35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies!!

Chris it is so great to hear from you!!!!! I love the photos of Sophie on fb. She is getting so big! Glad you popped in. We've missed you.

Angela - so glad to hear that Reeces birth was easy and somewhat quick! Can't wait to see some more photos. Too funny about Ethan wanting him to wear his hat. I look forward to hearing more on how Ethan is adjusting to being a big brother.

Rebekah - how alike we are. We finished decorating the outside and put some decorations up inside and the tree but no ornaments yet. Lol. How is Amelia liking Christmas decorations? So far Katelyn isn't much impressed lol.

Anna - how are things with you? How is Jo doing?

Jules/Beth hi ladies. Miss ya!

AFM- I'm just counting down the days til my vacation. First is my stepdads bday in Vegas. I will be leaving Katelyn for three days. This will be the first tie I've left her longer than overnight. Then we get back and a few days later will be in Denver. Well I'm putting katelyn to bed will post more later.

Hi Ladies!

Having a bad day here but letting poppy just chill out for awhile, hoping to tire him out!

Angela - YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY for a beautiful baby boy! Loved the birth story and so glad it went so smoothly (and quickly!). I hope you are getting some rest and having fun with the boys!:hugs:

chris - so glad you popped back on! :happydance:

Anna, Steph, and Rebekah - how are you lovelies? Steph, I love the christmas music updates on fb, gets me in the holiday spirit!!!! I have missed being on here but I do read the posts and have kept up with all of you! big :hugs: and :kiss: to you all.

AFM, like I said, a bad day today. Where to begin. Ok, on the ttc channel here on bethTV :haha: Last month, we started trying and I got that darn yeast infection. This month, we resolved to try again and I got a bad cold, then baby got it, then hubby got it. So we bd'ed 3 days before O this month. I'm not holding out hope this month, but no biggie, we will try again next month. Only thing is that sometimes Charlie has a problem, uhh, you know :winkwink:. I swear it's when he thinks it is not going to work! It has been an off and on issue since we met, nothing to do with ttc. Stress at work really plays a factor but he doesn't want to believe that. If it doesn't "work" in about 5 mins, he starts thinking it won't work, rather than relaxing and getting into the mood. I tell him it doesn't matter if it works or not, just have some fun and if we just end up snuggling, that is ok by me! We have tried the pill route but doesn't always help. So who knows, probably a nagging wife doesn't help either!

Poppy is doing great. Except for today and yesterday. :wacko: Our routines go like this: morning wakeup, usually around 7:15ish, we get him at 7:30. charlie takes him, has a bottle, I'm still in bed, they come back to bed and baby and I snuggle and he goes down for usually a 1.5 hour nap -- I leave the bed 5 mins after he falls asleep so no distractions. he gets up, more food, play, sleep some more, another 1.5 hours at 12:30ish, eat, play and a quick catnap at 6 (30-45 mins tops), play, 9+oz bottle at 8:15 and down for the count by 8:40 the latest. Yesterday, he had a crap morning nap, a good 2nd nap, crap last nap. He also will not nap in the crib, but he goes so easily in the crib at night. We lay down on my bed and he falls asleep there. I pack the covers around him, put the video monitor on and leave. Always worked. But now he's rolling over VERY quickly and I can't have him in the bed much longer for safety reasons. Yesterday, he was SOOOO tired at 4pm I tried the last nap a little early because he napped poorly earlier. He was yawning and rubbing his eyes, but wouldn't close them for over an HOUR. Just laid there, eyes open, very quiet but not napping! grr. And I had to go to the bathroom SOOOOOO bad, but couldn't leave him awake in the bed, so I put him in the crib in his dark room and went the 10 steps to the bathroom. In a matter of minutes, he was WAILING so badly and spitup so much. sigh. back to the bed and he fell asleep for 30 mins. :dohh: After I fed him his last bottle, he was drowsy like always and I put him in the crib awake but drowsy, as usual. Usually not a peep and he drifts off in 5 mins. Not last night. Cried for 15 mins hard before I went in and patted him head and he calmed down, I left and he drifted off. So did my putting him in the crib during the day screw it for last night? sigh. He woke up at 5am and drifted in and out until 6:40 when he really woke up and was talking. we got him at 7, same routine, only he slept for 30 mins. eat again, play a bit, very tired, rubbing eyes, yawning, so early-ish nap, down for 20 mins tops. :cry:Then just eyes wide staring at me, not moving much. grrr. Tried everything I could, just wouldn't go to sleep. Having a bad day myself, not feeling well, very chilly, etc and was literally shedding tears of frustration because I knew he needs to sleep but won't! So we get up and I yelled and whacked my hand against the door cause it was dark which hurt like all heck and caused more tears and we go downstairs and there is Charlie, who came home for lunch waiting there....great. sigh. Now he thinks I can't handle things and I told him it's just a bad day, I'm entitled to them now and again!!!! just by this time, we've had 3 hours of naps and he has had less than an hour right now. Going to try putting him on a blankie on the floor rather then the crib and see if that works. Not today, though. I need him to take a proper nap and soon!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry:

