35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

ahhh I forgot one more thing:

I need a knee replacement. CRAP! Figures. Not sure when I can do it but now I have 2 drs (reg and 2nd opinion) telling me this...... going back in mid-Oct for more details (on whether a full or partial) but I knew it was coming. At least one needs to be done sooner rather than later, the other one can wait longer. My kneecap has slipped down and catches every time I bend it. Stinks, totally stinks. With trying to get pg again, who the heck knows when I can have it done.

Oh and I'm going to a pain clinic for my fractured-and-now-healed-improperly-after-4-painful-years tailbone. I think that adjective explains it all!

ok, going to bed now!

xx beth
Hi girls!!:hi:

Rebekah – I am so excited about Amelia’s upcoming birthday party and can’t wait to hear all about it; I just LOVE the Carnival theme!:thumbup::happydance:

I’m sorry Amelia is having a hard time with her molars. Like you, I rock Gabriella to sleep every night and then sneak her into her crib. :haha: It’s working, but my friend is telling me that I’m going to regret rocking her! She’s going to expect it all the time. But it’s my favorite time of day, I don’t want to give it up LOL:cloud9:

I’m surprised to hear that your pediatrician is not open to discussing anything other than cow’s milk. Ugh. Honestly – it’s true what you and others have said; don’t get me started on healthcare in this country as it is a for-profit industry. Doctors are indeed in the back-pockets of the pharmaceutical companies so they push their products.

I have a follow up appointment with Gabriella’s pediatrician on Monday to ensure her ear infection is gone – I am more than happy to ask about alternatives to cow’s milk for you and see what their stance on it is.

Angela – your bump pic is SO cute! You are ALL belly!! :flower::hugs:

Beth! It’s so great to see you here! :hugs: We've missed you! I am so sorry about poor Charlie’s eye but happy to hear he is doing better.

I hear you about the ‘man cold.’ My Tony is sick right now (he has a little sniffle, but in his eyes, he’s on death’s door! :wacko:LOL!)

I’m so sorry you need a knee replacement. My boss at work is having a knee replacement on the 15th October and will be out for a few weeks too. He’s had bad knees since he was a kid and was putting it off. Ugh, I can understand why you keep putting it off, it’s a major operation.

I love that you are trying to get pregnant again – I have everything crossed for you!!:happydance:

As for me, all is well! My beauty is doing much better and is back to her happy, playful self! :cloud9:

I wanted to ask some advice about table food. G is now 7 months and 3 weeks old and I have been trying to introduce table foods to her but she wants nothing to do with it! [-( She is on stage 2 solids and chows down like a fiend, but anything with texture in it? Forget it! [-X [-(

I’ve tried mashed bananas, little bites of mozzarella cheese, peaches, potatoes – she refuses! She also hates the puffs! Is it too early to introduce these foods to her? My doctor told me to start trying and see how she does with it, but she’s just not interested. How old were your babies when they started eating table foods? Should I keep trying?

Also, I had bought her several sippy cups to see how she did with them, but she doesn't want anything to do with them either - she completely bypassed them and is now drinking water directly out of regular cups which I am getting such a kick out of! :haha:

She has a little friend at daycare called Kayla (who is 11 months old) and just started walking - they are so cute together! When I pick her up from daycare, she's sitting with Kayla and the teacher on the mat playing with Kayla. The teacher is teaching them both to wave hello and bye-bye, it's so cute! LOL

I hope you guys are having a happy Thursday - the weekend is almost here, woo-hoo!! :happydance:

Hi to Steph and Flutterbee !! Have a great day everyone!!
Hey girls!

I'm popping in to try and catch up while Ethan naps and before our ultrasound at 2 today! I'm so excited to see our little guy again and get some official opinions on his current size, the kidney issue and our prognosis from there. Then, tomorrow I go to my OB only I see the new dr. in the practice, so I am planning to keep my questions to general ones as would rather discuss specifics with my own dr. It's just a hunch at this point, but at this moment, I sort of feel like we may end up being induced again (based on his size; hopefully I can avoid BP problems this time around). We know I was able to deliver a 7.5 pound baby, but I'd rather not push it much beyond that! :wacko: :dohh: and my dr. is very adamant about inducing past a certain size... so we shall see. It's not my preferred path, but neither is ending up in c-section if I can avoid it. My epidural did not fully take the last time and I am frightened of the idea of having to be rushed to an emergency section without solid pain blocking. So I'm hoping to have a better feel for how things may go, after this week's appointments. I'll update after today's if the dr. tells us anything noteworthy.

