35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh Heavens! Amelia was up SCREAMING for several hours and went to bed around 130am. I've been gathering that she's teething the past few days. She IS pulling her ear. It's hard to know whether it's teething or ear infection. She was SO distraught tonight. She refused to go to bed with either Doug nor I. She just clung tight to us and was unconsolable. Poor little bitty. I just love her and really can't stand when she goes through something like this. Praying tomorrow will be a new day and she'll be happy again. We'll see.

Love to you all!

Anna, I hope all went well with the conversation.
Hi all!

MA, My way of distinguishing an ear infection from teething is the fever factor. A really low fever teeth, high fever ear. But it's hard as they both display the same symptoms. Poor little bitty is right! Soooo hard to see them in pain. Hope the tooth broke through and she is better today. Actually that's another way I can tell the difference. If she's teething I'll only have one really bad night, then the tooth brakes through and all is better. An ear infection will be multiple bad nights. Good luck!!!

AFM, I'm off today!!! :happydance::happydance: Finally a day off. Took Jo swimming and she's out cold right now. DH is snowmobiling, and I'm considering a nap too. Kind of mentioned the baby thing this morning and was met with the reaction I was anticipating. He says its a money thing, but that's just an excuse. While I'm bumbed, the reality of my age (41) and the work of another baby is sobering. Plus I feel like he compromised pretty far having Josephine. That's where my head is now, in a few hours i'll have baby fever again and things will be different. However we are booking another trip to Mexico and margueritas on the beach just aren't the same if they're virgin.

... So that brings me to another topic. Don't mean to sound like a broken record here but I am determined to be in good bathing suit shape by May. At the rec center today there were all these moms in the pool with their kids and WTF!!!!! All the moms were like ripped athletes. Flat stomachs, killer legs, are you kidding,me!!??? And it's not like they were all 22. These were older moms. I hung my head in shame, because at the end of the day it all comes Down to will power. I quit smoking, why can I not have more control over what goes in my mouth?? So I'm still a member of weight watchers as they keep taking their fee out of my bank account so I'm going to try and get back on the wagon.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Well, she doesn't have a high fever so it's not the ears then. Whenever she teeths it IS a drawn out issue though. She's had good and bad days for weeks sometimes from the beginning. Today she was a little better. Still clingy and slightly whiney. She went to bed on time and is sleeping.

Anna, so sorry he said no. Who knows, maybe that trip will bring an "opportunity". He may change his mind and you both may find yourself in a nice calming trip which will lead to something good.

Glad you had a day off that was comforting.

On the topic of the ripped momma's. Either they were crazy exercisers to begin with or they have the money to suck it out and tuck it under. :rofl: I wouldn't feel to bad. I have MUCH more weight than you do. Your more likely to achieve the loss than I am at this point.

Try juicing for a few weeks if you can get your hands on a juicer. Check out The reboot
Hi ladies- quick post as we are hunkering down upstairs where its warm... the downstairs thermostat crapped out and at last check , it was 56 in the kitchen!!

Um so I'm 11 dpo on cycle day 28 and i took a test as I've been kinda sick lately and there is a faint faint faint faint line. Am I imagining it? Possibly. Anyone ever see a very thin faint line and it was positive???? I'm afraid to mention to charlie in case i get our hopes up too much and it really wasn't a line.
I will test tomorrow or Saturday and naturally post result here, good or bad. Wish me luck and send prayers!!!!
Beth can you upload a photo?! I've seen some very faint ones turn out positive so I'm very excited for you! :happydance: do you have another test you can use in about 48 hrs?
I've also heard of very faint lines as well. Hasn't happened to me personally because I'm on trigger shots so they cause false positives if taken too early. I DO know I've seen some posts with pics of very faint lines. Hoping for a good outcome Beth!

AFM: Our day started out with the dogs molar coming loose causing tons of blood. Doug went to start the car for work and had a flat tire that took until 6pm this evening before we had help to transfer the vehicle. A couple more silly incidents as well. Seems like everything happened all at once. I have to say I was quite filled with humor.

Right now I'm watching a Shirley Temple flick with Amelia. She LOVES it. Ten times better than that hunny boo boo thing. Wish we could go back in time sometimes.

Well, looking forward to hearing good news!
Hi Angela- tried taking apic but you really can't see even the faint line. Still here it is.. i have 2 more tests!!!
I probably just wished the line.....you can see a faint one in person!!!


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Well looking at the picture as it is, I see a faint line. If I pull it up to it's full resolution it kinda looks like it does when you pee on it and you look REALLY close at it and can see the line but it's not. I exited out again and saw the smaller pic and it looks like a faint line again. I'm out on this one. I think as you said we'll need to wait a week. UGH! That wait is SUCH a pins and needles kinda wait. :hugs: Good luck dear friend!
Beth, I'm with rebekah - when I look at the pic in normal view, I definitely see a faint line (faint, but I think it is definitely there, if we can see it in the pic!). Not sure why it is harder to see when I zoom in, but i too find it is harder to see then... I say test again tomorrow with FMU and see... But I think it is positive hun!! So excited to see the follow up test!
Hi ladies. Happy New Year! Sorry it's been a while since I've written but it's just been really crazy busy here. I'm still on vacation and my husband and I are trying to clean our entire house. We are getting rid of all the old stuff taking Christmas down and putting new stuff in.

