35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

This morning we had the life scared out of us. It's been snowing and our elderly neighbor fell. We ran out and stayed with her but because we live out in the sticks here in CNY, medical responders took a little longer. I got her a thick quilt and put it over her and we just kept her talking. She was flat on the ground and her poor head and ears were exposed to the cold. I wanted to get her up and out of there but she was hurt badly. You just don't get people who have had trauma up. Sweet little lady, bless her heart. She's at the hospital now and hopefully warm and waiting for briefing about her ct scan. Doug called her daughter and son. So glad we live in this neighborhood. It's a nice country setting and so different from the city-life we've been living.
Here for a minute - Steph - your pic made me smile, what a perfect little profile!!!! Love the cute button nose. :) Hoping you don't get the PE again!!! Glad they are closely monitoring you. Love to you my friend. So glad all is well.
Aw Thanks Beth!!! It is good to see you here. I am hoping that the PE doesn't come back and taking baby aspirin once a day to try and minimize the risk. How are your Charlies?

Hugs and Love to you as well!

Bek I'm so sorry abut the HSS! Yikes! And your poor neighbor! I hope she was not seriously injured!! Hope it is a much better weekend for you. It is so gorgeous here weather wise that it is hard to envision snow etc (though it was in the 20's just one night ago lol) but 70 and sunny here today. Beautiful and things just about to bloom! Prayi g for a spring bfp for you sweet lady!

Steph again I just LOVE the pic!! Sooooooooo sweet!!! So with amnio you will know for sure on gender here soon!!! :happydance: how are you feeling? Nausea mostly better now and improving energy? If not it will happen soon! On the PE, glad they will monitor closely. Did you ask about the vitamin d?

More in a sec...

Anna so happy Mexico is coming up and man I feel for you about hubby and the bug. My poor hubby had to take care of everything start to finish Monday because I was so incredibly sick. Vomited for 24 hours WITH zofran on board for half that time... Awful awful. And it is soooo contagious - half the guests T our party ended up with it and I feel terrible (a friend who'd been sick thought her girls were over it and came to the party but apparently they were still VERY contagious!!) my mother came down Monday to help and within three hours of arriving, she was vomiting too!!! It was like a house of horrors! Ethan got a mild case and vomited twice and Reece has been spitting up/vomiting all day today so I suspect he has it too. Its called the norovirus superbug and it is just riciulously contagious. Epidemic, literally.

Beth so glad to see you on! How are you feeling physically? Hope you Re healing quickly that way though I know emotionlly will take a lot longer. :hugs: hugs and love!

Viv honey how is everything there? You are right about that bug, they said unfortunately no one gets immunity so we can look forward to maybe getting it again , yuck! Hope wedding plans Re going well!

So sorry for typos girls am on phone.

Party was awesome except for the illness! Pics and more details soon!

Love and hugs
Just checking in to let you know I am alive and will up-date tomorrow. Virtual hugs to all as I really don't want to get sick. Crazy at work.

Hi ladies,

Beth, so glad to see you. :hugs:

Steph, how is katelyn doing in the Disney Daycare (lucky kid. lol)?

Angela, can't wait to see pics. I love pics to catch us up on everything.

Anna, happy weekend!

AFM: Our community is taking a beat-down this week. Sadly we had 4 shootings in one town several miles away from a 64 year old crazy man.

Just last night they caught a convicted child porn guy who badly hurt (I won't go into it because it's emotional for me but I'd imagine would be crappy for you all as well) and her mom was stabbed trying to save her. The little girl is safe in the hospital right now but her mom adopted her from China and the only other relative close by is the grandmother who is in assisted living. Very sad but hopefully we'll get something up for her and try and get her a Trust fund so she won't have to worry in the future while she gets the help she needs to find some normacly. An orphan not once but twice. Just very sad.

Changing the subject now to a more happier one. We're doing well. My husband has been great through the HSS. I don't have the pain anymore but I feel bloated. He is taking on the heavy tasks. He's SO kind. He's also been rubbing my back in the mornings so kindly.

