35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi all!!

It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon and thought I'd drop a quick line as Jo is down for a very long afternoon nap. I think she's transitioning to a one nap a day.

Flutter, take care mama. I was so tired in first trimester!! It's a lot to take on, but gets better in second. Yeh for family coming how fun!

Angela, thanks, yes I too think it's daycare, it's just frustrating. I keep Jo home when she's sick ( more on that later), but it seems like other parents have no qualms about bringing their kids in when sick. It frustrates me.

MA, I am going to sound like the worst mother ever but Jo has had blankets in her crib for months now. It's just too cold here I can't keep her warm any other way. However Angela has a point they always end up on her head or kicked to the side. Then she wakes up freezing. I'm trying to figure out what to do, but that's my two cents.

AFM, well it's been interesting. Thursday after I posted my mama intuition kicked in and I made an appointment for Jo to go to the doctor. I picked her up from daycare at 2:25 and she felt warm, got to doc office and lo and behold, temp of 101.7. Turns out she has another ear infection, third in two months. So we went back to daycare and got the rest of her things. Then they had the nerve to call and say just FYI Jo couldn't come back to day care because she had a fever so she wasn't welcome the next day. I felt like, really?? Seems like she was ok there with a fever that day and no one freaking noticed!!! How do you have a baby with a fever of almost 102 degrees and not notice??? I even warned them, she's been under the weather, didn't sleep well, etc. No phone call nothing. I even called them that day around noon to tell them I would be picking her up early for a doctor's appointment and no one thought, geez I wonder if the kid is sick?? Anyway if I had a better option I would switch day care facilities. I like her teachers well enough, but the administration is CRAP!!! I did not drop her off with a fever that morning as I said before I always keep her home if she has more than the sniffles. I know the policy is to protect the other kids, but it's due to an ear infection, not something contagious and I would NEVER bring in a sick baby!! AHHHH. Ok sorry rant over. Needless to say took Friday off work as well, and Jo is doing much better and sleeping like a champ now that antibiotics have kicked in. She's been asleep for almost 3 hrs now. Will wake her soon. Problem is if she keeps having ear infections we may have to think about getting tubes put in at least one ear. Poor little girl.

Other than that got to go look at the house today. Count down on. Now the sellers are saying they need more time, that they really needed 2 weeks from a firm loan commitment date, which looks like will happen on Monday. From the looks of things they are pretty well on their way to getting packed up so I think it's more bull from the realtor, but whatever. We'll play along if it means we get the house, it's just frustrating.

Sorry this post was a me, me, me post.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Anna
MA, we posted at the same time, WOOOOHOOO for weight loss!!!! That is awesome!!! Congrads on your success and I will think of your DH.
Bek, I'm so sorry about the sleep loss and the hormone issues, but that is GREAT about hte weight loss! Congratulations mama!! :happydance:

I know it is so hard when they are teething. I honestly can't tell how much of Ethan's misery lately has been the leg, and how much the teeth - he is cutting TWO molars on the same side, one on top and one on bottom. I feel so bad for him, but he is being such a trooper!

Anna, I hear you on the sick kids at daycare business. At our church, they are supposed to be unable to even drop off a child that is visibly sick, but last year (right before another round of Ethan getting sick, and I'm sure that's where he got it) I was standing right there for drop off when another mother dropped off her daughter, saying "she has a little runny nose but it's just allergies..." If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a parent say that in reference to themselves or a sick child, I would be able to run my own lottery... and they are ALWAYS wrong. It's not allergies when it's going around in your family and you have cold symptoms. GRRRRR! That is one of my biggest pet peeves. So anyway, I hear you about them dropping off sick kids. And when MY kid is sick I always keep him home. The saddest thing is, all the ladies in my church group have confessed that they have brought sick kids to childcare before... I'm like :saywhat:????? GRRRR!!!!! Sorry, I can rant about this subject forever. I'm so sorry poor Jo keeps getting sick, because I definitely know how it goes and am afraid I'm really in for it for hte rest of this pregnancy once Ethan starts going back to the church. Praying I'm not, but afraid I am! I hope the rest of the time till house closing passes quickly for you! Those last few days or weeks can feel like FOREVER, I know!

We're doing pretty well this weekend. Ethan is getting around pretty well with his boot, and Granna is here to help out which is a MAJOR help for me. I get to have lunches with girlfriends most days this week, which will be awesome! Meeting up with my college roomate too, to get all my newborn and breastfeeding/freezing stuff from her that she borrowed for her 3rd last fall. I also spent this morning organizing Ethan's closet and dresser for fall and winter. I'm learning I can no longer go by sizes much... I have to just take one shirt and one pair of pants that I know fit him right now, and hold them up to everything else to see about how much bigger things are... then I organize them by actual size, rather than label size. So many things shrink and a lot of our stuff comes from consignment or hand-me-downs from friends, so I just have to look at the actual sizes. :thumbup: The crazy part is, a lot of our hand me downs come from a particular friend whose son is FOUR, coming up on FIVE this January... and he is just now outgrowing a lot of 2T stuff! For comparison, Ethan (at 18 months) is on track to wear most of that stuff this fall and winter...Crazy how differently they can grow! Now, Ethan is tall for his age (was 75th percentile for height at 15 month checkup, and he has even grown a lot since then!). So a lot of things like shirts that are sized for 18 months or 24 months would normally fit him, except they are short at the waist or, for pants, at the legs ... anyway, got that done this morning, so I'm feeling good about that. I also decluttered our medicine cabinet for the first time in about ten years :rofl: so I tossed a whole bag of garbage and that felt great! I love getting stuff DONE!

