35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi all!!
So sorry I have been MIA. But I've gotten caught up so here goes...

Angela, Reece is soooo stinking cute!! Good luck with both the boys. It will be a handful, but I'm sure you'll handle it like a champ!! Glad Ethan is being such a good helper. Also glad the BFing is going so well!! That is one area I wish I could re-do. To this day it makes me sad I didn't do as much as I wanted. I am so happy for you and am sending you good mommy vibes all goes smoothly.

MA, yeh for another TTC journey. I'm with everyone else saying I love to hear the TTC stories and struggles. MOst of us on this thread struggled so we're all aware of the stress it can cause and I never really think you forget, so bring it on!! How is Amelia?? How is her rash?? And the weather...don't even gets started... I walked to yoga on Saturday, the first of December, in capris and flip flops!! Here in the mountains of Colorado at 9,000ft!!! It has been crazy warm and no snow. Really worried how my store will do. Man I hope the weather pattern changes we need snow!! Oh and for baby sitters try your church. We use girls from daycare, but since you don't have that connection, how about church?? Just a thought.

Steph, speaking of will you send me that rain,we'll gladly take it in snow form. How are you lady?? How is katelyn? How's the sleeping thing going ?? I know you probably don't want to hear this, but at 2:30am, let her cry it out. I know it's hard, but think of it a she needs her sleep too. Easier said than done I know. We're back on the sleep train, but it always takes a period of adjustment. I was determined to let Jo cry it out last night, but I can tell when she's really upset because she throws her body around and last might I could hear when she hit her head on her crib. After the third head bang, which always results in crying louder (of course), I had to go in and give some Mommy loves, rocking her back to sleep. So I preach, but I don't always practice. Hope tonight goes better!!

Beth, how are you?? Sorry to hear you too are struggling with sleep issues. It's so hard. They just seem to need periodic adjusting I think. Hope you are well and best of luck with TTC!!!

AFM, things have slowed down at work. As there is no snow, town is pretty quiet. Jo is doing better having gotten most of her molars ( thank the lord!!). And we have roughed out a few hard nights, but she is now sleeping mostly through the night. She has a cold right now which I hate, but seems in good spirits. DH unfortunately is sick again I think with a type of flu. Jo and I have not gotten this one and we both had flu shots where he didn't, so of course he's being a typical man. It's just so much harder on me because when he's sick I'm not only a single mom, getting Jo up for daycare, lunches made, cleaning house, laundry, work, daycare pick -up, dinner, bath, and bed time by myself, I have another whiney baby at home too. Anyway I complain, but it's ok if she sleeps.

So maybe you're asking if I haven't been busy at work why was I MIA?? I am sad to admit that I got completely engrossed in a new book series by H.P. Mallory. It's total escapism, but a guilty pleasure that consumed me. I have now finished all books. So sorry girls I blew you off for witches, worlocks, vampires, fairies, and werewolfs.

On a brighter note I got my Christmas cards done and all photos printed for the grandparents' gifts and feel pretty proud of myself.

So that's all from here. Pray for snow. Anna
Quick question, MA I'm trying to post a photo here from photo bucket but it won't let me copy the URL address. I'm trying to do it from my phone, so that may be the problem, but I swear I've done it before. Seems like the web site has changed and not for the better. Have you had trouble??
Hi Anna :hugs:

I can't BELIEVE you ditched us for witches, warlocks and fairies. :rofl: I'm actually doing the same thing but my hours are at 2am until I fall asleep. I tend to read books with historical fiction in it. Right now I'm reading a book about two sisters who were raised by a mother who they thought never really loved them. Turns out she lived in Russia and during the WW she lost all her family including two other children her girls never new existed. I'm getting to the end but it's very heart-wrenching. I have another book lined up.

I was on photo bucket last week and via my mac, it's been fine to upload but I haven't used it with the phone. I'll check it out tomorrow and see what I can find. I don't see why you'd have a problem but as you said, they're ALWAYS tweaking things there. It can be a pain.

We've missed ya! So sorry work isn't doing well. I can't believe there's no snow. I was out in capri's today and a short sleeve sweater. It rained later but the whole day was AWESOME and Doug had it off so we enjoyed the whole day.

How is everyone else??

AFM: Had my first ever acupuncture treatment and then a massage afterwards. Holy Cats! ((faint)) I'm looking forward to next month. As it stands, I have another acupuncture appointment the day OF IUI and then one more I think he said 5 days afterwards. I'm looking forward to it and after talking with my mom...she thinks she may want to go with me for some treatment and my cousin may do it too. She's also recently engaged and has spoken about a fertility specialist so she may be able to meet the Dr.

