35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Ladies,

Beth - Your photo shoot for Charlie sounds amazing! You are so good. I am terrible about taking Katelyn for photos :-(. I can't wait to see some of the shots! Glad that the boys are on the mend, but sorry that the cold has now been passed on to you. That is no fun. Feel better!

Anna - Glad you had fun camping sounds like a good time, even though there was not enough crawl space for Jo. Yes, it is easier when they can walk, but then you have to be chasing them around LOL. I am sure that it was gorgeous where you were.

Angela - What a whirlwind weekend! Very cool about going to the Georgia Aquarium, but scary about the lost child. I got teary just reading your post about it. Giood that they found him pretty quickly. Poor Ethan, I am glad he is ok. I will tell you that Katelyn is the same, whenever she falls it is always in front of me and my husband and it almost always a head injury! Unfortunately, I think we are in for many many more years of bumps and scraps. Hopefully none of them are serious or too painful :).

Rebekah - Hi Sweetie! Have you recovered from the party yet LOL. I saw some really cool meal ideas that you posted on FB. Kudos for you for actually sticking to your vegan diet and finding some really yummy dishes out there! That is awesome.

Jules - Hope you and Gabby are doing well hon!

AFM - Busy weekend. Friday, I don't even remember what we did LOL. Saturday Katelyn and I were up early and walked over to the park at 8:30am, we played for a bit and then walked around our neighborhood and then she napped. Later we went to a football game that the son of my husbands friend was playing it. Let me tell you taking a 1 and 1/2 year old to a game was a lot of work. All Katelyn wanted to do was walk up and down the bleachers...oh and pick up yucky stuff from the ground (and rocks!). She spent most of Saturday outside so slept all night until 6am. Another 10 hour night YAY!

Sunday, we had to get our house ready for the baby shower for our niece. There were about 35 people at the shower. It was a nice turnout. Although the weather is getting cooler, it was still warm out and some of the big kids went in the pool (which I am sure was COLD!). My husband and I are taking a marriage seminar at our church so that took up our evening and then we got home and as several of you read on FB, my mini pincher was attacked by a coyote in front of our house! We have a wrought iron gate around our front yard. The little guy squeezed through the bars I think to chase a cat and there was a coyote lurking. The weird thing is my husband was outside and didn't even see it! The thing ran right by him on the otherside of the street. He just thought our dog was scratched by the cat. We spent 3 hours at the vet, poor guy had to have 7 stitches.

It is just scary, because we are in a residential area and seeing a coyote is totally out of the norm. I need to get a big stick for when Katelyn and I go walking in the mornings!

Anyway, that is all for me, except that after being at the baby shower, I really want to be pregnant again. We are no longer preventing, but not actively trying...yet, well I am keeping track of things on an app on my phone...we shall see LOL.

About the kiddie leash - one of my nephews was a runner - he took off running every chance he got. My sister was tired of chasing after him/being terrified he'd run into the street/etc, so she got one of those leashes that looks like a monkey backpack on the kid where the monkey's tail is the leash. My nephew LOVED that thing! He got so excited every time she pulled the monkey out because he knew it meant they were going somewhere! He was just like a dog knowing it's time for a walk!! :rofl: He never fought putting it on and he never fought wearing it. It was fantastic. :thumbup:

I'm glad he's ok. And don't get caught up thinking it's a boy thing - my parents were in the ER with me more often than with both my sisters combined! :haha: I've had over 100 stitches, and all but 9 of them have been in or on my head!! :rofl:

That is an awesome idea with the backpack! I may have to look into that! Ethan tends to stick pretty close to me in new/unfamiliar places or crowds, but I really think that will wear off as he gets older and more adventurous.