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend!
Angela, good to know someone feels my pain, iI'm sure there are a lot of folks out there that feel the same way, but man oh man the sick kid at day care is one of my pet peeves too!!
So glad you got clothes organized!!! That is a major accomplishment!!! Before Jo was born and I was going through hand me downs a good girlfriend gave me the advice of doing exactly what you're doing. Go through everything but don't look at sizes or tags, just hold stuff up and compare it to other stuff then arrange by smallest to largest. Are you taking notes flutter??? But that is a major task and well done?!

AFM, back at work and Jo is much better. Waiting to hear today or tomorrow about the loan and on pins and needles. Just want everything finalized already!!!

Happy Monday all!! Hi to MA, steph, Flutter, Beth, Jules , CJ, vivienne, chris #1 and 2, lava, Charmaine, and anyone else I forgot!! Sorry for typos.
Hello my friends! :hi:

Goodness, it’s been ages since I’ve been on. I actually came on last week, typed up a long response and lost it. Grr. :brat::grr: I was so mad LOL :grr:

Flutterbee, it’s so nice to meet you :flower:and congratulations on your pregnancy! I so do miss being pregnant and I love following along whenever I hear of someone being pregnant:hugs: How are you feeling?

Speaking of pregnancy – Angela – I can’t believe you are SO close! Are you feeling okay? I have to tell you, I reeled back in horror when I read on FaceBook about Ethan’s fractures. And it was such a small (6 inch?) fall to the floor. Good gravy – the poor boy. I do hope he is feeling better and will heal quickly.:hugs:

Anna – thank you for posting pictures of your darling Jo – she is SO cute and a happy (belated!) birthday to her! How have you been doing? I’m sorry to hear about the frustrations you’re going through with closing. What a pain! Hopefully it will all wrap up soon and you can move into your new home!:hugs:

Hi Steph! How are you and how is beautiful Katelyn? (I also thought you were pregnant when I read about buying 2 car-seats!) So you’re not preventing, not trying - so, hey it might happen!!:thumbup::hugs:

Rebekah – I have to say that I have been following your friend from high school’s nephew’s story since you mentioned it (Ethan). I am feeling very melancholy tonight because the last status update on Facebook was not good. His story has touched me so and I found myself in tears this evening while cooking dinner, thinking about him and his family. I am praying for a miracle.

On a brighter note – well done on losing 12lbs Bek! :happydance: That is fantastic! I keep going up and down, up and down, losing the same 5lbs :growlmad::sad2:. I just need to FOCUS! :bodyb:

As far as the flu shot – I myself had questioned giving Gabriella the shot. My daycare provider said that the doctors who have children at the daycare opt to NOT give their children the shot and also said that all the kids who DO get it, end up sick. Also, in 2004, I had the only flu shot I ever had and ended up not just with the flu, but with an upper respitory chest infection and walking phneumonia. I was so sick and felt awful.

The Dr. who saw me (when I finally decided I'd had enough of being sick!) couldn’t believe I was still standing and injected me with meds on the spot. Anyhoo, talking about the flu shot bought back that memory and I was terrified of Gabriella getting sick. After speaking to lots of parents about it, I decided to go ahead and get Gabriella the shot, so she is scheduled for next week. If she were to get the flu and I didn’t give her the shot, I’d never forgive myself, plus many have said that their children didn’t get sick and/or experienced very mild symptoms following the shot.

Bek – did you decide on a theme for Amelia’s 1st birthday party? I can’t believe she is going to be one! Doesn’t time fly?! I can’t believe Gabriella (and Beth’s Charlie) are both already 7 months old – :saywhat: How did this happen, when it feels like I just gave birth to Baby G last month? LOL

So Gabriella has said her first words – I caught it on video. She’s been gabbing a lot lately and here she is in all of her glory ‘da-da’ing’ away LOL. Goodness, I love this girl!

She’s doing so well with solids – actually she eats like a horse :haha:. (takes after her mum!)

I wanted to run her schedule past you ladies to see if you feel there’s anything we should change or if you had any suggestions? Do you think she is too young to begin trying finger food? She doesn’t have any teeth yet, but her two bottom middle teeth are cutting through.

