35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi girls!

Anna - LOVE the new profile pic! So glad to hear you had a good time in Mexico, I was very jealous :haha: - I could use some sun and beach! To answer your question, we have found a fabulous nanny - she is the godmother of the daughter of a friend of ours. I took her to lunch several weeks ago and she was so great with Gabby. She's also very flexible which is great. I work from home, so I will be here too but I still wish I would win the lotto so I didn't need to hire a nanny! :haha:

Beth, I absolutely loved the pics you posted on FB of the Christening. Hubby and I were admiring Poppy's gown, it is so beautiful. I told Tony that you made the favors yourself and he was very impressed. By the way, I am highly jealous that you can look that good with just a bit of lipstick. I have to slap on the makeup to look halfway decent in pictures! :rofl:

Angela - the weight loss is going pretty well, thanks for asking! Don't be jealous because I literally have to kill myself to drop a pound! :rofl: If I don't work out, I don't lose so I have been working out every day. At first I had to work around Tony's schedule so he could look after Gabby while I worked out, but now I just set the baby monitor up and I'm good to go. I have an eliptical, treadmill and bike in the garage so it makes life easier. I doubt I would be doing anything if I had to go to a gym LOL. I hate gyms and prefer working out in private! So I am down 2lbs this week - I have a long way to go though to get to goal! As long as the scale moves in the right direction, I'm happy! :thumbup:

So speaking of travel it turns out we will be going to Vegas for Thanksgiving this year with my 3 year old godson, his parents (who we are very close with) and about 7 others from their family, including Gabby and my godson's cousin who is 5. At first I didn't think it would be a good idea to be taking the kids to Vegas (I love Vegas and have been there over 20 times since moving to the USA!) but after some research, there is a surprising amount of kid-friendly areas in Vegas so we're all looking forward to it!

Plans for Gabby's Christening are still chugging along...as it is out of town (in Rhode Island) we're having the after party at a restaurant and spending the weekend in Newport, RI which will be fun. We'll be celebrating our wedding anniversary that weekend too :cloud9: - very much looking forward to that!

Do you gals have any plans for Mother's Day? Hubby has something up his sleeve, I don't know what though!

Rebekah, I love the story about how your community rallied around you after Jackson's passing:hugs: It really touched me. I am happy you have good people in your life my friend. :hugs:

Hi to Chris, PurpleLou, Steph, JuneBug and everyone else! :flower:
Morning ladies!!

Steph, good for you and P90x! I get about two or three weeks in and loose motivation. I find it a difficult time commitment to make. So now I use it sporadically to tone. So glad the new house is going so well! And I agree if you don't need it or can't find room for it, chuck it! I HATE clutter. Glad the little one is eating so well that's awesome! Jo keeps eyeing my food, I don't think it will be long before she is eating off our plates.

MA, so sorry Amelia is underweight but I agre with Steph don't stress it too much. I do find it odd that they didn't give you any cream or anything for her rash. How are you doing?? How are the teeth?? I had my wisdom teeth out in college and found out that I was allergic to penecillin at the same time when I swelled up like a tomato when they put me on anti biotics. Hope all goes well for you and you're not in too much pain. Poor girl. As for traveling with the girl we did not have a nanny per se, but my parents were on the trip to take the girl when we wanted to get massages on the beach. Rest of the time she hung with us. Granted we ate dinner pretty early because of her schedule, but last week was my chance to hang out with my baby all week and I didn't want to miss out on any of that time. I miss her so much working all the time. Not to be a freak but I would feel uneasy leaving her with anyone I didn't know. So she hung out with us at the pool, took naps on mommy's chest under the palapa during the day, and ate in the resteraunts in a high chair. We take her everywhere with us here so she's pretty used to eating out or being on the go. She also travels really well. She's a great flyer and hangs tough at the airport. Any travel tips you might need just let me know.

Lou, how are you feeling today???

Svet, OMG help me!!!!! Last night was brutal!! Jo started vomiting huge amounts a little after 10pm, soaking sheets and me. I don't know if she has a bug ( yet again), or if it's the teething pain. It does seem to be a much more difficult process this time. She doesn't have much of a fever right now. I've cut out all formula and she is only on pedialite for next 8 hrs to see if we can settle her stomach. I just don't know if she's sick or if it's due to teething. Or the other possibility is some formula we got in Mexico we used last night to use it up. We've since thrown it away, but poor little girl, so sick and miserable. I don't want to give her any pain meds on an empty stomach so he is just holding tough. Any advice????

