35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi All,

I am just popping and will write a proper post later:

Rebekah - Sorry to hear about your friend. I was reading more about it on FB page. They will be in my thoughts and prayers. Glad to hear Amelia is feeling better! Oh and again...she and Katelyn must be communicating because Katelyn was walking yesterday and fell and hit her head! She is ok, but just letting you know that the bumps and bruises and stuff are just beginning!

Angela - don't you have your Glucouse testing this week? Hope it goes well! Looking forward to hearing about your furniture selection!

Anna - Even at 16 months, Katelyn will still eat the Stage 2 pouches for snacks and most of those have veggies in them. I do make her a lot of french cut greenbeans (she seems to prefer the french cut). You can steam them, but I cook them on the stove top and add just a touch of butter. They are soft and you can make them up pretty good. you can also steam some broccoli and mash that up a bit. Same thing with peas and lima beans. But I think you said that Jo has teeth now, so you probably don't need to mash it too much. Also, their gums are pretty powerful, you could probably give her some greenbeans without mashing at all. Hope that was helpful!

Flutter - I hope you are doing well and that morning sickness hasn't caught up with you yet. If it has, I hope it isn't too bad.

Beth, Jules, CJ and everyone else, I hope you are all doing ok!

Anna, if you can get your hands on some Sprouts stage 2 and 3 for Jo she'll LOVE them. Amelia is doing SO good with them. Try mixing some fruit in with mashed veggies like broccoli. Amelia is touch and go with the greens. Even in the sprouts version. Doug and I try to make some smoothies with spinach and other veggies in them and she'll sometimes take that as well. I HIGHLY recommend the sprouts brand. Even if you have to get them from Amazon. We also use Plum brand as well.

Today Amelia is clapping with mommy. :rofl: I can't get it on camera because it happens so fast.

Okay, so I want to know how you working mommy's are doing it! Balancing everything is CRAZY. Doug and I take turns mowing. I'm JUST starting to be able to either carry her or sit her in her high chair while I watch her and get things done. Nothing can be too long because she gets board easily. Unpacking..we're still doing that. Most of the main stuff is done but my kitchen is PACKED to the brim with stuff all over the counters. Not nearly enough space for everything. Finding the time to figure out a place or to purge while getting the basics done has proven to be a sticky situation. We still have to paint the trim in our room white and put some wooden trim around the flooring. There are a TON more things we need to get done and my kitchen walls need to be painted terribly before Amelia's party. I'm overwhelmed because while I want a chocolate color for the walls and to paint the door red....(liked something similar on pinterest) I'm guessing the dark chocolate will make the already cramped kitchen look smaller. ((sigh))

NOW, I was thinking of you ladies and I'm wondering how the heck you do it all? Your AMAZING!
Hi everyone :)

Mommy's Angel - I'm sorry to hear about your friends son but glad to know they are weaning him off of the morophine. I hope that means there is improvement! I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

MissMuffet08, pablo797 & Mommy's Angel:
Thanks for the good vibes on me going back to school as well. This is my fourth semester. I am just so ready to be in a classroom working with little creative minds!

pablo797: I have had small bouts of nausea daily for about three weeks already (isn't that crazy early?? lol) but it's nothing that a couple of saltines doesn't cure. Other than that, nothing too bad really - yet. My cravings are very subtle right now but I know it's still early - when my mom was pregnant with me, she ate bowls of radishes (yikes!! lol).

Tomorrow I am going for my 6 week ultrasound. The Dr. is hoping to hear a heartbeat and so are we! I am very anxious to let my dad and sister know that we are expecting but trying to wait until we hear the heartbeat. Man, waiting is hard! The appt. isn't until 2:10 tomorrow but I will be sure to update everyone when I get back. Fingers crossed!!!!

How is everyone else doing this week? :thumbup:
Flutter, so happy for your scan tomorrow! Please update us when you can!

Sorry girls that I'm posting quickly - I caught Ethan's cold after all and have been in misery for two days now. Blergh! Will update more thoroughly ASAP. Good news, i passed my glucose test! Wahoo!

Hugs to all!
Good news, i passed my glucose test! Wahoo!

Hugs to all!