Here’s her daily schedule:

6:00am – 7:00am : wake up
Upon waking, I'll give her a bottle (she’ll only drink about 2-3oz of formula first thing in the morning)
8:30am: Approx. ½ cup Oatmeal with formula mixed in
11:30am: a jar of Earth’s Best fruit or vegetable (stage 2)
12:30pm: 2-3oz formula
3:00pm: 6oz formula
6:00pm: Approx ¼ cup Earth’s Best oatmeal mixed formula and mixed in with 1 jar of Earth’s Best chicken/vegetable or fruit/vegetable dinner

After dinner I bathe her, put her in her pajamas, read to her, and hold her while we listen to a Mozart Lullaby CD and she’ll fall asleep in my arms within an hour. (Usually between 6:30pm – 7:30pm and I’ll then put her in her crib)

10:00pm: 6oz formula (dream-feed)

Then she’ll sleep until about 6am or 7am in the morning.

What do you think ladies? Is there anything you think I should change and do you feel she’s too young for finger foods? I’ll mention that she also drinks water too. I try to get her to drink between 2oz – 3oz water a day. Also, her pediatrician just started her on vitamins as well, so her vitamin dose is mixed in with her evening meal of solids.

AFM, I am doing well. Trying to shift this weight loss, I am so sick of being fat! :grr::roll: I'm determined to stick with my diet this week!
We had a tornado on Saturday which knocked down my tree - it was completely unexpected. One minute, hubby and I were outside on the deck drinking tea and chatting, and the next minute, the sky went dark and everything that wasn't bolted down started swirling around our heads!

I'd never experienced a hurricane before - it's rather rare for this area to go through that (we are about 12 miles away from NYC). I hear that in Queens, cars were overturned! We lost our cherry tree which was sad, but as long as we are okay, that's all that matters. My heart goes out to people who live in areas where tornadoes are common. I can't imagine losing your home and belongings to something like that.

Ok - well I've rambled on enough LOL!. Much love to everyone!! :hug::hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Thank you so much Angela and Anna. Jules, it was SO NICE to see you on here for a visit. We've missed you! :hugs:

On Easton. I've been bawling ALL NIGHT long. His stats aren't great at all. The poor kid has been fighting one battle after another, after another. He's suffering SO BAD. I'm praying that God would provide some healing and comfort to him. I have been through a loss. I've watched our son die. It's not a picnic but THIS,this has brought me to my knee's even as a Christian. Tonight I feel sick. When I see Easton's not doing well, I start bawling, then I think of Jackson and miss the heck out of him and then I think of how grateful I am that God spared him from this kind of suffering then I ask WHY?

I see my friend standing on the faith of mustard seed and knowing that babies DO die I wonder what to say?! How to explain sin and the fall of man as the reason behind why babies die. I get mad and frustrated myself. I question just as those in the Bible did. I think of Job but HE was a man. I remember Hannah and having to give her son back to the Lord and I just wondered how she made it. How I made it. Then I remember that God was there giving me courage to push, giving Doug the courage to cut the cord even though we new Jackson wouldn't make it and how awesome He was when He was with our son when he took his last breath.

This though has been hard. It's hard to share the Lord with people when they wonder why a loving God would allow a baby to hurt like this.

I had a rough day at the Dr.'s, Amelia's teething and not feeling very well and with the latest news I'm just REALLY over-hormonal. I'm spent and down and frustrated. Like you, I too cried tonight. I just look at Amelia, hold her, pray for her, pray for Easton and just talk with God. It's why I haven't had a whole lot to say lately. I'm emotionally spent. Waiting to hear the next step and hopefully some good news in it all.

Anyways, enough of all this whining. Poor Doug is sleeping on the couch next to me because I have been in tears for HOURS unable to get to sleep.

Love, hugs and SO MANY blessings to all of us and our little darlings tonight. We have SO much to be grateful. Just so much to be grateful for. ((sigh))
Rebekah – Congrats on the weight loss!! That is fantastic. You go! I am happy for you. As for the flu shot, Katelyn had one last year and will get another this year. Because she was born preemie, I have given her every shot that the recommended just to be on the safe side. I am so sorry to hear about Easton and will continue to pray for his comfort and for his parents. Big Hugs to you for keeping your faith when it is hard. And if you need to cry and have emotional days then do so. We are here for you 

Anna/Angela – While Katelyn is not in Daycare, I also agree with if you sick stay at home (though I know for some people it is easier said than done). I hate it when my co-workers come to work sick…it is like they want a medal for showing up even though they have a 103 degree fever and coughing/sneezing every 5 seconds. In fact last Thursday I had to tell my close friend to go and pick her son up from daycare. I was telling her that Katelyn was getting better from her stomach virus and she was telling me her son was sick with a stomach virus. When I asked her where he was she said at Day Care. I had to yell at her and say go and get your son! She didn’t think a stomach virus was contagious. I told her it was a VIRUS and how would she feel if some other kid came to daycare and was throwing up everywhere. She went and picked him up and kept him home the next day.

Anna – YAY on your house getting ready to close. I will keep my fingers crossed that everything here on out will go smoothly and uneventfully! Also, glad that Jo is feeling better.

Angela – Good on you for organizing Ethan’s closet. I have been trying to do Katie’s for about 2 months now. Maybe sometime this week I will be successful LOL. Sounds like you have everything together. Glad you are able to get a lot done with your MIL in town. I miss my Mom already. BTW I had a question for you – are you getting a new stroller? I guess I mean a double stroller? Or will you just have two separate strollers? Also, thank you for the extra info on carseats! I appreciate the advice.

