35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi All!

Happy Tuesday ?!

Rebekah - So sorry to hear about all the drama that went on this weekend! Glad that Doug didn't get a ticket, but that stinks about your sofa! As for the tantrums, Katelyn pulls them too. We do a few things:1 walk away, then she normally stops and walks over to me crying 2. I tell her firmly after about 30 seconds "that's Enough!" 3. We tell her she is going to get spanked and normally she will stop. Every now and then she will get a spanked. However, most of the time, just walking away works. Oh, Congrats on finding a church, even if they are new and looking for a place, that is still wonderful. It is hard to find a church you feel comfortable with, so I am happy for you!

Anna - Good for you on the walk and on the swimming! In that cold weather no less. I know the pool is heated, but leaving the nice warm cozy house would be hard! I also hear you and understand about the Happily Ever After. I sometimes forget that my life is not a musical or a romantic comedy and the way couples act in those films is not real life. Sometimes when I am arguing with my husband I play out scenarios in my head the way it would happen in a movie and when he doesn't react the way it is scripted, I am upset. But then I remember that he hasn't seen the script LOL.

Viv - How is Callum doing? How is the wedding planning?

Beth - How have you been? Is your MS getting any better?

AFM - It has been 75-80 degrees here the past few days (today it is cold and looking like rain).

I will say that on Saturday I kind of had an emotional breakdown. My husband went to work and was gone literally ALL day (didn't get home til after 1am in the morning). I had been up since 5am with the Katelyn and she chose that day to NOT take a nap. I hung out with my SIL during the day and went to my nephews basketball game. We came home and I fed Katelyn, but her in the tub and then bed by 7:45pm. Well, I decided that I hadn't had pizza in forever so I ordered a pizza. Well for some reason it was 1 1/2 late. The guy shows up at 9:50pm. I had not eaten since 3:30pm and was starving. Of course when the guy comes he wakes up Katelyn and she refuses to go back to sleep unless I am holding her. At this point there is nothing I can do but cry. I should have called my husband and told him to come up, but he was out celebrating his brothers birthday and I didn't want to bug him. In hind sight, I should have bugged him! I think i sobbed for about an hour straight (while I tried to eat). I had moved Katelyn to sofa where she laid quietly. Finally I stopped crying and I hear her little voice "Mommy crying? You ok mommy?" that made me start to cry all over again. I picked her up and brought her into the bedroom with me and we both went to sleep. My poor baby. She cuddled close to me all night. At least the next morning, I was able to sleep in until 10:30 as my hubby got up with katelyn at 6:30.

I took baby girl to the Zoo yesterday with a few of my friends (we were all pregnant at the same time and our kids are 2-3 months apart). It was really nice, but man was I exhausted. The Los Angeles Zoo is huge and HILLY! Pushing my baby up and down those hills was tiring! I managed to NOT tell them I was pregnant. It was really hard because they both know that we have been TTC so when they asked, I just said, we were working on it. I made a big stink about not wanting to say anything until at least the 1st week of March and I didn't want to tell my friends and my hubby couldn't tell any of his friends. That wouldnt have been fair. So, I kept it to myself. The MS has been a bit better, though this morning it was bad because I started gagging when brushing my teeth. Katelyn has now started to imitate me gagging, though when I do it, she gets concerned and is all "you ok mommy?" I say yes, then after about 10 minutes she starts doing it and i have to ask her if she is ok. She will say weakly (like I do) I am ok. It is hysterical.

Well I have to start Katelyn in daycare this week. My hubby, who was only working Friday's and Saturdays, has gone full time. While this is great, it also means that he no longer will be watching baby girl. Last Friday, was their last day together :-(. So I am waiting to hear back from the Disney Day care to see if she can get in, if not, I will call the YMCA and see if they can take her. The good news is I already did a site tour with the Y and spoke with the director, etc and was happy with it. The only thing is though that as soon I am off the waitlist for Disney daycare I will be switching her, which kind of stinks.

