35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey Anna, no baby yet but thanks for checking! We are still trying to decide whether induction is the best path or not... I got very emotional about it yesterday and have been having a lot of doubts about whether to induce or not. :wacko: I don't have to decide till tomorrow afternoon, but I'm the kind of person who can't stop thinking about the issues until I've made a decision. :wacko: so we are going to try to balance remaining chores with rest today and tomorrow and try to make the best decision we can.

On a lighter note, to distract myself I went to see breaking dawn with friends yesterday, it was great!
Hey ladies,

Quick update for now and then if I can, I will post a better one tomorrow. Looks like we will be going ahead with induction tomorrow night (to hospital)/Tuesday morning they will start pitocin and break water. I'm praying this is the right decision. He is getting so big and shows no sign of planning to come out on his own. :dohh: My dr. does not want me going past my due date, and this is the only scheduling of induction that is possible before then, given thanksgiving falling Thursday. So, even though it's not my favorite option, it seems to be the best thing to do at this point. We hope to get admitted to the hospital before too late at night - dr said she expects it to be a zoo and who knows what time they will get us a room...just my luck! :dohh: but praying it goes smoothly. Also praying he comes quickly once she breaks my water - that got things going last time, and I'm hoping this being a second baby it will go faster!

Okay, that is all the news from here for now. More updates to follow as I'm able! Please keep us all in your prayers!

Checking in as I lay on my couch. Angela for what it's worth I think you're making the right decision. Fingers crossed you get a room and things are not too chaotic. What a great Thanksgiving present!!!

AFM, why am I laying on my couch you ask, well last night I got Josephine's stomach bug, only the word bug makes it seem small. I think it should be called a stomach horse, or stomach Kimono dragon. It's been a long time since I've been that sick. There was a brief point lying on the bathroom floor where I thought I might actually die. Ok melodramatic I know buy man oh man. Thank God DH got home from his boys weekend about an hour before it hit and could take care of Jo. If it had hit on Saturday I don't know what I would have done with the baby!!

Anyhoo, on the road to recovery, but taking the morning off work.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and I promise to get to the house photos soon!!
Oh no Anna! Feel better soon! :hugs:

Thanks about the induction! I'm nervous but I think it is the best decision at this point. :thumbup:
Angela, I have to say as I lay on the bathroom floor last night how thankful I was I wasn't pregnant. Being that sickand preggers would truly suck. So in a weird way I was thinking of you.

Lots and lots of hugs!! Everything will go smoothly. Let's meet this little guy already!!

Oh and on the flip side I have to whole day off work, baby is at daycare, so for the first time since Jo was born I have a whole day to lie in the couch and do nothing!!!!
Well I hope you can enjoy the day off as much as possible, but I'm so sorry you are sick! Get lots of rest! :hugs:
Angela - you are in my prayers, my dear. Hope all goes smoothly and you get to meet your little one Real soon without the induction, but if that is needed, then I pray and am sure all will go well.

Many hugs and love!

To everyone else, I promise a proper post later tonight or in the AM. Getting over a sinus/cold/thingy and today is a tough day for me as it is the anniversary of the passing of my very best friend for over 20 years. She died from complications of skin cancer. So it's a tough day. hugs to you all. thinking of her really makes me appreciate the good people in my life - you all are a part of that!

Thank you Beth! Hugs, andi am so sorry about the loss of your friend. :hugs:
Happy Monday Ladies!!!

Angela - You and baby are in my prayers and I will be smiling tonight when I go to bed thinking that you will be holding your new baby shortly (remember there is a 3 hour time difference!).

Anna - Oh no! I am so sorry that you are sick. So glad that your hubby was there before it got bad. Well, you can look at it as a blessing, you can use the bug as an excuse not to eat your mom's cooking LOL. But seriously I hope that you get better and are able to enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Beth - it is so good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your best friend. I know that must be difficult. My thoughts are with you today. Me and my fam are also getting over a cold. Still have a hacking cough. I definitely want to hear what you are planning on making for Thanksgiving and would LOVE to take a peak at some of your recipes!

AFM - Well, Katelyn is doing a bit better and only getting up twice in the night. My husband is getting the first shift and then I do the second one. So that has been nice. She still gets up at 6am and is pretty much up and ready to play. So my I am up with her. It is good as I am starting to do a bit of exercising in the morning. Hoping to do more, but it is hard with toddler and two dogs following you around at every move LOL. I am so excited about Thanksgiving and then CHRISTMAS!!!! I plan on decorating my casa on Friday and I have most of the gifts for my nieces and nephews already. Yesterday, My MIL called to tell us about a Kitchen at a nearby Consignment store so we gathered in my hubby's truck it was more than 1/2 off! It also came with tons of pans, pots, food, utensils, etc. That will be Katelyn's big gift. I figure we would get one or two additional items and 3 or 4 small things and that is all she needs (probably more than enough!). Well I have a mandatory meeting to go to. Will check back later.

Thanks steph! We are very impatiently waiting on the call from the hospital; unfortunately we are considered an elective induction at this point so we have to wait in line behind anyone who is emergency or on a necessary basis. I definitely understand but it's frustrating... We are about 45 mins from hosp and I just want to go to sleep lol. So tired and just ready to get there and grab any sleep I can.

