35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Happy Friday!!! Espically to Steph who got her drink on!! Hope the hang over isn't too bad this morning!!

Not much to tell. Work is busy, Jo is good, grabbing less, and really giggly. I just love it.

MA, I agree, do not mess with old electrical. Good luck on the lights!!

Will write more later, at work getting ready for Christmas crowds!!

Aww, Yay Jo! :happydance:

We were out with Amelia today. We had 3 Dr.'s appointments. Two were easy. One was semen sample which Doug was a good sport about. The other Dr. lost the analysis in the transition to sell his business (how scary is that??) so he needed to redo the semen analysis for insurance purposes. :wacko: I had an appointment at the dermatologist which was quick and easy. Just a good ol' check of the skin.

The endocrinologist appointment was annoying. I had the appointment with the nurse practitioner. She annoyed me the last time but she REALLY ticked me off today! She basically asked me why I took myself off Victoza and Lantus when the Dr. CLEARLY told her that I can stay on it while TTC. I told her that's not what HE told me the last appointment and she basically called me a liar to my face and told me had I made it to my LAST appointment I would have known this BUT she would call him right away and ask him since he was on his way out the door.

She came back in the door eating crow! I was right. You can't take victoza while ttc. There hasn't been enough studies on the affects. She said I could stay on the lantus though. I asked her what the point was if I was going back on the pump. She said..."well I don't DO pumps, you'll have to wait until Monday when the Dr. is in to figure that out".

So what was the point of me wasting my time there then?? :shrug:

My husband thought I was too argumentative. I probably didn't hold composure very well but I don't like being called a liar to my face either. Goodness! Have I mentioned I'm sick of fighting with Dr.'s around here? For ONCE I'd like to let my guard down with someone competent enough to do their flipping job. What if I took her at her word and got pregnant on that medicine? It could have caused medical issues with the baby!

Okay enough of that complaining. I'm so sad about what happened in CT. Been holding, loving and playing with Amelia and Doug ALL DAY LONG. So sad. We've been praying since we've heard.

Well, we went from white lights to colored now. The tree is finally lit lol. Now we need to decorate it.

Praying you all have a lovely weekend!
Hello ladies!!!

I have missed you all! Can I just say I am SO embarrassed that I haven't posted in FOREVER. It's been a really crappy few months for us to be honest. My husband was on 3 rounds of anti-biotics as he got very sick with bronchitis and the flu and then he had a sinus infection.

My poor love, Gabriella - she had yet another double ear infection and was put on a stronger anti-biotic (she's doing better now) but the Dr. says one more ear infection and she needs ear tubes :cry:

Then we got hit with the storm damage from Hurricane Sandy - we needed a new roof and fence and the interior of the house (ceiling) painted in several rooms to the tune of just under $10,000.

With all of that going on, our Thanksgiving was ruined to be honest - Gabriella got her double ear infection on Thanksgiving day and I ended up taking her to the Dr. twice that same day (the first Dr. said her ears were fine. I knew they were not, so I went for a 2nd opinion and I was right). I know my Gabriella and she's on her 3rd ear infection so I knew what to look for.

So with all that, we were supposed to go to Vegas for Thanksgiving week and ended up cancelling.

Things are now getting back to normal thank goodness.

Anyway - I know I have missed a LOT - I hope you guys can give me the cliff notes version LOL. But Angela - I am so thrilled for you and your new little man! :cloud9: Congratulations honey!! How is it having 2 children? :)

Did I miss any :bfp: news while I was away?? I know a few of you are trying, right? :winkwink:

I had some awful news on Friday. I have a friend (Jo) - who I met on this forum right after I had my miscarriage; she had her miscarriage right before I did and we became good friends. She eventually got pregnant very quickly after her miscarriage (I wouldn't get pregnant for another 7 months) and she had a beautiful boy.

Well, she got pregnant again and went into labor (she was close to her due date). Her son was born with a rare liver and blood disorder and passed away shortly after. I cried and cried all day Friday. I'm still crying typing this. My heart is shattered for her. Plus of course, on Friday the horrible shooting occurred in CT. I've been very melancholy for the past few days:cry:

So on a lighter note, Gabriella is doing great! We took her for some Christmas photos last weekend - she wasn't too thrilled with the photographer LOL but we got some nice shots! I'm attaching one of them for you below!

