35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Lol Anna, I'm usually typing on iPad myself, so i am getting pretty good at decoding messages posted from phones and tablets! :haha: my messages are getting so full of typos that I put a line in my siggie apologizing! :rofl:
Hi Ladies!

I hope all is well. SOunds like a LOT of things have been happening.

Rebekah - Yes, keep packing. I believe that Holy Spirit is with you and God will put you where you are supposed to be. I love your Faith and know it will all work out.

Angela - YAY!!! Your bean looks so cute and big! I am so happy for you. Oh by the way, I will be in ATL in July for my dad's 70th bday. He is in the Powder Springs area if you know where that is. Good for you getting a head start on the baby room now! I hope you MS goes away soon.

CJ - I love your avatar. Z is so precious! It is good to hear that Zoe is being a good big sister. Her screaming is probably a mixture of both being 2 and not being the 'baby' anymore. Whenever my 2 year old niece comes over, she instantly start regressing in her speech and talking baby talk and pointing and grunting at things insteading of using her words. Hopefully the screaming will subside soon :).

Carole - Poor thing, I know how terrible it is to have insomonia. I feel for you. Definitely do as Angela suggested and take the benadryl if you can. Please keep us posted.

Anna - Sorry that Jo is waking up so often, but it does sound like teething. Katelyn did go through this and was waking up a lot. I believe once her teeth broke through she was ok. She still does get up about once every night (which I then take her to our bed cuz I can't sit up for an hour and try and get her to go back to sleep).

AFM - Still trying to unpack everything and getting used to the house. I will say moving with another person is a VERY different experience from when I moved by myself. I don't know where half my stuff is. I would have organized and labeled the boxes better as well. Oh well. It is what it is. I just don't FEEL like unpacking when I get home from work and after I put Katelyn to bed. I did manage to order several mats for her playroom (the ABC and 1-10 mats). I want to cover the entire floor. Her play area is a sunken room off of the living room and she has gotten really good at climbing up and down the 'step'.

We have enrolled in Gymboree class, but my daughter is kind of afraid of EVERYTHING! :-(. They have slides and she didn't like the mat to go down the slide, she didn't like the foam tunnel thing to crawl through. She spent most of the class time crying and clinging to me poor thing. I am hoping that as we go she will get used to the stuff and not be afraid.

Well in addition the move, I FINALLY got a car. We had been a 1 car family for the past 3 months. It was nice to know that we could get along with only 1 car, but what a pain if I wanted to go run to the store really quick and he wasn't home. I bought a used car and paid cash as I did NOT want or can afford to have a car note. The little girl at the bank when I was getting the cashier's check made me feel bad. She asked if I was excited about getting a car and I said yep, I had my limit on what I was gonna spend and when buying used it makes it easier to stick to that limit. She then told me (she was probably 18) that her PARENTS wouldn't let her buy a used car because she was a girl and the would worry about it being safe. LOL. I wasn't too upset.

Only 3 more weeks left and I am officially done pumping. My goal was to pump until June and come June 1st I will be packing the pump AWAY! I have already begun the countdown. Anyway, sorry for the long post. It has been a while.

Hi Jules, Viv, Chris 1, CHris 2, Purple, Laura, Charmaine, and anyone else I may have forgotton. i seem to recall a new person joining us about a month ago. Hope everyone is well with babies and pregnancy.

Hi Ladies -

it's been quite awhile since I've posted - nothing really new except the same old stuff: reflux getting a bit worse, teething seems to be painful for him ,poor thing, he is sitting in the swing biting his hands with a vengeance right now and drooling all over everything, when he should be taking a nap. of course when he isn't drooling, he's spitting everything up, he goes through these fits where he will spit up almost half of what he eats then yells for more. and it happens after a big burp....he does the burp fine then about 3 seconds later it sounds like he is throwing up as is comes out as a "bleehhhh". :wacko: He's been averaging about 4 or 4.5 oz every feed but sometimes, at least once a day, he eats 6oz, sometimes 7. He just had 5 oz, big spitup, 2 more oz, little spit, 2 more oz, no spit. I think with all the spitup it averaged about 7oz. sigh. can't wait for the spitup to be over! he is soaked, I'm soaked, burp cloths are soaked, bigs are soaked and I think there is a big wet spot on the sofa. time to get into another outfit for all of us!

