35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies, I'm on quickly as we're tired. Doug had his arm cultured to see what kind of infection he has. He had the day off and depending upon what his employee health department says, he may have the whole week off because it's draining like no tomorrow. Open wounds are normally NOT allowed on the floor. If it heals quickly we can wrap it good and he can go back on the floor but as long as it's open and infected...its both for HIS benefit AND the patients.

Anna, I too would be mad. Your not acting like a baby. Acknowledging your birthday is a simple gesture. I would have sparked his memory one way or another. I most certainly wouldn't have made him and his friend a meal on YOUR birthday. I would have had it in their laps before I would have done that. Did you say he refuses to go to marriage counseling? I can't remember. Sounds so lonely on your end sometimes. I'm SO sorry! ((hugs)) Had we all been together we would have gone out for a girls night out. lol

Well, enough from me. I'm quite exhausted. We have Library class tomorrow morning and daddy is going to employee health while we're there.

I'll keep everyone updated when we find out the results of the infection.
Hi Ladies - quick post right now as munchkin is just about to wake up then it's off to our knitting club.

ANNA! My dear, I'm so sorry. Happy happy happy birthday! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: men can be quite the oblivious obnoxious idiots sometimes, can't they!??!?!? I will say I don't let Charlie forget about mine (he would if left to his own devices) as I continuously bring it up for a good 3 weeks ahead of time :haha: But seriously, I'm so sorry. I know it's not about the actual birthday but that he forgot as if it was just another day. And it is not....it is a day to celebrate!!! I hope things get better for you. I will pm you my phone number later so you can have it at times like these when your day is in the dumps - just call! many hugs, hon.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I have 2 pics from the photo shoot so far, should be getting the disc this week. Some pics he Refused to smile in, stinker!!!, but still are cute! I can tell he was starting to get sick with his cold as some outdoor pics, his eyes look a little droopy. I will attach the 2 I have then be back later for a proper post. I made that blue sailor hat - it was a crochet pattern. LOVE it!

MA- hope Doug feels better soon!!!!!

Many hugs to you all.


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Hi girls!

Oh my goodness, what a crazy weekend! I need :coffee: desperately! Or :wine: :haha:!

Steph, that heat would KILL ME. I cannot deal with temps like that. Every year, we get a couple days over a 100 (or more than a couple, like in the last few years) and I basically hibernate. I just can't deal. But I keep hearing from friends in your area that it is just awful. I am so sorry! Is that common there in October? I know there is the Santa Ana pattern that sets up the wildfires every year, but man. That is crazy! October is my saving grace- it's my favorite month by far, as fall is my favorite season and it takes till October to feel like fall here, but by November it's getting gray and yucky and the leaves are mostly gone. The pumpkin patch sounds fun! We are going to one next weekend and I'm excited for the photo ops lol! Taking pics is prpobably about all I will feel like doing LOL!

Rebekah, I'm so sorry about Doug's arm! Ow! I'm glad they are culturing it and will get him on some meds. It's scary when things get truly infected like that. poor guy! Ethan did not have a CBC at his 12 or 18 month appts, but he did have bloods drawn one time (I think it was when he was running a really high fever and dr. wanted to make sure it was viral, not bacterial; they can tell by white count). I remember the little siphon tube and her mashing around on his finger and he was howling bloody murder. AWFUL. He fussed far more for that (and no wonder!) than his shots. :nope:

Anna, I hope your hubby really makes it up to you on the birthday. He will definitely figure it out soon and I'm just so sorry you had such a crummy day! But about the movies - I AM laughing about the jurassic park thing! :haha: I HATE scary movies, but loved that one - I hate the horror kind like Friday the 13th (scarred me for LIFE when I saw that at 9 years old!) and all the ones my husband LOVES - I won't watch any of them, and I'm with you - don't even want to HEAR it. Bleh! I can't sleep when I've seen those things and I'm still, at 37 years old, convinced that Jason is going to chase me up the stairs in a hockey mask (or else be under my bed)... seriously. Scarred.for.life. :haha:

Beth, SUCH cute pictures of Poppy! I love the sailor hat! My mom bought Ethan a little sailor outfit and I took some pics for her in it - Hubby essentially forbade me from posting them anywhere but I think I actually did post one on fb at the time. :rofl: I think they are so cute! Good to see you on and we miss you!

AFM, the apple festival was GREAT, but it was just a crazy busy weekend and I'm truly exhausted. Friday, we ended up meeting friends out for Mexican food, which sounded delicious in theory but kept me up ALL NIGHT LONG with the worst reflux ever. :nope: I know better!!! Then, Saturday we worked on projects around the house and I made chili and cornbread (a favorite football game day combination)...and WTH was I thinking??? That set off another lovely night of heartburn hell... so my smart @$$ STILL did not learn my lesson, and ate it AGAIN Sunday night (mostly because I was too tired to even THINK about cooking, after the festival). Last night, I ate a different dinner that usually treats me well, hoping I would sleep better, and I did...until hubby started snoring all.night.long. :dohh: :dohh: I'm pretty much zombified at this point. Ugh.