On the stitches, I'm sorry to hear that you had so many, but glad thatyou turned out fine! :haha: That gives me hope! I swear this kid is trying to do himself bodily harm! :nope:
Steph, I'm so sorry about your dog! We have a SERIOUS coyote problem in the Atlanta area, and it's not confined to the suburbs. We happen to live on a pretty wooded lot, and we are about 30 miles from downtown, but our area is by no means rural and we still have TONS of coyotes. Our house backs up to a ravine and there is a family of them there that we can hear daily. :nope: There's really very little we can do about them unless we want to pay privately for them to be trapped and relocated, and then it's not only majorly $$$ but there's no guarantee they won't return or others won't take their place. I don't know what I'm going to do when my kids start playing in the yard. Scares me to death!

The baby shower sounds like fun! I tell you, it really is fun to see all the little baby/newborn stuff again. When I went to the consignment sale a couple months ago, I fear I WAY overbought (especially considering the already-projected-enormous size of this child) in the newborn and 03 mos categories, but everything was so darn CUTE and only $1.00 or even $0.50 for many things... I couldn't help myself! For $25 I got PILES of newborn stuff LOL! Then, having friends give back the things they had borrowed, etc. like boppies and bumbos really brings it home. The friend that took us to the aquarium reminded me that her daughter came (on her own) at exactly 37 weeks, and I'll be 37 weeks in three weeks from Friday! :shock: that thought makes it feel like it will happen SO quickly, but at the same time, I shudder to imagine how it's going to go if I actually go all the way till 40 weeks... I'm just SO freaking big already (and uncomfortable) that I can't imagine baby is much more comfortable than I am. So we will see... I'm trying to get as prepared as I can and just take one day at a time. I'm starting to have some swelling in my feet and hands again, so will be tracking my BP more closely. We have OB visit this Friday, and then ultrasound next Friday. Can't wait to see how our little guy is doing! That will be at 35 weeks and should give us a better picture of all the factors - his growth progress, my BP and just how everything else is looking.

This weekend, we are planning to go to a north GA apple festival, which I'm really excited about! I LOVE fall and it is my absolute favorite season! And I LOVE apples so I'm excited to see if they have any locally-grown honeycrisps. Yum!! I just need to borrow a jogging stroller from a neighbor, as I think the festival is basically in a grassy area.

Okay ladies. One of the things I need to do is make a list (for family members who come to help out) of Ethan's current routine, so I'm off to do that now! Hope everyone is having a great day!

Hi everyone!

Angela, what a scary ordeal with Ethan. As if the leg fracture wasn't enough. Amelia keeps running into things as well and falling quite a bit. I'm thinking of having our nice wood floors carpeted and we'll pick them up later on. We'll keep the kitchen floor wood but it will be safer for awhile PLUS is should be good for keeping heat in.

Steph. How awful your dog was attacked. Is there an issue with rabies now? He/she must have been SO SCARED. I can't even imagine going on walks with the littles. Angela, that is CRAZY you have so many out that way. I hear some in the distance and my mom thinks Doug and I are crazy. We're in the country so I KNOW we have them. We have a fenced in yard but I wonder now that you've both mentioned this topic.

Anna, I saw your post on camping and Jo needing more room. That's interesting. I think it's great though how you keep taking her out camping with you or on trips. I love how hands-on you are!

I haven't been around. We've been pretty busy lately just trying to get ready for what we're guessing will be a hard winter. We're now in the snow belt so we have to prepare for a worse case scenario as one year there was so much snow in this area that people were on their roofs pushing snow off. We're caulking, putting in new storm doors, trying to stain the deck, etc. The other night Amelia was miserable and had us up until 430am as well. We weren't sure if it was yet another teething issue but her cheeks are red and she was sucking a lot. I felt an area close to the back that feels like a tooth is cutting in. I wasn't positive though because she doesn't let us stay in her mouth for long.

I really wonder about all this pain and agony she's been in for about 2 months now. Is this really cutting teeth all the time or is this something else? I don't want to over drug her with tylenol and/or ibuprofen. It seems like a hit or miss with good days and bad.

This past week we've been weaning her off neutromagen and replacing it with flax milk. She LOVES it! Sucks it right down. Right now we're at 4 ounces a day. I'm working up to it just to be sure she isn't allergic. Dr. liked our idea. She thought about almond milk but I told her we wanted flax because it has those fatty acids they need for brain function.

