35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, balance is definitely important! Ad I agree, it took me till Ethan was a year to even START to feel like I could juggle everything. I'm hoping the curve is not as steep on the second one lol!

Glad you had a great weekend! Do some exercise for me...I'm doing zero right now lol!
Hi ladies!

Thank you SO MUCH for the love and encouragement you sent my direction. :hugs:

Today I spent most of the time moving around. I kept my head occupied. Doug had to go on back to Employee health. They see Doug's arm is getting better, but it's still open and draining so they won't let him back. He goes back to them on Wed. Not sure what they'll say. He'll get some disability (very small amount) to help compensate what he's losing from pay. He's using much of his sick time but the good news is he at least has it. Hopefully after this week they'll let him back.

Now, onto the diagnosis. He in fact has an infection. Dr. says he got it at work after his poison ivy outbreak. He has MRSA. Most of us have that bad bacteria on us anyways but for health employees, they just assume they'll have it because of the work they do. His immune system is compromised and from now on. His Dr. brought up that we could have a comp suit because it came from work, however we would have to prove it which could be touchy. Also the fact that Doug works there AND he likes where he works...This would make for an uncomfortable situation. I'm told it's not a death wish, just a precaution but it doesn't make me happy that my husband has this. ((sigh)) What can you do though?? It's par for the course and a risk all healthcare workers take when they treat their patients with such things as poison ivy.

After the experience today, we were supposed to go for a ride up north but I wasn't feeling very well. We then went to a store where I received a free massage. Of course she see's my lower belly and says, "your not pregnant are you"?? Which not only made me feel pissy because I'm trying to LOSE weight and LOATHE this lower belly but it happens to be on the anniversary of Jackson's birth and death. While I'd LOVE to be pregnant again, feeling obese and someone wondering if I'm pregnant just sent me over the emotional top.

Doug was so sweet, bless him. He asked if I was upset with what she said because of what today was. Usually I'd pass that off and move on. We went to the cemetery and usually I have no problem getting out of the car. Today I couldn't even BARE to get out of the car. Doug went to the grave by himself while I looked the other way out the window at the turning of the leaves. We left and while he was pumping gas I just started crying brushing away my tears so he wouldn't see. This doesn't often happen...any of this. I'm usually forthcoming with my emotions and sadness. Today was just...Odd.

After that cry though and praying for God to kiss and hug our son for us we took a ride, went for a walk, and then to an Italian dinner. We're home watching back movies. It was an overall good day and I did remember to count my blessings and just pray with Amelia tonight for everything including big brother Jackson to get a kiss and hug as we wait to see him again.

Tomorrow we're thinking about going to the zoo. It's an unexpected vacation. We may as well make use of it!

I'm very tired so I'll be back tomorrow sometime to respond to everyone. Anna, sounds like you had a lovely day. Snow...oh goodness. I can't think about it. I loved our fall walk today for the Vitamin D. We all enjoyed the fresh air.

Angela, I can't WAIT to see the baby's room. Sounds like it's going to be SO NEAT! :happydance:

Love you all dearly! :hug:
Hey ladies!

Rebekah, I'm so sorry to hear it is MRSA! I will pray it gets cleared SOON. That is a scary bug. But as you say, definitely pops up a lot in the healthcare context. And I'm sorry about the lady's comments during your massage. GRRR!! People say the DUMBEST things. I swear. After learning everything I have on this site, I will never EVER ask anyone if they are pregnant, EVER, again. I will never assume I know EVEN if they look 10 months preggo... I will just wait till they say something indicating it before I mention anything. I had such a poochy tummy after Ethan that I felt AWFUL about it for months and really wanted to wear/would have been more comfy in my maternity shirts, but could only imagine how many people would make comments askiing when I was due, etc. so I never wore any maternity tops after delivery. Don't beat yourself up! It is HARD to get our bodies back (even to where they were before baby, and I definitely wasn't in shape even then!) and it takes time. You're barely 1 year into it... it takes time and don't be so hard on yourself! :hugs:
Hi there!

Thanks so much Angela.

How is everyones day going? It's cold and rainy here. Very gloomy fall day. Doug decided to take to the back yard and try to get the ugly swing set down out back so we can prepare for our garden next year. He's wearing a hooded jacket in the rain with a drill. lol I'm going to have some hot hibiscus tea (he doesn't drink caffeine anymore) and a hummus sandwich.

