35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Just checking in real quick. Katelyn has officially stopped nursing. We are in Colorado and was gonna go to Santa's Workshop near Pikes Peak but my brother is sick, his daughter is sick and now katelyn is sick. Hopefully she will b better before Christmas.
Steph I'm so sorry everyone is sick! Hope katelyn is better for Christmas! :hugs:
Hi Everyone,

HA my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry for what you are going through and I haven't the words. Just know I'm thinking of you and am hear if you need me. :hugs:

Angela, I'm the same as you. We're trying to hunker down. EVERYONE has the flu around here like in your area. The hard part is we've been in and out of hospital settings due to Dougs MRSA. I'll update more below.

Steph hug katelyn for me and warm her up and well for me. Praying for Gods healing hand on her.

AFM: It's been a pretty rough week for us. It could be worse and I'm trying to calm down. I DO know things have to change next year. We just can't do 4 Christmases. I've lost all the joy that comes with it. We're traveling WAY too much. We cancelled one of them, Dougs siblings wanted to meet again on Christmas eve when the only time to meet with my parents for Christmas and it's the same night (a few hours before) her side of the family comes. Dougs schedule and my mom's has made things a bit harder to get together. We decided to cancel with my dad's side because Doug is working and we just need time at HOME the three of us.

As far as MRSA. Doug has it again. We've gone to the infectious disease Dr. who said every nurse has colonies, only some actually get the huge puss filled sebacious cysts. He's been prescribed the right drug for what he has, he's using a drug under the nose and a prewash they use on patients who go into surgery. It seems to be working to decolonize the bacteria.

He had the second wound drained the same day yesterday. He was in SO MUCH PAIN. I felt bad but held his hand and tried to get his mind on Amelia's laugh.

Grampa (my dad) had to watch Amelia. Angela, like you said, there's a HUGE outbreak of the flu and lets be honest here...who knows what can be picked up at an infectious disease Dr.'s office.

I had new clothes waiting out in the car, a baggie for the clothes we wore in there and LOTS of wipes and disinfecting stuff. We put new clothes on and went out for the day after going home to shower. We finally picked up Amelia. Infectious Disease Dr. answered MY questions. We asked if I would have to be decolonized and he said MRSA doesn't work that way.....He said I was fine. I also asked him about ttc and IUI's. He said there in NOTHING of risk where that is concerned. He did say talk to my fertility Dr. but if he has questions he can contact HIM. So it set my mind at ease. The wound Doug has is packed but not stitched. He gets to take it out tomorrow night and start to wash. I found myself close to fainting in Home Depot because Doug was doubled over walking and all I could think of was the fact that his wound was packed, it was open and could be infected. Doug noticed I was white and flush so asked me to sit. Goodness! When did this become about me?? Poor guy!

So once all his wounds are healed, he's been told to take a clorox bath to get rid of more of the colonization. Hopefully between all of that, it may get rid of it altogether OR lesson it.

I'll have to tell you all about the bathroom pipes later. I'm tired and I'm sure you'd rather spend your Christmas with family and not reading this. lol

I think tonight I'm starting to get better where attitude is concerned. After canceling something, I'm not feeling as pressured. We'll also be starting shopping in January for next years. I don't like crowds like we've dealt with this year.

Merry Christmas ladies. I too love you all dearly! God bless.
Merry Christmas ladies. I hope you are all having a wonderful day with your loved ones.

Ok quick post, as this is a crazy time of year at work. Lots of hugs and happy holidays!!! Hope everyone is feeling better!!! Stay healthy and warm !! Hugs to you and yours!! We had a great Christmas, lots of new snow, took Jo sledding. Will up date more later from my new iPad!!!

Xoxo Anna
Hello ladies!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! HA, I'm sending love and prayers and thinking of you every day! :hugs:

Anna, I'm so jealous of the snow! It's been crazy weather here. First gloomy and yucky for weeks on end, then almost four inches of rain over Christmas, now bitterly cold and windy but sunny. I'd love some snow for Ethan to play in, but doesn't look like we will get any. Just chilly weather. I don't envy you working retail right now. I know this is your crazy busy season. Hang in there!

