35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Me three. Beth hope you are ok. Thoughts are with you.

Angela hope your hubby's germs stay to only him and that he gets better soon.

Anna I hear ya on the pizza front. Wheat free is something I can't even think about as i love too many things made from wheat.

Rebekah where have you been is everything ok? Miss you.

AFM nothing new still looking for a daycare for Katie. I think she may be getting into the Disney daycare so fingers crossed.

Have a good night everyone.

Beth we posted at the same time. I am sorry you are still in pain but glad you have the D&C scheduled. Oh my poor Poppy! I hope he is feeling better soon. Hugs to you.
It has really been hell week for you sweetie! I am just so so sorry. Hugs and prayers and I wish I could be there in person.

:hug: :hug:

Lots of craziness here but will have to update when I'm not so cross eyed with exhaustion. Hugs all and love!
Morning girls,

Beth, hope you got some sleep last night, glad d&c is scheduled, but sorry this has been such a terrible time. Poor poppy!! When it rains it pours, or in your case becomes a hurricane!!

Angela, take care of yourself!
Steph, yeh for Disney daycare!! Fingers crossed! And yes the wheat thing is soooo hard. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

AFM, nothing to report, on a buying spree for Mexico but since the last new clothes I bought myself were maternity (except for a few pairs of jeans) I feel as if I deserve it. In my defense everything I have bought has been on clearance from last summer, so I am so justified!!

Hugs to all, espicaly Beth!!
Thanks Anna! So jealous of Mexico, sound amazing!!

Beth honey, thinking of you today. :hugs:

Steph hope you are feeling as well as possible!

Bek you have been scarce; hope everything is okay! Let us know when you can!
Hi ladies, home and resting. Everything went as well as it could. We had the tissue (she said the pole was dissolving) given to the hospital for burial. They have mass burials in a private lot and will say a blessing. I much preferred that. And i was so strong until that point when I broke into tears. Then the anesthesiologist saw i had a little bit of a cold and was blowing my nose due to crying so he felt he had to tell me that having a cold was bad, i may have breathing troubles and may die. Die!!!! So he said this was elective surgery and should wait a week or two. I told him to go away, he obviously isn't female or understands and i want my ob. She took care of everything, spoke to everyone and we made the right decisions. Rest of the nurses were wonderful. Came home to baby snuggles. Resting now.

Thank you to all of you for getting me through this.
Hi Beth.

Sorry for all you've been through. You made the right decisions for your needs. I think it will help in the healing process. Glad your home resting and getting cuddles from poppy. Praying for peace and strength through the grieving process. :hugs:
Morning all!!

Beth, it always amazes me how insensitive people can be. I am glad you are home resting. How's poppy?? So sorry you have had to go through this. Lots and lots of hugs continue to flow your way.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Angela, how are things crazy lady? How is everyone? Has DH recovered from his cold? How are the boys? Did anyone else get the cold?

Steph, how are you sweet friend? Still feeling yucky? Hugs to you. Does work know yet?

Beck, good to see you.

AFM, nothing to tell. Made it to yoga lat night and it felt so good to get back in the flow, but I can't lift my arms this morning. Ahh well it's a good sore. Hugs to all!!
Hey Bek, with Callum I talk to him as he tantrums, a little condescending I guess but it seems to make it go away quicker. I just say things like "I know you can't say what you need or want but how about a hug or a tickle?" etc etc
Beth well just bugger, bugger. :cry: I am so sorry. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

As for Poppy, well boys are just plain frightening at times. Callum has fallen down stairs, off slides, down slopes. He flatly refuses to use baby slides and climbs the 2metre high step slides and throws himself down them, frontwards, backwards, sideways!!! I have given up freaking out, I couldn't handle the adrenalin shots each time. They are so resilient though so that is a tiny piece of good news.

Steph, gentle hugs, stoopid nausea.

Hey Anna, hope Drs can do something with Jo's ears as anymore than 4-5 ear infections in a row is just not normal.
YAY for MEXICO!!:happydance:

Ang, Reece is 3 mos, really????!!! Wow

AFM, I am too busy I think. When you start planning which day of the week you will have your nap to catch up on sleep, I think you are too busy!
Busy weekends every weekend until middle of April!

Volunteered at our Parent Centre Baby Gear sale today. So busy we had to shut down at one point as we were over capacity! Then mother, Callum and I went to our local Botanical gardens for a free show of The Wind in the Willows. Callum not much interested, I saw 20 mins then ended up at the playground for 2 hours while mum watched play alone. I ended up playing nursemaid when a boy about eight impaled his foot on a stake hidden in a pile of dirt. Had to wash wound and temp stitch it. Poor lad will need stitches and a tetanus booster.