Rebecca I'm so sorry to hear about Amelia's teething. Poor baby. I hope that it is teething and not ear infection. Also sorry to hear about what's going on with Doug's job I hope things are okay with him.

Beth Oh my goodness pneumonia again I sure hope that you guys are feeling better. and wow about your sister-in-law's and that party on New Year's Eve. But anything that's so wonderful that poppy is standing. Yay! As for holding bottle I think katelyn was about 5 months old but that is mainly because my hubby kinda had her doing it early. He would be sleepy and prop her bottle up on blankets or something and then put her hands on it. But I have friends who never let their kids hold their own bottle. I don't think there is an age. As Anna said dont rush it :).

Anna Colorado was good. We were gonna go to Santa Village near Pikes Peak but all the kids were sick. But we had a great time with my family and they could not get enough of Katelyn. We are gonna try and go in the summer so thy everyone will be healthy and we can also head to Estes Park. I hope that your hubby comes ar

Angela love the photo of Ethan and his car!!! That is awesome. He is getting to be such a big boy. He will be two soon!!! Last year this time there were discussions about what to do
Arrrgh!!! Posting on my iPhone and I hit the post button by mistake.
Anna I was saying that I hope your hubby comes around and that we are all ttc around the same time. 41 is not that old one of my friends had her first at 46 and still would like to have one more. As long as you are ok with either trying for a second or only having Jo is al that really matters.

Katelyn is bottle and booby free!!!! She has been doin so much better a sleeping too!! Most nights she will sleep until about 5 and then go back to sleep until 730. Last night though she woke up at 330 and I brought her into our bed and she talked for about 30 more minutes and then talked in her sleep!!! She is talking solo much more now and when we are driving she starts singing twinkle twinkle little star though sometimes it is tickle ticklnlittle star lol. Sometimes she makes up her own songs. Makes me laugh. She has this thing where she says My Mommy and then I saw my Katelyn and then she hugs me and says awe mommy. Love love love!!!!

The biggest news is that we are officially starting to potty train. Katelyn will tell us when she is pooping or when she is peeing so we bought a potty for her. I setting it up tomorrow. Angela has Ethan starting potty training yet? If so how is it going? What do I have to look forward to lol? Also how well do you brush his teeth? It is hit or miss katelyn. Sometimes she will hardly open her mouth and other times she lets me brush top bottom front AND back of her teeth.

Well that is all that is going on with me. Still on vacation so we are trying to finally put up pictures and purge some stuff we shod have never moved into the house to begin with. I wrote a book and will check back later

Checking back to see if Beth has had a chance to retest yet! :haha: :happydance: I'm so happy so many will be/are ttc again. So exciting! And Anna I am praying for your hubby to come around!

So sorry for short posts...most often typing one handed. Happy to have my hands full though!! Will respond in more detail when I can. Steph so good to see you back!

Hugs everyone!
You are so sweet Angela!

I retested this mornjng and still a faint linebuti thjnk it's there!!! Here are 2 pics of the same test. What do you all think?


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I definitely see it! It's still faint, but I see it! :happydance: it should darken up over the next few days...by about 14 dpo mine were easier to see. Maybe retest Sunday, if you can stand to wait that long lol! Also might try a FRER in the meantime if you want to!
Hello all,,

Beth, so exciting!!!! I see a faint line too! Fingers crossed it gets darker in the next day or so. I'll be waiting on pins and needles. Also, hope you are feeling better and that the house is warmer! Burrrrr!!!!

MA, how's Amelia?

Angela, short posts are great and I'm impressed you manage them at all.

Steph, so glad the trip to Colorado went well, but sorry you were all sick. Maybe when you come back in the summer we could meet up? Where are you in the ttc journey? Last I remember you we're in the tww. Congrats on the house orginazation. I love to be organized, but alas both my mom cave and Jo's room are in need of a little TLC. I am impressed you're getting it done.

AFM, I got some of the best news last night. A girl friend of mine who has been TTC since before we were ttc, called to tell me she was pregnant. I think they've been trying for over 5 years. They were TTC for two years when they finally went and got him tested and found out he had no swimmers. NONE. Her DH took this as a sign that they shouldn't have kids. Needless to say I can't imagine the emotional tole it's taken on her. She's pretty reserved but every once in a while it would rear its ugly head. She's in my book cub and in the last two years alone four of us have announced pregnancies, one of twins. Anyway they are pregnant and 20 week along. I am over the moon for her. :cloud9::cloud9:

Unfortunately it brings up the green eyed monster as I still wish we were ttc. As I've mentioned before we're using the pull and prey method of birth control. Only I'm preying one way and DH is preying another. Not a healthy way to go about things. I felt AWEFUL last night, so nauseous, but I'm pretty sure it was just some bad Mexican food.

On a positive note spending my time planning our family Mexico trip and my yearly girls trip. So excited for both. And really both are so much fun when able to have a few cocktails.

Have a good night, Beth you're in my thoughts.

I took another test yesterday morning but it again was so faint I was starting to think I misread. This morning I woke up thinking my period was starting as I had that damp heavy feeling. I did buy the FRER and figured I would trythat and 2 nice pink visible lines!!!!!

I'm so happy. This was the month we really focused on bd'ing from nights 9-16 - the other months something always interrupted us!

Yay :bfp:!!!!!

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