35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Sooooo I have a question for everyone. I just got done watching the movie "blind side". Movie is not as important as it got me thinking. How do you as a parent raise a child so they appreciate all they have and so they are aware of those less fortunate around them..... but how do u raise them appreciating what they have. As a parent I want to raise a child that knows their place in the world, but also has compassion for others, a realization that she is fortunate and not to take her life for granted.

Hi Anna! :hi:

I'm so sorry to hear Jo was not feeling well :( It's ever so hard when they are sick, isn't it? I hope she is feeling better!

I wanted to answer your question because it is a great one. I think one way a child can appreciate those less fortunate around them is to have them visit local shelters, hospitals and retirement homes when they are older. This is something I plan on doing with Gabriella when she is older.

Visiting sick children over Christmas in hospitals and giving the children small gifts is a great way to show that one's health should never be taken for granted. We all know that children think they are invincible! This shows them that this isn't the case. It's my hope that Gabriella will be compassionate to those who are sick, disabled and not in good health.

Bringing your child to an old people's home from an early age teaches them respect for their elders.

Gathering food and clothing that you may not need anymore and taking these items to various local shelters over the holiday season is a wonderful way to expose your child to those less fortunate, in a safe environment and I believe it teaches compassion.

Gabriella is very fortunate in that she lives in a nice home with 2 parents who love her with all of their might. However, I do want to raise her with compassion and kindness and empathy. I do feel that by visiting the sick, elderly and needy is a great way to do this. :thumbup:

This is a topic very dear to my heart actually - especially with reference to the disabled. The son of a very good friend of mine was born with Spina Bifida and he is the most amazing young man! (He is 9 years old). He participates in wheelchair sports and has won so many trophies I am so proud of him! I don't want Gabriella to point or stare or be afraid of those with disabilities, so I want to expose her to the disabled so she can see that they are just like us.

Anyway, off to make dinner! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Love to all! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks ladies. Rebecca and Angela I know you want to weigh in on the topic. Jules, great ideas and I love them all!! I too have two friends with kids who are "different". They are very good friends some of my closest and one has a little boy with only one hand ( they think a blood clot in uterine caused it) another has a son who does not have a rectum. Point is I agree I dont want her to point or stare as we visit them often.

Angela so sorry for the migraine. Hope you feel better soon! As if you didn't have enough on your plate. Take care.

AFM, well thought the girl was getting better but she threw up about 80% of what she ate and drank today. It's so sad she acts like she doesn't want to eat as it will just come back up and she fears the bottle. My good little eater is becoming afraid of food. So I'm taking tomorrow off from work and taking her to the doctor again. I can tell she's loosing weight and she's now been throwing up or not eating for almost a week now. That can't be normal. Anyway against all odds and with a sick baby and a broken hot water heater the house is ready for the realtor to come over tomorrow to take pictures for web site and listing and shoot utube video. Funny 10 years ago when I bought it there was no such thing as utube. Anyway have a great evening!!
Anna, I am so sorry little Jo is sick. Poor darling, I hope she feels better. Let us know what the doctor says.

Ugh, I feel so bad about your water heater! The same thing happened to us 2 years ago and we came home from dinner to find our entire laundry room flooded. NOT FUN. After that we got one of those energy efficient (tankless) water heaters. Apparently they use 50% less energy to run and you get a tax credit too so it amounted to the same $ as replacing what we had. It was worth it and we've had no problems with it - just a thought.

Angela - you poor thing! I hope the nausea goes away soon. Hang in there honey! :hugs:

Beth - I was LMAO reading your last post and to answer your question, YES, it did hurt the first time after birth that we did the deed*ouch* LOL. Then again, we hadn't done the 'dance' in so long because when I was heavily pregnant I wasn't feeling good with the high blood pressure and fibroid pain. I felt like a virgin again! :rofl:

I'm nervous about not using birth control though! But I figure what's the worst that can happen? I get pregnant again - it won't be ideal timing but honestly I would love a sibling for Gabriella :cloud9:and we will make it work. Even though near the end the pregnancy was difficult for me, I loved everything about being pregnant and would love another baby :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Gabriella is doing great, she's happily napping in her swing right now! She's eating well and is such a happy girl:cloud9:

The other day I took her to the farmers market with me to pick up some fruits and vegetables. I put her in the Baby Bjorn carrier against me but for some reason she was a bit cranky, so I took her out and just carried her into the market with me, while she was happily sucking on her little binky. Well! Little love got oodles of attention from lots of people at the market and she gave a group of elderly ladies a big smile and they just about melted to the floor LOL. It was the cutest thing. She gets made a fuss of wherever we go which is lovely!