Happily, Ethan went back to the ortho yesterday and was cleared to take off his boot. He is one happy little boy to be free of that thing LOL!

So glad to see Beth and Jules back! I will write to Laura and CJ and try to encourage them to come back as well. I love our group but like all of you, miss our other ladies too! :flower:

Jules and Beth, man colds are the WORST. I think one of the funniest descriptions of that phenomenon that I've ever heard comes from Vicki Iovine, the author of the "Girlfriend's Guide" series of books. She said whenever she comes down with something, her husband gets it worse. So she said something like "if she gets bronchitis, he gets pneumonia... because while he might otherwise be expected to lovingly care for his sick pregnant wife, no one would expect a man at death's door with pneumonia to take care of a chubby woman with a little bit of a cough!" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I STILL laugh when I think about that story! Hope both husbands are well soon!

Jules, on the textures, you may recall Ethan could not tolerate ANY textured food until well after his first birthday. I was really getting worried, but his dr. kept assuring me he would gobble foods down when ready. So DON'T stress over it like I did! Just keep offering, but if she refuses it, know that it's probably just that she is not ready for textures. And that's totally fine! Once Ethan WAS ready, he took off chowing down and now regularly shoves three goldfish in his mouth at one time :dohh: :rofl: :dohh: Just know it will happen when she is ready. Things I started him with were (per dr. advice) soft, not crunchy - so tiny pieces of cheese, banana, cooked carrot, noodles, peas, things like that. Soon he was able to eat rotisserie chicken (which he LOVES) and things like berries, cheerios, etc. These days he eats most anything, but I still watch the bite size.

Beth ,I'm so sorry about your knees honey! (and your tailbone!) One of our executives at my former job had a knee replacement, and I know it's not an easy recovery, but he does feel MUCH better now. And how exciting that you will be TTC!!! I'm SO happy to hear that! :happydance: can't wait to see the new photos! :hugs:

Anna, so sorry Jo is sick again. I feel your pain completely because I just know we'll be in for another round of it this fall and winter with Ethan. He loves the mornings at church so much and I hate to deny him the socialization... I just wish it didn't come with GERMS! And don't hesitate to go with your gut on the daycare thing. There are MANY daycare options and you should not have to stay at a place you don't feel 100% comfy with. So happy to hear the move went well and so excited to see pics when you feel like sharing some!

Bek and Steph, I'm so sorry about the teething/sleeping issues! I wish I could offer helpful advice here, but what we did may not work for everyone. I think I honestly just got blessed with a GREAT sleeper and we never had to go through the business of rocking him to sleep each night (except in the very early newborn days where we would rock during night feedings). My little guy is like his mommy - LOVES his bed (when he is tired) and happily goes there as long as it's that time of day! Even my mother in law is baffled as to how we set up such a great sleeper, and I keep telling her it's not anything I did...God just knows that this particular girl does NOT do well on no sleep! :rofl: So, while we do have many nights where he wakes us, we rarely intervene and he usually goes right back to sleep. He did go through a phase maybe 7-10 months where he would wake up looking for his paci, and be unable to find it himself, so we kept having to go in, but that was all he wanted (no rocking needed) and we were both thankful when he learned to locate it himself! :haha: I wish you both lots of love and hugs and sympathy as I know it SUCKS to have your sleep so disrupted. I know I'll be miserable again during the newborn phase and am just hoping I can keep better perspective this time - knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Bek, I would not stop until you find a pediatrician you are completely comfortable with... that relationship is far too important for you to have to settle for someone whose philosophy (or even personality - like me with the Dragon Lady dr. in our practice - doesn't match yours well). I'd insist on an explanation from the dr. if they disagree with your proposed choices - in fact, the one thing I will grudgingly give Dragon Lady is that, when she found out Ethan's leg was actually broken, she was calling me DAILY and giving me her cellphone (and answering when I called!) to check up on him and follow how things were going with the ortho. I think she knew she missed a big one, but still... I was surprised at the level of service LOL! So don't stop shopping docs till you are 100% satisfied. There are too many available to settle. And good luck with the party this weekend!! I can't WAIT To see pictures!