I know when he gets overtired it's hard to get them to sleep, but this is silly. close those little eyes!!!!! if do doesn't have an hour nap later, when Charlie gets home, I'm shutting myself in the bathroom, have a good cry, chocolate, drink SOMETHING, and have a bubble bath.

oh, and he says mommy and momma now!!!!:happydance: remember the bright spots, not his crappy sleeping today!

Time to go feed him, again.... been eating a ton lately. hugs to you all. tomorrow will be a better day.

Aw, Rebekah, don't feel like you can't discuss TTC here! I am always interested to hear how things are going on that front! So sorry you have to have another hsg, but it will be over quickly. :thumbup: praying all is well! So glad amelia is getting into a good groove for you too!

Steph, so sorry you will have to leave Katelyn, but YAY Vegas! I love that place lol! Only been once as an adult but really want to go back. Loved just walking and seeing everything!

Anna, how are you hon? Better week this week after all the black Friday craziness?

Beth honey, major :hug: I know how those days go! There is a period there where their naps are all screwed up (for us, it was th period when Ethan would only nap in his swing, a mistake I hope to avoid this time!). I promise, it WILL get better! So sorry ttc may be off for this month with all the colds, but I'm so excited for you guys and Rebekah trying! So excited to see more babies on our little group's thread! :happydance:

AFM, we are well, my mil is here this week then next week will be our first week on our own. So far, Reece is doing GREAT and I really can't complain. He gets his kidney rechecked/sonogram this Friday. Hopefully it has already resolved; they said many times it resolves at birth. I weighed him today and he has regained 3oz since he came home...yay!! He is nursing pretty well (frankly I'm proud of both him and myself that we are as successful at bf'ing as we are this time around; I had thought it would never work, but just maybe it will this time!). We are doing formula overnight, and some during the day between nursing, and will continue with it at night because he sleeps so much better on formula at night than breastmilk. But he is doing great and I am so thankful! Have NO idea how I will manage once all our helpers go home, but this time I have a lot more confidence that we WILL figure it out...last time I was literally so panicked I couldn't sleep. :dohh: :wacko:

Anyway, off to step outside and get a little sunshine for a minute. It's getting dark so early now. Bleh! I love the cool weather, but not the short days.

Okay, hugs and love all around!
Hi All,

I hope everyone is well.

Neversaynever - it is soo good to hear from you! Hope you and baby are well. Please post some photos when you get a chance.

Rebekah - Yes, please stay here during your TTC as we will be TTC around the same time and i want to hear all about it!!! LOL

Beth - I second what Angela said, we too had a time when Katelyn would only take a nap in her swing. She would go to bed at night in her crib but not nap there. I totally understand your frustration. Everyone has bad days and sometimes nights! You are doing a great job and can totally handle it, it is just that some times it gets overwhelming, especially when we don't have enough sleep or are sick that just exacerbates the frustration. Poppy will eventually start napping in his crib, just keep trying. Big hugs to you! Fanatastic that he is saying mommy! Just melts your heart doesn't it?

Angela - glad that you MIL is still there and that the breastfeeding is going much better this time around! YAY for you and Reece!

Hi Anna - Whats been happening? We miss you.

AFM - Nothing to much to report other than I can't shake this stupid cold! I am the only one in the house who didn't get a fly shot and that is because my Dr wouldnt give me one because I had a cold. As soon as I am better I am getting one. I am so tired of coughing and blowing my nose EEECK!!! Last night while my hubby was off at his catering gig, I finally decorated the tree. Heres hoping Katelyn doesn't try to pull them off LOL.

I don't want to jinx it, but she has been sleeping a bit better. I started putting her to bed 30 minutes later and this has helped. She sleeps from 8:30 until about 2 or 3. and then she wakes up again at 6am. That is the only thing, no matter what time I put her to bed, she is awake by 6.

Sunday we are going to a Christmas parade by my house (we can walk over there YAY), so that should be fun, provided it doesn't rain.