I also tried her again on corn. Seems like re-introducing her at the right time has helped.

I'm thinking about buying a white single bed and keeping the crib for the next baby. I think the white will be girly.

Well,not a whole lot going on other than what I mentioned. Oh, another question for you. How many words should kids know by a year? Amelia says momma, dada and baba. I'm trying to teach her some other things but she's not at all interested. Should I give her a break? Are all kids learning at a different pace? I'm trying to let her be a kid but would like to keep up with what I'm supposed to be teaching her as she goes. We've been doing some projects for stimulation and sensory. Cooked pasta, hand paint, playing with her toys and exercise. We also listen to all kinds of music with her.

I don't want to push her too much into everything. I want to let her be a kid. How much is too much and what are all of you doing?

Oh, we go to library class too. She meets one of our other kids from my husbands unit and we read, sing, play, etc. She's shy so we want her to learn at her own pace but also be around other kids to learn how to share and interact with others.

Well, I'm exhausted. I KNOW there's more I'm missing to respond. I apologize ahead of time. I'm just so tired these days.

Love and hugs to you all.


P.S., no pics yet. Something weird is going on with my cousin (the photog) I hope this isn't going to bite me in the bum. We paid her 100.00 even though she said she didn't need anything. She moved quickly out of her place and we haven't heard anything else about the pics. We're leaving it in Gods hands. I don't think she'd do anything like that but things are sure odd on her end right now.

I'll pass along the pics when we get them.

Have a good week everyone!
Hi all!! I'm at work right now and it's a nice break from life.

Angela, so sorry Ethan hit his head!! My brother always hit his head and I always hurt my legs/knees. Poor little guy, glad he is doing ok. As for children running off, my worst nightmare!! Our house backs to a busy street and Jo's bedroom is on the back side of the house. I am always checking the lock on her window. Yesterday on the news they were looking for a 10 year old girl who left for school and meet friends in a park. She never got there. They found her back pack 6 miles away. . . Can I tell you I think I would loose my mind. I don't know if they've found her yet or not. What is wrong with people?? Sorry to get all depressing.

I am glad you are doing well but I'm sure you're getting uncomfortable. Many hugs and hang in there!! While they're inside you they can't hit their head!!

Steph, so sorry about your little dog!!! We too have tons of cyotes. But being in the mountains it's expected. However you take your chances letting any animals off leash in the woods. Dante ( our lab) chased one the other day. DH went after them and all was well, but so scary!!!!

Becky, good for you for getting winter ready!!! So sorry I hear about Amelia, but I know what you mean. We've given Jo more Tylenol these past few months than I'd like, but I don't want her to be in pain. Good news is she seems to be coming out of it. As for words, Jo barely says mama and dada. No need to push. They say between 15-18 months is the big language jump so she's a bit young yet. Good for you working on her social skills. It's good for her to play with other kids. I'm sure she loves it too!!

AFM, Steph I totally understand seeing pregnant people and being jealous. I have a confession, I too want another, but there's no way and it makes me sad. I've been on edge with DH lately and I think it's because he's still not "snipped". That means every month there's a little part of me hoping that the pull out method we're using doesn't work and I'm pregnant. Then every month I'm a little disappointed. I turn 41 this Saturday and my age is also bringing home the reality of no more babies. DH does not want any more and truthfully we would be stressed to pull it off, but that's the logical part of my brain. I thank my lucky stars every day for our blessing, but a part of me still wants more, can't help it.

Anyway going to meet a friend tonight at the pool to swim some laps and escape from life for a little. Jo slept really well last night, but I woke up to a diarrhea diaper that had blown out, then DH, who just changed her, didn't put any desitin on her for her diaper rash, then we had to do a 7am grocery run as I was all out of food for Jo. Then as I was trying to get lunches made and kitchen cleaned a pipe under the sink broke spilling water all over the kitchen floor. I managed to get the water cleaned up, lunches finished, and myself to work on time, but man life kicked my butt this morning!!!

So I'm eating a breakfast of coffee and candy corns. No calories in that right??