We have managed to get a whole lot done since he's been off. Bought a storm door. He installed that PERFECTLY. While it was only supposed to take an hour, it took more like 2 days....he still got it in with no gaps. It will really help come winter time. MUCH better than the piece of you-know-what that was filthy, had gaps and pretty old.

My parents gave us one of their older mock fireplaces with a heater inside. It looks very cute in the living room.

Today I think I'm going to try to make some meals ahead.

Amelia has been having some bad days/nights the past 3 days. Yesterday wasn't as bad as the night before however, today is "iffy". She has 2 molars coming in on the bottom. One from each side. She's not really sleeping very well at night. She wakes up a lot over the course of the night then just goes back down. Does anyone have this issue?

She's not as terrible as the first several set of teeth coming in. The other day she threw up all over Doug. Honestly I keep wondering if there is something wrong concerning the reflux issue. Maybe I should ask that she have her stomach looked at via sonogram to see if there is anything wrong?? I don't want them performing crazy things on her though and treating her for any old thing just to shut me up though.

She was crying earlier and I started rocking her to sleep for a nap. Put her in her crib and she's up and playing there. I figured I'd leave her in there with Bearbear for an hour just to rest.

You'll all get a kick out of this...I'm trying to decorate a little bit for Halloween. Nothing scary just fun. I told you about the witch with a penis nose. :rofl: She's still around because I haven't had the time to really mess with it. Last night I took a big and small pumpkin and made them into Candy Corns by spray painting yellow and white opposite the orange. Word To The Wise: Make sure you point the spray can AWAY from your eyes! :rofl: I ran inside screaming "I got paint in my eyes"!! Hahahaha

The smaller one is going to the cemetery where I plan to put another witch hat over the stone and we'll hang a ghost next to it. Hahaha Imagine going into a cemetery seeing THAT!! lol Got to have a sense of humor when it comes to this or you'll always find yourself sad and miserable. I think Jackson would like to be included in the fall celebration.

Well, Amelia is crying to get out of her crib. It's actually time for lunch for her so I'll get her out and "hopefully" she won't be miserable all day and night. lol

Love and hugs to you all!!
Hi all!

Quick post today.

Ma, so sorry to hear about Doug. I hope he gets better soon. Also so sorry Jackson's birthday was so hard. Totally understandable, but still, lots of hugs. And people are just asses!! Sounds like you're in better spirits today. How's Amelia?? The teeth are so hard. I just got an email from Parent's magazine about when kids reach new major mile stones sometimes they go backward in other areas. Like learning to talk or walk, they might regress in behavior or sleep. It's like they have a limited capacity for new stuff, so sometimes something has to give. Maybe this is what Amelia is going through?? Anyway best of luck!!

Angela, you just hang out with your feet up. Running after a toddler 36 months pregnant is exercise enough. And Im with you on learning life lessons from these threads. I will never ask if someone is pregnant. I will never ask if someone is planning on having a family, or if they even have kids. Take care of yourself!!

AFM, Jo is having a hard time sleeping too and I think it's time for some cry it out tough love. I hate to do it, but we cannot survive on 5 hrs of sleep. And I have DH's help now, I have to nip this in the bud before we travel next week because I can not be up all night by myself. Other than that nothing to tell.
Have a good Tuesday!
Hi Ladies -

On my goodness, Rebekah!!!! I'm SOOOO osrry about Doug! I pray he gets better soon and things get sorted out for him positively. My heart also breaks for you and your experience the other day. I completely understand your tears (well, as much as I can - but I empathize) and you will have those days. but your little one knew you were there and was with you in the car comforting you. Remember that. I wish I could express what I'm feeling now a bit better but we are here for you!

I do hear you on the pg front though. My sister-in-law saw me the other day and said: your boobs are HUGE, you're not pg again, are you? First of all, she should have seen then when I was nursing! :haha::haha::haha: Second: shut up. If I was, AWESOME. If not, I hope to be soon. Don't make me feel any different!

Angela - I love the pics! thank you so much for sharing. Damn, I got so emotional seeing it, knowing you are so excited and loving waiting for his arrival. Damn, there I go again. I swear, this week has been rough....and I should have just O'd like yesterday, so it's just too many hormones running loose in there!

