35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh yay! A 3D. Looking forward to hearing or seeing the little one.

On the blanket. Oh Lordy, that would have sent me over the edge. :wacko: I already STILL watch to make sure she's breathing. I've been buying those warm sleepers lately and I'm glad because last night it was around 40 degrees and was quite cold even for me.

We're supposed to have the ducts cleaned out and the furnace winterized. I chose middle of October to do it for financial reasons. OH how I'm praying we don't freeze at night until then. I'm just praising God for the finances to do it.

I am SO TIRED today to spite the fact that I had a nice nap today. I think I need another one just to catch up from everything lost. I hope Amelia takes another nap later.

Well, not much really going on here. Hopefully all you ladies are enjoying the start of your week. :hug:
It just about did send me over the edge lol! And I too still check all the time that he is breathing. My husband thinks I am nutso but I don't know at what age I will feel safe that he is sleeping safely... Maybe four?? :rofl: :wacko:

Sounds like it is really cooling down there! We are still summery temps here (80 today) but cooler at night. But our AC still runs all night so that tells me it's not cooling inside the you very quickly (and still too hot to open windows during day). I've never been an open windows at night person because the dampness always wakes me up after a while. But I'm looking forward to the cooler weather we are supposed to get this week!

So sorry about the exhaustion! I feel your pain!
Hi ladies!! Sorry to have been a little MIA. Octoberfest was this weekend and it's our last busy weekend until thanksgiving, so lots to do.

Angela, ahhh the blanket debate. Jo puts then on her head too, but alas she is a blanket sleeper, needs something to cuddle. I am happy to say its happening less and less. However it is always scary!!!! I am sorry to hear sleep has been a challenge. I remember so well those last few weeks. How are your hips these days??

I can't believe how high Ethan's fever was!! I would have been on my way to the hospital. That's crazy high. How is he feeling today? I don't want to freak you put but it wouldn't be connected to his leg would it? Anyway , keep on cleaning mama, sounds like everything is coming along perfectly.

MA, how is Amelia? I was laughing and you and Angela and the tantrums and thinking wow Jo doesn't do that, then wham O, yesterday when she wouldn't get her way total on the floor tantrum. So funny but I too try not to laugh, but it's so text book o her belly kicking and screaming. Right now mis direction works pretty well, but we'll have to see how long that lasts.

How is the baby that's in the hospital ?? I have been thinking of the family.

AFM, lots happening. Steph, thanks for asking we close on our house on Friday and I'm SO EXCITED!!!! What a pain in the pah too tee hat was but all is worked out and fingers crossed by Friday afternoon we'll be in the new pad. We went furniture shopping last weekend to get a new couch and a chair for the mom cave. The house has an extra bonus room I'm turning into my mom cave/ library. So I wanted a big compfy chair for it, one good for curling up with a book or lap top.

Jo had her one year check up last Thursday and lots of shots. Poor little girl. On the flu shot debate they gave her a half dose of flu vaccine, with the other half in a month. I got full dose. She also got final pertussis and hep A. There were four altogether. She is Doug great and on track for all developmental mile stone. But here's the funny thing, she weighs about the same she did at 9 months, but few leaps and bounds. She is now a little over 30". Big girl. Good thing we're out of the infant car seat. Her ear infection has stayed cleared up so fingers crossed it stays away, otherwise it's tubes in the ears.

That's all from me. Just packing and getting ready for the new casa!!

Hope everyone else is well!!
Anna. P.S. excuse typos!!
Wow just read my post and there are so many typos you need an interpreter. Will try and check better next time. So hard from my phone, and the risk of loosing a post is high.

I wanted to add to Angela that everyone that was going to be around Jo when she was born had to get a pertussis booster shot when she was born. My parents both got it, my brother, DH, his mom, and myself. And that was before this really bad outbreak. We had a friend who got it while on vacation then came back and went back to work and didn't tell anyone He was sick with whooping cough while he was hacking up a lung. Turns out someone is contagious while they have symptoms. And DH was in his office, touching the door knob, shaking hands and this guy said nothing, knowing full well we had a baby at home. I FREAKED!!'. Turns out Jo has been fully vaccinated by now, and my booster and DHs' are still good so we're in the clear, but babies don't get their first vaccine until 8 weeks I think. So that's the real danger zone. Anyway just an FYI for you.
Hi Ladies!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Rebekah – In terms of teaching Katelyn how to share, that is a hard one. We try and do a turn based approach if there is an item that she and one of her cousins or friends both want to play with. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I have not signed up for any MOP groups and had never really heard of them before. Now I will have to look for a group . I am going to send you some of the Cali warm weather for a bit so you don’t have to worry about your furnace LOL.