She is eating table foods like a CHAMP! She has her favorites though (chicken nuggets and frittata and pasta and meatballs LOL). What did you guys feed your little ones at 10 1/2 months old?

Much love to you all! I have missed every one of you but hope to be back here more often now that things are getting better over here and back to normal! :hug:

Good Sunday afternoon all!! I've got a few minuets to myself and thought I'd catch up.

Jules, so good to hear from you!! First so sorry to hear about your friend Jo. Such tragic news I am so sorry. Also it seems like you've had a rough couple of weeks. I was wondering about Sandy's effect on you, I know you're in that area. So sorry to hear abut the house damage and the bill!!! Yikes!!

How is gabby doing?? My Jo had a similar run of ear infections but then after the third when they said one more and it's tubes, she stopped having them. Fingers crossed the same happens for you. I am sorry to hear the Vegas trip was cancelled, but a baby on a plane with ear infections could have been miserable.

I hope all else is going great. Any Christmas plans?? Love the Christmas photo of Gabby, she is sooooo cute!!! Take care and lots of hugs!! BTW while I'd love to see you here more often, no stress, we all post when we can.

MA, so sorry to hear about the doctor snafu. Fricking A can you catch a break already?? Not for nothing but that nurse sounds like a real B$@ch!! Fingers crossed next appointment goes better!! And glad everything worked out for Doug.

AFM, as many have mentioned, the shooting in CT. It literally blows my mind. I'm sure all parents feel this way but I'm not sure I could recover from something like that. That is a parent's worst nightmare. My heart aches for that whole community. Being really liberal, I agree that guns don't kill people, people kill people, but when you have a society that seems to have to many people hell bent on destroying others, I just wonder what the answer is. I refuse to talk politics, basically because no one will ever change their mind and everyone's convinced they are correct, but the argument for gun control is a tough topic. It makes me want to home school Jo.

Other than that, had a good weekend. I got almost all my Christmas presents bought and wrapped!!! Went a little overboard at the Oshgosh outlet by my house. They had the cutest stuff at 60% off!!! What's a mom to do??!!! I pretty much went crazy, but I hardly ever buy new, most of Jo's clothes are hand me downs. So a little splurge here and there is ok. Went to yoga yesterday AM, and took Jo swimming this AM. Man my arms are tired. Trying the get rid of the waddle of skin under each arm that flaps in the wind when I wave!! Augh!! Anyway if that's the worst of my problems I live a charmed life.

Hope everyone else is well!! Angela, Steph and Beth hugs!!
Ok quick thanks to Angela for the christmas card!! Such a cute family!!

And I don't like Facebook. Too sad, too many pictures of families torn apart, stories of heroic teachers, I can't stop crying. Going to wake up Jo and give her lots of hugs and kisses.
Hi ladies,

Jules, so glad to see you. I'm sorry about all that's gone on. LOVE the pic! I cannot BELIEVE how big she's getting and how beautiful she's blooming. She looks so cute!


I'm with you on the gun control issue. I believe guns aren't the issue it's people. HOWEVER I don't think we honestly need semi-automatics. I'm one who always wanted a gun for protection and have been toying with a Glock 19. Of course it would be locked away but it took this incident with a mother who left her guns unlocked to sway my own decision. I don't think I'm really meant to have one anyways. I'll use a baseball bat. I usually get into politics a great deal. Love to discuss points and issues but this has been an issue I've honestly been quite confused with. I think we need tighter restrictions, interstate registries to see who's buying where, that all gun sales even those at gun shows are permitted to do a detailed background check (while some stores are permitted to gun shows AREN'T).

I also think we need more talk on mental health issues as well as gun safety issues. If we look at all the shooting incidents like this one each perp has extensive mental health issues. The fact that mom had LEGALLY purchased those guns, having tighter laws wouldn't have changed the outcome. He went into Dicks to buy a gun and the law actually worked in that he was denied another gun. The problem wasn't with the gun law it was with mom not locking those suckers up. You lock them up and you lock them again.

Another error is in training a mentally ill child how to shoot. I'm not sure he was allowed to do it...probably won't know as mom is dead. However, he was out on the range with her. There are several sources that would say you never should give a mentally ill person a gun or even let them near them. It's basic thought process.

So while I'm against banning guns altogether, I do believe there's no need for semi-automatics and a need for tighter restrictions in purchasing them. Also some talk on mental health in America. Seeing the cases of mass murder with guns correlating with mental illness is an eye opener. One in which won't go away unless we deal with the underlying problems. HOW is another story. I am definitely where you are though in my thought process. Just kind of thinking what do we do??