But anyway, the festival was fun. It's a short drive (hour and fifteen minutes), but really climbs a good bit from our elevation here. It's beautiful scenery, and we discovered an awesome (new to us) apple variety called Mutsu. Anyone had these? They are AWESOME and all the apples were SO fresh and yummy. MMMM! Well worth driving for! Ethan enjoyed walking around (well, being strolled LOL) and we picked up some cute things - I got a new purse, and we got some handmade puzzles for Ethan, etc. It was perfect weather and all we were missing was yellow jacket control LOL. the bees were awful, and we couldn't really enjoy the sweeter treats because the bees would be on us instantly. So, no funnel cakes for me! But it was really a nice day. Then yesterday I took (probably our last before baby) a big trip to Costco with my Dad's wife (who I'm trying really hard to get along with, as she really tries hard to help me and be friendly). That took us HOURS because she wants to explore the whole store, but I got stocked up on a lot of things so I feel a little more prepared. Just tired LOL!

The painters come today to pick up our color choices and, please God, should get the nursery painted this week so my sister can do the artwork this weekend. Praying, praying! The furniture is due the week of Halloween. I swore we would not leave everything till the last minute this time and yet, here I am!! :dohh:

Anyway, hanging in, just exhausted and grumpy and really uncomfy. trying to take one day and one hour at a time. Must run at the moment as little guy is up. More later.

Love and hugs!
Hello all!!

Can I just say how nice you all are and how I wish you all lived closer! Thanks for the birthday wishes. . . More on that later.

Beth, LOVE the pictures of Poppy!! That is one cute little boy!! He just looks so sweet!!! How was knitting ?? It's a skill I wish I had.

Steph, the pumpkin fest sounds like fun, but did you survive the heat?? Quite honestly it sound awesome to me, but that's because winter is knocking and I'm not ready just yet.
Sorry about the decorations. I thought about that, decorating for Halloween, but time is flying and I just don't have the motivation this year.

MA, so sorry to hear about Doug's arm. I hope it gets better soon. Or maybe not as it would be nice for you to have him home for a bit??

Angela, yep years of t-Rex nightmares chasing me all over creation! It's not Jason, but just as scary!!! Glad the apple fest was fun. Costco is a struggle always, almost impossible to get out of there in any short order. Espically with someone who wants to stroll up and down every isle. Not to mention that's death to any budget. I'm sure you're exhausted, best of luck with the painter! What kind of art are you doing? Did you already tell us and I've already forgotten?? Take care of yourself, plenty of rest!!

AFM, well one of my best girlfriends called my DH and told him he was crap for forgetting my birthday. He called and said sorry he "kind of" forgot. There is no kind of, he forgot!! Ahhh frustration reins these days. Then last night he got pissed off because I locked the door to the house and he had to break in. Imagine that, what a crazy thing to do, lock the door. So on top of no flowers, or dinner reservation, or some grand jester for forgetting my birthday, I got the silent treatment for locking the house. MA, to answer your question about counseling, as far as I know he will not go, but in light of yesterday's events ( before I got the silent treatment) I have made an appointment with a marriage counselor. We're not healthy and I'm not happy a lot of the time. Plus Im not setting a good example for my daughter. If Doug will go then great, but if he won't then I'm going without him. Either we figure out how to function better, and healthier, or some tough decisions need to be made. I'm not giving up , but I'm tired of being of sh#t on. I'm not a kind of door mat person but somewhere I've given my DH the impression that it's ok to treat me badly and that's never ok.

Ok so heavy stuff aside, all is well. Jo slept well last night, thank god!! I'm taking her on a trip back east to see a friend of mine and so she can see her grandmother on my husbands side and some aunts, uncles, and cousins. DH has to work and quite honestly I don't really want him along, however traveling almost across country with a toddler by myself is a daunting task. Like how do you push a stroller and pull a suitcase?? Seriously I'm trying to work this out!! I can gate check my luggage on the way there, but what to do when I arrive and get luggage from carrousel?? I have to get to car rental place with everything. I'm thinking I bring the bjorn ( I hope she still fits in it), and collapse the stroller ontop of the suitcase, then attach the cat seat, somehow to the front of the suitcase. I know I can rent a car seat, but we did that last year and the quality of the car seat was laughable!! So no thanks, flying southwest so I can gate check the carseat and have my own when I get there. Anyway, any seasoned travel vets out there with travel advice??

So that's all for now. Hope everyone is well!!
Real quick, but Anna the first thing that comes to mind with the travel is that, at the airport, you can get one of those luggage carts that should hold everything, then either carry Jo in the bjorn (check her weight, as well as size before using at this age) or just carry her if needed...depends on your tolerance for this kind of thing, but I would probably not be averse to strapping ethan into his carseat on the luggage cart and just holding onto the seat with one hand as you push the cart (if it was me; totally up to you!). You will get it figured out! Other option is strap her in stroller and load everything else on cart: push stroller in front and pull cart behind... Will be hassle but you'll make it! :thumbup:
Hi Everyone.

