35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Happy Birthday Jo! :happydance:

Angela, BEAUTIFUL nursery furniture. I can't wait to see it in the nursery!!

Steph. Hoping your time with mommy is a fun and memorable one.

Not a whole lot to say today. ((hallelujah chorus)) Amelia has been better. She now has 4 teeth that have come through in the past 3 wks. No WONDER the poor kids was miserable! She's been sweet the past two days. Just ADORABLE! :happydance:

Love to you all.

P.S., Angela thanks for the heads up about the bottles. Steph actually mentioned it first but I too was wondering. I bet it's going to help us a great deal so thanks for sharing it with us!

Have a lovely week everyone!
Hi Ladies,

Angela – YAY on buying the baby furniture I am happy to hear that you got that done. I love the crib, it is similar to the one I have for Katelyn. Now you don’t have to stress about it. I am sorry to hear about Ethan’s leg. I will keep him in my prayers and pray that it isn’t anything more serious than being badly bruised which is causing him discomfort. Please let us know how the Dr appoint goes. Thanks for the info on the bottles. I have been saving mine for the next one, but will buy new nipples and paci’s. I think I have thrown most of the pacifiers away since Katelyn no longer uses them…which is funny because for the longest she was like Maggie from the Simpsons! Keep us posted on the name of you new baby boy!

Anna – sorry about the witch. I am glad to hear that Jo is feeling better! WOW one years old. Don’t even worry about not throwing a big bash. She isn’t going to remember it anyway LOL. What you have planned sounds GREAT! I know I have turned into one of those people that talk about their kid all the time, so I try to really only hang out with my friends with babies LOL. That way, I don’t feel bad because they are doing it too hee hee.

Rebekah – Thank! My mom and I are spending a lot of time together and it is certainly memorable…more on that below. Glad to hear Amelia is better.

AFM – well my Mom got in on Saturday and we told her about all the things we were planning on doing and she was on board with it all. Then while at the store looking for new carseat for Katelyn (Britax is waaaaay expensive so I might be doing a different brand, especially since I will need two!), my husband was carrying her and she suddenly threw up all over him. I thought it was because I had picked her up from her tummy earlier. Later that evening, she then had diarrhea. Then it just got worse, I still nurse Katelyn at nights and around 2:30 am Katelyn was up throwing up all over me, the bed, the bathroom. She threw up like 3 separate times within 1 hour. Poor little thing. My husband was cleaning me up and I was cleaning her up. Similar thing happened Sunday night around the same time. Needless to say my mom and I were up (she was keeping her baby company LOL) until about 4am each night. I had to cancel our party Sunday because I didn’t want my friends with 1 year olds getting sick and we didn’t need a bunch of people over with her being sick anyway. I went to the Dr’s and they said it was virus and had to run its course. Good thing is she is eating and keeping it down and she is NOT dehydrated. For some reason in the evenings she is throwing up just the breastmilk. Last night she managed not to throw up, but she was still gagging. It was very similar to when she would get acid reflux as a new born. But the Dr said she was looking good and it would probably last 1-4 days. The only down side is that she isn’t her happy peppy dancing singing self while my mom is here. But the good thing is my mom is here and she is taking care of ME while I am taking care of Katelyn.

Well I hope everyone has a great week. I will keep you posted on Katiebug.

Steph so sorry about Katelyn! That sucks! We haven't had our first gastro virus yet, but I know those days are coming! :sick: So glad your mom is there to help out! On the carseat, there are MANY good brands, I just chose Britax because it was the most convincing one to me when I actually compared them in person. One of our friends has Evenflo and loves it, others use Graco... you'll find one that you are comfortable with! :thumbup:

Bek, so glad Amelia is feeling better! It is so hard when they are sick or uncomfortable. hubby and I keep saying we can't WAIT till EThan can at least say, "it's my foot that hurts" or whatever it is. Right now we are guessing and it's scary!