Anyway, it is time for me to pack it up and head home. We have a bday dinner to go to for my niece.

Hugs to everyone (HA and Twinks! and anyone else who may be lurking :)

Chris, thanks so much for stopping by! We miss you! :hugs:

Steph, so sorry about the cold! Have you ever tried Airborne or Zicam? I use both of those when I get sick and usually helps me get well faster. Both are just vitamins but they seem to make a difference. Feel better soon! :hugs:
Am finally on my desktop for a second - here are a few pics. I know I'm WAY behind on Halloween LOL but Ethan's little costume was too cute. :haha: He was in constant motion, so it was difficult to get a good solid pic (and you can't see his cute little tail) but it's the best one I have. And he DEFINITELY needs a haircut but we just haven't been able to get there lol.

Here are a few recent pics of Ethan and then a few of Reece. The one in the gray sleeper is at 1-week-old! Can't believe it already! :cloud9:


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And Reece, who is already outgrowing his newborn sizes! So much for about six of his outfits :rofl: They go fast at this stage!!


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Oh Angela - he is sooooo precious! I love the one in the middle. I just want to kiss he cute little cheeks!!!! and I love Ethan's Halloween costume - too cute. I love that his feet are a blur because he is running LOL.

Also thanks for the suggestion on zicam. I was actually going to get some airborne, but will try both. I just need to make sure I can take the zicam while still breastfeeding...le sigh. Perhaps when I go to Vegas that will be the turning point.

Well it is raining here and is great. Good weather for snuggling and sitting by the Christmas Tree watching Christmas movies. My husband was even trying to get me to stay home to have a family cuddle day...which is unexpected because I am normally the one to make those suggestions. I do hope it stops raining for the weekend though, because I really want to do the parade with Katelyn.

Ok gotta get back to work.

Hi to everyone!

Anna - is everything ok? havent heard from you in a bit.

Hi All,

Angela, LOVE the pics!! Reece is such a cute little doll! Ethan is growing so quick. He warms my heart with that smile. Once you get yourself settled I bet it will be fun with the two of them together. Your an AWESOME mom. They are the most cutest little guys too!

Beth, there's a lot going on over there. Colds, TTC. etc. Holy cats! So glad you came back here to catch us up. I've been wondering how everything is going.

Has anyone heard from Jules??

As Steph said, Anna how are you doing?? I know it's a HUGE busy season for you but we're praying all is well. Stop by and post when you can dear friend!

Thanks ladies about allowing me to share my future ttc journey with you all. I've posted in a couple of areas so we'll see what happens. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I have my meds already. We're doing Gonal F, Lupron and the trigger shot along with progesterone inserts (which I haven't done). This is different as I took Bravelle, Menopure and the trigger. I'm told that Gonal F and Lupron will help the process along as we wait for the eggs to grow the lupron will stop me from ovulating too early. I'm a bit nervous about that. I've heard good and bad things. We'll see how it goes though.

I still have weight to lose and this flipping holiday season isn't helping. I LOVE cookies and cakes. For the most part I'm eating healthy. I haven't gained weight but I haven't lost anything since the 15 lbs either. That's not to say that I WON'T gain if I don't get my bum in gear and at least exercise!! :wacko:

Today has been another lovely day with Amelia. She took Dougs Iphone from him, put it to her ear and said, "hi" :hi: . We both just looked at each other and laughed! She still a snuggle bug, still eating well (in fact I made a quiche with whole wheat crust that she'll have in a few minutes with me. I made one cheese and one with sauteed mushrooms, garlic and fresh spinach. We'll see how it goes.

Something I'm struggling with. Tomorrow is my HSG. I usually have Doug in the room as it's painful and he holds my hand. We don't have a sitter (I didn't think about that) so he'd have to bring Amelia in with us. The issue is #1 much of these ladies have been struggling to conceive 1 baby and the fact that I'm going in (even if I struggled for 10 years) for a second while they're out in the waiting area is really unsettling to me. I am NOT ashamed of our daughter but I guess I'm sensitive to this issue. #2 I'm unsure how she'll react being stuck in the baby urgo carrier if he DOES come in to hold my hand. P.S., is this even proper to have her in there as I have an HSG done being exposed??

The only thing I can think of is to go in by myself and suck it up while Doug and Amelia wait for up to a half hour in the car.

