35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Wow slow on here lately.

How was everyone's weekend??

Ma, how did the birthday party go??!! Dying for pictures and the low-down.

Angela, glad you got some rest and I hope Ethan doesn't get sick. Your dinner party sounds great if not a little chaotic. Glad you and DH survived the rowdy kids. It's a bit hard isn't it? Whenever I'm over at someone's house with multiple kids I wonder if all homes with a lot of kids are this out of control. Is it normal chaos? One of those things you say to yourself, when I have kids" then when u do have multiple kids your house becomes just as chaotic. Who knows.

AFM, had a good weekend. Finished mostly moving in and now finally really feeling settled. Jo is good and has moved up a level at daycare. She is saying a lot of "g" sounds. It sounds like she's saying golf all the time. Maybe she is, the masters was just on. Other than that, camping this weekend to get out of house mode and get away. Bored at work so just did a little on line shopping and bought Jo a personalized lunch box for daycare. Also got clothes labels As everything now needs to be labeled with her name, espically hats, mittens, jackets, blankets. I got sew in labels and iron on. Wondering if I'm being too ambitious? I can sew, but I'm no expert.

Anyway, that's all and hope everyone is well. Hi to Steph, Jules and Beth!!

Hi everyone!

Rebekah - Saw some photos on FB, but not enough. It sounds like you had a fun and tiring bday party. Exactly as it should be LOL. Can't wait to see more photos and hear more about it. Hopefully, you have been sleeping the past few days!!!

Angela - LOL at the kids gone running around everywhere. I think once you get more than 2 it is just going to be chaotic. I am sure the 10 month old is used to the older siblings racing around LOL (as well as being stepped and tripped on a few times!). Yes, next time do it at their house HA HA HA!!!

Anna - Sounds like you are settling in. Still waiting for some photos :). That is awesome about Jo moving up in Daycare. Definitely do the iron on labels. I know how to sew, but with amount of crap you need to put labels on ironing will be faster and make your life easier.

AFM - Still trying to get Katelyn from waking up every 3 hours at night. Some nights she will wake at 1 and then sleep until 5:30, other nights, it is 11, 2, and then 5. So frustrating! Maybe by the time she is 8 she will be sleeping through the night! LOL. We are having the baby shower for my 15 year old niece at my house on Sunday. I am hoping she gets some good stuff. One of my friends gave me a changing table, glider chair, stroller and carseat and a few other items already which I have passed on. So hopefully she gets some more good stuff like bottles, etc.

Will check back later!

Hi to Jules, Flutter, Beth, and anyone else who may be about (HA ;-)).

OMG Rebekah - I just went to your FB page and saw some of the photos from the bday party. SO F'ing ADORABLE!!!!!!!! I love the activities the Barnum Animal Crackers! Wow such detail. It looked like a lot of fun! I really loved the lawn chairs for Amelia. WAAAAAY cute. It looked like you did an OUTSTANDING job. Ok, I really need to stop capitalizing everything that was really cool LOL.
Hi everyone! The party went well. I was having a breakdown because things were still being set up while people were walking through the doors. Luckily my cousin (photographer) was patient with me.

It was fun and turned out good. I've learned a little bit for next year which will be at a petting zoo farm. lol

I haven't gotten the pics back from the photog yet. I'll share them once I get them. Right now the pics that were on facebook were a small amount we took and my other cousin Tiffany took.

Amelia made out like a bandit. I was floored. Toys and money (which we're trying to figure out if we should put in a 529 plan.

Which brings me to this. Have any of you started a savings for your kids? I'd like to try the 529 and diversify for baby bear BUT what if she doesn't WANT to go to college? What if she'd rather a technical school or a SAHM? I'd like her to have a saving that she can use no matter which direction she chooses. Whether to buy a home, pay off student loans, pay for books or tuition, etc. Have any of you done something yet? We have to put her money somewhere. I'm trying to choose the right direction for her.

I haven't been on much because Doug is out of work for a couple days. The poison ivy he got has spread and is pretty bad. We're trying to use some things the Dr. has recommended. Otherwise he'll need to go to a dermatologist because it's spreading ALL over. It's itchy and red with anger.

Steph, I hope the sleeping issues get better.

Anna, you don't have to be a pro to sew those labels. I bet they'll turn out just fine!

Angela, how are you?

HA, Twinks, everyone else, how are you all doing?? Miss hearing from you. :hug:

Beth, I see that both guys are sick. How are they doing today?