Hugs ladies and thanks for all the love and support! I will either update as I am able here, or text steph and ask her to update you. Hugs and love!
Oh Angela!! I'm so excited!!!! Fingers crosse you get in sooner than later and hope all goes well, lots and lots of hugs!!

Steph, I am in awe. I get up with Jo in the morning and sit on the couch like a giant slug drinking coffee. I keep thinking I should take advantage of the early morning time, but I can't seem to get motivated. I am NOT a morning person. Glad katelyn in getting better. Last night we just had to let Jo howl it out. DH brought her into our bed at 1am and to her that meant it was play time. Nothing like having a stomach "bug" and having a baby pound on your head to play. Anyway she eventually went back down in her own bed. Best of luck with the sleep thing, oh and the little kitchen sounds awesome!!!

Beth, so sorry to hear about your friend. Also sorry to hear you've been sick. Seems stuff is going around. LOts of hugs today.

AFM, recovering. DH is feeling badly now, but in true man fashion is such a baby!! Anyway I enjoyed my day to lie on the couch and with the exception of a nasty headache and a tender stomach, I think I'll live. Thanks all for the support!

Have a good night! Angela I will say a prayer for you tonight.

Thanks Anna! I just called to check where we are in line and she said quite literally "you are next but it could be the middle of the night, I'm really sorry... :dohh: :dohh: :dohh: oh boy. :nope: if they don't call by ten I think I will lie down and at least try to get some sleep here before they call. Maybe Murphy's law will kick in and they will call as soon as I fall asleep!
Oh my, I'm on pins and needles! :happydance:

Sorry I'm so late joining in. It's been an interesting couple of days with our little one. The latest news though is that Doug made two mortgage payments. :rofl: I'm oddly calm about this. I know we'll get the money back and it couldn't have happened at a worse time but there's no use crying over what's already done. :shrug:

Steph, when you mentioned the kitchen I was trying my hardest to figure out what the heck you were talking about. At first I thought you made an error and were buying yourself a kitchen aid mixer with attachments. :rofl: Then I figured out that it was a toy kitchen NOT a real one for Katelyn. Gee wiz I'm slow these days. :wacko: Hahahaha

Anna, Oh no! I can't believe you got the bug. :hugs: I'm so glad you had some time to relax for a change. Your on the go a lot. This was good for you! By the way, I'm not a morning person either. Luckily Amelia sleeps in until 8-30am. Otherwise I'd be so crazy. She was also good at sleeping when she was a baby. It did take time to get used to her schedules though.

I pray you start feeling better soon.

You too Beth!

Love to you all. Looks like we'll have a new little guy in our midst soon. YAY!!

Oh...did I mention I found out my cousin (who's been through hell with her ex and has wanted a baby) is pregnant and due in February? She's 2 years younger than me. Some were mad because they're just finding out at 5 months. I'm gathering she's been timid because it's taken her awhile to get pregnant and she knows my experience (which doesn't happen to every woman obviously but scared the pants off the cousins my age or younger). So I'm really excited. Two new babies this year. Woohoo! My sil is pregnant and I'm praying that our fertility treatment works. Oh how I'm praying!
Ha ha ha ha Rebekah. Kitchen aid mixer that is hilarious. Yes it is a play kitchen for katelyn. Also Anna and Rebekah it takes me about 20 minutes move off the couch and get started. I am not a morning person either and relish sleep. A few years ago I was getting up at 445 am so I could go to bootcamp work out. I'd work out from 530 to 630. Come home shower and get back in the bed and sleep until 845. I wouldn't get to work until almost 945. Even now I will get up with katelyn at 6 am and then around 630 get off the couch. Somedays I will do a lite work out and/or play with Katie but if she were to fall back to sleep I would definitely go back to bed too. Well my hubby is snoring next to me and I probably should go to sleep before katelyn wakes up in a few hours (le sigh). Good nite everyone.

Angela I will check my txt when she wakes up to see if you sent an update.

Quick update - they called us at 11:30 to come in at 12:30am. Got here and Nurse scraped by under the wire to get us admitted and start cervidil by 2 (apparently the cutoff time). Have not slept a wink because contractions have begun in earnest though am still at a 2 per nurse. :/( the night nurse has been great except that every time she checks my cervix it literally feels like she is battering me with a 2x4 down there. Grrrrrr! They are starting pitocin in just a minute at 7:30 and I am going to demand/beg/insist/plead they get the epi going before they do any more checks or break my water. I don't think I can take any more banging around down there right this minute! That hurts far worse than contractions!

So I will update more as/when able. Please pray I get that Epi before they do anything else!

Got a text from Angela!!!! Baby is here 9lbs 7.5 oz and 22 inches!!!!! he was born around 1:30pm EST. Angela and baby are doing fine! She said the labor was shorter and the EPI WORKED!!!! YAY!!! I will update more as I get more details!

Saw the update on her FB page. They said they came up with a name too. Can't wait to hear it. Looks like she was right with having the induction. He was pretty big. Congrats Angela. Can't wait to see this little guy.

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