WTG :happydance: That's GREAT news! :hugs:

Sorry you have a cold. Your in the home stretch so I'm praying it's a swift recovery and your back to normal soon. Looking forward to the update!:winkwink::flower:
Hi Flutter - How exciting about hearing the heartbeat! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Rebekah - I am not sure who you were referring to in terms of working mommy's who do it all, but I know that was not in reference to me LOL! When we moved, the first week was so slow to get everything put away. We did it little by little and mainly when she was sleeping. I still have stuff that I need to unpack in my bedroom and laundry that has been folded and sitting in the laundry basket for over a week! About the only thing that I do consistently is the kitchen dishes and the bathroom. My husband does the floors and the washes and folds the clothes - but since he is home with Katelyn during the day, laundry will sometimes take a few days to do like 3 or 4 loads.

Also don't sell yourself short. Every time you write about what you and Amelia are doing and what you are doing around the house I am AMAZED by you! Don't let the stuff you don't get done make you crazy, just realize that most of us (well I will speak for me) have similar issues.
Ok that previous post I had written yesterday and just realized when I got into work that I never hit the reply button LOL.

Angela - I am so sorry that you have Ethan's cold, but super happy that the Glucouse test went well.

AFM I am running on 3 hours of sleep. Katelyn went to sleep at 8:45pm (about 30 minutes later than usual) and then woke up at 9:40pm briefly. Then at Midnight she woke up and was wide awake...until 3:30 this morning! Guess who was awake (thought not so wide) with her... Mommy that is who. So I am tired and CRANKY today.
Hello all my lovely friends!!

MA, I'm with steph, this of us who work do NOT do it all!! And while I can only speak for myself, the days I have Jo all day I think I get less done than the days I work. Schedule is key and I treasure nap times, it's when I get the most done. Plus picking and choosing. Some days the dishes or the laundry just don't get done. In the grand scheme of things it just doesn't matter. Please don't sell yourself short being a full time mom is HARD work. And work it is, outside paycheck or not.

Flutter how did the doc appt go??? Fingers crossed all is well!!! Please don't freak if no heartbeat, 6 weeks is really early. I know it's stressful. We didn't tell anyone until we were past 12 weeks. Thinking of you!!!

Angela, so sorry to hear you are sick!!!! I was so hoping you would get skipped!!

Steph, how are you lady?? Aren't you coming to Colorado soon?? Or is your mom coming out?? Old age can't remember.

AFM, spotted yesterday and I normally don't. In the back of my mind I'm thinking implantation?? It's a shot in the dark and really we are not planning on another, but as Jo's first birthday approaches I can't help feeling sad that baby is over. She's a big girl now. I am so looking forward to her first birthday and the years to come, but truth be told I wouldn't mind another. DH would freak so it's not in the picture and we were so blessed to have a healthy first pregnancy that I wouldn't want to take any chances on another pregnancy at my age, but still....

Anyway going camping this weekend. Can you believe the aspen are turning here??? Fall is in the air. Much love to all our friends that we haven't heard from recently CJ, sunshine, chris, Austin, lava, and all I've missed. Also many hugs to HA and twinkle.

Bless your beautiful hearts! :hugs: You both are TOO KIND! I must say it IS good that I'm not alone. I am getting things done during nap times too. It's been hit or miss a few days this week. She'll sleep in the car for an hour and be up during her other nap time OR like today. She fell asleep in my arms and when I go to put her in the crib she starts wailing. :lol:

Funny you mention the wanting to experience another pregnancy. I had to call the OBGYN about the provera I need to be on every three months to keep the lining down for good implantation "hopefully" come new year. They never told the pharmacist how much to take. We were discussing things and I told the nurse that while we are trying to wait until January, we aren't stopping it either. IDEALLY I'd like to lose some weight which I seem to be doing but will do more once workouts start next week.

She discussed if we were "practicing" to try the every 3 day method until cd 28 (when I usually ovulated while ttc Amelia).

I'm not sure I'd like to do this EVERY month since we're going to be ttc officially in January, but since we need to take the provera every 3 months I think it would be fun to "practice". Not sure if I mentioned my uterus is STILL tilted to my flipping bum. That's why all the lower back cramping. It's one of my ovaries. :wacko:

Anyhoo, your story Anna made me think of this tonight. I'll be waiting to see what the outcome is. I know it's something that would be exciting for you even if it was unplanned. Sometimes those surprises are the best ones! :hugs:

Flutterbee, just wondering how your appointment went?? Haven't heard from you. If you haven't heard a hb yet don't panic. Sometimes that can take between 6 and 8 wks. There have been quite a few women in here who have panicked. I AM praying however, that all went well and that your really excited and really busy. :hugs:

Angela, get well sweet friend. We'll look forward to your updates when you can.