Happy hump day!
Oh Anna, what a miserable morning! I definitely have those days - and I'm not even having to rush off to work! :dohh: I always feel like I'm rushing around on the mornings that I go to my church group (Wednesdays). Today went pretty well all things considered, but I'm still consistently late and I hate it. :nope:

I'm so sorry you and DH are on different pages about more kids. That is always a tough situation and I will be praying for you to come to an agreement you both can live with.

On a happier note - Happy birthday Saturday!!

Rebekah, to follow up on what Anna said - yes, you will definitely go through a phase where you feel like you're doing nothing but dosing them with meds (and it still won't seem like it's really helping!) - We had that same experience this summer. Between illnesses/fevers he would pick up, and teething pain, and reactions to vacccines (or teething - EThan runs fevers when teething), and then broken leg, and now molars, I feel like I have given this poor kid more pain medication than is right... but you don't want to let them suffer in pain or with a fever, so I think there is just a phase somewhere between ages 1-1.5 where they really get sick often and teethe a lot and it requires a lot of advil. I've had to use so much I've started buying the children's advil 2 packs! :dohh: :nope:

Anna is right about the words, as well. Ethan has been a slow speaker, and even now, when he has maybe 10-12 words and we can tell he is trying to string phrases and sentences together, a lot of it isn't really intelligible. He's doing a lot of what they call jargoning (has the rhythm and flow of sentences, but individual "words" sound like nonsense) but then does have about 10-12 words he knows and can say. He doesn't say them often, but he can. He's just not a really chatty kid so far, but I do find the more I get him around other kids who are talking, the more he talks... I think more is caught than taught that way, and I'm expecting our 2nd child will talk a lot earlier, for that reason. Ethan hears me talk ALLDAYLONG lol, because I am given to talking to myself a lot and then of course I talk to him, so I know he is hearing plenty of speech... they go at their own pace. For a while it freaked me out, but I'm really learning that they truly do develop on their own timetables and you can't compare kids OR compare your kid to an arbitrary schedule - or even the "national averages," etc. Everyone keeps reminding me to be careful what I wish for, because once they start talking, you can't shut them up! :haha: :rofl:

All of that to say, Ethan definitely did NOT have more than three words at 1 year, so don't stress!

I hope you get the house winterized safely and can feel cozy and prepared for whatever comes. I've always said I'd love to live where it snows, but then I know I'm fooling myself and would actually find it a nightmare when I had to get out and about in it!

And I hope your cousin gets your photos to you quickly! You shouldn't have to stress over that!

Hugs to Steph and Jules and Beth - and Flutter, where are you hon? I hope everything is still going well for you!
Thanks ladies for the encouragement. It helps to know Amelia is just fine and I'm not the only one making sure she gets the relief she needs when she's hurting.

Anna, Oh my goodness did you have a rough morning. I thought my morning was rough. It was a picnic compared to how hectic it was for you. So glad all is well now though. :hugs:

Steph and Anna, I understand the envy of those pregnant again as well. Not necessarily the gals in here but those around me in Real Life. Yes, we're starting to ttc in January but it doesn't mean we'll achieve what we set out to do. I'm keeping a positive attitude and know that somehow, God will provide. If not by conception then the financial help to adopt. Anna, I feel for you my friend. It's SO hard when you want one thing and your spouse wants something else. It really is challenging to overcome our own wants and needs to be mother's. Whatever the case, your a great mommy now to Jo and the relationship you'll have will be forever. What a gift.

Angela, the snow can be a pain to shovel and remove from the driveway. The dark days are also challenging and much of our area has vitamin D deficiencies because there are longer, darker days. I love the fall and only a portion of winter. Once February is over I'm usually done with it and depending on the weather we can sometimes go into May with snow. :wacko: Of course Anna has MUCH longer snow seasons. I'm not quite sure who gets more snow over time though. I would "think" they do but we're near the Canadian border and get all the lake effect snow. It's CRAZY sometimes. :rofl:

I decorated a pumpkin today. :rofl: It's a witch. Her face was painted and then I "tried" to add a yellow squash as a nose. I keep looking at her face (she's on the stairwell) and it looks like she has a penis for a nose. :rofl: SO, it's coming off and I'll have to use something else. It just looks too odd. I also keep bursting out with laughter as I'm here alone.

