35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Ladies!

We survived Sandy!!! With minimal impact, but I have been so sick lately, just feeling blah like I want to throw up. And yet, I'm craving anything chocolate in the house. So since we had about 15 kids total come to the house on Halloween, I'm stuck with over a full bag of candy. God Bless Charlie, he came home from work last night and gently asked if there was any candy left :haha::haha: I said, hey! I'm not THAT bad yet and he said, it would be ok if I ate it all but if I didn't, he'll have a piece.:haha::haha: thankfully he's not snarky about it!

little Poppy is sitting next to me in the high chair feeding himself sweet potato little puffs. Leave it to my kid to not like cheerios...ohhh no, but give him sweet potatoes and he's allllll over it. he is making me laugh!

Anyhoo, Angela - good luck with the scan. I am so ready to welcome a new little one to our bnb family!!! Prayers for rest and peace these final weeks. As far as overdoing, I hear ya. Sometimes, you get the urge and Have to do it, regardless of how you feel. I am planning on the holiday party because I want to relax on the actual day and enjoy my boys. Normally when his siters have things, they don't put put for for HOURS, I mean HOURS, and then just when I am ready to leave, they want to play games. I was almost 8 months pg last Christmas and I was literally in tears at close to midnight begging Charlie to go home. They didn't serve food until 8! (was supposed to be at 4ish) then brought out the games at 10. I swore never again. On the invite, I am putting the party is from 3-8pm due to baby schedule. If they don't like it, I don't care. I'm sure some won't even come. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Bek - thanks for checking in on me! We are doing well after Sandy. As far as discipline, that is tough, some spanking (like a swift whack on the bum) is far different from wailing on the kid, but if that is something you are set against, that is just fine too! You just need to follow through on your discipline. My sister never spanked and would say the most ridiculous things for discipline such as: if you don't do this, we are canceling Christmas, or you are walking home alone, or you will never get to do X,Y,orZ. The kid knew they were empty threats and walked all over her. Now she's a spoiled brat. Except when it comes to her being with my mom or me. I'm the mean aunt, when I say: don't hit me with the wooded spoon or I'm taking it away and you continue to hit me, I'm taking it away and you don't get it back!!!!! Tears don't move me to cave like that. My sis just shrugs and lets her continue to hit her! :nope::nope::nope:

Steph - earthquakes, oh my! Glad you are all ok. Minnie Mouse sounds so cute! I can just see her sweet face with the ears on! :cloud9: But looking forward to seeing actual pics to get another smile!

Anna - hope you are enjoying your trip! You deserve it!

Jules, my sis, miss you!

We went to my heart doc the other day, have to go back in 2 months due to an issue I was having, nothing major, but still needs to be checked. I asked him if he could listen to Poppy's heart as so many docs missed my issues for 4 years and both Charlie and I have serious issues. He was more than happy to do it and he said he has a superior stethoscope - it is more finely attuned than reg drs and he said he did hear a murmur! BUT, he said a murmur is very common in infants because the heart is pumping so much so fast it creates the noise. But he said it still needs to be checked and he, in particular, needs to be monitored closely as both of our issues are hereditary. So I will bring it up on his 9 month appt next week!!!! 9 months already!!!

I know there was something else to say but I can't remember! :dohh::dohh::dohh: Prob remember when I hit submit! Memory is crap these days. Ok, munching time is over, time for lunch!

hugs to you all!
Hi Ladies Happy Friday!!!!!

Rebekah - I hear you on the guilt over simple tap on the booty. I have done it about twice now and felt bad (for about half a second). I haven’t spanked her smacked her hands when she has hit me. I normally grab them and look her in the eye and tell her to be nice and not to hit mommy and that mommy doesn’t like that, in a stern voice. But like Beth said, you need to be consistent. It is hard at times because when they cry or make those darn adorable faces when they are doing stuff or have something they shouldn’t, you just want to give in and let them do what they want. You will find your “method” and it will work for both you and Doug and for Amelia. I doubt very seriously that she will be a crazy out of control kid. You will be fine .

As for the food, that is great that she liked the rice! YAY!!!! Now you have a new item to put into rotation! I haven’t given Katelyn pudding yet. We tried jello, but she didn’t like it. As for peanut butter, I asked my pediatrician about this and in the past it was wait until they were 2years old. Now, they are being more lenient on that because they are finding that withholding food has actually led to more food allergies. My doc said to go for it with the peanut butter. I am still skeptical, but want to try it.