And as Anna said, we miss all you ladies who've been absent! Hope all is well and just know we think of you often. Even our beautiful little lurkers!
Hello Ladies!!

I am so sorry that I am just now getting to write you about my Dr. appointment! Yesterday was just so busy! I am on a deadline for work, I had to go back to work after the Dr. appt. and then to class after work and then to my husband's parents to spread the news! :thumbup:

The Dr. visit went GREAT! We saw the heartbeat and I tell you that is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life!! It's a good, strong 133bpm and the Dr. was pleased. She said things are moving along great. My next appt. will be Sept. 19th. She told us to bring our phones to video it if we want because there should be more to see and should be some movement then!

She gave us four photos so I scanned one in to show you guys hehe. You can't make much out at this point since we are only a little over 6 weeks but i had to post it anyway. We called all of our family and shared out little secret with them. They are ecstatic! Thank you to everyone for asking about our visit! So far things seem to be good! :happydance:

[URL=https://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/babybp.jpg/][IMG]https://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7946/babybp.jpg[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]
YAYYY! Flutter, that is great news! :happydance: Isn't it just amazing to see that little heartbeat? I just love it! So happy for you! Hopefully, your nausea won't pick up much, but if it does, you can expect it may happen in the next few weeks. I have found keeping something in my stomach at ALL times (even crackers by the bed at night) helps a lot!

Anna, BEAUTIFUL pics of Jo! And as you said, they do grow so fast and are looking more like toddlers than babies these days! I will have to post some recent pics of Ethan and show you guys - he has changed SO much in just the last couple months! I read the other day that they are about 18 mos - 2 years before their proportions have shifted enough that they can put their hands together over their heads. :shrug: too funny! I had never thought about it, but they said their arms are not long enough to that point. Too funny! :haha: We tested it out with EThan and sure enough, he is getting there, but could not have done it much before now. On the foods/veggies, never hesitate to try her with soemthing - she may surprise you! Ethan has turned out to LOVE green peas, broccoli (I boil it rather than steaming, as I think it has a milder flavor that way), yellow squash, french cut green beans like Steph mentioned...He doesn't eat any orange veggies for me (though he loved sweet potatoes as a puree!? :shrug:) but I'm working on that. I just keep trying things. Mostly what he loves right now is cheese cubes, cheerios and noodles! The beige food group LOL! And that is actually really exciting about possible implantation bleeding! I know it seems like a lot for your hubby to take in, but if it happens, it will be a blessing and he will adjust. I'm so excited to find out! I know it is hard to see those baby days wane. I have really felt kind of sad that I wasn't in a better place in my head when Ethan was a newborn and infant... feel like I missed out on some bonding with him that I hope I can enjoy this time around. I'm glad to have one more chance to enjoy those baby days!

And Bek, don't sell yourself short, as others have said - we are all doing the best we can and you are doing a GREAT job! I don't even work outside the home right now, and most days I can't fit it all in either - I joke with hubby that we can't both look good, it's me or the house! LOL :rofl: there are really three things that need taking care of each day, ethan, the house, and me. Ethan, obviously, is priority one. Then, on any given day, I might get a shower, or the house will stay on track. Rarely both LOL! I often end up waiting till hubby takes over in the evening to get my bath. I know that, in time, we will work out a routine where everything gets done, but right now, our job is to ensure that everything IMPORTANT gets done, and the rest can wait! Don't put so much pressure on yourself! You just moved a few weeks ago! :hugs:

Steph, I hope you got some sleep last night! I know those nights of being awake half the night very well, and it is just miserable. I'm getting to be uncomfortable enough where I don't sleep that well most nights, and on days where I didn't rest I really drag through the days. Bleh! I can't imagine having to go into the office like that! Do you guys have fun plans for the weekend? I am so jealous of all your hubby's cooking!

AFM, I was VERY happy to pass the glucose on the first try this time, and I really think now that I only failed it last time because I followed their directions and ATE breakfast (very light, but it was enough to fail me) - this time I did not eat anything except sipping some milk (I get hypoglycemic if I don't eat ANYTHING for hours after waking, and my appt wasn't till 9:45). So that seemed to work. I'm getting over the cold (thank God!) and we are looking forward to a couple get togethers with friends this weekend. Yay! I am hoping to find a way to get hubby to the stores this weekend so we can finalize nursery furniture choices... but we will see. He's planning things left and right before I can get a word in, so I may have to drag him kicking and screaming LOL! I just really want to get that going, because I remember how long it took with EThan's and, we are down to 12 (at most) and possibly fewer weeks till we meet this little guy!