Change of subject here....January's ttc is out. Dougs MRSA from a month ago has crept up again. We're not really sure how this is happening. He's a REALLY clean guy, washes his hands as nurses should do for several minutes, doesn't touch anything. He ended up with a boil THIS TIME on his scrotum. It has been tested but ladies, it looks like a golf ball and is what he had with MRSA last time.

I hear it's bacteria we ALL have on our skin....I'm confused as how it creeps in with people though. Since he works in the medical field the Dr. last time said when he got poison ivy and had pussy wounds, the bacteria got in when he was working. We were told we could file suit but come on! You have to prove it and that kind of thing is hard to prove a. and b. medical care workers know that there are a series of things they "could" be in contact with and are taking chances to help others.

That being said, he didn't have any open wounds on his scrotum so we're unsure how it would happen. Doug is guessing maybe he itched??

He didn't go in today. He called the Dr. on call who asked him to go to prompt care. Went to prompt care and the Dr. REFUSED to do anything with it. He rushed Doug over to the ER where the urologist and PA cut it open and got the puss out. It's been leaking puss ever since. Now there is a chance it's just a subascious cyst without MRSA but it looks an awful lot like what he had last time and they have to treat it like he's contagious everytime he goes into the hospital.

At any rate, I decided we'd cancel January too. If it is MRSA it's not something I want to mess with since it's an area we both come in contact with. I just don't want to take that chance of a fetus somehow coming in contact with the bacteria. Who knows what could happen. It's worth waiting for the right time and out of respect for Doug, the cut needs to heal as well.

He was so nervous though. It was great that while we had a female nurse. She didn't work on him but to take blood and sign him out. The male PA and other male nurses came in for the actual procedure AND his unit upstairs is kept from knowing what he's in for thank goodness for Hippa.

Well, that's enough for now. I'll come back tomorrow if I can. We have an electrician coming in the morning to give us a quick quote for some things we need done. I'm a bit nervous but we'll see what he says. I hope the owner before us didn't concoct some crazy wiring himself. Makes me nervous!

Hugs and love to you all. May you find peace and strength even through the sadness we're all seeing the past few days. :hugs:
Girls please excuse if I post several shorter posts instead of one long one...often typing one handed and on iPad, and don't want to lose a lengthy post.

Bek, I'm so sorry about Doug and the mrsa. It can be tricky to get rid of, for sure, but hopefully it is not actually mrsa again. When do they get results back on the culture?

Jules, so glad to see you and I LOVE the pic of beautiful Gabriella!! She is getting so big! I'm so sorry for all the sickness. It sucks and honestly for a while there our whole house would get sick every time ethan did. But it gets better! :hugs: hopefully gabby won't need tubes, but if so its a very simple procedure these days. :thumbup:

More in a moment...
Everyone please keep HappyAuntie in your thoughts and prayers this morning -her frozen egg transfer resulted in a bfp (yay!!!) and she has first betas this morning, hopefully results by noon. I'm praying so hard this will be their keeper baby!!

Steph I hope Vegas was awesome and I'm so jealous!!! Hope being away from Katelyn wasn't too traumatic, and you had a great trip!

Anna, I agree, the CT shootings have been on my mind constantly. So, so horrible and there are just no words, :cry: :cry:

Okay my sweet boy wants a book read so I will be back in a bit! Hugs and love!
Hi Ladies!!!

recovering from the pneumonia and developed a sinus infection too. sheesh. Nose was getting much better until last night when he was super tired and flopped down on me and his hard head went CRASH again on the nose. ouchie. But we're ok!

Naps have been tough yesterday but I honestly think it's from his teeth. If only they'd hurry up. 7 already and not a break yet. Poor guy. gnaws, drools, grimaces and makes jawing motions. Hoping to get maybe a month relief soon!!!!

Anna - :flower: I hear you on the CT shootings. The poor parents did NOTHING but send their kids to school where we expect them to be safe! WTH??!? homeschooling is much safer! I agree about not bringing up politics, I'm a middle of the road girl, but I agree with the 2nd amendment, just don't agree with automatic any weapon. those things are scary. I just wish mental health care was as easy to get as guns these days. sigh. Scary time to bring up children but we will just be extra vigilant! hugs!