AFM, from above story you can probably guess I'm tired again today after not getting any sleep last night. Can't figure out what's wrong. As long as she can keep liquid down we're ok. I think it was the formula. Last night after she threw up. I put her on pedialite and she was keeping that down. But then early this am we have her a bottle and she threw it all up. I guess we'll see, but this makes two nights in a row of no sleep, can't go on much longer. DH seems especially vulnerable to sleep deprivation. He is one grumpy bear with no sleep. Ok that's all from our neck of the woods. Any advice on stomach or teeth is appreciated!!
Hey ladies sorry yet again for going off the radar but work really did take over. I am pure exhausted after working nearly 2 weeks straight with no day off but happy that F1 was such a success for Bahrain.

CJ huge congrats on the safe delivery of Zac, can't wait to see pics:hugs:

Jules good going on the weight loss you will so get there and it will stay off as you are doing it in a sensible and safe way. :happydance:

Beth love the pics of the christening absolutely gorgeous :hugs:

Anna glad you had a fab break in Mexico, it sounded just perfect and what was needed :hugs:

Lou great to see you over here and now in the second tri YAY. I know we all seem at such different stages but we will all support you through the different stages of pregnancy and you will be preparing for birth before you know it. It only seems like yesterday that I got my BFP and here I am about to give birth:hugs:

Angela so sorry to hear the dreaded sickness is back with a vengeance, hoping that it eases up soon for you:hugs:

AFM I am really feeling it now, went to the hospital 2 days ago and confirmed that bubba is fully engaged and I am starting to dilate so I guess things could start anytime now. I have had really bad backache the past few days, increased branxton hicks the past week and had upset tummy yesterday. I am generally not feeling right. My Dr is not back until the 8th May but fully booked until the 13th which is a day before my EDD so I am not going to bother seeing the old Dr I don't like and just go into L&D if I need to get checked. I am going to see if I can continue to work until the end of next week and then get signed off sick for the last stretch if I don't deliver before. Hoping she comes in the next week, do any of you have any positive stories to share on this as I am desperate for her to make her escape now :haha:
Hey ladies! I'm sorry to do multiple posts, but will do small bits at a time right now as on iPad and don't want to lose another big post.

Jules, Vegas sounds awesome! I loved it when I went. Such a spectacle and something for everyone, even kids!

Anna, that vomiting sounds awful! I'm so sorry! Maybe CJ will have some words of advice. :hugs: but Mexico sounds awesome! Only thing I'm wondering is if
Jo could have picked up a bug there. I did and was horribly sick when I got home. Hope that's not it, just an idea. :hugs:

Carole, sounds like you are VERY close! Get that hospital bag packed, mama!
Hey Angela bags are now packed and in the car, getting DH to fit the car seat base tonight so we are completely ready. So want her to arrive soon, it's my Mum's 60th on he 2nd my bro' birthday on he 8th and mine on the 9th.

I feel your pain with posting on h iPad DH bought me one recently as a "pushing" present but couldn't wait to give it to me. I lost a big post yesterday :-(
Sounds like you're about ready Carole!

For iPad, we got an app for babies you might enjoy (we loved it!) called Baby Connect. It allows you to track things like feedings, diaper changes, sleep etc. so anyone caring for baby can see last feeding, day's intake, etc. it will also chart height and growth etc. and track vaccines. We really enjoyed it and used it every day for the first six months!

I can't wait for precious Zara to make her appearance! I just looked at your ticker and couldn't believe it said 20 days! :happydance: I bet she comes early though, from your symptoms!

I'm trying to remind myself to compose posts in notes on the ipsd then copy over to bnb. Saying that I'm not doing it right now! :dohh: :rofl:
Morning ladies!!

Steph, good for you and P90x! I get about two or three weeks in and loose motivation. I find it a difficult time commitment to make. So now I use it sporadically to tone. So glad the new house is going so well! And I agree if you don't need it or can't find room for it, chuck it! I HATE clutter. Glad the little one is eating so well that's awesome! Jo keeps eyeing my food, I don't think it will be long before she is eating off our plates.

