35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

HA, Glad your still around. I know you don't post often but it's hard sometimes to see who's gone astray. We miss ALL our gals. :hug:

Ladies, concerning Ear Infections, I've heard pediatric Chiropractic Work can help ear infections in kids. I've actually been thinking of taking Amelia. It's done differently than they do work on us adults. We'll see. I may try it. Which brings me to another thought. We're going to have Amelia get her flu shot. I'm guessing we're going to put her on Tylenol the day OF the shot like we do the regular injections so she will keep fever and pain at bay. We don't let them do more than 2 shots per visit and I hear they try to do a mess of them at a year. It's not going to happen. 2 one week and 2 another. That way if she has a reaction I have some idea what's causing it. Did I mention I think she has an allergy to corn?? We're going to have her tested. I just can't bare to see her in pain to get the testing done. I don't want to hurt her but there is an awful lot of products with corn in it. :sigh:

Jules, so sorry about the baby having ear infections. It's common for appetite loss. Amelia had one a month ago and she rarely ate. I kept encouraging her to drink water. Sometimes she would, sometimes she wouldn't.

It also would be nice to have a friend go Vegan with me. It's not easy! In fact, we went past Smokey Bones and all I wanted was a rack of ribs. :rofl: I've been eating less and I'm noticing that. I'm also noticing that I have VERY low self esteem where my body is concerned. My weight is shifting downward so I look pregnant. I've lost booby! :rofl: I'm down a bra size. WHY can't it be my waist for crying out loud! Tonight I tried to initiate some play time for Doug and I....he accidentally pinched my excess skin as I was lying down. NOT good for my self esteem. I feel ugly and fat. Poor guy! He loves me, he really does but my self esteem REALLY sucks! I wish there was something I could do to change my focus. All I think about is how unappealing this looks to me. It's got to change before it makes HIM feel differently. Not that he's the straying type. I just need to get it together. Nobody wants to hear that kind of schpeal at the bedside so to say. :rofl:

HA, how are you doing?? Wondering if Twinks is still around and all the other girls. I miss you all terribly!

Has anyone heard from Hearty?

Angela, how are you??

Anna, waiting to hear how closing went and take care of yourselves while moving. I'll be thinking about you.

As for Disney. Anyone want to try for Sept. or October of 2014? It will give us all enough time to save and others to prep for newborns or TTC. I'm saying Sept. or Oct. because you can usually get deals because the kids go back in Sept. I know if we go to DisneyLAND where Steph is, it's a bit more expensive than DisneyWORLD in FL. We're up for anything though. I think it would be fun. If there are other dates let me know. There's also a couple sites I know that can help with budgets for both World and LAND and maybe Steph can give us some tips as well.

It'd be fun to get something in the books.
Gahhhhhhh!!! Just lost a huge post! So sorry girls. I will try again later. Long story short, sleeping like hell these days and Ethan is sick AGAIN, 48 hrs to the minute after church daycare wedns. :grr: :grr: :grr: I'm seriously considering getting an in home sitter for the two kids once the baby arrives. I do not want the baby exposed to all these germs early on...esp with the pertussis issue. :nope:

More later ladies, so sorry I lost my first post.
Hey Ladies just checking in. Jo got up at 4:45am this morning!! Why cant I have a baby that sleeps in?? So went for a walk with a girl friends, came home and now have a little time to myself before all the chaos of the day starts.

MA, interesting info about the chiropractor I have never heard of that and will check it out as we are looking at having to put tubes in Jo's ears if the infection thing keeps happening. Please don't stress the weight and concentrate on all the good you've accomplished. Look at how much weight you have lost already!! That's a huge accomplishment!! I can't seem to loose a pound, you're doing awesome. Ahhh DH's just sometime don't think. We love them but they are just plain clueless sometimes. Mine just says, " you look fine". Fine! Fine!! I want to look better than fine, I want to feel sexy again, maybe not Victoria secrete sexy, but Diane Lang in A House in Tuscany sexy. Hot mom sexy. Anyhoo, please don't fret it. I know the self esteem thing is hard, but really you are doing great!!

Steph, how are ya sister!! Cant believe how hot it is still there. We've warmed up and most of the snow has melted. Good thing cause it's too early for winter!

Angela, So sorry Ethan is sick. I've wondered about a personal sitter for Jo as well. At this rate it would be cheaper than always taking her to the doctor for the colds and following ear infections and missed work. However, as she is an only child, I feel daycare is good for her so she can play with other kids and socialize. Just no easy answers. Also sorry you lost your post, I HATE that!