Flutter – you are a busy bee and I am like everyone else am in awe and amazement by you. I was completely spent my entire first trimester. I would literally take an two lunch just about every day and sleep for an hour and 30 minutes of it. I am looking forward to hearing about your pregnancy as you move further along the next 8 months . It is so exciting and does make me miss being pregnant.

Jules!!!!! So good to hear from you. I LOVE the video. Gabby is just a cutie. I was cracking up when she started laughing hee hee. What a doll. I think that Gabby’s meal seem fine, though you may want check with your Dr to see if she needs more milk/formula. I know with Katelyn once she turned 1 her Dr said she should only be getting 24-32oz of milk a day.

AFM – Not a lot going on. It is still hot as all get out here in Los Angeles (well in the Valley) so just trying to stay cool and use our pool before it gets too cold to do so (that would be about 70 degress or cooler outside lol). Nothing new. Hope everyone is having a great week!

MA, you are so right that we should all be grateful that we deal with teething and ear infections and not what your friend is dealing with. It is truly heartbreaking, so much so I can hardly even imagine going through what your friend is experiencing. I am not a person of faith, but will pray anyway to the powers that be that some peace comes to that family.

Jules, so good to hear from you!!! Your schedule for gabby sounds great. Ever baby is a little different but it sounds like she's getting the sleep and food she needs to thrive. So cute!!! Good luck on the weight loss!! I too feel as if I've hit a plateau. Just not moving much either way. I have only myself to blame have not been exercising. Glad to hear all is well in your world!!

AFM, on pins and needles waiting for loan approval on house. Thanks Jules for asking, but things are still up in the air. DH is self employed and it causes "issues". My leader has promised to have it resolved today one way or another. Other than that working a half day due to daycare issues, so get to spend the morning with my girl. She's been asleep for almost 2 hrs now so it's nice to get some time to clean the house and catch up here.

Many hugs to all!! Anna
Steph, we posted at the same time. Good for you for telling your friend to pick up her son. Ahhh so frustrating. So sorry your mom is already gone. Enjoy the pool!'. We are expecting our first snow possibly in the next couple of days. Ahh summer is just too short here. Hugs to katelyn!!
Hi there ladies.

I seem to be in a better state of mind right now. lol Gotta strike while it's hot. :rofl:

Had a great day today with Doug and Amelia.

Oh, I forgot to answer what theme Amelia's party is. We swayed a bit and have gone to a "carnival" theme. Now mind you, most of the children invited are 2yrs or younger so the carnival is for little people. Nothing like a bigger kid carnival. I think it's going to be cute. I'll leave it there until we get pics of everything. SO nervous!

Thank you ladies for the very kind words. Easton is still battling and has surgery in the morning. I've decided not to post too much more on here. I think my meltdown last night was enough. It was just so much to see and hear. Luckily I got some rest and am just thinking positive thoughts right now. I have so much to talk about if I can get on here at a normal hour. Nothing negative. I'm actually thinking it will be positive in the end. :happydance: I'll share more tomorrow. Praying everyone is doing well!
Thank you ladies for the very kind words. Easton is still battling and has surgery in the morning. I've decided not to post too much more on here. I think my meltdown last night was enough. It was just so much to see and hear. Luckily I got some rest and am just thinking positive thoughts right now. I have so much to talk about if I can get on here at a normal hour. Nothing negative. I'm actually thinking it will be positive in the end. :happydance: I'll share more tomorrow. Praying everyone is doing well!

Bek - I don't even know the family and/or Easton and it's really effected me too. I've been in tears over this story many times, so you're not alone. I believe his story has touched so many people - we are all rooting for him. Although I won't be there in person for the prayer vigil tonight, I will be praying at home for him and his family.

LOVE the carnival theme for Amelia's party! That's going to be so much fun!:happydance:
I'm looking forward to her birthday party. I'm SO SAD she's turned 1 so quickly. lol I am however, looking forward to her learning new things. She's been SO fun lately. Waving, clapping, "texting". :rofl: I'm just falling SO inlove with her more and more. She has my heart.

I also think with Easton's issues, it really makes one grasp life a bit more and be grateful for what one has. I just keep rocking her and kissing her forehead at night. Just LOVE this kid as I'm sure all you ladies are with yours too. A love like no other.
I'm looking forward to her birthday party. I'm SO SAD she's turned 1 so quickly. lol I am however, looking forward to her learning new things. She's been SO fun lately. Waving, clapping, "texting". :rofl: I'm just falling SO inlove with her more and more. She has my heart.

I also think with Easton's issues, it really makes one grasp life a bit more and be grateful for what one has. I just keep rocking her and kissing her forehead at night. Just LOVE this kid as I'm sure all you ladies are with yours too. A love like no other.

I am praying for Easton too, but with being pregnant I am having to keep some emotional distance from it or I will freak out. :blush: I am thinking of them though and praying for that sweet boy.

And Rebekah I've been meaning to tell you, I LOVE your avatar... such adorable pics and she is growing so fast! You will have a ball with her birthday party. When is it exactly? I can't wait to see pics! It is kind of sad to see that first year pass, but they are even more adorable in the second year!