Well, I'm off for now. I will share the photo's once we get them. Steph, wait until you see the rest. There are some things you HAVEN'T seen yet. lol
Hey ladies!

Rebekah, the party sounds (and looks, from fb) like it went beautifully! I am with you though - I think for Ethan's second we will have it somewhere that they bring food and cake to you LOL! So much work trying to get things decorated, food together, etc. And I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves for the first birthday, wanting everything to be perfect when really, everyone just wants to see the baby and have some food! :haha: :rofl: We mommies are the only ones who notice and stress over every detail! At least I am sure that is how it went at our party. If I remember right, almost nothing went according to plan and it was still a fun party... we had scheduled it for 1 and had people showing up as early as 12 and as late as 2:30... so I learned to be ready for anything! :haha:

Anna, glad you are settling into the house, and yes, camping to get away for a weekend sounds awesome! It can get so overwhelming when you have moved and you just get sick of unpacking more boxes and cleaning more stuff etc. My perfectionism always kicks in on me and I always try to make it all perfect - cleaning things perfectly to start, finding the perfect place for everything, etc. and it takes me FOREVER. I DETEST moving and hope never to move again, or at least not for many years!

Steph, the nights sound rough but I am right there with you, if it makes you feel any less lonely! :haha: Lately I am waking up just about every hour and a half, and that assumes I even get to or stay asleep to begin with...hope you can get Katelyn weaned soon and you will both be more comfy. Hang in there my friend!

Jules, how are you honey? :hugs:

Beth, I hope BOTH your sickies get well soon! It is so hard when the littles are sick, and then sick hubbies make it even harder. Hugs!

AFM, hanging in, just getting more and more run down and exhausted at this point. I think the baby is getting so big he is basically taking all the nutrients and energy I have to offer LOL. Last night I was so tired I was in bed by 10:15, and slept hard till almost 2, but then hubby's snoring woke me and I was awake till 5 or later...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... I'm worthless today. I'm just waiting for Ethan to fall asleep and then I'm going to nap while he does...He slept in till 8:30 this morning, which would have been great except hubby went into the office today so he was making all kinds of noise getting ready starting at 7 or so...so I did not get any extra sleep in time. I think my Zofran is starting to keep me awake, as I can tell I get a boost of "wide awake" about half an hour after I take it. I may have to go back to eating crackers when the overnight nausea hits - not ideal, because I can't sleep through that, but better than taking a medicine that keeps me nausea free but awake! :dohh: Oh, how I now remember the fun of these last few weeks of third tri. I think I recall weeks 30+ being hte hardest of the entire pregnancy last time - which seems crazy when I think back to the 24/7 nausea of first tri, but honestly... I'm so freaking tired and exhausted at this point and EVERYTHING hurts that I'm just ready already. As soon as this little one is safely matured enough, I will NOT mind if he comes early! I'm hoping to make it to 37 (38 would be even better)... right now, even another 4 weeks feels like an eternity. But then, we have a few things we still need to get done (painting nursery, putting that together once paint and furniture are done/arrive)...So, there is plenty to keep me busy, just no energy to get things done. :nope: I am really trying to focus and concentrate any energy I have on spending as much mommy time as I can with Ethan, since this will be his last stretch of "just mommy and me" time. It makes me kind of sad to think that way (even though it is a joyous thing to welcome a second little one!) - just to think that I could have spent more time playing with him and things like that if I had not been so exhausted and ill for a lot of this pregnancy. Then I have to remind myself I'm not perfect and neither is anyone else, and I can't beat myself up... my child knows he is loved and he is doing great, and that is what matters. I need to let go of my idea of being "perfect" at anything, because I really can't be.

So THAT was a lot of rambling... I will stop now LOL! We are still trying to decide on a name. I know what I want but can't get hubby to agree... yet. We shall see!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all!!

Steph how did last night go?? I know weaning is so hard!! We have struggled over and over agin with the sleep thing. In the end it's about your health and hers as no sleep, or lots of interrupted sleep is no good for anyone. Lots and l
Fruggin phone...

Lots of hugs to you and hope the sleep thing resolves itself soon.

MA, still hoping for pictures!! Like Angela said, we are so hard on ourselves, I'm sure the party was a great success!!! As I'm the only person in the world not on Facebook, I am looking forward to some photos here when u get them.