Steph, how did it go with your friend doing relief duty during the night? That is really sweet of her and I know you are probably relieved to get some good sleep! I really sympathize because I too get positively rageful and feel completely unable to control my emotions when I am so exhausted. You DO have to take care of YOU, too. It is hard for us to manage that sometimes but it must be done. I hope you got some rest and can work out a weaning plan; Anna's sounds great!

Flutterbee, how are you doing honey? We miss you!

Okay girls, I'm off to get things ready for our appt this afternoon. EThan should wake any time and I need to get some lunch into him before we go.

Love and hugs!
Beth, so good to hear from you!! So glad poppy is getting better, poor little guy!! It's so hard when they're sick. Hard when DH is sick too, big babies is right!

I can't wait to see the 6mo photos!! Congrats on TTC. It's amazing to even think of trying again, going through it all again, but I completely understand.

So glad your mom had come around and good luck with the SILs! I know yet are a pain in your behind.

AFM, if you've caught up you know how frustrated I am with our daycare. This morning dropped off Jo and tried to get an answer to a question about scheduling and again got the attitude. This is a schedule for next week!! It's Thursday for crying out loud!! I kind of need to know!! Ahhhhh

Needless to say I'm kind of a poop or get off the pot kind of person so I'm going to stop complaining and look for a day care alternative. It's just not worth the daily frustration.

Other than that, Jo woke up every two hours last night. This makes four nights in a row of bad sleep. Those teeth had better get done coming in soon or I am going to have to hire some night help so I can get some sleep.

Hope everyone else is doing ok!'

Ok while I was posting Angela and Jules came on so...

Jules, Angela is right, don't stress over the age thing, when she is ready Gabby will move onto finger foods. All kids develop at different rates, she'll get there.

Angela, good luck today!!! Don't stress the kidney issue. We had some ultra sound issues with Jo's kidney's too and it turned out be nothing, just different body parts grow at different rates.

Wish I had energy for more. Do u think anyone would notice if I closed my store door and took a nap behind the counter??

Rofl...Anna I feel for you my friend! I am SO flipping tired! yesterday was okay but tonight is going downhill fast. She HAS been in the bedroom sleeping for 2 hours straight so I'm hoping this means she'll be okay. Worst case, her long nap could mean she's up all night with us. :rofl: I can tell it's her molar again. At this point we've been going strong with teeth coming in a month and a half straight. I'd like to swear right now. :rofl:

Jules, I'm with the rest of them. She's not ready. She'll let you know. Keep trying to give her something every couple of weeks to see if she plays with it or puts it in her mouth. You'll know then. Same thing with potty training. Some kids like it, some don't. You'll know!

Speaking of potty training. Amelia poo'd her first time today with daddy! :happydance: It's coming along nicely so far. She's learning the feeling and hearing the sound of going on the big girl potty. We have a potty dance and LOTS of praise. We'll see how this continues but so far, so good!

Angela, it's 530pm so I'm waiting to hear if there was anything new on the baby front. Excited that we're getting close!

Beth, I wanted to answer last night but it took all the energy I had to just push the "thank you" button. :rofl: I can't BELIEVE you have to have knee surgery. Oh how I'm so sorry! Praying all goes smoothly and your recovery will be a swift one. I see pics of the little guy on FB and he's just so adorable. What a cutie-pie!

Your all NEVER going to believe this but....as I was leaving the house this morning I got a phone call from the pediatricians office. The nurse said the newest Dr. called and said SHE was familiar with alternative milks and would work with us. We have an appointment next week and she'll discuss the milks we spoke about. She wants to get Amelia's growth chart and work from there. Amelia has ALWAYS been petite so she's only 20 lbs right now. She's been consistent with her growth chart though.

I couldn't believe my ears after the horrible call we had the day before. Must be they were discussing our lifestyle with the Dr.'s and the only one willing to try to work with us is the younger Dr. I'm still nervous about the other nurses we spoke with. We're going to hear them out at Amelia's yr visit and if we still don't feel comfortable we'll find another one as Angela suggested. With all the other Pede's out there, someone should be a fit SOMEWHERE. :lol:

THEN as we were out, my husband got a ticket. It was annoying. 2 female sheriff's were out and they were pulling people over NON-STOP!! It was in a section that goes from 30 mph to a 50 mph. They were quite sneaky and jerky about it. As soon as they nailed US, they nailed another one and kept going on and on and on. I was MIFFED! I asked why we were stopped and she ignored me altogether (I wasn't the driver) THEN after demanding license and registration from Doug she asked him if he knew WHY he was pulled over. What a smart@##!! Are you kidding me you little snot?!