I also need to schedule my 3D ultrasound for ...oh, any day now! :rofl: the time is slipping by on me - I did Ethan's at 32, which was so late that we could only really see his face. I meant to do this one sooner but guess I'd better get on it if I plan to! LOL

Okay ladies, must run for now. Hugs and love and yes, I miss our other girls too!
PS here are the nursery furniture choices we are currently looking at - this "Mayfair" collection is my favorite, in the darker finish an with the "forever" crib that converts to a full size bed, but it has an odd collection of pieces for a "grows with baby" set - no chest of drawers?! So we are not sure about that.


If that one doesn't work, this is my second favorite - and it's cheaper, so I can already see that it may be where we end up! :rofl:

Flutter – Fantastic news!!!!!! I am soooo happy for you and I love the photo of the baby. I know you and your hubby (and the grandparents) must be on cloud 9. The appointments only get better as you get to see the baby moving around and just developing each time. It truly is amazing to see a little person being formed inside your belly LOL.

Anna – please keep us posted! I truly know what you mean. My niece had a baby two weeks ago and I felt a little pang in my heart as I think I may be ready…me and hubby are NP any more so whatever happens happens. As Angela said, if you are it will be a blessing and as for your age…you are still young enough to have any other HEALTHY pregnancy!

Angela –I am happy that you are getting over your cold. Go super antibodies from pregnancy! Don’t stress over the baby furniture, but if you do go this weekend there will be great Labor day sales! I love the furniture. Both are fanastic! Hard decision, but yes, price always seems to be a the decision maker at least at my house LOL. Can’t wait to see the 3D photos of your new guy…btw any name choices yet? LOL.

AFM – I believe Katelyn’s sleeping problems may be due to teething. I looked in her mouth and she has 8 teeth coming in! Poor baby. This morning she had a mild fever so I gave her some Tylenol. Luckily, I leave at 12 today due to the holiday weekend so I will be able to monitor her better. You are correct Anna, my mommy gets here tomorrow! I am so excited! We are having a party on Sunday. It was supposed to be a few friends, but I invited a lot of folks and I don’t think Steve has even started asking his friends, so we may have a huge house party when all is said and done LOL. Good thing I have Monday to rest!

Jules, Beth I hope you are doing well. I check up on you via FB, but we miss you here. Angela – if you talk to Laura tell her we miss her and would love to see photos of the twins! Chris, Chris2, Viv, Charmaine, terry, and everyone else hope you and your babies (almost toddlers!) are doing well.

Everyone have a GREAT WEEKEND and SAFE Labor Day!

Hello all my lovely friends!! I hope everyone had a great labor day weekend!!

Flutter!!! I LOVED the picture of baby!!! So awesome!!! I am so happy for you and the family!! Such great news.

Ma, thanks for the eating advice. I have looked for sprouts food here and only found a bet little on clearance. May try and go on line. However I do want her to move onto solids full time. So we'll see. The march is on to try and get more veggies into that little stinker.

Steph, how was the party and have you recovered??? Sounds like great fun!! How is your mom's visit going??

Angela, so glad the cold is getting better. Can't wait to see pictures of little Ethan!! Such a cutie!! The nursery sounds awesome. My parents are going to be in the market for a new crib for Jo ( she spends two days with them). And I am going to tr and talk them into a toddler forever bed one that goes from crib to toddler be to twin. I think that's the way to go.

AFM, thanks for all your kind words, alas the witch arrived and it was not meant to be. I really need to wrap my head around not having number two and be ok with that. It's just sometimes I wonder what if....... Anyhow, went camping over the weekend and had a great time. Lots of kids a little older than Jo, but still it was fun. Jo's cold is getting better but she has the runs now and isn't eating much. Wonder if it's the new teeth. Steph, eight teeth at once!!! Holy cow she gets a medal!! Jo is all of a sudden having trouble with solids. Did anyone have a baby start on solids and revert back to baby food?? Seems to be the only thing she's interested in right now. Could be the cold or the teeth. But just curious if anyone had a similar situation.

That's about all. Have a good night!
Steph, we re still working on a name :blush: but I'm determined to have one by 34 weeks! We did end up buying our furniture this weekend -yay! - so that is one thing off my list.