Angela, I think we were separated at birth. I am a TOTAL perfectionist when moving and I too hate moving. So it will be good to get away. However DH has invited friends over for dinner tonight. Not only am I horrified they will see my house a total mess, but THEY are bringing dinner!! Who invites someone over for dinner then says," by the way can u bring the food?"!!!!! They are good sweet friends but still I am mortified. I'm sure DH doesn't even care and thinks nothing of it. Anyway, I am so sorry you are so tired. Every time I think about getting pregnant again I remember the last month and rethink the idea. Yes, cut yourself some slack. I'm sure we all look back and wish we had done something different with our kids, but Ethan is just about the luckiest little boy on the planet to have a mom as great as you are, so no sweat sister. Seriously, he has such kind careing parents that love him so much. He is blessed and you are doing / have done a terrific job!! I hope the sleep things gets better for you too!!

AFM, well aside from a mortifying dinner party tonight, all is well. Jo slept from 8-4 solid then went back to bed until around 6:30 when DH got up with her. Then she was a cranky baby and went back down at 8:39 for am nap. I know they're supposed to be weaning down to just one nap a day but how? Did anyone have trouble with this?? I'm thinking she's not ready. Good thing is she's with her grandparents today so she is sleeping in her own bed and can get some good rest.

Camping this weekend, but tempted to send DH without me and baby so I can finish getting the house ready. However the mess will still be there when we get back and the camping days are limited this time of year. I just HATE being unorganized. On a positive note meeting a girlfriend at the gym Friday morning to start working out. Good thing too cause I finished a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's all by myself might before last!!!

Happy Wednesday! Anna
Thanks Anna, for your sweet words! :hugs:

I say definitely go camping, and enjoy it. The mess will still be there, but it is such a beautiful time of year and I'm sure especially where you live! Our fall colors are just coming out here, and it's FINALLY getting cooler (like 70's during the day next week, I'm so :happydance: about that!)

On the one nap a day, we are in the process of that transition now. It definitely has not been an overnight thing; Ethan has been back and forth for like a month or more now. He is all over the place and I'm told that is normal. Some days he takes a two hour nap in the morning and another hour and a half late in the day; then other days it is one long two and a half hour nap midday. Still other days it's fifteen minutes in the morning and then an hour later in the day (and early bedtime for cranky pants lol!) so I've just had to resign myself that he really sets the schedule at the moment... I try to plan things for either before his normal morning naptime, or early afternoon when he is usually up... But I still hit it wrong sometimes. Like today, I was so tired from not sleeping last night that I skipped my church group, specifically because I NEEDED a nap and the only reliable naptime he takes is the first one (whenever it occurs...today I didn't even put him down till almost noon, when he should have been tired, and it still it took him half an hour of fussing himself to sleep...and he only slept an hour. :shrug: :dohh: sigh. I'm resigned that it will just be a process.

Don't worry about the dinner party! I'm sure they are coming to see you guys and know things won't be put together yet. One of my friends just hosted her daughters first bday party at her new house...three weeks after she moved in. I seriously thought she was going to make herself nuts trying to get the house done in three weeks... So try to relax and enjoy and dontworry about who is bringing the food! They are probably wanting to do it as a housewarming gesture.

Okay girls off to fix some lunch for my little man, who is chowing down on his Cheerios (snack) :dohh: while I'm typing! :haha:
Just a quick note. Anna, I'll share pics with you when I get them from the photog. Hopefully soon.

Well, I think I have a cold. I'm feeling it tonight I think. Amelia had her shots and is grumpy and my husband is grumpy and sick with the poison Ivy issue. I wasn't my best today. :lol:

Love to you all. :hugs:
Beck, I thought something had to be amiss, you are usually so chatty. So sorry everyone is under the weather, hope you all feel better soon!

Angela, yep dinner went off without a hitch and friends loved the house. They were surprised we got such a nice home for the price. Makes me think we really lucked out.

Steph, hope you are well!!
Jules, how ya doing?

AFM, baby up every two hours last night. I can't figure out if it's teeth at this point or just bad habits. If she's in pain I don't want her to cry t out, but if not then we have got to put a stop to all the night waking. But I can't tell a difference anymore. I used to be able to tell and fussy cry from a pain cry but she's learned which cry we respond to and has adapted to now its all a pain cry. Smart little monster. Anyway made DH get up at 5 to take her and after a while she went back down and slept until 8:15!!!! Needless to say I slept too and ended up missing a coffee date with girlfriends. Just barely made it to work on time!! Still camping this weekend. We are headed out to Utah since its soupose to snow here this weekend!! High of 38 on Saturday. Anyhow, hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Have fun Anna! So sorry about all the night waking. That is no fun! One thing I have tried when Ethan wakes several nights like that and I think it might be pain, but not sure - I give him some Advil before bed, and then if he still wakes at least I feel like it isn't teething pain... Might help!