Tomorrow is Maple Weekend. We're going to watch Maple tappings and how it goes from sap to bottle from the farms. They're going to have breakfast too in the morning so we're looking forward to that. Not really sure what else we'll do aside from a second time to the new church we've been going to.

Just relaxing and having a fun time.

Not sure if I mentioned I had a custom cushion made for our buffet seating that came with the house. It came with the house and I thought it was ugly. I had Doug cut the back off it so people could sit more comfortably and last week I picked out a custom fabric. I received the cushions and am awaiting the covers in a week or two from a kind decorator on Etsy from North Carolina. We started painting the kitchen and I hope it will be finished so I can take pictures.

Well, enough for now. Happy Weekend ladies!
Really quick. Stinking daycare and snot nosed kids. Now both katelyn and I have yet another cold. I sneeze like 15 times in a row and can't breathe. Man I'm tired of blowing my nose. I'm also hormonal today. Going from wantif to cry to being full of rage. I'm a mess.

Ok that is all.
Big Hugs Steph! :hugs: Praying you both recover quickly. Also praying for a lightened burden. This too shall pass. :flower:
Aww steph that sucks! I am so sorry sweetie! I pray you are both well quickly and no more colds!! I had three while preggo with Reece and it really does suck when pregnant, even moreso than usual. Huge hugs!!

Busy weekend for us. Lots of errands today but also got in a walk as it is gorgeous here. Church and more errands and housework tomorrow. Boys were great and ethan goes to dr on monday. Please keep our visit in your thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs to all!
Hello my friends!!

Sorry it has been so long since I posted. March madness and my staff being sick, worked crazy hours last week.

Angela, thinking of you today. Lots of hugs all goes well. Glad everything else is good. So jealous of the nice weather!!! Post when u can about how it went, I'll be checking in.

Steph, sooooo sorry for the colds!! Jo is still sick, I think she's had a cold for a month or more. So all my sympathy. Flipping daycare, welcome to the world of being perpetually sick.

MA, So sorry for all the sadness in your neighborhood. The story of the little girl just breaks my heart. How people can be so cruel to children continues to astound me. Glad you are feeling better. That man of yours is a prince. A you in the TWW??

Beth, good to see you, and hoe you are well. Lots and lots of hugs!!

Vivienne, hi and thinking if you. How are things??

...ok it just got crowded in my store and I had better get to work, more later...

Ok I'm back...


AFM, like I said before working tons and promised myself I would not talk about work here, so I'll just say having a staff sick during one of the busiest weeks of the year equals a tons of working hours for me. Mexico just keeps looking better and better!! But all is good. Jo is still sick with cold and we had a rough night last night. So if we have one more ill take her in AGAIN to have her ears checked. With the cold, it could be another infection. I was laying awake last nit trying to figure a way for me to take a week off to see if I can get her healthy. I just hate that she always has a cold and I'm sure it's contributing to her ear problems.

We had a good weekend, full of walks and went swimming at rec center yesterday. However I am feeling pulled in too many directions and last night told DH he was on for the rest of the evening because mama was hitting her limit. I am feeling the need for a 24 hour work and baby free. Just a little time to re-charge. Alas I think that's a pipe dream.

Ok, hugs to all and hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Hi there!

Sounds like your having a stressful couple weeks with work. Retail with lots of staff off sick is CRAZY! I worked in retail for a while and it has it's moments. Glad your getting some mommy time to replenish your own mind and spirit.

Also glad you got some mommy and Jo time. Sounds like you had a good time.

Speaking of colds.....I think Amelia just woke up with a cold. She sounds horse and woke up with a wad of snot that she wipes all over my shirt. lol Poor little bitty. I think she got it from the church . Her nose is running again as we speak.

