35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey girls! I'm sorry I'm offline so much right now. We are well and I'm reading everything, just rarely get time to post much. We are still nursing during the days (thanks to nipple shields!) so far, and doing formula supplementation during the day and formula only overnight. Can only find time to pump once in the morning and last minute before bed, but he is nursing pretty well so far. The daytime routine with two is pretty hectic, but in a good way of course!

Hugs and love and more updates as I'm able!
Angela it is good to hear from you. I can only imagine how hectic it must be! I look forward to finding out. Post when you can. Is Ethan adjusting to sharing Mommy and being a big brother? I think you had said you were holding off on taking him to daycare at the church for a bit.

Good to hear from you!!! Big hugs!!!

Oh forgo to mention we are officially TTC. I haven't been tracking well the past month keep forgetting to enter stuff into my app. I will keep everyone posted.

Yay steph! I'm so excited you will be ttc too! So if I remember correctly you, Bek and Beth are all ttc now! So exciting!

Ethan is doing pretty well, thanks, he is tolerating it all better than I hoped! Snuggles up in my lap while i hold the baby which is so sweet! Mommy's boys! :cloud9:
Hi Angela!

I expected is much. I hear the transition to 2 is a challenge. I've also heard that the challenge from 2-3 gets slightly easier for some reason.

How are you doing with the nipple shields. I'm watching YOU this time. Everytime I used them I got criticized because it's supposedly causing air between the nipple and the shield OR it would cause depletion of milk. I of course never saw any of that but they made me feel as though that's the cause of all Amelia's woes.

Hind site of course, I would brush it off and not worry so much. I'm noticing a trend with medical care here that they REALLY like to freak people out with weight, bf'ing, etc.

I was just wondering since this is your second time if YOU noticed anything or if you noticed things were actually BETTER with the shield as I felt.

Next time I'm going to check in with you about bf'ing during the day and bottle feeding at night. Have you noticed that it is reducing your milk supply by doing that? I remember you saying your friend did it and it worked well.

Anyways, no more questions. Just thought I'd ask in case you get a little time to post. No worries if you haven't time. I understand completely.

Love to you all!! :hug:
Bek I too have heard the second is exponentially harder than having one, but then the third and fourth aren't nearly as much of a strain once you already have two... After a few weeks of two, I think it must be because you have to learn all sorts of ways to juggle two ( or more), but once you learn the skills and get your routines/coping mechanisms down, the same skills will serve you no matter how many kids you have...just my thoughts! :thumbup:

On the nipple shields, I can't say enough good things about them! I use the medela; we tried tommee tippee but he orefers the medela. I seem to have plenty of milk so far, as can get 2-3 oz every time I pump and that even if I've nursed him recently. Id never survive the pain of nursing without the shields, though I'm hoping my nipples will toughen over time and we can stop using the shields, if only because they have to be washed and I have to have one handy to nurse. I'm letting him nurse about once a day without them so far, and my nipples are holding up okay with that. As far as air I think he gets no more than he would otherwise. :shrug:

On formula, we supp during the day then do formula only overnight, which holds him longer. It's my compromise to get some sleep... There is just no way I could handle both kids all day long if I was up all night nursing. He doesn't yet nurse long enough at a sitting (before falling asleep) to fill him up, so he gets a bottle after nursing that is part breastmilk and part formula. So far he is gaining great!!

More in a moment. Nursing pause!
The medela were the only brand I used as well. Your method sounds like it's a bit easier for both baby AND mommy! We'll see if it will work for us. FIRST things first. I have to actually be pregnant and have the baby. rofl

It's official everyone! (no not pregnancy...lol) Amelia's bottom looks better! :happydance: I can't say what fixed it as I didn't think some things were working. We used a mixture of EVERYTHING. :rofl: Upon last nights bath I even used drops of vinegar which one of the Dr.'s mentioned 2teaspoons per inch of water. I'm also doing keifer, some thick antifungal butt paste, the nyatatin cream and bum drop water drops that have herbs in them to wash the bum with. SOMETHING is working. :lol: At least her bottom isn't bleeding anymore. I was getting frustrated and felt so bad for her. It HAD to hurt terribly. Praise God for that!