He had been doing fantastic sleeping, of course last night was crap. but I'm not discouraged, his gas has been so bad last night and today that I'm not surprised. poor thing.

Rebekah - I hope all goes well on the house! You deserve to get in there!

Angela - Love the scan pic, hope you get to feeling better soon!

CJ - love the pic! I had a staph infection too with my incision and it tunneled to about 4 inches on either side so I truly feel your pain. Get some rest in when you can.

Anna - your weekend sounds lovely. sleep!!!! Sorry about the teething, I can only imagine what I'm in for as it hasn't been keeping Poppy awake at night.

Carole - you are down to a few days, dear. Hang in there, hope it goes smoothly! praying for you!

Jules - hi! how's Gabby! How much is she eating per feed? and how often? sometimes Poppy can go 4 hours without eating but mostly it is 2.5 - 3 hours still.

I've got a huge orthopedic surgeon appt thursday for my knees, it is a new guy recommended to me by my cardiologist, whom I trust fully. Hoping to get some answers but know I will have to do damn physical therapy AGAIN for months before I get real answers.

Hi to everyone I missed, I was going to write more but he still hasn't fallen asleep and he needs a nap so I'm off to get him to go down for a nap.

Hi ladies!

Wow Steph! Lots going on. The packing, unpacking and moving bit. ((sigh)) I hear you. I'm VERY anal about packing and I'm finding that it's NOT like it used to be. I actually had time to put everything in organized 5gallon bins with bubble wrap. Each box was marked by room. Um, NOT happening very good this time. I'm lucky if I throw things in the stinking bins. :rofl: I have Doug put most of the packed bins upstairs but it feels as though we haven't made a dent. ESPECIALLY with all the little kids toys and Gear. :wacko:

Steph, When did you start little one on solids? Amelia is doing 2nd stage foods. I've got her on the organic baby food. I'll make some things and give them to her but I've pretty much given in to the organic store bought baby foods for now. She's into carrots, oatmeal, blueberries, banana's, peaches, pears (sort of), peas she's getting used to. I'll start her next week on spinach and the following week on broccoli. She's starting to really notice our regular foods and looks frustrated after having a bottle like she wants regular foods. I'm just not sure when she can "HANDLE" the finger foods. Is it 9 months? I remember you saying Katelyn almost choked on those puffs. I'm neurotic something awful. :rofl: Just want to know she'll be okay and focus on the right time.

Beth, Amelia is 7 months and she's still spitting up. Not as bad as it "could" be but I don't have a clean shirt in the bunch anymore. ALL of them seem to have spitup stains. ((sigh)) wouldn't take it back for the world though.

Praying for your ortho. appointment. :hugs:

STILL no call today. :wacko: The bank lenders REALLY want to send me over the edge! :lol: I'll let everyone know when we do. lol

Love and :hug: to you all!
Hello ladies!! :hi:

Goodness, I was so behind, but I just caught up! :flower: How is everyone doing?

JuneBug - yikes, I am so sorry about the infection. Beth had an infection too I remember. I do hope you feel better and oh my, how adorable is Zac?! What a cutie patootie!!!

Rebekah, my friend! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today. I practically melted to the floor when I saw Amelia's latest picture on FaceBook (the one where she is wearing the outfit your aunt and cousin bought her). She is just one stunningly beautiful baby. You must stare at that face all day!!

I am so sorry to hear you are still going through the housing woes :( But it's great that your parents are there with a loan JUST in case. Please keep us updated:hugs:

Beth! How are you honey? How is poppy doing? As far as eating goes, Gabby is eating on average 4oz every 3 hours. Sometimes (rarely) 5oz every 4 hours. I was worried for a while about her feeding because for the longest time, she was only eating about 3oz every 3 hours and I was reading that some babies are up to 6, 7 even 8oz by that age. It's only recently she's eating 4 - 5oz/feed now. Her doctor says it is normal and that she's on target for growth so I shouldn't worry. She has another appointment with the pediatrician on Friday (another shot! *sob!* This time I will not cry! ROFL!)