Another quick one. First, Anna I am so sorry that your going through this. It must be SO lonely for you sometimes. I hope for your sake and Jo's he snaps out of it and acts like an adult. He's also the head of household and also should be setting an example for his wife and child too. ((sigh)) I think it's a great idea to go. Even if he doesn't, you can find some kind of outlet to help YOU and Jo through this. Nobody thinks your giving up, nobody thinks your a bad person and I don't think we consider your husband a monster, just maybe off course a bit. Don't ever think your whining or fussing over nothing. We're here for each other and support you whole-heartedly no matter what. :hugs:

Angela, that is so sweet that your trying to have a relationship with your fathers wife. I know it must be hard sometimes but you have a beautiful heart! So glad to hear your getting things done for the baby's room. Can't WAIT to see how it all goes.

Which reminds me, none of you have seen Amelia's nursery since I spoke of it. :rofl: It will also be a while. I'm working on it here at the new house SLOWLY but surely. No curtains yet and I'm going to be gluing some french Toile fabric to the window shades at some point. I have to finish DIY canvas pics of Amelia and a couple other art pieces. It's her temporary room as well and small until we have another baby. HOPEFULLY we'll finish it soon though. I have the idea, just lacking money with all the updates and time.

My husband...He's out of work until Friday. They need to get the cultures back. We were told they won't be back until Thursday. We're PRAYING he goes back on the weekend because he makes regular pay plus his 2nd shift pay. I love having him home. Today worked out in that Amelia has been Whiney and not in good spirits. Thinking more teeth are coming in BUT she's not as bad as she usually is. Just whiny. ME, oh dear was I depressed today. Not sure if it's the dreary weather but all I wanted to do was hide in our room with the covers over my head. Time to get over that.

Beth, LOVE the pics of poppy. He's SO darn cute! :lol: Thank you so much for sharing that with us.

Well, love and hugs to you all.
Hi All,
I will write a proper post tomorrow as I am tired.

Anna- for traveling I agree with Angela, get a luggage cart (they are four dollars pay with credit card) put everything on that and push Jo in the stroller. Check EVERYTHING except for the stroller. (Unless you plan on using the carseat on the plane). Any carry ons can go on the stroller. The hardest part will be getting through security as you will have to fold the stroller and put it on the belt thing with the rest of your carry on. I am sure TSA will help you. After security go to southwest customer service desk to get a tag for your stroller and you can check that as you are boarding the plane and then pick it up as you deplane.

Hope that helps!
Oh I would limit the carry on to the diaper bag and small purse that you can wear like a across your body.
Anna I am so sorry your husband managed to pile insult on top of injury. :nope: GRR!!! I agree that counseling, even if just for you, will be great. Maybe he will see that it would be advisable for him, too. I will keep you in my prayers! :hugs:

Rebekah, thank you for your sweet words. My relationship with my Dad's wife will always be complex, because she and I just have totally different views on what she did when she married him VERY late in his life (four years before he died) and why she married him...but that is a different story for another day. I feel like what she did was at the expense of my family and my kids (and my Dad told me many times how miserable he was with her), and of course she thinks she was the perfect loving wife and sees nothing wrong with her actions, so we are always going to be opposed in our viewpoints. I've had to just let it go and try to get along with her... if I hold a grudge, I'm the only one who will suffer. And frankly, we have no family in town, so the fact that she is willing to come around and help is a Godsend right now. Lord knows my own mother is not much help!

Your nursery for Amelia sounds lovely and I can't wait to see pics! You are so crafty! I wish I had that gene. I really want to do the butterfly footprint art that Jules posted a while back... just lacking the time and energy LOL! :dohh:

Thanks Anna for asking about the nursery art - we are doing the Very Hungry Caterpillar theme in the new nursery, and my sister (who is an awesome artist) is going to paint a "dots" border for me (remember the dots at the beginning of that book?) and some murals - grass on one wall, leaves and the caterpillar on another, possibly butterfly on a third wall...depends on where the furniture is going to go as I want the murals to be visible through/around the furniture, but didn't want them on the top half of the wall as that's where we will hang things, etc. So (and hallelujah!) the painters are here today to do the painting of the walls themselves, which will be yellow at the top half and white on the bottom (the hungry caterpillar pattern has a lot of colors in it, and I want the colors to show "true" instead of being on top of, say, yellow all the way around...) I have a vision in my head of what it will look like; just hope we can approximate what I'm trying to do! :haha: I'm SO ready for the nursery to be done. I know he won't even be in there the first few weeks, but I really hated having Ethan's nursery be a work in progress after he was already home... felt like just one more thing to deal with, and we'll have enough going on! :haha: So I'm really glad the painters are here today, and my sister comes this weekend. It will be a busy weekend, but I'm looking forward to it as I feel like it will be productive... the painting/nursery decor (except for valances, which will have to wait) will hopefully be complete after this weekend, just waiting on furniture... then, Friday and Sat I'm going for my (probably last before baby) pedi and haircut/color... It sounds vain, but I promised myself I would not let myself feel as frumpy and just like I had let myself go as I did the last time - so mommy-grooming is on the list this time, too! :thumbup: Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference in how we feel, and these are pretty much the only things I can do for myself right now that are pampering. So, those are on the schedule. Then, Saturday we have friends coming to get together for dinner, and Sunday we go to the pumpkin patch. Woohoo! By Monday, I'll be ready to collapse LOL! The furniture is slated for sometime the week of Halloween (still need to get our crib mattress, but I know which one I want).