Anna - awesome on the class and the great weekend. Love it when things work out in your favor and you get such a great day. Makes things seem rosier....even for a little while. :)

AFM: I went to the knee doc - a great one, finally! - and I am in need of a partial knee replacement. He said I have only about 2-3% of the cartilage left behind the kneecap. Which I expected, really, because I had 4 knee surgeries already and I knew it was decreasing. The partial means the cap itself will be replaced with a plastic disk and only one of the bones will have metal on the end. The recovery time is about 2 months. I have already had a massive knee surgery on that knee before where they went in (a nice 8" scar), broke my shin bone, moved it, screwed it down and cleared out behind the cap. That recovery was brutal and coming off that, I know I can't take the time to get it done now. If it broke, or if I couldn't MOVE, then the decision is taken away from me, but I can't elect to do it yet. Will I be limited, yes, but I already am, so we're coping. He told me if I push it off for 5 or so years, that will be fine, I won't need a full one, but if I push it to 10, I may. He was very understanding and agreed if I could put it off for a bit, do it as they do not last forever and will need to be replaced, so the longer I wait, the better the new stuff gets and longer they last. phew, that was long! But Angela - no, it will not interrupt our TTC - crazy as it sounds, we are forging ahead and putting the surgery on hold for as long as I can and hopefully have more kids! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

on the TTC note, I am probably out this month as we were going great, bd'ing every night, then over the weekend I got the beginning of a yeast infection! ughghghghghghg. I mean, give me a cheese grater, please! So I took the monistat 1-day, took a break from bd'ing and healed. We resumed Sunday night and yesterday (Monday) I saw EWCM and today my temp went up a bit. So if we did manage to catch this month, we bd the day before O and 3 days before. But prob out this month, so we will just try again next month. I told Charlie all I wanted for xmas was another baby! :haha:

I am hosting a dinner party for Charlie's sisters this Sunday. So far dinner looks like this: antipasto platter, wild mushroom tartlets, and cheese & crackers for apps, dinner is: chicken with wine, whipped squash, smashed red potatoes, fresh rolls and a salad. Dessert, not sure about yet. Oh and a new cocktail: amaretto kisses with cranberry juice, vodka, amaretto, little bit of OJ and some sprite. - mine will be cran juice, OJ and sprite :)

Please, wish me luck on it. You all know this will be a long day for me. Hopefully I will have only positives from it!!!!!

Ok, must go, munchkin, is yelling for my attention. SO cute. I have to put up more of the 6 month shoot. I will do that soon. Oh, and we now have 6 teeth!!! 4 upper and 2 lower. More are coming, I can tell. He soon will have the Cheshire Cat grin!!! Love it!

Hello to everyone else and hope everyone is well. hugs to you all!!!

Lurking, busy at work will probably post proper tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a good day!!
Hi Ladies,

Quick post. Amelia has been in so much pain from two molars coming in on the bottom. I was starting to second guess myself so we brought her to the pede's yesterday and found that in fact she is dealing with them. It's touch and go the past several days. Doug is doing well and I think he "may" go back tomorrow with the weekend off.

We got a lot done today. Took the construction materials that the prior owner left for us out back to the dump. We have another load but we're going to wait closer to snowfall because poison ivy is rampant. We can't deal with THAT again. :rofl: Doug put in a new storm door, we mowed the front lawn and bagged leaves (who came up with bagging leaves anyways?? I HATE IT!!)

Tomorrow we take our school tax form in to "hopefully" get a tax cut for next year. Who knows what we'll be dealing with for taxation after the election. Is anyone concerned? I don't let it overcome me but I AM stocking up on certain things. Medical supplies, food, seeds, etc. I'm not a doomer but like to be prepared in case of an emergency.

I also finished a REALLY LONG patient inquiry for the new Rep Endo. Oh how I'm nervous! He's known for the numbers and not bedside manner. None of the Dr.'s around here tend to actually perform the fertility treatments. I AM concerned that because my old midwife is no longer available from the old office (she performed the IUI that helped us achieve our pregnancy. SLOW, methodical and peaceful versus the VERY rushed medical staff) that they will be too quick and we'll use the last 3 IUI's with no pregnancy when we start in January. Testing (since it's a new Dr.) will be next month so we can start right in January. I'm thinking about buying a juicer and juicing for a month to quickly lose some more weight.

