35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning girls!

Steph, yehhhh! I found a donor for maternity clothes, will send them this week! And yes I was 9 months preggers in August so I have lots of summer stuff. Thing about maternity clothes is they are pretty versatile size wise. I have a friend who is a size 4 or 6 and I could wear her pants for a lot of my pregnancy. Sorry you are still sick. Hope it abates soon. Also yucky cold!! Boooo! Feel better soon!

Angela, good to see you and I know you're crazy! Good to see even those quick posts.

Beth, how are ya doing? Thinking of you.

Beck, I did not even think of the power thing!!! We don't often loose power, but it makes me wonder.

Vivienne, poor Callum, sorry he is sick. Hugs to the little guy.

AFM, Well my big girl is 18 mo ths old today. Hard to believe! Vivienne, her ears are in question. She has another cold, I think we were healthy for about a week, and we had a bad night last night. I think I'm going to take her in again today to see how her ears are. It could be the first infection didn't totally clear up or another infection due to cold, or it could be nothing. But I don't want to fly or be in Mexico with a sick baby, so best to get it checked and meds if she needs them now.

I had my first experience with mama bear coming out at school yesterday, followed by the realization that I will not always be able to protect her. We were leaving daycare and these two probably three year olds were standing against a wall while their mothers were talking. As Jo walked by I heard one say, " I Don't like that baby, she's stinky." Now they didn't know Jo, and they were just talking, but I wanted to jump in their face and say,"she is not stinky, she is perfectly sweet, how dare you!!!!" But we just walked on by and I just smiled knowing it was just two little girls talking, but the realization hit that up until now I could protect her against anything that could hurt, the stove, The dog, the fireplace...but there will come a day when I can't do that anymore. That she will have to stand on her own against mean things people may say. It makes me so sad. And the world is different now, when we were growing up there was no such thing as cyber bullying, or really mean girls, etc. It makes me realize the true pain of parenthood is seeing your baby treated badly or hurt in a way you can not protect them from.

Ah well, not to be a downer, it is beautiful and sunny today, have a good Tuesday!!
Hi Ladies,

thank you all SO much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I am doing a bit better today, physically. I have lots of hugs to help me and hubby has been wonderful (but scared). We are relaxing now, just finished lunch. Thought I'd pop back on as I'm able to get off the couch and be more human, even though Cookie will never be far from my mind. I'm getting a small garden angel to keep in our yard as a remembrance.

I've started a new sweater for Poppy for Easter, hoping to get it finished soon, this one is knit so it takes me a bit longer and makes me concentrate.

Have a few pics to share, finally. I made that cake for his bday party with the in-laws. we have had to reschedule the party with my family due to snow every weekend lately, but that will come soon.The other is from our blizzard, he is such a cutie.

I have read everyone's posts and I love you all. I'll be back on more, now that I'm getting more into the swing of things again. hugs.


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Quick up-date... Yep another ear infection. Then on top of being sick with cold, cough, and an ear infection she fell with bottle in her mouth and cut her mouth open. My poor little.
Hope everyone is having a better night than we are!!

Beth, good to hear from you and you sound better, will up date more tomorrow.

Hugs to all!
Oh Anna ouch! Poor munchkin!! Hugs!

Beth, so good to see you back honey! :hugs:

Sorry girls I know I keep promising an update. Lots going on but crazy days and just haven't had computer time recently. Sat down to write the other day and baby started screaming, but hopefully next day or so,

Hugs and love to all!!
Morning all!!

Beth, love the pictures of poppy!! The cake is Amazing!!! You have such talent!

Steph, ok realistically I won't get to maternity clothes until this weekend. Just FYI. Hope you are feeling ok today.

Angela, good to hear from you, if even for a quick post.

Back, how are ya doing today??

Vivienne, I know Callum has tubes. How is he doing? Can he swim?