I like the interaction she has with people. I think it's going to help with her socialization skills which is something I want. I was painfully shy as a little girl. I would cry and hide behind my mother's skirts if anyone so much as looked at me. I hope she isn't like that LOL

So back to work for me on Wednesday :( My nanny doesn't start until next Monday so I'm going to have a slow work week with Gabby and just savor the last week it's just her and I together. I need to win lotto so I don't have to work LOL

Hugs to all!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi girls!

I have a really stupid question: when does one change the nipple size on bottles?

We were given the Dr. Browns newborn feeding set as a gift which I have been using. The nipple sizes are all the same. When do we switch ..and to what size? (Gabriella is now 3 months old).

Thanks guys! :hugs:

Also, when did you guys start feeding solids - is that 4 months, 5 months? I'd love some info on what to feed and how often! Thank you ladies!
Hey Anna so sorry to hear your little angel is still poorly, it must be heartbreaking to see them sick not to mention exhausting for you. Praying that she gets better real soon. Also hope the house attracts a buyer at the right price soon :hugs:

Jules thinking of you going back to work next week, I know it will take some adjusting but at least you have a totally fab nanny that you trust and comes recommended.

With regards to the bottles I have no idea but with feeding solids I know that most of my friends babies started at 4 months and with baby rice, you can get some really great organic brands. Mashed banana, carrot and some other vegetables are ok at that age. There is a really great Annabel Karmel app for iphone or ipad that you can download that gives you all the info and over 100 receipes. I am definitely going to download when the time comes.:hugs:

AFM i have had the day off sick from work as have had killer back ache, hoping it is a sign that labour is just around the corner but not holding my breath.

Take care all and enjoy Labor Day holidays tomorrow :hugs:
Hi Ladies -

spent the morning at the pediatrician - Poppy bopped himself in the eye badly and his poor little eye was swollen, pink and puffy and tearing up so much. They gave me some antibiotic ointment to put in it, but he is zonked out. It took a lot out of him! poor little guy....after he whacked himself in the eye, there was about a 2 second pause and he looked at me with a "what the hell was that" look before the screaming started! my little angel. Figures, after a great night sleep - from 8-10:30, then a dream feed I woke him for, then down again from 11:30 to 6:45! what a trooper! I think the 5 oz at 10:30 helped, my little piggy! He weighed in at 13lbs, 5+oz! he is doing so well there.

Jules - so glad to know other c-section mama's had some pain too! We had been going fine all along, even when I hit 9 months, but 3 months without and I was in some discomfort! but luckily, that got better (phew! :haha:). I wish I could go without birth control, we had a talk about it and think we will get off of it in the fall and see what happens. Of course Charlie said, how about in 4 years??? Note that I didn't slap him, so please congratulate me on my restraint. So we calmly discussed it (ok, I flipped out a bit but we are ok) and I told him I always said I wanted as many kids as God will give me and he was on board with that. He just hopes God wants to give us no more than 3! :haha:
As far as the nipples - I changed to the medium nipple for the night feed when I give a bottle, they say on the package they are 3 months +, the slow nipple was 0-3 months. But that is just a guideline, my breastmilk STREAMS out at quite a clip that Poppy can handle a rapid flow nipple too. If you are going to give rice cereal or use a reflux one, there is a cereal nipple that works well. My ped said rice cereal could be started on babies with no reflux at 4 months. hope that helps.

Oh and we started to give him formula! I'm ok with it (getting better, at first I felt horrible), but we only are doing it for one or two feedings a day to get him used to it. I still pump 2x a day and get about 8-9oz there so I also give him that before the formula....he hated gerber, spit it all up and crinkled his little nose and pursed his lips. :haha: did better with enfamil but spit it all up...ALL up, I didn't know he even could hold that much in his belly! Tried the enfamil a/r, did even better but he still wasn't happy. But he is happy as a clam on similac. I even bought their a/r one but haven't tried it yet as he is doing so well on the regular one. Still going with the omep - since I flavored it with grape he is ok with it.....not loving it but not screaming and spitting it out.