MA - sorry the TTC is out for Jan. I agree waiting until this boil (yikes! poor Doug!!!) is cleared and not risking anything. When it's the right time to TTC, things will fall into place. God will make sure of it.

Angela - loved the card. It makes me smile so much to see your happy family!!!!

Steph - welcome back from vegas!!!!!

Jules!!!!!! JULES JULES!!!!! Hey sis! First, I'm so sorry for the illnesses running wild in your family. :( Good for you for taking her a second time to the dr. Mommy knows her babies the best!!!!! but poor Gabby!!!! And poor Tony! Did you escape all illnesses? Second, I'm so so so so sorry for your friend. My heart is sad for her. sigh.
As far as table food, well, poppy like stuffed shells :) any type of pasta in oil or butter with a little cheese, yogurts, waffles, blueberry muffins, cheese, green beans, some soft fruits like bananas, and mashed potatoes (with some yams at thanksgiving, but that was only once as I hate them and refuse to make them :haha:). Otherwise, he doesn't like much else, prefers his stage 2 meals. HATES the stage 3 with the chunky stuff. gags and turns his head so far away it is almost all the way around! He's just not a texture guy yet, and I'm ok with that. He's eating a ton, but still mostly baby food. :flower: He loves those gerber puffs, chomps on the blueberry ones like there's no tomorrow! the dr said he should still be getting 28 -32 ox of formula but I don't honestly know how to get that much in him anymore! he gets maybe 22-24 tops and we are leaving it at that! :)

AFM, we are hoping this is our month to REALLY TTC. The other 2 months, illnesses came up but we are concentrating this month! no O yet, but we will be charting, temping, OPK and of course, bd'ing! :blush: if we are lucky to conceive this month, it would be right around christmas! what a gift!!!

Poppy has been having many poops a day now, even with careful monitoring of new foods. I actually put him back on a bland diet to see if that would help. They are messy, loose, and STINKY! Mom says when they are that smelly, usually it is something in his intestines and to keep a watch on it. Today is the first day they are a little firmer, but if he still has this many, we may put in a call to the dr. If I was still nursing, I would understand as I'm on an antibiotic for the pneumonia and sinus infection and it causes that with me but I'm not nursing! I kinda miss nursing, though, as a side thought. I miss it until I see 7 chompers in his mouth and then I get over it. :haha::haha:

ok, my little prince needs more food! hugs to you all! so glad you girls are all here!
Hi Ladies!!!!!

Lots of activity happening over the weekend! I will write a proper post tomorrow as I am trying to catch up on all my emails from Thursday and Friday and was given a high profile project today at work that is riddled with issues - le sigh.

Vegas was fantastic! Such a good time hanging out with my family. My hubby and I didn't win a dime, but still had fun losing the little bit of money we did gamble. I am cheap gambler, so it wasn't much LOL.

We drove and it is normally about a 4 hour drive, well 1 hour before we were to be home, my car overheated. Luckily where we got off the freeway there was a Firestone that was open on Sunday. 2 hours later we were back on the road. When we got home, we walked into the house (the people we had staying with Katelyn opted to stay at our house so that Katelyn would be in a familiar setting and could sleep in her own bed) and she was sitting on the couch. She had just put a goldfish into her mouth. She saw me and my hubby and started screaming and then spit the goldfish out of her mouth so she could talk. She yelled my mommy! My daddy! and ran over to me and then said "aw mommy!!!" and then gave her daddy a huge hug and kisses as well. It was so cute. for about 10 minute she kept pointing at me and sayind my mommy!

Apparently, she did really well while we were gone. SHe slept through the night and everything. She even refused to take a bottle at night. Of course last night she immediately wanted me to nurse her. I had to get my hubby to put her down and within 5 minutes she was alseep! I am hoping we can continue down this road so she can get weened off the booby!

One last thing - while in vegas I did buy a pregnancy test because I wasn't sure when my period was suppsed to come and according to my apps I was like 6 days late. I didn't want to be drinking and pregnant. Turns out I was not preggers and got my period Sunday morning right before we left to come home...so that was perfect timing! LOL. WE will be trying again later this month and see what happens come January!

Ok, I will respond to everyone later tonight or tomorrow - probably tomorrow because I am going to wrap presents and I just bought a new book (gonna be like Anna and read LOL!). Three more days and then it is off to Colorado! YAY!!!

