35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey Angela/Codegirl - are you guys a little sad that your pregnancy is almost over? I know that you are probably ready to have your babies, but won't you miss being pregnant a bit? Just curious, as I am really enjoying being pregnant and having my little one with me at all times. I am super excited to meet her, but I think I will miss being pregnant. I equate it with my wedding. I absolutely LOVED planning my wedding and enjoyed my wedding day and being married, but there are some moments where I miss being a bride to be...Just wondering if you were having similar feelings about pregnancy. Does that make any sense?
Yes Steph that makes sense! I was actually laying in bed this morning (trying to fall back asleep at 5:30! :dohh:) and thinking, I should really focus on enjoying being pregnant these last few days. I know all of us on this board understand the potential issues of being 35+, and at least in my case, we've been told that we hopefully *can* have a second child (or more), but we'll need to hurry ;-) We definitely want that, so while hopeful, I sort of always have in the back of my mind that this might be my only chance to be pregnant, and I want to make sure I pay attention and enjoy it! :) I don't know how many kids God will bless us with. We certainly hope we'll be able to have a second at least, but I do kind of have a little sadness that this pregnancy is coming to a close. A happy close, since we get to bring baby home! But a change nonetheless. It is so cool to feel all baby's movements in 3rd tri (just wait till you get there in a few weeks and you'll see how much more movement there is!) and it will be sad not to feel that bond anymore. I can't wait to be able to hold baby's hand, for example, but it'll still be different than having him with me 24/7!
Wow, ladies... lots of good news!

MA - CONGRATS!! So happy that you saw your baby and hope that you are reassured in a way that only that sight could give you! Happy & healthy 9 months! On the smoking, I concur with Anna, I am a former smoker and now detest the smell... If the opportunity presents itself & you're able to make it work, don't hesitate to move! Your comfort & health is the most important thing now... On a brighter note, what a beautiful day for you!

Angela/Codegirl - WOW, Monday!! Hoping that whatever the means is, you both have healthy deliveries! I agree, make a "short list" and when you meet your babies, you will know what the name should be.... I had a gf that had the same issue, her daughter was the "new girl" until after she was born... Fortunately, the hospital will not let you leave without putting name on the birth certificate.. LOL...

MissMuffet - I also completely understand what you're saying... I LOVED planning my wedding... we had a destination wedding & at-home reception, so I got to plan 2! When it was over, it kinda gives you the blues... that's when I started TTC and threw myself into that... However, this is a *bit* different in that I think it was boredom that got me after the wedding... No boredom with a new baby/babies!!! Right? I may be wrong, but I don't believe I will miss being prego... only 9 weeks in for me though, so maybe I will change my mind... :)

Viv - Thoughts & prayers still with you.... I think of you every time I see the news and hope you are coping, sweetie... :hugs:

AFM - Celebrating 9 weeks today... I am trying to figure out "where" we go next.... Was told that in Austin, you are not solely a perinatologist's patient, but that they work in conjunction with your reg ob/gyn... Is this the way it is everywhere? Not to mention of course, that I am double high-risk, I guess... I have an appt for consult with the peri recommended by my FS... FS (who we like & trust a lot) has recommended that we stay with my former ob/gyn... Problem is, that my ob/gyn works with a different peri group of docs... Right now, I am thinking that we meet & have consults with both and decide who we like more, agrees with our way of thinking, etc. If it means getting a new ob/gyn, then so be it... sheesh....

Otherwise, picked up PeiWei for dinner... I have asian food cravings like you would not believe! Usually, I'm a TexMex girl, but man... I know I gotta watch it 'cause of the sodium.... atleast no MSG at PeiWei... and, it was yummy. :)

Thank you again for all of your well-wishes and concern after my Wed fright.... I feel fine and just pray that was a one-time occurence... again, celebrate each day & week!!
Thank you everyone for prayers and offers of help but we will be ok. We are muddling through and have it much better than many others although toileting in the garden with MS is a bit trying :wacko: Haha!
Rottpaw how exciting for you :happydance:
Have only skimmed through but will have a proper sit down later and a read.
Love to all:hugs:
Angela, Today as I brought you all up to our prayer group a friend of mine told me there is a cream that is used to help ripen the cervix. She said it worked wonderfully for her. She too said the same thing that code said about checking to be sure it's ready. Usually during an induction if your water doesn't break they have to break it themselves. She said that vaginal cream helped to ripen the cervix and she quickly broke her water. She also mentioned that her Dr. actually STRETCHED her cervix. I think I've seen it before here on this bored. It's called Stretching. :lol: Those may be a couple of options to help speed it up so you won't have to worry about C-section.

