35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh YAY!!! Beth honey I'm SO excited for you! :headspin: :happydance: congratulations!!!

So sorry to post and run. Reece has his first cold (how????? I've literally not left the house with him!! :hissy: :brat: and I'm nursing a very fussy poor munchkin while typing left and one handed lol! Meanwhile ethan has not slept a wink yet despite being put down for his nap an hour ago :](*,): More later!
Beth I am soooo happy for you!!!!!

Angela, I am amazed daily all that you do. I am sorry Reece has a cold, that is AWEFUL. I hate to say it but he probably got it from someone in the family. Harmless to those with immune systems, but poor baby. How's Ethan? When it rains it pours.

AFM, Sunday afternoon. Want for my first cross country ski this year. Despite being faithful to my yoga, I got my you know what kicked!!! Partly due to the fact that I took Jo in her Chariot. Pulling 30lbs up hill for an hour on skis worked me. But it has finally warmed up and it was so nice to be outside and get some vitamins D!

Hope everyone else is well!!
WTG! Congrats Beth. So happy for you. Looking forward to hearing your new journey.

Can't stay long. It's 3am and I'm tired. We had a very LONG day!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. YAY Beth! :happydance:
Oh no MA!! So sorry it sounds like you had a bad day! Happy Monday!!

Just popping in to see how everyone is doing.
Doing find thank you Anna. Still a bit tired from yesterday but all is well thus far. I'll come back tomorrow and catch up.

Love to you all. Beth how are you??
Hi Ladies!

Thanks for all the congratulations - I am over the moon happy. I am going for a blood test today, should know my numbers tomorrow. We decided that is all stuck and is on the right path, we would not find out the sex again. Another surprise! Makes it so fun.

I will admit, that besides being wildly happy, I am scared as all heck too! I think of all the time I devote to poppy and how the heck am I going to do that with a new baby and a 20 month old? How can they BOTH get the best of me? But I will figure it out! Any help/advice would be appreciated, though!

morning sickness has been here for a few days - since about 6DPO! Comes and goes all day but I had this last time and the minute I hit week 12, I was fine. I know it is for a good cause, so I can handle it.

We have a heating guy coming soon so I must dash - we semi-have heat. I know, it's cold, crazy, and only with some heat. Last week we had temps in the low teens in the morning, so luckily upstairs the heat works fine. Just have to go pick up a bit as a tornado hit my kitchen!

Love to you all. Hope you are all well. you girls are exactly what I need!

hugs, Beth
Yay! :happydance: Do keep us posted. Beth, you'll be fine. I hear stories that the second one is hard because your transitioning from one to two and the third is a little easier from there. You'll be FINE! Your a great mommy. Angela will probably have a little bit more insight about what it's like with two but I'm sure after the initial transition that all will be just fine.

I'm excited for you. Though I'd like to peek at the sex of the baby if you don't mind. :rofl: It's hard waiting! I don't know how you do it. lol

Well, all is well here. I'm going to spend time with my husband and daughter. Love to you all.
Woohoo Beth! Yes I am sure Angela will have lots of words of wisdom. I think your fear of splitting your time is a common one. I know my friend who has three worried about that. Once they got a little older she made sure each of her kids had one day in the week that was all theirs. Each had her own mommy day. Hope you feel better soon, yes the sickness is worth it, but man it sucks while you're in the middle if it . Also hope you have your heat back!!

MA, LOVE the new avatar! So cute!! Glad things sound like they've calmed down a bit. Hope today is better.

AFM, spending the morning on my tablet at work. Bad employee, bad! :nope: Looking at differences between hotels in Mexico. Could not be funner. :happydance: I know that's not a word, but I don't care. Anyway debating between a town we know and have been to a hundred times and a hotel we've been to before, and a new adventure. I have to say I'm leaning toward a new adventure. We've never been to Ixtapa Mexico before, and I am looking at a hotel we've never stayed at before. But the reviews are good, and I'm itching to switch it up. However we've been to Puerta Vallarta a million times before and know the hotel chain well and trust it. But like I said been there, done that. Puerta Vallarta is also a bit cheaper and the flight is non-stop direct. Where as the other flight has a quick plane change. So there are pros and cons for both, but like I said I'm feeling adventurous. I'll let you know what we decide . . . I need a vacation to look forward to. Something to get me through the winter.

On another front hanging tough on the weight watchers. Getting better at not using any of the extra points.