SO with this being her very first cold what can I do? I have a humidifier in her room that I can turn on tonight. I've given her some Ibuprofen because I gave her Tylenol earlier (she's been waking up early the past couple of nights crying from what we though was a tooth coming in or nightmares).

Is there anything else you all give your kids to get rid of colds sooner? I'm going to make her a special orange juice smoothie so she'll get more Vitamin C. I don't suppose she could have echinacea and goldenseal or zinc...I think kids are too young for that right? Any help you can give would be grateful. The fact that this is honestly her first cold isn't so bad. She's almost 18 months.

Yes, I'm in TWW. I'm honestly not holding my breath. I feel nothing with exception to the bloating and nausea from overstimming. I could ring that nurses neck! I think she blew it for my cycle by doing what she did. The good news is I'm pretty calm and okay. It took me 10 years to conceive Amelia. It's not going to happen on the first try after an IUI. It's just the way it is for us. I guess time will tell right?
Hi Ladies,

Really quick because I am still sick and forgot to take Sudafed (the only thing I can take while pregnant) and can't breathe worth a lick and need to get Katelyn...phew..

Anna - Sorry to hear about all the stress at work. That really does suck. Also, sorry to hear that Jo is still sick. You may not be able to have a entier 24 hour work and baby free day, but you could drop Jo off at your parents and then call in sick to work and just take most of the day to yourself. That is an option. I hope that you are ok and TOTALLY understand where you are coming from.

Rebekah - A couple of things for Amelia's cold. You can put some Vick's rub on her chest and back (also on her feet - with socks). If her throat is dry/sore, you can give her a teaspoon of honey ever now and then and some chamomile tea to help her sleep (that is what Katie's Ped prescribed for her when she had a cough). Hope she feels better.

Angela - How is your family feeling after the stomach virus?

Beth/Viv - everyone well in your homes?

I decided that after Christmas, I officially do not like Winter. I have been sick off and on since October and this SUCKS! I am tired of blowing my stupid nose every 5 seconds and I am sure my co-workers of tired of hearing me blow my nose. It doesn't help that one week it is in the high 60's in the day low 40's at night and then the next week it is in the 90s in the day and 70's at night! I also need to get Katelyns bday invites out. Her birthday party is two weeks from Saturday and I havent done ANYTHING. :-(. Guess I will be going to Party City during lunch this week!

Ok, off to get my little munchkin to see if SHE is feeling better.

I'm right there with you Steph about winter.

Thanks for the tips. She's got a runny nose something bad and I had to give her a bath. Fed her a bottle this evening. She cried a while before it. I'm wondering if this was to tell me she had a tummy ache. At any rate, after her bottle she sat up, hugged me and barfed all over me AND her! I'm talking white milk with a mix of her dinner she had a few hours before.

She has no temp. I've checked it several times. She DOES have red cheeks and we've been thinking she's got teeth coming in but now I'm all confused. My guess is a little bit of both. Thanks to the church daycare I was hesitant to put her in ( I never usually put her in daycare unless I know the people for awhile and I know the place is consistently cleaned by the daycare workers) I think she has a cold. She has been grumpy on and off for days though and chewing on her fingers which seems like a tooth coming through.

Aside from getting up at 7am lately crying, she's been pretty good. We'll check her temp in the morning and see how everything goes.

I tried to give her some baby electrolytes but she only took in a little bit. She went right to sleep with the humidifier on though.

As for mommy....I'm tired out. The house is in shambles, puky clothes ready to be sprayed before dousing them with detergent and mommy needs a shower because she smells like puke. It's a calgon moment. I think I'm going to ask Doug to bring something home on his way home from work. I'm stressed, I'm hungry and I'm just ....hormonal. :rofl:

Things could be much worse though so while I'm venting, it's not all that bad really. I'm taking it in stride. I'm just smelly while doing it! :lol:

Hoping your all doing well. Lets get these babies and mommies healthy and well.
Katie had a fever last night. Woke up around midnight eyes crusted shut and saying her ears hurt. I'm hoping it isn't an ear infection. If so it will be her first. I thought all the breast feeding I did would have prevented that. Argh. Taking her to the dr in an hour. I have a big presentation at work today but I guess I'm gonna need to reschedule. Ill post again when we get back from the dr.
Quick check in...

