35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

He Angela - Quick note for you - do you have a lite weight stroller that you are now using for Ethan? Or do you use an umbrella stroller? I am thinking of getting an inexpensive stroller for Katelyn for when I need to go do the Supermarket or somewhere really quickly any help or advice would be much appreciated!

Will write more later!

Hugs All,
Hey Steph! We actually just picked up an umbrella stroller (I mean a cheapie, the $29 BrU model!) yesterday while at the store... It is so basic it is only a three point harness, but I figure it will be super helpful to get me in and out of drs offices etc. with him. To this point, I have been using my Chicco Cortina which is a full size, full featured stroller and I love it. But it is only a single so I'm still looking for a double that works. And the Chicco is still doable while pregnant but it's getting harder to wrangle its weight while pregnant...hope that helps!
Hi Ladies,

Would you believe Amelia slept until 930am? :happydance: Doug and I couldn't believe it.

We also found out daddy has poison oak. :wacko: I asked him not to scratch and check with one of the nurses on his unit to see if they know what it was. He luckily doesn't have a huge break out.

We're also checking with our pediatrician about alternative milks (almond, flax, coconut, sunflower seed milk, etc.) to see if we can give Amelia an alternative plant based milk. Flax milk has tons of omega fatty acids and lots of vitamins and calcium. Dairy milk has these but they are added to the milk. We're unsure what they will say. I'm not sure how on board this Pede's office is with alternative lifestyle...they aren't all that happy about alternative injection schedules. We'll see what happens. We may need to change AGAIN. :wacko: No dairy and I don't want her on soy either since I have PCOS ...it's too early to mess with her estrogen levels.

Anyways, I'm off to feed my baby.
Hi Rebekah - Is Amelia allergic to Dairy? Sorry, I can't remember if you previously said if she was having issues. I was thinking about doing Almond milk, but then was concerned about nut allergies. What about Lactaid?

Hi Angela - Thanks for the tip. We saw the BRU brand (but was on sale for $25.99 lol). I too am still using the Chicco Cortina, but was thinking about getting something lighter for when I want to run into the market or take a quick wwalk to the store. I will take another look at the BRU brand this weekend. Let me know what you think about it.

Oh almost forgot - Jules I have heard great things about the Nose Frida. One of my friends just bought it because her daughter had a cold and was full of snot. She said it was fantastic! Sorry little Gabby is sick, but glad she is getting over her ear infection.

Anna - hope the move is going well. Looking forward to hear how you are getting settled into your new home!

Hey girls!

How is everyone today? It is a gorgeous day here and we've been out on the porch this morning enjoying the sunshine.

Steph, I was really good about using my coupons and getting the deals and all at BrU the other day, but forgot to use my 20% off one item for the stroller. :dohh: Hubby (the absolute KING of coupons and discounts, LOL) even asked if I had a coupon and I honestly didn't think I did. Didn't discover it stuck to the back of the ad they'd sent me till I got home. Sigh. Oh well. I'm really looking forward to a lighter stroller to haul in and out of the car, as tomorrow will be quite busy for us. I have my church group meeting in the morning (our church is HUGE and the campus is the size of some community colleges, so I always use my stroller!) then we go back to the ortho for Ethan's recheck. I'm really hoping they say he can be done with the boot, but last time we saw the ortho we had to go to the ortho's office, then a separate site for xrays, then back to ortho, then home. So (although this probably sounds wimpy to anyone else!) that will be six trips in and out of the carseat and stroller for pregnant mommy to deal with tomorrow, and I am really looking forward to using the lighter one LOL! :rofl: A few weeks ago when he went the first time, I darn near died hauling him in and out of his seat and stroller (and hauling the stroller in and out of trunk) so many times.