Angela – Yes, Katelyn will throw her toys in anger a lot. Or she just throws them when she is done playing with them. If she throws in anger, I tell her to pick them up and that and not to do that. If she throws when she is done playing, I will pick them up and give the toy a hug and say “oh poor elmo, mickey (or whomever she threw)” and give them a kiss. She then just laughs. I am thinking that she will play softball later on cuz she has a good arm LOL. Yikes on Ethan’s fever! I am glad that it has come down and that he has been fever free for bit now. Also, glad that your MIL was in town as I know it would have been doubly scary if you were alone! And BTW OMG on the blanket situation. I truly understand the feeling. Glad you went it check when you did!!!! We had a situation where I was getting ready for work and was in the bathroom with the door closed and hubby was watching Katelyn. Well, she came over to the side of the house where I was and saw the door closed and walked back. I leave the bathroom and go into my bedroom about 5 minutes later my husband (who has been sitting on the couch playing on his damn cell phone!) comes over, is Katelyn back there with you? I said No, you were watching her because I was getting dressed. Well, the front door was partly open and I started to freak. He checked outside, I start calling for her and walk to the other side of the house…the bathroom door over there was partly open (Hubby had left it open) and there was my daughter splashing in the toilet! I was soooo mad! So I understand your anger!!! On a happier note, how exciting about the 3D image. YAY! So after reading all your posts and I know that I will be calling, messaging, etc whenever I do get pregnant again. It is so hard to even think about how to handle two, so I will be looking to you for advice and experience LOL.

Anna – Yay on closing this Friday! I am excited for you! Don’t worry about the weight. Katelyn is still only about 18 lbs. She weighed almost 16lbs in April at her 1 year check up and in July was 17 lbs. Poor Jo and the shots. At least she has a while before she will need them again. Katelyn goes for her 18 month check up in October where she will get her flu shot I reckon. I am wondering whether I should take her sooner for that though. So you close on Friday, when do you actually move into the house? Also, very nice for you to have a mom cave! That is great.

AFM Steve and I took Katelyn down to Disneyland for the weekend. It was really to celebrate our Anniversary. We went with another couple who are friends from church. Their Anniverisary is the day before ours and they also have a 1 year old. We had a good time, but it was record breaking heat! 102 degrees each day!!! YUCK!!! Also, now that Katelyn is walking she wanted to get out of her stroller a lot and walk around. Which was fine in theory, except she doesn’t like to hold my hand or Steve’s hand. She almost always decided to walk in the opposite direction from where we were going LOL. It was ok though. She really on had one meltdown and it was while we were in line for a ride. I put her down and she decided to take off so I had to hold her and she DID NOT like that. She screamed and cried the rest of the time in line and until the ride actually started. The funny thing is now that I am a parent, I was looking around at everyone in line thinking “Geesh, they probably think I am hurting her”, but all the parents with little kids seems unfazed and were like…yeah, been there. Overall it was a good trip. Hoping to get there in November for the winter theme (Disneyland was decorated for Halloween). Well back to the grindstone!

Hi ladies!

Steph...lol I wonder what our neighbors must think when Amelia screams from her tantrums at times. THEN with her teething she doesn't sleep well. It seems the past month she's had them all come at once. she's got 5 on the bottom now and 2 actually in on top and 3 trying to cut through. It's been hell on earth. :rofl: They must think I beat the heck out of her on the nights she's inconsolable the past month.

She tends to do VERY well out in public. She has only had 1 tantrum and technically that didn't count because we were visiting family and had to go to the store at 11pm at night (past her bedtime) on our way back home. Otherwise EVERYONE says she's very good. She really is. She has temper tantrums at home which I'm fine with. I just don't want it getting out of hand where WE give her what she wants to keep her quiet so she'll use that to get her way.

In the end, they're just babies so they are learning just as we are. Right now they're testing the boundaries.

On a safety issues I wanted to mention that a 2 year old in the city died from a flat screen tv falling on her. FREAKED me OUT! So now our community is trying to share with everyone the safe way to mount a flat screen to the Studds OR if you have a tv on a stand, there's a harness that screws into the tv then screws into the stand which screws into the wall. We bought the harness temporarily. We are going to have our tv mounted and have Best Buy mount it to the studds but it's pricey so I wanted something quickly. The harness we bought, we got at Walmart and it has a 3 strap which is different from the one I included in the link. It gives you an idea of what I'm talking about though in case any of you need one.