Love you all,
Hi everyone.

Happy Auntie...YAY!! :happydance: Praying for you as you wait. :hugs:

Steph, sorry to hear there was no BFP but so glad you were okay with it and ready to have a few drinks.

Angela, we called today and it IS staph however the full results come back in a week or two because it takes that long for the bacteria to grow in the testing. SO ((sigh)) he has it AGAIN. Ever since he caught poison ivy it's been a struggle with skin infection. He has an appointment with the dermatologist but as a healthcare worker they were talking about what we can do about it. Someone came up with this idea using hibbacleanse. It's used to cleanse the skin before a surgery. Somehow since the bacteria caught onto his skin from work in the poison ivy wound he had it can come and go. He will ALWAYS have to be treated as though he has it. Getting rid of it is sticky. We all carry the bacteria on our skin however, not everyone contracts this. With Doug being a healthcare worker they are all in danger of catching this. Since it is contagious we will def. be opting out of ttc. If for some reason I were to get it, I'd be going into a fertility clinic with women who have been ttc or newly pregnant. NOT something I plan on doing. Plus, as I said, the thought of going through with it is also to me a chance that it could hurt a potential fetus. Again, not going to happen. I'm at peace. Doug is going to try the cleanse stuff and see the skin Dr. to see if we can't clear this up for good.

Amelia has that darn yeast flaring up AGAIN. Honestly. Everytime she has a bad poop it starts to bleed again. I've used EVERYTHING! Waiting to hear from the new place and I will call them to find out if we can make that appointment already.

With all this going on and all the negative news, it's putting me in a stupor. I'm in a bah humbug mood and want to cancel every Christmas gathering (we have 4 and it's overwhelming) and just hide in my room with a good book! I was in such a pissy mood today. Obviously the hormones I've injected aren't helping but I feel like the world is filled with idiots. :rofl: Lord help anyone that comes in contact with me this week. Either I cry or I'm a witch. Next year I'm doing my Christmas shopping early because I hate crowds and sometimes wish I had a cow prod to get their bums moving!

Okay, enough of my bad attitude.

Hope everyone is doing well.
She saw me and my hubby and started screaming and then spit the goldfish out of her mouth so she could talk. She yelled my mommy! My daddy! and ran over to me and then said "aw mommy!!!" and then gave her daddy a huge hug and kisses as well. It was so cute. for about 10 minute she kept pointing at me and sayind my mommy!

THIS MADE MY DAY!! Aw, so precious and heartwarming! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
She saw me and my hubby and started screaming and then spit the goldfish out of her mouth so she could talk. She yelled my mommy! My daddy! and ran over to me and then said "aw mommy!!!" and then gave her daddy a huge hug and kisses as well. It was so cute. for about 10 minute she kept pointing at me and sayind my mommy!

THIS MADE MY DAY!! Aw, so precious and heartwarming! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I knew there was something I forgot. lol Yes, it was very cute. What it must have been like to hear!
Hi all, yeh lots of chatter...

Angela, I'm so impressed you can post at all!! Hope you are well and that the boys are doing well.

MA, so sorry to hear about Doug's MRSA!! I'm sorry TTC is out for now, but glad you are ok with it. How's Amelia? Is there any way she can be naked or bottomless?? Pure fesh dry air is best. But I know it's cold so easier said than done. Poor little girl!! We've struggled with it several times, but out here in the dry air it's easier to clear up. Fingers crossed she gets better soon.

Steph, so glad Vegas was fun!! And LOVE the story of katelyn. So cute!! Jo says dog and milk and more, but no mama or dada yet. Two years ago I got a Christmas BFP, fingers crossed for you!

Beth, sounds like everyone is recovering but so sorry you were so sick!! Your little ones diarrhea may be due to the teeth. I know the "experts" say there's no connection, but Jo definitely gets runny poops when teething.

Jules, how are things today??

AFM, lots of snow falling. It's a life saver as we are so down for sales this December! We had a bad snow year last year, and a horrible start to this year so everyone's gone elsewhere to ski. Hope this new snow fall helps. I can't believe Christmas is a week away. Jo is cranky and not eating, molar coming through. Man she is fit to be tied. Tries my patience, but then I remember she's cranky because she's in pain and I give lots of hugs and kisses. Poor sweet thing. So that's about it from here nothing exciting. I am a little melancholy because like I said two years ago was when I got my BFP so I am reminded that there will be no more BFPs in my future. BUT I count my blessings that that one resulted in my beautiful girl. Just trying to be thankful for what we have.