Jules, hope Gabby is feeling lots better! The snot sucker sounds excellent although I'm not sure I could do it LOL. I have learned to use the saline spray with him though and that seems to loosen things up a bit, so he can sneeze it out or we can sort of swipe it as his nose runs. I did not know how beneficial the saline could be with Ethan at first, so when he fought us on using it during his 7 mos-1 year colds run, I gave it up... now that I know it really helps I will use it on the next one even if he fusses LOL. It is so hard when you feel like they can't breathe! :cry:

On the vegan thing - my sister and her husband are vegan. I think the concept is excellent, unfortunately it's just not great for my particular metabolism/body. If I don't eat animal protein I will IMMEDIATELY get every cold and bug that comes down the block. Plant protein just doesn't cut it for my body and I've learned that the hard way. I read that with plant proteins, a lot of the protein is actually bound up with the fiber in the food, and doesn't get absorbed/used by the body, so I think what happens to me is I just don't get enough protein if I eat that way. My immune system seems to do great as long as I get my protein, sleep and vitamins, but ive learned if I take any of those three away it just doesn't work. But I love the idea of clean eating and I think veganism is a great way to go if you can do it! :thumbup: It sounds like it agrees with you and Rebekah.

Bek, I too can't recall - is Amelia sensitive to dairy, or are you just trying to get her off dairy so the whole household is vegan? I've heard almond milk is great. Most peds may "frown upon" certain things but they won't give you so much grief you would need to switch again, unless they are just really making you uncomfortable. So sorry about Doug's poison oak!

Anna, I hope the move and settling in are going well! Can't wait to hear back from you!

AFM, I'm continuing in nesting mode, though I'm getting lazier every day :rofl: :haha: :rofl: I just do NOT have the energy I had in 2nd tri... So I'm making lots of lists of remaining things I want to do, and trying to adjust my goals at this point to what is really feasible in the next 5-7 weeks. I say 5-7 because the size I am now, I seriously and completely honestly cannot imagine we will go past Halloween... anything is possible, but it just doesn't seem likely to me at this point. We should get a better feel for things after this week - Thursday we go back to the perinatologist for a recheck on baby and his kidney issue, and I'm very interested to see how they measure him. Not sure if I mentioned this, but the 4D ultrasound tech (fully trained and certified, though they are careful to say they are not rendering a medical opinion, which I understand) said baby is measuring close to 35 WEEKS already (bear in mind that was at 31+1 for me), at 4 pounds 11 oz!! I will be very interested to see what the peri says, because they are sort of the "diagnostic" side of our care - our OB does not have the same advanced ultrasound equipment that the peri uses, so they are our point people for actually monitoring baby's growth and weight. The 4D tech told me that 2nd babies are "always bigger..." I did not know that! So, we will see. I don't feel like it's any issue as far as my health - I passed my GD screening on the first try, and honestly I've only gained a couple pounds in the last maybe 4 weeks... my overall weight is fine, at 25 pounds up so far... it's just ALL belly and I wish you guys could see this! I will try to post a bump pic! [ETA: Bump pic in next post!] It's amazing to me how out of proportion I am (and feel! Can hardly waddle!) already at this point. So, because I really feel like space is getting to a premium in there, and would not be surprised if my body (blood pressure, or something else) starts fighting back here pretty soon, I will be surprised if we go much more than another month. I'm 32 weeks this Friday, so that would put us 36. A little earlier than I would like, and I would REALLY like to get to 38 like with Ethan... we'll see. So then Friday I go back to my OB, but I see a different dr. in the practice so I won't be able to discuss with my own dr. as I'd prefer. That's just for this visit (they have you see each doc in the practice, each pregnancy). So, I'll keep you guys posted how things go, and in the meantime I am just working away here trying to get to where I feel like everything is ready, and trying to enjoy each day in the meantime!

Okay girls, I'm off to get a couple things done while Ethan naps. Hugs and love to all!
For those interested! Please forgive the headless picture! I could not figure out how to put the image in a spoiler - it doesn't seem to allow that with attachments.


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Either I'm a freak of nature or it's just an old wives' tale about 2nd babies being bigger (or both! :haha:) - I'm a 2nd and I was almost 2 lbs smaller than my older sister....
Either I'm a freak of nature or it's just an old wives' tale about 2nd babies being bigger (or both! :haha:) - I'm a 2nd and I was almost 2 lbs smaller than my older sister....