Well, I have gone on and now need to get back to work. Hope you are all ok.

Angela - Yay on Reece being 3 months! What a big boy:). How is the party planning for Ethan's 2nd bday coming along?

Hi Ladies -

thanks for everyone who was checking in on me, I'm ok. Sad but ok. My sis is a mess but we're dealing.

I'm running a week behind so I'm about 9.5 weeks along and if this MS doesn't let up by week 12 like last time, I'm getting something to help! It is really hard to cook dinner every night when many smells bring on the nausea!

we go in for the NT test next week already them monthly ultrasounds and a fetal echo. Not complaining, I love the extra pics of the baby! And since we aren't finding out what we are having, and we already have a poppy, we are calling the baby Cookie! :)

Speaking of poppy, congestion galore. Exacerbated by the addition of whole milk - we only gave him a little and so much mucus it's gross. We are back on formula until it clears up and try again. If it comes back, then off to the dr for milk allergy determination. :wacko:

otherwise, just hanging in, nauseous, tired, cranky. you know. :)

Rebekah - as far as the temper tantrums go - we don't get too many but when they happen, it drives me crazy! I don't find it amusing at all!!!! I give a very very very firm NO and that usually stops things and I steer him in another direction. If it continues, though, then he goes in his little car bouncy seat or the crib to work it out himself and calm down. We don't speak until he's calmed down. May sounds mean, but talking to him trying to soothe, just makes him worse. If he is hysterical crying (happened once) then I rock him without speaking until he stops. He knows it is no fun and no playtime and mommy means it! :haha: I nip it in the bud - for now. I'm sure it will test my patience in time. but I'm very good at No.

Crap, I had more but I hear some nasty coughing and am sure some phlegm is coming. We had 1 small bday party for his sisters over the weekend. I'll tell you all about it and post pics of the cake I made prob tomorrow.

I'll respond to the other lovely ladies then too. thanks!
Quickly coming by to share this with the pregnant ladies. Have you tried this yet?

Ginger Tea
Morning All!

Steph, so sorry Katelyn has to start daycare. It's always hard, but she will probably enjoy new kids to play with, new toys, new activities, etc. Whenever I drop Jo off, it's this big show of mommy don't go, but when I pick her up she could care less that I'm there, ok not really, but she's so engrossed in whatever is going on, it's no big deal.

As for the sickness I'm so sorry, but good for you for sticking to your decision to wait to tell people, in that situation I probably would have spilled the beans. I'm am sure the zoo is huge!! Can Katelyn be any cuter?? I can't wait until Jo is talking. Sometimes I wonder what will come out of her mouth when she can finally communicate. I just love the "mommy ok?". And so sorry you were reduced to tears. I think we've all been there, but not pregnant, talk about a double whammy. And maybe a talk with DH. While I know you wanted him to have a good time with the guys, while you are pregnant, in the first trimester, with MS, and a toddler, it is bad timing to leave you alone all day. Lots and lots of hugs!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Beth, good to hear from you! I hope MS subsides soon. Sorry poppy is sick, do we know how that goes!! And it's never fun. And love Cookie!! That's my mom's nickname. Whenever family calls their house and says in a very southern Texas drawl," is cookie there?" I always know its family. Hope you feel better soon!!

Angela, how are things? You've been a little quiet lately, but we all know you have your hands more than full, so just checking on you.

Vivienne, hope you are well!!

AFM, nothing new to report. It may sound crazy but I finally feel like I'm in a give after 17 months. This morning I was patting myself on the back for getting up before the baby woke up, making lunches (3), getting everyone fed, bathed, dressed, and out the door. I finally feel like I've got it down to a smooth flow. Then of course I get to work and realize I left my purse in the back of my husband's truck. LOL. It's always something. Hope everyone has a good hump day!!