Jules, Hope Gabby is feeling better.

HA, and Twinkle, hi girls!

Other than that nothing to tell. Moving day. Tried to take a nap while Jo was sleeping, but my mind is racing with excitement and a list a mile long of things that need to be done.

Have a great weekend!
Okay girls, trying to recap my earlier post.

Anna, yes, I definitely worry about those first 8 weeks with the new baby. The first time around, I didn't realize how much of an epidemic the pertussis was at the time. Now it's even worse. I had planned to take the baby with me to my church group meeting once a week, but generally when someone does that everyone in the group ends up holding the baby (we meet for 2 hours at a time) and I don't even want to expose him to that. Just having Ethan come home with germs from everywhere is going to be scary enough! I think I will keep the baby home till he's had his first booster at least. Then give that a couple weeks to kick in. But honestly, I'm usually so whacked those first few weeks that we almost never go anywhere anyway, until the baby is sleeping thru the night! :haha:

So excited for you closing and moving!!!! :happydance: :happydance: Can't wait to hear that you are loving the new place! And I'm SO jealous. SNOW, already!? I would LOVE your climate! It's still shorts weather here, but cooler in the mornings and overrnight.

We have not yet flown with kids, but I know so many people who were worried and then the kids did fine. I'm sure Jo will be great!

And yes, I agree about pulling htem out of daycare - I hate to do it because it's really his only regularly scheduled social outing right now, and I feel like he needs it. We will see how we go along until the baby is born, but I think after that I may keep both of them home for a few months, mostly because of the pertussis thing. I think i've got a certifiable phobia about that now!

I, too miss our other girls. Please check in when you can! HA, I am ALWAYS glad you are here with us!

Steph, I will definitely share any advice I can as far as having two goes! And that is so scary about the open door and the toilet... Ethan is capable of lifting the toilet lid but doesn't show a lot of interest...yet. I know that is coming! Oh, keeping these kids safe is a full time job plus some! And the husbands rarely fret about it the way we do... my husband thinks half the things I worry about are crazy (I still can't make him get taht if the oven is running, the glass is the same temperature as the oven! :dohh: :dohh: I guess he needs to put HIS hand up to it and see. But even then, he is of the "let him learn and he won't forget that lesson" school, and I just can't do that. :nope:

Disney sounds awesome... so jealous you are so close! Though your weather would be killing me :haha: On the idea of a group Disney trip, I would LOVE it! Bek, I think you suggested fall of 2014 which should be doable for me if for everyone else!

Bek, I agree with others - do NOT be so hard on yourself about hte weight! It is HARD to lose weight. Especially when you are stressed with life in general (as we all are in the first year or two after a baby is born! :rofl:) I found it almost impossible, and was surprised at how hard I had to work to lose just a few pounds. This time I will know better how to begin to go about it, but I still expect it to take me a while and I'll be a little easier on myself about it. That is interesting about the ear infections. I read an article today that said kids who grow up in homes with pets (especially dogs) have fewer ear infections and sick days than other kids... I thought that was great news since we have a dog :rofl: but also interesting... it's based on the hygiene hypothesis - the idea that a lot of Americans are going overboard with the cleanliness these days. I hope I am not one of them... I try to balance what I consider exposure to "regular" dirt (paci on floor of our house, vs. thrown in floor at restaurant... etc). vs dirt or germs I want to avoid (like all these blasted cold viruses). Even though Ethan has had lots of colds, I thought it was interesting because he has only had one ear infection so far (thank God!)

Jules, I hope little Gabby is feeling better! How is she today?

AFM, just hanging in and waiting to see if I'm going to come down with Ethan's latest crud. Poor baby is blowing snot and drool EVERYWHERE - reminds me of that movie Turner and Hooch! I mean, I can't keep UP with it!! Literally, he will sneeze and his paci will fly out with a string of drool and snot attached (sorry I know that is gross, but it's unbelievable to see it happen! :rofl:) I'm just using my Zicam, eatiing protein and PRAYING. I will probably be going to our 3D ultrasoudn alone tomorrow :cry: because we don't want to impose a sick baby on our neighbor (who was going to watch EThan for us so hubby could go). We will get the video and all so I know it's fine but I'm still sad hubby can't be there. :-(( I will share some pics with you as soon as I get home!