Not sure if I mentioned this to anyone. Since having my first acupuncture treatment I have gone from sleeping less and light sleeping to a deeper sleep and waking refreshed and energized the rest of the day!! :happydance: even the chronic anxiety I have has lessened a great deal.

I went from skeptical to really surprised it worked like that. I just thought I'd share that piece of goodness with you all. Anna, didn't you have acupuncture as well??

Hope everyone is doing well.

Angela, thank you for sharing when your SO BUSY. :hugs:

Steph, thanks for dropping by. I miss you!
Yay for improvement on the rash!! And so glad acupuncture worked for you. I tried it years ago when the disc issue in my neck flared up, and it really did help! Like you I was skeptical at first but it really did help.

Anna, Ethan is a pincher, grabber too. I think it just goes with the territory, sigh. In his case (and remember he is a few months older than Jo) he is definitely doing it out of frustration. He pinches and grabs when he gets mad, and will try to bite me if he can if I make him do something (like wiping hands and face after eating) that he doesn't want to do. :nope: we know he is doing it intentionally, so we do discipline him, but Jo may simply be playing and you should go with your instinct about that. It's definitely something that goes along with this age though. Oh, joy lol! So sorry about your snarky coworker, what a :grr: and how dare she!! You are an AWESOME mom and don't feel guilty for one SECOND. We all do what we can. Heck, I'm SAHM and my kid doesn't get probably half as much outdoor mommy time as Jo, mostly because i was preggo but still...you are doing an awesome job!!

Re: breastfeeding/formula feeding, I definitely think what we are doing this time around is MUCH easier than the first time. I learned a lot from that first experience and am trying to implement those lessons now. Reece gets most of the credit though, lol, as he has started off from the beginning as a great sleeper. His current night schedule is a formula feed from 11-12 (takes a while, as he usually poops and pees a couple diapers mid feed and then takes his time falling asleep and fishing bottle etc,) then down around midnight. Hubby goes to bed between 9-10 and gets a block of sleep from roughly 10-3:30 or 4:00. I pump once the midnight feed is done (so i will be able to sleep a while and go roughly 7-8 hours till nursing again) and get to bed about 12:45, and hubby takes the 4 am feed. This way I sleep roughly 1-6 or 7 and get a block of sleep and we both feel much more rested this time around. Hope that idea helps you bek, or anyone else who needs it. It has really been a miraculously different and easier experience this time. I think just not putting so much pressure on myself has helped too... I swore I would not obsess over bf'ing this time, and I haven't. I will do it as long as I can or as long as it is working for us, but with Ethan involved now and needing my time and attention as well, I won't continue with it if it becomes something that is stressing any of us out or causing me to have to sacrifice a lot of time with ethan (to nurse, pump, etc.). It's super important to me to do it for at least a few weeks, so reece gets antibodies, but beyond that I will consider it something we do for as long as it works. I know some folks feel very strongly about it and that is totally fine, but for our family this is what will work, and hubby and i are on the same page about it so I'm happy with our plan for now. :thumbup:

Okay done pumping so off to bed - hugs to all and love!
LOVE the idea Angela and I'm betting I'll come back for reference someday.

I think that's why I'm starting to relax a bit more with Amelia. My issue was anxiety from what was supposed to be a fairytale pregnancy with Jackson. Thereon in I felt I had to be on the ball because I couldn't trust anyone. Dr.'s always made it seem though that she were going to die if I even touched her the wrong way.... a bit of an over exaggeration but I think you all know what I mean.

Hopefully next time around I'll be a bit less anxious. I WILL be alert, just maybe not so freaked out all the time. Allow myself to enjoy being a mom. Even while Amelia slept I felt like I had to be on the ball for sids.

By the way, how are you this time around with Reece about that? Do you check on him a million times or does THAT feeling go away after having been through the first child??