AFM, not much new to tell, sick baby, and it's march which is the busiest month at work for me. But I've got a call into Jo's normal doctor for her to review her charts and see if she thinks a referral to an ear nose and throat specialist is required. I just hate constantly putting her on antibiotics all the time and pumping her full of Tylenol so she can sleep. So well see what we hear back.

Hugs to all, especially anyone caught in yet another winter storm.

Not much going on here. Amelia seems to be in a good mood. No more bleeding in the bum so Steph and Angela were right thank goodness. I just cancelled that appointment since I knew everything was okay.

I'm tired a lot but it's all the hormones. :wacko:

So sorry to hear about poor Jo. :hugs: Praying it all lets up soon.
Just checking in. On top of everything my back is out! Sometimes you just can't catch a break. Sleeping on the floor in hopes that helps.

Hugs to all and glad MA all is well in your world.

Sorry your back is out Anna.

Steph, how are you this week? Feeling better?!

Still not much going on. I do have to say Amelia is trying to figure this "kiss" thing out. Mommy keeps kissing her on the neck, cheek and face. She gets bombarded with kisses. A couple weeks ago she started licking my face with her tongue. Took me a minute to figure out what the heck she was doing. She hasn't done it to Doug and refuses. I'm guessing it's the facial hair. Anyways, I"m trying to teach her to use her LIPS but I get slobbered on by her tongue all over. :rofl: She makes me laugh while doing it so she laughs and it starts all over. I just love this kid!
Hi Ladies,

This will be quick because I am at work:

Anna - So sorry that Jo has yet another ear infection and that your back is out! Hope baby girl is feeling better (and you too!) for your Mexico trip. When do you leave?

Rebekah - Good to hear from you and it is great when they start to kiss you. I am sure it makes your day when Amelia "kisses" your cheek.

Viv - Sorry to hear about Callum being sick as well. Hope he feels better

Beth - You are a domestic Goddess!!! LOVE the photos. Looking forward to seeing the Easter sweater!

Angela - How are you and the boys?

AFM - Nausea is starting to lessen. Still having some issues. At least I am able to drink water again. For several weeks I could only sip water because it would make me sick. Just glad I can drink it cuz I feel like I am a little dehydrated, but that may be from the Sudafed I have been taking...which is also helping with the nausea. Part of my problem was that I was congested and getting a lot of (sorry TMI) post nasal drip which would make me gag. Since sudafed is about the only thing I can take, I've been taking it and it drys me out which is good, but then I am extremely thirsty.

Katelyn starts daycare on Monday. I am excited and sad. I am going to miss her being home with Daddy, but I am glad that she is going to socializing with other kids and starting to learn new things. I am not sure I updated, but she did get into the Disney Day Care and will be directly across the street from me. I will have to try not to go over every hour to check on her LOL.

Ok ladies if I am unable to write later today, have a good weekend!

Hey girls!*

Whew! I keep thinking things will slow down for a minute, but they never do!*

Hubby was out of town this week so my mil and dads wife both visited to help *out. *I honestly do not know how moms with traveling spouses do it - I would never make it without help! Ethan had another cold this week so there was that, plus i did not get much sleep this week being on both late night and overnight duty (4 hours last night.) I'm a zombie and the birthday party is tomorrow!!

So speaking of the party, my little guy turned 2 on the 1st! Can't believe it!! Cars 2 theme party is tomorrow. I'm not going to make myself nuts over it - had several cute ideas but I'm out of energy at this point! So it will be food, cake and ice cream with playmates. We are not doing to do presents at the party (taking a page from a friend's party recently) - a roomful of 2 year olds fighting over a pile of toys seems like not such a great idea :rofl:*

Meanwhile, on a more sober note, we recently freaked ourselves out thinking Ethan was showing some signs of autism. LOOOONG story short, I think he is basically fine (and not autistic) but he definitely is slow on his speech development and we are going to discuss with his pediatrician at his appt on the 18th. It scared us SO badly and we were both emotionally wrecked worrying about him. This parenting gig is so hard sometimes, worrying about our precious littles and their well-being!*

Anyway, I will definitely keep you all posted on what the ped says about things!