Hope everyone has a good day! Thinking thoughts of warm sand and margueritas!!
Hi Anna,

I'm living Vicariously through you on the trip to Mexico. DO share when you have things planned. I LOVE to hear about it. Are you bringing Jo with you too again??

Yes, things have calmed down. Doug had a flat tire, amelia was teething and a few other things happened. When it rains it pours. I was just tired. Still am really. I feel pretty beaten up spiritually and emotionally. I'm just tired all the time. I think it has more to do with the weight gain than anything. Oh wait, you probably aren't up to date. I haven't weighed myself BUT I know I gained all the weight I lost back. I had to get off the meds to ttc and go back on the darn pump. More insulin means more weight added on. I'm just frustrated because I'd like to have lost weight BEFORE getting pregnant again.

The odd thing is because of my PCOS I tend to LOSE weight during pregnancy and gain it afterward. It's a hormonal thing I'm guessing. So while I'm depressed right now about gaining while ttc, Once I'm pregnant it will get better. THEN it looks like I'll get back on the Victoza med that helped me lose weight by adding LESS insulin to my blood stream.

I think 2 would be enough for us. We're planning to adopt and I'd LOVE 4 children so two beautiful pregnancies and 2 adoptions would be such a blessing.

Of course another mind over matter issue is that I'm just not sure how long it will take me to get pregnant. Lets be honest here. I'm a little frightened it won't happen. No reason really to feel this way....Dougs sperm count are AWESOME. They ask for 20 thousand and HE had 85 thousand and all the other sperm analysis came out just fine. Add IUI and hopefully it will be even better since one of the reasons it takes so long to get pregnant is because my uterus is tipped and my ovaries are LITERALLY near my bum hence all the lower back pain. ESPECIALLY the left ovary.

I'm going to go on a fast. I had planned on the 1st but so much stress over the holidays and with the car, electrical, etc. that I really needed my flipping chocolate cupcakes.

Please keep me in your thoughts as I start this juicing fast. I think not only am I planning to reboot but I'm also going to spiritually reboot since I'll already be fasting. I just can't seem to function lately. My mind is blurry I feel tired all the time and just overall depressed with my weight.

On a positive note, I've made the basement our exercise forum. We have our weights, yoga mats and treadmill down there. I think I'm going to get a small tv and wall mount so we can watch exercise dvd's down there. NO EXCUSE NOT TO EXERCISE IF WE DO THIS.

Well, I'm tired...AGAIN. So I'm going to play with Amelia. I've been taking her out int he sled. She hasn't really taken to riding the sled in the snow yet. lol

Have a good day ladies. Anna, So glad your doing well with weight watchers! :thumbs: P.S., thanks for the comment about the avatar. We have a lot of fun dressing this kid! She looked like rainbow bright today. :rofl:
Hi ladies

Beth I'm with Rebekah can we know the sex? I won't tell lol. I am not good at waiting either heehee. I totally feel you on sharing your time. I have same fear. But i am sure on e the new baby comes you wont have a thing to worry about. Sorry to hear about your heater. I believe Angela had a similar situation last year only it was her air conditioner. Hopefully it will be in your entire house soon.

Anna that is so cool about skiing I am sure that Jo loved it and had a blast. You always do such fun outdoorsy things with her! I love it! Mexico sounds fantastic! Good for you for going back to weight watchers. I think I am goin to get back with Spark People. Mainly because it is free and if I do get pregnant within the next few months I won't have to worry about canceling yet AGAIN.

Rebekah sorry that you had a bad day. I am sure the rest of the week will be good. Please don't be upset if you did gain weight. I am almost back to my 7 month pregnancy weight YIKES. We will lose it. Good luck with your fast. I think I may need to do one this weekend.

Angela how are things with you? How is Reece feeling? Hopefully Ethan hasn't caught the cold.

AFM. Well like Rebekah said when it rains it pours. Hubby had to get new tires for his car, our washing machine (which is only 6 years old) just broke (fingers crossed it doesnt cost a grip to fix!) and katelyn has a horrific cough that kept waking her up last night. I'm taking her to he Dr tomorrow but for tonight I rubbed Vicks on her back chest and feet and have the cool most humidifier going. I'm hoping that will give her some relief. She also has four teeth coming in poor baby. And potty training isn't going so hot. She refuses to sit on the potty when she actually has to go. She will tell me she is pooping and when I ask her if she wants to sit on the potty she says NO. I'm not gonna force it. When she doesn't have to go then she is more than happy to sit on the potty... Go figure.