MA and Steph, so sorry to hear about all the sickness!! As we've been sick for a year and a half I can commiserate. I wish I could call in sick, alas as the boss it isn't an option unless Jo or myself are really really sick. However I woke up with a totally red eye crusted with puss. Seriously!??? I'm at work, Jo is fine so I don't think I got it from her. Pink eye from a customer?? Steph great cold advice and I hadn't thought of tea so I ll try that with Jo, she is still sooooo congested. MA, hope Amelia feels better soon, it's do hard when the symptoms are all over the place.

We had an alright night but once the ibuprofen wears off she's up crying. Think I'll take her in this weekend. I just hate that she's always sick.

Other than that grrrrrr day care is making my life harder again! Won't go into it, but I don't think they could add anymore rules if they tried.

Angela, how are you? How did the doctor's go??? Hugs and thinking of you!!

Gotta run!!
Girls, oh my goodness all these sick littles! (and sick mommies!) Everyone get well soon!

Thank you all for thinking of us and asking about Ethan. Quick update - dr appt yesterday was fine physically, but she was not as laid-back as we had hoped about his ASQ results (the evaluation/screening sheet they have you fill out). Apparently, and I was NOT expecting this, she thinks he is behind in ALL areas (except social) and wants him referred for ALLof the following - audiology, PT, OT and ST!!! OH MY GOODNESS I neevr saw that coming :cry: My poor sweet boy is FINE in my opinion in every area except speech, but I am trying not to be personally offended. If he can get some extra help then fine, and it can't hurt, but wow, I was not prepared to hear that and neither was hubby. The ONLY things he can't do yet are kicking a ball, eating (proficiently) with a spoon and fork and of course the verbal... but I really do NOT know any just-turned-two year olds who can dine capably with utensils. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I am so MAD - I hate all these checklists and boxes that suddenly label your kid.!!!!! :Growlmad:

ANyway, as I said trying not to take it personally but it's hard. I mean, I feel like WTH have I been DOING with my time that my poor child is apparently behind in all these areas? OMG I feel like such a failure as a parent! :hissy: :cry: So, needless to say, online time has taken a backseat here in the last few weeks as we try to see what we can/should do to get him all caught up. Poor little bear. I can't stand feeling like *I* have somehow failed him!! My staying home with him is supposed to be a good thing, but we are starting to wnder if he was in day care how would things stack up? :cry:

Anyway, it has been a VERY emotional and stressful few weeks, but we now feel pretty confidnt he is NOT autistic (yay!) and CAN get caught up... just a matter of whta it will take to do that. My dad did not speak till he was FOUR and I am praying Ethan doesn't wait that long or I'll have gray hair (or no hair!) for sure! We have been praying hard and I will say, one good thing to cme out of this is that hubby is now 150% involved!!

In happier news, bday party went great...until everyoe got sick with the stomach bug!! Egads I've never seen anything so contagious! Last count - 11 party guests with the bug. BLEH!!! Next time...outside party!!

Will upload a few pics of the party if the babies sleep another few minutes. So sorry as I know there are zillion typos in this post.

Bek, colds are rough but you should be VERY proud this is her first! I am amazed as I have lost count how many we've been through!

Anna, I am so sorry and hope they can get her ears straightened out. Sometimes, tubes are the best option.

STeph honey I hear you on the neverending cold. I felt like I had that while preggo too and it's so hard when you can't take anything!

Beth and Viv, how are ya?

Okay girls sorry for such a whiny post. I just feel awful for my little guy but at the same time, I know I have been doing all the "right" things... I just can't force him to talk or speak clearly... I think it will just take time and it is stressing us out in the meantime. But to end on a happy note, Reece is great...outgrowing another set of clothes and I just bought him ONE YEAR OLD pajamas this weekend. Remember this boy is only FOUR months tomorrow! :haha: Love me some chunky monkey baby!!