By the way, I think I'm getting another period because I've noticed I'm witchy during this time and REALLY eat like a hog. I had pizza, wings and a canoli the other night. Had Doug said no, I would have eaten him alive. :rofl: Cookies, I love stinken cookies! Seems like I eat this junk and also feel depressed/hormonal when I get like this. It "would" be the second month without taken provera for a period. We'll see. It's looking like it. My moods are :wacko: NUTS!

How is everyone doing?? Beth, good to hear from you! So sorry your out for the month but there is time.

Steph, how are you??

Anna, What's going on with you??

Angela, you okay over there? How are you feeling??

Jules...I miss you!

Hi ladies who are lurking. Miss you. Peek in when you can and say hello!
Hey girls!

Sorry to be MIA, it has been a crazy busy week here. Th good news is, the furniture is here (YAY!) and I get to work on organizing that and th closet today. We alsonhave another scan today. I will update.

Went to dr yesterday and all is still well; 36 weeks today and approx 1cm dilated. I had a TON of painful contractions Tuesday and dr scolded me for not calling (may have been what produced the 1cm dilation)... I didn't call just bc I honestly felt they were BH that would settle down as soon as I could sit down...which wasn't till 7pm when hubby got home and found a tearful mess of a wife lol! But they got better as I sat in a hot bath. Dr.mreminded me that second labor can go a lot faster though and she wants me to call when contrax are 7 min apart rather than 5. So I will be more careful. Baby is moving well but we are definitely running out of room in there. I'll be interested to see the weight estimate today. I know he has slowed down (thank God) because my overall gain has slowed, and I'm pretty sure I'm not losing fat anywhere :haha:

Rebekah, hope Doug gets back to work today, and yes, STAY OUT of any more poison ivy! :hugs: sorry about the molars. I wish I could say it doesn't suck, but it does. Ethan woke up nightly for a few weeks while th first couple were coming in. It's better now so there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Hey Anna!

Beth, I'm so excited for your ttc! You are definitely trying lol! :haha: take it easy, lady! Good luck with the dinner party, your menu sounds amazing as usual!

Okay baby is up. Hugs!
Hey All,

Popping in really quick as I am a bit busy at work this week (and with Church stuff).

Rebekah - Glad that Doug is feeling better, and that you were able to get so much stuff done around the house/yard. Sorry to hear that baby bear is having a rough time with the molars. How many more baby teeth do they get? Is it the same number as adult teeth (minus the wisdom teeth) - I am sleep derprived and probably asking a dumb question.

Also - I get the exact same way when the witch is about to strike. Want lots of junk food and feel depressed. LOL. Keep us posted on the doc visit. I was going to wait until Jan to TTC as well, but now I am just going with the flow. I am kind of hoping I get pregnant sooner. We shall see..

Angela - I am so excited that you furniture is there! When is your sister coming back to finish the room. I can't wait to see a pic of it all complete! WOW 1 cm dilated. By this time next week you could have baby #2 in your arms. Are you still undecided on a name? I am super excited for you!

Anna - I hope you and your fam are well and are enjoying the snow

Beth - Good to hear from you! I had read on FB about your knee. I hope that your dinner party goes well and is drama free!

Jules - How are things?

AFM - Katelyn has been hit or miss with sleep. Twice this week she woke up around 2 or 3 in the morning and then didn't go back to sleep until 6 and then for only 30 minutes! At the moment, I don't know which way is up I am so tired. So last weekend we did NOT go to the pumpkin patch because for some odd reason it was cold and rainy. Very unusual weather for Los Angeles. Of course today it is 90 degrees outside. We are going tonight when I get home (so I am going to leave a little early if possible). Not much planned for the weekend other than cleaning and doing laundry.

Ok ladies got get back to the salt mines! Have a terrific weekend!