Steph, I hope Colorado was nice! So Katelyn is officially weaned? I know it is probably a relief for you in ways, but I'm sure you also miss it in other ways. On the bright side, you can now work toward getting a good night's sleep for everyone! :)

Rebekah, I'm SO sorry Doug has more MRSA. That's awful! I know it can be a nightmare to get rid of and I will be praying for you guys. I also hear you about Christmas and the craziness of trying to do so much. Growing up, I was shuffled between 4 houses each Christmas Day. Not complaining, just saying... it is a lot even for the kids; I am sure it is much harder as the adult trying to wrangle the kids. This year, of course, we stayed home, but in future years I can already see how it's going to go. :dohh: We have so many different sides of the family and they mostly want us to come to them. GRRRR. My mother in law is the only one who willingly comes to us. I'm so thankful for her!

Beth, Jules, and all our lurkers - love and hugs and I hope you had wonderful Christmases or holidays!

AFM, we are still doing well. I've been enjoying this last few days while hubby has a few days off work. My sister and her husband came down with my mom and her husband Sunday, and we exchanged gifts with them. Then my mother in law has been here since Christmas Day, and she is always a HUGE help so I'm loving that! Things get pretty hectic and crazy when I'm here by myself, but as long as I have some help it's great, and I can get a few things done. I'm about to try to download and sync up/back up all our recent photos, which I haven't done since this summer. I want to stay on top of organizing those so I can make sure we back them up. It may be years before I get them into scrapbooks, LOL!

Otherwise, we are doing well! Reece is doing great; weighs 12 pounds already and is growing like a little weed. I can happily report that he has slept through the night roughly midnight- 6 or 7 am the last few nights. Last night was either the third or fourth night this week, so that is awesome! It was a full three months before Ethan even thought about sleeping that kind of stretch, so I am SO thankful for that. And because hubby and I have traded off the way we have, I am getting about 6 hours sleep a night, which is WAY more than I got with Ethan! SOOOOOooooo thankful for that!

I will upload some video or photos a bit later, but need to close for now as baby needs to nurse. Hugs and love to all!
Okay baby is still sleeping so I had a couple more seconds - here is Ethan with his favorite Christmas gift of the year - and yes, he has already wrecked on it. :dohh: We're gonna need a helmet for sure! :haha:


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Hey girls!! How is everyone??

MA, I too would hate being shuffled all over the place and do not envy you having to go to a bunch of different houses. It seems to take the fun out of the holidays doesn't it?? How is Ameila's rash?? Any luck with the new cream??

Steph, did you have a good Christmas? How was Colorado ? It's been cold but I think Denver had a white Christmas . Hope you enjoyed your time with your mom. Congrats on the weaning. I too hope it leads to better sleep!!

Speaking of...Angela, glad you have a good little sleeper on your hands!! That is so great and I'm sure feels like a full nights sleep. As for the weather, yes we are lucky to have the snow!! After a slow start and a horrible snow year last year, it seems our luck is changing, and Uller (Norse god of snow) has blessed us with some of the white stuff. If I can figure our how to, I will post some Picts of Jo in the snow and sledding. Speaking of love Ethan's Christmas present!! I think my DH will be buying Jo her first motorized toy before too long. A helmet is a must.

AFM, surviving the holiday season. The real crowds arrive tomorrow and I'm two days into a seven day stretch of work. However I feel like I have a good handle on things at my shop, so fingers crossed all goes well. Santa was good to me and I am typing on my new iPad right now. Angela is there a way to synch my iPhone to the iPad? Can I transfer pictures?? I may have to PM you a few tech questions.

Hi to all our other lovely ladies, Beth, Jules, HA, Twinks, and all others hope you are all well!!

Have a great week and weekend.
Hi Ladies! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :happydance

Angela, Sounds like Reece is SO good! What a whole different experience. I bet your Christmas was really nice and quiet. It's great that the baby is sleeping nicely and gaining weight nicely. Are you still supplementing or is milk coming in fully now? LOVE Ethans pic of the car. lol Too cute for words!

Anna, your quite the busy bee. I've forgotten just how tough retail can be. Though it's not always too far from my mind. My mom works at walmart and it seems like she's always working every holiday. She gets 3 wks off a year and has to go around holidays, inventory and a few other days they deem fit. It can sometimes be frustrating but she enjoys working retail.

AFM: Amelia's rash is totally gone! :yay: You'll NEVER believe what it was...My mom and dad kept Amelia a couple times while Doug had his two wounds drained. Turns out the pampers sensitive wipes had some ingredient in them that burned her. We stopped using them and her rash is completely GONE!!! :happydance: Couldn't believe it. We also changed her diapers to the other brand.

As for Doug, can't remember if I mentioned this but he's using a wash they use at the hospital on patients pre-surgery. It's to decolonize the bacteria. He says he's going to continue using it after work and shower each night to get rid of any bacteria he may have gotten there right away.