Oh and MA, I love ginger tea! It saved me when I was preggers. Even now when my stomach is upset I drink it!! Good suggestion.
Hi Anna,

You had me laughing about finally getting into the groove only to have left your purse in your husbands truck. :rofl: Doug AND I both seem to be going through similar. The other day when the girl came to the door about Doug hitting her and running the scene...I said, "He wouldn't knowingly do something like that. He must not have known he hit you". We're in a HUGE minivan and honestly it's up high and feels to me like a bus. Anyways, what came to mind was hit and run? No! Oblivious to his surroundings? Maybe! :rofl: Having a baby has seemed to make us more forgetful or absentminded than usual. Just when we think we got in the groove something else comes and throws us for a loop. Hahaha

As for Ginger, I LOVE ginger. I put it in all my smoothies and juices. I have to be careful because I put more than most would and it has quite the kick. What flavor though when you add it to the juice of a lemon.

Lately I've gotten into cracking coconuts and drinking the juice...saving the meat for other purposes.

Oh, I had a meltdown last night. I can laugh about it today but it was quite the thing last night when poor Doug stepped in the door.

I happened upon the show about a 600lb woman who lost weight with gastric bypass. She was going through the story of how she got that way, what they did and later dealing with the emotional issues even after the weightloss. Holy Cow! Doug came home and I started crying about how I REALLY need to lose weight. I wasn't sure if I should even continue ttc because I wasn't sure if it was right being morbidly obese already for my height. I was overweight pre-Jackson, lost "some" weight and then gained it and then some after giving birth to him. At my highest pre-Amelia, lost it, now 4lbs above my highest weight PRE Amelia because I'm back on the insulin pump which is the only safe drug to use while ttc.

I told him I didn't want to die. I wanted to enjoy being his wife and Amelia's mother. How I really would LOVE another baby but what if my weight either hurt the baby or worse yet, I died because of it during pregnancy.

That show just had me REALLY upset. Doug finally shut the show off, held me and told me everything would be okay and yes! He thought I was healthy enough to sustain another pregnancy. Yes, I've gained weight but I eat healthy and while I've lacked real exercise lately he said he would help me through the slump.

Not going to watch that show again. lol In fact, I've been thinking about joining the YMCA for the mommy and me swim class. That at least can help me move off the couch more. While I do run up and down the stairs regularly for housework...it's regular activity. It's NOTHING like what I used to do. So I need to move. It's freaking HARD to eat healthy. I want comfort food. Even when I cut out the carb crap I never seem to lose anything because of the darn insulin. I guess my mindset just needs to be on continuing to eat healthy and pushing myself to walk AT LEAST 3 times a week...I'll work my way up to walking 6 days a week. At least it will be 3 more days than what I've been doing. I plan to start in a few minutes once Amelia has gone for her nap.

Well Anna, I hope you had a lovely day to spite the purse you left behind.

Love to everyone else!
Hi girls!

Thank you so much all who have asked after me. I have more I want to say, but first a HUGE hug to all who have had meltdowns recently. Had one myself this morning (think another round of mastitis is coming, but hoping and praying it's just clogged ducts...time shall tell). At 5 am I was up crying and boo hooing because I don't WANT to have to stop breastfeeding when it's going well, @#$#@t!! I want to be able to continue, but can't take round after round of closely spaced antibiotics...so we will see. if this is it again, I have to reconsider the wisdom of bfing and that had me in tears this morning.

Bek, I have seen that show (my 600 pound life or something like that?) and I know what you are talking about. They really hammer home that weight can kill. HOWEVER, keep in mind that you are NOT anywhere near that weight. I will be praying for you to have peace and make the decision/timing that is best for you. You are trying to focus on losing weight while you wait for ttc and that is awesome! :hugs: sweet friend.

