35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Angela!!!!!!! I will post later when I get up (sick with the beginning of a cold, yuck) but wanted to check on baby news...... praying for you and hope this is it!!!!! Hugs!
Hi All,

Just popping in really quick. Looking to see if there is any word from Angela. How was everyone's weekend? It sure was quiet on here. We are still recovering from colds. Of course my hubby got hit the hardest (or he is just being a man LOL) He had to stay in bed two whole days.

Katelyn is still not sleeping very well. I tried to let her cry it out, ok, well I was in the room the entire time and I would hug her and kiss her but not pick her up and she cried for 45 minutes straight. I finally picked her up and she fell asleep and slept for 4 hours.

I just don't know why she doesn't sleep for 8-10 hours at a time. I am constantly tired!!! I am so looking forward to the holidays I will get to sleep in and my mommy will be up with the baby LOL. Can you all believe that is is only 1 1/2 week until Thanksgiving? What is everyone doing? Cooking any signature dishes? We normally go to my BIL house and my hubby does a ham and then we both do Mac and Cheese and homemade cranberry sauce. Well my SIL sent out a text to the immediate family and no one responded so we may just be staying home (with my SIL and her kids of course).

Ok, well I am still at work and need to get ready to get out of here. I will check back in a few.

Hope everyone is well!

Hey girls super fast update and will write more tomorrow, but no baby yet! He seems more than content in there lol so we are still watching and waiting. Thanks for checking on me and I promise a better update tomorrow! :hugs:
Hi Angela,

Looking forward to hearing more.

Steph, So sorry that Katelyn isn't sleeping. We have Amelia on 1 nap a day and I'll still rock her a little but when I put her in her crib she stirs for an hour before she goes to sleep with bear-bear. She sometimes does this at night too but it's starting to get better.

The past week I've been turning off the projector part of the noise maker so the room will be dark. While she DOES stir (she's a light sleeper it seems) she'll cry for a few short minutes and bring herself back to sleep until 830am. She's been going down anywhere between 9pm and 10pm. This is so we can get some sleep since Doug is working evenings.

The only times she's unconsolable is when she's getting molars in.

I'm not sure what could be going on with Katelyn. The only thing I can think of is does she have room darkening shades and some room darkening curtains that filter the light from coming in? Not sure if this is an issue because it may be dark when she is getting up. I feel so bad for you both. :hugs:

Hoping things get better again soon.

How is everyone else doing?
Hey ladies!

It has definitely been quiet on here over the last few days! I'm sorry to keep everyone wondering. We had a busy day SAturday when it looked as though we'd be having the baby that night, then it all slowed back down over the next couple days. :dohh: :dohh: :dohh: Saturday was kind of crazy, as we ended up scrambling trying to get arrangements in place for Ethan overnight if we had to run to hospital, then by Sunday morning we really thought baby would be here in the next day or so and so called my mother in law to come on over. She's been here since Sunday and we are ALL going stir crazy waiting. :coffee: I'm very grateful she is here, and I'm trying to work on little things around the house (as well as enjoy getting as much sleep as I can, and taking relaxing baths, both of which will be things of the past for a while!) but I'm hesitant to pull out or start too much lest we end up rushing to the hospital. However, by today the contractions have basically stopped, so I'm thinking I will make a grocery list and go to Whole Foods tomorrow, and pick up some things to make a few freezer meals. I am going to go NUTS if I don't get something meaningful accomplished this week LOL! I am not super energetic, but I am bored silly with the waiting, so I need to do something productive. I'll keep you posted when there is any news and may text Steph if I can't get to the computer right away.

About the sleeping - Steph, I am SO sorry as I know how awful it is to lose so much sleep. I hope you guys get it settled soon and get her sleeping well, as even she will be happier getting more rest! :hugs: Your Thanksgiving sounds delicious - we will probably cook (if for no other reasons than it's hubby's favorite meal of the year, and we all love and can use the comparatively healthy leftovers - healthier than whatever we would pull out of a box in our sleep deprived state LOL!) My mom should be here by then and she has offered to cook. I'm expecting that we'll have a days-old-baby in the house but, as long as she is here to help, we should be able to swing it. Turkey and dressing actually sounds delicious right now! We normally make turkey, southern-style dressing, broccoli casserole, sweet potatoes with streusel topping, rolls, cranberry chutney and gravy. I'm drooling just thinking about it!

