35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Woohoo!!!! Congrats Angela!!! Work is crazy, pre-black friday and holiday crowds, will post proper later!! So happy we have a new baby!!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Also thought I'd update on my labs from the Reproductive Endo. My hormones are normal, so far the walls look thin. I was excited to hear about the normal hormone level. I have the HSG on the 30th.

Praying everyone has a lovely weekend and also praying that Angela and baby's are doing well!

:hug: to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving all!! MA, so glad the labs came back normal!!

Working this morning but off around 3ish to the dinner I am a little afraid of. My mom said the other day she was going to cook the turkey the day before. WTF!! That means we're essentially having left overs!! DH is cooking sides but since he had the stomach bug he's being lazy and not making much. So I've called in reinforcements and asked my brother who is coming up from Denver to stop by whole foods and grab some sweet potatoe something and mashed potatoes and a few other choice items. I am determined to have a good meal and if that means it comes from a gourmet deli then so be it!!

Anyway, hope you are all having a good day!!! Angela thinking of you and wondering if you are spending thanksgiving in hospital??

Gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving Anna. Your situation reminds me of my inlaws the other day. My bil and sil came with their 5 kids. My mother in law doesn't cook. (ask me about Christmas at the chinese place sometime. lol ) Well, I smelled something burning. She doesn't like it when I bring ANYTHING up like that to her (she doesn't have a sense of smell LITERALLY was born without it). Anyways, After she snapped at me, my fil (who was right across from me when I mentioned it the first time) said 10 minutes later something was burning. She opened the oven and everything burned. My husband was at the fire alarm with a towel trying to get it to stop. Then, after everyone got their dinner ( I held back so everyone could get the dinner while I held amelia). My mil put EVERYTHING back. When I got in there, she said, "Oh, you didn't eat". When I walked out of the room after saying "that's okay". She DEMANDED I have a sweet pickle. :wacko: :rofl:

So we'll see what today holds at my dads side. It's just a handful of us so it shouldn't be too bad.

I pray your dinner turns out BETTER than expected. If anything, we can laugh together.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Hey girls!

Oh my goodness, rebekah your inlaws' dinner sounds crazy! :wacko: and Anna, i hope the turkey didnt taste reheated! :haha: the extent of our turkey for thanksgiving consisted of my mom, ethan and i sharing my hospital turkey and dressing lunch tray this afternoon, as we rushed out the door to break out of that place lol! :rofl:

Forgive the quick update, I'm just popping in before I head to bed and try to take advantage of (hopefully) a good nights sleep before my milk comes in and we begin the nursing and pumping regime (zero milk yet, so on formula for the time being). We are home safe and sound and enjoying every second with our lil' butterball, as hubby christened him! :rofl:

More details and birth story when I can manage, just wanted to say happy thanksgiving and love you girls! :hugs:

OH, ps! We named him! Joshua Reece, called by "Reece". A nod to hubby's welsh heritage. :thumbup:
Angela, glad you and Reece are home safe and sound! Love the name by the way. Looking forward to hearing all the details.

Rebekah - egads on the inlaw dinner and the fact that first your mil burned it and then put everything away. Hope dinner tonight with your parents and cousins was better!

Anna- your post had me in laughing. I know it isn't funny. I hope that everything came out ok.

Beth/Jules i hope that your dinners were good and Beth I hope you are feeling better.

Poor katelyn was tired and cranky all day so that was fun. She did have fun playing with her cousins but pitched a fit when I wouldn't let her keep climbing up and down the stairs at my bil's house. She did eat well. My Hubby made a fantastic ham that was half eaten before dinner started and then he deep fried a turkey. He made a delicious rub for it and it was so good. I couldn't stop eating it and neither could katie. Tomorrow we start the Christmas decorating. Can't wait.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I know we are all thankful for our little blessings who keep s busy entertained and loved everyday. I am also thankful for you all. Though we live in different states and have never met in person you are family to me and i am grateful and blessed to have you in my life and the support, comfort and friendship you bring. Have a wonderful evening!!!