Enjoy your rest dear friend. :hugs:
I think i am definitely more relaxed and confident about most things, but SIDS still scares the pants off me. :nope: I freak out about that for at least the first 7 months or so. Sigh. But i am trying to remember God is in control and so every night I pray over both kids, and then i try to relax, leave it with Him and let myself rest. It is easier right now I think because hubby and i have both noticed that the hormones from breastfeeding are keeping me happier and more relaxed (a known side effect of oxytocin and prolactin) so I am stressing less (so far) than I probably otherwise would. Hoping I can nurse for a while then lol!!
YAY!! So glad to hear that the bf'ing is going so well and that your relaxing.

I pray over Amelia each night as well. I LOVE it! Blesses my heart.

Nighty night my friend!
Morning ladies (well when I started typing this post it was about 9am - 4 hours later I am actually sending it)!

Hope everyone is doing well. Just one more day and I leave my child to go to sin city :-(. I know that I will be boo hooing in the car the whole way there (yes we are driving). I told my hubby that we will need to leave at like 4am on Sunday so we can make it back as early as possible. I will be ok.

In other news, I am just about finished with all my Christmas shopping. I have about 4 more gifts to get and then I am DONE! I didn't get Katelyn that much stuff as I figured she wouldn't really be into and it might get overwhelming to have a crap load of gifts, which she still probably will have because of gifts from aunts, uncles, grandparents.

In Steve's family we have done a White Elephant Gift exchange for the past 2 years, this year we have "secret" santa's. I have my 24 year old niece. She is a Disney freak so I am doing to the Disney Wearhouse store which has everying 50% off and I get an additional 40% employee discount. I am going to get her some good stuff! May have to get the new babies a few additional items as well! That is the hard part for me I LOVE Christmas shopping and buying gifts for other people so i want to get everyone a present, but financially just cant do it this year. So i have to restrain myself when I go to the malls LOL.

Angela - Glad that the BF is going well! I think you have a perfect plan in place and love that you want to make sure that you are spending equal time with Ethan. In terms of length of time you do what is best for you and your family and only you and hubby know what that is. Sounds like a great plan to me!

Rebekah – Awesome news about Amelia’s rash. I hear you about starting to relax. With Katelyn being preemie I was super super cautious about everything with her. And part of that were the nurses in the NICU scaring me with stories! I still get panicky sometimes at night when Katelyn is asleep and I can’t see her face or profile on the monitor, I go in to check and make sure she is ok.

Anna – hope all is well with you.

Hi to everyone else hope you are having a good holiday season.

Hi ladies - have about 2 minutes here. promise to get back on and review what I've missed.

Had the family xmas party sunday....was not too bad, they were only 45 mins late. some annoyances but overall not so bad. phew. Made a ton of food yummy food, I'll let you know about that in another post and will send recipes of anyone wants them.

but a quick update: I have pneumonia and poppy broke my nose! Yup, the tip of my nose is broken by his big head and he is just fine! a couple of whacks sent me in dire pain! hurts up the bridge of my nose into a splitting headache, so I'm very cautious about roughhousing with him now! Just have to let it heal. no blood or bad bruising, just pain pain pain. icing and tylenol. hoping this won't interfere with our TTC this month!!! hahaha!

pk gotta finish feeding piggie. love to you all!
Hi ladies!

Steph, I pray you have a resting mini-vacay. I know it's sad to be away from Katelyn but she'll be just fine with people you trust. Easier said than done of course since I haven't actually let anyone take Amelia for more than a few hours. Maybe after Christmas Doug and I will let someone take her for another few hours so she can get used to someone other than us. It took us 10 years to have her so I'm not like my other cousins who throw their kids around the family for days at a time. Like you all, it's hard to leave for even an hour. I think we all in the forum know how precious this time is and we don't take for granted the babies we have.

Looking forward to hearing how it went.

Beth, Oh no! There are a bunch of close calls with us. Amelia throws her big head ((whack)) into our face when she's tired. It's not on purpose, she just accidentally throws her head down to cuddle and sometimes misses. Sometimes we even hear her doing it to the side of her crib. ((Wack)) I swear the kid has her father's big Scottish head. lol

That tied with pneumonia has to be trying. Glad the party went well. Your always making such good food.