MA, so sorry Amelia is underweight but I agre with Steph don't stress it too much. I do find it odd that they didn't give you any cream or anything for her rash. How are you doing?? How are the teeth?? I had my wisdom teeth out in college and found out that I was allergic to penecillin at the same time when I swelled up like a tomato when they put me on anti biotics. Hope all goes well for you and you're not in too much pain. Poor girl. As for traveling with the girl we did not have a nanny per se, but my parents were on the trip to take the girl when we wanted to get massages on the beach. Rest of the time she hung with us. Granted we ate dinner pretty early because of her schedule, but last week was my chance to hang out with my baby all week and I didn't want to miss out on any of that time. I miss her so much working all the time. Not to be a freak but I would feel uneasy leaving her with anyone I didn't know. So she hung out with us at the pool, took naps on mommy's chest under the palapa during the day, and ate in the resteraunts in a high chair. We take her everywhere with us here so she's pretty used to eating out or being on the go. She also travels really well. She's a great flyer and hangs tough at the airport. Any travel tips you might need just let me know.

Lou, how are you feeling today???

Svet, OMG help me!!!!! Last night was brutal!! Jo started vomiting huge amounts a little after 10pm, soaking sheets and me. I don't know if she has a bug ( yet again), or if it's the teething pain. It does seem to be a much more difficult process this time. She doesn't have much of a fever right now. I've cut out all formula and she is only on pedialite for next 8 hrs to see if we can settle her stomach. I just don't know if she's sick or if it's due to teething. Or the other possibility is some formula we got in Mexico we used last night to use it up. We've since thrown it away, but poor little girl, so sick and miserable. I don't want to give her any pain meds on an empty stomach so he is just holding tough. Any advice????

AFM, from above story you can probably guess I'm tired again today after not getting any sleep last night. Can't figure out what's wrong. As long as she can keep liquid down we're ok. I think it was the formula. Last night after she threw up. I put her on pedialite and she was keeping that down. But then early this am we have her a bottle and she threw it all up. I guess we'll see, but this makes two nights in a row of no sleep, can't go on much longer. DH seems especially vulnerable to sleep deprivation. He is one grumpy bear with no sleep. Ok that's all from our neck of the woods. Any advice on stomach or teeth is appreciated!!
Carol, a friend of mine had huge success with acupuncture and getting the baby to come along a little earlier. My best guess. So exciting!!!! Any day now!! Congrats on the success at work.

Angela, I really hope she didn't pick something up in Mexico, but the thought did cross my mind. Plus airplanes are filthy and she could have picked up a bug there.
Sorry Jules I didn't see that you posted above me. Vegas spuds awesome And I have heard it's really tried to become a more family friendly place. Have such a blast!!! And good for you on weight loss!! Confession time ... I hate scales and haven't been on one in years. However I think it might be a good tool for me to track progress, or lack there of. I think I am afraid of the number. I too am bad about going to he gym. Tend to work out at home or take baby in jogger or bjorn for hikes. Was it you that joined weight watchers?? I am thinking of doing that too. Did you join regular or just on line?? Hope all is well and the nanny sounds awesome!!!
Afternoon ladies

Anna - so sorry to hear that Jo is vomiting! Poor thing! Please keep us posted on how she is doing. Not sure about Jules, but I signed up for WW online and have found it to be good. Granted last week was crap because of the move, but starting to get back into it and tracking food, etc. As soon as I can find my scale, I will start weighing my self once a week again! LOL

Carole!!!! I was just going to ask if anyone had heard from you. YAY!!! You are almost there. I am super excited for you. You are a trooper working until the last minute! When I was in my Lamaze class they said that about 2 weeks before the baby comes you start to feel yucky and stuff (I had an emergency C-section so didn't get to experience any of that!). I am still praying that Zara stays put until your Dr gets back!

Jules - November is a GREAT time to go to Vegas! The weather will be wonderful during the day (really cold at night though). Sounds like you and the fam will have a fantastic time.

AFM - nothing new. Katelyn is still getting used to her new surroundings. She has been waking up a lot at night, and now she is getting a cold :-(.

Ok - off to try and grab some lunch!

Check back soon!

Sorry Jules I didn't see that you posted above me. Vegas spuds awesome And I have heard it's really tried to become a more family friendly place. Have such a blast!!! And good for you on weight loss!! Confession time ... I hate scales and haven't been on one in years. However I think it might be a good tool for me to track progress, or lack there of. I think I am afraid of the number. I too am bad about going to he gym. Tend to work out at home or take baby in jogger or bjorn for hikes. Was it you that joined weight watchers?? I am thinking of doing that too. Did you join regular or just on line?? Hope all is well and the nanny sounds awesome!!!

