35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Just checking in, it's Friday night and sitting around the campfire. I know sad I'm checking my phone but wanted to see if MA had checked in with news on the house. Fingers crossed no news is good news.

Have a good weekend!! Anna
Hi Everyone! Angela, it occurred to me as I read that the progesterone may be the reason you've had bad ms. I had nausea throughout my whole pregnancy because of the progesterone I was on. Maybe once you taper off you'll start feeling better. :hugs: 3 days shouldn't matter all that much where progesterone is concerned. If your all that concerned you could monitor your numbers and see how you feel and then go right back on it in the case an emergency arises but you've been on it for close to 12wks and if you didn't have problems with Ethan, it seems as though it should be fine. You know your body better than anyone. :winkwink:

Anna, how's the camping trip? My dad told us a story tonight about camping with me. He said I cried and screamed the whole time and they never went camping again after that. :rofl: I was an infant so I would imagine the reasons I didn't like it were either the chill OR considering it was in the Adirondacks it could have been the bugs too along with just having an infant in tow.

AFM: Still no news. Doug called our Loan Officer because he's been getting the runaround with the Nursing Tuition Reimbursement Program. They keep sending him to someone else. We finally got a number and fax number to someone "we THINK" may be in charge but when Doug called today he got the typical messaging system. We gave the Loan Officer the contact information but what it comes down to is if nobody on the Nursing Tuition Remibursement program decided to physically write information pertaining to the reimbursement ending in September and signing on the dotted line along with checking a few boxes....Our Mortgage will be denied and we'll lose out on our down payment. ((sigh))

The odd thing about all this is I keep getting peace about this situation and almost feel as if the Holy Spirit wants me to continue to pack (against my own will as I stopped packing for awhile). Either way I sense that He is with us and will guide our footsteps and somehow make the way.

In other news they just arrested 11 gang members from our area who were dealing drugs around here and causing chaos. While it's good news, it honestly doesn't make me feel much safer. Just a handful of people. Such a sad sort. I guess the sad part is much of it is young men killing each other and they have no sense of understanding how precious life is. Breaks my heart but in another sense my priority lies with making sure my husband, our daughter and myself are safe. I wish there was a way to reach these kids BEFORE they become gang members but how do you block those kids who were raised with parents who are gang members? It's honestly such a HUGE issue. We're 5 hours outside New York City and gangs are more prevalent here than they've ever been.

Good day today though. Spent time with Dougs parents and then took a ride out to my own parents. They don't always come through when I need them the most but today I felt as though they were trying to cheer us up. We actually had such a good time for the couple of hours we were there. It was good to laugh and smile again. With the hormonal imbalance I sometimes feel as though it's been awhile since I've been happy. One of the women in the IC forum said it took her 1 to 2 years to get back to normal hormonally and she figured it would be worse for someone like me whose been on hormones for over a year to get pregnant and then stay pregnant. Hopefully that will all balance out shortly. It'll be nice to feel normal again. Or at least MY sense of normalcy. :lol:

Have a GREAT weekend everyone! :hug:
Hi Ladies

Sorry I haven't been online for a few days, I tried several times yesterday to post from my ipad and lost long posts 3 times and gave up in frustration:dohh:

Rebekah I am so sorry for all the stress and trouble you are experiencing with the house, I have to admit that I don't understand the system in the US so can't really offer any advice but I pray that things get back on track soon for you and that you don't lose your money.

Angela I completely understand your thinking with the progesterone as I was the same and only weaned myself off at 12 weeks even thought the Dr was telling me earlier that it would be ok. You know that what they are saying makes sense but there is that little part of you that is scared, irrational I know but hey it is the way we feel and we can't help that. I am sure your bubba will be just as perfect as Ethan, hang in there not long to go and no more progesterone and hopfully no more sickness :hugs:

AFM I went to the hospital on Wednesday as my insomnia is so bad that I only got 1 hours sleep and just couldn't face work and didn't feel safe to drive. Weird as I have never had any problems sleeping but as tired as I feel I just can't sleep at night, I can however grab the odd hour here and there in the day. The Dr was brilliant and had signed me off work for the remainder of my pregnancy. I have been getting sleep where I can but I am now plain exhausted and now losing my appetite and experiencing the odd pain but really not sure if labour is around the corner, I really hope so as the weather here has hotted up with temps of 42 degrees C every day which sucks when you are this pregnant:growlmad:

So I am bouncing on my ball every night and doing all I can to get labour started and praying that it starts soon as I really do not want to be induced. If there are any tips you girls can give me I would really appreciate it :hugs:
Thanks ladies!

