35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks girls,

Anna I'm so sorry I missed that you have pink eye! Oh man! Major hugs!!

Steph Ethan won't drink pedi assure either. Huge waste of money!

Bek I'm with you on the germs! No way I can control it but sure wish I could!
Hi Ladies,

thought I'd pop on for a few moments while Poppy is sleeping and my chores are done for now - took a break from knitting his new Easter sweater - almost done! I'll post pics when done. Thinking of making a bunny hat too, not sure. Another pattern I just purchased was to crochet a baseball cap! He loves to take daddy's, so I thought I'd make him his own! Keeps me busy on quiet moments like this.

I'm OK. physically healed, emotionally getting better. One moment at a time.

Anna - Sorry about the pinkeye! ugh! Hope Jo doesn't get it too! :(

Steph - those pesky (but wonderful) hormones! It can be a rollercoaster :hugs:

Hi Viv :)

MA - try the nosefreida instead of the bulb suction. Works much better, even on a fussy kid. Get it on amazon. Works wonders.

Angela - Honey, I'm so sorry about the dr visit. My sister and I didn't speak much (she less then me) until kindergarten and now we never shut up. :) Sometimes I wonder how the get the averages of what they should be doing if there is such a span on what is normal. I mean, come on, they are kids!!! LEt them run around and screech in happiness rather than tying them down to learn strict things at this point. We saw a commercial for abcmouse.com, which is a great program, but there is one where the mom is saying her little girl can read and write and do all this stuff (charlie jokes that she's doing calculus) and now she is "ready" for kindergarten. Seriously??? For kindergarten, I could pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time, and play one heck of a tambourine (not to any song, I could just shake shake shake it!). Now kids need a programming degree to get into kindergarten. Ridiculous. No wonder why kids are getting more obese every day - they SIT around rather than running like the wind. Ethan looks like such a happy boy, he'll come into everything. I do understand what you mean about maybe daycare would enable him to be more self-sufficient as Charlie and I have had those discussions too, but they both give different experiences (neither "bad"!) and I think all evens out in the end. Don't beat yourself up - this should help: Poppy STILL refuses, absolutely refuses, to hold his own bottle. He's done it and knows how but doesn't want to. He has grabbed my hands to pull MINE up to hold the bottle then drops his. Just refuses. Once I went without his bottle before naps to see if he would get thirsty enough and he obviously inherited my stubborn streak. Not only did he go too long with it, but I had it in my lap later and he leaned forward to try to get it in his mouth without holding it! stinker! I think it's funny because I know he loves the snuggle time we do when he has the bottle; and since we are stopping the bottle in a few months, I'll enjoy this until it ends. :)

Not much else going on. If I ask him where his belly and tootsies are, he will pat his belly and grab his toes. :) Also will growl when he sees a bear in his book, or on a mobile, or on his wall. cute. He also is SO close to walking on his own - he goes Sooooo fast holding on to everything and will stand by himself that we are ready for the pistol to be off on his own soon. He loves to climb the stairs and out of the blue yesterday went DOWN the stairs; then back up, over and over and over. Kid isn't even walking yet on his own and he has mastered stairs. yikes. Charlie looked at me when he was slowly coming down as he was right there with him and said: when did this happen??? Little poppy is getting so big!

I go back to the OB for my followup tomorrow afternoon. I know all will be ok, just blah about going. Thinking of making the ladies there some cookies or something - they saw me at my worst and helped me through; they deserve something. well, back to the sweater, one the 2nd sleeve, then just the neckband and to put on the buttons!

hugs around....
Hey girls!

Angela, I'm with the others that I think Ethan will come along in his own time now that Autism has been ruled out. You are a GREAT mom!!! NEVER doubt that. I can't stand all the "tests" and how they label how your kid "should" be someplace. It's just jack up. As or daycare...I don't think that helps or hinders. They will often push for things like no bottles, but Jo is behind verbally and she goes to daycare three days a week. I think you're right all the specialists couldn't hurt, but at the end of the day he's just coming along at his own pace. Little boy, he's perfect and don't let anyone make you think otherwise!!!

Steph, sorry for the ear infection. Word to other wise, due to the antibiotics, she may get really run y stools thereby causing terrible diaper rash. So I'd think about some kind of pro-biotic or something like Yakult. This will help her intestines keep some "good " bacteria on board so you're not double dosed with ear infection and diaper rash. Lots of hugs and hope katie bug feels better soon!!