Lol! I have a feeling it's an old wives' tale! But I am really curious to see how big they say he is on Thursday... I don't think Ethan was measuring quite that big for his 3d, and his was a week later at 32 wks. :shrug: I can actually believe the 4lbs 11 the 3d lady quoted, because st our last "official" ultrasound, at 25 weeks, they said he was already 2lbs+...
Oh and I was smaller than my brother was...so maybe it is if you are having boys, the 2nd boy is always bigger LOL
Maybe that's what she meant, Steph! LOL

I've been on another thread where a first time mom is trying to make sure she has everything she needs. It's always interesting to compare "lists" of what people are stocking up on before a birth... I know this time, at least I feel like I know better what we will need (and we have most of what we need, of course, having kept everything from Ethan's newborn days). But it is so funny because I know I will still be running around like a crazy person in those early days... it never seems to matter how much I plan or how many lists I make and check off... come crunch time, I'm usually running around trying to find things. :dohh: :dohh: I'm hoping that things will be a bit easier this time around, since we have routines in place that we did not before (like I'm already used to preparing and washing bottles, doing loads of baby laundry almost daily, etc.) so I am hoping it will not all feel so alien as it did the first time. I learned some lessons I feel should help (last time, I think we had about 40 diapers in the house when we came home, a quantity I now consider entirely laughable in terms of being ready to go!) and I had too much of other things - at least I feel more like I know what I'll need at first, and how to phase things in. Or I hope I do! :haha:
Hi Ladies!! This is going to sound strange, but it is so nice to be back at work so I can relax and catch up. LOL!! It's the slow time of the year and I can finally, after a crazy weekend, catch up with my girls.

I took notes so here goes:

Angela, great 3D picture and I definitely saw two faces too!! How's the snot machine?? So sorry he's sick again. I hope the appointment at ortho goes well. 6 times in and out of car seat is a lot!! Finally, such a cute bump picture!! Love it!!

MA, so glad Amelia slept in today!! As for Disney I'm in!! Never been before so it will be an experience and since I can start saving now, should be able to afford it. Sorry for the insensitive comment at church. Do people ever think before they open their mouths??

Steph, I have heard of the nose frida and I think am going to get one with as many colds as Jo had gotten. She HATES the bulb thing.

Jules, thanks for bringing up the snot sucker issue. I will visit the link you provided. As for vegan I would love to try it but my DH eats a ton of meat. Do u fix two meals or is your DH on board with vegan??

HA, thanks for the tube info. As with all things there are arguments for and against. All I know is we've got to come up with a better solution. I am tired of giving her antibiotics, not good for her.

AFM, lots going on... First thanks to all who wished us congrats and well wishes for the move. We closed on the house Friday, began painting and had carpets cleaned that night. DH, a painting contractor, painted the whole upstairs on Saturday. Moved in majority of stuff Sunday and slept there first time Sunday night. We LOVE our new house!!!! So much more room!!

On the down side Jo is sick again so had a sick baby to deal with while trying to move. Luckily my parents came up to take her for the weekend, but she ran a fever all day Sunday. So took another day off yesterday and took her to the doctor yesterday convinced it was another ear infection, all symptoms the same. However ears are good. Her throat was red so they did a throat culture for strep but that came back negative. So she has a bug. Not sure what. She's not eating or sleeping either ( seems like all our kids are going through the same thing). Last night she got up at 1:30 and finally went back to bed at 4:30. Steph I feel your pain and the need for a nap.

Lastly, I had a meeting at daycare this afternoon about Jo moving up a level and I can not tell you how hostle the administrative staff is. It's so weird. I feel like screaming have I done something to piss you off??!!! If not drop the attitude!! Problem is I love her teachers. However, there are other fish in the day care sea and with us moving we have a few more options so I may start exploring another option. Sooner than later while she's young enough to not know the difference or make any attachments to friends. I just couldn't believe it. The hostility was think enough to cut with a knife. Very odd!! However I think AF is on her way , so maybe it's me being too sensitive.

Anyway, hugs to all!!
Hi Anna - so glad to hear that the move went well! Please post some photos when you get a chance! Sorry to hear about poor Jo! Yes, sleep deprivation SUCKS! All I can say is WOW on the day care situation. You would think that given this economy that they would be bending over backwards to make sure that parents are happy because there is always another daycare that your child can go to. Sorry you have to deal with that and good for you for not telling them off! LOL

Angela - I hear you on the list making! That is one of my favorite things to do LOL. You are correct, I don't think that you can ever truly have everything you need, but I think the 2nd time around, you do know what works and what doesnt. Also, you are already used to getting up in the middle of the night so it won't be such a foreign concept and a shock to your system LOL. Well, I hope that you are able to deliver at 38 weeks (whenever that may be depending on what your perinatologist says LOL). Keep us posted as to what happens at Thursdays appointment!