Then, all that is really left is choosing a double stroller... I think I mentioned I was looking closely at a Joovy... well, went to the store to see it in person, and it was a disaster... basically, the whole thing (canopy, snack tray, carseat adapter) has to come apart to go in my trunk...then, the ultralight model I wanted (that is supposed to be 21 pounds!) is, um, NOT 21 pounds... my Chicco is 26, and it's LOTS easier to lift than the joovy... so overall, combined with the fact that I just didn't like the looks of it anyway, that option was tossed. So I'm still looking for one that combines all the features I want... and think I have found it - we saw one at the apple festival that looks perfect - EXCEPT when I priced it, I just about had a heart attack. Are there REALLY people who can/want to pay upward of $750 for a STROLLER????? OMG!!! I about fainted! The problem I have is the stroller seems perfect (it's the Baby Jogger City Select, in case anyone has experience with it?) but I CANNOT justify that price. I looked on craigslist, and even there people want $600 (and I can see why, if she just paid $800 a year ago!) ... I don't know what I will do yet. I feel strongly that I will want a double stroller, and it needs to be something that I can lift and will fit in my trunk (because buying a different car isn't on our radar for at least another year)... so that limits my options some. Hubby is of the (IMHO, delusional! :rofl:) opinion that Ethan can just walk everywhere. :dohh: :dohh: Never mind what happens if he doesn't WANT to walk - just getting from our church parking lot to the nursery there would take half an hour at Ethan speeds, and I'm not joking!! It takes ten minutes when I'm strolling him!! To say nothing of going shopping for the day, or whatever... I just really think we are going to want a double. So, I may go check the baby jogger one out at Buy Buy Baby, and then we may just ask any family that wants to give baby a gift to contribute toward that. But holy MOLY I could not believe that price!! I thought $275 for the Joovy was pretty bad!!

Okay, I think I am really rambling. Sorry girls, I'm just thinking out loud and will stop now! :haha: Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!
Hi all!!

MA, thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I'm the kind of person who hates it when people constantly whine about something but don't take any steps to alleviate what bothers them. So I've been bugging the crap out of myself lately. So yes, hoping counseling is a step in the right direction.

As for the nursery it sounds awesome and I'm with Angela, I wish I were that crafty and am so jealous that you can do the things you do. I am sorry to hear Doug is still out of work, but it's got to be nice to have an extra pair of hands. Hope he feels better soon!

Steph / Angela, thanks for the travel advice. I will check out the bjorn weight limit. Also the cart idea is good. I've also thought about getting a sky cap when we get to baggage claim. Do they still have them?? It would be worth the price of the tip to have an extra pair of hands. I booked my ticket last night so I'm off to the east coast!! Flying into Philly. Also booked my car with GPS navigation so I don't have to worry about trying to read my phone or a map in rush hour in a foreign city!! I was brought up a city girl, but I've lived in a small town for so long now I'm not used to traffic. Anyway, I was reading some travel advice and the best thing it said was to think of it as an adventure and don't freak if something doesn't go right, cause it probably won't. I'm a seasoned travel vet, being a former flight attendant for United, so I should know better. But sometimes knowledge is a bad thing. I've seen the looks passengers give people with babies. But the way I see it, we were all babies once and we all cried so they can suck it!

Steph, I meant to ask before, how is your puppy?? Recovered from Cyote attack??

Angela, yes you did mention the hungry catipillar theme I'm just getting old. It sounds so cute!! I'm am glad you have an artist in the family. I had to resort to stencils from target, but it still looks cute. I hope it all comes together in time for the baby. Best of luck at the doctor!! So exciting. As for the stroller... That's a lot of money. I am headed to Denver next weekend to hit the second hand stores if I find one I will let you know. I can always buy it and send it to you. There's got to be a way to write off the shipping as some kind of business expense right??!! Oh and LOL with Ethan "just walking". Sounds like your DH needs to spend some time with Ethan at a mall and see how it goes.