It has been such a nice week here with my mother in law here to help. She takes care of most EVERYTHING and we all go through withdrawals when she leaves :haha::haha: Today I was able to go have lunch with one of my best friends, then go shop at Ulta to use up some gift cards from my mom, then make a target (store) run - all by myself! :thumbup: YAY! LOL Not that my little guy isn't wonderful company, but it's nice to have a couple of mommy's-days-out every few months. My friend, incidentally, handed down another TRUNKFUL of clothes for Ethan (remember I had everything for him for fall and winter sorted out on Monday?? :rofl:) that I will also need to wash and sort... it's a GREAT problem to have, but the funny thing is that her son is so close in size to Ethan (though he is years older), there is a lot of stuff in the new batch that I need to get him wearing this season, or he will outgrow it. So I will be sorting some more clothes, but it is fun to do! I honestly think at this rate, he will have so many clothes that he could wear a different outfit per day and never wear the same things twice - almost including pajamas LOL!

So we have had a productive week. Ethan had his 18 month checkup yesterday. Apart from the broken leg :cry: and about 8 mosquito bites that he picked up outside on Monday :blush: (when my MIL and I both thought it was too breezy and cool for bugs!), he is super healthy and happy! For those who have asked about the flu shot, we did go ahead and get it. Our clinic gives the inactivated (killed virus) vaccine at this age, and you cannot get the flu from that type of vaccine, so I felt safe enough. He had flu vax last year, too and did fine...I figure we will have a newborn in the house in the height of flu season, and we ALL need to get one this year. I also got a scary reality check on this whooping cough (pertussis) outbreak - have y'all heard about this? It's been so severe that they are recommending even family members and other caregivers of newborns get a booster... our dr. said one of the nurses in our clinic lost her niece (not quite 2 months old) to pertussis recently. :cry: I didn't even realize that was POSSIBLE but she died of it before she could even get her first dose of the vaccine. So scary! I am making (well, asking!) all of our immediate family to get the booster and will be extra careful those first few months.

Otherwise, we are well here!

Anna, can't wait to see you guys get into your new place. Any word on updated closing date?

Jules, so happy to see you back! I know it is hard to find time to post and we are just happy to see you! :hugs: Gabby is growing so fast and I love all the pics you post on FB!

Flutter, how are you doing hon? Like the others said, first tri kicked my BUTT. It can be exhausting. hope you are doing well! :hugs:

Steph, I don't envy you the heat! It is finally cooling off a bit here and has been lovely this week (though absolutely no rain). Our leaves are just beginning to show signs of turning and that is always a beautiful time here. I can't wait! I love fall! On the stroller issue, YES - I am getting a double/tandem. I will definitely need it. I have been looking for what I think will work best for me and (after much research) had settled on the Joovy Caboose Ultralight with the new little "jump seat" attachment that they offer that I can use for Ethan at first... That will give me the flexibility of a tandem stroller in the beginning, with infant carrier accomodation, then later, when the baby can sit up front, EThan can either ride or he can stand chariot style on the back or use the little bench seat if he is tired. However, after my first discipleship group meeting this wednesday, one of the girls in my group has the regular caboose (same product, just about five pounds heavier) and she said she is willing to sell it at a steep discount (hooray!), so I am really impatiently waiting to find out what she wants for it. I would need a couple of accessories for it that will cut into my overall savings as far as buying used vs new, but as long as we can get hers for significantly cheaper, I am okay with the heavier version... it weighs the same (26 pounds) as my current Chicco Cortina, and I can lift that (though uncomfortably) while pregnant, so it should be fine. But if she wants a lot of money for it I will probably just buy new and go with the ultralight model - or try to find it on craigslist etc. The nice thing is, with everything we can reuse, we are really only having to buy the nursery furniture and decor, the crib mattress and a double stroller... most everything else I will try to reuse and just gap fill as necessary. It is funny, I picked up my newborn stuff from my college roommate earlier this week, and just seeing the boppies and bumbo seat and all that makes it seem so real again! LOL! :happydance:

Sorry girls, I think I am rambling on again. It is such a novelty to have TIME where I can sit and write and think for a minute LOL!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi Ladies,

Rebekah - I have been praying every night for Easton and his family. I am glad that you are having fun with Amelia and like Angela said, it is more fun during the 2nd year, because they begin to start doing more stuff for themselves and TALKING!!!!! I love hearing Katelyn talk and sing. She is even trying to use the spoon all by herself. Please tell us the day of the party and the Carnival theme sounds fun!

Angela - Thanks for the info on the double stroller. I am just thinking ahead for whenever I do get pregnant again what I want to do for that stuff. Even though it is hot, as soon as the 1st Monday Night Football game starts that signals Fall for me! As for the Whooping Cough,I am sorry to hear about the nurses 2month old neice.
When Katelyn was born before we were able to take her home from the NICU they made me and my Hubby get the shot and said that anyone who will be around her for the first few months should get the shot as well. My mom went to get it and they told her she was too old! LOL. Apparently, the shot is not given to people over 65 years of age. That is awesome about the clothes! I am fortunate in that area as well. My SIL has a 3 year old so as she outgrows her clothes, my SIL passes them on to me for Katelyn. Fantastic news about the stroller! I hope that you are able to get it a great discount.

