35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning all and thanks for the up-dates!!

Angela, glad the BP is holding steady. Take it easy and I have everything crossed that you will make it at least a few more weeks and he comes naturally. Good luck with the nursery, sounds like its coming along!!

MA, yep I've been hooked to the weather channel all weekend. They say it's a storm even that happens about once every 250 years. I am glad you have some supplies! I think it's a good sign the emergency crews and power crews are already I place, maybe scary but I think with enough time to prepare they hope to get power back to folks ASAP. Take care and stay safe!!

Beth, same to you!! I forgot you were in mass. You guys are definitely getting hit hard. Your pie sounds wonderful!!! So sorry the dinner party sucked but can't say I'm all that surprised. Best of luck with Christmas! Stay safe, stay warm, do you have provisions??

Jules, you too!! Thinking of everyone on the east coast. Hope you are safe and well.

Steph, woohoo for living out west!! Sunny and warm, we are lucky. I know you're busy with work and church stuff. Know I'm thinking of you and hope the sleep thing is getting better. Jo got up this morning at 4:20 and didn't go back down!!! She took a short nap this morning before daycare. And I passed her off to DH at 5:30 and took a nap myself.

AFM, fighting a cold which sucks before our trip. Speaking of I think we will be ok. Seems like most of the storm will be over by Thursday, but with all the flight cancellations I think ours will be packed. I was feeling sorry for myself then I saw a friend at daycare who just got back from taking their 18mo old to Bolivia on her lap. 22 hours of flights. I stopped feeling sorry for myself after that. I am a little worried that I won't have a rental car as people that can't get out of Philadelphia by air will drive, so I'm going to call on Wednesday and confirm. Other than that all is well. Had a good weekend, took Jo swimming twice, man that baby loves the water. And I got us organized and mostly packed. Oh and I wen't shopping and finally got some new clothes. I bought 5 pairs of jeans!! But I only had one pair from before that fit and they had a hole in the crotch!!! I went to a second hand store that my mom knows about in Denver and picked up a pair of michael Kors jeans and a Kate spade hand bag, each for about $7.50, granted the hand bag could be a knock off, but it's really cute and I don't care. Also got some cute blazers. Feeling a little better about our trip now that I have clothes to wear. I know that makes me sound really shallow, but I was feeling so frumpy. Good news is most stuff is in my pre- baby size! Bad news there's this little roll that hangs over my jeans that didn't used to be there!!! Ah well what can ya do?

Oh then I went to my second hand baby clothes store for a few more things for Jo and there was a chico double stroller for $85!! Angela I dont know if they ship but the name of the store is Once Upon a Child, phone number 303-973-3337. May be worth a shot.

Ok so everyone stay safe!!!! Happy Monday!!
Awesome thanks Anna for the tip on the stroller! Am glad your trip sounds like it is still a go. And it is NOT shallow to want to look nice! We all deserve that! :hugs: so sorry about the cold. I'm probably not taking Ethan to our church group (for the third week running now) bc the last thin I need is one or both of us to get sick on top of everything. So I am just praying we all stay well!

Beth thanks for the prayers my friend and all of you ladies up north stay safe
Hi ladies. We have wind and it's light. Lights are flickering already. I'm betting by 6 or so we'll be out of power. ((rolling eyes))

Makes sense to why our neighbor across the street has a bon fire going (under their tree and near their home). I think they want some kind of heat but hopefully not at the expense of their home and lives. ((rolling eyes again))

Just thought I'd share. I'll be back on later if power doesn't fail.
Just popping over to check on our American Mommys - hope you're all OK xx
Thanks Twinkle! :hugs:

Bek I can't BELIEVE they are dumb enough to build a fire in the wind!!?? Omg!!! So scary!
Well, the wind has picked up and the lakes near us are looking scary. I didn't think we'd get anything too bad. I'm not sure now. The tree's around us are holding up so far but we're just in the beginning.

Doug is doing fine at work. He DOES have to drive back come midnight. Praying it's a smooth drive when he comes home.