Anna - I gave your question some thought and here are my two cents.... I think to have a grounded, compassionate child has much (not all) to do with examples set to them. If they are brought up seeing their parents show care and concern, they will follow suit. Not always, but I think it helps. And since you are a wonderful and warm woman, Jo will have a great example to follow! I was sick a lot as a child and I grew up appreciating people who took time to show care to me. from my own experiences, I am super sensitive to sick kids, but I think because it was in my own formation to be cognizant of other people's feelings because I always didn't "look" sick. Not that I wish Poppy to ever have anything wrong with him, but I think he will see my charity (in thoughts, words and deeds) to others and hopefully copy. I'll let you know in 20 years if I was successful! :hugs:

Carole - backache, yikes, relax! Zara could be itching to get out and make her much anticipated debut! :hugs: to you!

Angela - how are you feeling dear? Man, that nausea is nasty! Hope it lets up soon!

MA - how lovely to have a weekend to yourselves! We are planning to take a long drive one day soon, just the 3 of us, and maybe throw in a picnic.

which reminds me. stupid question - If i decide to feed him when we are out and I bring formula (or my milk in a bottle), how the heck do I warm it up? It is so easy to bf as I never had to worry about that, but we are going to a dinner next week for my old high school history teacher and I really don't want to whip out a boob in public :blush: so I would bring a bottle but how do I warm it? when do you stop warming it, or do you?

hugs to you all!
Hi ladies!

Oh man, so much great discussion, and so many awesome questions! I'm so sorry, I'm just feeling so exhausted and sick and barely making it through my days right now that my responses will have to be quick. I'm sure others will have better and more lengthy advice! :blush:

Anna, about your question, others have touched on much of what I was going to say, but honestly, I believe you are Jo's best teacher. What she sees you DO (as opposed to say) is what she will emulate. I think if we can be the kind of people we want our kids to be, that's 90% of the battle! :hugs:

Beth, I'm so sorry about Poppy's eye! That's awful! They sure do find so many ways to injure themselves. And I'm afraid it doesn't get better, it's worse as they get older! :haha: Ethan has JUST started walking in the last two days, and he's already trying to go faster than his feet (and balance) can keep up with. It's adorable, when it's not heart-stopping!

Jules, on the nipples, we sort of switched when it began to seem that Ethan was frustrated with the flow of the bottle... he would take a sip and then pull away, and fuss, etc. So we went to level 2, then 3 (and he's still at level 3 I believe, so you don't have to adjust too many times). I am not sure exactly when, but around 3 months you can certainly consider it. You can always try it and see how it goes, at any age! Oh, and we use Dr Brown's too. FYI, the Avent silicone nipples will also fit Dr. Browns, so if you (like me) can't find the DR Browns nipples specifically (my target didn't have them, and I wasn't going all the way to BrU :haha:) you can get the avent. They're the avent ones that look essentially just like dr browns.

Carole, SOOOOOO excited! I can't believe your ticker, 13 days!!!! Please keep us posted and you know we'll be thinking of you and praying for you and Zara! :happydance::hugs:

Thanks to all for the hugs and wishes for me to feel better. I'm sooooooo ready for 1st tri to be GONE!!! :dohh: I'd honestly sort of forgotten (or at least blocked out!) how awful it was the first time around. And then this time, I didn't feel badly the first two weeks (between 4-6 weeks) and so I guess it hit me extra hard at 6 weeks, and hasn't let up since. It's actually been the worst since about 8 weeks, which I think happened last time too. About once a week I feel well enough to cook, and then we eat whatever I cooked for days... I'm so ready to feel better and be able to EAT better. I'm eating so much junk that is all I can stomach right now, and I hate it! I keep trying to remind myself, I did the same thing with EThan, and he turned out fine, but it just sucks. The saddest part is, the things I can eat most easily (and actually feel better after eating) are junky, fatty things like fries, schlotzskys, chik fil a, etc. BLEH! Anyway, thank you all for asking, and I'm sorry to whine. I definitely know how blessed I am, but it doesn't make feeling like you're going to puke 24/7 for months any easier. :nope: Then my dr. called in a higher dosage of my anti nausea med than what I'd been using, as well as a different type of pill, and that triggered an all-day-and-night migraine yesterday that I was literally still taking meds for at 2 am. I'm just PRAYING the next few weeks go by fast, and that I feel better at the end of them! :cry:

Anyway, in happier news, as mentioned above, Ethan is starting to walk! YAYYYY for my little guy! It's the cutest thing I think I've ever seen, and he is SOOOO proud of himself!

Okay, must run and try to get some dinner down. Hugs and love to all!!

Oh, ps - someone asked about Laura (Lava) - she is doing fine, and babies are well, she is just super busy with them and with going back to the office. I know she will post when things get into a groove and she gets some time. I also heard from Skye, and she's fine too. Said she will post as soon as she can!

Hi Ladies,

Wanted to do just a quick post as I am exhausted from work and unpacking.

Carole - sounds like it is just about time! Very exciting for you. YAY!!

Beth - Sorry to hear about Poppy's eye...poor little thing. Katelyn hit her eye a few months ago and had a black and blue eye for a week, so I totally emphathize with you. Glad the similac is doing ok for him as well!

Anna - Poor Jo! Please keep us posted as to what the Ped says. Praying that she keeps some food down. As for your question, I will have to respond tomorrow, but agree with what everyone else has said. Steve and I are very active in our church and we do several outreach programs and the kids are a big part. I am hoping that through Church and based on what she sees from us, that will help guide her. I also love the idea that I think Jules mentioned about going to Children's hospital at Christmas time and giving small gifts. LOVE that!

Jules - We switched when Katelyn started to eat more and it seemed as though the slow flow nipples weren't getting it fast enough. That was probably around 5 months. As for cereal, i waited until she was 6 months old, but keep in mind that she is preemie. Most people start on rice cereal around 4-6 months. I warn you now, as soon as you start food, Gabriella may become constipated. So don't be alarmed if that happens :)

AFM - We had a nice relaxing weekend. Katelyn and I went to Gymboree class in the morning. Then went for a nice stroll around our new neighborhood. Later in the evening, my SIL came over with her two kids and we (my hubby included) walked across the street to the park because there was a carnival going on. The older kids went on several rides and katelyn fell asleep in her stroller. We stayed for about an hour and then walked back home. The weather was really nice too. Katelyn still has a runny nose, but she is now letting me use the nose sucky thing on her without a fight!!!!! total 180 from about 3 months ago, when she would scream and cry when she saw the thing!

Well, my quick posted turned long. I am off to bed (almost fell asleep in two meetings!) have a wonderful evening all!

which reminds me. stupid question - If i decide to feed him when we are out and I bring formula (or my milk in a bottle), how the heck do I warm it up? It is so easy to bf as I never had to worry about that, but we are going to a dinner next week for my old high school history teacher and I really don't want to whip out a boob in public :blush: so I would bring a bottle but how do I warm it? when do you stop warming it, or do you?

hugs to you all!

Hey Beth!

With regard to formula when we are out - these are a life-saver for me!


They are little ready-to-feed 2oz bottles. I have tons of these as it saves me having to mix formula and warm it up. So if we are out and about, I stash several in my diaper bag in case Ella gets hungry while we are out.

On longer trips (visiting family / vacation) I mix the formula and just fill a bowl with boiling water and prop the bottle with the formula in it, in the bowl for about 5 mins and that warms the formula up. Hope this helps! :hugs:
PS: the bottle will bob about in the water if you don't have something to weigh it down, so just place a drinking glass on top of the bottle to keep it down :)
Hi Beth,

If you have expressed milk and are out to dinner, just ask the waiter for a 1/2 a cup or bowl of hot water and put the bottle in there. Or if I am out and don't have access to hot water (sometimes I go into a bath room and run hot water from the faucet) I put the bottle under my knee or arm to warm it. It is not ideal, but it will warm up in about 10 minutes.
Hi ladies, a quick note as its just after midnight here. We got a surprising call today that Doug was not approved for the USDA because "he made too much". There are two types, one we didn't qualify and then the other we DID. We also went in and were actually pre-approved for the darn thing. I'm not sure how this is happening since they had all this information and needed it upon preapproval. :wacko: What is keeping us from the loan is the Nursing Tuition Reimbursement my husband won and will actually be up come September. It's monthly monies that lasted 2 years to pay for federal funds for tuition when President Clinton put in to pass to get more nurses in the field with baby boomers starting to need healthcare.