Anna, I too wouldn't worry about the weight. Amelia has gotten taller and I'm guessing her weight isn't up there with her height now. The britches she used to wear well are actually loose right now. lol She's SO tall. She's barely into 12 months. I'm guessing she'll be in 18 months soon though with her height. I'm just not sure how she'll keep her pants up. :rofl:

YAY on the mom cave! I love the idea. We put bookcases in our living room but I think a few years down the line we'll have a handyman put book cases. I'd also like some beds built in upstairs but since we're living downstairs until we conceive again, it will wait until we get new rugs upstairs and redo the upstairs bathroom. Right now we're focusing on our furnace (which will be replaced in the next few years) taking the tub surround out of the downstairs bathroom and adding tile surround while also putting a new mirror, lighting and fan down here. I also think we're going to put in a water softener with a reverse osmosis system. Our neighbors have the same water and most have lived there for 50 years and don't have these systems but there is some iron in the water and I just want to keep our fixtures for as long as I can and make sure we have clean water free from bacterias and chemicals. I've always been a stickler about that even WITH city water. Of course this means that Amelia will need fluoride from the dentist or she'll get cavities because there's fluoride in public water systems and we'll have a pure form of water with the osmosis system.

Okay, enough about the things I hope to do with the house. ((rolling my eyes)) Something tells me that home ownership means there will always be some update or another.

Anna, you'll have to take pics of your woman cave. I bet it will be beautiful!

Easton has his ups and downs daily. It depends. Sat. he did VERY well and all the updated pictures seem to show that he's getting his color back. My friend is waiting on his latest blood culture. He's had a blood infection from the open sores on his legs. Poor kid has the infection in his heart as well. He's been on double masses of antibiotics to try and rid him of it. They are REALLY praying on that right now. That the meds will start to work and have rid his body of that infection because that is lethal. He's also waiting to see what subtype of illness he has. There are three subtypes with one being the best case and 2 being the more lethal.

There have been SEVERAL older kids who've written the family to say theirs was bad in infancy but they are doing GREAT.

You REALLY have to keep your focus on God through all of this. It's SO EASY to get caught in the deep despair of the daily ups and downs.

At any rate, today he looks great! Just waiting to see if the infection is gone and what subtype he is.

I like hearing good things! Thanks for asking.

Well, time to play with my sweet girl!
Hello all!!

Steph, Disney land sounds great! But the heat!! Snowed here yesterday!! I bet it's hard for you to imagine. Beautiful today and nothing stuck to the ground except for up high. As for the melt downs, I am terrified of having that happen I public, but you are right everyone with kids has had that happen. We are flying back east this fall and dread the four hour plane ride. Before she's always been pretty small and slept most of the time. Now that she's mobile ... To be contuinued baby just woke up from nap.
Ok me again... Anyway worried about flying. May purchase a seat for Jo if we can afford it just for the extra space. Lastly, Steph, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a kid that likes to play in the toilet!! I have become the bathroom patrol nazi. Making sure either the door is shut or at the very least toilet lid closed. To her it's just one big splash toy. My toilets have also never been cleaner, just in case.

MA, thanks for the up date on Easton. I love the idea of a reverse osmosis in drinking water. We have one of the cleanest sources of water here, but so much of the area is old mines that I worry about heavy metals. We probably won't put one in, but I like the idea. House projects are never ending aren't they? I'm trying to rein in DH. He wants to do everything all at once, but one we can't afford it, and two I cant keep living with my parents while he gets the house just so. I think reality is starting to sink in as the bank account dwindles.

Angela, how ya doing today?? How is Ethan? Fever and leg.

Beth, hi ya!
CJ, hope you are well.
Jules, how's gabby?? How are you??
Hi to everyone else!!

AFM, nothing to tell, two more days and counting until closing!!! Woohoo!!

Hi Anna - on the flying situation. We went to ATL in July and Katelyn pitched a fit in the airport but did pretty good on the plane. I am not sure you need to get the extra seat. I think it may depend on when you plan on flying. Katelyn slept almost the entire flight. However, I will say we flew Southwest and the on the way back we had the middle seat empty so that was nice that we could put her stuff there and if she wanted to sit on her own she could.

On another note, wow I can't believe that it has already started to snow! My parents are in Castle Rock and it is still in the high 80's for them. But I am sure in another two weeks the cold will be there.

and YAY on the house in two days...so exciting. Yeah, it sounds like your hubby is super excited LOL. So when do you actually move in?

Yes, my toilets are super clean. I think I am going to have to baby proof them though wiht those things that I can never figure out how to open. She likes to open and close things and even if the lid is closed she will open it. She isn't so good about moving her fingers when she closes lids like that. I had to open the hamper for her this morning because she had managed to close both arms in it (no idea how that happened!). It didn't hurt her, she was just frustrated because she couldn't figure out how to get her arms out LOL.