I definitely think the progesterone is causing some of my sickness, though probably not all of it. But hoping it gets a lot better once I come off the supps! I go to my OB Monday, and if she says all clear, I will probably begin tapering off starting Tuesday. That's only four days earlier than I did last time, and so I'm thinking that can't make much difference as far as timing. Four weeks, yes, but surely not four days!

Rebekah, do keep packing, if you feel led to! I think God definitely leads us in times like that! :hugs:

So, I'm already nesting LOL! Washed and organized the newborn clothes I already have this weekend. There is a list a mile long to gt ready for this little one, and my mind is already gearing up about where we'll put the stuff that has to come out of the room that will be baby's. And I'm determined not to wait till seven months lol like I did last time! :haha: it is AMAZING to pull out some of those tiny things, especially in the same wash load as what Ethan is currently wearing. It's like the clothes belong to two different species! :rofl: amazing how fast they grow!

Carole, honey I'm praying you have a smooth and easy labor and delivery, and SOON! I remember that waiting, and pregnancy is no longer fun at 38 weeks! :hugs:

Anna, hope the camping is great!

Hugs to all!
Evening all,

Hope you have all enjoyed a great weekend, I had an extremely lazy Friday with me in my pj's all day and then Saturday we popped out to th mall so that DH could buy a toy for Zara. I wanted him to choose something for her as I have bought everything for her so far.

Rebekah is there any news on the house issue for you ? Everything crossed that it works out :hugs:

CJ huge congrats on the safe arrival of Zac, can't wait to see pics. So sorry to hear you are suffering with an infection, hoping it clears for you real soon :hugs:

I am able to check n here quite a bit lately due to the insomnia, I am awake every night until roughly 4am every day then sleep for 2 hours. Sometimes can sleep an extra 2 hours during the day but that is it:growlmad: I am sure I will get more sleep than this when she is born which I hope is this week as too exhausted.

Looking forward to hearing all your news, take care :hugs::hugs:
Oh Carole honey! I'm SO sorry about the insomnia! I definitely know how miserable that is! Can you take anything, maybe even just some Benadryl (diphenhydramine Hcl I think). That helped me sleep after Ethan was born.

Hang in there! Just a few more days and then you'll be tired for different reasons, but so happy! :hugs:

I wish I knew some tricks to bring on labor for you, but nothing I tried worked and I had to be induced. :nope: I have heard some people say bd'ing can help, but we tried that, too and I was just too uncomfortable. See how you feel. :shrug: I'm praying Zara comes soon for you! :hugs:

Hope everyone had a good weekend! We have had busy weekends these last few, as hubby has been catching up on outdoor spring projects, and I'm working on the inside of the house, trying to take things in small pieces so I can get some things accomplished even though I feel like yuck.

First OB appt tomorrow! I will post an update as soon as I can!

Love and hugs to all! :hugs:
Hi al!!

It's Sunday night and I hope everyone had a good weekend.

MA, sorry no news on the house but I think follow your instincts and you cant go wrong. Fingers crossed all will work out.

Carol, I agree with Angela is there anything you can take? I think mentioned it before but my doc subscribed Ambien to help me sleep toward the end, it's safe and is AWESOME!!!

Angela, Good luck on the appt tomorrow! I will check in and hope all goes well ( I'm sure it will).

AFM, well camping was great except for the fact that something is bothering Jo and she gets up about 5 times a night. :nope: I had thought it was teething, but it's been two weeks now and still no top teeth. I hate to keep giving her advil or tylenol if that's not it. Burt she wakes up screaming! Usually when she wakes up in the night I can put a pacifier in her mouth and she goes right back to sleep but not lately, she takes it out and really screams! So any advice? I wondered if she just wanted to be picked up and held but even when I do that she continues to scream until I give her a bottle. Can she really be that hungry?? The fact of the matter is getting up five times a night is wearing on me and I can't take much more. DH helps, but I need to get to the bottom of things, of why she's getting up so many times. I would let her cry it out if I were sure it wasn't something bothering her. It isn't the camping thing as we took the bed she uses at home for her to sleep in while camping. What I would not give for the two bottle night again. :hissy: Most nights by 4am I give up and bring her into our bed, but even then she wakes up a few times and only settles down after some cuddling and pacifier. The other side of the coin is that according to my sleep book, this is not good for her development. Babies do their growing when they sleep and need several hours of uninterrupted sleep to achieve optimum health. Right now we're lucky if she gets three or four hours and that's just once. The rest of the night is broken into one or two hour stretches. Anyway, any thought are most welcome. Poor DH will have her solo this weekend as of Thursday as I am headed out of town for a girls trip to Sedona Arizona. He will not handle it well.