Anna - How you doing chica? How is the house coming along, do you have a closing date?

Flutter - I know that you are busy with work and school (and hopefully sleeping :)), but wanted to say hi and hope that you are doing well. Please post when you have a free moment.

AFM - nothing new. I am still trying to get my daughter to sleep through the night. I think part of the issue is that I am still nursing her at night so she wakes up wanting booby. I need to wean her, but just don't know how to do it. My hubby has a bad back so it is hard for him to be up with her for hours while she is crying and fighting him from going back to sleep. I can't let her "cry it out" I just can't. I am trying the no cry sleep method, but the problem is most of the time when she wakes up she wants to nurse. Any HELP would be musch appreciated!!!

Hi to Jules, CJ (I am loving the dolls you make and are posting on FB), Beth (where you been sweetie?) and everyone else (Happy Auntie and Twinkle if you are out there :)).

Hi Angela,

I'll have to see if the new Pediatrician does the non-live vaccine. I like that idea. I'm guessing they follow protocol and won't give children the live but I'll check still. Doug demanded the pertussis. It was actually a vaccine that he and i disagreed on terribly. In the end, HE won because he said he saw a child die from it. He doesn't often stick to his guns and is usually flexible but he would NOT budge with that one. I'm glad he did.

On the Easton subject. I would avoid much of it concerning those who are pregnant. It's VERY rare but it's so flipping scaring and heartbreaking that it's honestly not something a woman who is pregnant needs to focus on. Right now it's YOU and YOUR baby. Worrying about others' what-if's is not something you need right now. We appreciate the prayers though. You are too kind. :hugs:

Steph, yes, I'm having LOTS of fun with Amelia. Though I have to say we're still having temper tantrums. She doesn't understand the concept of sharing. How is everyone teaching their children to share? Do you think that it's something most kids learn at daycare? Amelia isn't in daycare and we haven't been to church daycare all summer because it hasn't worked around Doug's work schedule and then the weekends he's off we've been spending with family.

Amelia IS going to Library Class starting next week. It's going to be fun. Stories, songs and fun kids stuff for a month. She's in the class with one of Doug's Co-workers who's son we've been meeting up with.

Today I took the flicker away and tried to give her something else in place of it. She cried for an hour straight. I figured it was time for a nap...Ugh! The DRAMA! She squealed bloody murder as I was trying to rock her. This happens every time she has to share or we try to divert something she wants. I can't imagine what the neighbors must think that we're doing to her. :rofl: It's just drama. I try not to laugh because I want her to know that I take her seriously but sometimes it's just so funny. She's VERY dramatic when she's sad. A part of me fears it's ME. Hormonally I'm more dramatic and I HATE it! I hope she's not picking up my behaviors. I've actually been reading a "self help" ((CRINGING at the word)) book on dealing with disappointment and anger. :lol: As I said awhile ago, I think I may have some kind of post-traumatic thing going on after what we went through with Jackson. I freak out about Doug driving, I worry about EVERYTHING and almost like I'm a "prepper" with every outcome that "could" happen. I told Doug in the winter when things calm down I think I may see a therapist to get a handle on it. My mom is oblivious but my paternal Aunt and I are close and she's gone through similar experiences. She's noticing my anxieties are over the top. She won't really confront me, but I can tell she knows deep down just like I know. I just can't go on being afraid to LIVE life!

Steph, I would just let her self-wean unless your getting annoyed with it now. She'll let you know when the time is right. She'll just push you away.

Angela, YAY on all the new clothes...DOUBLE Yay :happydance: on the mommy day out and a HUGE thank you to momma in law. :hug: What a HUGE blessing!

Well, I'm off for now. My little bitty baby needs me for a while! Love to you all.
Steph, I will definitely let you know how I like the stroller combo! I'm looking for something as light as possible, compact as possible and offering the ability to switch between an initial infant carrier + seated toddler setup then to a seated baby + sit and stand capability for Ethan. The best-rated/reviewed products I can find for that are the Joovy ones, so I am hoping it works well!

I am so sorry about the night waking. Honestly, I am so impressed with all of you ladies who are still breastfeeding as I do not think I could have dealt with the continued waking at night, even IF I'd had enough milk to continue bfing. I just had SO much trauma with the insomnia and lack of sleep in general. However, I was speaking wtih my college roommate this week (she has 3 kids and has/will bf all 3 for at least a year). She said two things that struck a chord with me - first, she could not BELIEVE the nursing and pumping schedule I was put on (same one many of you experienced - every 2.5-3 hours we were supposed to nurse half an hour then pump...). She said that is ridiculously rigid and forced... she was even more blown away at the fact I was told to do it around the clock/with overnight pumping (usually that meant by the time I got up with EThan at 2, nursed him, pumped and got him back down AND washed all the pump parts I would need again in another hour, it was almost 4 am - I was too wide awake to sleep and then he would wake again by 5 to start the whole thing over). She said (and she has bf three so I feel like she knows what she is talking about) that is INSANE and it is no wonder I felt like I was losing my mind. It was like some kind of torture, that schedule. I will NEVER do that to myself again. I explained to her that they said Ethan would not get enough food and scared me to death, and that they warned I would have even less milk if I slept through and just gave him a formula bottle overnight... she said phooey to that and that she gives hers formula overnight as she feels like it from day ONE so that she is not trying to nurse round the clock right off the bat. That way, in those early exhausting days, others can get up with the baby and feed while she sleeps a bit. She also said that she later learned how to sleep while the baby was nursing overnight, so that she could rest while he fed... my only problem with that is there's no way I'd be okay with having the baby in the bed with my (and that close to my body) while I was sleeping... but it worked for her.