Rebekah - how very cool about the things you plan on doing to your home. Thanks for teh updates on Easton. BTW, when is Amelia's bday party? Please send photos!

Angela - how you been? How is Ethan feeling? Is it still raining over there?

Hi to everyone else. Hope you are all doing well!

Hi ladies!

Steph, 80's oh that sounds nice. We hit 60's today and tonight it's REALLY cold. around 40's. I actually am wondering if it's too cold for Amelia. I put her in a long sleeve onesie and a warm sleeper. I feel terrible I can't use a blanket. I think I may have made a mistake making the furnace appointment for the middle of Oct. It's freezing here at night now.

On a positive note, I stepped on the scale today and lost another 3 lbs :happydance: I'm guessing 37 lbs more to lose. I wonder if it's possible to do by January? Not if I feel like tonight! Amelia was whining and crying ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT long. :wacko: She FINALLY went to bed at 10:50pm. This of course after she fought going to bed the first time when she fell asleep and then woke up as I was putting her in the crib.

It's been a heck of a night! :wacko: I told Doug to please don't come home without a chocolate chunk cookie or two. So I may gain that 3 lbs back but I'll at least feel good! :rofl:

Steph, Amelia's birthday party will be on Sept. 29th. Literally on her birthday this year. I'm nervous. I'm not crafty really. Yes I like to bake, yes I like to quilt but when it comes to getting out of the box and think like a crafty person....I SUCK! :lol: My mom and my aunt (dad's sister) have been helping all along. They're great at crafting. I will take pics when we get them. Everything I said I wasn't going to do has come to fruition. :wacko: Which is why I'm nervous!

Anna, I too like your husband would like everything done at once. Not on purpose of course but I have it in my head that everything needs to be perfect when people come to visit OR this needs to get done, that's a safety issue, etc. etc. etc. We don't have a whole lot of money either AND I'd like to be sure we have a safety net in savings just in case. Ours is dwindling and I'm not helping it any with all the projects.

Where is everyone anyways? It seems like it's been just the 4 of us. Jules comes on every once in awhile but I haven't seen Beth and our new girl either!

I love our group.

Well, I'm logging off for the night. I'm exhausted. Hopefully Doug will be ready to wind down but I'm betting he'll want to watch Big Brother Finale that he recorded.

Love to you all.
Hi all!!

Steph, yep I think I have to get those toilet things too. Jo hasn't figured out how to open them just yet, but I think it won't be too long until I find her elbow deep splashing away and happy as a pig in mud. I will rethink the flight thing. If I can schedule our flights for nap times then yes, she would sleep most of way at least. It's a four hour flight though and that's what has me worried.

MA, yes it does seem to be the four of us doesn't it?? I've invited others here but no one comes. Ah well at least we have each other. I have been thinking lately how funny it is that sometimes I feel closer to you ladies than friends that live just minuets away. Thing is I talk to you guys most days. Plus we all have kids the same ages. Other friends either don't have kids or are too hard to get a hold of to schedule things. It is a change in our society, a major shift I think. In a hundred years they will look back at the last 10 years and have a name for the social shift that occurred due to social media. How communication and relationships changed dramatically.
Anyway, so excited for Amelia's party!! First you are way more crafty than you give yourself credit for, and second they party will be great!!
Also congrats on the weight loss!!! That's awesome! And forgive yourself the cookie. There's a cookie store across the street from my store and they make the BEST sugar cookies!! Every once in a while I self indulge and so be it, no guilt.

AFM, closing tomorrow!! Woohoo!!!! Jo is good, no return of ear infection yet ( knock on wood). Taking all day tomorrow off for closing and moving. My parents are coming up to watch the baby while we close and move so that's a big help. I can not tell you how excited I am!! Ok enough exclamation marks for one day. Everyone take care,

Oh and one more thing, that Anne klein add up top sucks!! You can get to the thread tools!!
Hey girls

I have some catching up to do, but my poor angel has an ear infection. She got the flu shot on Monday morning and by Monday night she was cranky and would not go to sleep.
Tuesday, her temperature was rising throughout the day and I called the Dr. who said that as long as she's eating, she's ok because it's normal for some babies to have a slightly elevated temp after the flu shot.

Then yesterday, in the morning her temp was 99.7. Then it went up to 101 and I rushed her to the Dr. At the Dr it was 102.2. I was so panicked, but she has an ear infection and is now on anti biotics.