I used to cook REALLY well. I'm not sure what's going on, but lately anything I touch tastes REALLY BAD. Okay, not tasteless but certainly not as appealing as I used to cook. I'm assuming it's because it's new vegan meals but even my cookies have turned out terrible with exception to a few. I don't know what's going on with me. I just feel like I'm here but absent-minded with everything. SO ODD.

Well, have a good evening ladies! :hugs:
Beth - Oh no!!! So sorry to hear you have pneumonia. Are you able to take something for it? Yikes about your nose! That is one of my biggest fears when i am holding and tickling Katelyn. Sheesh poor MOMMY! I hope you feel better soon! Yes, i would love to have your recipes!

Rebekah - thanks for the prayers and encouragement. I will definitely let you know how it went.

Only a few more hours and then I am on my mini! Gotta go to church for a meeting and then home to clean. Our friends are going to stay at our house so that Katelyn is more comfortable and can sleep in her own bed.

Check back later!

ok ladies - I'm back!

first off: Angela - I'm so happy for you and your lovely family. What a blessing! you are such a wonderful person and deserve happiness!

anna - hello dear! pinching? we've got that to a slight degree. grabs onto my lips and RIPS I swear one of these days I'll see my lips in his hands. Sometimes bites my shoulder. I firmly say: NO and move him away. Even if it's during a bottle. He definitely understands NO as sometimes he puts his head down as if to say: aw shucks. Cute but I don't laugh so he won't make a game out of it. No means no to me and we don't play with biters. So I can understand some of what you are going through. hugs! Love the pic of the two of you!!! SOO adorable and filled with fun! YOU ARE A GREAT MOM. Some people, pardon my french, can go screw. Don't listen to them.

Steph - TTC? YAYAYAYAYAYAY! Hoping we both get pg soon and can go through the journey together!!! much luck and hugs! I'm done with all my shopping too, just about all wrapped. Poppy is really good with the tree. Just looks at it. I do have to remind him not to touch but he immediately backs away and finds something else to do. phew!

Rebekah - so glad Amelia's rash is clearing! yay! So glad things are going well!

AFM: as I said, pneumonia and a fractured nose. sigh. going to a pain clinic for my low back/tailbone/hip pains. need a partial knee replacement. I'm falling apart!!!! :haha: but I'm ok.

Poppy is doing GREAT! Remember when we had such troubles about napping in the crib? Well, I stuck with it and now he naps like a champ. NO CRYING! just turns over when I put him down awake, moves around a few minutes and then falls asleep, without a peep! It took about 4 days (just like my mom said, I guess she was right!). The first day, the 2 naps, I went in after 5 mins of crying, but didn't pick him up, just patted his head, shushed him and kissed his head but no actual talking; the 2nd day, waited 15 minutes and only went in once on the first nap. The other 2 days, I let him cry. Sounds mean and it's not for everyone, but he only cried for 20 mins tops. Now we go into the nursery, we rock for a few mins to calm down, I put him in his sleep sack (he helps!) and down he goes. And he takes 2 1.5-2 hour naps a day! then he has his last bottle at 8pm, asleep by 8:30, sleeps through until 7:30, sometimes 8! such a good boy!

We have ANOTHER tooth! this makes 7, and more coming in. Poor kid is maniacal about chewing/drooling.

Our christmas party....apps: antipasto/cheese/crackers/nuts. dinner: homemade sauce, homemade stuffed shells, chicken with wine and mushrooms, salad and homemade rolls. Dessert: whipped cream tiramisu (no eggs), mini cherry cheesecake bites (any fruit topping could be put on top), soft italian biscotti's (family tradition, hand shaped cookies, shaped like figure 8's twists and rings - glazed with sprinkles on top), and M&M cookie bars (holiday m&m's of course!). The shells and chicken dish I made up ahead of time (still have some shells frozen).