No matter which way I look at it, I look like a total jerk. ((sigh))

What would you do??
Hi Rebekah,

I think that it is great that you are trying to be sensitive to the other women's feelings. that is a hard one. Perhaps maybe do this one alone and then see if you can get a sitter for Amelia the next one? You should check to see if they allow infants/toddlers in the room while they perform the procedure as they may help with your decision. Sorry I am not much help, but know that I am here for you and wish I could watch Amelia for you :-(.

Thanks Steph and Rebekah!

Steph, I used the CVS version of zicam while I was pregnant, if that helps. I'm pretty sure it is fine; it's basically just zinc but definitely check before using. :thumbup: I've noticed it really helps short circuit a cold though.

Rebekah, my clinic would not even let my husband in the room for my hsg, due to X-ray exposure. Not sure what your clinic's policy is? I know it sucks to have to do it alone becau mine hurt too but know that we are all thinking of you! :hugs:
Thanks ladies,

I had a call with Doug and shared my thoughts with him. Steph, we came up with the same idea.

Angela, I totally forgot about the exposure. She certainly won't be going in. There IS a room they put the 3 of us in before that's private There's also a coffee shop down the road as well.

That made my decision. You know it's funny. I didn't even think about what we would do with her. She's just become a part of us. We bring her everywhere. lol Our Dr.'s visits have been pretty easy up until now. The sitter thing is going to be an issue since we don't have one and our appointments will be in the afternoon. My parents live over an hour away. I'm guessing this time the visits are going to be far and few between with Doug there. lol We're going to need to come up with a plan and find a sitter that can watch her for a couple of hours at lunchtime sometimes.

It's different now that I think about it. We have an extra person! Haha

Thanks ladies. I'll let you know how everything went. My first HSG was horrifying. The second one here in New York before Amelia didn't hurt at all. I AM nervous about this one but have the 800mg of Ibuprofin ready. Guess I got my bold answer I was praying for.

Oh, thought I'd mention I was giving Amelia a bath tonight and noticed a red mark under her arm to the back. At first I thought "how did she burn herself"! then I wondered if it was that I did it when I threw her up in the air playing. I got out the flashlight (her skin is pale like ours) and she's got similar patches around her back too. Red and patchy. Not sure if it's an allergic reaction of some sort, eczema, or she's been chewing on either back side so it could be the teething again. She felt warm so I gave her so ibuprofen because she was a little cranky pants (which could have been the fact that she didn't want a nap). She's asleep now. I figured I'd give it a day or two and see what happens. She still has that rash, but it's starting to slowly go away. We're getting her records tomorrow so we can transfer her to the new pede's office. Hopefully things will change for the better. ((sigh))

Okay, so I know it's still early yet but will you still keep going Angela or is Ethan and Reece it for you all?

I wouldn't mind twins and then calling it a day. lol We're planning to adopt in the future as well.
Lol I think that two will be it for us! :haha: we have talked about three but, realistically, I'm thrilled to have been able to have two healthy kids with my eggs and we both think two is plenty for us. Any more than that and we would be outnumbered lol! :rofl: I always wanted a big family, because my own was so dysfunctional. But hubby turns 45 this summer and he (especially) feels like he is happy stopping at two partly because he will be fifty before the ones we have are really past five lol! I'm fine with it and we have talked about maybe adopting a girl if we decide we want three after all... So that option is always on our radar, but I think my particular body has had all it can take of pregnancy. :thumbup: this last one was just physically harder (though, thank God, it went well) and I don't think I'd want to go for three while having two littles under three to care for already. So I am really trying to enjoy these infant days with Reece because he is probably our last little! :)

Meanwhile, am sitting here pumping and reminding myself "I'm thrilled we CAN breastfeed this time!" :haha: i want desperately to go to bed but am getting some clogged ducts and need to pump first. I'm hoping eventually we will get to where he expresses enough that I don't have to pump before bed. Right now he is a very sleepy nurser and I'm hoping that gets better!

I'm sorry about Amelia's rash... Hope it is nothing. Ethan sometimes gets mystery marks and I think it is just because his skin is really sensitive etc.

So excited for you and Doug to start ttc again! The protocol sounds interesting... I am partially familiar with the drugs you mention based on reading happy auntie's journal. I hope it works perfectly for you and will pray for God's perfect timing for you! :thumbup:

Okay, back to pumping... Hugs and goodnight!
Hi ladies,

It's 4am and I STILL haven't gotten to bed yet. I'm working on it. The appointment was interesting. You can read more about it in my second post on my new journal. The link is in my siggy.