Glad dinner went well!
Hi Ladies!!!

Rebekah- Sorry to hear that you are sick and the Amelia has the grumps from her shots. How is your hubby's poison ivy? It is not still spreading is it? Sheesh no fun when the whole house is sick/grumpy due to different things. I hope you ALL feel better

Anna - Glad to hear that the dinner party went well! I too am sorry to hear about Jo waking every 2 hours. I truly know what you are going through and most likely she is not in pain and now just does it out of habit. I will say that even when I thought Katelyn was teething and I gave her Tylenol or Advil, girlfriend still woke up every 3-4 hours.

Angela - how are you doing? How is Ethan? Does he kind of understand that he will be getting a new brother soon?

AFM - Katelyn is doing better with the sleeping YAY. Last night I put her down at 8pm she went to sleep and woke up at 4:45, but put herself back to sleep and didn't wake again until 7:20am!!! YES! Now, let's see if she can keep to this trend. By the way, does anyone use night time diapers? If not, how often do you change your baby in the evening. I normally will change her when I put her to bed and then before I go to sleep. When she was waking every 3 hours, I would change her at like 3am and then again around 6:30 or 7. Let me know.

Hi to everyone else.

Hey Steph! Yes, we use overnight diapers - had to switch to those maybe 6 months ago, when he began wetting through the regulars overnight. I don't know if it is because he is a boy and so all the pee goes to one spot and saturates the diaper, but he was wetting through even size 4's when he was 1 year... so now he is in regular 4's during the day and size 5 overnights during the night! They are huge on him but clearly needed for absorbency.

YAY on Katelyn sleeping through the night! Like a miracle when they do that, isn't it? :happydance:

I slept a bit better myself last night - did not take my zofran and made it to 5:45 before I needed to eat any crackers. I still woke up to pee 3x by 5:45 but got back to sleep each time which is a HUGE improvement! Will try the same routine tonight. :thumbup:

Other than that, am looking forward to 33 weeks tomorrow! :happydance:

Ethan doesn't seem to understand the concepts of baby or brother yet, but I'm sure when there is a newborn in the house that mommy is holding all the time, THAT will make an impression LOL! :dohh: The other night when our friends were here with their kids, anytime I held their baby, he was NOT happy. :haha:
Hi ladies.

Anna, sounds like maybe she's teething. Amelia gets AWFUL like that when she's teething. Does Jo have her molars in yet?

Steph, Glad you got some sleep dear friend. We don't use night time diapers right now but I'm glad Angela gave you some advice.

Angela, YAY :happydance: on the sleep. Ethan will tell you to put big brother back. Haha I often wonder how Amelia will handle being a big sister if the Lord wills.

No cold! I got AF WITHOUT provera. :happydance: THAT is why I haven't felt good. It also explains the mood swings. :wacko:

Good news if we'll be ttc in January. :yay:
Bek - Yay for AF coming without Provera. Glad that it is not a cold. I hear you about the mood swings. My OB/Gyn once told me B12 will help with that. It has seemed to help a little bit.

Busy day at work today. I will try to do a proper post later.

Real quick - 2nd night in row that Katelyn woke up at around 4:45 and then put herself back to sleep until about 6:45 YAY
Hi ladies!

Well, I got the cold too!!! ugh! Nobody is really over it yet, hubby has backed away from death's door, but it's still within knocking distance :haha::haha::haha: Poor Poppy has such bad bad congestion that if it's not gone by Wed/Thurs we are going back to the dr...AGAIN. I only caught a minor case (or I'm in mommy mode and am too busy taking care of them!) but it is tiring! Poppy has still been sleeping through the night, thanks to his mattress still being elevated, a new humidifier, steam showers, nasal spray and suction and vicks.....on chest AND the feet! no coughing at night! But he sleeps like crap during the day lately. Will only sleep on me, when I try to move him to the swing he wakes up. But I hear how difficult it is for him to breathe and I feel soooooo bad. It builds and builds, then he coughs and chokes. sometimes with massive spitup from the choking/gagging. Poor guy. But he is slowly getting better.