Okay, off to post a couple pics! Love and hugs and again so sorry for rushed post!
Here are a few pics!


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Hi ladies,

First things first.....Angela, SO SORRY about the evaluation. I'm wondering if he's just a normal kid though. Amelia can't use a fork just yet and while she likes to TRY to use a spoon she doesn't do well. I have been feeding her which your own words have caused me to think maybe I should be encouraging HER to do it herself. :wacko: She says a few words like mom, dad, etc. but the words mostly spoken baby words for here kitty kitty...which sound like hrkkk. Again, wondering if this is something WE should be working on. Kick? Well, I'm not sure a ball but she lifts her leg up to almost kick the dog when she gets in the way but I'm not even sure she understands that's a kick.

I'd take this with a grain of salt. Let him take the extra help but WATCH him. He may be a kid that is just doing things in his own time as I know several other kids who've fallen behind but then later catch up and are fine. Dr.'s can be too quick to find a label for everything. Use your intuition. YOU know Ethan and YOU are around him a lot more than the Dr.'s.

LOVED the pics.

I'm not sure what we're going to do for Amelia's birthday. Depends on if I'm pregnant by then, how far along I am etc. I'm wondering if we should skip the big party and just take her to the zoo and have a small family cake with both sets of grandparents. I've even thought about Disney but kind of want to wait until we all are ready to meet.

Steph, oh no! Poor katelyn. :hugs:

Anna, I can't BELIEVE you have pink eye. Vacay couldn't come any sooner!

AFM: Was puked on last night....I mean PUKED. :rofl: Doug was pooped on this morning and she's a ball of snot!

Today I went out and bought a vix plug in for her room to go with the humidifier. I vacuumed her room too just in case. Bought some organic kiddie soup, some jello, aloe tissues, electrolyte (though she doesn't like it and really she hasn't puked since last night). Stopped dairy for the remainder and are giving her water which she likes. I also got some yogurt but I won't give it to her for a couple days. I've heard yogurt is good when sick but in this case it wouldn't help her with all the snot and aspiration.

I have a juicer so she'll get fresh squeezed orange and spinach which will give her some excellent nutrients and vitamin C.

Doug and I have been working together with the nose squigee. lol Who made that thing thinking kids would volunteer to do this. It's like going in for battle! :rofl:

She's in for a nap and restless but I think she's doing as good as can be expected. Hopefully we'll start seeing her get better soon.

I told Doug I didn't want her in daycare anymore. :rofl: First of all there should be hand sanitizer before you touch each new kid. Are they keeping up with the sanitizing of the toys?? When you touch my kid I want CLEAN. :rofl:

Doug shot back...well lets not let her have any friends either! :wacko: :rofl: I shot him a look and told him, "Well not any dirty friends"! Jk'ing of course but If I could micromanage everyone who touches my kid with a bottle of sanitizer and run behind them with a vacuum cleaner, I would! :rofl: :winkwink:
Well Katie has her first ear infection. The dr said it was mild but put her on antibiotics. She was also complaining about her eye so he gave her some drops too. He said if she does t have a fever after 24 hours she is good to go back to day care. He said if I wait until she no longer has a runny nose she will never go back lol.

Angela I am so sorry that Ethan's appointment didn't go as expected I agree with Rebekah, Ethan is just going at his own pace. You are a fantastic mommy. You at doing what you need to dont think it is you. Woohoo Reece! Btw i loved the photos!

Anna poor you with pink eye! Man o man!! Please get better for Mexico! You and Jo both!

Rebekah no kid likes the electrolyte drink. I bought two different things of pedialyte and basically wasted my money cuz katelyn refused to drink any of it. Lol. Sounds like you have a good plan of action though.

Well gonna try and finish some laundry.


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