AFM - I am having a friend come over tonight to help with Katelyn when she wakes up. I hate to do it, but I just am not functioning well and she will literally be on my boob for like 3-4 hours with like a 10-15 minute break in between. So for tonight Mommy will try to sleep. I have been extremely moody lately and full of rage because of the lack of sleep. So I am trying anything I can. Also, I think AF is coming for me soon so that is exacerbating the situation. Either that or I am pregnant, but I am thinking that because of my mood swings (going from rage to weepy) it is AF LOL.

Rebekah - Where you been sweets? Miss ya!

Jules I am so happy that you started posting again - if you talk to Beth via FB tell her we miss her on here! Same for you Angela - when you speak with Laura tell her we miss her and would love to hear about the twins.

I wish we had phone number/emails for all the other mommies and mommies to be who used to post regularly here. I miss everyone and it would be great to hear all about how they are doing and their babies.

Ok, I may try and go run out to my car to nap...I wish!

Flipping phone!!!

... As I was saying ... I keep forgetting to post. I weaned Jo off night feedings (bottle) a few months ago and this was my strategy. First since it seemed she was feeding out of comfort and not need, when I would normally have given her a bottle at night I started off by giving her a paci and rocking her back to sleep the way I would have if feeding. I did this for about a week. Then I transitioned to giving her a paci and standing with her for a few minuets, decreasing time, and then putting her back to bed. Another week on this one. Then I would just go in, leave her in her crib, lay her back down giving her a paci and pat her back or shhhh her back to sleep. Again decreasing the time. Finally I let her cry a little and she very quickly learned to put herself back to sleep. It's a gradual approach but I couldn't let her cry it out either. With each approach you gradually decrease the amount of time your with her so she gets used to helping herself back to sleep and becomes less dependent on you. Hope it helps. If there's one thing I've learned it's that no one approach works for every body and every mom / baby situation is different and special. Do what is in your heart and it's hard to go wrong.

Have a good one!!

P.s. I am a self professed list maniac!!
Hi everyone!

Steph, I've been around. We're planning Amelia's party this weekend so it's been hectic cleaning the house. Today we didn't go to Library class because there was too much to do. We DID go to grandma and grandpa's so she had fun there.

Tonight has been awful! It's 130am and Amelia is showing no signs of going down to bed for us. We've tried EVERYTHING. She usually falls asleep after we rock her. She'll fall asleep and wake up immediately crying. We gave her some tylenol because I think it's a molar coming through that's bothering her. THEN after trying to rock her again we brought her out and gave her a bottle while we're listening to light classical music. She really is fighting us tooth and nail about sleeping.

As for the vegan thing. It is working for me. I've been trying for 10 years and have never seen results like this. We'll see how well it continues.

We have been looking into almond milk or an alternative to dairy and soy. The pediatrician is against it. They said aside from soy and dairy the only other alternative is breast milk. Doug actually got miffed by the nurse that called us today. She told us Amelia was 20lbs and underweight. I felt as though they were telling us they'd turn us in if we refused Amelia cows milk or soy. I couldn't believe my ears. How odd. Especially when something like Flax milk has Omega 3's which help brain function and it's all natural versus what they put in cows milk artificially. I get the seed and nut issue with allergies but from what the office said, they knew NOBODY who was vegan who raised their child on alternative milk. It was like we were being nailed for wanting the best nutrition for our daughter and being told that if we didn't accept the toddler formula (which is being pushed by yet another industry) we were in turn neglecting our child. Are you kidding me?? Are there any pediatrician or Dr.'s in this area that aren't shoved up an industry and getting kick backs like 4 course meals and mega bucks because they push drugs and such on their patients?

While I agree a vegan lifestyle isn't for everyone with the history Doug and I carry. I with Diabetes and Hypothyroid as well as PCOS and Doug with cardiac history where every male on his side has had a heart attack by 40 and put on meds early on as well as multiple stents, we believe this will start Amelia in the right direction eating a healthy diet for the medical history she has. If she decides later to eat meat, then we're not against it. It's all basic nutrition we're working on.