Speaking of drooling - Gabby is also quite the drooler these days and gnaws on her little hand too. I didn't even consider teething! Maybe she's teething too? I thought it was too early - but I was wrong about that after googling it.

Steph - how is the new house? How is Katelyn doing? :hugs:

Anna - Arizona sounds like fun!! I know you also recently went camping, I always wanted to do that but never had the chance! Maybe I will go camping with Gabby when she is older :) I'd have to go alone though or with friends because hubby is NOT the camping type! He is a hotel snob!! :rofl:

Anna - as far as hair falling out, I had asked Rebekah about it too who said that it might not happen. But I really think it will lol. Only because my hair was NEVER this thick before pregnancy! It looks really good ROFL!! I look in the mirror every morning to check to see if it's coming out yet! I'm not losing ANY hair at all which isn't normal so I am waiting, waiting....keep your fingers crossed that something weird happened during pregnancy and I get to keep my lush hair :rofl: :rofl:

Carole - how are you feeling? So close now! I also had insomnia near the end of my pregnancy. I couldn't get comfy at all - very frustrating. Not too long to go now, hang in there honey!

Angela - the Harmony test sounds interesting! How are you feeling? I hope the nausea goes away soon for you. What a great scan pic:cloud9: I am curious to know if you will be having a boy or a girl!

AFM, I am now back to work - I started last Wednesday. I work from home and have a great nanny who Gabby loves! She takes her to the park and for walks and she's really great with her. I still wish I would win the lottery though, so I don't have to work LOL. I'm just over it, you know? I want to be a stay at home mom. I'm over corporate life and the rat race :wacko:

Gabby is doing GREAT and she is growing like a weed! I can't wait to hear how much she weighs on Friday at the Dr's office. She is such a happy child and the things I do to get a smile out of her would have you ladies in hysterics! I dance and sing around the house like a crazy woman! :rofl:

She is SO happy first thing in the morning! When I am changing her diaper and clothing I swear she is trying to communicate with me with her eyes and the sounds she makes. It's so adorable! :cloud9: I encourage her to 'tell me a story' and she babbles away. I just love our little morning 'conversations.' Ah, I don't know what I ever did without my girl - she is truly the light of my life:cloud9:

Well, back to work for me (boo). Hope everyone is having a great week!!! :hugs:
Morning all!! I just ate my lunch and it's only 10:45 is that bad??

Jules, so good to hear from you! Gabby sounds like one happy baby and I am so happy you have a good nanny. However I agree, wish I could stay home too. I've two lottery tickets in my wallet, fingers crossed. It's funny I always thought that I would be a woman who wanted a career and family. Shocks the hell out of me that I'd rather stay home. On another note hope the hair stays!!! Glad all is well if not a little hectic. Oh and if you want to go camping I'll take you any time!

Ma, I know Jo is a little older, but we still have her on puréed food only. I make most of her food, but when I buy it I still have to buy the stage 2. Last weekend camping I accidentally bought stage three and she choked and gagged... Definately not ready. Still have fingers crossed all will work out re house. Hang in there! Ohhh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

Steph, LOL on packing and unpacking. My DH and I have very different ideas of how it should be done. Drives me crazy. Glad you are settling into the new neighborhood. woohoo on being done with pumping! You get a gold star for sticking with it as long as you did. I just finished the new Tina Faye book and she talkes about the breast feeding guilt. YOu are a rock star!!!

Carol, haven't heard from you in a few days hope all is well and wondering of there is a new baby!????

Angela, how ya feeling today??

Beth, How's poppy??? What r u up to these days?? Hope the appointment with the doctor goes well. Knees are the worst. Ok backs are pretty bad too, but knees are so crucial and they seem to get messed up pretty easy. I hope all goes well.

CJ, hi!