MA, how's Amelia today?? Sorry about the puke and poop, man oh man when it rains it pours. As for daycare, there will always be germs and you're lucky if they clean the toys once a week. In our classroom because at this age everything goes in their mouths, a toy can get passed directly from one mouth to the next. It is just a fact of life. Yes the colds suck, but if she's gaining some good kid time maybe it's worth it?? I'm not us about this as I'm so fed up with the cold thing I could spit fire right about now. Best of luck!!

AFM, well bad news is that last night I felt like I s coming down with a major cold. Chest felt really tight, and all I could think of is I CAN'T GET SICK!! So DH took baby duty last night (two wake-ups). And I slept. I got up with her at 6:00 and felt a little rough but after some ibuprofen and coffee I'm feeling pretty normal. Thank goodness!!! Eye still red and a little crusty, but better. Does anyone know if I had pink eye would it clear up on its own?? Maybe it was just something in it?? Anyway Jo is still struggling at night so I'm going to try and make a Friday afternoon appt for her. Other than that, I am counting down the days until beach time!!! Bring on the margueritas!! After a march like this I'm going to drink a gallon!!

...up date, my parents, who are watching Jo today, just called in a frantic voice and said they had an accident and were headed to ER. turns out Jo dropped a large soup can on her toe and its turning blue, but she's back up running around so she will live again. Seriously!! I can not catch a break this month!
Beth, we posted at the same time. Glad things are coming along. The Easter sweater sounds so cute!! Pictures please!! Mentally I know you are on the road to recovery, but it takes time. Lots and lots of hugs!!! Good luck at the doc tomorrow.
Hi ladies!

Beth, thanks for the recommendation! Good to see you on.

Anna, Sounds like a rough few days. :wacko: :hugs:

AFM: Amelia is doing okay. Still snotty but she's in a better mood. I had to incorporate milk back into the mix. She wasn't getting enough liquids for hydration. Only a little with water and would barely take the pedialyte. Doug as the RN said hydration before phlem stuff. She'd be in the hospital without hydration. So I added water to her milk and she took 5 ounces so far. Also a few sips of the orange juice I made her with a tiny bit of ginger in it. She's eating good though. Poor kid has a red nose and rosey cheeks.

Getting SLAMMED with snow today. Last year this time we had 80 degree weather...of course that was a rare winter for us. Just miss the mildly warm weather.
Morning all!!

MA, Snowing here today too, so I feel for ya. Sorry title Amelia is still feeling badly. I would never be able to get milk out of Jo's diet, she's an addict.

AFM, woke up this morning with no voice and a crusted shut eye. At this point don't know if its pink eye or an eye infection, either way I have a doc appt at 3:15. Jo is struggling too she won't eat. Don't know what's wrong with her. May try and take half a sick day today. Things are slowing down for a few days so I have a window of opportunity.

Hope everyone else is feeling better!!!
Good morning ladies,

It seems all the little ones are sick. Katelyn had another high fever yesterday so I took her to urgent care and the dr said she had the flu. So in addition to the eye and ear infection she is sick with the flu. Oh the day care called yesterday to see how she was and i told them about her infection and the teacher said that conjunctivitis was going around. Great... I'm hoping I don't get it or the flu. She also has a terrible couch so I will be calling the dr again to find out what can be done about it. It is so bad she can't sleep at nite. Which means mommy can't sleep.

Well I gotta try and put eye drops in baby girls eyes which is always a treat for both of us. Wish me luck.

Thanks girls for all your encouragement! It means so much! :hugs: :hugs:

Beth, so good to see you! :hugs: sweet friend. I am still in awe of all the cooking and knitting you accomplish! I felt so crummy last night, we ordered pizza! :blush:

Steph and Anna, poor you guys!!! Oh man! Flu and pinkeye and everything else! Yikes! I am so sorry! The stomach bug business I was telling you about is still very prevalant here - my friend that has a son ethan's age was going to have a playdate for them this morning but her son has it... and I hate it but I suspect her other three will get it before the weekend is out. Stupid germs are VILE this season! Every household we know it's the same story - sick, as you said Steph, since about October!! One thing after another. Bleh!

Bek poor Amelia too - colds are the worst because they last so long!!

Hope everyone gets feeling better soon! AFM I've got mastitis again. Second time now (there was a time between this and the last where I thought I had it but it went away). Second time in two months though... that kind of bums me out. I don't really know how to prevent it. I stay clean, at least normally so (shower once a day LOL!) - not sure what else I can do??