Hey ladies quick update. After some scary Bp readings at yesterday's perinatal appt, which I hope were flukes caused by their machines (more on that later), I will be spending today at labor and delivery getting monitored, bloodwork and urine labs. Am frustrate with this turn of events, bc i think it is peris equipment (and procedures) at fault, but will explain in a later post once I get there. Should have a lot of time on my hands to write lol! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that all is fine and peri just overreacted. Thank ladies!
Ps here now and have been waiting a while for a room. Nurse just came out to say there are none yet. I completely understand, and it is no one's fault, but bleh. Hate hospitals! Everyone in the waiting area is walking by with coffee and/or McDonald's. I can't have either bc both salt and caffeine jack up my blood pressure. Sorry to whine, I'm just sitting here alone and bored silly, and the uncertainty and anxiety that began after yesterday's appt is driving me nuts. We aren't sure whether to call my mother in law over, bc it will take about 5 hours for her to get here and she can't drive after dark, but we need her to care for Ethan if for any reason I'll be admitted overnight or anything. So am hoping and praying for best case which would be that pressure (or at least blood work) is okay and they can send me home with 24 hour urine test instead of me having to stay here. I'm resigned to induction if it is necessary, but REALLY prefer to buy another week or two for the little guy on the inside if I can. He is 36 weeks but i would much rather 38. Bloodwork shows if it's more severe PE and dr said that would be an automatic ticket to delivery this weekend (not sure about method). But am praying the peri yesterday just took poor readings.
Sorry for the multiple posts and typos - am on phone and don't want to post a really lengthy one and lose it. So yesterday at peris office, they had me lying in a weird position and really uncomfortable PLUS essentially lying ON the arm they were taking pressures from. I don't understand that procedure but am hoping that's what was causing the high readings (highest of four or five was 168/99). They first got like a 140 something reading but of course as they continued to go up I got more uncomfortable and more freaked out and it becomes a self-fulfilling thing. Sigh. Anyway sorry for all the posts! I'm just going nuts sitting here and wondering. :-(

Update - still here at 3:30 with very little new to report... No labs or bloods have been run yet but I am in a room finally. So I'm watching my football games and trying not to go quietly crazy as have not had lunch and am starving lol! More updates as there is any info. :hugs:
Hi ladies- quick minute post....thanks for the well wishes for my dinner party.....just one word right now: DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAA. Sigh.

I'll update hopefully tonight if I make it thru the afternoon.....

Ok just checking in and glad I did. It's Sunday night so I'm wondering first how Angela is?? What's the news?? Hope you are ok!! How's the BP? Are you staying over night??

Beth, hmmmm knowing your SILs I'm not surprised but was hoping for better. Good luck!!

MA, what's your forecast?? Hope the hurricane doesn't affect you too much.

Steph sorry about the sleep. Try and go to bed early. When Jo isn't sleeping well I'm in bed by 8. Good luck!

AFM, well just hoping my trip back east is still a go. Seems like I picked a week that a hurricane is boring down on the easy coast closing everything. Hope by Thursday all is clear and the airports are open. I har given up hope on an extra open seat for the baby, but oh well, well make it. Also need to confirm my rental car. I asked my friend if I would need to bring my kayak to get from airport to her house, so far the answer is no, but I'm playing it by ear.

Take care all and can't wait for updates!!!
Beth, so sorry about the nightmare sil's!

Rebekah, hope you guys are staying safe and will have power!

Steph, how are you doing sweetie?

Thanks Anna! Hope your trip is a go! I'm doing okay today; got home yesterday evening (thank God!) from hospital. I've been taking my BP here at home all day and it's been perfectly normal the whole day, so I'm assuming that we are okay for now. I go back to my dr. Tomorrow for another check and to turn in the 24 hour urine test to determine whether I'm showing protein in my urine. But my bloodwork must have been fine or they'd have kept me in the hospital. So I'm very grateful to be home! Baby is still doing well and moving well, and since my pressure was normal all day, I took advantage of hubby being home and got some laundry done, made some soup for the week since it's getting cold here this week, we put the crib together and otherwise just tried to relax. poor hubby has been running hisb butt off fetching things from upstairs or downstairs as I need them. :haha: I'm just going to play each day by ear at this point and see how we do. First up is dr. Visit tomorrow.

The furniture for the nursery came last thursday and is coming together. Need the crib mattress before I can make up the crib...but we've got th furniture set up and it looks great so far! We also need a name, so we are working on that, but that's pretty much all that remains in the prep department. I still want to organize the closet and baby's things a bit more, but it feels good to basically be ready as we can be.

I am praying we can avoid induction (really don't want to do that again, for many reasons) and that baby can come on his own when he is ready. I am fully prepared to do whatever it takes to keep my BP down, even if I need to go on strict bed rest, because I really don't want this baby to have to be induced. So, we will see. I'm going to make that clear to my dr. And I will fight hard to be allowed to monitor and rest at home as necessary.

Okay girls, off to bed. I will update after tomorrow's dr appt.!