AFM, besides being a total pig and eating my lunch hours early, I am very excited to get out of town for a little girl time. On the flip side I am so sad to be leaving my baby. I haven't been separated from her yet and I already miss her. But... Getting to see my best girlfriends is about the only thing that could make me do it. It does reaffirm my decision not to go back to flying for the airlines. I could not imagine being separated for her days at a time, every week. NO WAY!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! I will be thinking of you all as I sit by the pool or hikin the canyons. Sorry had to rub it in a little! Anna
Happy Birthday Rebekah!!!!! YAY!!! I hope you are doing something fun and fantastic!!!!!

As for your questions regarding solids do you mean like real food? Because I still give Katelyn stage 2 foods, sometimes stage 3. She doesn't really like the stage 3 textures so, I tend to keep to stage 2. Now that she has two little teeth (still wondering where those top teeth are!) and that she is 1, the dr said to give her anything she wants that is soft and doesn't pose a chocking hazard. She now eats the puffs (she gums them) and eggs, and turkey, chicken, pasta. But I waited until she was about 11 months before I started to give her stuff like that. I did wait until she was about 8-9 months before I tried giving her the puffs and stuff and then decided she wasn't ready. However my neighbor (previous neighbor)across the street has a daughter exact same age as Katelyn (born on the same day) and she was eating cheerios at 6 months and regular food by 9/10 months. Of course it also helps that she has about 8-10 teeth! If you do decided to try and give her something in the next month or so, make sure Doug is home so you don't freakout if she gags on it and spits it up. LOL

As for the packing, I am like you, I had boxes labeled by room and by amount 1 of 12 etc. I would also put a brief description of the contents. This time around it didn't happen that way, AND to make matters worse, when my hubbys friends helped us move (he insisted that he and his friends could do it and thus save us money in not hiring moves), they put ALL the boxes into 2 rooms. So then I had to lug the boxes out and into their correct room! So not efficient! I hope your packing is better organized and goes smoother!

Beth - I hope Poppy is doing ok. For the teething, don't know if you have tried Hyland teething tablets or not, but they work great. They are homeopathic, however I still used them sparingly (twice a day for about 2-3 days). I found it a nice alternative when I didn't want to have Katelyn on Tylenol all day long :).

Jules -Glad to hear that Gabby is doing well and is such a happy baby! Sorry that you are back at work, however it is cool that you get to work from home and don't have to worry about travel time to and fro. I hear feel ya on the lottery. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom actually. I do love my job, but I would give it up in a minute if we could afford for me to. Fingers crossed you don't cry on Friday when Gabby gets her shots!

Anna - Glad you get some big girl time. I think it is a needed thing to go out every now and then sans daughter for sanity reasons! It also gives your hubby some daddy and baby time :). I think if that were my husband, when I came back on Sunday he would disappear for about 6 hours LOL. You have fun and drink a yummy fruity drink for me!!!

Hi to everyone else! Carole - we are on pins and needles waiting to hear if you are indeed in labor or if baby has arrived :)!

Hi girls!

I'm so sorry this will be a quick post, but will check in again tomorrow. Today was just a rough day with the nausea and feeling exhausted.

Steph, I would LOVE to meet up when you come in July! Maybe we can get Laura to come too! powder springs is not far from where I live, maybe 30 mins or so. Would love to see you; do please keep me posted on your trip! :hugs:

Rebekah, any word from the bank? And ive got some thoughts for you on the feeding solids, just need to post those tomorrow in longer post.

Beth, hang in there honey! The spitup doesn't last forever, I promise! I know it feels like forever!

Lou, how are you doing honey?

CJ, how's that little boy? Hope you are not too exhaustd and are able to enjoy!

Jules, I know how you feel about the rat race. I was SO over working when I quit, and was so blessed to be able to do it. But at least you can work from home, and that will make a huge difference!

Anna, I hope the trip is AWESOME, and I'm so jealous!

Carole honey, any news!?

Hugs to all and especially anyone ive missed! I'm so sorry I'm just wiped today and didn't get to take notes.

AFM just hanging in. Started tapering off my progesterone as of yesterday. Felt GREAT yesterday, awful today, so assuming it is just due to hormone swings as my body adjusts to the changing levels. If I was brave enough would just go cold turkey, but... Not brave enough lol! So will take at night only then, starting Saturday will take every other day till maybe tues then stop. Also had a migraine today which just wears me out. Bleh!