What I really DON'T GET is how Dr.'s keep saying how children are getting fatter and fatter with high likelihood of diabetes, etc. Yet they do not even know anything about nutrition and preventative care. OR choose to ignore it because lets face it, It's their business. Some say to make patients well others maybe to keep them dependent on drugs so they will need them. One drug has side effects so you have to have another to get rid of the side effects of that drug and so on and so forth.

I'm honestly not sure WHAT we're going to do about this situation. Doug is actually going to contact one of the Authors of the book he's read who is an actual Dr. and ask him about this subject. He has several grandchildren and his son is an author to a vegan cookbook. Maybe if we can get some insight from other vegan families, maybe through education Doug and I can do what we think is best for Amelia and not what Dr.'s fully rely on through industry education on THEIR products.

Well, we seem to be having a rough night. It's 2am and Amelia is screaming her lungs out with Doug in the nursery. We're tag teaming it so I'm grateful we have each other to rely on. We get through rough nights like these when we work together. I'm so grateful God blessed me with such a kind, loving and patient man.

Anna, I'd get rid of them as well. Sounds like they were rude to you over something so trivial.

Steph, I miss you too darlin.

Angela, I'm interested to see what the Dr.'s say about the weight.

Off I go to see if Doug needs any help.

Love to you all!
MA, you and I are dealing with similar sleep issues. Jo is cutting her molars as well and we had yet another rough night of screaming. She slept better between crying bits, but man oh man am I tired.

I am really surprised at your doctor. Like you said child hood obesity is a real problem. We started Jo on 2% milk because she has a family history of heart disease and most kids get enough fat from other sources. My doctor was hugely supportive of it. I would think that a long as Amelia gets all the vitamins and minerals and calories she needs they would be more than supportive. Did they back their objections up with any research?? If there's a real and legitimate objection that's one thing, but if their just stuck in the standard quo, back county state of mind, then forget them. I agree with you too many doctors are in the back pockets of pharmaceutical companies, it is sad but true. Stick to your guns, your intentions are correct and unless someone can give you a legitimate reason for not going vegan then do what you think best. Jo has been vegan by default, except for milk, as she isn't feeling well and just not into food these days. Btw, how long is Amelia?? She and Jo are about the same weight and Jo is 30+" and the doc said her weight is just fine.

Anyhow, nothing to tell other than really tired. We tried to use the fireplace in the basement this morning and DH filled the house with smoke. Something is wrong with it, ah the first test of home ownership.

Have a good day!!
Is the flu closed Anna? Check to be sure it's open.

As for the Pediatrician. Well, So far we've only dealt with the Dr.'s conditions through the nurses who are quite young and keep telling us they have NEVER dealt with this issue. They're basically making calls not really giving any other reasons as to why they come to their conclusions. They think WE have to come to them with reasons behind why we're making these decisions. It's really quite concerning. What should have rung a bell was when we were talking to the practitioner about not getting Amelia the chicken pox vaccine and her telling me I HAVE to because she needs it for school. When I told her she's being homeschooled it shut her right up. It's almost like we have no right to make decisions on our daughters health and well-being outside of their morals. It's scary since I've already said they're up pharmaceutical companies bums having 4 course meals while they're "educated" on the latest medicines.

Doug and I are still doing some research. She's going to get her yearly shots but I'm guessing we'll be off to yet another pediatricians office. I hate moving like this. I'd like to stay with someone but I'm not willing to leave my daughters health and well being to an office that only gives me "we've never dealt with people like you" before instead of some kind of good answer. It's just disturbing.

Not much going on here either. We had a ROUGH night last night. I've NEVER seen Amelia so in pain. 430am she woke screaming. I gave her some motrin and rocked her just telling her mommy and daddy were here. She finally fell asleep. Tonight has been good so far. She is whiney but nothing like yesterday where there was no comforting here in the night.

Love to you all...
Hi Ladies - I must day I am so embarrassed I haven't been on in such a stinking long time. I think of you all often but something always pulls me away when I want to sit down and reply and then so much time has passed that I feel awful. :( I literally left bed to come and reply - I can't sleep and Charlie has a cold (and we alllll know men when they get sick....world is ENDING! lol).