It just so happens one of the husbands of a nurse that works with Doug was ALSO pulled over around the SAME time. We're going to fight it. Doug's never had a ticket or anything on his license. These ladies were OBVIOUSLY out for quota and doing it in a shoddy way!!

Well, it's a nice sunny day. Once baby bear gets up I'm going to take her for a walk.

Praying everyone gets rest tonight!

P.S. Jules and Steph, I LOVE to rock my sweet girl too. Jules, I don't care if it comes to haunt me. I love this time with her. I sit with her and pray then sing to her. She falls asleep and I'm still praying in the dark. I'll rock her as long as she'll let me. They're not going to be this young forever. 10 years of trying for a baby and I don't think spending this quality time with our babies will be forever and it will be cherished by us and the kids. I remember being rocked as an older kid too. My dad and my gram would do it more than my mom. Gram especially. I had some very lovely moments with her that I'll cherish forever. So don't feel guilty about those moments. You'll remember them the rest of your life!!!

Love and :hug: to you all!

P.S., can't wait to share pics with you all either! I think it's coming along nicely now. I'm nervous but excited.
Hi Everyone!

Rebekah - YAY!! Amelia's bday and party are this weekend. How exciting. I know it will be a wonderful success! Also, yeah, I would keep looking for a pediatrician that you are comfortable with and that won't make you feel like you are doing something wrong with how you want to parent YOUR child! Also, I hope that Amelia is feeling better and that you ALL have a goodnights rest tonight!

Beth - Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back (set to the tune of Welcome Back, Kotter!)LOL. It is so good to hear from you and about Poppy! I can't believe how big he is getting. That is wonderful. Looking forward to seeing the photos from the shoot! Sorry to hear about your knee replacement surgery. Also, I hope that your husband feels better soon (your's too Jules!).

In response to Angela's post, I saw a cartoon on facebook that said Mom and Dad sick with a cold. It showed a mom fully dressed ready for work standing up next to the bed, holding a baby in one arm, a tissue in the other hand and red nose. Then it showed the dad in bed laying down, a thermometer in his mouth, cough medicine all around, an old fashion water cooler on his head, and book that said "Last Rites" in his hand. I laughed so much and then showed it to my hubby and said "this is pretty accurate!". My mom always tells me that Mommy's don't get sick and now I understand what she means! LOL.

Jules - I agree with Angela on the food thing for Gabby. She just may not be ready yet for textured food. Keep trying though as you may something she likes. It took Katelyn until she was about 10 months before she would eat a cheerio (now it is just about her favorite food, althoug the goldfish seem to be movng up that spot - Angela - Katelyn shoves as many as she can into her mouth too! LOL). Does she eat yogurt? I know that isn't really "solid" but it is a bit thicker than some of the pouches. For the potatoes, are they truly mashed potatoes (with the milk and butter) or a potato just kinda mashed up? When we started Katelyn out, she didn't like food that was mashed with a fork, but she did like real mashed/whipped potatoes. I didn't think she would be able to tell the difference, but she did. You seem to be trying all the right foods, just keep trying. Like Angela said, don't stress over it as she will eat in her own time and once she starts, you won't be able to keep her off your plate. For some reason the food on Mommy and Daddy's plate tastes much better than the food on their own plate LOL.

Angela - Awesome news about Ethan's boot! I know he is happy to be back to walking/running as usual. BTW, how did it go at the Dr's today? Is everything look good? are you measuring ahead like they thought at the 4D image place? Thanks for asking about Katelyn's "sleep training" lol. My friend is going to help out until Saturday so, I will be getting some good sleep tonight and tomorrow at least. Hopefully, this will start the weaning process. I have been reading up on how to wean, etc. However, most of the weaning information is for when you are trying to wean a 4-6 month old. They give you info like once you start them on solids, beging to drop your feeding...I'm like, that is NOT useful! I basically only nurse at night (albeit ALL night), so dropping my feeding is basically just stopping LOL.

Anna - Yes, it sounds like it is time to switch to a new Day Care. I am sorry that Jo has been up every two hours. I really do feel you pain. I am like Jules, I rock Katelyn to sleep every night and then put her into her crib. I also got in the bad habit of bringing her into our bed around 3am because I didn't want to sit in the rocking chair for hours on end. This is probably why the child doesn't sleep all night now, because of my laziness. But man, I get so sleepy. I actually don't really mind her being in our bed for a few hours in the morning (3-6:30am), it is the constant nursing the drives me bananas! I should PM you my phone number, then you can text me when you are up with Jo LOL (Rebekah you can get in on this too, especially since you are 3 hours ahead, well 2 for Anna, 6 am is prime time waking hour in CA LOL).