SO, my prediction was wrong. It's almost 7pm and lights are still on. They HAVE however, told us the twelve hour warning has changed from 6 to 6 now from 8pm to 8am.

Nothing else to report on my end. Amelia is having a good time oblivious that we're going through Frankenstorm. lol

P.S., the rain FINALLY put out the neighbors fire. I was wondering if I'd have to call the fire department and have them put it out.
Glad all is still well - and that the fire is out!!
Hi all

I'm on my iPhone so I can't type too much. I will write a better post tomorrow.

Beth- sorry you had lateness and drama this weekend. But the pie sounds fabulous. I gained 5 lbs just reading about it.

Rebekah hope you are safe out there. That goes for the rest of you east coast ladies.

Anna - I hope that you are able to make your trip. Your clothes wound great! I'm jealous. Haven't bought anything sinc buying maternity l
Stupid iPhone.

Anyway as I was typing. I haven't bought anything new since maternity clothes. Oh by the way that is awesome that Jo is a little water baby! I was hoping katelyn would be but she doesn't like to get her head wet.

Angela- glad your bp is under control. I'm hoping you get at least two more weeks before lo decides to make his appearance.

AFM. Katelyn has her good nites and her bad. One night she will wake up at 2 and go back to sleep in 15 min then not wake until 630. Other nights she will wake at. 3 and be up until 6. She will sleep for 15 and hen be awake for 40. Today she seemed like she didn't feel good and was putting he hand in her mouth a lot. I think it is a tooth (she already has all her molars) so I have hr some Tylenol. Hopefully she will be ok in th am.

Oh we had a small earthquake Sunday morning. It has been earthquake weather. For some reason we tend to them in October. Don't know what that is about. Well gonna go and get to be early. Post more tomorrow b

Hi everyone. It's midnight, Doug is on his way home and so far it's not that bad. Of course I don't want to jinx anything! :lol:

It was actually fun playing with Amelia the whole time. She is having a pretty bad diaper rash. I'm not sure if it's the molars, the off brand wipes Doug bought or something else but she's screaming when she pee's and when I have to wipe. She's also pooping more since she's on more solids. I've gone back to cloth diapers for now and am using a specific wash I bought when she was a newborn which is supposed to get rid of the issue. I DID end up loading diaper rash cream on it though for fear of it burning her in her sleep. I know your not supposed to with cloth diapers but it was a risk I was willing to take since she's been in so much pain.

Been chatting with friends. The city got nailed pretty bad. My friend was a block from A. and he's B zone. They told all of A to evacuate. He said as of a half hour ago the car park and entry way of the building is under water. His apartment is almost under water so they went to the 5th floor to a friends place for safety. While there he saw a car floating down the water.

The news station recorded the whole front of a building came off. Can you imagine being in bed when all of a sudden the whole flipping wall comes off?? ((faint))

My sil and bil are in PA and they had to evacuate because they live in the woods. All the transformers were coming down and sparking while tree's were also breaking. Scared them enough to get out.

I'm told it will be worse before it gets better. Not a whole lot going on right now which is a good thing. I'll check on my neighbor tomorrow morning. She's elderly. Want to make sure she's okay!

Love and hugs to you all.
Just got your other post Steph. Glad your okay from the earthquake. Gee wiz what's with the weather??

Amelia is having those ups n downs with teething and sleep too. Is Katelyn having tantrums? Amelia seems to be testing her boundaries I think. What's freaking me out though is that We give her 4 ounces of food and she screams when we're done. She gets a bottle 3 to 4 times a day (8 ounces) Usually it's flax milk now. My mom said to feed her until she doesn't want anymore. I'm not honestly sure she knows that does she? Can't she eat TOO much??

So Doug and I will sit after we just feed her and she wants what WE'RE having. Even if it's not something she can eat yet. She'll sit on the floor and cry.

It all started when my parents gave her those small dishes of ice cream. When she'd get to the end, she's sit down and cry.