Steph, I hope you are hanging in and the B6 and unisom are helping. I know how miserable those early weeks are and all I can do is PROMISE it DOES get better. Around week 15-16 you will feel that fatigue go (sooner, on the nausea) and you'll be back up and running! :hugs:

Anna, it always feels so good to get back into a groove! I had JUST gotten one when we got preggo again, :rofl: so I have been out of the groove for a while again now LOL. Trying to make my way back to our new normal with 2 now. Getting there slowly. And LOL on the purse. THAT is something I would do for sure!! :haha:

Beth, I am again SO sorry for your sis. Hoping your own pregnancy and Poppy give you some big smiles during this sad time for your family. Hugs and prayers!

Viv, SO happy to see you back posting, and don't worry about posting or being absent - just post when you can. That's all any of us can do! We are just glad to see you here! I am sorry Callum had to have tubes (as they are called here) but it should help. I had them when I was a kid, as well. So excited too, to see how the wedding planning is going! I guess it is coming toward autumn for you guys soon? Will it be a fall wedding?

AFM, Reece is 3 months today! can't believe it! And did I mention he is already wearing 9 month sleepers? Yep, you read that right! :dohh: :haha: Forget EThan's hand-me-downs. I think soon he will be wearing DADDY's clothes LOL! 15 and 5 oz today. Whew! My little chunk a lunk!

Up next for us is Ethan's party. Cars 2 theme - his FAVE movie right now. (Cars, cars, everything is cars with him... he even notices the cars on Reece's burp cloths and swaddles!) Good news, tons of ideas on Pinterest. Bad news, Martha Stewart I am NOT. :rofl: I will post some pics as I get things done and set up! Party is not for two weeks but it will take me every spare minute (there aren't many LOL!) to get ready.

Okay ladies. Sorry for brevity and rush; I feel like all I do lately is rush. But the boys are SO sweet and I love every minute with them.

Hugs and love from here!
Angela, oh no! I pray it's just a clogged duct and not another mastitis though they both have their share of pain. :hugs: Your doing GREAT with bf'ing. Don't get down on yourself. You do what's best for all of you. You'll know when it's time to call it quits. Either way we support you and know you've done great.

Thanks so much for your kind comment about the weight. I am leaving it in Gods hands. Doug seems more gung ho about it than ever before. I can't even believe it myself! Even knowing that I'm NUTS on fertility meds. I know that once I get pregnant I stop gaining weight and only gain with baby weight. Hopefully bf'ing will help out and will be different and I'll get back off the pump and can fully concentrate on the other meds which help me LOSE the weight and insulin resistance while I combine it with diet and exercise.

I'm tip toeing into it. Just very nervous about the process. I know this will be the last child through conception. We'll wait awhile before adopting but it will be adoption after the next child. I just can't handle all the fertility treatments for too many pregnancies. There are children waiting for homes anyways and it will be a blessing to share our lives with a child. We have the room and a load of love. The experience from our last fostering experience as well.

Hoping everyone is doing well. Amelia has been so funny lately. I just love this kid!

Oh, Angela, on the party...You had me laughing! My brain isn't really all that creative lately so I hear you. Can't wait to see it though. I'm willing to bet it's going to be fun!
I'm at the drs office.... had light bleeding last night. Had an ultrasound - Looks like I lost the baby. I'll know more about what to do after the dr comes in
Hi girls,

Angela, sorry for the boob pain. Hope it is not mastitis as well. I'm with MA, you'll know when to stop, but if you don't want to, then don't. All will work out. And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY REECE!!!! Omg I can not believe that he is both three months already AND 15 lbs!! Such a big boy!! So excited about the cars birthday, but no worries on e Martha Stewart front, I'm sure it all be great!

MA, so sorry for the break down!! I saw that show on the menu the other day but didn't turn to it. You are no way near that women's condition. I am sorry this is so hard on you, and as I've stated before, loosing weight is one of the hardest things to do!! Don't beat yourself up, you are doing awesome!! I hear ya about comfort food. Somehow my smart choice lunches from WW aren't cutting it lately. As for exercise, I actually like to exercise and find myself challenged to find the time and energy. We live a stones throw from our local rec center and all I seem to do is take Jo swimming which is great, but it's not like I get any exercise. Point is that we all do what we can. I think your walking plan sounds great!! I wish I were there so I could go with you!!!