Okay off to bed and the blessed relief of a zofran! Hugs and love to all!
Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA but it has been crazy, it was m birthday on the 9th and we had dinners set up with different people over a few days, totally exhausting. Rebekah was it your birthday on the 9th as well ?

As for baby I started having real contractions on Tuesday night for a few hours and then they stopped:growlmad: I have had a few episodes since but nothing established. Dr checked me and reckons it could be any day but if i haven't delivered by Sunday then she will give me a membrane sweep to hopefully get things going. I just want her here now as she measured 4.2 kgs when scanned on Wednesday and if she goes over 4.6 they will make me have a c section which I want to avoid.

I need to go back and read all your posts and respond, sorry been rubbish the last week.

Enjoy the weekend ladies:hugs:
Carole, I know it is stressful as you see baby's weight climb like that, but try to remember (and be vocal about this to your dr if you really don't want a section) - they can be WAY off on those measurements. They told me Ethan would be well in excess of 9 pounds, and he was born vag at 7.5 pounds! So knowing that, don't let them push you into a section - if you don't want one - can they induce before then if you would prefer that?
Thanks Angela I will definitely stand my ground as will only agree to csection if baby or I are in danger.

The past 2 days I have been having increased pains in my vjayjay that are like someone stabbing me, I had milder ones of these before but these are agony and make me scream out. Contractions have stopped so don't know what's going on. I also asked the Dr about meds to help me sleep but they will not prescribe you anything here:cry: I am holding out all hope on my sweep working tomorrow as I now really need labour to start as just so exhausted and uncomfortable. I sound so whingey and ungrateful but I don't mean it that way at all just done with pregnancy and now wanting to move onto the "being a mum" phase.

Sorry for selfish post, will catch up on all your updates tomorrow and respond. Good night and god bless :hugs:
Carole honey I just saw you posted on 35+ a few minutes ago. It must be middle of the night where you are, poor girl! More insomnia?

I had some serious pains like you're describing, and i think it was Ethan kicking my cervix. We were out to dinner the first time it happened, and I really had a hard time not jumping around and screaming right there in the resto! I think that is normal and yes, it REALLY hurts. Scary, too bc it feels like baby is going to kick right through something lol!

Hugs, you are SOOOO close! Hang in there sweetie!
Happy Mothers day to all you wonderful Mommies. I'm very blessed to have such a wonderful circle of first time Mommies to share on this magnificent journey.
Aww, thanks Steph! We love you and happy mothers day to you as well! :hug:
Thanks CJ! How are you feeling?

Tired! He's an easy baby though compared to miss Z, he's just such a pig and I'm up 3-4 times per night to nurse him. I know it's temporary so I have no problems doing it, I just need to nap more during the day with him!

How are you feeling Angela? I hope the nausea has improved!
Hello ladies and happy mother's day to all!!!

Angela, hope you are feeling better today!

Carol, oh sweetie I know how hard those last few days/ weeks can be. Hang in there and find a pool!! I think it helps to relieve the weight of the baby on your body if you can float around. Fingers crossed that baby comes soon. We want to meet that little girl!

CJ, oh little man eating away!! Yes nap! I know it's hard but you need it! Hope you get some sleep soon.

Ma, what's up with the house??

AFM, the girls weekend was awesome although I was a little lame. I went to bed really early most nights as I was so tired and wanted to take advantage of as much sleep as possible. It was really good to see my old girlfriends. But it made me grateful for all you ladies. They were talking about all these friends they have at home with kids, and my reality is that I have no friends where I live that have kids so I rely heavily on my chat room friends for answers to parenting questions. I just want to say how thankful I am to have you all. Helps when you feel isolated. Anyway, also motivated to get my ass in gear and loose some weight. It was painfully obvious on vacation that I was the heaviest by far!! Need to loose a good 20lbs!!! So I am going to investigate weight watchers today. Obviously need some help. I exercise a pretty good amount, it's the food I put in my mouth that seems to be the issue. So frustrating!! Ok sorry rant over. Hope everyone is well and hope everyone had a great mommy day!!!!

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