I hope my husband comes home quickly too. The neighbors across the street put a beautiful chair curbside. I WANT IT! It's an antique wooden and while it needs to be redone, it will look beautiful in my upstairs bathroom with beautiful towels folded on it and some soap. I wanted to wait until it was pitch dark before we took it since we're new on the street. Hahaha

Have a good night ladies!
Hi all!!

MA, you are so right in the gift I have in Jo. I need to remember that more often. We do get a lot of snow but it's different. First all our economy depends on a good snow year, second we LOVE to play in it, third, there's no humidity here so it never feels as cold as it does in your neck of the woods, and lastly Colorado gets an amazing amount of sunny days, even if it snows, it's sunny in the mOrning or later in the day or worse case scenario blue bird the next day with lots of fresh powder to ski. Really it's awesome here in the winter. You would be hard pressed to have a vitamin D deficiency if you went outside at all. Yes it's cold and the winter is long, well into May, but with all the sunshine we get it's much more manageable. I may mis quote here but I think we have the most sunny days in the U.S. even more than California or florida, but I could be wrong. Point is, I think you have it worse. I can not handle no sun. I was once in Chicage for a fall and the whole month of November was grey!! Aweful!!!

Angela, how are you today?? How's Ethan??

AFM, in much better spirits. I think working out is key,my body misses it and it keeps me sane.

All for now. Anna
Anna - good for you for working out! Glad that you are getting in to a routine. I wish I could say the same. Sorry that the other day was such hectic start! Also Happy Birthday (early!)!!!! You may be correct about the sunny days thing on a state basis, because Northern California can get pretty grey during the winter months.

Rebekah - LOL on wanting to wait until it is dark to get the chair. That cracked me up. Kudos to you for already decorating pumpkins, albeit X rated decorations LOL. That is crazy about the snow, but at least you are getting your house prepped for it. I am sure it will be BEAUTIFUL at Christmas time. Also, I believe when Katelyn had just turned one she only said a handful of words. It wasn't until she was about 14/15 months old that she started to increase her vocabularly. I love that you are doing so many stimulating things with Amelia. My hubby was going to get some WASHABLE markers and sidewalk chalk for Katelyn to start playing with.

Angela - How are you doing? Did the new furniture arrive yet? I couldn't remember when you said it was scheduled to arrive.

Jules/Beth/Flutter - I ladies I hope that you are well!

AFM - Katelyn had her 18 month appointment yesterday morning. It was NOT fun. As soon as we walked to the exam room she began to cry. They couldnt get an accurate weight because she rolled around in the weigh thingy and tried to stand up. I think she is about 18lbs and almost 30inches. She cried when the Dr tried to exam her. And then came the shots...Hep A and Flu. She didn't just cry, she started to SCREAM when the nurse walked into the room and I had to try and lay her down. It was the most awful thing in the world. My husband wouldn't help. At least the Dr said that for her size (which she is just going to be petite) she is on track and doing well. She also had to give blood for her CBC check-up. That was worse than the shots. Ladies, there is nothing more horrific than having to sit in a chair and basically put a wrestling hold on your child while not one but TWO technicians attempt to stick a needle in her arm to extract blood. I could not look and had to close my eyes. My poor baby. She was totally fine afterwards and after a nap was in a GREAT mood the rest of the day.

We are moving offices at work so I won't be on in the afternoon at all. I will try and catch up tomorrow evening. Have a good Thursday!

Hey Anna - You JINXED Los Angeles, it is POURING down rain at the moment. There is even thunder! We normally only get that kind of weather in January or February LOL
Morning ladies!