Angela – Thanks for the info on Vitamin D. I think when I get preggers again I will take some as to avoid another bout of preeclampsia (or in my face full blown eclampsia). Keep us posted on how your scan went today!

Beth –good to hear from you and that you had minimal impact from Sandy! Hmm wanting to throw up yet craving chocolate and memory being crap…might you be pregnant? Also, the sweet potato puffs are great! Katelyn used to eat them all the time. Now she is on to goldfish. She likes the goldfish better than cheerios! Please keep us posted on the murmur! Glad you went with your gut to get him checked out early! 9 months – yes time does fly pretty quickly. Soon he will be walking if he isn’t already.

Anna – Hope you and Jo are having a great time with your family and friends

Jules – How you doing girlie?

AFM – Katelyn had a fever yesterday and didn’t want to eat anything. I am suspecting a new tooth to be the culprit. I am actually not feeling that great either. I don’t know whether it is allergies (from all the stupid Santa Ana winds) or if I am getting a cold, but my throat is scratchy and I can’t stop sneezing! I’m supposed to go to the Zoo tomorrow with some of my other mommy friends and their kiddies, but we shall see. All I want to do right now is lay down and sleep for about 4-5 hours! I hope that everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend!

Super quick update, promise more later!

Scan was fine, and peri took it in stride that he has been "banned" from taking my BP there! :haha: so that was good. We go back in a week if baby hasn't come yet!

Here is one article about vitamins in general and d in particular - (note that I was using incorrect terminology, as dosage of d is not measured in mg as I mentioned but rather IU's; regardless, the numerical quantities I gave are what I've been taking). Will post more as I'm able to relocate what I read. Steph, lots of good info there on PE as well!

Morning girls!

I thought I would try to catch up quickly. It turns out we will be going to a visitation this evening for my Dad's wife (her father passed away) - the funeral is tomorrow, but timing and logistics-wise (it's two hours away from our home) I don't think we can attend the funeral itself, but we should be able to swing the visitation tonight. It is being held close to my hometown and should be a pretty drive up - we are going to take back roads up and enjoy the N Ga scenery. :) I know she will really appreciate us being there. I've been going back and forth all week whether I think it is wise to attend, just becuase it is two hours away and (in addition to BP issues) I've been having a lot of contractions this week. But so far, so good today. I decided we will just pack the hospital bag and all in the car just in case - on the theory that if I take it, I won't need it, but if I don't I'm almost guaranteed to need it (hmmm... maybe I SHOULD leave it and get this show on the road! :haha:) But seriously, we will go prepared, just in case we have to hightail it back to the hospital here in ATL.

Rebekah and Steph, I understand the misgivings about spanking. It's very hard for me do anything that causes him any upset, but I know I'm doing it for his own good (and we're very careful; most times he gets spanked he doesn't even really fuss, which tells you we aren't spanking very hard!) it's just to get his attention, really. I was blessed to grow up in homes where, although we definitely were spanked, it was always appropriately handled and I never felt like I'd been abused or harmed in any way; more my pride was hurt than anything. I try to use it as a last resort. The only things I really spanked for (before this new "throwing things AT mommy" phase) were (1) trying to play with poopy diapers (sorry, I'm just NOT going there!) and trying to get into the dishwasher (just too dangerous). We slap his hands more than we actually spank and again, that's just to make the impression and get his attention. He usually laughs :)dohh: :dohh: sigh...) but we're working on it. I think it's just a phase. But if it keeps up I really will take away all but the soft toys, particularly while there is a newborn in the house. I will NOT have him come up and wallop his little brother with a truck! :dohh: Lord help me, I'm about to have TWO boys LOL!

Meanwhile, Bek you asked about the foods - I have not yet given Ethan peanut butter (nor any other nut) nor shellfish. Those are the only two "allergenic" things he has not yet had at this point. I waited till 18 months with eggs, just in case... I really want him (both kids) to be able to eat everything, so I'm just trying to be careful. But I know a lot of people who stop all restrictions at 1 year... I'm sure it will probably be fine either way! And Ethan constantly surprises me with what he will eat. He likes flavor - he will eat, for example, egg salad, but not plain eggs... too funny! I haven't given him pudding just becuase it's not something we really keep around, but he loves the Annie's snacks, Goldfish, graham crackers, cheese cubes, and as I mentioned he has gone back to eating some of the Sprout pouches (now conveniently made in the little "squeezable" pouches like gerber etc. has - he can self- feed them and thinks that is fun!) We figured out he has another tooth coming in, and he likes the purees better when it hurts to chew.