AFM, well just the travel thing and oh!!!! I went to swim practice this morning before the crack of dawn. I say before cause at 6:00am here it is pitch dark, no dawn in sight. I want to join the masters swim program and they are having a general drop in to spark interest before the new round of classes begins. It's a structured swim workout with a coach and it kicked my butt!! However it's a good kind of sore and if my arms don't fall off later today all is good.

Happy hump day!
Oh and one quick question ... Are you guys trick or treating with the babes?? I have the cutest costume for Jo, but she's so little and I don't want her to have any candy anyway, but it's a fun tradition . She can't walk or say the words either, it would be me ringing the door bell and saying in my 41 year old voice "trick or treat!". I may be answering my own question here... Anyway thoughts?

We're thinking of going to a harvest party at our church. The kids dress up and get candy, play games, etc. It's for ALL ages. One of my husbands co-workers also wants to take the kids to the floor in their costumes and bring some joy to the patients. It's a cardiac unit so I'm not all that worried about her catching anything on it. So we may do that as well.

Anna, we do a block party setup in our neighborhood, where the families from several homes get together and party, and all the candy goes down on a table by the mailbox (with some adults attending to supervise so no one runs off with gobs of candy lol!) the trick or treaters can cruise by and pick up treats, and the adults can have a nice evening visiting and eating and drinking without running to the door 800 times lol! The kids still go door to door. But they know if no one answers, it's because they are next door etc. it works well. Ethan is going as a raccoon (see costume link above) but not trick or treating... He doesn't need the candy and I figure there will be many years for him to trick or treat lol!
Beth – LOVE the photos of poppy. What a little doll! He is such a cutie.

Angela – I am tired just hearing about you plan on doing this weekend! LOL. Mani pedi sounds wonderful though. So glad that everything is coming. I can’t wait to see photos of the new nursery. I know that it is going to be lovely, especially after seeing the baby furniture that you picked. In terms of strollers, have you thought about getting the Chicco double stroller? That way you can still use the base that you still have (though you get another one, but at least you will now have two, one for each car. It is still a bit pricey at $300 dollars, but since you had a good experience with the single Cortina, it may be worth a glance? Also, I laughed so hard about your hubby stating that Ethan can just walk LOL. Have him take Ethan to the zoo or park (or somewhere there is a lot of walking and waiting) without the stroller and when he is carrying him I am sure he will change his tune LOL.

Rebekah – Yes, please send over photos of Amelia’s nursery. Please keep us posted on Doug and let us know how he is doing. I know that it is great to have him home though! Sorry to hear that you were depressed, I hope everything is ok or that it was just a simple case of the blahs. At any rate, you are more than welcome to come to LA where the weather is still in the high 90’s….

Anna – I am so sorry to hear that your husband did not remember the rest of the day and it took a friend calling him. I am glad that you are going to counseling and you never know, he might surprise you and decide to join. As for your travel plans, I do believe that they still have sky caps and yes, have them help you if you can. Yay Philly. That is where I was born! Where are you going in Philly? Thanks for asking about our doggie. I believe my hubby was taking him to get the stitches out today! He is doing great and back to his old spry, barking, cuddly self! I am so jealous of your swimming workout! I love swimming and was on a swim team for 7 years and would love to have a structured work out in the pool. Good for you for getting up at 0 dark thirty to get your exercise on!

As for Trick or Treating - we took Katelyn last year and it was the worst…not because of the fact that I was pushing her up to the door in her stroller, saying trick or treat, getting candy and putting in a bag that I knew she was NEVER going to eat (mommy and daddy need some Halloween candy LOL), but because the neighborhood we went to was SOOOOO crowded. One of the streets we were on, there was a que to get to the house. The sidewalks were so pact it was like being at Disneyland right when a parade ended. This year, now that we are in a nice neighborhood and not a Townhome complex, we will take her out to a few houses. We have a few friends and family coming over who will go with us as well (they have kids between Katelyn’s age and 12). I don’t plan on giving Katelyn any candy as we don’t really have her any kind of sweets (unless Grandma comes over…). I know that several people have events at their churches so that is an option as well. If you have a cute costume, I say put her in it and go to a few houses or somewhere  you don’t have to give her the candy. I will say that if it weren’t for my niece, I probably would not have taken her last year.

AFM – nothing new happening. We are all moved into the our new offices. The layout sucks, but what are you gonna do? We have the pumpkin patch on Saturday and I still need a costume for Katelyn. Haven’t even thought about it yet. Oh well, I am off to a meeting – will chat with you ladies later!

Hi all!

Thanks for the Halloween ideas. It's pretty cold here and we leave for the east coast the next day, so I may just skip it and drive down to Denver and hide out at my Parent's house. They won't be home and they live in a really popular trick or treating neighborhood so I will turn off all the lights and hide. Sounds bad I know. I actually love Halloween, but not the night before a trip.

Anyway I wish there were a get together like most of you guys have, that would be more fun. Steph I am glad your doggie is all better!!

Ma, how's Doug?