Tomorrow is shopping, fixing toilet, groceries and work :dohh:

wedding planning going ok. Have a photographer booked and caterers to meet next month.

Hope everyone else has a better weekend than this past week!

Love V
Morning ladies,

Viv - my goodness. You are a busy bee! Wow poor child who stepped on a stake. I love the park but there is always crap like that around. Good to hear you hired your photographer that is huge! Picking caterers is always fun. Hope things slow down for you soon though it sounds like u wil be in the thick of things til April.

Angela - how is hubby's cold? Hope the rest of you are well.

Beth- how are you doing? Thinking of you and sending you hugs.

Anna - how long before Mexico? Good on ya for your shopping spree! I haven't bought new clothes in about two years and now I'm back in maternity clothes. I seemed to need them a lot sooner this time around.

AFM it is about 90 degrees today and we are taking katelyn to this place that is celebrating dr Seuss bday. There will crafts and games and story time. So it should be fun. Went to a sweet 16 party for one of my hubby's cousins and Katie was a little dancing queen! Girlfriend was getting her boogy on! This 2 year d boy kept going up to her and touching. Her face and kissing her. My husband had to pull him away at one point lol. Well off to put Katie in the tub. Nausea is getting better. Not a lot but some. Hopefully in two weeks it will be gone.

Hugs to all have a good weekend

Has anyone ever had Hemorrhoids? Tonight I had constipation and while I didn't think I pushed too hard, after waiting I finally seemed to finish. Sorry for the tmi. I wiped and saw blood which scared me, looked and along with bm was quite a lot of blood. Wiped and there were little bits of bloody mucus maybe? Scared the life out of me. I'm guessing some specific meds were involved in constipation as in December I had the same kind of issue and was brought to tears because it hurt so bad. Doug wanted me to call to ask. He was frightened which frightened me but I KNOW it was from me bum. Just a little scared.

I have an appointment for something tomorrow so I'll ask then. In the meantime I took a laxative and an antacid because I feel sick to my stomach from Indian food tonight.

Just wondering if anyone has ever had it and can confirm this can happen. Never really happened like that before so it DID scare me as it was out at the grocery store.

On another note, we bought a nice fluffy pillowtop for our bed so I could try and sleep better. We also are getting a quote for a tub and shower surround since the original wasn't in the greatest condition when we purchased the house. I would put ceramic tile down but I saw no point in putting big bucks only to tear it down 15 or 20 years later when I hope to add an addition on to the house. THEN I'll buy what looks nicer and worth more to the house. Right now just care about a nice newer tub surround that will serve it's purpose.

Also prepping for our garden in the spring. Anyone doing a garden?

Lastly, FINALLY bought a toychest to put baby bear's stuff in. It was honestly getting out of hand. Hahaha

Hoping everyones weekend went well. Still thinking of Beth as she heals. :hugs:
Morning all!!

Vivienne, good for you on getting photographer! We cut a few corners for budget purposes and I wish we had not cut it on the photographer. And wow you are a busy bee!! It makes my head spin how much you get done in a day or weekend.

Steph, I just came across a bunch of maternity clothes. I need to get rid of them but don't know where to send them. If you are interested I will mail them to you. PM me with address if you want them. Hope you are feeling better!!

Beck, I'm with ya on a good bed and bathroom. I hate our mattress!! Once this trip is done with I'm saving for a new mattress next. I'm thinking of a sleep number, does anyone have one? ? Good for you and toy chest, man we need one of those too!! As for hemeroids I have heard of them but have never had them, however I have heard they are a by common side effect of pregnancy. A lot of women get them when they are pregnant. I'd check with doc just to make sure.

Beth, How are ya honey?

Angela, hope all is well with you. I'm sure you're crazy busy.

AFM, Not much to tell. Saturday went to yoga, then took Jo back to rec center. Every first Saturday of the month they have a tots tumbling class in the gym with mats all over the place, obstacle courses and bouncy slides and maze for the old kids. It was right up Josephine's alley and she had a blast. She fell asleep at lunch!! Sunday family day took dogs for a walk and it was gorgeous!! 50 degrees and awesome! So this morning when we woke up to a foot of snow it was a bit of a shock. But it's march and we are still under what we need to have a safe fire free summer, so well take all the snow we can get.