I'm thinking that by this age, Katelyn probably enjoys both the night feeds and the time spent with you, but she does not need to eat overnight now, so it's just whether you want to continue. If you are ready to wean her, don't feel guilty mama! :hugs:

Rebekah, I hear you on the drama! It comes with this age, unfortunately. Ethan gets so mad at the SLIGHTEST little disappointment or frustration that he throws his pacifier as far as he can about 1900 times per day. I have to try not to laugh, becuase it is like watching a frustrated golfer throw a club or (for those familiar with the Southeastern Conference) watching STeve Spurrier throw his visor after a bad play! :haha: On the tantrums, I have found when Ethan starts screaming, if I calmly tell him that I am not going to listen to it, and he will have to stay by himself if he wants to fuss for no reason, I walk away and he will (this is hilariously funny) immediately stop crying, follow me to wherever I stop, then immediately recommence pitching a fit. :rofl: :rofl: I can't tell you how hard it is not to burst out laughing! I just keep walking away and usually by the second or third time he will stop fussing. I also try (by the second or third time) to offer him another distraction (if he balked at the first one) and usually that will settle him down. I've been told they can't really appreciate or understand time out at this age, but he seems to understand that I want to remove myself from the noise and fussing and he gets that I won't stay with him while he is behaving like that. I've also been loathe to banish him to his crib as any kind of time out, because he sleeps so well I don't want him to associate being in there with punishment, so this seems to work well for now. Hope that helps some! Don't feel like it is you. It is CRITICAL that you stick to your guns and don't let the tantrums sway what you have said will happen, because that will only encourage it. Hope that helps!

Okay girls. I'm off to see if I can get my photos edited and uploaded in time to take advantage of a free photo book offer from Shutterfly. I'm trying to do a book from Ethan's first bday. Wish me luck!

I have a joovy. You can see the joovy Zoom 360 on my fb pics if you need to. We get all kinds of comments on it. Both Doug and I LOVE IT! The suspension is excellent and we've been able to take it on hikes, through muddy terrain and out to the mall. NOBODY tries to run us over with our Joovy either.

Angela, Amelia tosses things as well. Like you said, it's VERY hard not to laugh. We know once we do that, she'll do it on purpose because she knows it makes us laugh so we don't do it. I'll try your method and see what she says.

So can you elaborate on your friends method for me? She used formula in the AM hours in order to get sleep and would bf during the day and until the evening hours? It didn't stop her milk production? What about the nipple issue where once they get a bottle nipple they don't like momma's nipple anymore? Also, did she ever need to use a nipple shield? I was always told it wasn't the way to go but it was the only way she'd take my nipple after NICU gave her a bottle. They just kept saying she wasn't gaining over a 3 month period and told me to never mind because it was causing her reflux. Mind you, she still takes reflux meds and is still on neutromogen. I don't like waiting until the new pede see's her. I just feel like this is only hurting her and she may be behind. Her old pediatrician is terrible. I really feel like we're not on top of things as we should be. Trying to get her into the new pedes office is like pulling a nail because it's fall and all the other kids have physicals for school. I'm calling on monday to get her flu shot. I'm just getting a bad vibe about winter and flu season this year. I think I need to get her flu shot. THIS is coming from someone who is a freak about not giving certain shots. She's going to be in the church daycare and next week she starts "library class". I also think we may do some MOP meetings. Angela or Steph, have you been to one yet?
I haven't been to mops (mothers of preschoolers) yet but want to try it for sure! I have a girlfriend who is very active in it and loves it!

My friend with the nursing - she did not skip every night feeding, but would skip as she needed sleep and in the very first few days in the hospital etc. to catch up on sleepy after her c sections, and she had no problems with milk supply once she got established. I don't know if she ever used nipple shields. She did not have any issues with nipple confusion...hope that helps!

I I'll check out your joovy; is it a jogger or all terrain, then?
Hi Angela, Yes. It's a jogger/all terrain. It was rated higher than a Bob but less expensive. I bought it through Amazon. The wheels while tilt around OR when your jogging they will lock. LOTS of storage underneath, storage on the handle bars and some side pockets on both sides of the baby. The stroller top also is one of the biggest I've seen It REALLY protect from sunlight or can be brought back completely. We've had a ton of compliments and questions about ours and we both just LOVE IT. It also comes with a Tire pump which stays in the storage underneath and has a long wrist wrap for jogging.