Once his wounds heal he has to take a clorox bath. The Dr. said this should work. He's using a medicine used for cold sores just under his nose. It's also supposed to decolonize as that's where the bacteria reside is up the nose. His wounds are healing well and hopefully this will help in getting rid of everything.

I'm going to start juicing again on january 1st. I'm bloated and feel HUGE. Seeing as though I'm opting out of ttc in January, I'm going to take the time to reboot and hopefully lose some needed weight. I just ate some pretty awesome gourmet donuts today and I could have just slapped myself for it. No excuses. I know that I ate 3 days of calories and fat in one sitting. Pretty disappointed after the fact but such is life. Hopefully I'll change my focus in the New Year.

Amelia received a whole lot of toys. Doug says she has so many cars that she's becoming Jay Leno. :rofl: My dad even bought her a Nabi 2. I had NO CLUE what it was and when it was handed to me, I felt like it was over the top. It's basically an ereader/tablet type thing.

It has a parent ID to monitor and block things. It will be great for homeschooling but most of this is really over her head for right now. She's not even 2 yet. lol It has lots of fun musical downloads and a bookshelf with book downloads (kind of like shelfari). Has games and a chore list. When the kids accomplish the chores they win points they can unlock games and special prizes with. A REALLY cool tool as we can also download homeschool curriculum with but much of this is still over her head and WAY over the top.

My parents are 1st time grandparents so I expected a little crazy. As for the other gatherings. Doug's families was great. Especially with the elephant game. Had a great time until Dougs dad was reminiscing and yelled out in front of all the kids that he enjoyed it and may not live to see the next gathering. Found much of us in tears afterwards.

My moms side was a little bit of a downer. My cousin and her husband were all sick and actually planned to attend (her with shingles and her granddaughter with chicken pocks) my moms mother is NUTS! (I kid you not) She landed at my parents doorstep and just kept honking. She was asked to leave. My moms sister and brother have been avoiding my grandmother at all cost because she's said and done some nasty things to them....my mom was upset that they're taking it out on her. Ended up a really crazy night but I liked the calmness. Maybe she'll think about NOT having it next year but it's unlikely.

My dads side is okay. I don't really feel like I fit in with them. Most of them make a whole lot of money. One cousin works in New York City for a designer and so much of her family wears designer clothes and they all weigh hardly anything at all. Most times we go to this thing Doug, myself, Amelia and my parents hang out alone by the door. My dad mingles and so does mom however I really feel like my cousins would rather not socialize with anyone but themselves.

That said, I think this reaffirms what I've been thinking for the past several years. I'm just ready for Dougs side, my parents and OURs. Dougs side is small and calm. Mom and dad are pretty easy though they are very materialistic. It's the way they show their love. I accept it and am thankful however it's always so hard to buy for them every year because I feel like we have to buy a butt load of stuff for them that we cannot afford. To have a nice and quiet time for US would be a great change. Another lesson I've learned is to buy clearance or sales throughout the year. I HATED going out this year. People are so darn rude. Whether it's speeding or slamming a sales person because they can't get what they want...I just have a hard time with it. I'd rather buy when we can afford it slowly but surely and enjoy the Christmas season for what it is without all the chaos.

How do you feel during all this Anna? Do you ever get any rude customers?

Well, I'm getting tired as is Doug. I'll try to come back on tomorrow.

I pray you ladies are enjoying your time. Please know I'm thinking of all of you...even those I didn't mention. I'm just quite tired and cannot remember a whole lot. :rofl:
Super quick - more soon! - but rebekah, Ethan can't tolerate the pampers sensitive wipes, either. I have no idea why they would cause a reaction, but they definitely did with him. Neither my husband nor my pediatrician seem to believe me, but as soon as we switched, his rash from that cleared up. I use the Costco brand wipes now and think they are the best.baby.wipes.EVER. If you can get your hands on some, they are great! Kirkland brand.

Hugs girls, I'm crawling off to bed but will update and respond more as soon as i can! Happy weekend!
Hi ladies,

We are back from Colorado. It was a great trip even though me and katelyn had a cold. Now we are finishing up last minute shopping for my hubby's family as they are all coming over tomorrow for a gift exchange. Very tired and will do a proper post later

Hugs and love to you all.

Hi Ladies!
I hope everyone had a merry merry Christmas! It is New Years Eve!!! yay! Not that I can stay up to midnight these days, but we'll be celebrating on Paris time tonight, so at 6pm, the three of us will celebrate! :happydance::happydance:

I have been sick since Christmas, got hit with the pneumonia again :cry: Charlie has a bad cold now, just hoping and praying Poppy doesn't catch anything.