AFM - same ole same ole. Still tryng to get Katelyn to sleep through the night. I am also starting to work on my Chrismas list for my family. I want to have all my neices and nephews out of the way by November so all I am concentrating on is Katelyn and my Hubby - and decorating my house LOL. My siblings keep telling me not to worry about getting their kids stuff, but I was Auntie for a looooong time and spoiled them all. Now I wouldn't feel right if I didn't get them anything. I am also going to start some craft projects with Katelyn in a few weeks. I want to make some pumpkin and other cute little Halloween items (nothing scary) and then for Thanksgiving I am going to trace her hand on some felt and make Turkey napkin holders. I can't wait! I have all these craft books from an art video game I did YEARS ago (I was like 25) and I have been waiting for when I had kids to make something. I am also going to have Katelyn make a Christmas ornament. I want to start a family tradition that we all make a Christmas ornament (or at least Katelyn) every year and it goes on the tree. I am NOT a crafty/artsy person AT ALL, but I LOVE to do arts and craft projects. I will keep you posted on how it goes.

Flutter how are you doing? You should be done with 1st Trimester soon? How is school and work? I know that you are busy with both.

Hi to everyone else. It is almost Friday YIPEEE!!!!!! Ok, I think I have filled my quota of exclamation points in this post! LOL.

Rebekah - I think we posted at the same time. Gonna have to read your post and then add more comments LOL
Rebekah - That is awesome news on the Dr front. Please let us know how your meeting with her goes. Sorry to hear about Doug getting a ticket and definitely fight it. Fanastic news on the potty training front. I haven't even started thinking about potty training Katelyn. I figured I would buy a potty for her for Christmas (just what she wants LOL).

Oh I don't feel guilty about rocking her to sleep. I, like you, will do it as long as I can. My favorite thing is to hold her and look at her sweet face when she is sleeping. I always say prayers for her and then kiss her little cheeks, give her a snuggle and then lay her down.

Rebekah we have two very sleep resistent kids. Katelyn is like Amelia, even with TYLENOL she still will WAKE UP! It is unbelieveable. I did send you all the link to the book Go the F*&K to sleep sleep didn't I. If not, here it


I know I can relate to this and if this book is any indication we have several more YEARS of hoping our kids go the F to sleep LOL!!!! ENJOY!
Oh and this is the audio version narrated by Samuel L. Jackson

Lol steph I have not listened to it yet but can guess it must be hilarious! Will check it out tomorrow!

Really quick but thanks ladies for asking how it went today - everything looks great, just still a borderline (minor) issue on te right kidney... Dr will recheck one more time at 36 wks then they resume checking after baby is born. Baby looks great but is already a whopping 5lbs 6oz!!!! No wonder I feel like I am going to explode!!! They said he is growing normally and it is not a gestational diabetes type of growth pattern so tht is good, he is just a huuuuge baby!!

Okay more later love you girls!
Hey girls!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!:happydance:

Steph - I just heard Samuel L Jackson's reading of 'Go the &^#%! to Sleep' that you posted and I was LMAO!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:It's so freaking funny - I love Samuel's voice.

Angela - so glad to hear all is okay with the scan and whoa-mama! What a big baby LOL! :winkwink: Not too long to go now - I remember what it felt like being SO big you're going to burst! :pop:For me it was hard to breathe too near the end - but you look oh-so-cute with that belly mama! :flower::hugs: Also, I am so pleased to hear that Ethan’s boot is off – it must be a relief for you and Ethan!

Thanks Angela, Steph, Bek and Anna on the feedback about the table foods. :thumbup: I feel better about that now and I guess I will keep trying. Steph, I did not add any milk or butter to the mashed potato that I tried to feed her - it was just the soft center of the potato mashed slightly (and cooled down). She picked a little up and threw it on the carpet :dohh: Speaking of throwing, I swear G likes watching me pick things up. She throws her pacifier or whatever toys are in front of her and I go to pick them up, she laughs and does it again. Yes ladies, my child enjoys playing fetch with me :haha:

Anna, I am so sorry to hear that Jo is sick. I also read on Facebook that Beth’s Charlie has a cold too. It’s SO hard when they are sick. I also agree that it’s a good idea to find a new Daycare – what the frig is it with their hostility? That would make me so frustrated!:growlmad:

Bek – I am SO impressed with Amelia’s potty training.:thumbup: How old was she when you first started? Did you just get a potty and sit her on it? How was she the first time? If you don’t mind, I would love to know how you started her off on potty training and how you go about it. Also, what potty did you purchase; I know there are so many on the market.

