Anna, I think it has to do with how you saved the photo to begin with - is it maybe from your phone? my phone turns all my photos sideways and it drives me nuts!! I just discovered it the other day when I went to upload from phone to computer.
So sorry for all the sickness!! It has been SO cold here, too. We are usually warming up by now, but it's been 35 degrees all day (and for most of the last week!) Brrrr! Too cold for Reece outside much, so we have been doing play doh and drawing and playing trucks and anything else we can think of for poor Ethan who is getting cabin fever LOL!
Hope everyone is on the mend or nearly so! It has been the WORST season for illness that I can ever remember around here. Absolutely everyone has been ill!
Quick update from us - Ethan goes to the audiologist tomorrow. From his symptoms, I am praying it is simply fluid in his ears and can easily be fixed with tubes. I do NOT want him to have to have surgery, but at least that is a simple enough fix and is something concrete that can be diagnosed and treated. We had a bit of an emotionally rough weekend again for hubby and I - We had some friends over Saturday and their little girl is 2 months older than Ethan. She is talking like (what sounds like) a fourth-grader, compared to my little guy
( We knew it was going to be like that and we were braced for it, but it still breaks my heart that he is so far behind on this. If it turns out to be fluid I will feel AWFUL that we did not know sooner, though there really was no way to know. Every time dr. has checked his ears she has said they look "perfect." He's only had one or two ear infections in his entire life...that we KNOW of (and apparently, that can be the cause of fluid in the ears - unnoticed infections)
. So we are hoping they can give us some answers at the audiologist. The STate of GA also has a state-wide program called "Babies Can't Wait" aimed at early intervention for any type of developmental delay, and we are pursuing that (which is free) as well as private evaluations and therapy, if warranted. The dr. really freaked us out and we are trying to keep our wits together while making sure we get him any help he needs/we can.
So, I'll update as soon as there is any news. Like I said, would hate surgery/tubes but it would definitely be a preferable diagnosis to some of the scarier things it could be
It was also a rocky weekend for me emotionally just bc Saturday was my birthday, and my husband didn't even get me a card.
This, after we discussed that we would be sure to observe each other's birthdays, etc. now that we have kids (in the past, we often let birthdays, etc. slide and just went to dinner to celebrate). GRRR. I know it is such a simple thing but just a CARD would be nice!! He later apologized and said he really felt bad and knows he should have at least done that. But...sigh. It just hurt my feelings
Anyway, sorry for selfish downer post. Everything else is going well and we are enjoying our sweet littlest guy, who is growing so fast! He can still wear (at 4 months, mind) a few 9 month items, but those are going fast. We'll soon be solidly into 1 year clothes +. CRAZY. This kid is just HUGE.
He is already rolling over (since 3 mos 3 days) and is now sitting independently for brief periods at a time (though still falls over backward unless boppy is there, etc.). I can't WAIT to see if he crawls faster, because I know he will enjoy being able to go places once he can!
Okay ladies, must run. Hugs and love to all and please be thinking of us tomorrow! Pray it's something that can be fixed!