Beth, so sorry about hte sisters in law, and I don't blame you a bit for wanting your own, peaceful holidays! I think I would just tell them hey, food will be served at xyz time, and hope you're here before it's gone! LOL! I have ZERO patience with people who show up really late for a gathering where someone is trying to prepare food and serve it. It's so hard to time everything even when people are ON time... I feel your pain! I used to get so aggravated - my Dad, God bless him, and his wife had (collectively) NO sense of time. They would routinely show up HOURS late for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it got to where we would have to tell them we were starting at 2 if we were really eating at 5, so they would be there by 4:30!! :dohh: They each blamed the other, but what we figured out was basically happening was this - Dad wanted to sleep in, and his wife would go to the office and work until he was "ready to leave." He would get up around 1, then refuse to start packing until she came home. She would not come home until he was ready to go, and you can see where this is going... typically, they would roll into our driveway WHILE I was trying to get food to the dining room and do last-minute things like making gravy. So here they would come, Dad, his wife and the dog, their dog yapping, ours howling, Dad talking, wife talking LOUDER, all at the same time... this would come rolling through my kitchen door WHILE I was trying to plate food. :dohh: :dohh: :haha: Literally, one year we were carrying dishes into the dining room and his wife pulled out photos from their latest trip like we were all going to gather around and look through them...??????????????????? I didn't even know what to say! So anyway, I hear you on the hosting. Just do what you would noramlly do and let the sisters in law come or not... you just focus on enjoying YOUR day! :hugs:

Anna, hope the trip is going great and that Jo was a rock star traveler for you! CAn't wait to hear how it's going!

Steph, I hope you don't come down with the cold! It is SO hard to stay well this time of year. I'm just PRAYING we all stay well because I can see myself trying to survive coughing fits with this belly LOL. Right now just MOVING hurts. I think coughing would send me straight to the hospital! :haha:

AFM, just waiting...waiting...waiting at this point! :coffee: I actually slept much better last night (thank God) and am continuing to get things checked off the list, so I'm feeling pretty well prepared. I organized baby's closet for the last time (I think, LOL!) yesterday, and need to iron the shower curtain and crib skirt tomorrow, then get crib mattress and put bedding on. After that, I need to wash the pack n play bassinette cover and...I think that's all! Except for a name, which we're still working on! :dohh:

Hugs to everyone else! I'm off to see what else needs to be sorted out before we drive up this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
Angela - All I have to say is kudo's to you for ironing the shower curtain and crib skirt! I can't even remember the last time I picked up an iron! LOL Sounds like everything is coming together YAY!! Don't worry about the name - you may decided on one thing and then after seeing him change your mind! Also, thank you for the vitamin information! It is much appreciated. I am definitely going to be utilizing that site when I get preggers again.

AFM - Went to the zoo on Saturday and had a good time. the LA Zoo is super hilly so I also got a good workout. I do have a cold, but trying to push past it. Hubby was great this weekend. Katelyn decided that she was not Falling Back and woke up at 5:50am on Sunday. My husband got up with her and let me sleep for 3 additional hours uninterrupted. It was FANTASTIC!!!!! Man o Man i miss sleep.

On a bummer note, I think she is getting my cold - is there cold medicine for babies?

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!

Steph so sorry about the cold! That sucks! As far as I know we are not supposed to give any decongestants, etc. to them under age two. Just tylenol or Advil for fever. :-( the saline nose spray helps clear Ethan's head if I use that, but he hates it so I only do it when I'm desperate!

I did get the crib skirt and shower curtain ironed, and we got the crib mattress yesterday. I NEVER iron, literally...my mother forced me to iron all my clothes as a kid and I've never picked up an iron except for emergencies since! Lol I am a firm believer that if it needs ironing, it needs someone besides me to own and wear it lol! I only ironed these because they were wadded up from the packaging. :rofl:

The zoo sounds like fun! We took Ethan when he was about 13 months, and I think it was a little early for him. Looking forward to taking him back when he will be more interested. He is getting a lot more observant so maybe this spring it should be fun!