I'm SO glad your okay. Please keep us updated. How scary. :hugs: Glad the nursery is almost finished and looks like just in time too. :wink:

Anna, I've heard they're canceling lots of flights for Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully yours will be okay when you need it. New York City and New Jersey are supposed to get it VERY bad. We haven't seen anything like this so it's a little scary. We live in Central, NY. We're due rain and high winds but it's not supposed to be as bad as the city and those more down state. Of course I have cousins and friends in that area so we're watching them as carefully as we can.

We live in between two main bodies of water so we're expecting flooding this direction. Luckily we're at the top of a small hilled area so I don't think we'll get anything too bad. The back yard gets mooshy some but most of the water will go toward the other homes sadly. We have two sump pumps as well. We're concerned about tree's since we're in the sticks and power outages for days. What stopped us in our tracks is not only are WE in a state of emergency but there are hundreds of tree trucks, wire services and EMS crews staying in hotels nearby. Went to the stores....walmart, target and all local grocery stores are out of water and most supplies. Luckily I've have been trying to store emergency supplies slowly. We have 20 gallons of water right now. The key is 1 gallon per person per day as some of you may know. I think we're okay. I have a crank radio and LOTS of canned goods. We bought a butane camp stove in case I'll need it.

So, I guess it's a waiting game. They don't "think" we'll get anything like New York, but they've also never SEEN anything like this. It's been eerie here seeing things off the shelves like this and total panic. "Stay Calm and Carry On".

Beth, how awful. I'm so sorry to hear about the latest. :hugs:

Steph, how is everything? You've been mia. I don't know how many teeth they get. I saw someone posted on fb an actual picture of the teeth but I can't find it now to share it with you. I can't believe you have 90 degree weather. You must be taking it in. Sounds like you have a good plan.

Well, I'm off for now. The storm for us is supposed to be it's worst between 6pm on Monday until 6am Tuesday. Depending upon whether we have power, I'll try to keep everyone posted.

Love and hugs to you all!
Thanks Bek and you guys stay safe up there! At least the power crews and all are being proactive and getting into place before there are problems. I know it is scary to sit there and wait. :hugs:
Hi ladies- we are getting belted here from the hurricane! Am in Massachusetts and everything is closed.... winds over 70miles an hour!!!!! Crazy here! Hope to God we don't lose power as we have a sump pump...don't want a flooded basement. State of emergency here now!

The dinner....sigh. so it was supposed to be a late bday dinner for one sis. so they were supposed to come at 3pm, one of his sisters (not the bday one) texted him at 3:20 and said she didn't feel like going out and wasn't going to bother (it wasn't raining or anything from the hurricane). The one it was for showed up at 4:55 and said she had to leave at 7 to get her daughter.

It was long and weird conversations and other drama went on that made me uncomfortable but the food was good!
ugh, didn't mean to end it there!

Charlie wants to throw a Christmas party about 2 weeks before Christmas because we won't be going anywhere (HOPEFULLY). I'm wondering why as they will show up for an hour but hey, if it lets us out of going anywhere on the actual day and we can have a quiet, family day I'm all for it.

Well, I'm not thinking anymore about last night's dinner! Except for the pie. The pie was AWESOME. I made a caramel apple crumb pie. Basically my apple pie recipe with a yummy crumb topping and when it comes out of the oven, piping hot, you pour about a half a jar of caramel sauce over the top. it soaks in and get everything caramely-yummy.

Oh and she kept saying she wants to "take" the baby for a night. Um no. We went out for the first time on Saturday for dinner without the baby, left him at mom's, and it was a disaster, he cried the whole time! We agreed we weren't doing that again anytime soon. ugh. Anyways, enough of that!

Angela, I was praying for you all weekend, so glad you are home resting.

Bek - both of us and Jules (she's in NJ) are bracing for Hurricane Sandy! Stay safe and warm.

Anna - Good Luck on your trip over our neck of the woods! Should be over by tomorrow with just showers for us Wed, so you should be OK, but we did cancel planes and trains, so wherever you are headed (I can't remember!) be sure to check to make sure things are still running!

Steph - sorry about the sleep! is it from molars or something? :( Hope you make it to the pumpkin patch! I went to LA a couple of times for work the past few years, the office was in Culver City and I had a blast there every time!

Jules - where are you, my twin? Hope all is well!

ok, must go and clean up a little more from the dinner last night. We are hunkered down here and not budging! Good thing I have some pie left!!! :haha:

hugs to you all!

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