Anna, teething pain and/or sore throat pain from a cold or bug can definitely put them off the more textured solid foods; Ethan is definitely like that. I have learned to chill foods if his throat is hurting and sometimes he will eat better that way. If it is teething it just takes a few days usually for them to get back to normal. :thumbup: You can usually get Sprout from Amazon for decent prices, but it comes in bulk (like 12 packages to a box) so make sure you try a flavor before buying that many. :haha: Also, yes, I LOVE the convertible furniture thing. I couldn't see buying a whole crib and "baby" furniture setup, only to need to replace in a couple years, so we did the convertible with Ethan and will do the same with this one.

Everyone please keep my little guy in your prayers! His leg is not any better and, to me, almost seems worse... A week and a half after his fall. I am calling dr. Tomorrow for an ortho referral, but I'm just getting nervous that it's something more serious :nope: :cry: I can't even let myself think that way, but it is creeping into my thoughts nevertheless. :-(.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We enjoyed ours and visited with a couple different groups of friends, so that was fun.
Rebekah, I think you asked a question about bottles a few messages back, and I'm sorry I just realized I never answered you! We were at Buy Buy baby this weekend and it occurred to me when I was looking at the feeding section of the store! :doh: :rofl:

Yes, I will be reusing any of the bottles we have that I can. Also pacis, spoons, dishes, etc... they outgrow the newborn pacis so quickly and ours are almost like new. And Ethan and this baby will be so close in age, I will just replace things as needed, perhaps replace the nipples if they seem worn... but mostly our bottles are still in good shape (though Ethan is still using them... I'm sure I'm going to hear about THAT from dr. when I see her!)

We finally ordered our furniture - we settled on this stuff: https://www.creationsbaby.com/cape_cod.html

It's not either of the ones I mentioned previously, but it seems to be the best all-around fit, in terms of pieces available and pricing...even though the color of the finish isn't my favorite for use with his nursery theme... I know he will only have that theme for a few years, and then we'll be into a "little boy" room decor that will flow much better with the brown. So I'm okay with it, and I love the style of the crib. It was hard to find something I liked in a convertible set that wasn't too much like Ethan's. :haha: So now, we are down to just a few things that need to be done prep-wise (aside from general house decluttering and organizing).

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had fun with friends visiting two days, then Sunday we spent shopping till we dropped for the furniture LOL. Exhausted, but glad we are done with that piece! It's a rainy day here and the rain moved in yesterday, but we were still able to grill out and swim a bit before the rain began. So I'm enjoying the low key day, just waiting impatiently for dr's office to call me back on the ortho referral for Ethan. I called at 8:30...tap, tap, tap...:coffee:

Hugs to all! How is everyone doing?
Hello all!! Just got a baby visit at work!! My parents came by with her and it was so nice to see her if only for a few min.

Angela, LOVE the furniture!! It's so cute!! So good looking. I forget do u know what you're having?? Another boy?? So sorry if this is old news. My old brain just isn't what it used to be!! Anyway I love the distressed look. Glad all is coming together. Don't sweat the small stuff, home clutter and all, I know it's hard not to, but all will work out.

As for Ethan, poor little guy!! Have you gotten a doctor's appointment yet?? Get him in ASAP. If for no other reason than piece of mind. Fingers crossed it's nothing.

AFM, a year ago I was in labor. Hard to believe it has passed so quickly. I have taken the day off and we're going to go swimming and for a bike ride, maybe a picnic with the grand parents. Then cup cakes with sprinkles and family. Low key. I just didn't have it in me to do a big party. As for eating she had a good dinner last night and breakfast this morning so I think we're over whatever was bothering her. Today I am getting her some push toys and her first crayons, big paper, and some non toxic paint for her birthday so she can start playing with these toys. I am left handed and DH is right so we're curious as the who she will take after.

But before the big birthday day, we have a dinner party tonight with friends so a little grown-up time. This particular group has been trying to get together all summer so I am excited to see everyone. Just hope I can keep from talking about my kid all night. Sad to say I have become that person.

Hope everyone has a good day!!! Anna
Just read post and it sounds like I'm taking today off but then said I was at work in the beginning. I am taking tomorrow off. She was born at high noon sept 5th so tomorrow is her birthday. B
Yay! Happy birthday Miss Jo! Isnt it amazing how fast that first year goes? The family celebration sounds lovely and I think that is perfect! Glad her appetite is back!

Thanks about the furniture! I'm just relieved to have the decision made, and have it on the way. Yay! We are having another boy (I should put that in my ticker! Lol) so it will be good boy furniture I think!

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