So sorry to all who have colds. feel better soon! I'm desperate to stay well and am trying not to catch ANYTHING at this point. Every time I have to go to the hospital for checkups I practically keep my hand sanitizer in my hand as I'm walking around! :haha:

So, if nothing happens in the meantime, we go back to my OB Friday, which will be 39 weeks. We will discuss induction as she has already raised the possibility; not my favorite option, but unless I want to go past my due date (not appealing, and also worrisome considering baby's size) and definitely be without my own doctor (which would be any delivery after Wednesday), I will probably have to go with induction.I may ask her to try a sweep first if I'm dilated enough. I was 1-2 cm last Friday; I'm REALLY hoping that all these contractions the last few days were productive and I'm farther along now. I actually tried to check my own cervix :)blush:) but now understand why they say you can't really do that; even after feeling it during rounds of TTC etc., I've never felt it during dilation and effacement so I don't really know what I'm feeling. It feels different than during a normal non-pregnant state for sure, and different than the first few months of pregnancy (when I was using the progesterone supps), but I don't really know exactly what I'm feeling and was too afraid to poke around a whole lot. So, will just have to see what she says FRiday, if we get that far.

Please keep us in your prayers and pray I do NOT need an induction!

Hugs to all!!
Hi Angela - You will be in the our prayers and hopefully that baby will come without being induced! Definitely text me if you are unable to get to a computer and I will update everyone. By the way, your Thanksgiving meal sounds FANTASTIC!!!!! I would love for all of us to share some recipes. It is always nice to introduce a new dish at Thanksgiving or Christmas time.

Rebekah - Thanks for the advice. Her room gets pretty dark, but I do have a nightlight on, mainly so when I go in at night to get her, I can see! LOL. I am glad that Amelia is sleeping better that is awesome! What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

As for Katie Kate Katelyn I think once I finally stop nursing she will sleep better. Last night my hubby was out catering so it was just she and I. She slept soundly until about 12:30 and then woke. then was pretty good the rest of the night.

Ok, well it is lunch time and I need to figure out some grub :)

Anna - Hi there! How you and Jo been?

Jules/Beth - Hi there hope you are well.

Thanks Steph!

On the sleep issue, I did not offer any advice on the sleep because I couldn't remember if you were still nursing - if so, that is probably part of it... I'm sure she is enjoying the time with you and not in a hurry to miss a midnight snack! :)
AHA! I bet your right Steph. We don't have that issue as I'm not Bf'ing anymore. Praying everything works itself out soon.

I forgot to mention Thanksgiving. lol I'm scatterbrained and tend to forget things or say stupid things lately. You know, speak before thinking. :wacko: I honestly don't feel myself these days. My head is somewhere other than in the present. Not sure if it's the start of SADD because of the longer, darker days or what. Trying to exercise through it.

Okay, to the point. lol We're going out with family for Thanksgiving. My mom is a retail manager and they're open on Thanksgiving day. So my dad, his siblings and a handful of my cousins who are in town will be meeting for dinner that night. It takes the stress off me for the day and then Doug and I will have the rest of the day free.No leftovers though.

I think that's okay. I'm in a rush to lose some weight so I'm still juicing on and off. I've lost another 15lbs but you honestly couldn't tell. The weight is fluctuating downward and sadly my fat is hanging like a disgusting apron. (sorry for the tmi)

Friday we have an appointment with the Reproductive Endo. I gather we'll have more testing since this guy is new and my old Dr. who helped us get pregnant and his midwife no longer work in their practice. Testing now and we start again in January. No period since last month. I've been eating on and off so I'm unsure about whether that's the cause.