I've had an eventful time of it though - we have had conjunctivitis and dacrocystitis - which is a fancy way of saying an infected tear duct. We were on a second round of e-mycin ointment for the conjunctivitis and it just wasn't going away so we went back to see the flippin nurse practitioner who said: you need to finish out the ointment and call on tuesday. I said: it's getting WORSE and was told again to call tuesday (this practitioner is not normally in this office, thank God) and on leaving, she said: well, if he gets a fever or it swells, call sooner but he'll be fine, call Tuesday. Well, that was a Friday, we woke up after a looong night on Saturday morning and his little eye was swollen shut with puss coming out of it and was as big as an egg! I immediately called and got in to see a doctor who knew immediately and prescribed a liquid that cleared it right up in a few days. We just finished it up the other night. phew!

We just had our 6-month (ok, done 1.5 months late!) photo shoot today! He is so adorable! I crocheted a sailor hat that is in some pics, adorable! I am working on his halloween costume now! And already planning his 1st bday! He's got 3 teeth, the other top one is almost through. And he just started saying dada but just in babble! ahhh my little love.

Our schedule looks like this:
he gets up about 7:30, has a 5oz bottle with Charlie who keeps him up for an hour (mostly trying to feed him, Poppy won't eat much for him lately!) and after an hour, he brings him to our room where I am able to get a little more sleep and plops him on the bed with me where he promptly falls asleep for another hour or more (lately it's been almost 2 hours).
Then we get up around 10ish, and has 6 oz of cereal with 3 oz of veggies or fruit.
Plays a bit then a nap around 1pm - 2pm or sometimes more if he didn't go too long in the am nap.
Another 6.5-7 oz bottle at 2:30-3pm,
another nap at 4 for about 45 mins.
Then 3.5 oz cereal, 3 oz fruit, and a 3-4 oz bottle at 6.
sometimes if he is tired, we do a short power nap of 20-30 mins around 7pm but we're getting away from that now.
then we follow all that up with a 7oz bottle at 9pm.
He's asleep by 9:40 (most nights we put him to bed drowsy but still awake) the latest and stays asleep until about 7:30 in the AM, sometimes 8! He's a good sleeper and eater! He gets about 32-35oz formula (some mixed with cereal) a day. No wonder why he's 20lbs solid!

Just God forbid I try to have him nap in his crib when he's still awake. SCREAM. I love the swing. easy-peasy.

I know last time I was on, I was LATE...as in very late. turns out I was just late :) we were just not trying but not preventing. But starting next month we are going to try to do it all over again. :thumbup: Am I crazy? Am I loony? sure am, and loving it! :haha:

what else, what else........ohh, I just finished a contract project work for my former boss! woo-hoo! I was asked to work 80 hours and I got that 80 hours in during his naps and at night - got it all done in a week and a half. I'm happy to still have my hand in it and they are going to try to get me back again soon - which is great! Money comes in handy for Christmas coming as I still haven't adjusted to not having a job and therefore my "own" money to buy Charlie's christmas gifts!

Not much else new, which sounds terrible after I keep saying: Oh I'm so busy!!!! We are tying to plan an outing to do apple picking, which should be a blast with him and also trying to get to King Arthur (you know, the baking flour people!) in VT for the day - we are trying to figure out how to do the 3 hour trip with him! Meanwhile, I see some people I know on fb with many little ones going AWAY or out for the whole day. How the hell?? I swear sometimes it's a damn Olympic event just to get to the supermarket with him sometimes!!!! :haha::haha::haha:

Ahh, I've missed you all....I wanted to come vent so many times (after visiting with sisters who get annoyed when I refuse to go anywhere after 5pm...hello, dinner then bedtime routine!!!!) We are seeing them this Sat for a Mass for their mom who passed away last year. Should be LOADS of F.U.N. :nope: On a positive note, my mom has been so good! loves to see Poppy and is much better now. PHEW.

Angela - holy cats! SOOOOOO close! love the ultrasound. love.

Big welcome to Flutterbee!!! Congrats on your news!

HELLOOOOOOO to everyone else, gosh, I've missed you: Angela, Jules, Bek, Anna (LOVE Jo!), Steph, who have I missed, I know I've missed someone! You know I love ya, even if I forgot to put you down here. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

time to go back to hubby - I swear, they make me laugh, such big strong men turn to such babies when sick. I now have to baby Charlies to take care of! :happydance::haha:


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