So today she's not eating very well. My poor baby. Have any of you gone through this? Any advice? She's on the anti biotics for 10 days.
Thank you ladies and I will be back soon!!
Hey Jules,

I'm so sorry for gabby! The ear infection usually cause fever and Ethan doesn't usually eat well when feverish... As long as she keeps up fluids she will be fine! The meds will kick in quickly an she will feel better soon!
Thanks Angela - I was so worried about her. I am worried about dehydration so I keep trying to get her to drink water. She drinks a little. She had a little bowl of oatmeal earlier but nothing close to the amount she usually eats. My poor baby :(
I know it is so scary, but at that age, as long as she gets her formula or breastmilk (can't remember which you are doing) she will be fine! water is great too. The fever should only last another 24 hours or so once she starts the meds... she'll be back to normal soon!

I think Ethan was about that age when he got his first ear infection. Poor kids!

Hi Jules, Sorry to hear about Gabby's ear infection. I am sure she is ok in terms of dehydration, however, you can always try to give her a little pedialyte - though that is normally given for when they have diarrhea. Please keep us posted!

Rebekah - Woohoo on losing more weight!!! Fantastic news! ANd go ahead and eat a cookie (or two!). It is hard being a Mommy and sometimes a little comfort food can go a long way! Also, it was 80 degress in Castle Rock, CO where my mom lives. Los Angeles, specifically, the Valley (San Fernando Valley - where the move Valley Girl was filmed) is still in the high 90's low 100's. This weekend will be another HOT one. If Amelia is rolling over, she should be ok to have a blanket on her, though I do understand the hesitation. I put a LITE blanket (one of those really big swaddle blanets) on Katelyn at night and both Steve and my Mom mocked me saying it was barely a sheet LOL. Do what you feel is right. I do know they have really great sleeper blankets which I think you may already be using.

Angela - How are you my friend? I know you must be getting excited and a bit overwhelmed now with the last minute stuff. Did the new baby furniture arrive yet?

Anna - One more day! YAY!!!!! Can't wait to see photos of the new place

I too love our group and am so grateful to have you all in my life to advise and listen and laugh with! Thank you all!!!

AFM Steve and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary last night. We had a great time and had some great Italian food for dinner (my favorite!).

Now, I know that I mentioned it before, but I really want to stop nursing and dn't know if I have the patience to let her do it at her own speed. Most of the time she using my boob for comfort. This only started about a month or so ago when she stopped taking the pacifier at night. I read on the Toddler thread to put vineagar on my nipples as a way to deter her from nursing, but I don't know that seems mean. I am very conflicted over this situation...I kinda feel bad for wanting to stop :-(.

Thanks for listening!

Thanks Angela and Steph! I feel better now - this evening I finally managed to get some oatmeal and fruit in her. I was persistent! She wanted none of it, and kept clamping her mouth shut tight! But during a moment of laughter I shoved it in!:rofl: After that, she started to eat :thumbup:

So she had her bowl of oatmeal and fruit, but she's really not drinking much at all. She usually has a couple of ounces of water but she's just taking little sips here and there. Steph, I tried Pedialyte but she hated it and didn't want it at all :( She does seem better though and the fever seems to be gone for now. It's day 2 of antibiotics!

My poor baby girl - I just hate seeing her sick. It's so worrisome:cry:

Anyhoo, Angela, how are you feeling? So close my friend! You don't have long to go!

Bek - I have been following your weight loss progress on Facebook - you're doing SO great!! I did great last week and then with Gabby being sick this week, I ate terribly :( I gained 4lbs :blush: But I think (hope) it's mostly water weight. Bek, I might try Vegan again - I did it once when I first found out about my Fibroids. Apparently, the steroids in meats help fibroids GROW and I wanted none of that!

Steph, Anna and everyone - much love and hugs!!

So ladies - are we doing a Disney vacation together then? Bek mentioned it a while back, I think it would be fabulous!! I'd love to take Gabby to Disney when she is a little older :cloud9:
Thanks Angela - I was so worried about her. I am worried about dehydration so I keep trying to get her to drink water. She drinks a little. She had a little bowl of oatmeal earlier but nothing close to the amount she usually eats. My poor baby :(

I will catch up with everyone else later, but just wanted to pop in and give my two cents as Jo has had three ear infections I the last two months. Poor Gabby I know she's miserable and nothing makes a mom feel more helpless than a sick baby but everyone is right you will see a major improvement after 24 hrs on antibiotics. In the mean time baby Tylenol is awesome for pain which she will have a good amount of and will help her sleep. Hope she feels better soon!! Also you can elevate her head a little as lying flat makes her ears hurt worse, that's why she may stop crying when u pick her up but start up again if you put her back down.

Best of luck!!

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