Yep - I did join Weight Watchers online. Unfortunately, I didn't drop any weight initially. After my first week on it, the scale hadn't moved (no gain, but no loss either). So then I just modified the points (cut out the extra weekly points allowance and cut down on eating too many carbs) and the scale is now moving in the right direction! :thumbup:

I find that losing weight with WW is very, very slow but that's a good thing. I eat my daily points allowance and will only have those extra weekly points if I am going out to eat and want to treat myself. I find that you have to gauge what will work for you - you also get extra points if you work out, so you get to eat plenty of food! I eat a lot of fruit and veggies and those are many fruits/veggies are 'free' foods.

Steph - good luck on WW, are you liking it?

I should be working out right now, but I am having a lazy spell LOL
Hi ladies -

thanks for all the compliments - I love to bake and was able to showcase it for the party. don't get me wrong, it was taxing work, esp with Poppy not being himself over the weekend and having to hold him 90% of the day. But I felt great for accomplishing it. Poor Charlie is still recovering! :haha:

I joined WW online too! funny how we all did that. I hope it will help me as I can't be too active due to joint issues - I have to go see an orthopedic surgeon in about 2 weeks for my knees, as I'm tears almost every night. I already have an end-stage osetoarthritic defect behind my kneecap that is slowly grinding the kneecap to uselessness. we'll see what this new guy says, I'm sure I'll have to start with physical therapy.

Anna - so glad you had fun on your trip but sorry that Jo is so sick! :hugs:

Carole - so exciting! sooo close! good luck hon!

Jules - vegas baby! I've never been, but would love to go! Charlie's been a few times and wants to take me there. We will get there one day! So did you and DH get going on not using birth control? :haha: I'm curious and you can tell me that it's too personal, but not having gone through labor at all, I was surprised that it kinda hurt....like on a scale of 1-10, about a 7, but it didn't last very long (the pain, that is! :blush::haha:). You had the c-section too, did you notice any pain? I assumed I would have pain if I went through pushing labor, just interesting. each time hurt less and less, so I'm not worried.

AFM - the doc thinks Poppy is teething. :wacko: He is drooling TONS and keeps biting his little fists, even when not hungry. When he has the paci or a bottle nipple or me, he will bit so hard and chomp down on it (ouchie) and will put the nipple to the sides of his mouth and just gums it and gnaws away for a very long time. It is starting to interfere with his feedings too as he cries sometimes when eating or just fusses so much he can't eat. So he eats less and thus more frequently. :wacko::wacko::wacko: i thought it was too early to teethe but I guess not. He also hasn't pooped in 2.5 days and is miserable. I've given him 2 doses of pear juice, just waiting for the blowout.:shrug: we had a long morning of him crying and fussing for hours, thank God for naps! he hurt my nipples so much that I've been pumping only - one of my nipples is bleeding, even with just pumping! I've put on my APNO ointment but it's not pretty!

Sorry I'm missing everyone else, trying to :dishes: in a few quiet moments. :hugs: to you all
Evening girls, thanks for all the weight watchers tips. I may join soon. The alcohol gets me, I love my vino and cocktails!!

Steph, Sorry katelyn is getting a cold, seems never ending. Hope she feels better soon.. Also good luck finding the scale, or did ou loose it on purpose??

Jules thanks for WW advice on extra points. I think I just need to bite he bullet and join. How's gabby these days?

NMG, so sorry poppy is under the weather and hope the teething thing passes soon. Seems early to me too, but every kid is different . The whole sex thing after delivery is a conundrum and different for everyone. I was surprised it wasn't more painful, but I had vaginal birth so different from c section.