Other than that things are ok. Busy at work which I guess is good since there are rumors that we will b having lay offs at the end of this month. On a positive note I'm going to the happiest place on Earth (disneyland) Saturday to let some friends into the park and it truly does make me happy to be there.

Jules we miss you how are you doing?

Tomorrow is hump day and then we will be heading to the weekend yay

:hugs: Steph. I hate to say it but misery loves company. :rofl: So glad we're not the only ones going through a little storm. Though I wish neither of us really had to I'm sure there are worse things. God always provides doesn't He??

Thank you SO MUCH for your encouragement on the weight. I've been SO depressed about it. I did get the basement ready. Now I have to figure out how I'll talk my husband into getting a little tv down there for the videos. I have to time this right because he's keeping me on budget with the electrical stuff. lol

I STILL would love to go to Disney to meet all of you girls one day! In the meantime, I do pray we all stay friends here on the net. I really love you girls. Wish we all lived close by. You've become such a great group and an inspiration to me. Such a diverse bunch we are and yet we have so much in common. I have to say that I love chatting with my girls! lol Would be so fun to have coffee or tea in hand and actually talk face to face one day.

Well, off I go. Since getting off facebook lately I've had more time to really get actual work done. I must say I DO feel as though I'm getting things done. The time I have is more focused. I've even been keeping t.v. off and keeping the radio on when I'm not playing or cooking. LOVE IT! I was just SO SICK of news coverage negativity and FB crap that I just felt I needed a mental break. lol A change of attitude wouldn't be so bad either!

Love to you all. Have a good night!
Morning girls :flower:

MA, don't stress the weight. You will take off what you need to and the fact that you are dependent on the pump only makes it harder. You sound so down I'm wondering how you're vitamin D levels are? Do you take a supplement? My friend who is an acupuncturist says most people here are vitamin D deficient and that's in sunny Colorado. I'd look into it, it can really effect your mood. In the mean time we will keep each other motivated. You've don't such a good job getting and keeping your family healthy, that's a HUGE accomplishment!! You eat better than anyone I know. The weight will come off.

Steph, so sorry to hear you too have had a tough week. Pool Katelyn. How is her cough? What did the doctor say? Jo has had a cold for over a month now and I'm on the fence about taking her in. I mean I think it's viral, but the cough and runny nose are driving her crazy. I don't think she has a fever, any advice here??? Good luck on spark people. Anything that helps.

Angela, how are ya hon? I see you're lurking, take care.

Beth, how are you feeling sister?

AFM, got news my friend that was pregnant with twins had her babies yesterday and they named one Anna!! Woohoo. Mom and babies are all well. Insert green eyed monster here. Brought up having #2 again last night and was met with the same response. I think he thinks I'm kidding.

In response to MA's question, yes we are taking Jo to Mexico again. She's becoming quite a good traveler. I think we're going to go to Ixtapa, the never been there option. Just nice to look forward to something new. In true DH fashion he wants to go high end on the room and upgrade to a suite, so I put the financial hammer down this morning and we've cancelled one of the snowmobile trips we were going to do this winter. I swear the man seems to think money grows on trees!!!!

So plus side of doing weight watchers again and being really committed this time, is that my drinking and has gone down huge. I say we're not huge drinkers but the reality is that I had two to three drinks a night. Now it's one and done. I'm not willing to sacrifice the points, where as in this past I would just say screw it and go over daily points. So I feel better overall. I'm going to try and get DH to go on the wagon for a month or so. We'll see.

Anyway, happy hump day!!!! Anna
Hi Ladies - we have heat!!! woo-hoo!:happydance:

but that means I had to skip getting the blood test yesterday as the heating guy took forever and when finally done -it was time for Poppy's 2nd nap which was over 2 hours! So we will go right after lunch today.:thumbup:

not too bad on the morning sickness today - only got sick once! now I feel pretty good. after the blood test, need to do laundry and prep tonight's meal - balsamic glazed chicken thighs! bought an awesome cookbook - the naptime chef - she preps everything during the nap times so all you do is throw it in the oven when hubby gets home.