Other than that we are well! Reece turns 4 months in ten days; doesn't seem remotely possible that he can begin solid foods in less than two weeks!! Where has the time gone??? I think he will love it though; he is ALWAYS starving and I think it will be a great addition to his diet. Particularly rice cereal before bed lol! This little monster is hard to keep full! :rofl:

How is everyone else?!*

Anna, SO jealous of the vacay and hope you have an awesome time!!
So sorry about Jo and your back! It is so hard when we or the littles are out of commission!

Steph, hope the nausea clears soon and you are feeling as well as possible. When is next checkup?

Beth, continued hugs and love sweetie. Are you healing a bit physically at least? I love the sweet picture on fb and here of poppy; hope he is keeping you smiling a bit!

Viv, how are wedding plans coming? Callums pics on fb are SO adorable!!

Bek, so good to hear from you and am praying for your ttc!

Okay girls getting my hair done for first time in five months!! So excited but must run! Much love and happy Friday!*
Hi ladies,

Oh Angela. I can't imagine how scared you were concerning Ethan. I've been watching Amelia as well. She's okay with words but it hasn't gone too far from dad, mom, etc. She's better at watching us and mimicking. For instance she blows kisses, she shows us the number 1 on her finger, she dances, holds her belly while rocking sideways to dance or just show she's happy. Just the other day I said sasha and I think she tried to say her name. She IS a little social butterfly and LOVES to make people laugh and smile. I found it cute the other day when this 20-something guy stood across from us and was playing cool. 1/2 hour later she had him smiling and laughing with her. Quite comical!

Steph, glad things are starting to subside a bit for you. I know this has been rough going but it's good your getting through it. So good to hear that Katelyn is in Disney Daycare. What kid wouldn't want to be THERE! :happydance: Does she like it?? How did it go?

AFM...I'm exhausted, moody and tired some more. Haha I'll update more when I can.

Love to you all.

Anna, hoping all is well this weekend. Tic, Tic, Tic, Toc...your Mexico trip is coming soon!
Hi all!

Busy at work but a quick check in...

Angela, that is always so scary. Glad everything seems to be better? Jo is a little speach delayed too. Hugs and thinking of you.

MA, we just taught Jo to kiss! Actually she taught herself. She started by kissing the dog (of course ), think she saw us doing it. But now she will kiss us. While she doesn't have a real pucker, she pushes her lips together and gets pretty close. Soooo sweet! Amelia will get it soon I'm sure.

Steph, glad the MS has abated some and hope everything else is going well. Yahhhh for Disney daycare!! That's great she is so close. It helps when she isn't feeling well, or you have to run lunch over that you forgot, or have a long day at the office.

Beth, thinking of you hope all is well!

Vivienne, how are things. Wedding plans going ok?

AFM, A month from today we leave!!, woohoo!!! Until then I have three weeks of very busy days, but it will make the time fly by. Jo had her 18mo check up this morning and all is good. She is a little behind on her speach but doctor wasn't too concerned. Good news is we have a follow up appt in three weeks to see if the fluid that is behind both ear drums has gone away after this course of antibiotics. If not I think we will talk tubes. Apparently some kids never get the fluid to drain from their ears. I told my doctor that between the Tylenol, ibuprofen, and antibiotics I was tired of pumping my kid full of drugs and if tubes were a solution that would eliminate the need for the drugs i would be happier with that outcome. So we'll see. Good news is the next appointment is BEFORE we go to Mexico so we don't go with a sick baby. Lastly, got our last shot until she's five and she barely made a whimper. Such a big girl!!

Happy Monday!
Good girl Jo!hugs: So proud of the little bitty. Excitement for Mexico is in the air.