I'm stuck waiting at my ob appt. apparently, dr arrived late from the hospital this morning, which either means morning rounds kept her late or she had a delivery this morning. Either way, when they actually feel it necessary to warn that she is running late, it usually means the wait will be ridonkulous! :dohh: :coffee:

We are 34 weeks today! :happydance: I still feel big enough to be 40 but know baby isn't there yet. Curious what dr will say about his size at last u/s and how my BP will do... Has been fine at home so far, but I'm starting to watch carefully as having more swelling in my hands and feet now. Same pattern as last time but not so much stress, so hopefully no problems will arise. STILL trying to decide on a name! My two favorites are Hayden and Kellan, but hubby is having none of it. :Grr: I want something that can't be shortened/nicknamed by other people (who are especially prone to doing that with little boys) and something that flows well next to Ethan and our last name...plus prefer not to use a name our friends or family have already chosen. On hi side, hubby wants a family name or more serious/not trendy name as he doesn't want our son to be mad when he grows up that we named him something "goofy" lol. :dohh: we don't ask much! :dohh:

Okay going to post this much so I don't lose it then will continue on new post.
Bek, lol about the pumpkin decorations and the snatching of the chair! :rofl: every week in our neighborhood my husband sees something he wants to rescue on trash day. :rofl:

Steph, I know that 18 month appt sucks! I HATE having to hold Ethan down, because so far he trusts me and doesn't fight me when I have to lay him down on the table, then the nurse stabs him TWICE or more and he looks at ME like I'm doing it! :dohh: :dohh: :cry: I think maybe either the hep a or the flu (or both) gave Ethan a fever last time and it was awful afterward. Poor kid!

Anna good for you on working out! I'm actually starting to miss working out and looking forward to getting back into it...someday lol!

Hugs to all! I'm continuing with short posts as hoping they will call me soon. Update on dr appt later!

ETA: All's well per dr. visit. Re: baby's weight and size, she thinks our perinatologist just simply overestimated last time - you may remember that, since we let our peri know that they were off by a pound and a half last time and scared us to death, they keep saying they meant that he would be 9+ pounds "at forty weeks." My dr. said no no no, we didn't misunderstand and neither did she - she showed me the report they sent last time saying Ethan was estimated to be 8lbs 14oz AT 37 weeks...she said they are just trying to cover for their error (not that it's truly any error, because they do warn you they could be off by a pound or more, but still... they scared us to death last time and I've promised myself I won't let them do that again!)

So, she said we will just play it by ear. Right now, my blood pressure is fine, and hopefully it stays that way. I'm taking a lot more vitamin D this time around (supposed to help with BP) - about 2,000 mg more per day than I did last time. Maybe that is helping, or maybe it's just that I'm not under so much stress this time around. Thank God!

Happy weekend everyone! :hugs:
Hi ladies!

Anna, now THAT I can deal with. I kept asking my husband where we could move that doesn't have HUGE bugs, no tornado's, was sunny but never above 80's. lol I don't mind snow...I just NEED sunlight.

My City tops the most snowful average in a year. :rofl: It's #1

Steph, how horrifiying. Did she get a CDC at her 12 month as well? Amelia FLIPPED when she got hers. They took it through a small tube and pricked her finger. It took 10 minutes to get the blood to go through that little straw. I was getting mad because she was screaming bloody murder as the girl kept pushing hard for the blood to come out of her finger.

Katelyn had it on her arm you said. Did they use a regular needle to do it? I am NOT looking forward to it.

We didn't get the chicken pox vaccine and the nurse said since she doesn't go to daycare the hep A really wasn't needed. She got the regular shots and then 1/2 the flu. She'll go back for the other half in a month they said.

Angela, how is the kidney issue? Never mentioned it so I thought I'd ask if they saw anything this time. SO glad everything looks good and your BP is down. Are you taking prescription Vitamin D? Is it safe to take while pregnant? I'm just wondering because after my borderline issue last time...I'm wondering if I should take that as well. I'm also wondering if there was a possibility that I had Cholestasis. They were certain it wasn't PUPPS that I had post Natal. They thought it was a reaction to the drug that was in the Cillen family which I'm allergic to ALL penecillens. Even the skin Dr. wasn't sure what it was. ((sigh)) BP was raising up in the end. I have to be prepared next time. Of course I hope me eating somewhat healthier will help.