We had our photo shoot - still waiting on the pics :thumbup: Thank goodness we did it that day - the next is when he started coming down with the cold! We had some shots at the house - one cute one was he was on a white background and had 4 stuffed animals, 2 on each side - right next to him on either side were two cute blue teddy bears - and the animals were all facing away from the camera, sitting. Poppy was naked, sitting in the middle, back facing the camera - so all bums were facing the camera! hysterical. Then he had a diaper on with the blue sailor hat I crocheted and he was SO damn cute. The we had him just in a diaper, with Charlie's tie on loosely, sitting in Daddy's open (and empty) briefcase! We moved to a nearby park and I changed him into dark corduroys, an ofxord shirt - opened at the neck with the onesie that says handsome on it showing through and a vest (some had the vest, some didn't) and had some family pics and some outdoor ones. adorable. Last few shots were the sailor hat again with a blue romper that said "captain adorable" on the "S.S. Cutie". LOVE. Can't wait to see them!!!!

Well, 4 teeth are in, 2 upper and 2 lower, and I see another upper on it's way. Could be some of the reason for the whining sometimes and gnawing anything in site. We started on the gerber puffs cereal - HATES it. I use it now for dexterity and when I put it in his mouth, he shudders! :haha: He has a cute habit of shaking his head no for everything and it makes us and him laugh so I tried to give him another one and he just shakes his head. So funny.

right now, my boys are sitting on the floor (he sits so well!!!) playing ball!! cute!

Anyhoo - Angela, 33 weeks! holy cats, that is so close! I hope you are feeling as well as you can and I'm sure you are super excited and a little nervous. You are in my prayers!! many :hugs:

Bek - I LOVE the pics from Amelia's birthday party on FB. She looked like she had a blast and I love seeing the three of you together. YAY on ttc in January!!! :happydance:

Anna, you have more patience than me but I'm glad you got an encouraging response! Hope you had fun camping! It's it funny how they know what gets a response? They are so smart!!!! I joined you on the ice cream - I have been having so much of it!! Then I bought some fun size milky ways and game over - all gone. Whateva!

Hi Steph - great on the sleeping!!! fingers crossed little miss keeps doing that!!!!

Jules - my twin, how are you and Gabby! I, too, and so excited we are in the holiday season, can't wait to see him find all the joys of the seasons, from helping/watching me bake, to seeing snow and twinkling lights, to everything!!!

Well, I must go start our dinner then feed Poppy. Hoping I didn't miss anyone but I am starving too!!!! I can hear my belly! :haha: Love to you all!!!!
Hi all!!!

Beth, so sorry little poppy has such a terrible cold!! Poor little one. Glad I have a partner in crime where icecream is concerned. Can't wait to see the pictures!!!

MA, sounds like everyone is on the men's in our house?? Yeh for AF!!! That is awesome news!!!!!

Angela, how are you feeling??? 33 weeks is so close!! Hope you are taking it easy.

Steph, I do not change Jo's diaper at night and she's in regular size four. No leaks. But every baby is different. I also use huggies, I did have leak problems with pampers. woohoo!!! on the sleep front, well done!! Jo seems to be getting better. I just really don't know if it's teething or not. If she's in pain don't want to ignore her. Anyway I am so psyched katelyn is doing so much better! It makes a world of difference to get a good night's sleep.

Jules, hope all is well!!

AFM, camping was good. Hard to camp with a crawler. Just not enough good crawling room. I didn't even realize it until we got home and Jo went crazy crawling all over the house. Dancing around. So funny and I realized she hadn't had a good chance to stretch her baby legs. When she's walking it will be easier. However the weather was beautiful and we got two good hikes in. Then we got home and it was so nice to be in our house!! I just love it. Other than that trying to eat better for more energy. Getting up with baby aside, I feel really tired all the time. I think it's because I'm eating like crap lately.

Anyway, happy Monday ! Anna
Hey ladies!

Whew, what an exhausting weekend! :coffee: I hope everyone got more rest than we did LOL!

Bek, congrats on AF!! YAY that you did not need meds!!! SO excited you will be TTC again soon! :happydance:

Beth, I'm so sorry you got the cold! I HATE it when I catch what Ethan gets. Most of the time, when he gets sick I feel a general air of doom as I just wait my turn, since he is usually sneezing and snotting and coughing all over me 24x7. :sick: But it is even harder when your hubby is sick too (we all know the husbands are bigger babies than the children! :haha:) So exciting about the photos, though, and can't wait to see them!