Hope you get to feeling better quickly! :hugs:

I've had a ton of period-like cramps today, which I've read can be a lead-up to labor. I've not gone into labor on my own before, so not quite sure what to expect, but I'm praying for sooner rather than later lol! My belly has been hard most of the day, like with a BH contraction, but nothing timeable. :shrug: so I'm just trying to stay flexible and prepared...though you wouldn't know it by the disaster I've let the house become today! :rofl: I need to empty the dishwashere, clean the kitchen and pick up but all I feel like doing is sitting and eating. I seem to be a bottomless pit for ice cream, Halloween candy and other junk today! :dohh: plus the cramps make it uncomfortable to move around much...I'm thinking/hoping they may be the start of something real in terms of labor but, ironically, can't find the motivation to DO anything - just want to sit for now and see if they get better, worse or stay the same. :coffee: so I've made some hot tea and will sit and relax while Ethan naps. See if anything can be timed or if I can tell if they are getting better or worse.

Anyway, little man is a little out of sorts with the time change, as well. About to put him down for a nap based on crankiness alone rather than time lol!

Hugs and more later!
Hello ladies! Oooh Angela, it sounds like you could be close. I'm really excited! I'm with Steph...I iron but only when I quilt. lol I expect the dryer to do most of my ironing. lol

Steph, sounds like you got a great workout at the zoo. I'd LOVE to go to that zoo!

AFM: Amelia has a BAD rash. She's teething and pooping a lot but without seeing her the nurse said she has a yeast infection. I'm not sure that's what it is. It's NOT getting rid of it. Her pee pee looks shriveled (the skin) and feels like (please forgive me) a mans balls. ((cringe)) sorry. I didn't know how to explain it.. ((faint)) It's BRIGHT red too. I think we may be trying another new pediatrician. ((sigh)) Try and find one that works for US. They called in the prescription for cream for yeast infection but it doesn't look like it's doing anything and I'm not sure that's what it is. She just has an ANGRY rash. Poor girl.

She's been eating a whole lot of foods lately. She LOVES veggies (even the green ones).

I'm juicing right now so she's been trying them as well and likes them surprisingly.

Well, it's voting time. I'm REALLY excited. I'll be in front of the tv. Already it's getting "close". lol Will it take 24 hours or 6 weeks?? Only time will tell.. wouldn't it be funny if we had another 2000?? I'd pee my pants!

Angela, I've been duking it out with two other lawyers and it's been quite funny. Since I have 4 lawyers in my own family I find it fun to discuss things.

Well, I'm exhausted. I'll talk more in a few days. I've been so tired from juicing I haven't had any time to come on.

Anna, miss you dear. Praying your having a good time!
Hey ladies!! So sorry MIA.

Angela, how are you?? Sounds like baby is coming sooner than later. That sounds like the beginning of labor to me. Take care of yourself!! And what the heck is an iron?? LOL I'm with everyone else I NEVER iron. I have a steamer if I need to give something nice a sprucing up, other than that I don't even know if we own an iron.

Steph, how are you?? Glad the zoo was fun!! Mini mouse sounds so cute!! How's work?? Is katelyn feeling ok? There are no cold medicines for kids under 2. I would know cause Jo has had a ton of them, but you can give baby Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever or aches. Other than that it's a tough it out situation. Hope you both feel better soon.

MA, how ya doing?? Glad Amelia likes so many foods!! That's huge!! Jo eats almost everything too. She loves broccoli! As for food allergies, we've pretty much give Jo everything. Peanut butter, shell fish, eggs. So far no allergic reactions. However we have no family history of allergies. If anyone in your family has any food issues I'd ask your doctor before introducing anything that might cause problems. As for the rash we've had tons!! Sounds like a yeast to me too and they take forever to clear up, give it three days minimum and if still no improvement then maybe it's something else. Also as much time out of diaper running around nudy will help too. Best of luck!!

Beth, wow your SILs are a piece of work!!! Just plain rude. How are you feeling?? Glad you survived Sandy!! Anyone heard from Jules?? Take care and hope you feel better soon, but maybe time for a first response test ???