Hi Ladies,

Steph, I SWEAR Katelyn and Amelia are on the same clock mood wise. lol She was pretty moody today. We got to see mom for a short time before she went in to work. Amelia loved it. She gave some sass for a nap which she REALLY needed and then at dinner she was a little fidgety but ate GREAT and DID laugh. People just seem to take to her laughs and smiles. Apparently it's just US she's moody with. :rofl:

Dinner was okay. Doug and I felt pretty gassy and sick but we're coughing it up to the dairy we had and meat since we've been without. I'm VERY sick tonight and have been to the bathroom more than I'd like. lol The food was great though (not as good as my parents, but still gourmet), time with family was pretty fun. I DID make the mistake of wearing heals for the first time in YEARS. Ugh! NEVER AGAIN. :rofl: Flats forever.

Doug and I put our lights up at midnight tonight. lol I think the neighbors must think we're nuts. Hahaha

Tired but otherwise grateful for SO MANY things. Like Steph said, your all a great blessing to me. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share with you. Even with our lurkers HA, Twinks and the rest. Not a day goes by I don't think of you all!

Love and hugs.
Hi all!! Seems like all our little ones are on the same wave length, Jo was so cranky moody yesterday!!

Angela, I am so happy you guys are all home and that little Reece is here!! Love the name!! Can't wait for details! Sorry thanksgiving dinner consisted of hospital food. Hope you got some sleep last night.

MA, glad the lights got put up, even if it was at midnight. And LOL on the dinner at the in-laws. That is just too funny in a very sad kind of way. And I'm with you on heels, can't believe I used to have a job where I wore them all the time. Ugh never again!!

Steph, your husband's cooking sounds awesome!! Our dinner actually turned out ok, so I was happy. Food was good and so was the company.

Hi to everyone else!! Hope your holiday went well!

AFM, well I was expecting a big day at work, but since we have no snow, it's not as busy as I'd like. I feel like I've done everything possible on my end to make the store as good as possible, so it is what it is. Ok getting busy must run!! Have a good day !


It WAS funny! I think I just prepare myself for what "could" happen at the inlaws. Love them, but things are different there. I think that's why It doesn't bother me. Both my dad and my moms side of the family are crazy for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Why not add one more! lol

Amelia was up early this morning. WE got 4 hours sleep. Now mommy is moody. lol

I've also heard that with everyone opening for Thanksgiving that the crowds were less than fantastic. I'm wondering what the overall projection is. Whether they made OVER what the retail stores thought OR whether it damaged them by either breaking even or sending them in the red for paying associated time and a half or double time for going in on a holiday. I wish no ill will on businesses. We need them to keep the economy going. While I loathe walmart and the others for staying open, they keep the likes of my mom able to make ends meet.

Happy Weekend everyone.

Angela, how is Ethan doing with Reece??
Hi all,

MA, well you were right. The crowds were good but the buying was less than fantastic. My store is open until 9, so we'll see what happens, but so far not so good. There were a lot of people, but not many buying. We are slightly different being in a tourist town, and we didn't do any black Friday specials which I think hurt us. It's like people think everyone is Walmart. Anyway my day is over, baby is asleep after being with her dad all day. DH is barely speaking to me and I have no idea why, but my day is too long to contemplate it now.

Angela, thinking of you and how is Ethan doing being a new big brother??

Hugs to all!!

Do you all do the small business saturday? We do that over here and it's supposed to be Mastercard that supports it.

So sorry hubby isn't speaking with you. Hopefully it will blow over.

Media here says this thanksgiving thing went over great. I'm suspicious of it all. I'd like to see the numbers nationally. I'm guessing the big superstores did great but the smaller local ones didn't which really makes me sad. Hopefully over the 3 day weekend they'll see something above last years numbers. Hopefully yours will too. I'd imagine it's frustrating.

AFM: Well, I had all I could do to keep Amelia up past 8pm tonight so she'd sleep through the night. She went down exactly at 9pm which I'm fine with. She was up EARLY this morning. Doug and I are both exhausted but it was a good day overall.

Rest easy Anna! ((hugs))
Chris!!!! Where have you been??!! So good to see you! Hope you are well and all is going well in your world!! Give us an up-date when u get a chance.