Angela did you get your Mani / pedi? I applaud your efforts. And can sympathize all too well. I have realized recently that I have become really lazy and that my personal appearance had taken a nose dive. I always wanted to be the cute chic mon that didn't succumb to living in baggy sweat pants, sweatshirts, and yoga pants. Alas I am dangerously close to adopting that look. It's been years since I bought myself any new clothes that weren't maternity. Thusly everything I own looks worn out, and it is. So next weekend I'm going shopping with my mom (yikes). But I'm determined to reclaim my somewhat hip fashionable self. Plus I can not go back east in two weeks with nothing but old mom jeans and sweats. I am staying with a girl friend in Wilmington Delaware that is so cute, two kids, and the poster child for hip mom. She's taking me to a polo match for the love of mike!! Scenes from Pretty Woman flash in my mind as that's the only point of reference I have, but I'm pretty sure people dress better than I do here. Anyway rambling.

Happy Thursday!
P.S. Steph, I will spend most of my time in Deleware. Philly is just the closest airport.
Anna, sounds like fun and you deserve some fun new clothes! I would have no idea about dressing for a polo match either! I'm guessing a dress, but your friend could probably tell you what to expect.

I get my pedi tomorrow (alas, no manicure - not worth the $ with as fast as my nails chip and break and polish gets destroyed on my hands). Then hair on Saturday. By Saturday night I should feel like a whole new mommy lol!

My sister arrives tomorrow and will start painting saturday. The wall painters (base colors) finished this morning. I can't wait to see how her artwork turns out! The earliest the furniture might arrive is one week from today, but I'm guessing closer to Halloween. I can't wait to get everything put together! I will post some pics as soon as there is anything to see!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!
Hi Ladies!

I promised a proper post yesterday but here I am today. :thumbup: Thanks for the kind words about Poppy's pics! He is such a funny and cute little man that I'm happy I have them! The disc came today and oh my, the are so cute. I will post more of them later.

We have another tooth!!! yikes! This makes 5 so far - 3 upper, 2 lower and I can see another upper coming in and a bulge on the bottom. They are just one right after the other, no breaks! The one that just came in was tough, we finally gave him some tylenol as he was so whiny and jawing anything and very restless sleeping. thankfully, we are back to the 9.5 -10 hours a night. He has also been taking 1.5 -2 hours in the AM, then one more hour in the afternoon and a quick 30-45 mins in late afternoon. But he's such a good boy!

Went back to the knee dr yesterday and he says I can get by on a partial knee replacement, but I still can't do that right now. He told me that was ok, I can wait and would help me through the waiting period - already going to the pain management clinic for broken tailbone/major low back issues, so just pile on the knees too! He is a great dr and not pushy at all, which I appreciate. Going back to the heart dr next week and while I am there I am going to have him listen to Poppy's heart. Not that I don't trust my pediatrician but my own pediatrician when I was little (and more than one of them!) missed my own heart problem for 4 years before they told me I needed surgery so I'm just double checking with my cardiologist. Can't hurt, right?

My period came last week, so we are TTC starting this month!!!! Last month, I charted BBT and CM but I am so irregular who knows. I bought ovulation predictors as well as we are just going to go at it every day or every other day (if we can hack it! :haha:). Here's hoping. Not sure I'll be as lucky as I was the first time (we got pg the first month!!) but we will have some fun and see where it goes. :blush::blush::haha: We just did 2 nights in a row and some muscles are hurting! haha, better than a workout!

Angela - I had a mani/pedi on a Saturday afternoon and my water broke Sunday night/Monday AM! Silly me thought "oh I'll just wear a pad in case my water breaks".....thank god it didn't break there - I would have filled up a 6-gallon water bottle!!!!! eww, that was so gross.:wacko::wacko:

Anna - yay on the shopping! would love to do that myself, but I refuse to until I lose more weight. As for halloween, I am dressing him up but not going anywhere. Will be cute for photos, but we have a very quiet street and only get about 10 kids total, if that!

oh man, I was going to write more but he's up and clamoring for food!!! gotta run, hi to Steph, Rebekah, Jules, Flutter (hope all is well), and the busy busy mommies that don't get on too often. Much love and hugs.

Hi ladies!

It's been a LOOOOONG day for us. We still haven't heard from the nurse whom we called SEVERAL times today to find out the outcome of Doug's skin culture. He can't go back to work until we get it so we're quite frustrated. It shouldn't honestly take from Monday until Friday for the culture. I'm going to say something at tomorrow's appointment. While the nurse said he could bandage everything up and go to work, the employee health won't let him because it's an open wound draining that could possibly be a staph infection of some sort. His body has been fighting infection after infection since he got poison ivy. His immune system is just very bad right now.

We have two Dr.'s appointments tomorrow and "hopefully" we can get the answer to the culture tomorrow morning so he can go into employee health. If it's staff...he'll have to wait until both wounds are drained completely and the skin is healed over. Who knows how long that could take. ((sigh))

I LOVE having Doug here though. It's like a mini-vacay, though we're not really going very far. Hopefully he won't have any SERIOUS illness because he has to use up his sick days for this crap.