Ah well. Weekend coming soon and I'm hanging in. No news yet on any of these specialist appts, as we are still in the scheduling phase. Hoping for progress soon.

Sorry for quick post, but sending hugs and love!!
Exhausted right now and waiting for little bitty to go down for a nap. She was up twice in the night. :wacko: Luckily Doug and I work REALLY WELL together. I got her out of bed, she wanted daddy once she saw him and I ran for a bottle. Daddy held her and mommy sat next to them in the living room in the dark. Daddy brought her back in and rocked her then put her back in the crib. She cried a couple more times but then fell back asleep.

Today she has more energy. Wish I could say that for Doug and I. I actually have a terrible sore throat and runny nose. It would be my second cold this winter. Goodness! I'm usually pretty good about not getting sick but I'm guessing that will be far and few between with a kid now. :lol:

Love her and my husband SO MUCH. Just love them!

So sorry to hear all the illnesses. Sure sounds like pink eye is going around.

Well, I'm going to cut this short as I'm hoping to get a nap in when baby bear goes in for a nap.

Love to you all!
Will catch up later, quick up-date, at doc office and Jo and i both have fevers over 100....ugh!!
Will catch up later, quick up-date, at doc office and Jo and i both have fevers over 100....ugh!!

:hugs::kiss::flower: Get better soon! Sounds like you'll need a whole day off work. Take some time to get well dear friend! I wish I was closer, I'd take care of Jo while you get some rest.
Oh Anna you definitely need rest! Hugs and love!
Hi ladies!

In bed with humidifier going an a cup of tea... Perfect time to catch up.

Steph, so sorry Katie bug is so sick!! Did she get a flu shot this year?? Reason I ask is I know the shot only protects against approximately 60% of the flu strands. She (and you by default) must be miserable. I'm so sorry!! I think this is the hidden cost of daycare. It's expensive, but add in the time missed from work, sleepless nights, cost of doctor visits, etc and it makes daycare outlandish!! It's one of those things people never tell you. Hugs to you both!!!

MA, ditto to you!! How's the girl?? We've been getting up twice a night it seems like for months. It's hard to deal with. So sorry little bitty is sick but hopefully she's on the mend!! Did you get a nap??

Angela, the fun just never stops for you does it?? You've had quite a week!! On top of Ethan's stuff now matisis. Poor girl. I will say you look really good for just having a baby in those photos! Unless that wasn't you... Possible I may put my foot in my mouth here. Anyway lots of hugs and hope you feel better soon!!'

Wow it's been quite a week hasn't it?? We have good news and bad. The bad news is Jo and I both have the crud, the good, no ear infection and ears look good. The bad, $60 in co-pays to tell me we have the crud. Ah well I really like my doctors and they were able to squeeze us both in. Good news, work is covered tomorrow so I am going to stay home with the girl and we'll hang low. Bad news, we're in a storm cycle and four More days of snow!!! More bad news, if Jo is better tomorrow I still can't take her to daycare to get sleep because they have a policy of 24 hrs free from fever. Which I understand, but it means tomorrow won't be entirely chill. Ah well. So I'm sending lots of good healthy vibes out to all the sickies out there and lots of hugs to all the mommies and daddies who stay awake at night giving hugs and kisses so they get better fast.

Feel better!!
Hi ladies!

Well it's a bit quiet here so I'll just say we're still sick but back at work. This cold has some staying power. Doesn't help it was -10 this morning when I woke up! Where is spring??!!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Me again, wanted to up-date avatar, but photo I want to use comes up sideways. Does anyone know if you can rotate photo?
Anna, I think it has to do with how you saved the photo to begin with - is it maybe from your phone? my phone turns all my photos sideways and it drives me nuts!! I just discovered it the other day when I went to upload from phone to computer. :dohh: :dohh:

So sorry for all the sickness!! It has been SO cold here, too. We are usually warming up by now, but it's been 35 degrees all day (and for most of the last week!) Brrrr! Too cold for Reece outside much, so we have been doing play doh and drawing and playing trucks and anything else we can think of for poor Ethan who is getting cabin fever LOL!

Hope everyone is on the mend or nearly so! It has been the WORST season for illness that I can ever remember around here. Absolutely everyone has been ill!