AFM, well when it rains it pours. Girl was miserable last night which was a blessing in disguise as I was awake when our hot water heater broke. Yep 1:30am and we're trying to soak up water with towels. Remember we live on a second floor condo so terrified it will leak down a floor. So sleepless night ( yet another) and one more thing to fuel the fire. Luckily we were home. Big it had happened last week we would have been out of town and the hot water heater would have leaked for a week ruining the ceiling of the unit below us. As it is my DH can fix the minor damage. Bad thing, a new hot water heater is expensive. Good thing, I texted my realtor that she could list brand new hot water heater as a selling point. To add to things got a cal from daycare that Jo had been crying since I had dropped her off so I skipped work today and took a sick day and hung with the sick baby. I thought she was on the mend so daycare would be ok, guess not. Truth be told I would MUCH rather be with her if she's under the weather, baby needs her mom. I do think she is getting better tonight finally. She hasn't teen in two days and her intake of fluids was decreasing to the point I called the doc late this afternoon( they had left the office already of course). Anyway she had two helpings of sweet peas tonight so I think/ hope we've turned the corner. Fingers crossed I have GOT to get some sleep. Ok all from me. Hope everyone else is well. Sorry for all the typos too tired to go back and correct. Anna
So guess I'm the only one posting this weekend. Not much to say other than Jo is still sick. Took her to the doctor today and they said she just had a bug. Felt stupid for taking her in. But through the day she ate nothing and drank less. Then tonight she atee great, sweet potatoes, pears and parsnips some of her favorites. But when she started on sweet peas she choked, gagged and threw EVERYTHING up. I was so sad. But a couple of hours later I gave her foods from the BRAC diet. Bananas, rice, apple sauce and cereal. She kept it down and for the first time in days ate a full bottle before bed. I am now doing a happy dance, maybe my baby is on the mend. :happydance::happydance:
AFM, new hot water heater is installed but DH is pissed at me for reasons I know not so I'm going to take a nice long hot shower and finish getting the house ready for listing. Have a good weekend!! Anna
Out and about this morning. Anna, I hope things are reconciled with hubby this morning. Praying you two are able to work things out as I'm sure the vacay helped a bit to slow things down. Your in my thoughts and prayers!

Heading to the farmers market today. THIS weekend is OURS. I'm not willing to be manipulated by grandparents into traveling to say how high. We're taking a nice country drive and may stop by an old friends house. Feels nice to have family time for a change!

Bought a nice jogging stroller last night and awaiting it's arrival. I'm trying to get moving again! I've cheated on the vegan thing because of my tooth extraction and stress but ready to get back in the swing of things!

Happy weekend to you all!
Hey girls I'm so sorry to be so quiet. Just so freaking :sick: right now and basically miserable all day and night, last night was horrible so even more exhausted today. Sorry to complain!

I'm hoping and praying to turn the corner with the nausea sooner rather than later. After much thought and prayer I'm going to stay on the progesterone till twelve weeks. I just couldn't stop at 9.5 or even ten as I'd never forgive myself if something happened and i felt like I could have stopped it. This way if something happens after 12 weeks I'll know I didn't do anything different than I did with Ethan.

Hope all are well and so sorry for short post. Anna, so glad Jo is on the mend! I know you need a good nights sleep! Hugs to all of you and glad the water heater is fixed

Bek, enjoy your weekend! Sounds lovely! My big venture out this weekend is to home depot to get a table and chairs for our deck :rofl:

Steph, I hope the cold goes soon! It's so hard to see them sick!

Jules, keep up the good work on the ww! :hugs:

Beth, hang in with the teething, it is so miserable but will get better!

Hugs girls, I'm off to try to keep down some lunch. More food I don't want, blah!
Ma, so nice to have a weekend with just you, DH, and Amelia. What a nice way to spend the day. Those are my favorite weekends too. Hope the tooth is Doing ok. Yeh for a new stroller!!!

Angela, so sorry you are so sick. In your shoes re: progesterone I would be doing the same thing. Hang in there. How are the new deck chairs and table??? Hope you feel batter soon!

AFM, Jo is better today and thanks so much for all the support. So hard to see your little one so sick. Sooooo I have a question for everyone. I just got done watching the movie "blind side". Movie is not as important as it got me thinking. How do you as a parent raise a child so they appreciate all they have and so they are aware of those less fortunate around them. We live in a privileged community. So many kids here get everything their heart desires. We are not of those means, so our child would never have that experience, but how do u raise them appreciating what they have. As a parent I want to raise a child that knows their place in the world, but also has compassion for others, a realization that she is fortunate and not to take her life for granted. I realize this is many years down the road but it hit me tonight that it's really important for her to know that so many in not only our community but in our county and around the world live very different lives. Anyway just food for thought.

Have a great Sunday.

P.s. how is lava?? I haven't heard from her or about her in ages. Hope she is well. Also vivienne hope you are well too. Carol any day now. CJ hope all is well.
Anna, it's late here but I wanted to let you know that I saw your question and plan to come back on Monday to add my input. Just thought I'd come in to say hello and let you know I saw your post.

Angela...get well sweet friend! :hugs: So sorry your still feeling sick. No fun but it's for a GREAT cause!
Anna, like Bek I want to add some thoughts aboutnthe question you asked, just need a day or so. Am so exhausted today and the zofran im taking triggered a migraine this morning that is still dragging on. Hoping tomorrow will be better!

:hugs: to all!

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