I do agree 100% with your thoughts about rocking our babies to sleep. They are only going to be this small for a short time and I absolutely savor the time with her. The hours I spend with G after I pick her up at daycare at 4pm are honestly the best part of my day. We sit in her room and I take out her big toy box and we play. Then she eats, I give her a bath (and oh my, she LOVES her bath!) and then we settle down to read a story and we ‘talk’ until she falls asleep in my arms. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Bek, best of luck with the party this weekend! I can’t wait to hear all about it and see pictures!!:happydance:

So I am joining the ranks along with the rest of you tired ladies today – G spent a good portion of last night ‘talking’ to herself in her crib! I sleep with the monitor next to me on the night stand and could hear her in there babbling away! I also have a little Disney chime toy hanging on the side of her crib and she shimmied down to the end of her crib to bat at it. So all night, she was talking to herself and batting at the little chime toy! Honestly it was very cute but I am oh so tired today!!:coffee:

Speaking of Disney - ladies I wanted to share something with you – my G seems to LOVE Disney princesses. She is entranced by them when she sees them on the TV and I found out today that if you write to Disney character, you will get a postcard in return! I absolutely plan on doing this with G when she is older (hopefully they still have it in place!). I wanted to share it in case any of your daughters feel the same way about Disney characters or the Disney Princesses. You can write to them and get a postcard back! Here is the link: https://www.couponingtodisney.com/2...isney-character-and-get-a-postcard-in-return/

So that’s about it from me! I am SO thankful it is Friday – it’s been a busy week! I am so excited about the holiday season – our first holiday season with our beautiful daughter. :cloud9: :yipee:Halloween through New Years is mine and my husband’s favorite time of year and we will be going all out with the decorations this year!!:happydance:

Love to all!
Hi all!!

Woohoo Friday!!!

Just to agree with everyone else, I too rock Jo to sleep every night and it's my favorite part of the day too. Their just so sweet and like you all said their only this small once. Espically for me who is only planning on having one, I cherish the time too much, consequences be damned.

Angela, that is one big baby!! So glad the scan went well. Almost there girl! Hang in there. How is DH? Feeling any better?

Steph, I am not really crafty either but am TOTALLY looking forward to Halloween and Christmas. Now that we're In the new house I wonder if we'll have trick or treaters. Also can't wait for the Christmas tree thing!! I should hang lights in the aspens now so that we don't have to do it when it's freezing. Love the ornament idea!!

Jules, I have read that the throwing thing is due to them learning object permanence. But I like fetch better!! I am sorry you were up all night. She's so cute though. If Jo is awake she cries, but every once in a while she'll lay in her crib and chatter away. I just wonder what their thinking.??

Ma, glad for the doctor turn around hope it works out ok. So excited for Amelia's party!! Happy birthday little girl!! I'm sure it will go great and can't wait for pictures!

Beth, how's poppy?? How ate you today? Vso sorry to hear about the knee replacement.

AFM, well I decided to check out their day cares and turned out there really aren't that many to ch
Flipping phone...

Aren't that many to choose from, in fact there are hardly any that take infants, so looks like I'm stuck. So I am a strong believer in what you put out there is what you get back. So I emailed my daycare's director and was as kind a I could be and explained our scheduling situation in as plain and compassionate language as I could, and the response was very encouraging. So I feel better now and the staff was nicer this morning. You know the feeling when you do something that feels exactly like what your mother would do? Does this happen to anyone else? Anyway I DO NOT want to turn into my mother, and she would have continued to be negative and combative with the day care, so I feel as if I took the right step in attempting to defuse the situation instead of escalating it like my mother would have. I want Jo to learn how to resolve conflict without badgering or aggressiveness. That's not to say there aren't times for it, but pissing off the people you want something from is not the way to go.

Anyhow, I babble, hope everyone has a good weekend. Excuse the typos,
Speaking of typos I swear I know the difference between their, there, and they're,!
Hi All,

Just popping in really quick!