Thanks for all the compliments on the nursery furniture! We have to get the walls painted, then my sister can do the murals, and I can't wait to see it all put together! Supposedly, a 5-6 week delivery window for the furniture, so I'd better get on the painting planning!
Ok really slow at work so lots of time to post. I'm feeling nostalgic for baby time and all of a sudden feel a very real urge to start ttcing again. Problem is DH will be pretty against it. It's his life it affects too so it will be a joint decision. He adores Jo so I wonder if he could be on board. If not he needs to get snipped so I no longer have baby thoughts, or at least know it will never happen.

Anyway, thinking out loud and thanks for all the birthday wishes!! Anna
Hi Ladies,

Then while at the store looking for new carseat for Katelyn (Britax is waaaaay expensive so I might be doing a different brand, especially since I will need two!)

Ummm, are you trying to tell us something??;);)
Hi Ladies,

Then while at the store looking for new carseat for Katelyn (Britax is waaaaay expensive so I might be doing a different brand, especially since I will need two!)

Ummm, are you trying to tell us something??;);)

Lol' I didn't even pick up on that possibility! I just assumed she meant one for her car and one for hubby's - hmmm...!!
Hi Ladies,

Then while at the store looking for new carseat for Katelyn (Britax is waaaaay expensive so I might be doing a different brand, especially since I will need two!)

Ummm, are you trying to tell us something??;);)

Lol' I didn't even pick up on that possibility! I just assumed she meant one for her car and one for hubby's - hmmm...!!

I know we're both ttc next year but I don't think they're NOT stopping it either. So it took me for a loop. I wondered if I'd missed something. :shrug: :rofl:
Happy Birthday Jo!!!! Have a wonderful day with your Mommy and Daddy! Anna you have a great day with your now toddler!

Rebekah - LOL I am not pregnant, as Angela suspected, we need a car seat for my car and my hubby's. But you are correct we are no longer preventing.

Angela - Did you ever hear back from the Ortho department?

Flutter - how you doing?

Hi Happy Auntie!!!!

AFM - Still trying to get Katelyn better, she is recovering slowly. SHe will probably be 100% as soon as it is time for my Mom to go home :-(. My Mom has been such a HUGE help, I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves.

Well back to work for me. Hope Jules, Beth, Laura, CJ, and the rest of the ladies are doing well!

Steph, glad Katelyn is mending, though I know it is so hard when they are not feeling well! My mother in law comes this weekend to stay a week, and I will be VERY glad to have the help so I know how you feel about your mom leaving!

We are just back from the ortho. Cannot BELIEVE my eyes and ears, but Ethan has fractured both his tibia AND fibia... I couldn't believe it! He only fell MAYBE six inches, off his little riding truck thingy. But the dr. explained it and said it happens ALL the time, and it always freaks the parents out because they think how could they have such an injury from a minor fall... he said at this age, their bones are still full of cartilage and are comparatively weaker than their joints (the opposite of an adult). In an adult, the bones are hard and strong and, if there is stress between a joint and a bone, the joint will usually lose and you get a sprain or torn ACL or twisted ankle, etc. But with toddlers, their bones are weaker than their joints, and they usually get breaks instead of joint injuries. :shrug: That was news to me, but I guess it makes sense. He said they are so common they call it a "toddler fracture" and that it usually presents exactly like Ethan's - not too much pain or fuss when the injury occurs (because it is after all a minor fracture, not a whole-bone-break). Not too much swelling (we had NONE) and the child usually goes on to either limp a bit and then get over it (with parents none the wiser to the break) or they will get taken to an ortho for xrays and the fracture will be picked up... but he said he literally doesn't go a day in practice without seeing one. I believe him now, because the child in front of us checking out had on a boot just like EThan's!