On Christmas Eve, we had to go to his sister's house and it is SUCH a production. They cry poor every 5 seconds then put on a lavish party (but with crappy food, I mean seriously, you can't say it is mac and cheese when it is just basically DRY noodles with an inch coating of almost burnt breadcrumbs!!!) and give out so many gifts! They are all showy people. We aren't. I told them up front that we usually get Poppy in bed by 8 and that we would bend the rules tonight and stay at her house until 8 (we got there at 4, and it takes 45 mins to get home - and he only had ONE morning nap and was already getting kooky). they took their sweet time and had a stupid trivia game that they made a big scene demanding Charlie and I couldn't be on the same team, yet 2 other married couples were on the same team. Whatever, just hurry this party along. By 7pm, I asked when we were eating because I had already feed poppy and he desperately needed a nap, being up since noon. she had JUST put the food on!!!!!! :dohh::dohh::dohh::growlmad: Charlie and I ate quick, did the silly yankee swap, where I don't know why I bother, I had a theme for both, took time to pick things out (mine was a pizza theme.....a pizza peel(to transfer pizza), dried herbs, good olive oil, a pizza cutter, and a crust mix) and everyone else brought in gift cards. I just felt like it was a last minute thing, and some cards were towards supermarkets not even around us. Ugh. Anyways, they kept trying to take poppy AWAY from me, out of the room. Ah no. He stays with me. He gets a little weird around strangers, anyways. Fast forward to the blessed end of the party and they were physically trying to take the car seat out of my arms to swing it around. Hell No. GO AWAY. sigh. It was a long night. Christmas was at my mom's. Good food, but we didn't stay long. We were ignored by many, so actually it wasn't too bad!:haha::wacko:

Poppy is now a standing machine! ALL he wants to do is stand and gingerly cruise around. :haha: He had been here and there standing up on us when we lay on the floor but 2 days after Christmas and we were playing on the floor......boom, he stands up against his little bouncy car. SOOOOOO proud of himself, gives a little scream of delight each time he stands. He can carefully get back down by himself too, so all day long, we are on the floor next to him as he stands up, screams in happiness, gets back down. Repeat - about 10,000 times. lol. but we love it! few bumps and falls but he giggles and says "mom-mom" and tries again! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: We wear him out as his naps have been much easier since he has been moving so much!

Not much new on the food side, he is content to stay on the baby foods - we try table foods here and there, but he is ambivalent to them. One question - when do they start holding their own bottles to eat? I'm not complaining, as I love our bubba time, but he CAN hold a bottle and pick it up and swing it around, just won't feed himself. Is he a lazy baby who like bubba time with mom-mom too?:haha: Or do they not do that yet? Not that I'm looking to give it up myself, just curious.

Steph - sorry about the colds! they are the pits, esp on vacation! So glad it was a good time!

Angela - love Ethan in the car! I foresee that in my future too!:haha: So glad little Reece is such a good little boy! :)

Anna - I used to work in retail for years - and one christmas season helping out as a manager for a bakery. Although you WANT people to come in and boost sales, some people, eh, you can live Without!:haha: Good luck into the 7-day stretch.

MA - there is something to be said for small, quiet families. As the youngest of 10, I'll never quite know that but it can get a little out of control. The only people who bought poppy a gift were charlie's sisters - on my side, just the godparents. That was it. Was I a little surprised as I spent a small fortune over the years on their kids (I have 19 nieces and nephews) and not one little card for my baby. I will admit I was surprised. Not out of a desire to get actual gifts, but come on, a flipping card would be nice. One sister is hellbent on pushing up one of her sons (the poor other one is nicer, gentler, smarter, and more down-to-earth, but is ignored, makes me so mad!) that you can't say ANYTHING without her one-upping you with him. If I say: oh, he's such a good boy, he slept 11 hours last night, she will come back and say: well, CHRIS was sleeping 13 hours from day 5. You just can't win. My mom was asking her (as she's a dental assistant) gee, is it common to have 7 teeth when he was 9 months, isn't that a little fast (my mom is so proud of poppy, I am so happy she has come around). Sis says: well, some kids get their first tooth quicker. CHRIS got his first tooth when he was 2 months old. Mom just changed the subject but talk about insecure! you can't do a darn thing without her oldest doing it bigger and better. tiring.

