the 12 week mark. Love the scan photos and look foreward to sharing your journey it's such a magical time.

Jules, sorry the return to work is around the corner. That maternity time just goes by so fast. Have you figured out child care??

MA, yep I hope the house opens up for you earlier. It is hard to be active if you don't feel safe in your neighborhood. I like the idea of a virtual exercise group, I need all the motivation help I can get.

Steph, we may soon be in your situation. I hope the moves goes alright. I HATE moving. Best of luck with the move and DH. Is he speaking to you yet??

Hi to svet, sunshine, Skye, and vivienne. Hope all is well in your worlds.

AFM, well back to the states and no more piña coladas. So sad. But the trip was pretty good and Josephine had a great time. It's nice for her to have mom and dad all to herself again. The weather was beautiful and not too hot. I also managed to get along with my mother fairly well which is saying something. Our hotel was ok, they "lost" Josephine's favorite baby blanket but otherwise all the staff was awesome and loved her. The Mexican culture is very family orientated and they love babies.

So now it's back to work and a mad scramble to get our house ready to go on the market next week. Top it all off Josephine started getting her top two teeth while in Mexico. Good thing I had baby Tylenol. She was running a fever of 101.5. Poor thing. She did not sleep at all last night. She seems to be having a lot more trouble with her teeth this time. Drooling like mad, higher fevers, and a lot more pain. I just hope they pop through soon I need sleep. Plus side is she took an hour nap early this morning from 8:30-9:30 so I worked out for an hour to a P90X DVD. I have to stop making excuses for not working out. Anyhow, work is slow but life is crazy. Have a good Tuesday!! Anna
Check out the new avatar!! It only took me three months to figure out how to do it!!
Hi Ladies,

I am doing a drive by!!! So it will be quick!

Beth - WOW is all I can saw about the desserts you made. I am in awe. Like Angela, I don't know how were able to manage it with a 2mo old. Shoot Katelyn is 1 and I can barely get stuff done! The photos are beautiful! I love the one of him smiling. I also love the christening gown! Consider this party a pre-cursor to his 1st birthday. LOL

Jules - Yay on the Go for you and hubby to um do the deed. LOL. We are using male contraceptives until I lose enough weight (and until probably fall) and then it is anything goes!

Angela - I am sorry to hear that the nausea has come back with a vengance. Please take it easy and you will be fine with two under two...look at laura and charmaine, they have two (and Three!) under two and they manage. I know you will be great!

Anna - Welcome back sweetie! Glad that you had a good time in Mexico! I love the new avatar photo. I have P90X as well. Trying to figure out when I can start it again. Last time I was going strong every morning for 4 weeks, then I got pregnant and bye bye P90X :)

AFM - We are now all moved in. Still trying to unpack! What a nightmare that is. I am at the point of if I can't find a place for it, it needs to go to Goodwill! Yes, DH and I are back on speaking terms LOL. Though every day it seems it is touch and go. Once we are totally unpacked and can settle in, it should be ok.

Katelyn loves the crawling room and the fact she can bascially go anywhere in the house and we arent worried aabout her crawling down the stairs! She is eating more and more off our plates. Last night I gave her her dinner and then in addition to that she ate some turkey that Steve and I were having. Angela - Katelyn hated the baby food meat too, but she LOVES real meat LOL.

Ok - gotta go. Hopefully when I get home my cable, telephone, and internet are hooked up. 3 days without TV is too long hee hee.

Hi Rebekah, Laura, Lou, CJ, Chris, Viv, and anyone else who I may have forgotten!

Hi ladies!

Beth. Holy Cats! That was a beautiful baby baptismal. What a lovely dress that was made! Can you come by and cater ours please?lol

Angela...oh dear. :hugs: ms is no fun. So sorry your still going through it but I'm glad all is healthy! :hugs: Steal away too. :winkwink: I'm finding all kinds of idea's. I keep having to draw myself back in and remind myself "one step at a time". All this hurry up and wait stuff has my creative juices flowing and we'd need a rich uncle to tackle everything. Haha

Anna, sounds like the trip to Mexico was a nice experience. Did you have a nanny while you were there? I'm trying to figure out some kid-friendly trips to take and hear of friends like you who go on holidays like this with their kids. I wonder how they did it. When you have time do share! So sorry little bitty had a fever. Breaks my heart when they hurt. Praying your home sells quickly and you get as close to your asking price as you can get!

Steph, glad your move went smoothly. I'm overwhelmed packing and we have a couple months. Balancing Amelia's needs with the rest of the day has been tough when it comes to packing and then I see WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. :wacko: I've been giving things away as well. THEN, I found THE CUTEST antique baby doll carriage I thought I HAD to bring home for Amelia's new room. Umm...what am I THINKING?! Just one more thing to move! :wacko:

I have a walk for Make A Wish coming up and we're investing in a JOOVY jogging stroller. I'm ready to get out and walk but I'm working my way to jogging. I found the greatest pair of trainers and hopefully I'll get a pair over the weekend. My cousin is giving me her copy of P90x because she didn't like it. I'm also still trying to get the hang of the vegan diet. I'm reading a different book from the one Doug has which is similar in dietary needs but will help me comprehend (or so I hope) how to make main dishes.

Today was Amelia's Dr.'s appointment. She is under weight again. :wacko: She's 16.9 so we have to go back in a couple weeks. I swear these Dr.'s are making me neurotic. She probably lost weight during the issue with the reaction she's had. THEY think it was a bug she needs to get through. No topical meds were prescribed for her rash which she still has. We were told to reintroduce foods back but keep away from corn. She said at a year they may have her tested for allergies. When I brought up an actual allergist, she said they'd give the same test. :wacko: Poor Amelia got the 2 injections and SCREAMED bloody murder. It took me a while to calm down and everytime Doug went near her she'd start up again for some reason. :lol:

She has a new sound...MMMMMMMMMMM. Wondering if the fact that mommy is working on MMMMMoMMMA and she's picking up on the phonics. She's also doing the Irish Jig in her jumper. She's too funny!

Tomorrow I'm getting my top wisdom tooth out. Lord be with Doug! Hopefully Amelia won't have any side effects from her injections and I will be a positive and encouraging wife after tomorrows tooth extraction.

Have a lovely day everyone! :hug:
Rebekah don't stress about Amelia's weight. Katelyn is about 15.5 lbs. and she is a year. Granted she was preemie but still. Amelia will be fine
Rebekah - aww poor Amelia and her shots - ouchie!

Beth everything looks amazing - I love the pictures, and you look beautiful! the last picture of little poppy have a right old chuckle - he is such a cutie!!

Anna - glad you had a lovely holiday :) and your new avatar pic is beautiful

hope everyone is having a lovely day xx
Hi girls! Beth wow, what a spread and that gown!!! Beautiful. Lil Poppy is adorable.

Anna glad the trip was lovely! Good for you for working out.

Just a super duper quickie... always afraid to make too much typing noise while baby is sleeping. :wacko: i know I am crazy :dohh:

Things are going well here...... time is racing. Sophie is doing great. She cut her two front teeth on the weekend. She is such a champ. Been giving her advil as she needs it, but never wakes in the night. Just gets really fussy late day early evening and will refuse afternoon naps when not feeling good. The worst of it seems to be past us. Anna I hope it goes quickly for Jo. Sophie's front teeth took 6 weeks on and off to finally cut through!

I know I've missed a ton of you but big hugs all around! Angela, you will be an awesome mommy of two. I think 2nd time round has to be easier with all the added wisdom we've gained ;) CJ will let us know. Can't wait to see pics of baby Z!

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