Angela, sounds like everything is getting closer. I was SO looking forward to hearing the news already as I'm sure your just as much in a hurry to get this little guy out. :lol: I continue to pray all moves forward and we hear the good news soon!

Steph, your plans for Thanksgiving sound great!

Well, I should sign off. Amelia is napping (by the way, she's been in GREAT spirits lately) So I'm cutting 6 small pumpkins in half and baking them to freeze for later use. I also got a rug and curtains in her room. It's getting warmer AND we're starting to see her nursery bloom. It's still not officially finished yet. I'm also working on my craft room upstairs. I HAVE to get my UFO's (unfinished projects) done.

Hope your all doing well!

Hi all!! Love all the chatter, it's been so quiet lately...

Angela, so sorry the baby hasn't come yet. Its so hard waiting. I was working up until this point in my pregnancy, but it still sucked. I hope you're not induce and that this baby comes on his own soon!! Your thanksgiving sounds soooo good, espically the sweet potatoes, I may need the recipe.

Steph, what is up with Katie bug?? Little sweetie needs to sleep so mommy can sleep!!! It's so hard to let them cry it out and the older they are the harder. We first went through it with Jo at around 7-8 months. Now when we get off track it usually only takes one or two bad nights and she gets what's going on. However it is still a struggle. My heart goes out to you. Best of luck there is no easy answer.

MA, my store is open too on thanksgiving. But I'm only working a half day. Glad Amelia is better and sleeping so well. Congrats on all the weight loss!! That is a huge accomplishment!! I get so frustrated every time I look I the mirror, I am very proud of you!!

Beth, and Jules, hope all is well!!

AFM, well it's been a roller coaster of doctor visits. Jo came down with a fever of 102.7 last week, took her to the doctor, no apparent cause, just a bug. Then the fever broke and she got a rash from head to toe, another doctor visit, and she had a text book case of Roseola. Very common kid thing. Then she was healthy last weekend but by Tuesday was fussy. Tuesday night she slept really well (we thought). DH got up at around 6ish, got her out of crib and and brought her to our bed where she slept until 8!!!! Unheard of!! When she woke up her hair was all over the place. I looked closer at it and it looked like food was in it, then I smelled her and she reeked of vomit. Next thing I know she's gagging. Told DH I thought she threw up last night and sure enough her crib was covered in vomit. Typical guy, I would like to think that if I were the one to get up and grab her at 6am I would have noticed her and crib covered in puke, but he didn't. Anyway we then spent the last few days with the stomach bug that's been going around here. So it's been an eventful two weeks. Poor baby was healthy for all of two days. I just hope DH an I don't get it. I can't miss work on Black Friday!!

As for thanksgiving, my mom is making the turkey but she's a terrible cook. Unfortunately she doesn't know she's a terrible cook and thinks the opposite, and no one has the heart to tell her the truth. So we've volunteered to cook most of the sides. That way at least there will be some decent food. She means well, but last year thanksgiving dinner truly sucked!! And I was so sad because it's a meal I so look forward to. But I was newly back to work with a small baby and she was nice enough to try and be helpful.

So that's us in a nut shell. Hope everyone has a good day!!
Well hello there stranger! :hugs:

What an ordeal you've been through! Hopefully you'll all be in good health and spirits over the Thanksgiving week. So sorry you have to make all the sides but at least you'll know you can eat them.

I actually had hoped to stay at my parents for Thanksgiving. Usually we have our own thanksgiving and both my parents can cook. As you've said, you really look forward to that. I look forward to dad's stuffing, the turkey and all of moms baked goods. Sadly we're going out to dinner. The place is nice but nobody cooks like my parents. It's also good to sit and enjoy the family time at home too. Oh well, I'm counting my blessings.

How is Jo doing now?

Amelia still has that rash thing. They said it was yeast but it's been over 10 days and the prescription stuff brought it down but she still has red bumps that look like chicken pox on her bottom. I'm wondering if we should call the pediatrician again tomorrow to ask. I'm not really liking this office as I've said before but I wanted to give them the benefit in case I was overreacting.