Off to see what I can pull together for dinner. Poor munchkin doesn't want much food, but he DOES want his chocolate graham crackers and goldfish... can't be feeling TOO badly ;-)
Hi All,

I will post a longer proper post later, but wanted to say:

Anna Congrats on being a new Home Owner and hope your move goes smoothly and uneventfully!

Angela - LOL on the Turner and Hooch comment and the paci LOL, I was laughing for a while on that one. I am also sorry that Ethan is sick again. Has Ethan received the Whooping Cough shot? Also, I totally understand about not wanting to take the baby anywhere until after shots. When Katelyn was born our pediatrican said not to take her anywhere until she was 4 months old (anywhere there would be lots of people - church, parties, airport/plane, etc). However, since she was Preemie he told us to wait until 5 months. and Let me tell you I waited and was a sticker about it!

Rebekah - Disney whether it be WDW (Walt Disney World) or DLR (Disneyland Resort) I would be down. I can ask around to see what months are the best/least crowded to go!

AFM - Katelyn for some unknown reason kept waking up last night (like every hour). Then around 1am she was up until 4AM!!!!!!! Needless to say, I am tired and CRANKY today and need a nap very very badly! Once I am fully awake I will post proper and more!

Thanks Steph! Yes, he has had all of his DTaP shots (the P is the pertussis) so thankfully, Ethan should be good from that perspective, just need to get all the adults vaccinated again. THAT will be the hard part! I can already hear my mother!

As far as Disney, if we do Disney world, I know a certified Disney planner (costs nothing to use her services) that can help with plans!

And yes, I have a feeling I am going to be really careful with this little one becaue I am more ifnormed about the dangers this time, and it will also be cold and flu season when he is born. With Ethan we were pretty much past that.
Hi ladies!

Well, we took Amelia to the Pede's office because she didn't go to bed until midnight last night and had a slight fever as well as just fidgety and whiney. I wondered if she still had an ear infection and we found out it wasn't. She has MOLARS coming in now. :wacko: This kid seems to be getting ALL her teeth within a months time! When she's not happy, neither are we. She was up at 6am crying so we were up WITH her and I didn't sleep well the hole night anyways. THEN when I tried to go back in, I had a terrible nightmare about my cousin dying from her addictions. I woke in tears. I even called my mom to make sure my cousin was okay.....she's in jail. ((rolling my eyes)) but at least she's okay for now. ((sigh))

Doug and I aren't feeling very well at all. I think the lack of sleep is getting to us and our immune systems are crap. :rofl:

After we put Amelia to bed we had our first bon fire...or maybe camp fire. It wasn't HUGE. lol In fact, we're city folks originally so it took us a while to get the darn thing started. :lol: Once started, Doug fell asleep in the chair. ((sigh)) We have to do something to rekindle our marriage. I think the lack of sleep is making us boring. Hahaha

Angela, I'm SO sorry Ethan is sick again. I am right there with you about waiting a couple of months before you let the kids go anywhere. Doug and I have to get the pertussis. I WAS against it, but now I'm guessing we should get it done. Amelia will get a two part flu shot in October. They want to give her 3 shots at her 12 month but I'm not all that happy about the chicken pox vaccine. They say they cannot guarantee that the kids won't get chicken pox and won't get the shingles later on. IF the kids get the shingles NOW it's not as bad as adults get it. WHEN they are adults they can get a vaccine. It's just not a HUGE issue. They tried to say she'll have no other choice with school but we're homeschooling so luckily we're not bound to it. IF college deems it then she can have it then. Doug and I didn't really have huge issues with chicken pox when we had it. I just think we're going to focus on the main ones including pertussis etc.

Anna, I had SEVERE issues with ear infections when I was a kid. I spent MANY a months on the couch and I remember one Christmas with horrible ear infections. I had my adnoids taken out with my tonsils and I've NEVER had another bad ear infection since. If this becomes an issue with Amelia, I'm going to have her adnoids taken out before putting tubes in. Tubes have been an issue with my aunt and cousin so I'm steering away from them unless there's an issue with not taken adnoids out anymore. Out of experience it worked for me. I was held back a grade because of how sick I was and it was awful being on the couch while all my friends and cousins were having fun at school or on holidays. You'll have to let me know what you find out about tubes IF she ever needs them...which I hope she NEVER needs to. Poor kid!

I hate hearing that our kids are sick. Poor witto babies!

I think we'd be fine at Disney World. Especially with a free planner!