Needless to say we found this out and then were slammed with the fact that we won't get our down payment back (we understood it was just the basic fee's) UNLESS we decide to go with FHA which not only will take the down payment we used for the USDA but will need an extra 3k by closing which is in 3 weeks time. :cry:

Not only has it taken our savings but now we have very little left and there's no way we could get the whole thing by closing. We come close, but no cigar without any notice. They're going to try to ask for an exception but we've been told it almost never happens. We should hear back in a day or two. I'm praying God will give us favor and help us. We need to get out of here just for safety issues alone. I'm trying not to sound hopeless but remind myself of the hope that God is. In the end, even if our savings won't be reimbursed, we have each other, a temporary roof over our head, food on the table and Amelia, Doug and I are in good health. It's just a material item. I was just hoping to have a modest home to bring our daughter up safely without having to deal with all the landlord issues and dog deposits/fee's. God is in control. I know He has a plan. I'm just on pins and needles hoping for a miracle!
Oh Rebekah, honey :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am so sorry this is happening and I am also praying that a miracle happens. I agree that you guys need to get out of that neighborhood but you have a wonderful outlook: as you said, you have your health and each other and I have faith that things will fall into place for you.

Big hugs - please let us know when you hear something. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Bek, I'm so sorry honey! We will definitely pray! I'm not sure I fully understand, how can they not return your down payment if they refuse to approve you for a loan? I am so sorry you are going through this and pray it all works out! :hugs:
Oh Bek, I'm so sorry honey! We will definitely pray! I'm not sure I fully understand, how can they not return your down payment if they refuse to approve you for a loan? I am so sorry you are going through this and pray it all works out! :hugs:

I'm not quite sure of it either. I'm going to have our lawyer look into it if things don't work out. We haven't heard from them yet. They will transfer the down payment to the FHA but we won't get the down payment back at all if we decide NOT to go with FHA or another type of mortgage before closing date. I just don't get it. I know pre-approval doesn't mean approved but we were told if it were something like taking out a new loan or credit line. We haven't done ANY of that AND they knew at pre-approval about Doug's tuition. They keep asking for proof that this is going to end in September by having them fax over information. THIS is a government agency and they don't talk to US. They just send letters of awards out or deny. When we've called them we've gotten all kinds of people in the chain of command. It's been frustrating. God is in control. No matter what!
Yes, God is in control no matter what! I am still praying He will work a way around this mess for you. I'm so sorry as I know you felt you had found a great house that would work for you! :hugs:

Home buying and selling is always such a nightmare. I know it was for us and I hate this for you guys. But definitely have an attorney look into it for you if they try to keep your down payment (I've heard of forfeited earnest money, but not a forfeit of your entire down payment)! I am an attorney, but not licensed in NY unfortunately. I wish I could help you more! :hugs:
Rebekah, fingers crossed things work out!

Posted my birth story in my journal if anyone is interested. Now I'm dealing with an incision infection, on antibiotics that give Zach the runs... Let's hope it resolves, NOT fun :cry:
Morning ladies!

Ma, what an unbelievable nightmare!! I am so sorry you are going through this!! Government red tape! Aweful! But you have a great attitude and you are right it is out of your hands at the moment. Hang in there! I strongly feel everything happens for a reason, but boy oh boy can that reason be hard to figure out. Keep your faith it is what will get you through. Many hugs and hope all works out!

Animal, nipple size, I had NO idea there were even different sizes until Jo was about 4 months old. Poor thing was working so hard to get enough food. I would switch when she seems to really go for a bottle. You can always switch back if it's too soon. As for solid we waited until 6 months. With her reflux she just wasn't ready. Every baby is different though.

Carol, how's the back?? Do we have a new baby yet!??? hope you are feeling better.