Tonight she was grumpy and pulling her right ear. I'm guessing it's that right bottom molar that hasn't shown up yet. She's been in bed since 9pm. I actually like the 9pm thing. She actually slept in until 9am today. NEVER happens and I almost went in to wake her because I wanted to make sure she was alright. All I kept hearing was my gram saying in my ear "leave the kid alone and let her sleep". Haha So I let her sleep until SHE woke. Usually she wakes US. :lol:

Steph, hows Katelyn today?

Angela, Hoping all is well on your end!

Beth, Jules and everyone else, how are you doing? Ready for Thanksgiving??

Well, waiting for Doug and then we're going to snuggle up and watch a few shows together. Tomorrow we're getting new tires because the ones on the van are bald. We may get a storm on Wed. NOT something we want to deal with when snow is coming. Gee, NJ and NY can't catch a break since Sandy. They keep getting nailed with storms and some still don't have electricity or homes.

We also have my Reproductive Endo appointment tomorrow too as well as our friends are coming by to check the electrical stuff. I'm STRESSED about how much this stuff could cost. :wacko: Take everything one step at a time I suppose.

Have a good night ladies!
MA, so sorry to hear Amelia has the rash. It can take a long time to clear up, but 10 days seems really long. We got this cream from prescription alternatives. We needed a prescription to get it but I think it's called butt balm or something. The label says Nystatin/HCT/Zinc oxide buttocks cream. It worked really well. Another option is just plain lotrimin like you get for athletes foot, or monistat cream put on dry skin, allow to soak in then a good layer of diaper cream. Also any naked baby time is awesome to let things air out and dry out. I know it's so much harder where you live with all the moisture. Good luck, diaper rashes are the worst!!

On a positive note, good luck with the doctor today!! Very excited you are starting to TTC again.

Angela, how are things???......

AFM, off today and since the weather is nice hanging Christmas lights on the house outside. DH is out of town so it's a challenge to do it with baby in tow, but the hardest ones are finished. Actually pretty proud of myself for getting the ladder out, getting the staple gun and hanging them from the roofline. However I kept thinking how many accidents happen at this time of year by people doing exactly what I was doing and falling off ladders. I just kept thinking," if I fall just let me not fall on the baby playing at the base of the ladder!!". So excited to get a jump on things. Halloween came and went with no decorations, I was determined Christmas would not be the same. Jo is still recovering. Wouldn't eat any lunch and crawled to her bedroom and got her blanket and basically let me know it was nap time. I would like to finish the rest of the decorations, but they require hammering as well and I don't want to wake her. So I'm going to go down and finish the guest room.

Anyhow, I babble, have a great Friday!! Anna
Anna, so sorry about the whole puke-hubby-didn't-notice!! That is crazy but totally something I can see my husband doing too, especially early morning. :dohh: Men! I hope Jo gets to feeling better soon. It sucks when they are feeling so badly! Ethan has only had one throw-up incident so far, which I know makes us incredibly lucky out of 20 months! Good for you on the decorations! If there's no baby appearance this weekend we are thinking about putting up our tree. It would make things a little more festive around here - and we would not have to do it when we are newborn-baby-zombified! oh I will send you the sweet potatoes recipe I use, it's super easy!

Rebekah, so sorry about the rash! I agree with Anna, sounds like it's gone on for a while now :-( poor little one - can you take her to a children's urgent care or similar for a second opinion? Or try the "hospital" diaper rash formula a friend gave me - desitin mixed with aquaphor (vaseline would be fine too) - she swears that is what the hospital gave her and it worked great for her. :thumbup: Hope you guys get a break from the snow and storms! I always say I would love to live where snow is common, but I know I would actually hate driving in it and seeing it ALL winter. I'm thankful that if we have to rush to hospital, there's no snow on the roads :haha:
I hope all goes well at your endo appt and I'm so excited for you to start ttc again!!