MA - sorry about feel down about the weight/lack of energy. i needed to lose weight before getting pg again but it just didn't happen. I'm on of those who don't eat a lot of bad things - I just don't eat very much - like I would skip breakfast and lunch, maybe have some crackers then have dinner. So I was doing bad damage to myself because my body was thinking I was starving it and would store up the fat - hence never losing any weight. You would think if you don't eat, you would lose, but it doesn't work that way. This pregnancy I am focusing on eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks. it is hard! that is why I lost weight during last pregnancy. I ate healthy and often - small meals. even KNOWING that would work when I wasn't pregnant, I still didn't do it. We fall, but get back up and keep going! I second the vitamin D that Anna says - that also works wonders if you think you might have SADD. Keep strong!

Anna - SO jealous you can successfully travel with Jo! No more vacations for us - Charlie can't imagine doing it - we even put off a day trip to vermont (about 3 hours away) because he is so worried. sigh. you enjoy mexico, have a cosmo for me!!!! sigh - no more cosmo's for a year too!!!! It's worth it, it's worth it, but sometimes, nothing like a well-made cosmo! Sorry about your DH....maybe on the trip when it's just the three of you, you can bring up how wonderful the family is and can you imagine one more in this picture, I can....

Steph - 4 teeth coming in at once! yikes!!!!! poor ALL of you! I hope her cough gets better quick. As far as potty training, I read an interesting article written by a pediatric urologist that make a good case against training early. Now, I'm not taking it as gospel truth, but it did get me thinking. When it's the right time for Katelyn, she will let you know. If you are interested in the article, I can post the link, but again, I caution you that it is not the be-all and end-all of advice. Just gives a different opinion. Please don't think I'm against trying to potty train!

Angela - hope all is well and you are hanging in there! I will be picking your brain soon for you to soothe my fears!!!! :) :)

I hope Jules is well - she hasn't been on FB much either, and I miss her!

Well, back to my snugglebunny, lunch, then off to get the blood test today! He only slept 40 mins this morning - stinker! - so hoping he has a nice long nap. Just the odds were against us today - he got up late, is teething, has a little cough, a swollen lymph node in his neck (prob due to the cough), and ran laps around his crib the first nap for 35 mins before pooping. sigh. change the poop, back down - standing for 10 mins before trying to pick at the covered, baby-proofed outlet. finally fell asleep for 40 mins. Now is up and yawning! arrgh! you wouldn't be tired if you slept longer!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: hoping the next nap is more restful for him!

hugs to you all!
Checking in on the blood test Beth. Do we have numbers??

Anna, after you said that it reminded me that I haven't started my vitamin D since snow officially started. I took it and I can already feel the difference. I'm willing to bet this is part of the issue.

Today I woke up with a terrible migraine which I gather is from over extending my neck while sleeping last night. Amelia is asleep so I'm going to take some ibuprofen and rest for an hour.

Otherwise today was a nice day with Doug and Amelia. Between the past couple of days I've been getting a whole lot done! Quite proud of myself.

Anna, sounds like the trip will be nice. Get him all liquored up and have a baby. lol JK. Enjoy that trip. I'd LOVE to hear more about it. As I said, I'm living vicariously by your description. Hopefully one day we'll get a vacay on.

Oh on a surprise note...I got a letter from our insurance company. I had only 3 more IUI's and they extended it to 4. They said if I need more to let them know. Holy Cats! ((faint)) NEVER even expected that letter let alone one extra IUI paid for. Last time it took 3 tries and it was at the 11th hour. At least we have one extra just in case. I go to the endocrinolgoist tomorrow to tweak the darn pump. My levels are coming out too high right now. I'm also going to make an appointment for another massage and accupuncture treatment since that helped my moods and let me sleep at night.

My apologies for all the misspellings. As I said, I have a headache and I'm having a hard time functioning.

Have a GREAT day ladies. P.S., thanks so much Anna for the info on the vitamin D. I think you saved the day!!! :happydance: Time to get a refill script.
UPDATE: Hallelujah! :happydance: ((((PRAISE))))

Post taking a Vitamin D prescription, ibuprofen and a small rest before Amelia woke up from her afternoon nap.....I am feeling AMAZING! headache is gone and I have energy again. Even my brain isn't foggy. I do feel tired but that's par for the course. We haven't had much sleep.

On another subject, We bought Amelia a table with an oven. I had no idea it had several battery operated components. She's been playing :"clean up time, clean up time, clean the table make it shine..." over and over and over again. She likes to hear it so the button gets pressed after it stops. Hahaha too funny.

Thanks again Anna! xxoo
Bek I am taking 3200 of vitamin d daily half in a.m. Half p.m.) and can tell it is really helping my mood and, hopefully, my immune system too. Lord knows we need it around here.