I'm almost finished crocheting him a full santa suit. Just working on the hat now, once done, we will take him to santa and have him wear that on his lap! hahahah. I sent you all in a pm the xmas card I sent out. In lieu of mailing you guys one, there is it in email!

I know there was more to say.....hmmm... got some ovulation sticks for this month, hoping we can catch the eggy and not be sick (me last month!). If it is negative, then in Jan, I will be getting a shot in my back to help the pain, but can't do it if I'm sick or pg/ Otherwise I originally was supposed to get it tomorrow but no can do if you are sick.

ok, time to go, hubby is grumbing for dinner. So strange, I get in my pjs now when we feed poppy upstairs in our room then we move him to the crib when done in his room. they we stay upstairs. So we basically go to bed at 8pm every night! lol!

hugs to you all!!!!!!!!!
Hello all!! This may be a quick post as its late, will post proper later this week!!

Beth, thanks do much for the Christmas card!! Loved it!! Soooo sorry to hear about the pneumonia and broken nose. I can't believe you put on such a Christmas spread with all that going on. So excited for the TTCers!!!

MA, so glad Amelia's rash is getting better!!! Poor baby!! Yes, your part of the country seems to freak. Hope your TTC journey goes well!! I hear you on being cautious. I think when you struggle so much to have a baby, you naturally are a bit more cautious. You feel a certain sense of gratitude that others don't.

Angela, I can't believe how well you've kept in touch with all that is going on!! Talk about hands full. So glad Reece is sleeping and your schedule sounds great. You have to have some sleep!!! So glad the nipple shield work so well, I say whatever works go for it!!

Steph, have a great time. You will miss her, but there will be times when you forget to miss her and remember what it feels like to just be the two of you. Enjoy!! I left Jo with her dad so a bit different, for a girls weekend. I worried, but in the end I needed it and it was good for baby and dad to bond. It's not totally the same, but still hard. I'm sure she will be fine and enjoy Vegas baby!!

AFM, iver the work thug but it will always be in the back of my mind. Jo is great and were working on baby pincher hands. This weekend is the big weekend to get all Christmas presents done. Fingers crossed all will work out. I made and ordered on line three calendars for the grandparents of Jo's first year. Originally the order said it would be done by the 12th, now it says order done by the 17th. No big deal for us and my parents but I'm sending one to Pennsylvania and if I have to wait until the 17th to mail it I'm wondering if it will make it in time. Anyways other than that not much going on. Love to all and excuse the typos I'm sure there are a ton, typing from my phone late in bed.
I just read what I wrote and it sounded bad, the part about parents of babies who struggled with infertility versus those that didn't struggle. I sound as if those that didn't struggle don't appreciate their children as much as those that did struggle and that's wrong. We all, everyone of us worships the ground our children walk on and none of us take them for granted. So I apologize if I sounded insensitive or like a complete boob, not intentional!!!

Xoxo anna
Hi Anna,

No, you didn't sound that way. I think we all understood.

So, the darn fake tree I fought so hard NOT to have just had two sets of lights go on it. So we have to take all the lights on this prelit tree off and restring lights. I honestly love real tree's. The same thing happened to the two lit reindeer outside as well. I like to buy new so I know what we're dealing with and my husband likes to use the old one or take used from family. I don't usually mind used or second hand but when it comes to electrical I don't like sharing. Too many house fires with lights that caught fire.

Anyways, we're up at 2am taking the lights off the tree. Maybe the tree will be decorated by New Years. :rofl:

Hopefully the calendars will get there on time. It sounds like such a nice idea for the grandparents!

Well, off for now. Love to you all.

Anna, don't worry about what was said, I think we all get what you were trying to say. Most of us here even if there weren't much of a struggle are older mommies who have waited in some way or another. With or without meds like me we've all been blessed. Your very right! :hugs:
Hi all

In Vegas. I'm ok at the moment regarding missing baby. Anna I too ordered calendars that won't be shipped until 17th. You should be ok your parents should get them in time

Ok my family just arrived gonna get my drink on

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