Now she not only does it with food but whenever she wants something she can't have (a toy, to be picked up, daddy's phone, etc).

Angela, I tried your idea and she just continues to cry LOUD for quite a while before she calms down. She's VERY head strong. Today she fell asleep. I went to put her in her crib and she screamed. I put bear-bear in with her and she talked for a while and cried for a good 45 minutes before she FINALLY fell asleep.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there something else I can do? I'm trying to ignore the behavior so if she starts crying we either get out of the room where we can see her or we stay nearby but just ignore her until she stops. Is this horrible? I feel terrible but I want to nip this behavior in the bud!
Hi Rebekah - Depending on what it is, you can try and give her a little bit of what you are eating. You never know :) I don't think at this age she can eat too much. Babies will generally stop eating when they are done/full. For example, yesterday Katelyn had eaten breakfast and still wanted some of mine, I gave her some and then after about two bites when I offered her more she shook her head and said No and went about playing. Amelia will stop eating when she has had enough. As for milk, our pediatrician recommended that once Katelyn turned 1 to cut back on the milk and give her more food food (he said that would also help with her weight gain). He said around 24 oz of milk a day. You may want to start tapering off (though since I am still breastfeeding, I really don't know how much milk she is getting. For all I know she is getting 40 oz a day LOL).

Yes, Katelyn threw temper tantrum. She doesn't do it as often as she did between 12-15 months old though. THat was AWFUL. I would calmly talk to her when did that and would tell her I knew she was mad, but unfortunately she was not going to get what she wanted. Or I would ignore it, but most of the time I would talk calmly and quietly to her. The best was when she threw one at the airport while we were waiting to board. I knew everyone in line was thinking "I hope I don't end up next to THAT family" LOL.

For the most part it is a phase and you are doing all that you can do at the moment. She is testing boundaries and after a while she will grow out of it. Like I said, every now and then Katie will throw a tantrum, but they aren't anything like the ones she threw at earlier on. Don't worry and don't beat yourself up about it, she WILL outgrow them - eventually LOL.
Hey ladies!

Whew, is it really Wednesday afternoon already? The weeks seem to fly by right now, though the days often drag as I'm pretty much exhasuted before I begin them at this point. I wanted to get on and post a quick update while I can.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm taking one day at a time - so far, so good. I saw my regular dr. (OB) Monday and she agreed, no more blood pressure readings are to be taken at the perinatologist! They are supposed to have BETTER equipment there, but we have three monitors here at the house (legacy of having a doc in the family LOL) and my OB will check it weekly, so I don't see any reason for a repeat performance of what happened last week. :dohh: The hospital customer relations department actually called me Monday while I was on the way to the dr. and asked how my visit went Satruday. I asked the lady, do you really want to know, because I'll tell you, but I'll be honest! :haha: and she said definitely tell me, so I did. She apologized profusely and said she will make sure we are treated better when we come in for delivery... I said thank you (but I'm not holding my breath! LOL). Things just move slowly at hospitals and I know that (and I understand why), but this was ridiculous. So, we shall see. I'm hoping NOT to go back till I'm in labor!

Speaking of labor, just about ANY activity (especially those involving bending or reaching or lifting) brings on a ton of BH contractions these days. :dohh: I know my hubby is getting tired of hearing that excuse, but it's true - and once they start, the only think that really makes them go away is a hot bath. I'm learning to jump in the bath quickly though when that happens, because otherwise I have to time them and call my dr. if they continue, and that puts us right back at Square 1 - Visit the Hospital for Monitoring, which is to be avoided at all costs! :dohh: :dohh: So for now, just a waiting game!

Hang on - will post this quickly then hopefully be back to write more. Need to check on whether little guy is up -
Hi to all a quick post while waiting for marriage counseling appt. DH wouldn't come. Anyway hope everyone on east coast is ok. My flight is a go so I'm headed your way. I'll try and post proper soon!!
Ok I'm back...