Angela - glad that everything is ok and that baby is measuring a good size. Please keep us posted. Not long now!!!!

Jules - glad you liked the book! first time I read it I was crying from laughter. Thanks for sharing the Disney Princess link. Too funny about Gabby talking and playing in her crib. Well at least that is better than crying! LOL.

AFM - my hubby just called to tell me that Katelyn fell down and hit her head. She has a tiny scratch, but there will be a bruise. My poor baby! She is always hitting her head when she falls :-(.

I will try to write more later.

Anna - I didn't see your response when I was typing mine. Glad you have a better feeling with the day care and I hope that it continues. Good for youfor "turning the other cheek" and deciding to diffuse. Great lesson to be teaching Jo!
Hi ladies.

Just a condensed post (if you can believe it). I'm on NO SLEEP. I literally couldn't sleep the night before. Doug has just 4 hours sleep. Amelia just had a nap at 4pm. The party went well. I can't believe she made out with toys and money (which is going into a 529 plan). I know where I could have done better and next year, I'm going to rent a place and have THEM deal with the party planning with exception to cake and a few decorations I'll make.

Trial and Error.

It came out nice though. We were very pleased! Tired, but pleased.

Jules. We've been training her for a month now. She was 11 months when we started. I'm basically following elimination communication. I started sitting her on the pot when I went to the bathroom. She had clothes and diaper ON. Just to get her used to it. I did this for a week. Then when she could sit nicely and be used to the feeling I moved to going potty on the pot. I chose after each meal. USUALLY her first bm is after her morning meal. We did that one week with potty only and THEN moved to the following week if she did well with potty to the poo poo. Doug sits with her for about 15 to 20 minutes in the morning when she poo poo's. She's done it for a week now.She's learning what it feels like and how it sounds when she goes. THEN we always sing and do the potty dance. She knows she gets rewarded with fun when she goes. Now we're moving into doing this regularly with hopes we can starting doing this out in public. They have folding toilet tops that go in public toilets and then into a bag again to be cleaned. We use the Baby Bjorn with the back. It's good for them to feel comfortable so having a back helps so they don't lose balance on the toilet. I also like the bjorn because it has a piece in the center that comes up so that there are no spills. ESPECIALLY if you have a boy. The insert comes out and goes easily into the regular toilet. Easy Peasy.

Hope that helps.

I'm off for tonight. Happy Weekend!
Good morning girls!

How is everyone?

Bek, the party sounds like it was a success, but I know how exhausting it is. Hope you have gotten some rest this weekend. Cant wait to see pics!

We had a fun weekend, though busy. Saturday night we had friends over with their three kids (age 5, 3 and 10 months). I think hubby was a bit overwhelmed by the chaos - her kids are high energy (and tbh, not exactly very disciplined). I'm familiar with her kids so I was expecting it to be a bit crazy... He is STILL talking about it lol :haha: think he is hoping we go to their place next time! The oldest boy was basically running throughout the house in sock feet (we have hardwood floors) and the whole time I was terrified he would slip and hurt himself or one of the smaller kids. his mom tries to discipline and correct him but he just nods and then goes right back to throwing couch cushions, swinging his toy sword, and stomping on Ethan's toys :nope: the husband ignores them unless death is imminent. :wacko: the middle child, a girl, was clearly sick though my friend pronounced it to be a ragweed allergy... I am PRAYING that's all it was because she coughed all over everything in our house, including Ethan, all night long...if she is contagious, we will all be down for the count! :dohh: the baby, for his part, is adorable but I was so afraid he would get stepped on by the older kids; he was crawling and army crawling and her other kids were flying around him at top speed. Yikes!! All in all it was tons of fun, I'm just hoping no one gets sick. We shall see. Ethan was around lots of other kids this past week, so if he does come up sick it will be hard to pinpoint the cause lol.

Meanwhile, we had our first oh-so-lovely experience with true kid vomiting yesterday (as opposed to baby spit up)...Ethan had just had some milk after waking from his morning nap. I didn't even hear a thing, that is how quiet he was, but I looked over and there was a puddle of puke right next to him in the den. :saywhat: he seems fine otherwise and there haven't been any repeats, but we are still trying to get the smell out this morning. Lovely!! I know this is only the first of many times that will happen.

So, hope everyone had a great weekend! AFM, I slept a little better last night and was thankful for that! It's a rainy day here and looks like fall outside, so I'm making a crock pork roast and enjoying the morning with my little guy!

Hugs to all!

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