Anyhoo,lots of hugs!! Anna
Hi Anna,

We're trying to do that more and more. She pee's the floor but it's okay. We just clean it up afterwards. Can you tell me how long or how often you would let her stay without diaper? It IS cold here but we're doing it about 10-15 minutes at a time a few times a day. To be honest we've gotten it contained to around the small area of her bum and wee wee area. It was MUCH bigger than that for longer than a month.

Whenever she poops it reopens the wounds and they start to bleed. She's been SCREAMING!

I stopped giving her flax milk and we're slowly going into cows milk for now. She has patches which the Dr. say is eczema. I'm washing her with a light soap bar and putting special cream when I give her massages at night. I think I'm going to have her tested for allergies. I feel bad because I don't know what we're doing wrong. Yes she eats fruits and veggies....we also give her "some" meat once in awhile. She's on vitamins as the Dr. suggested. Overall she's happy. I often wonder if this is correlating with the issue she had since birth. She had stomach troubles which they said was reflux. She would arch her back BUT she's have trouble pooping. She still has this issue. Not with the arching back but with the crying when she's pushing sometimes and when we go to change her she cries. I thought it was always with the bad rash issue but it's been whenever she's laying down to be changed.

Hm, wonder if it's just the reflux again. She's been off the meds. I dont' know, I'm confused.

Made an appointment for the 7th for her. I REALLY dont want her to get the 15 month shots before we work on the issues. It'll be harder to detect allergies to the shots but maybe it's not an issue.

At any rate. We also bought larger cloth diapers. I have to wait to put her in them though as having this yeast infection may irritate the already broken down skin worse when she pee's on the cloth.

Thanks for the heads up!

How is HA doing??
Ma a quick reply, Jo arches and cries when being changed too but I attribute it more to being a toddler and not wanting to stay still. But if you find more out let me know. If she has broken skin I'm sure the urine will sting when she pees. The trick is to make sure her skin is COMPLETELY dry (use a hair dryer if you have to), then a thick layer of Desetin or some protective cream that seals the moisture away from her skin so it doesn't sting when she pees. Poor little one.

As for HA, my heart breaks for her, her news is not good, beta numbers look bad. Words can not say how truly sad and sorry I am for her. HA, I know you lurk hope it's ok I up-dated.
Thanks Anna, I'm not sure if I mentioned I took her off flax milk because of the dry splotches they're saying they think is eczema. Just in case it's an allergic reaction.

I've been leaving her out of her diapers a bit longer today. I usually use one of the thick cotton diapers I had for her when she was a baby to just blot on her bum and it usually dries well.

We used several creams but are now trying a THICK prescribed one along with the nyastatin. We'll see if the extra time running around will work.

As for HA. UGH! She's been through SO MUCH already. I'm praying those numbers will shoot up and stay there. Sucks to hear she's been staying away because of this waiting game she goes through. I REALLY want this one to work out for her. Thank you for sharing and update. HA, I'm thinking about you. <3
Happy Auntie. I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Huge hugs to you and we are here for you.

Love you,
Hey ladies!

This is going to be super fast, as I'm trying to get about 65 things done while both kids are sleeping LOL! But I wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each of you. I love you ladies and pray everyone has wonderful and safe holidays and a great time with your loved ones.

We've got my Mom and her husband, and my sister and her husband visiting tomorrow. then my MIL comes for a few days starting Christmas, and possibly my Dad's wife this next weekend. It should be fun, and will be nice to have some extra hands to help out with the baby! We are also cooking Christmas dinner with my MIL, which we are all looking forward to since we sort of missed Thanksgiving dinner LOL!

I've got a few things I'm going to wrap for Ethan to unwrap on Christmas, but most of his gifts we will just put under the tree unwrapped. I figure it is not worth a ton of wrapping at this stage of the game! What are your little ones getting for Christmas? I'd love to hear all the gifts and see pics!

We are feeling pretty well (just cooped up, but that is expected since I am refusing to take this poor baby much of anywhere till he gets his first shots!) There is SO much flu going on around here - almost every family we know has someone sick, and our dr said they are seeing nothing but flu coming and going. Sheesh. Everyone stay healthy!

Okay ladies, just a quick note to say hi and send hugs and love. More later! :hug:

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