Well, I'm hyperstimming POST IUI. not really feeling very well. This cycle has been very different so I have no real input. I know this will be the last child through fertility route. :wacko: My body just can't handle anymore. I'm in pain right now. ALOT! So I'm going to rest a bit. Seeing we're going to my parents I'm praying for some kind of peace since it's been a while after the 40th anniversary debacle. All I can say is I'm not in the mood to be messed with. I'll BITE! :lol:

Love and hugs to everyone.
So sorry girls to be mia. We have had the stomach bug here since Sunday night and I am just now coming up for air. Will check in soon and catch up! Love you all!
Hi ladies,

I had a much longer post but I lost it. Will send a longer post later today.

Katelyn started preschool Monday. She is doing good once she gets settled. They said she loves reading and sat and listen to them read a book for 30 min. Also on Mondayy stupid car would not start so had to take it to the shop. A grand later and it is now fixed. Really didn't need to spend that money on my car especially since my hubby car needs repairs.

Had my NT scan today. Baby is looking great! I will try and post some photos later. They did say that I had a chance of getting preeclampsia again and to take baby aspirin daily. I also need to do a 24 hour urine test to see if there is any protien in my urine ans then do it again once a month so they can moniter my levels. I have my amino scheduled for mid April. Now planning katelyns bday party.

Will respond to everyone else's post later today. Hugs to everyone.

Hi Ladies,

Angela – glad that everything is good with Ethan and that your fears were abated! I can only imagine how scary that was. How did Ethan’s party turn out? I am sure that it was great HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ETHAN!!!!! Big boy turned 2! YAY!!!!! Please send some photos. I am also going to take a page from your book and not do open gifts at Katelyn’s birthday. I am now starting to plan it since it is in 1 month! Time sure does fly! Also, Yay for Reece getting ready to start on solids. We will look up and you will have 2 toddlers! HEE HEE. Also so sorry to hear about your stomach virus. Was it the entire family or just you and hubby? Poor thing! I hope that you are all feeling better!

Anna – Woohoo on the count down to Me-hico! Keep us posted on Jo’s ears. Glad that you have 1 more follow-up appointment for her before you leave and YAY on no more shots til 5. Then she can tell the Dr firmly that she does not want a shot and to go away LOL.

Rebekah – Hope you are feeling better today. How did dinner at your parents go? How is Amelia and her kisses Lol :flower:.

Beth – Hi sweetie! How are you doing? Thinking about you!!!!

Viv – how is Callum? Is he feeling better? How are your wedding plans? Is the weather still nice out there or is it your fall yet?

Here is a pic of Baby at 12 weeks.


Super quick but oh steph I LOVE the baby pic!! :cloud9: :cloud9:
Hi girls!

Sorry MIA, crazy spring break time at work.

Steph, love the photo!!
Angela, sorry about stomach bug, I can relate (more on that later).
MA, how were the parents and sorry u are in pain. I have to say given what I know of your parents from here I wonder if anyone has any bite marks. (your words). How are you feeling today??

AFM, well baby good but she's waking up screaming at least once a night. And DH had a stomach bug and you'd think he was dying. When I'm working 10 hour days and having to take full care of the girl because he can't do it and leaves everything for me it wears my patience thin. This is the absolute worst week as it will probably be the busiest of spring break. I know he didn't intentionally get sick but the big baby thing DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! ahhhh sorry to vent.

hope everyone else is doin well!!
Anna, Oh no! :hugs: Lots on your plate right now. Any idea why our little Jo is waking up? Is she getting scared or teething? You'll need that vacay by the time it rolls around.

AFM. Thanks for asking. I have hyperstimmed POST IUI so while it seems like the worst of it (mainly the excruciating pain) I feel like I'm 750 lbs. No kidding. I'm REALLY bloated. I even had to cut things short at my parents because I was in so much torture I couldn't function. They were kind enough to make dinner for us before we left. Today I'm nauseous and very bloated. I've heard conflicting stories. While the technicians say it's a great sign, Most I've seen with IUI's have had bfn's. So I'm just going with the flow and not getting my hopes up. If something happens then that will be okay. I'll most likely take a month off to recover. This was a longer and more aggressive treatment. I didn't like the nurse. I'll ask for my favorite nurse to monitor next time.

Hoping everyone is doing well.

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