AFM, so much to catch up on. Trip was awesome and Jo proved herself to be the best traveler ever!! The flight out was packed as it was the first day the airports were back to normal operation but I sat with an older couple who had grand babies her age. She slept the whole way !!! Then at friends and family's houses she was so happy!! Crazy laughing loved her cousins and friends kids. Makes me feel really bad we're only having one as she loved being around the other kids so much. Our trip went really well. We went to the Delaware children's museum and it was awesome!! No problems getting through airports. Southwest did loose our carseat on the flight out but gave us a loaner and got us ours back the next morning. The flight home was wide open and we got our own row, so she laid down next to me and slept again for the whole flight. One of these days I'm going to pay for all these great flights, karma is going to get me.

Unfortunately baby is now sick, daycare called and she's running a fever so DH has gone to get her and my patents will watch her this afternoon. Poor baby!! I HATE being at work when she's sick. I don't know if it's a tooth, or she was pulling on her ear back east, so maybe an ear infection. I've learned low grade fever, tooth, over 101, ear. So we'll see how tonight goes.

Lastly counseling session went well, DH didnt go, but I felt good for taking a step in the right direction. We have another appt this Thursday I'm hoping he goes. We'll see.

Hope all is well!!
Thanks Anna! Nothing yet, but I'm still praying every day for progress! No real symptoms since the day I had all that cramping. I went ahead and Ethan and I went to our church group/his daycare this morning, and he had fun playing with the other kids. I enjoyed my group and was hoping all the walking etc (it's a huge church) would get things going but, nothing yet! :coffee: looking forward to a relaxing day at home tomorrow before both an OB and a perinatologist appt Friday.
Hi All,

Anna - Glad that you are back safe and sound. Sounds like you had a great time. Also, that is awesome that Jo was such a terrific traveler! YAY. Good for you for continuing the counseling sessions with or without hubby.

Angela - How you holding up sweetie? Is baby ready? Maybe when you go to your appointment tomorrow all that prodding will start something :) and you can come home with your son (to be named at a later date LOL).

Rebekah - How are you doing? I am sure it is cold where you are. How is Amelia sleeping? Katelyn still waking up every 2-3 hours and has been getting up at 5am since the stupid time change.

Beth/Jules - YAY babies are now 9months. Time to start planning their bday parties LOL. Are they crawling around and/or walking yet? The photos on FB are great! Hope you both are doing well and faring ok in spite of the storms.

AFM - Well I am finally back to work after being off sick for two days! I still don't feel 100% nd think I may have an ear infection :-(. My Hubby is now really sick and Katelyn has a cold, hopefully it won't get as bad as mine and Steve's. I will say it was great to stay home with her for the past two days. As of yesterday she is now 19months! She is on the down curve towards being 2 years old! WOW time flies. She is also talking ALOT! She also likes to sing and can actually say the words to the songs. I love it!

Well Thanksgiving is in two weeks! I am deciding how I plan on doing the sweet potatoes. I saw a really good recipe that Jules posted on FB. I may have to try that! I also just purchased my plane tickets for Colorado for Christmas. Man, flights are expensive! Anna - if you get a chance to go to Denver around the holidays, I would LOVE to try and meet up. Well I am going to be leaving early since my Hubby isn't feeling good and is a bit grouchy. I want to help him out with the baby.

I hope everyone has a great day and I will try to pop back on later tonight.

Hey girls!

Another week almost done! 38 weeks tomorrow! :happydance: :headspin: It really seems strange to me to think that that milestone is when I delivered Ethan... now, I'll be in uncharted territory LOL! I have no idea what it feels like to go into labor on my own, so of course every time I have a twinge or cramp or just-plain-backache, I'm making myself nuts wondering if it means anything. Thanks to all for asking how I'm doing and I'm hanging in - just SO ready!!!

Anna, so glad the trip went well, and it sounds like Jo is right at home as a traveler! yay!! Ethan, too loves playing with other kids. But don't feel badly; Jo is in daycare some and I'm sure she is getting plenty of interaction with other kids! I am always amazed that Ethan seems to pick up some new word, skill or just be more talkative when he comes home from church daycare. I do think he really enjoys the interaction, and I'm looking fowrard to being more intentional about playdates with friends and maybe finding a playgroup or mothers' morning out for him once the little guy is here and things settle down.