What does everyone else think about Disney World in Sept. or Oct. 2014? It gives everyone enough time to plan and save. I know come April you get dining deals which saves a TON of money. It's first given to Disney Credit Card members first and then goes to the public thereafter. September is when kids are back to school so the deals are great I've heard. We tried to go the year we found out we were pregnant with Jackson and then things obviously changed. We used Disboards for help in planning as well. They have great tips.

Maybe we can all start to figure out if and when we want to do this and figure out if we all want to stay in the same hotel or not. I know they have the new Disney's Art Of Animation Resort too which looks pretty neat.

Lets get some idea's going. HA and Twinks....if your interested we'd love to have you as well. You never know what could happen between now and 2014. :happydance: You can always cancel too if you decide NOT to go. We got all our money's back because we cancelled within the Disney Time.

I'm getting SO excited about it and it's a couple years away. Just to meet you girls whom like Anna said, have become great friends and our kids share special ties from our experiences. It's amazing. I could think of no other families I'd like to meet more! :hug:

Well, it's time for bed in case little miss needs to be up at 6am. I guess I'm going to be grateful because Anna gets up at 4am. YIKES! :wacko:

May all our children be well soon!

Love to all you beautiful ladies and a great thanks for the encouragement and love you share with me! Your the sweetest bunch.
Bek, I was on the fence too about the chicken pox vaccine. I had a very life-threatening reaction to aspirin when I had the chicken pox (Reye's Syndrome) because, at the time, they did not know to avoid giving aspirin to kids with viral infections. My fever was sky-high and my mother was frantically giving me aspirin and it probably caused the Reye's... BUT, that is VERY rare, and most kids do not have any serious issues with chicken pox. I've heard the same thing you mentioned, that they can still get the virus later in life because the vax does not protect as fully as having had the disease (once you have chicken pox, the virus remains in the body for life, but is dormant except when/if it becomes shingles)... so I was thinking it might be better for our kids to get the virus (as kids) - but then I saw where, these days, because almost everyone (adults) has either had it or (kids) been vaccinated, it's almost hard to find a kid for your kid to catch it from, if that makes sense... So in the end, I decided to go ahead and get the shots for him.

I am so sorry that Amelia's molars are starting up! I WISH I could tell you it isn't as bad as you hear, but... it really is. :nope: Ethan has had a TIME with these molars coming in and got hit with all the first 4 basically at once... I think three are through the gum now and maybe one still to go...then I think they get a second set after age 2 or something like that... oh boy! I'm not sure if it is the cold, or the teeth, or if he is just on a downswing from eating because he may not be doing a ton of growing this week, but EThan is eating almost NOTHING. :cry:. I mean, he seems fine and is drinking lots of milk and water and all, but just doesn't have much interest in food no matter what I offer. :shrug:

Anna, I hope the move went well! Let us know when you get reconnected LOL! I know it is hard to update from phone.

Steph, hope you are getting a restful weekend!

Jules, how's Gabby doing?

AFM, we had our 3D this morning and I will share the photo below! Little guy was settled in for a serious nap, and did NOT want to move either his hand or (not that he can control this LOL) the cord that was basically hanging right in front of his face the whole time! But we got a few that are pretty clear. I think the one below is the clearest - the smudgy stuff around his nose and mouth is cord. I think he looks SO mcuh like Ethan. I will post a side-by-side of EThan's 3D at about this same point to compare - I think it is amazing what we can see nowadays! New baby is image 4, Ethan is image 2.

Hope you enjoy! :hugs:!!


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Okay Angela, I mentioned this on fb but I'm seeing TWO heads. One is smaller in size than the other but it's squished on the baby's RIGHT side. Is this a second child? Am I possibly seeing twins??
I wish! Lol It's just the placenta... In real time, it was a bit more clear because the placenta is sort of lumpy in texture whereas the baby's skin is smooth and lighter in color. I'm just surprised neither I nor the sonographer noticed that detail in the photo... It does look like a face!
Are you SUUUUUuuuuuure??lol I don't mean to scare the pants off you but that looks like a baby's face to me. I thought usually the placenta looks like a blob. I'm seeing a face. I wasn't the only one that saw it. Hahahaha Maybe you should have your OB look at it just in case. :rofl: I've never seen anything like that.
Lol yep, I'm sure! In real time (video) it was much clearer; the placenta does look like a blob. That particular freeze frame just seems to have had the "face" image in it... It wasn't there for more than that second, I'm sure of that. You're not scaring me, I just think it'sso funny because I didn't meant to post a pic that would give that impression - I honestly didn't notice it and neither did our sonographer, probably bc we both knew what we were looking at was placenta :). I'm positive our previous scans (from 6 weeks on we have had six now) would have picked up if there were two in there! :thumbup: :haha: :rofl:
lol. I wondered. Even Doug saw a face. SO weird! I do however think it would be comical if you were surprised at the birth. Just remember you heard it here first. :rofl: Just kidding. :lol:
Hello ladies!!