So anyway ladies, be warned - if your child has a minor fall but seems to be limping, don't take your ped's word for it that it's prpobably nothing... my regular ped (whom I LOVE) is out right now, so we had to see the Dragon Lady (the other dr. in our practice's office near us) and I do NOT love that doctor. She told me she was SURE it wasn't broken and didn't think an xray was warranted. HA! That is the LAST time I will see her. If my dr. isn't there from now on, we will go to a different office for our practice. GRRRRR!!!!! My poor kid has had a BROKEN LEG for two weeks and I didn't know it! I can't compltely fault her, because even I didn't think there was even a POSSIBILITY it was BROKEN. :nope: but, she is the expert and that is why we pay her!! :grr: :growlmad: :hissy: :brat:

Anyway, the upshot is, my little guy is handling it fine, and doesn't need a full cast (he gets this little walking boot, which just because of its size I must say is ADORABLE, though I'm not happy he has it at all!) He hasn't figured out how to walk in it yet, but hopefully it will not give him too much grief. He'll be in that for at least three weeks. And the ortho promises me it's just a basic, regular broken bone - NOT anything caused by something more serious (my father died of bone cancer that resulted from his prostate cancer, and toward the end he had multiple broken bones because they decayed with cancer... I could not shake that image when Ethan failed to get better quickly, and had been having nightmares that something much worse was wrong).

And next time we will go STRAIGHT to the ortho!! :wink:

Here's my little trooper. It's not bothering HIM half as much as me!


  • Walking boot.jpg
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Despite knowing why it's on his leg, I have to say that's awfully cute!

A good friend of mine with twin boys had a similar thing happen to one of the boys at about 14 months - she was making dinner and they were playing happily and quietly alone in the living room, in sight and just a few feet away... one of them fell off the couch and his leg got caught in between the cushions as he fell to the ground. He had a spiral fracture of his femur, and the hospital was required to report it as possible child abuse! She was mortified - a CPS agent had to come to the house and investigate, but the agent said not to worry, that it's a common fracture and there was clearly no abuse going on in the house... still mortifying anyway.... I think he was in a cast (this was 8 years ago), and he never did figure out how to walk in it, so his twin brother started imitating his scooting and got jealous that he didn't have a cast, too! :dohh:

And my little sister dislocated her kneecap at 18 mos just tripping on a sidewalk. Toddler bones really aren't quite as rubbery as we think! She was in a full leg cast for six weeks though -the boot is SUCH an improvement! My mother still tells horror stories of trying to keep poopy diapers from making a mess of the cast!! :haha:

I am so sorry you're all going through this, and I'm glad it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much. :hugs:
Thanks Melissa! :hugs:

I think what really scared me so badly is that, by the time I figured out it simply was NOT getting any better, I started wondering why... and all I could think about was what happened with my Dad... we have also recently heard about several kids and smaller children who've turned up with broken bones that were found to have fractured due to tumors, etc... and I just couldn't get "worst case" out of my head. It's my anxiety issue again... My mind goes straight to the worst possible scenario and stays firmly fixed there! :dohh: I even started boo hooing about it the other night and my husband was just shaking his head at me :grr: (the man doesn't worry about ANYTHING unless it is actually happening...I just can't master that zen state!)

I know I am probably in for much worse as we go along in the years and he gets capable of REALLY hurting himself... I can't even take these minor things! :nope:

I am so sorry for your friend that had to deal with CPS, but yes, I know they have to be called in certain scenarios. My mother in law can recall asking my hubby's pediatrician if he thought that she beat her kids, because she was in his office so often! :haha: He said of course not, they are just boys!! So it is good that, most of the time, the docs can tell when something is suspect.

The boot is definitely an improvement over a true cast... But I'm thinking he will have to run around in a onesie all day (which will look hilarious with the boot!) because I can't get his shorts off over the boot, to change diapers. :dohh: Did I mention already how glad I am that my RN mother-in-law is on her way this weekend!? :haha: Thank God for Granna!
Oh goodness. I too am glad your mom is stopping by to help. lol Poor kid! He's very cute though. Gotta love him.