On a more positive note so we had another showing today. :happydance::happydance:I think it's a good sign we've had two showing in the first week it's been on the market. So I decided to let myself play and look at some properties. I am now totally depressed. There is so little in our price range for a single family home. I think bank owned will be our best bet but the pickings are slim. When we sell we will want to move fast so we don't inconvenience my parents any more than we have to ( we will live in their mountain home until we find something). I CAN NOT live with my mother.

So that's all. It's snowing here tonight. Kinda nice to have a few final blasts of spring before summer arrives.

Have a good night!
Hi ladies,

Carole, SO SORRY dear friend about the insomnia. I have it and it's just awful. Having it while pregnant wasn't fun. In the last stages I was able to take an Ambian. I think someone else in here took it too because that's where I got it from. I don't remember who though. It was a low dose and didn't do anything to harm Amelia. They won't give it to you until your about 38wks anyways.

No, nothing yet. I'm gathering it will be the next day or two. My parents have called us and told us that if we are denied they will loan us the other half we'd need for the FHA just to get us out of the "war zone" here. That's good news. I'd rather have the USDA because it's a great interest rate and would financially be good for us. The fha will be good but will burden us more financially for a few months. In the end we will pay them by fall but I don't like borrowing from ANYONE. It is nice of them though and I know they care deeply for all our well being. We'll see how it all goes because now our deadline for the commitment letter from the bank to the owners has now expired. :wacko: They haven't said anything negative to our realtor or even brought it up yet but she wanted to let us know because if they get someone who will give them a better deal they now have the right to take it. Honestly the owners are nice and are a small family like us. They can't move until mid July so a few extra days won't hurt.

I'll give everyone a heads ups. Even if we move to FHA we STILL have to actually qualify. I don't think there's an income limitation but the whole process is stressful after this latest ordeal. It went smoothly until the very last minute.

I'm still feeling quite at peace and know that God is in control. I mean look what happened today? My parents offered to loan us the other half. Totally God. As I said, I'd rather we get the USDA so we don't need to borrow but God has at least opened that door of opportunity should we need it. To Him be all the glory!

Angela, praying for your OB appointment tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing about it when you get back. :hugs:

Anna, could it be a possibility that she may have picked up something from the trip to Mexico? Did you use their water?

I DO recall Steph having some similar issues with her little one. It could be a growth spurt or a viral infection of some sort. Praying it subsides soon.

SO happy to hear you have another showing. We have found that the homes are overpriced as well until we finally found the one we're trying to buy now. The market is SO crazy. Obviously we're in Central NY so we're cheaper than New York City and places like yours and California. The market is odd everywhere though. I can't really predict anything.

Jules, how are you? Beth, what's going on? CJ, hows that new transition coming with the babes? How is Zoe handling being big sister?Hello to everyone else. My mind is jello so I must go to bed. Or at least TRY.

Love and :hug: to you all!
Anna, teething can in fact take weeks. Its when the teeth make their way up through the bone that the pain is the worse, only relieved when they come through the gum. What you're describing definitely sounds like teething pain to me. Zoë has been going on 2 months of night time pain for her 2 year molars :wacko:

Sorry to post and run, we're heading out to run errands. Carole, hoping Zara comes soon for you! Angela good luck with the OB apt. MA hoping things work out, thinking of you too! Hugs ladies, gotta run!
CJ, I hope the incision infection is clearing up! How are you doing otherwise?

Anna, I agree with CJ, sounds like teething. Unfortunately, it can go on...and on...and on... For awhile! I hope that's all it is and it sounds like her gastro symptoms are all better, right? Ethan started drooling and fussing about his teeth at about two months, and I thought he'd be teething early... Didn't pop his first two teeth out till almost 1 year! Crazy how it works. Hope you can get something worked out that helps with the sleep! I know how frustrating it is. If the Tylenol and Advil helps, it's probably teething pain.

AFM, appt went well this morning! Will post pic when I can get to desktop. Baby measuring right on (couple days ahead actually) at 11+6. But after my experience with Ethan, being told by multiple ultrasounds that he would be 9 pounds plus, I will no longer freak out if they say measuring ahead or larger. I'm absolutely sure of my dates, and last time their meausrements were off by a pound and a half! so not worried :)

CJ, wanted to see if you know anything about the Harmony test for downs/trisomy? Apparently my perinatologist is the first one in town to offer it, and it's non invasive so I'll probably go for it. Curious if you have any thoughts on it?

Bek, so glad your parents can help with the $ if needed. That will hopefully allow you guys to close as scheduled! I'm praying for your requalification and that it goes smoothly!
Ps, here is an article I found about our perinatologist offering that new test. I'll be trying to learn as much as I can before having it done!