Anyways, not too much going on. Tomorrow is another lab and sono to see the follies. Praying they grew. :pray:

Love to you all!!
Well, I got a disappointing call today and I'm cancelled mid-cycle this month. ((sigh))

It's all for the best and while I'm disappointed and it took me a few hours to get my bearings back, I have a lot to be grateful for. I'll take the next 4 weeks to celebrate Christmas and New Years with my husband and daughter then we'll start again next month with "hopefully" better results.

If you'd like more info, you can check out my journal through my siggy.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day today. It started to snow here and is cold again I don't mind it as it's cuddle weather. I DO wish we didn't have longer darkness. I have SAD and it's a bit of a pickle this time of year to enjoy the snow with all that darkness.
MA, so sorry to hear about the TTC delay, but bright side bring on the spiked egg nog!! Your book sounds gripping but so sad. Truth be told I should read "better" books, but real life is so stressful that reading becomes my form of escapism.

Quick question to all...does anyone have a little grabber/pincher?? Jo just loves to reach out and grab the beejeezus out of anyone's face, hair, dog face, etc. we've been working for weeks to break the habit, showing how to touch and using the phrase "gental touches", but she gets this devil look in her eyes and look out!! Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I know we've been down the whole spanking road, and I really don't want to spank, but I did finally slap her hand the other day. Otherwise she just laughs at me. Grrrr so frustrating!!!!

Anyhoo, hope all is well, anna
Hi Anna,

Amelia doesn't pinch though she does have that silly look about her when she puts both her hands together and squeezes the air REALLY hard in order to share with people she'd like to squeeze them.

My guess is this is what Jo is trying to share with those she pinches?? Maybe that she loves them and is trying to play? Could be the reason she's laughing too. Amelia DOES laugh at odd times too. They're just little babies so obviously we know they haven't a clue about appropriate behavior. :rofl:

Not quite sure HOW to deal with the pinching other than to redirect her somehow. Angela and Steph are usually good with ideas. I'll be watching for their responses.

Also, I didn't have any issues with photobucket. I'm going to test right now to see if the photo comes up and then share how I did it. So lets see...
Okay, so this is working.

What I did was click on the picture I was trying to share. Above that picture in the upper right hand corner there are sharing icons. Click on the one directly next to the envelope with the arrow pointing right. That is the icon for "sharing to other services". Once opened at the top is a linky looking tab that says "social media", "email" or "links". I clicked on the one that says "links". There's a drop down menu now that has 4 types of links. You want the one that says "DIRECT LINK". Put your curser over it and click it. Should say "SAVED" so that you can come back here. You'll click on the icon that has the mountains between the link icon and quote icon. Add the https address and then post. Hopefully this will work for you! :hugs:

Thanks MA!! Fricking finally worked. Loved the picture of Amelia, man she's a cutie!!

This is a photo taken the other night at the lighting of Breckenridge. It's finally snowing today!! Thanks for the two cents on pinchin and grabbing, I think you're right in that she just wants to love and play, just have to figure out how to do it in an appropriate way.

I have another group question... Does anyone know if there is a toy web site for moms? Something that lists what toys are Best for what age groups and or interests. Jo loves anything musical so trying to find some good Christmas presents for her age, but there's so much crap out there. Anyway any thoughts are much appreciated!!
Hi Ladies,

Can't really write a proper post as I am about to head to a meeting. Rebekah and Anna love the photos! Will respond about pinching and toy website in a bit. Also, Anna why did I think you were blonde?

Be back soon!!!

my favorite catalog for buying gifts for the nieces and nephews is Hearthsong - they have fantastic toys, and everything has an age rating on it. On the website you can filter your search results by age so you're only shopping age-appropriate stuff. www.hearthsong.com

They have great customer service, too - I once got notice from them that a toy I'd bought three years earlier had been recalled, along with a gift certificate for the value of the toy so I could buy something else. Nevermind the fact that niece had outgrown the toy two years earlier! I was pretty impressed.
Thanks HA and we are thinking of you today!
Sorry to be so offline, girls. I will try to updatin the next day or so, hubby is off today and this weekend so YAY will have some help lol! Hugs!
Hi all!!

Thanks HA for the advice!! And thinking of you today.

Steph, yes I am blonde, but the older I get and espically since no was born, the darker it gets. Not as much free time outside.

Well it's official, I have the bad kid in the class. In the first ten minuets of daycare she grabbed two kids' faces sending them into tears. So we're working VERY diligently on the grabbing thing. She is so sweet, but man that baby grab is vicious!!

Other than that happy Friday!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm so sorry for laughing but it's a funny problem to have poor kid! She's just trying to show the love. She just melts my heart! I'd imagine that it's mortifying when it's YOUR kid.