Anyways, we went out for a ride just to get out of the house. :wacko:

Anna, don't feel bad, I'm honestly wondering how much we'll actually do. I don't feel like taking the car on Halloween so I think parading around the hospital isn't an option. I got to thinking it may not be such a good idea anyways. Hospitals carry all kinds of things during cold and flu season and I'm not really sure I want her going from room to room doing this not to mention that I'd have to put her back in the car at 10pm to travel to pick up Doug and then have to put her down again which may be tricky since I'll have woken her up.

I may walk her in our little cul de sac here but we're in the country, so taking her far wouldn't really be reasonable since she won't be eating candy and I'm actually trying to LOSE weight. lol

Anna, you and I can sit and watch a movie and maybe make some mulled cider. lol ((cheers))

Angela, how fun to have your sister there with you. It must feel SO good to be getting things done this time around.

Steph, sorry about the new digs for work. :hugs: Take pics at the pumpkin patch!

:hi: Beth! I've been a bit concerned about Amelia. I'm really thinking about going back to the cardiac specialist for pedes because they never did see her upon birth to make sure she didn't have that murmur. Nobody has caught it but they've only "listened". They didn't take a sonogram like the Dr.'s when I was pregnant to try to see her heart. They really freaked me the heck out and I keep wondering if they missed it. We keep hearing of young kids who have died in sports because their heart stopped. One recently said the Dr.'s missed a childhood murmur. Oh Heavens to Betsy! :wacko: That kind of stuff freaks me out!!

Well, so far so good here with exception to Dougs issues. We "Were" going to try to bd yesterday but it didn't work out with Dougs arm draining. YUCK! I was a little disappointed because I don't really want to use medical treatment if we can try it again and do it naturally like we did with Jackson. My body is unpredictable though and because I have PCOS those ovulation kits don't work nor does the tracking. It's just the uniqueness of my body. :rofl:

I am finding the past few weeks that I'm missing familiar things. My gram especially. She helped raise me, cooked for us and everything. I miss her cooking but moreso I miss calling her when I'm down or don't know what to do. Fall is a time of reflection for me for some reason AND it's not helping that the 22nd is coming and that's when I gave birth to our son and he passed away shortly after. I'm able to function better for the most part, I'll just always have that feeling of knowing someone is missing. I look at our daughter and just wish her brother was here.

I'm ashamed of what I'll share next but my sister in law announced she was pregnant again after having twins. Our other sister in law said she wanted them to have a boy because we needed another boy in the family. My hearted dropped and it stung. She didn't mean it by any means and like most people, they move on and never think twice about it again...It's just not how that moment is for me. It plays over and over and over again. I have my baby, we cut the cord, I hold him, he passes and unlike most mothers ...I leave WITHOUT my child. that moment will stick with me for the rest of my life.

So, what I'm ashamed about is that I had hoped and prayed that they wouldn't have a boy because I would LOVE for Amelia to have a brother here on earth next. I feel selfish and guilty for saying that. Heck, I don't even know if there will be anymore children conceived. We all know that it's not a guarantee. I am SO grateful for our daughter and everyday and night I look at her I am filled with so much love for her and she makes us laugh and we're SO filled with the Joy of the Lord with such a gift. I also know that we have other "sisters" who haven't yet had their 1st and that too makes me feel guilty for wanting one more....just one more. Be it a boy or a girl....I would however LOVE a little boy to add, but would love a little girl if she were to arrive.

My heart is just all over the place these days. I'm content where we are but for some reason just reflecting on SO many things I wish my head would stop "thinking".

Enough of that. Doug and I are going to finish watching some shows and who knows, maybe we'll bd. Yesterday was a second and it doesn't mean it's "over". last time I ovulated on CD 28 :wacko: My body is SO odd. :rofl:
Hey ladies!

Wow, quiet weekend on here! I know ours was crazy busy. Hope everyone had a fun weekend with the kiddos and enjoyed every minute!

Beth, I just saw your most recent FB post about the knee. I am so sorry! Do you think you will delay your ttc plans till the knee can be repaired? Or just continue ttc and try to get through without the surgery till the second one is old enough? One of my friends had to have both hips replaced by the time she was 42... She feels so much better now though! And it definitely can't hurt to have them check poppy's heart. My ped found a slight murmur with Ethan that she said would disappear as he grew, and so far, it seems to have done so...But whenever he does begin sports and gets physicals for that kind of thing I will insist that a specialist take a look! I'm with you - more oversight is better in this case!