Angela, so glad to hear you are home and all is well, though I am sorry you are so tired, but to be expected at this point. Take care of yourself and I'm glad no more doc visits!! So sorry the hospital was such a pain, fingers crossed it all goes better when the chips are down.

MA, Beth, Jules.. Hope you are all doing ok!!

Steph, how's it going??

AFM, well counselor went well even though I went by myself. I am hoping DH goes with next time but we'll see. My trip is back on and DH seemed genuinely sorry to see us go which is a good sign?? Anyway I'm in Denver right now at patent's house listening to Jo cry it out. I feel terrible but she woke up after we got here and was up for about an hour and a half, but she's got to sleep and so have I!! I can't go all five days of vacation with her refusing to sleep anywhere but on my chest. I love her with all my heart but if mama doesn't get any sleep she is not a happy mom and that means nobody's happy. I did call southwest and confirm my flight, check in and status. I also called rental car company and confirmed reservation and that they had cars. All seems well as Philadelphia was not hit as hard.

Anyway, I'll be checking in all weekend. Wish us luck on our flight and that I'm not "that person" with the screaming kid all flight. Oooh it's quiet, I think she's asleep ... I would give a million dollars right now for a full night's sleep!! Finger's crossed.

Happy hump day and Happy Halloween!!!
Prayers for safe and drama free flight Anna.

Angela, so glad your OB will do the bp monitoring from now on. As for the hospital feedback. I feel the same. I gave my opinion FREELY when they asked but never saw anything different. In FACT, I think next time around I may find myself on their list of bad patients. :rofl: I kicked two nurses out of the room (overnight nurses were crap for some reason) and DEMANDED to leave within an hours time. Staff RAN up to NICU and we were outa there in my time. I can't imagine they'll like me. Though I have to say I see one of the day nurses that I LOVED and we talk with her all the time. The day nurses are just awesome. In my opinion, not every nurse should be one. Some just don't have the bedside manner. I pray you were listened to and they change. You have a GREAT attitude about it though. :hugs:

By the way, I know you said your taking Vitamin D this time around to lower BP. Are you taking prescribed Vitamin D or over the counter? How much is safe during pregnancy?

What's up Steph?

Jules, any word on the leak and such? You okay??

How are you Beth??
Hey girls!

Anna, have a safe trip and I'm so happy your trip wasn't canceled. Enjoy!

Rebekah, no, I don't think you can really overfeed Amelia at this point, as long as you are responding to her requests for food (they are really good about self-regulating at this age). Ethan will have days where he eats very little, and days where he eats his food, our food, and anything else he can find! :rofl: they have a lot of what I call "growing days" at this age where they just seem STARVED and I have always just let Ethan have whatever he wants (that's good for him, I mean). Today he actually ASKED for vegetables (he eats the little sprout puree pouches once or twice a day again, since I've discovered he will self-feed them at this age and actually eat them again LOL). Basically, if he seems hungry, I offer food and if he doesn't want it, I never force it. They will tell you what they need. Same with your food - she may surprise you with what she "can" eat at this age, so don't be afraid to offer some small bites even if you think she wouldn't like it. I'm amazed by some of the things Ethan will eat! On the tantrums, Steph is right - it's a phase, and I'm sorry to say, one Ethan has not yet outgrown. He is still testing boundaries, and possibly even more than before...:dohh: A lot like what you are describing...if I say no, or he doesn't get what he wants RIGHT.THIS.SECOND he fusses. We are also having major issues with him throwing toys (or whatever else is handy) when he doesn't get his way. Often, he will pick something up and hold it over his head and then throw it AS I am telling him not to... and often AT me. Depending on the severity of an incident (whether I think it was more defiant or simply boredom) I will either spank him (yes, we spank!) or he will lose privileges with that toy (he usually loses the toy anyway). Our kitchen table has become an impound lot for confiscated toys! :rofl: He definitely knows he isn't supposed to do that, but it doesn't seem to stop him and so I am not sure what else to try. For now I'm assuming he will eventually get better about it... or we will go back to all soft toys that don't hurt anyone/anything when thrown. He would be mighty bored that way though, as trucks and cars are his favorites now, so I dunno. :shrug: I really want the behavior to stop, but I'm at a loss as to how. He's too young for time out, and I don't want to start putting him in his crib for "forced" time out because he is a GREAT sleeper, and I don't want to do ANYTHING that might make him dislike going to bed. Right now, he never fusses when put down and will play happily in his crib even if he doesn't wan to sleep... so I refuse to start making his room a place of punishment. I don't know. I need help with his behavior because I do NOT want him to throw anything and accidentally hit the baby. :nope:

Steph, an earthquake!? Geez! I know it is common there but that would freak me out. We actually had a small quake here a few years ago, and hubby had to tell me what it was! :dohh: At the time, we lived across the street from a railroad track, so I was accustomed to the house shaking at all hours... but this I remember was strange (looking back) because it was otherwise silent. No train noise, but a definite shaking back and forth of the house. Very eerie. It happened while we were sleeping and so I didn't really understand what had happened till morning. How is everything else going with you?

Beth, I feel for you with the knee issues and all you have going on - you are juggling a lot, lady! Hang in there and try not to overdo. Your menus sound like absolute feasts and I know you love to cook, but take it easy on yourself! (I am one to talk - last night I made hubby pass out the candy "so I wouldn't be on my feet"... then proceeded to spend from 6-9 pm making dinner and cleaning up the kitchen and den without once sitting down! :dohh:)

Jules, honey I hope you guys didn't have any damage. Gabby's Halloween costume on FB was ADORABLE!

I want to post a couple pics of EThan's raccoon costume (also adorable) but need to upload them first.

Okay girls, off to work on a couple things while little guy naps. I'm still finding things I want to get done before baby arrives! :haha:

hugs to all!
Hi Ladies,

Anna - So happy that your trip is still on. I hope that you had a safe and uneventful flight. And by uneventful, I mean Jo was very good and slept most of the flight! LOL. Have a GREAT time in Delaware! Also, good for you for going to counseling by yourself. I hope that hubby will come around and go with you next time.

Angela - We spank too! Not often (at least not yet LOL), but we do spank. I didn't mean to imply that Katelyn doesn't have temper tantrums any more, they just aren't as bad as they were. She used to have this horrific scream when she didn't get what she wanted. Now she tells u NO or Stop That! when we won't let her do what she wants. She too will throw things when angry or if we try to give her something else to play with instead of what she wants, she will throw or push the new item away. I agree with you, if Ethan is sleeping well, don't use the crib as a timeout.

In terms of the earthquake, by the time I realized that it was an earthquake it was over. It was very mild. Believe me, most of the earthquakes I have been in have been in the wee small hours of the morning or around 7am. Those have been big. Nothing worse than having your sleep interrupted by a lot of shaking and loud rumbling!

Rebekah - How is everything? How is Amelia doing? Is Doug all better now?

Hi Jules and Beth! Hope you all had great Halloweens. I loved both Charlie and Gabby's costumes!

Katelyn was Minnie Mouse. She kept trying to take her "ears" off so most of my photos are a bit blurry. My SIL and her kids came over and we all went trick or treating. I was gonna put her in the stroller, but decided to let her walk. Katelyn did pretty good (she only went to about 8 houses then we were done) and only wanted me to carry her twice. KIds started coming around 6:30pm and we ran out of candy by 7:45pm. Kids were still out there until about 8:30pm. Looking forward to now decorating the house for Thanksgiving! YAY Holidays are coming!!!! It is about to be my favorite time of year (and Twink's too!).

Alright I am gonna go for today as everyone who walks by can see my computer screen. I will check in later tonight.

Hi ladies. Thanks for your input.

Amelia hasn't gotten there with the toys "yet" but she did throw it once during a tantrum. I tried not to make it an issue so she would think she's getting attention.