Enjoying a beautiful Sunday here.
Hey just checking in...Monday morning and I'm bored. Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi there! Very quiet around here. Chris!!! So glad to see you in here. I know I see you sometimes on FB but it's really awesome to see you peek in. Sophie is looking like such a doll. I can't believe how much she has grown in such a little time from Amelia.

Well, it's been busy. I haven't been on all that much over the weekend. Doug, Amelia and I spent some needed time together AWAY from the computer. We put up outdoor lights and indoor (just haven't really fully decorated the tree yet).

I'm going to log off for now. I'm hearing banging noises from Amelia's room. Today she started throwing bear-bear and her socks over the crib. lol I also caught her playing in the diaper box which was quite comical. Testing her boundaries. Still has the slight rash. I'm waiting for the records to transfer to the new pediatricians office so we can be seen. ((sigh))

How is everyone else??
Hey girls! Just a quick update from here while pumping, but we are all well! Reece had his first ped appt yesterday and is doing great! Holding steady at 8lbs15oz, where he dropped while in the hospital, but we are planning to work on weight gain this week. :thumbup: bf'ing is going MUCH better this time so far, with using nipple shields. Yay! We aren't able to do bf exclusively yet but will try to work toward that.

So a quick recap on the birth story - this one was SO much easier than the first one! :happydance: even though he was 2 full pounds bigger than Ethan, it was so much easier. They started the cervidil at 2 am, by 4:30 I was having regular contractions that I couldn't sleep through, and by 8 or 8:30 I had my epidural and was MUCH happier! My dr. Broke my water around 9 or 9:30 and pretty soon,maybe 2 hours later, I could feel a lot of pressure on my cervix. I told the nurses I could feel that and by about 12:15, they suggested i try a practice push. Dr. said I was completely dilated and to call my husband (who'd just left to grab lunch) back! :haha: he got back and they had me push ONCE. The nurses both said "stop!!" let's wait for the dr! :rofl: that baby was ready to come OUT! So there we were, LITERALLY with the nurse holding my legs closed!! :haha: once the dr came in (after finishing her personal phone call which we could overhear outside the door!) :rofl: :dohh: I pushed about four times and he was completely out! Humongous baby!! It was so different this time though, in good ways - there were only three nurses instead of the cast of thousands we had with Ethan, it was calm and quiet while we were giving birth and I had no pain at all (yayy!), and I was able to hold him immediately unlike with Ethan (and we never got an explanation of why they would not let me do that with him :-(. So altogether much better birth experience! I did have tearing and stitches again, but happy to avoid a section.

Okay, must run for now but will update more and share some more pics when I get a second!

Love and hugs to all!!
Sounds like a GREAT birthing experience this time Angela. :happydance: So glad he's here. How is Ethan doing with his new brother?? Is the nursery complete?
Thanks Rebekah! Nursery is still in progress, but he will be in our room for a while yet. :thumbup: Ethan is tolerating it so far; he tries to ignore him a lot of the time :haha: but does come and investigate when the baby cries or we change him, etc. He feels strongly that the baby should wear his hat at all times, so he brings me that which is really cute!
Aww, that's got to be adorable to watch. I love hearing your updates when you are able. Just brings me joy!!

How is everyone doing??

AFM, not much. Can you believe I think I'm FINALLY starting to balance things a little better?? Amelia has her one nap a day, she's eating well and we're having so much fun with her these days. While she sleeps I make meals ahead, do the laundry, take the dogs out, give them dinner, clean up, do the dishes and "maybe" take a small nap. Most of the time I don't have time for the nap but it is refreshing if I do get one.

At night Doug helps me get her toys put away and we relax together watching our recorded shows. He goes to bed and I'm still awake reading my latest book. I go to sleep, he wakes up early in the morning to spend time with her and lets me sleep in. We have lunch together, take her out and play with her & the dogs then as he gets ready, I feed her and the evening is all mine.

I can't even believe how well this is going. I love being her mother! I love being my husbands wife, though we DO have our moments when we'd like to ring each others necks. lol

Honestly there's not a whole lot to share. HSG is on Friday (ouchie) but that's all for now. I have GOT to travel out to the forums and find a ttc group. I'm just loving our little group here that it's hard for me to expand out. lol

Love to you all. Even the beautiful little lurkers out there.

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