AFM, well it seems to be the week of the breakdown. So funny, last night was set to be a really fun girls evening with four girlfriends of mine. Wine, light apps and dinner. I ended up car pooling up to my friend's house who was hosting, which was my biggest mistake. Anyway I can't put my finger on it, but somewhere during the evening things went south for me and at the end of the night I ended up crying in my car (once I finally got to it), and feeling just so isolated. The exact opposite reaction you should have to a girls evening. I've tried to put my finger on exactly what went wrong. I think one of the things was that I couldn't leave when I wanted to. All my friends live in town whereas we moved to a town about 30 min away. So when we finally left at 9:30, I didn't get home until after 10, which is way too late. I think another thing that I have to come to grips with is I really don't like hanging out with one of my "friends". There I said it. I keep trying because we have so many friends in common and have been friends in the past. If you all recall she is my friend who's husband cheated on her when she was pregnant with #2. Anyway, ever since then she is just totally self involved. It's always about her and last night I just couldn't get past it. I think I just have to realize that I don't enjoy her company and back out of any events where she's concerned. Near as I can tell I'm the only one who feels this way, awesome, which may further isolate me, but I'd rather that than be unhappy. Anyway, this morning I'm better, but it's funny how I feel closer to you all than women I've know for years. I miss girlfriends that live close to me that I can hang out with or do things with. We made a conscious choice to move to where we did, but it's hard feeling alone, , I miss girlfriends. Soooo. Enough of self pitying, i just want to say thanks girls for being here!! Letting me vent some and say things I can't say to others. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Anyhow!! Snowing here. Hugs to all!!
Beth, we posted at the same time. I am so sorry!!! Lots and lots of hugs to you dear friend,:cry::hugs::hugs:
Thanks Anna. It is so hard. Yesterday I was having some mild discomfit, towards the end of the night, felt like my period was coming and when I went the bathroom, I saw some spotting. So I got paranoid and checked about 10 mins later and it was like the start of a period, bright fresh blood but light. Same thing all night and this morning, same thing but a little more and some drops of blood in the toilet so I called first thing and they brought me in. The ultrasound showed the fetus at 6.5 weeks size, no heartbeat. I knew the second I saw my uterus and the little little speck in there, I KNEW. So met with the dr who is so nice and hugged me and told me it was probably starting on my own now and to let it run its course. She said she'd get me through this and then wait one cycle and try again.

Originally I thought the bleeding was from the pap I had done on Tuesday as it was hard to reach the cervix and she told me to expect some spotting. So Charlie didn't come with me - he was at home with sleeping poppy, who also has a cold. But when I peed before the internal ultrasound and saw the blood, I knew. So I called him anyways and he came - poppy was almost done with the nap anyways. So it was so good to have him there. He had to go back to work but it's only about 4 mins away and he said he'd come back in an hour or so to check on me.

Looks like alcohol is on the menu tonight.
Oh Beth, honey , I am SO sorry!!!!! :cry: :cry: no words are really sufficient but i am sending you the biggest hugs and all my love. I will be praying for you. :hugs: :hugs:
Beth - I am in tears for you. I am so sorry sweetie. I truly know how heart breaking this is. Sending you hugs and prayers for you and Charlie. LOVE YOU!
:cry::cry::cry:Beth, so sorry to hear what's happened. This came as such a surprise to me. I wish I could crawl through and hug you my sweet friend with all you're going through.:hugs:

I totally understand where your coming from with the friend issue. I honestly miss that closeness with the girls. My best friend lives over 3 hours away and it's hard to get with her, our other two friends live in VA. It's impossible. My cousin used to be a best friend but it feels so different now that Amelia's here. I think when I moved last year it was the straw that separated us completely as not only does she not have children but now we're further away with less in common.