I'll be on the lookout. Amelia has me on edge because she's VERY active. She wants to go from crawling to jumping all at once. Today she was excited and almost flipped falling head first into our side table next to our bed. Luckily Doug was quick on the draw but no matter HOW much we baby proof, it seems we still have to keep on our toes. :lol:

Well, I'm tired so I'm heading to bed at 3am. :wacko:

Have a good day everyone!
Hello ladies!!

One year down and many more to go.

Angela, oh my gosh!!! Poor little boy! But man I man those dimples! Even with a boot what a cutie!! I am so sorry about his leg and I had no idea about the bone and joint issue. Good information to have but sorry it came at the cost of Ethan's leg. Thank goodness MIL is on her way!!

Ma, I know what you mean, Jo is a daredevil too. She seems to bump her head about 10 times a day!!

Steph, LOL!! About being pregnant. However I feel your pain. We had one infant car seat and three bases for the last one. I don't even know what we were thinking just getting one convertible car seat. In the last two weeks since the new car seat it has become painfully obvious we all ( myself, DH, and my parents). With three care givers we are playing musical car seat with a really big car seat!! The unfortunate outcome always seems to be it ends up in a different car than where we need it and someone is stranded with the baby unable to go anywhere. I just ordered two more off amazon. They had Britax carseats for 25% off, free shipping. So I got the Britax 50 which is supposed to be good for smaller cars. Anyhoo, hope your visit with your mom is going well!! So sorry little katelyn is sick. It's just the worst. Give her lots of hugs from me.

HA, I have heard of social services being called in certain situations. Can I just say that's my worst nightmare. Hope you are well!

AFM, did I say wanted another baby?? I thought Jo's cold was getting better but she's digressed and her cough is still here and her nose is running constantly. Angela when Ethan was always sick did you ever suspect allergies? I swear Jo has been sick for the last 9 moths. I know daycare is partly to blame but really?? I'm now worried that there might be mold in the house we're living in as there is a history of water damage. I am hesitant to take her to the doctor as she had no fever, but I slept on the floor of her room last night because she kept up waking up screaming like when she has an ear infection. She isn't sleeping well at all and food is hit or miss. So needless to say her birthday celebration was lack luster as she was exhausted from not sleeping and coughing. The ther side is that I haven't slept well in two weeks and little to none for the past few nights. I hate to be the one to call the doctor all the time espically since our year check up is next Thursday, but I don't want to go another week like this!! What to do??

Ok quick vent #2, out lender needed some additional easy o get paper work but we missed our loan commitment dead line. Not the seller is ranting and raving and threatening to kill the deal and we will have no house. Remember these sellers are crazy. Anyway my realtor who was coppied all the emails from the lender dropped the ball and didn't inform the seller of the delays, so at this point we're just hoping all will end up ok. My lender is really confused as it's two tiny things (which are already done) and we will be good to go. Loan isn't in jeopardy at all. And we still have two weeks until closing. Needless to say if we loose this house I am moving into our camper. Funny thing is I've done all I can and now it's up to fate. I truly feel like things are meant to be and happen for reasons beyond my control so while I will freak if we loose the house I'm pretty stoic at the moment. Could be I have bigger fish to fry with a sick baby and no sleep. So I guess we'll just see what happens, but ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Have a good Thursday!!
I'd say "Bring it on people". Weren't THEY the ones who were complaining because they wanted MORE time? Good grief those people are nuts! :wacko:

Your right. Don't worry about it. Keep your focus on Jo and getting her well. God will provide. He usually does. Even if it isn't what we expect.

AFM: Preparing for Amelia's birthday and am nervous. It really isn't all that tough. Just nervous. Thank goodness I have help.

Nothing else really going on here. Can you believe it?!
Hey Ladies!
My goodness I am so far behind! I am still reading and trying to catch up on everyone's posts so I will write a proper response later I promise!