On the TTC front, I am in the TWW. :) we did so well with the bd'ing until the actual day of ovulation! :wacko::wacko::wacko::haha::haha::haha: I know the little guys can last, so I'm not counting myself out yet, but we were just too, well, almost broken, so do it again! :haha: If we have to try again next month, we won't start the bd'ing on day 9 again, we will wait until about day 12!! :wacko::wacko: Currently on 8DPO, which is cycle day 25. I am irregular, and O'd late this month, so I'll test by Sat or Sunday, which will be around 30-31 days. Fingers crossed!!! But trying again next month will be OK too! just hope to get PG before the summer!

ok, love to you all, I'm freezing and have to finish my chores before the little prince wakes up. I'll be back later.



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Hi ladies!!

It's a slow morning so I'll try and catch up a little.

MA, why does family have to be so hard?? ( you too Beth ). I can't believe your cousin(?) was going to come with shingles and chicken pox!! Granted most folks are either immune or have had it but that's no excuse!! Can't believe someone would risk exposure to others. I think you are right in taking the bull by the horns and making some adjustments in next years schedule. After all it's your Christmas too.

So I use pampers sensitive wipes, and we have re-occurring diaper rashes. It usually seems due to diaper issues ( someone not changing her for a while), but I wonder if the wipes are contributing to it??!! I will make a switch and see if the rashes subside. You would think a brand like pampers and a product that says sensitive would be ok. It's just never easy is it??

Beth, oh honey I am sorry you are sick AGAIN!! Also sorry Christmas was so crappy for you. Your SILs are a piece of work. And hands off the baby!! I don't think these people have any sense of boundaries, and to not be sensitive to poppy's bed time is just plain rude. As for family presents that's a hard one. I made a ton of presents for my DH's mom, my MIL. Pictures of the baby framed, a calendar, a fleece jacket, got it all in the mail and everything so it would be on time for Christmas. She did not send a single present to Jo or her son for that matter. I really like my MIL on some fronts, but on others she sucks!! My parents feel bad and always get my DH lots of gifts so he has something to open. But it sucks, why go to all the effort when others don't ?? At the end of the day I try and tell myself that it's a selfless act and motivated not be it being returned but purely for the joy of giving, but that thought process only lasts so long.

So excited poppy is standing!! What a little man!! As for the bottle I felt pressure at daycare for Jo to hold hers earlier, but it wasn't until about 8 months that she did so. And I was ok with that. Like you I enjoyed feeding her, still do. This world is full or faster, better, push, push, push.( like your insecure sister). I get it all the time at day care, but don't give in. He will become independent on his own time. Sweet little boy!! Good luck on TTC. Fingers crossed and lots of dust!!

Angela, hey girlie how are you?? Surviving??? How are the boys?? How was Christmas ?

Steph, how was Colorado? Sorry you had a cold. No fun. What's katelyn up to these days??

AFM, thanks all for asking I am surviving the holiday season. I think it's a bit different for us in a resort town. People are on vacation and generally in a good mood. It makes it pretty easy. My stress comes from running the store in general. Last night I was so tired and then I thought back to a year ago when I was doing the same thing, only Jo was up three times a night. Don't know how I did it. Yes some people are nasty but years of experience has taught me they are probably miserable people in general and I try and not take it personally. Being a flight attendant at Christmas time was MUCH more difficult. So by comparison this is cake. Jo is great! She had tons of quality dad time this weekend as I was working. I worry however that we're raising a WWF star. She and dad tend to spend their days wresting. I warned daycare this morning that she may try and body slam another toddler. We're still struggling with the grabby hands thing. Does anyone have any books they recommend on discipline?? I think we need some guidance.

Hope everyone else is well!!

Yay, lots of news to catch up on! I enjoyed reading all the news and will respond in detail hopefully tomorrow. In news from here, Ethan just ran up to my husband and bit him on the leg. Oy!!! :dohh: :dohh: I feel like that line from Austin powers - " he's a biter...he bites." oh boy! :dohh:

More from me soon! Happy new year all!!
Hi Anna,

Someone in here actually mentioned "happiest toddler on the block" by Harvey Karp. I recently found the dvd at a thrift store so I plan to watch it. Amelia for the most part is a happy baby. lol Everyone keeps telling us what a happy baby she is. Luckily her tantrums are at home with US. :rofl:

Beth, you know I thought about my dads side of the family the other day. My cousin is newly pregnant and we got her a special keepsake picture frame. My other cousin and his wife had a baby in October and we bought their baby something as well. None of them really bought ANYTHING for Amelia and let me tell you that the one that's pregnant is literally married to a millionare and the other one while a lawyer and his wife working for the county...didn't I get that they are new parents with MAJOR tuition loans needing to be paid back. I'm looking at it more as a means of blessing them and honestly with as many toys as Amelia has, it really didn't matter.