Steph, so sorry you are all sick! I know well how much that SUCKS and I hope you feel better soon! Every week I take Ethan to the church I just PRAY he doesn't bring anything home - that neither of us does, actually. I love our church, but size-wise and in terms of people and kids coming through each week, it's like traipsing through the airport in terms of "surfaces likely infested with contagious germs." :rofl: After all the times he got sick there last year, now I feel like I'm on "sick watch" every week till about Sunday. When we make it through till Sunday with no illness, I generally feel like we're okay for another week! :dohh: That is so cute that Katelyn sings and knows the words to things! Ethan doesn't sing or repeat song lyrics yet, but he loves movies and TV (I feel like a horrible mother saying that) and he can anticipate/be ready for the parts of the ones he knows that he thinks are funny. It's cute; he LOVES Cars 2 and is just fascinated to watch that one over and over! On the sleeping - is Katelyn still nursing, or is she just waking up that much? I feel for you and I'll be right back there with you on night patrol soon! :haha:

Rebekah, how is Amelia doing? And your juicing - are you doing a juice fast/cleanse? Or did you just mean you are making lots of juice? :rofl: When you said it is making you tired I had this vision of you juicing every fruit and vegetable in town! :rofl: :rofl: Hope you are feeling better! How is Doug doing? Infection all gone?

Beth, the pics you just posted of Poppy on FB are SO cute! I love them!! Hope you are feeling better; when you said you felt like throwing up, I couldn't help but think preggo thoughts for you lol!!

Jules, how are you sweetie!? I hope things are getting back to normal in NJ. :hugs: I still see a lot of issues on the news and it sounds like many areas are still really struggling. :-(

AFM, just waiting, waiting, waiting! :coffee: I go to OB tomorrow morning and for scan tomorrow afternoon, so should know more. I'm hoping she says I am dilating - every cm of progress is one I won't have to accomplish at hospital lol!! Other than that, we are looking forward to a quiet weekend of watching football and hanging around the house, and I may try to cook a few things to freeze (though really, my energy for that has come and GONE, lol... right now, boiling water feels like climbing a mountain!) Mostly, I'm just constantly uncomfortable. Not to whine about it, just how it is... at the size I'm at now, I don't think it's possible to BE comfortable! I go up the stairs and (ironicallly - you'd think it would go the other way) have to really focus not to fall backwards. My balance and coordination are completely shot at this point and I am being VERY careful carrying Ethan and walking anywhere even when it's just me! :dohh: Looking forward to being able to see my feet again! :haha: Today I washed what I *think* is the last load of "baby stuff," including the pack n' play "mattress," the crib mattress pad and the car seat snuggler. With that done, I think we are officially down to JUST needing a name. I have washed, prepared and prepped pretty much everything I can think of and now am bouncing off the walls with impatience (though, again, no energy to do anything :dohh:). The hospital bags are by the door; Ethan's overnight bag is packed as much as it can be in advance, and I'm showering/bathing sometimes twice a day so I can be ready at a moment's notice LOL!! :rofl: hubby is lobbying hard for :sex: to "get things going" - all to help ME out, of course! - :rofl: but so far I'm completely disinterested. I've passed any and all graceful size comparisons and now can only say I feel like a hippopotamus, so I'm not really interested in any extracurricular activities! (Plus, that failed entirely to get anything going when I was pregnant with Ethan, but DID give me a yeast infection, which I'm not eager to repeat)... so, for now, I'm drinking imaginary :coffee: and (apparently) running off at the mouth here on BNB! :haha: so sorry for the length of this - will close now!

Okay, love and hugs to all!
Thanks Steph! I was just telling hubby, baby can't come fast enough lol! I'm so short of breath these days it feels like I am constantly suffocating, not fun!
Hi Ladies.

Steph, Amelia has been waking up at 730 (better than 5am at least) each morning and going to bed at 9pm. I guess I like this schedule better. It's just getting enough sleep.

Glad your feeling better. Let me know how that recipe turns out for you!

Wish I could meet with you and Anna.

Speaking of Anna, how are you all?? I saw you've legalized pot. lol I thought of your experience with your neighbor and had to chuckle.

Angela, SO excited for you. As for bd'ing. I can't even fathom it. I tried and my belly was too big and just felt so oddly tight I couldn't find a good position. :rofl:

AFM: Doug's infection is clearing up. It's at least closed. The one on his arm looks like someone burned him with a cigar. It's closed but still scabbing over. eww. lol

Amelia has been cranky the past few nights. Could she be going through a growth spurt at 13 months?? Her bum is healing over and I'm noticing that it's peeling. Anna is that the yeast?? I know you said Jo had a lot of issues. She's been a REAL cuddler lately. Love it! I fed her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and she was fine with it. Also tried her with Keifer since she has a yeast infection. I love feeding her new foods. She tried my carrot, orange and ginger juice but the ginger wasn't exactly a great taste to her.