Steph, I just looked back and saw your note about hte recipes and yes, we should definitely all swap some holiday recipes! I love to see what others are cooking and to try new ones! PS I don't blame you a bit for being excited that your mom will be there so you can get some rest. My MIL has been here all week and it's been HEAVEN just to be able to nap when I want! :hugs:

AFM, went back to OB today. I was hoping the appt would give us some new information (like maybe that I was 5 cm dilated and ready to go next door to hospital! :dohh: :rofl:) but she said I am STILL 1-2! Actually, she said 1, but she said 1-2 last week and I refuse to believe I could be going backwards here after all those contractions last weekend. So I am REALLY praying hard this baby comes on his own this weekend. I have had some spotting this afternoon since she did her cervical check, but I am afraid to get my hopes up - think she probably just irritated my cervix, as I have not had any contractions so far. Blergh! I am more conflicted than before about the possibility of induction Monday (Tuesday morning, really) - I am really hesitant to intervene when there is no clear medical reason to do so, but I have heard some recent stories about tragic losses at 39-40 weeks etc. and I am terrified he will get too big and squash his cord. :nope: Today, doc had trouble at first locating enough fluid pockets on ultrasound... then she hunted around and finally said there is enough, but ...what if she was not being careful enough and counted the same one twice or something? :nope: I know little guy is running out of room in there because I can feel how solid everything feels. :-( I don't know. I worry so much about something going wrong at the last minute, but then also worry about forcing him out before he is ready (if it's not strictly necessary, and it seems it's not). Our choices right now are basically (1) to wait it out, (2) to be induced Monday night at 39.5 weeks (upsides: we get our doc, we get baby here sooner rather than later; cons: may be unnecessary intervention, maybe my body won't be ready/cooperative/breastfeeding may be affected as with Ethan, hospital is already saying they are super crowded that night so it could be 3 am before they call us in to be induced...) or (3) our next chance for induction, should it be necessary, would be the following Monday at 40.5 weeks... and neither dr. nor I am crazy about us going past due date, as big as baby already is. I really REALLY do not want a section if I can avoid it, but every day we wait makes it more likely that may be necessary. I asked my dr. and she is willing to try a sweep Monday if I want it, but I'm up in the air about that too... I just don't like any of the options because I am worried he's getting too big, but hesitant to intervene if it's not needed. Please pray that we make the right decision, and specifically that baby comes on his own before we need to make any decisions!

Okay, my MIL has been outside with Ethan for about an hour and a half and I'm starting to wonder if one or both of them have fallen and can't get up! :rofl: let me go check on them. Hugs and love to all!
Hi Ladies HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!

Anna – I am so sorry to hear about Jo being sick. I know how tough that must be especially when they are sick with stomach virus. Like Angela, I can totally see my husband not seeing puke in Katelyn’s hair. I know it is not funny, but I had t laugh when you said your mom was an awful cook but thinks she is good. One year Steve and I went to his brothers and the food was not that great. We are traditionalists when it comes to stuffing and this had all kinds of crap in it. The turkey was dry, etc. So I totally feel your pain. Since then we have always bought a turkey breast (neither of us are too fond of dark meat) and have cooked it like the following Sunday with our OWN side dishes so that we have food we like as well as some leftovers. Also kudos to you for putting up Christmas lights! I haven’t even begun to think about decorating for Christmas and it is my most favorite thing to do (well that and wrap presents). You go girl!

Rebekah – Yikes on Amelia’s rash. I would definitely go back to the Dr’s office and find out what is up. Poor thing. About the only thing I use for Katelyn is A&D or straight up Vaseline. The Vaseline works the best I have found. Any time I use desatin her rash gets worse. I am extremely jealous that Amelia slept from 9-9. How pleasant would that be. I would even be good with 6:30 or 7! I hope you had a good time snuggling with your hubby. How did the appointment go? Stay warm with all those storms!