I Did have a very productive Sunday and got a ton of Jo's old clothes packed up, boxed up and ready to trade in for new clothes at used clothes store. It was a job that had been looming. I also unpacked my summer stuff to see what fits and what doesn't . Picked out what I'm taking to Mexico, getting it washed and ready to go. Productive.

That's all from here, hugs to everyone!!
Super quick but yes Bek I've had that lovely experience and it's not fun, but it is usually harmless blood vessels or hemhorroids that rupture when you go... Not to worry. Bright fresh blood is fine - darker dried blood can be coming from the colon and is more worrisome. I ruptured a hemhorroid when pregnant and scared me to death as thought it was pg related!

We are well just crazy busy - promise a better update soon! Love you all!!
Hi Ladies,

Just popping on really quick as I am still at work. But yes, Rebekah I have had hemorrhoids and they suck. Like Angela said when it burst what you experienced is normal. Get some prep H and you will alright LOL.

Anna - YES I would LOVE to have your maternity clothes, especially since I will be real preggers in the summer and I believe you have summer maternity clothes. I will PM my address ASAP. Thank you so much for offering. I truly appreciate it. I just hope Im not too big for them.

AFM nothing new, still got the nausea and still really tired and now have a cold AGAIN. At least the weather has been really nice lately, though it is supposed to rain later in the week.

Ok be back online later!

Super quick but yes Bek I've had that lovely experience and it's not fun, but it is usually harmless blood vessels or hemhorroids that rupture when you go... Not to worry. Bright fresh blood is fine - darker dried blood can be coming from the colon and is more worrisome. I ruptured a hemhorroid when pregnant and scared me to death as thought it was pg related!

We are well just crazy busy - promise a better update soon! Love you all!!

Thanks Angela for your feedback!:hugs: Scared the heck out of me as I "assumed" it was related to a hemorrhoid but Doug was concerned which kinda freaked me out. I was at the RE's office and the nurse said it's not the meds and to call the Dr. to have her check them out. I have the appointment on Wed. While it may not have been the meds specifically I'm correlating it with the meds because I had it last time mid cycle in Dec. What I'm guessing is that it has something to do with the tipped uterus that's tipped back to my bum. :wacko: If there are follies growing then that may cause some kind of pressure on the butt itself leading to what YOU said...rupture. I had no idea those things could rupture. It WAS bright red so that's great. I've had a stool softener and laxative to help. FINALLY was able to go today and there hasn't been any blood however I'm guessing I'll have to keep taking them for a while as I just feel pressure down there.

Anna, glad you had a productive weekend. I like those. I like those A LOT! :happydance: I bet your getting more and more excited for that trip.

Not too much going on today. Believe it or not I slept in the bed and when I woke up this morning. Even though we got MORE sleep that usual, I felt more tired. How can that be??:shrug::haha:

We were thinking about getting a sleep number. MY concern was what happens when the power goes out?:shrug: Not sure what it would do if power ever went out and I am not one to find something like that out. Nothing like not being able to sleep in your bed because it inflated. :rofl: I'm sure they MUST have thought about something like that. You should check it out and let me know what they say. :rofl:

Steph, how are you?

Viv, what's going on today? I love having you in here.:hugs:

Oh, have any of you transitioned to a big girl/big boy bed yet?? Just wondering when you started doing that?
Hi Ladies,

Just popping on really quick as I am still at work. But yes, Rebekah I have had hemorrhoids and they suck. Like Angela said when it burst what you experienced is normal. Get some prep H and you will alright LOL.

Anna - YES I would LOVE to have your maternity clothes, especially since I will be real preggers in the summer and I believe you have summer maternity clothes. I will PM my address ASAP. Thank you so much for offering. I truly appreciate it. I just hope Im not too big for them.

AFM nothing new, still got the nausea and still really tired and now have a cold AGAIN. At least the weather has been really nice lately, though it is supposed to rain later in the week.

Ok be back online later!


Seems as though we posted at similar times. Sorry about the nausea. I can't believe you have another cold poor girl!:hugs: The changing in the weather is probably one culprit. Try and rest easy when you can. How is your husband coming along with the new job. are you okay?
Whoops was going to post but I hear stirring from the nursery, he's been down over 3 hours!
Also got sent home from daycare yesterday with what they thought was chicken pox but Dr thinks it's a virus or allergy, just random spots and welts that keep appearing, weird. :dohh: We did come away with more antibiotics as one of the grommets (tubes) in ear is infected and pus like :dohh:
He's eating up a storm so he's not that sick haha.

Back soon.


Oh Anna how are Jo's ears??
Poor little guy! icky pus and illness. Hoping the meds start to work quickly for a speedy recovery. :hugs:

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