Hey Angela, I was at the talk when the researchers published their data on this at the international genetics conference! It is definitely looking promising, and I would do it if I had the opportunity, but keep in mind it is only a screening test once again, not a diagnostic test. I think in the future it will supplant the triple screen that is currently being routinely offered. Hope this helps a bit! :flower:
Thanks CJ! I am thinking about doing it... I am very thankful that our hospital and OB/peri practices are all so good here and so advanced. They took very good care of us last time and I feel safe with them. That said, even if we got a positive I'm not sure I'm brave enough to have amnio or cv, so I'm not sure if I want to worry myself. :dohh:
Good afternoon all...

Angela, so glad the doc appt went so well!! I have not heard of the test but anything that's non evasive sounds good to me. CJ made an interesting point though, saying it's a screening test not a diagnostic. CJ does that mean it might tell you the odds but not weather or not you have something??? Anyway I will read the article.

Cj and all thanks for the teething advice. I think you're right, it's teething and just taking awhile. Last night was better and we only got up twice so it seemed like I got a full nights sleep. Cj how is the infection? How are you feeling??

MA, my fingers are crossed that everything will work out. Very great that your parents offered to loan you the $$. I know what you mean about borrowing $$ but in the end, getting out of the war zone is priority. Sounds like it might work out one way or the other, but what a headache. Just one more reason I will not consider our condo sold until the check is in the bank.

Jules I think it was you who asked a week or so ago about hair loss. About the time I stopped BFing my hair started falling out. I've always had a lot of hair and I was afraid I was going to end up looking like my father, bad comb over and all. Luckily my hair dresser said it often grows back and sure enough I now sport lots of little hair sprouts all over my hair line. I think of your question every time I look in the mirror and always forget to respond. Hope you are well.

Hi to Steph, Beth, Purple ( hope all is well), Vivienne, Chris #1 and #2, and Austin. I am sure I've forgotten tons of folks.

AFM, as I mentioned before, I'm heading to Sedona Arizona for a long girls weekend ( comming back early Sunday to spend mothers day with my mom and daughter). But looking foreword to some quality girl time. We all met where I live now, but it's a transient town and most have moved all over the country. Girls are coming in form California, Utah, Delaware, and Colorado. Very excited to see old friends and get some uninterrupted sleep!!!

Have a good Monday!!
Screening tests allow to pick up on results that may be suspicious, by increasing the odds of something like Trisomy 21. Diagnostic tests are definitive tests looking directly at the baby's cells, which is the only way to know with 100% certainty if something is going on.

The infection seems to be a bit better. The incision is closed up, but still red and yesterday was hurting... I took the last antibiotic pill this morning, thankfully for Zach's gut :-( I just hope there isn't something more brewing...

MA, forgot to answer, Zoë seems to be adapting very well to Zach, she is not at all jealous and tries to help him when he's crying. We are running into behaviour issues, like not listening when we say no screaming (she's developed a liking to shrill screeching :wacko:), which is new since he came, but I'm not sure that's just a toddler thing and would have happened with or without Zach... All and all it is going well, DH takes care of Zoë during the night and early mornings while I do all the newborn care! It's tiring, but I can't imagine my life without either of them now :cloud9:
Anna, the weekend sounds lovely, and I'm so jealous! Lol! I am just excited for my pedicure in a week or so! :rofl:
Here is today's pic of little bean! It's a fuzzy one because my OB doesn't have great equipment. But baby has grown a ton and was jumping around in there, probably because they gave me OJ before my bloodwork! :haha:

I'm posting the pic upside down, because baby looks like he or she is upside down in the right-side-up version of the photo! :haha:


  • Scan 12 weeks.jpg
    Scan 12 weeks.jpg
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thanks CJ!

Hopefully we will get a negative screen, with no need for amnio or cv, as I'm just not sure I'm comfortable with the invasive procedures... not sure and need to discuss more with hubby, but I'm nearing the end of our perinatologist's window for doing NT screening, so I need to make a decision quick LOL! They only do them to 12.5 weeks, which is basically next monday for me.
CJ, he's soooooooooooo cute!!!! Sorry Zoe is screaming but I think you're right may just be a toddler thing. Jo has recently discovered screaming too. She doesnt do it all the time. It it sure is fun to test the vocal cords.

Hope the infection is all better and nothing else. Take care.

Angela, look at that little bean! So sweet. There arguments on both sides for screaming and not, only you and DH can decide what's best for you. Pedicure sounds great , wonder if I have time before my trip.....
Typos sorry, in order: Doesn't, Are, Screening, Or not,

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