Angela – poor doll! I was hoping that I was gonna get a text saying to let the girls know the baby is on its way! I hope that baby comes on his own, however I am kind of with you and your dr and not want to go past your due date. If you induce does that mean you have to have a c-section? The baby may be ready to come but just needs that extra push. Maybe he is shy LOL. I would definitely try and put the tree up tomorrow and get that out of the way (especially if you have a fake one). One less thing to worry about. You all will be in my prayers and I know whatever decision you make will be the correct one for you and Baby to be named after birth (BTBNAB)

AFM – Katelyn has been doing a bit better. She has only been waking up once or twice in the evening. Although I will say if she gets up around 4am she is up for about an hour and a half before I can get her to go back to sleep. Last night I had a meeting at my church and Steve put her to sleep and she slept until about 4:20 and then she was up until 5:50 when she finally fell back asleep. Another thing I am going to have to do is stop nursing. It is no longer breastfeeding, she is using my boob as a pacifier (which she used to be like Maggie Simpson – now she refuses to use a pacifier – which I guess is good) and wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG or at least for 1-2 hours which is so uncomfortable. I just don’t know how I am going to quit. Which is so ironic because all during my pregnancy I was contemplating whether I was going to nurse at all or just pump. I know that you can nurse until 2years old, but I really do think it is affecting her sleep. Oh well, I will figure it out. We have a tree lighting to go to tomorrow at the mall which should be fun. Me and a few of my mommy friends from work will be going so it should be fun. I also just found out that a Christmas parade goes down the street around the corner from my house so we can walk over and watch the parade the 1st Sunday in December. I have been looking for different dishes to cook for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Normally our Christmas Dinner is the same as a Thanksgiving dinner (Turkey – although at Thanksgiving we also have ham), but I am thinking of having a standing rib roast for Christmas in addition to the turkey. Have any of you ever made it? What do you normally have for Christmas (main dish)? Well it is almost quitting time for me so I will check back later

Jules/Beth – hope you two are doing well and that your babies are good too!

Hi ladies!

Anna, you are a dare devil. Holy Cats! So glad your okay but also glad you got those lights up. Doug will wait until it snows to put them on and then complain because he's afraid of heights. lol

Tonight I'm having him get the lights out of storage and check them to see if we need new ones.

How is Jo doing today?? Sounds like you both had a good day??

Angela, Oh how I feel for you my friend! :hugs: Your almost there.

Steph, I can't even imagine what your going through right now. I thought Amelia's sleep patterns were bad but they were mainly due to teething and we seem to be on a good schedule. Almost every night at 9pm now and she usually wakes between 8 and 830. The 9am was a real odd thing. We DO have it good though. She does wake herself up sometimes but goes right back down. I stopped using the projector because I think it just causes her to sleep lightly. Now I keep the room dark and have the white noise on. I've also added Bear-bear in there with her at night if she gets scared. So far, so good!

AFM, we went to the Reproductive Endo. I was SCARED. I've heard mixed reviews about this guy. Much of it was many people didn't see him at ALL. Considering I never saw Dr. Neulander with Amelia and only his staff I figured it was normal. His midwife helped us with Amelia and I miss them terribly.

When I got there, they were SO NICE! The secretary got us in right away, they even put us in a room. (I felt odd because I"ve been in the "fertility" bubble for years, I know that when someone walks in with a baby while you've been ttc it is so heart-wrenching) We discussed prior history saw the nurse practitioner whom I LOVE and she performed the sonogram. My uterus looked good, lining was thin and not thick (this will be in the back of my mind since the last time I got pregnant when they used premarin to thicken the lining) and they could only see the right ovary (story of my life) which looked good but a typical PCOS ovary. We didn't see the left ovary at this time because as I've said before. My uterus is tipped back to my bum and my ovaries are LITERALLY hanging out back there. That's why all the lower back cramping. Once we start TTC and my ovaries are dilated more, we should be able to see them.

I had my blood drawn for regular hormones and decided to go ahead and have the genetic testing done too. I am so scared of what comes back. I know some of you went through it. At least if I get it done now I won't need to during pregnancy right?

I have another HSG in two weeks with the Dr. and then January we'll be TTC officially. I'm trying to lose more weight if I can. Doug couldn't keep up with me speed walking in the mall today. It was AWESOME. I really need to push the exercise more.

Well, that's it for now.