By the way, my exercising SUCKS! I'm not losing anymore and I know it's due to no REAL exercise. I try. I just HATE exercise. Everytime I want to take Amelia out it either rains or is too cold. Excuses, excuses. Then I get it in my head I'll do a video. Never happens!

As for the chair. It's BEAUTIFUL! I have to sand it down and recane some of it, but it will look nice in our upstairs bathroom. Poor Doug. I RAN him over to get it. :rofl: Glad I'm not the only one who runs for good trash. :rofl:

Well, we have a busy day tomorrow. Happy Weekend Ladies! :hugs:
Just a quick check in.

MA, lol on the chair. I saw one on our walk yesterday that would be good for Doug's office. Unfortunately as I got closer, my dog Dante, walked up and before I could stop him, lifted his leg and peed all over the side. I guess I won't grab it now.

Steph, how did the office move go? So sorry katelyn had such a hard doctor appointment. Sounds like she recovered well. Poor baby.

Angela, glad the doc appt went well!! Woohoo on good BP! Awesome news. Ahh the name thing. So hard. Good luck with that one.

AFM, thanks for all the birthday wishes!! I saw DH this am and he didn't say anything. I'm pretty sure he's forgotten. Not to sound all "poor me", but seriously sometimes he's so fricking self absorbed. No matter I'm going to spend the day with Jo, maybe go to Denver. It's snowing this am, but looks like roads are good.

Anyhow, have a great weekend all!!
Now how on earth did I miss that it was your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :happydance: I'm such a flake sometimes. I'm terrible on facebook as well. I seem to miss birthdays but I'm TERRIBLE with memory lately.

So did you go anywhere? I DO hope DH made up for missing it.

We had a lovely time today. The couple from church came by. I didn't know he worked at the local gas and electric company doing energy analysis on homes. He did ours for FREE today. We'll get the results back sometime this week. He also checked out our electrical and furnace (his specialty). Apparently there's a special air filtration system that is made by a local company who is no longer in business. He said it's a piece of history. He's checking it out online. It would be AWESOME if someone would pay money for it so we could buy a new furnace. rofl

Doug now has a pretty bad infection on his arm from the poison ivy. It's the size of a golf ball, is oozing out puss and looks ANGRY. I'm going to try to get him into my dermatologist who says they aren't taking any new patients. He REALLY needs some help with the couple of infections from an already 4 week poison ivy issue.

Amelia had fun with gramma, grampa and great aunt lori today while daddy and mommy went out with her cousin and cousins boyfriend to hibachi veggie grill then on a haunted hayride. It was quite fun. I'm easily scared so I hid most of the time. I can't IMAGINE going to a walk through haunt. I'd run so much faster than most everyone there even WITH my weight. lol Just NOT a fan of scary movies. Do you ladies like scary movies??

I'm tired. Going to snuggle with my hubby. Love and happy weekend....Happy Birthday again Anna. May you be blessed abundantly in your new year. xxoo
Quick post for now girls as we are on our way today to the local apple festival. Should be fun! But happy birthday Anna and hope everyone has a great day! More from me later!
Happy Monday ladies!

MA, I meant to mention before how much I like the new avatar!! I'm glad you guys had a good weekend, but poor Doug. That sounds aweful!! I hope he can get in to see someone about it, four weeks of itching would probably drive me insane. As for scary movies, hell no!!! I'm such a CHICKEN!! I absolutely refuse to go see any scary movies. As a kid I saw poltergeist and tried to watch the one with jack Nicholson?? Can't remember the name of that one. Anyway I spend the entire time under a blanket plugging my ears ( I don't even want to hear the scary). In college even Jurassic Park gave me Dino-mares for years. Ironically haunted houses don't bother me.? Anyway I'm with you 100% on the movie front. Glad you got a little adult time.

Angela, how was the apple fest??? We had a pumpkin thing this weekend but it was snowing and packed so I didn't take Jo. Feel A little guilty, like it's something I should have done, but she's too little right now to know the difference so I'm off te hook i think until next year. How are you feeling??