I tried the spanking thing. I just can't do it. First of all, spanking in my house led to abuse so even BEFORE we had kids I had an issue with "spareth NOT the rod and spoil the child" as seen from Proverbs. I found myself in arguments with a college Christian group about this very subject until the Lord helped me truly understand that it's not ABUSING a child he intends but a consequence from negative behavior. So I'm not apposed to spanking.

I told Doug one time after I slapped her paddies that not only was it hard for me to do it but I wondered how she would understand NOT to slap if I was slapping her to stop her from slapping. So I stopped at that point.

I'm not really sure WHAT method we'll use. I'm reading a book that Mrs. Duggar suggested on her blog one time that helped HER with on of her younger kids who is strong willed and energetic. It's called "The Heart Of Anger" by Lou Priolo. It's no longer in print but you can find it on Amazon where I got it from. She said the book helped her get to the root of anger without breaking the child's spirit.

Now I bought that book mainly to deal with MY temper that has gotten pretty bad since the loss of Jackson. I just have SO MUCH pent up anger and regret that needs to be dealt with in a healthy way. I need a healthier way to "cope". I figured since this was scriptural, I could use it for ME and if it helps with raring Amelia, then maybe it would be a good plus.

Angela, you'll have to share with me what works if you do find someone to help you figure it out. I'd like to help Amelia deal with anger in a healthy way too. My history of abuse really doesn't help me understand how appropriately let the punishment fit the crime so to say. I don't want her to be some kind of crazy out of control kid, but I'm so awful at the spanking issue. I leave nearly in tears for just a simple tap on the paddy.

As for the food. I let her try wild rice with mushrooms, onions and broccoli and she LOVED it. This was right after her dinner. So this is going to be interesting. Do you ladies give them pudding? Mom gave me some fat free chocolate pudding that I've been using once in a while for a treat.

Also, about the peanut butter. When can we give them the peanut butter again? I was trying to remember. I'd LOVE to give her a simple pbj sandwich. She's eating buckwheat pancakes cut up. LOVES them with cut up bananas.

Oh, Steph. Forgot to mention that we're not on dairy milk. We're on flax milk. The pediatrician wants her on several servings a day because it has less fat in in. It DOES however have omega 3 fatty acids in it and is good for brain power.

Sounds like the kids had a great Halloween! I love hearing about your excursions ladies! SO FUN!

I can't BELIEVE the holidays are just around the corner. We (sort of) decorated for Halloween. My hope is next years will be more fun and we'll actually go out trick or treating. Daddy was working and we live in a small country town that's unfamiliar. We celebrated here in the house and I gave her a decorated pumpkin cookie instead of candy. lol She was too cute to watch. No pics because daddy had the camera in the car. :wacko:

We'll have a new addition to our little group here before we know it.

Twinks...where are you dear friend?? I miss you! HA, how are you doing??

Love to all our ladies! :hug:
Morning girls! At perinatologist for scan, so I will post a better update later but remembered rebekah asked about the vitamin d I have been taking. I don't take a prenatal vitamin per se but rather take a combo of vitamins throughout the day, for a couple reasons. First I can't tolerate prenatals, and secondly I think I get better absorption/ benefits from a wider range of nutrients and spaced more over the day (your body can't absorb and use the quantities that are in most prenatals in one dose anyway). So i take a flint stones (seriously!) twice a day, an ester c (buffered vitamin c) twice a day, a vitamin d twice a day and then occasionally an extr frolic acid if I haven't eaten anything green that day. I also take a fish oil (omega 3) every other day. It really helps with post partum depression and with my moods in the meantime, plus is critical for baby. The vitamin d I take is 1000mg 2x a day, on top of 600mg in each flint stones. I read several places that they now think pregnant women in particular don't get enough vitamin d and that we should be getting up to 4000mg a day. So I'm taking 3200 a day but in two doses evenly spaced. They think vit d deficiency contributes to preeclamspia so i thought i would try it. I think it has helped plus the d is good for your immune system and bones anywy. I will try to link up the articles I read about it when I get home. Hope that helps!

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