Love and hugs to you all!! :hug:
Just popping in quickly as I am about to eat an amazing dinner my husband cooked, but Rebekah that is excellent news that your appointment went well. Glad you like the new place! Glad you like the staff a that is important and with some your prior issues with callous hospital folk that is wonderful. I not sure about the genetic testing. I've never heard of it being done prior to pregnancy. I would think you would still need to get it done (if you choose) after you get pregnant.

I'll check back after dinner!
Quick pop in...

Angela, fingers crossed baby comes this weekend!! And stay away from google and horror baby stories!! You and babe will be fine. I know it's scary, but hang in there. Hope he decides to come on his own soon. I want to meet this little man already.

MA, so glad the appointment went well!!

Steph, I will try and think of a good recipe to share...can it be a cocktail recipe?

AFM, got all the Christmas lights hung and holly cow, think griswald Christmas. I mean it lights up the whole block!! I used white LED lights and they are BRIGHT. I unplugged them tonight incase they were shinning in someone's window am keeping them awake. Anyway home now, went out tonight with friends. Jo still isn't eating. Really no lunch or dinner. She had a yogurt at about 4, and she's drinking, but no food. I think it's still teeth. Seriously how long can teething last???

Have a good night all...come on baby!!
Anna yes cocktail recipes will be gladly accepted especially of a main ingredient is rum. Also lol at the griswald comment Hee Hee. I'm sure it looks great. By the way I don't think you ever posted any photos of your house. I definitely want to see it it all decked out boughs of holly.
Ditto on the house pictures and NOW we need the Griswalds light pics too. lol

I had Doug take down our outside lights. Considering we haven't used them since the winter of 07' those suckers are still shining bright! We have a Bethlehem Star I'd like to put up on the chimney and Doug said he's not about to get up that high. Haha Where else would we put the Bethlehem Star???

I found a couple interactive angels with trumpets I'd LOVE to buy (one for each side) but they are over budget and I'm not sure Doug will budge on that one.

Thanks ladies for the encouragement about the appointment today. I also forgot to mention they have a spa there. Doug, Amelia and I took a walk around the nice pond area and found it in the back. They have Accupuncture treatments, massages, lots of yoga lessons, diet plans, herbs and a LOVELY jacuzzi room that looks like a romantic island with a waterfall (though it smells like chlorine. lol ) The Dr.'s office gives you a free acupuncture treatment before the IUI and I guess he suggests before and after an IUI. Since our insurance pays for it, guess what I'm getting?? Massages are a bit more but I think I may throw one in a month and since I have a Dr.'s excuse for a gym membership, I'm going to do the yoga.

I've also added speed walking but have a LONG way to go.

Anna, poor Jo! I hate it when they're sick. How sad! Sounds like the friends night was a hit too.

Steph, I've heard of the genetic testing prior. Actually the only reason I know about it is because of a couple who lost their son when we lost ours. Theirs passed away from a genetic disorder. They had the test AFTER he passed away and they decided they'd adopt because they should never have a baby based on the outcome that they are both carriers. It was REALLY heartbreaking. They did mention had they had it in the beginning it would have saved them all the heartache.

They are testing for Cystic Fibrosis and other genetic disorders. If I have a genetic predisposition they'll test Doug.

In my opinion it really wouldn't matter to us because we'll still keep our baby. Last two times I said NO to the testing. This time after the issue with Amelia's false positive for a heart defect that they said she could possibly have downs and the fact the practitioners keep asking if I knew the risk at 37, I figured I'd have the flipping testing and hopefully the result would shut them the heck up. I don't like these tests anyways because I feel they just make you worry but I'm a bit more laid back and know the process good enough that I hopefully won't flip out. We'll see. lol

The fact that we're ordering the hormones is freaking me the heck out. I can't BELIEVE it's almost January and we're almost doing this. :rofl:

I'll move into a forum for that when the time comes so nobody has to listen to me. I'll stay on track here with you gals for Amelia though. In the end, I came away feeling much more confident and less stressed. Maybe this will prove to be a good atmosphere for me. :wink:

Angela, I second what Anna said. I'll be waiting patiently.

Love to you ladies!

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