I think something that has stuck with me though is my Uncle chimed in with a toast about his new granddaughter, a new engagement for his daughter and a new pregnancy for his other daughter.....He pretty much left the rest of the family out of it. Kind of more self absorbed...though I really do get the excitement of all three. I just wish he would have mentioned his siblings and their kids as well....like And to the rest of the family...may you have a healthy and happy new year. It wasn't even his home and he just took the toast. It was quite odd.

I could learn something from Anna though. I take WAY too many things to heart. I keep thinking Man up Bek! :rofl: Get a backbone and just role with it. Be flexible. :rofl:

Doug has been working like CRAZY the past week. They let go the LPN'S on Dec. 15th and all heck broke loose. This Obamacare issue is freaking the hospitals out. They are cutting jobs like no tomorrow and saying they are losing millions before it even happens. I'm gathering that the stupid union is going to reopen their contracts which scares me. The hospital asked if the union would allow it. Nobody has heard from the union and the union reps haven't really kept the nurses in the loop. According to one of Dougs peers who keeps in contact with the union, they won't deal with anything until after the New Year. The hospital CEO can't be trusted and neither can the union reps. The nurses lost their LPNS and they've only had one aide on each floor. It's led to several falls the past week because RN's are overcompensating for the fact that while they laid off all these workers, they haven't replaced any RN's that left either. He's been getting home MUCH later than usual and is MUCH more stressed lately.

On another note, we are looking forward to the day together as well as the weekend. Snow has been falling like crazy. We REALLY want to take Amelia out on a sled.

Praying your all doing well. Anna, how did Jo do??lol I really love hearing about her. Sweet girl!

Steph, how are you and Katelyn feeling now!

HA....not sure if your even lurking. I suspect your hurting more and more. Your never too far from my thoughts and prayers. ((hugs))
Hey ladies ,

I'm loving the new tablet, makes keeping in touchh so much easier!! :happydance::happydance:

MA, don't beat yourself up too much. All my advice is "in theory". I may talk a good game, but at the end of the day I am just as susceptible to being pissed off as anyone.

Thanks for the advice on the toddler book. I have heard of it and in fact bought the DVD and read the book " happiest baby on the block". It was informative, I agreed with some, and not with some advice but all in all it was a good reference. I will check out the toddler version.

So sorry to hear Doug is so stressed at work. That sucks. Hope you guys get some quality time together soon!!

Angela, Jo is obsessed with my iPhone, so hoping to upload some apps on the new iPad to keep her entertained. I'm pretty sure she'll know more about computers by the time she's four, but for now she keeps screwing up our phones. Can you recommend any apps for toddler age?

AFM, had the best mommy moment last night. I was taking a bath with Jo and she poked me in the belly button and I squealed really loud. She thought this was the funniest thing EVER! It was pretty funny to me too and we both broke out into a giant fit of giggles. Just us two girls laughing in the tub. It was awesome! :cloud9: Since I've been working so much lately she's been really attached to DH, and I've been feeling a little left out, so last night it was good to reconnect.

Anyway, -8 degrees outside this morning so not much foot traffic outside, so work is slow and it's good, this is day 7.

Hugs to all!!
One last thing, thinking of broaching the subject of baby #2 with DH. Wish me luck.
i only have a minute - feeding piggy....typing with left hand...
but GOOD LUCK Anna!!!
Sending you vibes to set the mood and minds to be open and talk fully about it.

If it's in the cards, I can't wait for you to join me in the TTC journey!
many hugs
Oh Anna, I hope your husband agrees. I know this would mean SO MUCH to you!

Those giggle moments are AWESOME aren't they?! We have them a lot with Amelia. I bet you had SUCH a great time in the tub! There's nothing like that special bond.

Today she's been clingy and crying. I'm sensing a tooth coming in so we need to go out and get some advil.

I'll have to see what I think about that toddler video. I'm willing to bet like you, there will be some things to take with a grain of salt. We'll see. There's so many books out there it's so hard to know which one will work for our kids, their personalities and the way we choose to raise them. Let me know if you find something good. I'd be interested in reading it as well.

Happy New Year Ladies! Love and Hugs :hug:
Really quick but hugs from me too Anna -I will be praying that talk goes well!

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