Steph, Jules, and Beth hope things ate well in your world.

AFM, well MA to answer your question, DH never did remember my birthday. He spent all day on the couch with a buddy watching college football. I took myself for a massage thinking maybe that might spark his memory, but no. So that night his friend stayed over and I made them dinner and went to bed at 9:00 while the two of them stayed up and drank too much beer and partied. After this moment of pitty I promise to let it drop, but SERIOUSLY??!!!!! Yesterday a friend brought me a gift and I left the gift bag and card on the counter thinking that might spark something, but nope. Anyway his birthday is the 24th and I'm pretty sure his self involved ass will not realize my birthday has come and gone until his rolls around and he realizes...wait... If mine is today... Anna's should have been before it...hmmm. So I'm trying to shake it off, I'm 41 for goodness sake, is a birthday really that important?? The answer is no, but it's the forgetting. He can remember every college quarterback and who they play for and played for and what NFL team drafted them, but he can't remember my birthday?? It's just that at the end of the day he doesn't care and it's getting old. Ok lament over. Promise to let it drop . Jo had a bit of a rough weekend. She's decided to just skip the little baby whimper when she wants something or gets up in the middle of the night and go full throttle scream. I think she's learned that's what gets us, and she's right. I know I should let her cry it out but my mind wonders, what If this time she's really hurt? what if she rolled wrong and broke her finger, or banged her head?? Ah the trials of toddler hood.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!!
Oh Anna I can't BELIEVE your hubby forgot your birthday completely!! Mine always forgets the morning of, but eventually remembers that day sometime. I am so sorry and I think you SHOULD be mad! :growlmad:

More later, but I just had to say that quickly! Major hugs and if I lived closer, I'd come gt you and announce we are going out for your birthday!!!
Hi Ladies,

Anna - So sorry that your hubby forgot your birthday, but glad that you had a nice day with a massage inspite of that. In terms of the Pumpkin patch, we are taking Katelyn this weekend, mainly because it will be about 90 degrees (another heatwave). She probably won't be able to do anything but walk around and sit on a pumpkin. If it were cold I would not be taking her at all so don't feel badly for not taking Jo.

Angela - How as the Apple festival? I have been to a strawberry festival, but not an apple. Are you able to pick applese or is more of like a street fair setting? Also, glad that your last OB appointment went well. Too funny on the baby names. My husband vetoed many names last time around. I really liked the name Henry but have already been told that it is a NEGATIVE on that name if the next time around we have a boy. LOL.

Rebekah - Glad you were able to get the chair! HEE HEE But sorry that Doug is still so sick and uncomfortable from the poison ivy. That must be tough! I hope that you were able to get him into your dermatologist. Please keep us posted! Katelyn did not have a CDC at her 12 month check-up. She had one at 2 months old and at that time, they pricked her foot to get the blood. They used the smallest needle they have - which is for pediatrics. I just felt awful for being the one to hold her and seemingly inflicting pain. As for scary movies, I am with you and Anna. I do not like or watch them. When I was younger (in my pre-teens and teens) I used to love them and would go to the theaters to see them. Once I hit about 27 I couldnt handle them. Not that I am handled them when I was younger. I used to have awful nightmares! Haunted Houses scary me silly as well and the last one I was in I did ok until like the last 50 yards and was like I am out and took off running towards the exit LOL. I hope you have fun and do better than I.

AFM - don't really have anything to report. We had a pretty low key weekend and didn't do too much. The heat is back and we are looking at temperatures in the 100's by Wednesday. Le sigh... My hubby and I decorated our house for Halloween/Thanksgiving (more Thanksgiving or Autumn than Halloween). We had really strong winds (warm winds) on Saturday night and half of my decorations tore down. Now I have to do it all over again. Oh well. I am still unpacking and trying to get everything into my teeny tiny new desk. Also, now that I don't have a cube anyone walking by can see what I am doing on my computer (no more catching up on my fav shows while working LOL). I hope everyone had a great weekend and Happy Monday!


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