Sorry for the selfish and short post ladies but I am freaking out! Ended up taking both boys to the dr today after Ethan got up with a 103 fever (102.8 last night but I thought just teeth, as had no other symptoms). he was terribly listless and punky this morning and slept till 9:15 which NEVER happens... It had been a 50-50 toss up on taking reece in for follow up to mondays urgent care vs just watching, so took them both in. They tested him for strep and flu and both were negative so dr said just viral, wait it out...but OMG his fever was 103.7 when I just put him down a few minutes ago!!! :cry: :cry: I am so worried -both for him, and that he will pass it to the baby. At this point, I can't believe they could have the same bug bc Reece (thank God) has had zero fever, and Ethan running almost 104 makes me fear they have two different bugs (even tho Ethan got sick after Reece). We can't figure out where these viruses are coming from bc we have been SO careful. Whatever it is, it is scaring the hell out of me!! Poor hubby has it too but no fever... Yet. Im fighting it but so far, god has been merciful tomkeep dr. Mom on her feet lol. Of course this would be the first week in forever hubby has needed to be in the office four days out of five. :dohh: normally he can work from home. Anyway we are just about pitiful here at the moment, please pray for us! More update later and I'm sorry cant respond to all the wonderful updates everyone has posted, I will soon. Beth can't wait to hear numbers! :hugs: Love you ladies!
Oh no Angela! Poor Ethan. It's not the flu?? It sounds an awful lot like the flu with the aches and fever. The fact that they all have this is just awful. How are you feeling?? It would scare the heck out of me too. Have you been alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofin every 3 hours with them? One is supposed to stop the pain and the other is supposed to bring down the fever. Amelia had a slight fever from her shots the other night. I gave her tylenol and she still had a fever of 99.8 for 24 hours. I gave her a bath which brought it down some and let her romp in a onesie. For your husband, can you get him to take 1000mg of vitamin C twice a day, a zinc lozenge and put two droppers full of echinacea and goldenseal tincture in some tea for him to drink?? That usually starts to get rid of whatever the bug is within days versus weeks. Don't give it to the kids though, they're too young yet.

I wish I had some idea what to do with Ethan but I'm willing to bet your already doing what you can. Poor guy. Sometimes those darn viruses are worse than the flu.

Feel better soon. Since you asked for prayer I'm going to pray right now so you KNOW I'm actually praying for you. I hope nobody minds:

Heavenly Father, I take the time right now to pray for Angela, her husband, Ethan and Reece. Father, you know what it is that they are dealing with. I pray that you would put your loving arms around them all and give them peace and great rest. Renew their minds and spirits Father as you build them up and heal their bodies. I pray that you would give them quick healing and recovery through Jesus Christ our Lord I pray...AMEN!

Know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers tonight and the nights ahead as you all recover from whatever this bug is. :hugs:

Love and hugs to everyone else. Praying everyone is well!
Thanks rebekah! You made me cry sweetie!

So it's 12:45 and I just got Reece down for (I hope) the night. Went in to check on Ethan and poor baby was just standing there in his crib,,, I don't know how long. I snuggled him, changed his diaper and gave him some Tylenol (yes, we are alternating the meds...even with Advil, his temp only comes down to 101.6). I am afraid it may be strep... His mouth/breath stink which is not normal for him... I know that is a hallmark of strep. The instant test or whatever they ran today was negative, but she said they will culture it for 48 hours as well. But I am not waiting 48 hours with him feeling this miserable; I am going to call his dr. First thing a.m. And tell her I would like to treat it proactively/presumptively as strep. If he takes a needless round of antibiotics because it is viral after all, at least I will have tried and, in the meantime, if it is bacterial, he won't have to wait two more days to get on meds. I am just sick at heart over how ill he is, and scared to death he will pass something like strep to the baby. :cry: as soon as I finish pumping I am going to try to get a few hours sleep and will update in the morning. Love to all
Angela I too praying for you guys and hope Ethan doesn't have strep. In the interim if you haven't already take a washcloth and wet ring it out and put it on the top of his head and forehead. That should help to bring the fever down. I had to do that last nite with Katelyn. She went to the dr today and was diagnosed with just a cold and bad cough. Hoping that Ethan only has a bad cold and nothing more serious. Also praying the Reece doesn't catch whatever it is he has.

Hugs and love,

Please keep us posted.

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