MiissMuffet08 - i hope that your Katelyn is starting to feeling much better now! It sounds like you guys had a rough few days!

Happy (Late!) Birthday to Jo!! I hope it was wonderful!

MissMuffet08 - I am doing great, I have just been so bogged down between work and school. When I am not at either or doing homework I am trying to sleep. This first-trimester makes ya sleepy!!! lol!!

Just found out my dad is coming into town to see us for a little bit on Saturday. He is super excited about his grand-baby to be! I can't wait to see him!

I have to leave work for now but I will catch up on everyone else's posts tonight and get back up to speed and write a more proper post!

I hope everyone is doing great! :happydance:
Anna, as far as Ethan's illnesses last year, I could definitely follow a pattern with his and see that he was getting sick about once a month with respiratory bugs, and he was definitely picking them up at the church childcare... it always followed the same pattern - he was there on a Wednesday, and sick by Friday or Saturday, rinse, lather, repeat. About half the time, I caught them myself (or hubby did, or both!) and I could definitely tell by the symptoms that they were contagious bugs and not allergies. He did not have constant symptoms, but rather would get sick, get well, and be well for a while before getting sick again (except once, we had an ear infection go on for months...:wacko:) So in his case, I knew it wasn't allergies. But I know from our friends who do all-week (or part-week) daycare, when they are in that setting they will often go from sniffle to sniffle to runny nose in such a constant pattern that it will definitely make you wonder if it's allergies or something else. Just check with your ped - are you guys in an area that is bad for seasonal allergies? I would not think CO would be (and think you are in Aspen or similar?) where altitude often helps with allergy issues... if it was me, I would suspect just constant exposure to contagious germs (which is NOT something you can help - Ethan picked up his latest bug a couple weeks ago at a friend's birthday party, and their child was NOT visibly sick). I think it's just more common in kids who are in a daycare setting, because they are exposed that much more. When I took Ethan to his ped for about round 6 of the misery last year, I asked her, WHAT can I do to stop this endless cycle of misery, both for his sake and my OWN? LOL! And she said NOTHING. It's just how they build up an immune system and it has to be allowed to happen. Ah well. Part of having kids! She did say, it gets a LOT better after 2. They have pretty much been around the block by then and should not come down with every bug they encounter.

I am so sorry she is not sleeping well! Ethan has been getting us up about once a night for the last month... partly I think it is bad dreams, but then the last few weeks I think it is pain from his leg. Last night we gave him advil at 3:30 because he was fussing and it was a different cry than when he has a bad dream. The advil seemed to help. It also helps a lot with the teething. I try to give it to him with milk or food (though not at 3 in the morning :haha:) because it can irritate their stomachs, but it works a lot better for him than tylenol ever has, both for pain and fever. :shrug:

I hope that helps some!

Flutter, great to see you and we all totally understand! Between nausea and exhaustion I am always totally WHACKED in the first tri and can barely keep my eyes open. Just write when you can!

Hugs to everyone else! I'm just hanging in there and singing praises that my mother in law comes tomorrow! :happydance: Help is on the way, hee hee!
Hi Flutterbee. I don't know how your making it through first trimester "doing it all". :hugs: That's an awful lot of work on very little sleep when your pregnant. I hope things calm down for you soon. Sounds like Grampa is excited and the visit will be good for you.

Angela, You have me wondering if I should think twice about putting Amelia in church daycare on Sundays. Last year she didn't get ANYTHING until she was 10 months with an ear infection. She only went into church daycare twice in that time since she was born.

I have a couple questions for you...Are you giving your children flu shots this season? I'm debating. I'm "usually" avoiding extra injections like the plague BUT, against my better judgement, I think all 3 of it will need it this year. Last year she had my breast milk to help cover her AND both Doug and I got the flu shot to spite the fact that "I" don't usually get them. Since Doug is a healthcare worker, He gets it anyways for HIS protection and ours (not mention I think the flu shot is mandatory...maybe not. I can't remember).