Quick update from us - Ethan goes to the audiologist tomorrow. From his symptoms, I am praying it is simply fluid in his ears and can easily be fixed with tubes. I do NOT want him to have to have surgery, but at least that is a simple enough fix and is something concrete that can be diagnosed and treated. We had a bit of an emotionally rough weekend again for hubby and I - We had some friends over Saturday and their little girl is 2 months older than Ethan. She is talking like (what sounds like) a fourth-grader, compared to my little guy :-(( We knew it was going to be like that and we were braced for it, but it still breaks my heart that he is so far behind on this. If it turns out to be fluid I will feel AWFUL that we did not know sooner, though there really was no way to know. Every time dr. has checked his ears she has said they look "perfect." He's only had one or two ear infections in his entire life...that we KNOW of (and apparently, that can be the cause of fluid in the ears - unnoticed infections) :-(. So we are hoping they can give us some answers at the audiologist. The STate of GA also has a state-wide program called "Babies Can't Wait" aimed at early intervention for any type of developmental delay, and we are pursuing that (which is free) as well as private evaluations and therapy, if warranted. The dr. really freaked us out and we are trying to keep our wits together while making sure we get him any help he needs/we can.

So, I'll update as soon as there is any news. Like I said, would hate surgery/tubes but it would definitely be a preferable diagnosis to some of the scarier things it could be :-(

It was also a rocky weekend for me emotionally just bc Saturday was my birthday, and my husband didn't even get me a card. :-(( :cry: This, after we discussed that we would be sure to observe each other's birthdays, etc. now that we have kids (in the past, we often let birthdays, etc. slide and just went to dinner to celebrate). GRRR. I know it is such a simple thing but just a CARD would be nice!! He later apologized and said he really felt bad and knows he should have at least done that. But...sigh. It just hurt my feelings :-(

Anyway, sorry for selfish downer post. Everything else is going well and we are enjoying our sweet littlest guy, who is growing so fast! He can still wear (at 4 months, mind) a few 9 month items, but those are going fast. We'll soon be solidly into 1 year clothes +. CRAZY. This kid is just HUGE. :haha: He is already rolling over (since 3 mos 3 days) and is now sitting independently for brief periods at a time (though still falls over backward unless boppy is there, etc.). I can't WAIT to see if he crawls faster, because I know he will enjoy being able to go places once he can! :happydance:

Okay ladies, must run. Hugs and love to all and please be thinking of us tomorrow! Pray it's something that can be fixed!

Hi ladies,

Anna, so sorry your still sick. Hopefully you'll start getting better soon. LOVE the new avatar. I turned the laptop sideways to see our little Jo. :haha:


Maybe I'm crazy but I still wonder if he's just taking his own pace. I haven't seen Ethan in person so I don't know everything your seeing but Amelia says Dad, mom, hi, keekee. She HARDLY says a word let alone talk like a 4th grader. Granted she's only almost 18months but she's got her own baby babble way of saying things...like baba instead of bottle.

She hums music, etc. She doesn't use a fork or spoon as she should but I started working with her in handling it and she can do it with some help.

I guess I'm just hoping Ethan is just at his own pace. Same for Amelia. Anna and Steph, are your kids saying more words? Just kind of wondering?

You know there's a little boy a month and a half older than Amelia and it bothers me that he's taking to potty training well, uses a fork, talks, and blah, blah blah. Doug just says Amelia is at her own pace. I told him as a joke, "he'll start falling in a slump soon and Amelia will beat him". :rofl: I always wonder in the back of my mind if she's where she needs to be. I think she is though.

Anyways, praying you get some answers.
About to go to a meeting, but wanted to pop in and say Angela I am thinking of you and your family today and tomorrow. One thing you can't do is compare Ethan's development with another child's development. You will drive yourself mad and it isn't worth it. Ethan is developing at his own pace. I know that all sorts of things are going through your head, but wait until you hear what the specialist says and if needed, get a second opinion.

As for hubby not getting you a card on your bday, I am sorry that he forgot and hopes he makes it up to you this weekend or sometime soon. HUGE HUGS FOR YOU!!!! I will be praying!!!

Rebekah - we posted at the same time. As for katelyn and speaking, she talks a lot. However, she is still only about 20lbs and is small. She is just barely starting to wear 24month clothing (mainly for shirts - for some reason she has a big head LOL), but for the most part in bottoms, she can fit in 12 month clothes and a lot of the 18 month pants fall of her waist. So...there is always going to be something in these early years (maybe even in the older years) where we are comparing our kids to where others are at. As my hubby keeps telling me, "Katelyn in Katelyn and she is just going to be petite."

Either way Angela, if Ethan is just going at his own pace or if needs a little help, he will be ok and you are a SUPER MOM. NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!

Oh and Rebekah LOL about the little boy falling into a slump! Too funny!

Hugs to you both!

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