We have a similar issue only Amelia had tantrums when she see's we're at the end of a bowl or dish of something. Mom said it was because she was hungry. We tried it and honestly the kid could have a bottomless tummy and make herself sick. Her tummy has been big and hard after that. So we give her the normal amount and split meals with bottles of milk. It ends with Amelia screaming at the top of her lungs (she's not very suttle) at friends/family gatherings or at restaurants. If she's eaten PRIOR, she'll just want what's on everyone elses plate. In fact, Thanksgiving Amelia was between my aunt and I and she took turns feeding between my aunt and I. Smart kid. She's still at 20lbs and Dr.'s are saying she's under weight for 14months but she eats like a giant. :rofl:

At any rate, your predicament put a smile on my face. Jo means well poor kid. It's her way of communicating but as you've said, not a very appropriate way. How to teach her is the question. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with Amelia's issue. :rofl: If only these kids would come out with manuals! :rofl:
Hi all and happy monday!!

MA, truer words were never spoken, I NEED an owners manule. We worked on the grab thing all weekend. Making progress, at least now when I scold her for it she shows some remorse, and cuddles up next to me. So sweet, but I think she's linking getting in trouble with bad behavior, finally, took a while. Now she knows when she's bad and shows some remorse and an attempt to get back in my good graces. So I think we're on the right track...

Jo had her 15month check up today and 3 shots, poor babe. She's 31.5" and 22.5 lbs. our doctor didn't say anything about her being underweight they said between 50-75%. How long is Amelia?? I would look up weight and length guide lines from a reputable source and go from there. Plus I thought weight was based on height, not really age, unless both are suffering.

AFM, ok working moms out there how do u do it?? I am feeling like I'm failing miserably. DH had to work this weekend, and my employee called in sick, so my store needed someone to run it. We have other stores in the area that could cover ( they just didn't want to, but that's another headache). Anyway my sort of boss asked if, for future reference, if I had any friends that could watch Jo. And I got all pissed off because the reality is I have no friends except one here and she doesn't have kids, so I would not ask her to baby sit. I'm sure my friend/boss didn't mean it in a mean way (actually I think she did a little) but I just struck a little too close to home . I'm trying the best I can and carry around all this mommy guilt about not spending enough time with my daughter as it is. Just having trouble with the balance again... Sorry pitty party over.

Anyhoo, hope everyone had a good weekend!! Any Santa photos yet??

Take care!!
Oh one other thing... The doctor looked at her teeth and only ONE molar has come in!! Ahhhh never going to survive teething. I thought for sure she had all four molars by now.
HI Anna,

Oh dear. Don't feel like your alone! Even us stay at home mothers feel as though we fall short. I know I do. That was a pretty harsh thing for your boss to say. How about other people putting some more effort to be at work. It seems as though your putting quite a lot of time and dedication into your job. For as long as I've been talking to you here on BnB you've been quite dedicated. It seems like that comment was pretty self absorbed and selfish. Lets face it, our lives aren't wrapped around our jobs outside the home. They get enough of it as it is right?

My best friend from high school has that guilt as well.

My take on it is that it's not how much time that counts but the QUALITY of the time you have with Jo. :hugs: Jo loves you very much and what she'll see is that mommy is working not to get away from her, but for the better good. The time you give to her now is precious and means something. There are some SAHM's who are home yet never spend ANY time with their kids. Not anything with quality.

You take her out camping, on walks, trips, fun activities. She's REALLY interacting with her mother. It's something to be proud of. Don't let the remarks of others make you feel inadequate. Your doing GREAT! :hugs:

As for our little pincher. aww, she's still a little cutie-pie. My heart melts because i know she doesn't mean it. It's her way to show her loving excitement. She'll get it. Your teaching her well. Slow but methodical. lol

The molars. Oh heavens! Amelia has the top ones coming through. She's teething like crazy. I can't believe Jo doesn't have them in yet. Poor kid and momma. It's amazing how different this process is for each child.


I mentioned Amelia has teeth coming through. Her rash is still here and we found out it is a yeast infection for SURE. It's slow go though. We give her some keifer in hopes the good bacteria will help. Found another cream that hopefully will work over the ones that haven't.

She's been SO good lately. She's saying hi! in a little dainty voice. She refuses to walk still but will walk holding one of our fingers. She'll stand but when we ask her to walk she flops to her bum. :rofl: She's talking and singing in baby babble. Loves lights, music and tv commercials. Hahaha

I just love watching her and holding her. She LOVES her daddy. I sometimes get jealous because I'm here all the time with her so she has this excitement that happens when daddy walks through the door. She CLINGS to him when he's home. I LOVE watching them together, don't get me wrong, but sometimes all she wants is daddy and my ego hurts a bit when she refuses to come to me. Hahaha

I also thought I'd mention that since having acupuncture, I've been sleeping good at night. I'm usually a light sleeper but I've been sleeping deeply since having it. Last night wasn't good because we got back late and I was a little stressed out. I slept a little but woke up tired because I didn't get to sleep until late. Amelia is napping but there was just too much to do so I'm a bit tired right now.