First, thank you all so much for the feedback and advice about Gabby and her ear infection. She does seem better - those antibiotics kicked in pretty quickly, but she has a cold also (and is teething) so you can imagine what we're getting as far as sleep LOL.

As far as her cold - I've never seen so much snot LOL. Oh my goodness, it's everywhere! Angela, when you were talking about Ethan's snot I could sympathize! I bought this thing called a snot sucker on Amazon (which sounds gross, I know! And when you see the picture you will probably gag LOL, but there's a filter so you don't actually suck any into your mouth (lol), and it's pretty awesome. It's so much better than the bulb aspirator we were using before. Here's the link to it if anyone is interested: https://www.amazon.com/Nosefrida-Th...F8&qid=1348452383&sr=8-1&keywords=snot+sucker

She's fine during the day and loves to play but at night she is cranky. Last night was terrible. She usually goes down these days between 6pm and 7pm, but she was up until 10:00pm last night just crying and crying. It broke my heart. I also think she's going through some separation anxiety. The best part of my day is how happy she is to see me first thing in the morning:cloud9: but when I walk away, she cries - my little love!!

Bek - it's interesting what you said about the ear tubes - my friend's daughter (who is 8 now) had ear tubes put in when younger because she had many ear infections and today she still has problems with her ears. I wonder if those ear tubes had anything to do with that?

Bek, I know it's hard but try not to be down about your weight - you're doing amazingly well and losing! I wish I was consistently losing, but I lose, then binge and gain it all back:wacko:

I've promised myself to start again tomorrow and stick with it. Grrr! I've had body issues all my life, but you know what's weird? They kind of stopped now that I am a mother - which is SO bizarre because I really thought I was going to hate my body after G was born, but when I think about the fact that my body was G's home for 9 months, I'm pretty amazed and proud, so I don't beat myself up about my weight. Bek, I think you look great and you're doing so well with going Vegan. It's obviously working so I think I am going to try it myself. Where do you get your recipes? Do you have any favorites?

As far as Disney for 2014 - I am IN! I am so excited! The Fall is actually perfect. :happydance:

Anna - good luck with the move!! I hope it all goes well!:hugs:

Angela - great 3D images! Like Bek, I thought you had 2 in there at first and thought 'what did I miss? Does she know she's having twins?' :winkwink:
I am sorry Ethan is sick :( Again - I hear you on the snot - snot everywhere! LOL

Hi Steph! I am glad to hear you had a nice anniversary! :hugs:

Ok ladies, my little sweetpea is now sleeping soundly (let's hope it stays that way LOL) so I am going to go to bed too and try to catch up on my sleep. Love to all!
Just to weigh in on the ear tubes topic, my nephew had near-constant ear infections for almost three years. My sis finally relented and had tubes put in (she'd resisted the ped's recommendation for so long because the thought of putting your toddler under a general anesthesia for any reason is scary as hell) because it was so bad and so frequent that he was developing speech problems. So, they put tubes in and he was great. No ear infections for the entire time they were in (I think they were in for close to a year). Once they were in he kept complaining about how everything was too loud, and everyone realized just how badly his hearing had been hindered by his ears being clogged up so much of the time. After the first set fell out they waited to see if it was a problem anymore, and he developed a few ear infections before too long so they put a second set in. After the second set fell out he hasn't had any problems since - the structure of his inner ears was finally big enough that they could drain easily on their own. Now he's 6 and in kindergarten - and in speech therapy because he still has issues from not being able to hear well for so long when he was a new talker.... My sister is a big proponent of ear tubes now. :thumbup:
Hello ladies!!

Where do you get your recipes? Do you have any favorites?