Next, Have any of you given your children a blanket and pillow? I know they can be incorporated once they're a year old. My craft room isn't up yet so I haven't made the quilt I wanted by her birthday but I'm thinking it will be done by October, beginning of November. :wacko: Things are a whole lot slower with baby in tow. Haha

As for a pillow, do we buy a "standard" size or a mini size? Any suggestions? Do you tuck your children in or just cover them? Can we NOW incorporate a bumper? I have a breathable bumper already. She DOES end up on her side with her mouth open close to the bumper so maybe the breathable is safer for now still.

Well, we're supposed to have a few bad storms here. It's windy here in Central New York. I'm not used to bad storms. We get storms here, but not so many scary storms or tornado's . We usually get snow storms. BAD ones. lol So hopefully I'll keep sane here and it won't be so bad. Our tree's aren't coming down until mid October.

Love and hugs to all of you. Happy Weekend!
Hey Bek!

As far as daycare, she will be exposed to germs at some point so I think it is kind of unavoidable with the church... That said, I haven't been to church all summer because didn't want him (then ME!) to get sick! :haha: so this fall we will see if he does okay with the one day a week my group meets (Wednesday's) then maybe he can go in on Sunday's as well. I miss church, but it just doesn't seem worth being sick so much when pregnant (I already have had three colds since preggo). Then once the new baby arrives, I will want to keep him safe from germs the first six months or so. Not sure how I will manage that! Much harder with a toddler around!

I put Ethan's regular crib bumper in when he begn to crawl around, pull up and play in the crib (which was around a little before a year, I think). I just didn't want him falling and bonking his head. He has seemed fine with it. He has four or five stuffed animals he sleeps and plays with in his crib, and occasionally I give him a blankie, but he tends to intentionally put the blanket on his face, and I can't deal with that, so it's mostly stuffed animals for comfort objects. At this age (about one year on) they are so mobile in the crib even in sleep that my ped said don't even bother with pillows or blankets -they don't stay in one place long enough to warrant it. I always just keep him in pj's that keep him warm enough for overnight, because even when I give him a blanket it ends up wadded at the other end of the crib (if not over his face lol). That said, i think hand knitted afghans are supposed to be safe because they are generally very porous and breathable.

I hope that helps some! :hugs:
Thank you very much! Yes, she does end up all over the place. Her latest antic is sitting up in the middle of the night and falling head first into the mattress. When I wake up and find her that way on the monitor I run right in. It just makes me crazy. lol :wacko:

We've had 3 hours sleep today. Another tooth is cutting in. I'm SO tired. I finally got her to sleep but I'm afraid if I go to sleep I'm so tired I won't hear her when she's up. So I'm sucking it up and staying awake. The thing is, I'm on provera to get a period. I AM NUTS! :wacko: You know how I am on progesterone. It makes me CRAZY! Not only am I tired, I am also in pain in the lower back area, feel like a pole is up my bum and poor Doug has been putting his foot in his mouth for 3 days. :lol:

I also thought I should update that I stepped on the flippin scale today and found out I lost 12lbs. ((faint)) I've been SLOWLY doing the plant based lifestyle with Doug. I still have a meat/dairy/cheese dish a day and still managed to lose 12lbs. I'm not down to pre Jackson weight. I don't FEEL like I lost anything. "Technically" I'm hormonal and feel bloated because of the progesterone so that may be one reason but the other is that I think my weight is shifting downward. I am also feeling excess skin downward. I can pull it and it feels like the excess skin you'd see on a pug. ((ick))

"hopefully" I can get down 47 more pounds before January when we start ttc again. Right now though, being THIS tired and THIS miserable from provera and lack of sleep from a teething baby, ttc couldn't be the farthest thing from my mind. :rofl: If you have any extra time, please keep Doug in your prayers. He could use it. :lol:

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