I called Joovy and I actually got a real person instead of a recording. I was calling about extra tires and she told me they were available and would be around 20 or 30 dollars a piece. I'll buy all three in a few months just in case one goes bad. It will also be nice for other children too someday.

Oh, it's pretty light and easy to just fold and put in the back of the minivan. Once you figure out how to first get it open and closed your ready to go and it's easy. OH, forgot to mention that it comes with a rain shield for the WHOLE STROLLER. We didn't have to pay extra for it.

Thanks again for sharing the information on bf'ing. I think now that we've all experienced one, we know what NOT to freak out about. They really do freak you out about weight and bf'ing. As if your not having a difficult time enough just adjusting to the new little person and schedule they walk in and totally freak us out.

I think for some of us we were already on high alert from one reason or another. Hopefully when our next comes I'll be able to be less panicky and more forthcoming with my decisions feeling more confident.
Good morning girls! How was the weekend?

Rebekah your Joovy sounds great! I might look into that for a jogger and see if they make a double/tandem model of it. Our neighborhood is great for walking and it's good for me and the kids to get out and about, but I will need to get a double one.

I think you are so right that the first time around, we all felt tremendous anxiety and pressure to do things perfectly. Having had various issues TTC, we all felt sort of like it might, or definitely would, be our only chance (at least I did!) and therefore I had to do everything perfectly. This time around I have SO many things I will do differently, depending on what issues come up. But mostly I will just try to remember that things don't have to be (in fact, can't be!) perfect, and I need to relax a little! If we have issues again with BFing, I'm planning to try to struggle through it the first six weeks so the baby gets the antibodies, etc. but after that, will cut myself the slack I need and just let it go...also planning to try nipple shields this time to see if that is any more comfortable. I was in so much pain when he would latch that it could have been impacting my letdown of what little milk I had. :nope:

Today I'm washing the bassinette we borrowed from friends and the boppies we got back from my friend... I think those are the last items of what we will need for the newborn days that I can wash right now...will do bottles next (Ethan is still weaning off bottles, but I can wash the smaller ones, which is what we used in the earlier days anyway). I can't really organize the closet yet because everything will have to come back out for painting soon, but at least I can get items clean and ready to go. Everyhting I've washed smells like bleach LOL, which probably means I am overdoing the cleanliness, but I want everything to start out super clean just in case we were to have a preemie situation or anything like that. I know it's probably just me, but I feel SO huge that I really will be surprised if we go all the way to 40 weeks on this one.

We have our 3D this weekend - :happydance: :headspin: YAY! Can't WAIT to see our little man's face! He seems to be doing fine. I am getting increasingly uncomfortable at night and toss and turn a good bit. This past week was rough, as hubby was out of town all week and I never sleep well when he is gone (even though my MIL was here to help - she sleeps like the dead and is hard of hearing, so I don't exactly feel like she would hear anything at night LOL!). Then Friday, EThan began running another of his mystery fevers. I think they are teething related, as he has more molars coming in (poor baby!) and absolutely no other symptoms of anything, but he runs a HIGH fever (Saturday it got plain SCARY, at 104.2!!!! :cry:) when this happens. It could have also been his shots that he got Wednesday afternoon... It has been SO scary and I hardly slept the last few nights because of that. :nope: So, his fever is finally coming down and he's almost 24 hours fever free now, and I slept a little better last night thank God. But I was ready to take him to the emergency room after that 104 reading. SO scary.

So meanwhile, I know we have recently been discussing blankets in cribs, etc. - I don't know if anyone else's child does this, but Ethan likes to put things (stuffed animals, blankets, whatever is in the crib with him) over his FACE. So I rarely give him blankets even at naptime, but there is one that stays on his rocking chair in his room. The other night, his fever was so high even WITH Advil that we were putting him down in just a diaper for bed... my husband, whom I could have cheerfully punched at the time, gave him his blanket :)saywhat: I thought we were trying to keep him COOL!???) and told me he was down and doing fine. by the time I checked on him about an hour later, he had the blanket WOUND so tightly around his head that I had to completely wake and turn him over just to get it off. The blanket was damp where he'd been rebreathing into it and his head was all sweaty and I JUST ABOUT DIED. I really had a hard time calming down enough to get to sleep, I was so angry with my husband. I keep telling him NO blankets at night right now until he learns not to put them on his head. This particular blanket is fleece on one side and probably not particularly breathable. I know he is 18 months, but he did this to himself and so I can't trust him to know what to do with the blanket. But I could not BELIEVE my husband did that. GRRR! Sometimes, he really doesn't get it. :nope:

Other than that LOL, all is well here and we are just heading into a new week. It will be Ethan's first visit back to the church daycare Wednesday - pray for us that he doesn't get sick again immediately! I know it's coming at some point and I hate it, but I want him to be able to play with other kids as he loves it so much! Poor thing. I'm really hoping what they say about htem not getting sick as much after 2 years is true!

Okay, I'm rambling again! :blush:

Hope everyone is doing well! :hugs:

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