Beth, so sorry to hear about poppy's eye. Poor little thing! As for bottles on the road, Jo has gotten used to room temp or slightly cool bottles. I too use body temp to warm up cold water or formula. Or I try and find room temp water to mix the bottle. It's a challenge but at least your not flying, that's a whole other pain in the ass!

Angela, yeh for big boy Ethan!! Walking already. Thanks for the update on lava and Skye. I have been thinking of them. Hope you are feeling better.

Steph, your new neighborhood sounds great. I love that you can walk to the park.

AFM, Jo is finally all better and eating up a storm! I think she's making up for lost calories. We are headed out of town this weekend to go camping for the first time this spring. Very excited!! Last fall when we went Jo was so little and we were just discovering she had reflux issues. Hope this trip goes better. We had a showing on our condo yesterday, good news is that we got a showing the same day it went on the market. But we haven't heard anything back from the realtor yet. Not holding my breath but still I took it as a good sign. Other than that just pretending to work during the slow season here. Have a good Thursday!! Anna
CJ, shoot I forgot you! I am so sorry your incesion is infected. That's one more thing you don't need to deal with. I hope you are better soon ad little Z stops the runs. Lots of hugs!!
Hi ladies,

Thank you all for the support. We still haven't heard anything back. Not sure if that's good or bad but again, we've done everything we can and there's nothing more we can do. We'll deal with the outcome when we find out.

CJ, so sorry you have an infection on the incision. Ugh! That was the issue that scared me. Nothing happened this time around but there's always that fear when we have surgery. Praying it clears up soon and you and the little guy will find some peace from feeling icky! :hugs:

Anna, I bet you'll find someone who wants a condo for vacay's who will buy. I know you said there are "some" issues with your neighbors and the city but your living in a prime area where I bet people would like to have a place to stay while on travel.

Angela, thank you. We'll see what happens the next few days. I'm hoping this won't go to Monday. I'm already over the edge. Doug's parents are coming to celebrate his birthday and they wanted us to take them out to see the house. My heart sinks just thinking it is right at our fingertips and could be that it won't be ours. Doug called his parents to tell them. We're just going out to dinner for his birthday and they'll be able to see their grandbaby. It would be nice if we'd get a phone call saying it went through so we could actually take them to it. God is in control as I've said. My patience stinks though. :winkwink:

Anna, you are really an inspiration with taking baby on vacays. I know it's simple..."just do it". I don't know why it's been so difficult for us to put into place.

We got the Joovy Zoom 360 in and now I'm ready to start walking with Amelia. I'd like to work up to actual jogging. Oh how things are up in the air about where we're living! I sometimes with things were a bit easier but hey! There are so many people going through so much worse in this world and MANY don't have all that we already have. So counting my blessings is something I'm trying to keep in mind and not focusing on the next best thing.

Well, have a great day ladies. I'm thinking about you all and praying that everyone is doing well and all the baby's are keeping you occupied. I know Amelia is making me laugh with her latest antics!
Thanks Anna!

CJ, I'm so sorry for the infection. That's always my greatest fear if I have to have a section. I've known several people to have issues with infection, and I'm limited in what antibiotics I can tolerate. :nope: I hope they get you cleared up soon! That's the last thing you (and baby!) need!

Carole, please keep us updated as you are able, sweetie! Every time you're gone a couple days, I think we must be on baby watch lol! We are so excited for you!!

All is well here, just really looking forward to the weekend (when I have some help from hubby with the little guy!) I also have a few errands I need to run this weekend. Then Monday, I will go see my OB for my first visit with her. I'll be 11.5 weeks then, and if she says I can start tapering off the progesterone, I will definitely do that. I started tapering off at exactly 12 weeks with Ethan, but I don't think 3 days or so will make much difference, and I'm not going cold turkey in any event, so I'm looking forward to being DONE with the supps! I'm also looking forward to another scan or at least hb check, so that will be fun (I pray all is well!). I'm 11 weeks today, and SOOO glad to be seeing first tri just about to wrap up!

Bek, I'm still praying for your home purchase! Any news?

Hi to Jules, Beth, Steph, Purple and anyone I missed! It's early and I'm still half asleep lol!

Love and hugs! :hugs:

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