Speaking of Juicing, YES! I'm juicing. I have a juicer. Angela, it's pretty much like juicing everything. lol Mean Green Juice is the following:
green apples

My favorite is the orange, carrot and ginger though. I LOVE ginger! Tomorrow I'll make pomegranate.

I'm doing the Fat, sick and nearly dead juicing. Do a search and you'll find out more. It's amazing but I have to say I'm at square one since yesterday (though I have lost 15lbs).

On to WHY. I've been predicting that after the elections businesses were going to start laying off. When you start scaring big business with tax hikes they start getting scared and start figuring ways to cut costs. Without getting too political in here since we are all on different sides I've also been wondering how the obama care was going to impact the already iffy medical care here where I live. Well, they're cutting jobs at a company that makes medical equipment. They make anything from ear and eye thingies to the blood pressure machines you see. Welch Allyn. They've already started letting go some people last month and will be letting go the end of the year.

October the hospital that Doug works at started laying off non-union people. Today Doug went into work and found out they laid off union staff. Almost ALL their LPN's are gone. They only have 1 aid on their floor. This means that RN's will wear 3 hats now. That's not the end of it. I have no idea whether we're going to find out bad news when the RN's contracts are up. 2 days after the election. I suspected that layoffs were coming nationally but holy cats was I NOT expecting almost all the LPN's to go. It tells me this was no accident. They are not only concerned with tax hikes but what Obamacare is going to do. Doug called to tell me and he was pretty shaken up as were the rest of the staff. The people came out of the meeting and left unemployed.

The saddest part of all of this is while I'm on apposing sides politically, these are human beings who are losing their livelihoods. Two come to mind on my husbands shift. One is a single bachelor in his 50's who has done this all his life. The other is a woman in her late 50's who is caring for her mother and her kids, also takes in animals as a shelter.

Here they came in excited for the president to win and then like that, they lose their jobs. I don't care what side we're on politically, that's just devastating! I keep praying for them.

Anyways, that's the latest news here. My hope is congress will work together for the good of their people instead of getting paid to deadlock, go on vacation for the holidays while people are trying to survive.

Okay, enough of that...I've been snuggling up with my husband and daughter lately. I REALLY like the peace. Mom wants us to drive up to see them this weekend and I haven't really decided. Maybe on Sunday for a short time. Can you believe we spent Tuesday voting and raking leaves. 20 bags in the freezing cold. It just gave me so much more insight to what people are going through right now in NJ and NY. So glad to hear that Jules got her power back on.

Well, enough from me. I'm looking forward to the news we'll have a new arrival in the group soon. SO excited!

Love and hugs to you all...
Hey girls, super quick update from here. I am trying not to get too excited, but we may be making progress!

At appts and scan yesterday, there was no real new "news" except that baby is now estimated to be 8lbs8oz. However, while at scan both sonographer and then dr asked "are you having contractions?" I said, I don't feel them, but maybe? So that afternoon I noticed they started to become more noticeable and regular. Still nothing major, so I went on to bed and decided to sleep, figuring if they were real ones and anything started to happen, it would wake me. :thumbup: I slept normally, but could tell I was still having contractions each time I woke up. This morning they were still present, so i started timing them. Has now been 7.5 straight hours of 10 mins apart contractions! :happydance: hoping this is it, but not getting too crazy excited yet. We are just waiting and watching, dr. Wants me to call when they are 7 mins apart for at least an hour. It would not be my dr on call this weekend, unfortunately, but at this point I told hubby, I'm so ready for this baby to come that I think I would let the mailman deliver me if it came to that! :rofl: At the rate we are going that may occur at night :wacko: but at least we are hopefully heading toward laborville! Will update as I am able!

Love and hugs to all!
Woohoo Angela!! I am so hoping they are real contractions!! Mine felt like period cramps that got progressively worse, I have to say that once "real" labor started there was no mistaking it. Wooo mama were they painful. Lots of moaning on my part and swaying back and forth. We first went to the hospital and I wasn't dialiated enough so they sent us home, we were back 12 hours later. We had reached 5-6cm and were admitted.

Good luck!!! So excited for you!!

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