I'm glad you got home safely but oh so sad your feeling lonely. I too wish we all lived closer. I enjoy chatting with you all. I meet with the nurses from Doug's unit once in awhile and they ARE sweet but none of them really know me like most of you. We know what it took to get here and get the quirks of the group. It also doesn't help that I don't fully feel comfortable around women that much anymore because of the weight gain. Now THAT I have to get over. It's ridiculous!


Those shoes are BEAUTIFUL! I suck at heels. :rofl: Even when I was younger I hated them. I like the look of the wedges that I might be able to pull off but then I wonder if it would make my legs look stocky. I have thing ankles, my calves have muscle (always have) so they aren't straight but have muscle tone and I'm short. 5'2. Since the weight gain several years ago, I seemed to have stopped wearing anything nice. I feel frumpy so then I wear things that LOOK frumpy. It's hard to cover an apron roll of fat. My cousins wife is much bigger than I and she seems to pull of beautiful dresses and outfits nicely. For ONCE I'd like to look feminine and FEEL feminine again. I just don't seem to know how to pull off any kind of nice outfits that compliment my body. I get that empire waist is good for my type but then pants. Oh lordy my pants! I'm short and fat. So when I get my waist size the pants are long and balloon. So I look like I'm about to fall out of the sky. Again, my legs are thinner but my waist is bigger than my whole body. Finding clothes....NICE clothes that feel feminine are hard to come by. :rofl:

Glad you got out. I agree it's harder than it seems. For us we have to take the dogs out, feed baby bear, feed the dogs, feed ourselves, dress ourselves and shower. We NEVER get out the door in a timely manner. Given that once your out you have to drag the darn stroller out each time you go AND that you have an extra baby now it's not at all easy. It's not easy with 1 and you've got 2. Pat yourself on the back! Right now! Pat yourself on the back for job well done. For getting out there and getting home safely and in somewhat of a sane manner. :hugs: :happydance: :lol:

Steph, how are you doing sweet friend? You okay? I know it's been hard with dh's job and takes a toll on you emotionally and physically. How are you doing with Katelyn and the morning sickness?
It's late and I'm just checking back in to check on Beth. Sending tons and tons of hugs!!!:nope::nope::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Morning all.

Ok feeling better today, seem have shaken my funk.

MA, It never seem easy to dress your own body type. I know what the frump rut feels like. After Jo I lived in sweats. So hard to find clothes that are both comfortable and make you look good. Let alone affordable.

Beth, how are ya hon??

Angela, I must have missed something because I have no idea what MA is talking about when she mentions heels. Alas my lack of tech savy has reared it ugly head again. Hope you are well!!

AFM, well good news is I got on the scale this morning and have lost a few more pounds, I am now lighter than I've been in a while, back to pretty baby weight and then some. I would LOVE to loose 10 more lbs before Mexico but we'll see. I'm buying clothes right now based on current body size. Speaking of shopping . . . My friend told me about a web site that is AWESOME!!! It's called 6pm.com and I love it. Have just been using it for bathing suit shopping, but can't believe the deals. It has changed how much I can buy for the Mexico trip!!! And the name brands are great. What I would be spending at a discount store for a cheap bathing suit, I can get a really good brand for the same price or cheaper!! Ok so I'm not a shopper per se, but it is always fun to find good deals.

Other than that not much going on. I think we'll head to Denver tomorrow, my mother wants to take Jo and I to a Friend's daughters' baby shower. I think she wants her friends to meet Jo. BUT I have two problem with this, first the baby is a newborn and Jo, much as I love her, is a walking sess pool of germs, and second I don't want to steel someone else's thunder. So I'm going to call her this morning and tell her that I don't think it's a good idea we go to the party. Besides I don't even know my mother's friend let alone the mom or new baby.

Quick question, I'm thinking of going Wheat free. I'm reading the book wheat belly, has anyone read it? I'm going to try it next week, trial run. Not completely gluten free, just cut out wheat.

Anyhow, have a good weekend!! Anna

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