As far as Disney for 2014 - I am IN! I am so excited! The Fall is actually perfect. :happydance:

Anna - good luck with the move!! I hope it all goes well!:hugs:

Angela - great 3D images! Like Bek, I thought you had 2 in there at first and thought 'what did I miss? Does she know she's having twins?' :winkwink:
I am sorry Ethan is sick :( Again - I hear you on the snot - snot everywhere! LOL


Yes, I have a few sites I go to. My favorite is a Vegan from Canada who owns her own pastry shop. She has some delightful recipes. Oh She Glows

If your looking to lose weight, you can go to Happy Herbivore and purchase weekly menu's with recipes and shopping lists for each week for only 5.00. We have started doing that and it's saving us a bit. Keep in mind that it's a new lifestyle so you may have to work to that. It's a 1200 calorie diet consisting of fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. You DO feel full. Remember, veggies and fruits are less calories than most cakes, cookies and meats which even if lean STILL has fat in them. You can find her weekly meal plans here which come out new each Wed. She also has books out that you can see on her site or blog.

I also like Healthy Girls Kitchen blog. She struggles with weight and emotional eating like I do. She has some great insight, has lost weight and also has some delicious recipes on her blog.

Finally, there's Vegan Yack Attack.

I'm still searching for more. As I said, I'm a foodie so I'm PICKY. I won't eat crap in a bucket so to say. I want my food to taste good.

Also, It's one step forward and two steps back. Whether its stress eating or getting to exercise. It seems to be mind over matter at times. I can't do it alone so I rely on God to help me through. Some days I've been good, others I've failed. I'm just trodding forward in hopes that I continue losing just knowing that I'm eating better than I was. Being off the insulin pump is a great start already. I'd like to completely be off insulin.

On another note, someone from church unintentionally hurt my feelings. When I told her I was losing weight with hopes to ttc again in the new year, she said, "We all know the trouble you went through with this one, Maybe we should just be happy with what the Lord has given you". :shrug::thumbup::nope::cry:

She has three kids though she's older. I wonder what SHE would have said had someone told her she had to stop or shouldn't continue.

THEN, this little boy (while very cute) came over to play with Amelia. I'll say he's 5. He was playing Boo. with her but then started to blow on her a bunch of times. No parent in site and I couldn't get him to politely stop. Another father in the church got him to stop because he knew who he was but now I'm hoping Amelia won't get a cold. :wacko:

On a good note, today was nice. I managed to vacuum, do the dishes, dye my hair, play with Amelia and get some other work done. I always like days like this. :happydance:

By the way. I'm LOVING that we seem to be getting on board with the trip to Disney for 2014. I'm not sure if we can book this far ahead in advance. I think we'll be able to do it Spring or fall of 2013. Angela, what do we do with a Disney planner and when would we all have to get involved?

Anna, you interested? Anyone else lurking interested?? I kind of hope we could get hotels booked now because we'd be able to make payments until the month we go. It would be SO much nicer to know we could pay little by little. Either way, we're okay though. SO excited to meet my girls!:happydance:
Thanks Bek for the websites! Yes, I am looking to lose weight. I do remember how full I felt when I did Vegan before - I don't know why I came off it really because like you, I was on about 1200 calories a day and felt FULL and my skin looked great and I lost 40lbs on it. I'm looking forward to embarking on this way of eating again.

I am sorry that someone from church made you feel badly - I think that was such a tactless and thoughtless comment from her. I think your strength is amazing Bek - after losing Jackson and being able to pick yourself up and try getting your lives back on track - that shows so much strength and courage. I think many of us (myself included) would have just crumpled after an experience like that.

You are an amazing mother and I see you surrounded with not just one more child but a few more! Amelia WILL have brothers and sisters! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

You know, just a side note - I got pregnant while Vegan - if you recall, I stopped eating meat so that my fibroids would not grow (I heard that steroids in meat will make fibroids grow, so I stopped eating meat). I really do feel going Vegan was a big reason for my pregnancy. I lost 40lbs the year I got pregnant while Vegan (I had gained after my miscarriage and ate out of depression). I went Vegan, lost 40lbs and got pregnant! I think it's a great way to eat and honestly I don't know why I didn't get back on it sooner. I guess I got used to eating meat again while pregnant.

Anyhoo, back to work - I'm typing this while on a conference call that I am clearly not paying attention to. hee hee!

Have a great day everyone!!
Just a quick note for now girls as am on tablet, but wants to give you all a heads up on the babies r us deals right now - they are doing their gift card deals again so if you buy the stated products you can get lots of gift cards back! We picked up 4 deals yesterday and collected $40 in gift cards! Woohoo!

On a bummer note, the stroller I thought would be perfect isn't... Sigh. Back to the drawing board on the stroller research. It was way heavier than stated, folds like a nightmare and requires removing three components to fold! Grr! Ah well. I either need a bigger car or some different stroller options lol!

Okay hugs girls and more later I promise!

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