Rebekah, I am thinking of you and sending you extra hugs today! :hug: I know this will be a difficult day for you, and it's natural that you would be feeling contemplative and maybe a whole lot of other emotions at this time of year. Don't beat yourself up! Your family may make comments that hit you sideways and don't be afraid to speak up - I'm sure they don't mean it to hurt the way it does, but they need to know it DOES hurt and remember why!! Bless your heart! I'm so sorry that Jackson is not here with you and your family, but remember he IS home safe with Jesus and you WILL see him again. :hugs: Again, will be thinking of you and praying for you today! I hope they have let you know the results of the culture for Doug by now. That is so scary. One of my friends got a staph infection/impetigo after going to the gym when she had poison ivy. The rash from the poison ivy just opens up so many places in the skin that infection can spread. I know it is a bugger to treat! Hugs to both of you!

Anna, I totally agree on the shopping! I keep seeing mom friends (who, granted, are YEARS ahead of us in the sense that their youngest is maybe 4) who are so cute and fashionable and back to their regular shape... I know I can't make myself nuts right now and I get that...in my head, LOL! The rest of me is thinking "why can't I at least make a little bit of an effort" (the answer, of course, is that I have ZERO energy right now to devote to anything frivolous! :rofl:) But I am thankful I was able to get my pedicure and get my hair done this weekend. :thumbup: I went to a new salon for my hair, and she did a pretty good job. At least I don't have roots anymore! :rofl: I am not as excited about the cut as I am when my usual girl does it, but it will work for now and I was more concerned about the color anyway... I almost never "fix" my hair at the moment, so it's in a ponytail regardless! :haha:

Meanwhile, we did have a crazy-busy weekend, but it was fun. My sister came and got most of the nursery painting done. I think she did a GREAT job, but she was shocked at how long it took her and she will need to come back to do the rest of the murals (the caterpillar, the leaf, butterfly, etc.). Which will actually work out better, because the furniture (coming Thursday now) will be here by the time she comes back, and she will be able to see exactly where she can paint so things won't be covered by furniture. So that's good. I will email/pm you ladies some photos of what she did. Even hubby loves it, and I think it will be adorable when the room is finished! :happydance:

Other than that, we are 36 weeks Friday. :happydance: We see our OB Thursday and I will get the Group B strep test, and also a cervical check (oh, fun!) But I am excited to see if perhaps anything is dilating faster this time than last... last time I was at ZERO at that first check (and pretty much still at 0 when I went to be induced) so I am praying we are progressing a little better and may go into labor naturally this time. Then Friday we have another ultrasound to recheck the kidney situation and the baby's size. I am REALLY curious about his size estimate this time. I've tried really hard to be careful what I'm eating (except for ice cream, which I just.cant.give.up :dohh:), but I think it is working... my weight is holding steady over the last couple weeks (and was only creeping up slowly in the couple weeks before that), so I am hoping we are slowing way down on the growth and that he will not be too big for a vaginal delivery. Praying, praying, praying!

We are working on the last couple of issues that need to be handled before the baby arrives - the biggest one being deciding on a cord blood bank. I am determined to do that this time, and I just need to choose the best one (and have no idea how; hubby, of course, is fixated on price :dohh: but I am more concerned about the quality and reputation of the lab, their collection procedures, etc.). I've left this WAY late but I really want to do it. If anyone has any experience with/recommendations for any of the banks, please let me know!

Okay girls, Ethan's down for his nap which means it's time for me to get some chores done. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Morning all!!

MA, I too will be thinking of you today. Lots and lots of hugs on this very difficult day. I know people can be thoughtless. My guess is they're just clueless. I'm with Angela, speak up and educate them so next time / next year maybe they'll think before they open their mouth. How is Doug?? Know I'm thinking of you today and sending as many virtual hugs as I can your way:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Angela, sounds like you had a busy weekend. Glad the hair and pedicure went well. I too live in a pony tail. I cut my hair off once thinking might as well as its always up anyway, but how I missed my pony!!! Never again! The nursery sounds adorable and I'm glad your sister got some of the mural done. Yeh for furniture arriving this week. Can't wait to see pictures!! 36 weeks. Can't believe it!! I'm sure you're exhausted. Those last four weeks were the hardest for me. Hang in there and excited to hear what the doc says.

AFM, had a great weekend with the girl. We went swimming on Friday. Our new rec center has an amazing kids pool, and Jo loves it. On Saturday I went to yoga and got my you-know-what kicked!! I had never taken this particular class and you never know with a new teacher. So when she walked in and was like 8 months pregnant I thought awesome!! Easy stretching class. Oh how wrong I was. She walked around the class calling out the poses, joining in where she could, but setting a break neck pace that had me dripping sweat and I am still sore today!! Then spent the day in shorts and T-shirt raking up leaves in the front yard. I could not believe how beautiful our weekend was!! Last chance to soak up some vitamin D before another snow storm arrives later this week. Swam again on Sunday to loosen up the sore muscles. So I feel like maybe I'm getting back on track. It's taken a year to figure out how to juggle baby, life, exercise and me time, but for the first time in a long time I feel like things are balanced. Important to this Libra, if you believe in that sort of thing.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Beth, please update on the knee situation!!!!

Hugs to all!

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