Well, we've started tonight! A month earlier but from Dr. K's advice, my lining and labs look great. Since October was my last period and it varies. Everything looked great to start TODAY. Earlier than expected but we took the option. As I said, it wasn't without hiccups. You can read that story in my journal though.

I'll be making an appointment for my free accupuncture and Doug said I can also have a massage done. Woohoo! Most likely sometime next week. I'll let you all know how things go. So far I'm sore from the HSG, but the drugs haven't taken affect to make me nuts yet.

PLEASE ignore me if I sound :wacko: crazy. :rofl: Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Here we go. As "outa the box" this is for my own comfort zone (not planned) I'm going to "go with the flow". It feels good for a change!

Angela, how are you doing with the nipple shield. I kept being told it wasn't good long term but I LOVED it with Amelia. Different staff said it let too much air in and they would never get enough. I think she DID get enough but they refused to go with the flow. I'm learning from this experience not to freak out when THEY do. lol

Well, off to bed!

Love to you all.

Well katelyn had another early morning by early I mean 230 am. She took a 20 mon power nap at 545 and then another 20 min nap @10. Finally went down for a proper nap at130. Which of course was the time the Christmas parade one street over started. We weren't gonna go anyway because it was raining and I didn't want her outside in the rain. Of course now the sun is shining. Every time we have wanted to do a fun Christmas thing with her it has been raining. This is LA it isn't supposed to rain here!!!! Ok done venting.

Rebekah enjoy ttc. Good luck!!!
Oh no! :hugs: Hopefully tonight will be better for you both.

Sorry about the weather too. It has been odd hasn't it? We have rain but no snow on the ground. We usually get pummeled with snow. We now live in the snow belt and with no snow it's a little odd. Knowing that your area is raining like it is just really odd.

Don't worry about what you haven't been able to take her to. You'll get some activities in that will make a difference in your own time. The good aspect is your enjoying each others company and she'll have THOSE memories instead of rushing in the rain. You did the right thing. You have a lot of time to do something else soon. :hugs:

Thank you about the ttc encouragement! Tomorrow I have my labs and sonogram to see how the follies are doing. I am noticing that the lupron is making my blood sugar HIGH. Looks like I'll be going back on that stinken pump! It's better to do the right thing to keep my bloodsugar down though. It's safer that way.

Doug, Amelia and I had a great night last night. We were all sick in one way or another so it took a while for us to get our bearings but come evening we felt better and snuggled. Then decided to go out to look at lights. We bought hot cocoa and Amelia, Doug and I went around to see all the lights. We got back home, put her to bed and snuggled some more.

Hope everyone else is doing well. How are you all with the littles and Christmas-time?
Oh steph I am so sorry about the sleep! Poor you! I hope katelyn really settles into a good sleep routine for you soon! Are you still nursing?

Rebekah, glad that the dr. Was so good to you and can't wait to follow along on your ttc journey! I love the new journal entries! Hope you are all feeling better. It is fun to go around and look at all the lights! We have an annual date with friends to do that each year and we swap neighborhoods. My favorite years are the ones where we take champagne with us lol but I haven't had any the last couple years so am very excited to resume that tradition even if it's just our family this year!

Weird weather here too. Freaky warm for early dec. we were decorating in shorts today!

Am up pumping again. Tomorrow will be my first day alone with both kids. Pray for me lol!

Oh, Champagne! I haven't had that in a while either. In fact, I want to dye my hair and I'm not sure it's safe to so I guess I'll have grey for Christmas and no champange. I pray it will be well worth the non-indulgence. lol

Sounds like you have a great time.

Decorating in shorts?? I wouldn't go that far here. :rofl: It's still cold but rainy here. Just no snow. I'd LOVE to decorate in shorts!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on my ttc journey. I haven't really found a fitting thread yet. I'm 38 and on my second child ttc with fertility meds. I started a thread but nobody has answered. There's a few of us trying for our second but majority MY age are hoping for #1. So I don't fit anywhere in the fertility forum. Sad too because I'm using Gonal F and Lupron and could REALLY use someone who's been on them before.

I just decided to journal my thoughts and experience with the cycle in order to help a little bit.

I have to say tonight I feel BLOATED! REALLY, really fat! I even asked Doug to get me a flipping cupcake at the store. I know my sugars are high, but I'm bolusing for this sucker! :rofl:

Well, I'm getting off to TRY to sleep. Last night was wrestless. I felt as though I had coffee all night long. We have my appointment in the am. Nervous as all getup but excited too! I know this could be a while which is why we've started. Hopefully Amelia won't mind a sibling! lol

Love and hugs to you all!!


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