Anna, camping sounds so fun if I could go in CO. I think I would love it there! We are finally getting into cooler weather. Took Ethan outside today and actually needed jackets for the first time, but then it's pretty overcast here today... probably would not have felt so chilly if the sun was fully out. Glad you are enjoying the new place!

Steph, YAY for sleep! Katelyn sounds like she is making great progress! I can relate on the lack of sleep, as I seem to have a couple good nights (now that I stopped my zofran) and then a really bad one... not sure what is up with that.

Jules, hon how are you doing?

AFM, we started our weekend off with a bang... literally. The banging sound of Ethan's face connecting with the underside of our breakfast table and chairs :cry: He took off running across the kitchen and lost his balance as he neared the table. I saw it all happen in slow motion, but was sitting on the other side of the table and couldn't even begin to react in time... he closed his little eyes when he lost his balance and threw up his hands (blind) to try and catch the edge of the table, but missed, and went plowing under the table instead. Poor thing came up just HOWLING. :cry: I was FREAKING out because at first, I thought he had hit the (wrought-iron) underside of our dining table. After about five minutes of trying to calm him down and decide if we needed to go to the ER, I realized the bruising was on the other side (the chair side) which mean he hit the wooden chair instead... a small mercy but definitely softer than the iron bars under the table. I think I lost ten years off my life watching that happen. This child finds the damndest ways to hurt himself, and always with my husband and I standing RIGHT THERE... I feel so helpless to protect him! SO scary! So off we went to the pediatric urgent care, which thankfully is not far, but which was PACKED out. We got seen faster than I expected, which was great, but still... I was SO worried about him having a head injury (he hit right across his temple on the right side of his face, above his cheekbone). Thankfully, they diagnosed him as totally fine (and indeed, he seemed fine while he was chowing down on goldfish and rolling around in God-knows-what on the exam room floor while we were sanitizing his hands every 2.4 seconds! :haha:) and sent us home. The bruise is actually almost gone today, but again... I think I lost years off my life. I am NOT going to deal well with the bumps and bruises little boys sustain, I can already tell! :nope:

Saturday was a better day - a friend gave us free passes to the Georgia aquarium (which is super cool) and I think Ethan really enjoyed hanging out there with our friends for the morning. But it seems that everywhere I go these days, I am reminded of how scary this whole parenting business is... while we were eating our lunch, a man was running through the cafeteria, dragging one child by the hand while screaming at the top of his lungs for his other child, who was lost... I never knew how immediately I would identify emotionally with other parents in these kinds of situations - I had tears in my eyes (and so did the other mom with me, our friend) while we waited to see what was going to happen. Thankfully, they quickly located the little boy who was brought back to his family. The whole family was crying - he boy, the mom, and the dad. I can't IMAGINE the fear of not being able to find my child, and I hope I NEVER experience that. I still have nightmares about that... so scary!! GAH! I think I am going to have to be that parent with a LEASH attached to my kid in public places!! :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

Saturday evening, our football team (UGA) played RIDICULOUSLY badly and threw away our chance at any conference or other championship this year... a big fat :grr: to that!

Yesterday was the smoothest day of our weekend, in that we really only had one thing on the schedule and that was our supper club at 5. But I made such a disaster of the kitchen making the dishes I was bringing that I was still cleaning that up this morning. I feel like I need a vacation from my weekend!!! :rofl:

So anyway, all is well here. Trying to finalize a paint color for the nursery (it's a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme and we're thinking of doing yellow on the top half of the walls, white on the bottom and then my sister will do the caterpillar "dots" pattern for a border in the middle and also paint some murals (caterpillar, leaves, maybe butterfly) across the bottom of the walls wherever there won't be furniture in front of it. That's the plan, anyway! :thumbup:

Okay girls, hope everyone is doing well. I need to clean up a bit before hubby gets home. Hugs and love to all!
About the kiddie leash - one of my nephews was a runner - he took off running every chance he got. My sister was tired of chasing after him/being terrified he'd run into the street/etc, so she got one of those leashes that looks like a monkey backpack on the kid where the monkey's tail is the leash. My nephew LOVED that thing! He got so excited every time she pulled the monkey out because he knew it meant they were going somewhere! He was just like a dog knowing it's time for a walk!! :rofl: He never fought putting it on and he never fought wearing it. It was fantastic. :thumbup:

I'm glad he's ok. And don't get caught up thinking it's a boy thing - my parents were in the ER with me more often than with both my sisters combined! :haha: I've had over 100 stitches, and all but 9 of them have been in or on my head!! :rofl:

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