Praying for a good week for everyone.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry to be MIA lately, just trying to finish some stuff up at work as well as get my shopping competed.

Anna – I am ANGERED by your boss’s comment. I agree with EVERYTHING that Rebekah has said. But I do understand how you feel. Just remember that you are a fantastic mom and do so much with Jo that you should never feel guilty about going to work. The time you do spend with Jo you give her your full attention and you do fun interesting things. Every time you post the two of you have had an action packed weekend! I do think the remark was insensitive and rude whether it was meant that way or not. As working Moms and wives we have so much on our plate that many times we feel that some area is not getting the time/attention it needs, sometimes it is our job, sometimes our hubbies, sometimes our babies. But like Rebekah said, don’t worry about the amount of TIME you spend with Jo is definitely about the quality and you have two gold stars on that front LOL.

As for the pinching, it is definitely a phase as it is new and a fine motor skill she is learning. But good for your on the scolding and her beginning to understand. I actually gave Katelyn a time out because she wasn’t listening when I told her not to stand up in one of the chairs on our porch (I spanked her, but not hard enough because she started laughing afterwards :-\ ) and it actually worked…well at least for that 30 minutes of time we were outside LOL.

I swear the teeth thing NEVER ends! Katelyn now likes to eat ice when she is teethin (she is cutting her incisors or her canines – cant remember which) so I just let her. May be that is why isn’t sleeping, but she doesn’t seem to be in pain though…hmm.

Rebekah – so sorry that Amelia still has that rash! That stinks! But glad that you know what it is for sure. Poor baby. How awesome that Amelia is talking more and more. Don’t you just love hearing their little voices? Hee hee. Glad that the acupuncture is going well and allowing you to get a good sleep!

AFM – The Bad Mommy : I don’t know if I wrote this previously, but Katelyn chipped her front tooth. It took me a day to notice it. We were outside after Thanksgiving hanging the lights and she slipped on the step. She said owie and touched her mouth and I didn’t see any blood or cut or anything on her mouth and didn’t think to look in her mouth . The next day I was changing her and noticed that her front tooth look a bit off and sure enough I took her a pediatric dentist and she said it was chipped but not bad. She said as long as she was eating ok and sleeping as she normally does it was fine. But boy do I feel awful about it. My poor baby’s tooth!
The Good: we bought her this Elmo doll that sings Jingle Bells and now she sings all the words. It is the cutest thing to hear her singing Jingle Bells. We were at church on Sunday and she loves to play on the piano. I got on a played Jingle Bells and to my surprise she started singing! I wish I had recorded it! She is becoming quite the singer and dancer and such a snuggle bunny. In the morning I always bring her in to our bed around 6ish. She immediately goes to my husband, grabs his head and pulls it towards her face and gives him a kiss and then nuzzles his neck and says “hi daddy” and then “aww” It is hysterical. Of course the next thing out of her mouth is “Elmo, Ernie?” Child loves Sesame Street.
The Mommy is Conflicted: So on Thursday my husband and I are going to Vegas until Sunday for my Step Dad’s 70th birthday. We are leaving Katelyn with her surrogate grand parents (they have watched her overnight a few times for us). I don’t know HOW I am going to handle being away from her for 3 whole days. Anyone that has traveled and left baby for more than a day, help me! I was totally fine when we first made the arrangements but as we get close to Thursday, I am starting to get all sad about it. One of my friends suggest we take her, but that is not going to happen. I just can’t take a baby to Vegas, no way. I will have to suck it up. I just hope that they take good care of my baby.

Ok, I have written a novel. Sorry guys. Oh to answer your question – no Santa photos yet. We may go this week, but we are definitely going next Friday when we are in Denver. YAY can’t wait to be in Colorado YIPEE.

Angela – how are those boys doing!

Jules/Beth/HA – thinking of you and hope you are well. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Well hello there stranger! lol

I have never left Amelia for more than a few hours with anyone. I'd have just as much trouble as you. I'll be interested to hear what idea's others have for you. I was so glad t hear that the chip in Katelyn's tooth is okay. I'm not sure Amelia would let me look at her mouth to even see so don't feel too bad!

Another similarity in the girls. Amelia has taken to music since birth. I'm guessing it's because I've sung to her since she was in my belly. She'll stop in the room and sing. My family gets a kick out of her. They put music on and all of a sudden she stops what she does and dances. rofl My dad LOVES music. I've been blessed to grow up in a musical family so to see that was a HUGE celebration. :rofl:

I'd love to see the two of you together sometime. You'll have to make a video the next time it happens. It's just a pretty inspirational moment to see your child click with you musically. I bet it was so cunning!

I pray you enjoy your trip to Vegas and that God would calm your heart while your away from Katelyn. Praying for travel mercies and many blessings. :hugs:

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