Thank you for the well wishes everyone. I am officially at peace now and excited! I found a whimsy lamp in primary colors that gave me an idea for the nursery. I think next paycheck I'm going to buy it. I'll put it in the closet until we're ready to design the nursery.

I've had a list of names for TEN years. :rofl: Last pregnancy I didn't have a problem with my husbands choosing. He picked Jackson Jeffrey. I thought it rocked. This time around I thought it would be fun to go with first names associated with Presidents. We already have Jackson. I thought of Franklin, Washington, Lincoln. Doug wasn't happy at first but I think I may have caught him. Of course HE wants to name our next son LUKE. Not just after Luke in the Bible but so he can say "Luke, I am your father". :rofl: Uh, NO!!!

He said No to my girls name. I thought of Liberty Christine. Meaning, Liberty in Christ. We'd call her Libby for short. He doesn't like it ONE BIT! :rofl: But we've finally come up with a cute name for a girl too.
Happy Friday, all! We were supposed to be hit w/a big snowstorm so I was hoping for an extended weekend, but no such luck. Here I sit at work. Working hard. :)

Titi - fingers crossed for your :bfp:! Hope to see you over here soon!

Fingers crossed for you too, Rottpaw, for a safe delivery before Monday! How excited you must be to know that you'll finally meet your precious little one in a few days' time! Just don't let that stupid tech in the room... :nope:(unbelievable!)

Oh - and tell your hubby not to base your recoup time against his. Men - even the big, tough kind - are a little bit on the wimpy side when it comes to those things. That's why WE have the babies. :)

And yet another set of fingers crossed for you, Codegirl! (I'm running out of fingers...) Hopefully your appointment today will firm things up as to whether they induce on Tuesday or not. Better yet, hopefully you and Angela both will go into labor naturally this weekend.

Austin - what a cutie you have for your avatar! Your furbaby I assume? I miss my own furbaby (mine was a cat, though). She passed away about three years ago, and I never got another one. Too much responsibility.

Uh-oh. I may be in trouble here...

Hey Pablo - we haven't talked names, either. I don't even want to bring it up until we clear the 1st trimester. That being said, I already know what I want to name the little squirt if it turns out to be a girl (and I could be wrong, but I just have a feeling it'll be a girl). It's just a matter of the DH going for it or not, and I honestly don't know what he'll think. Time will tell. Are you guys going to make it an "open discussion" with others, or just decide bewteen yourselves and let everyone know when s/he makes the big arrival? I'd like to keep it just bewteen the hubby and me, but we haven't gotten that far yet.

Junebug, MissMuffet, MA, Vivienne (and anyone I may have missed) - good morning!

AFM - I had a little mild cramping yesterday. I know this is normal. To be expected, even. Still didn't stop me from panicking. So I called the OB, and bless her heart she had me come in right away just to use the doppler to reassure me. (Of course, now I feel a tad guilty about wanting to switch to another OB...:oops:) So I got to hear the heart beat for the first time! :cloud9: I've seen in on u/s, I've just never heard it before. It was too cool - I'm definitely renting one next week, and keeping it for the duration. With my mmc in November and my threatened miscarriage this time around, I'll need it to keep my sanity between ultrasounds.

Have a great day, everyone! :kiss:
Angela - will I miss being pregnant?? Overall = no. this has been a super crappy pregnancy, I am ready to not have 10000000 million dr appointments a week and not being able to play with Edward like I would like too and just feeling all around crappy. Will I miss pieces of it?? yes. I will miss feeling the baby inside and I will miss napping on demand :haha:

I'm just not very good at being pregnant, but being a Mom makes those 9 months totally worth it.

At the begining of this journey I use to say I really wanted at least 3 babies but now I'm not sure if I could do this one more time. Maybe we'll look at adoption or something, specially if we have another boy cause that way we can "make sure" we get a girl :haha:

Oh, and the best part? I have caught a COLD! I can hardly wait to be in labour all congested :dohh:

We spent a couple of hours last night discussing boys names again. I've added one more that I would concider. Wonder if DH likes it any better than my fav (he needs time to "process")
happy friday!!!! Don't know if it's because i'm pregnant or what but the work week seems to be dragging!! I'm so excited for the weekends!

austin, still can't believe you have three on the way!! I think ur plan of meeting all doctors and seeing which ones vibe best with you sounds like a good plan. It's so important to have a good relationship with your doctor, espically in your case as I imagine you'll be seeing the dos more than most. I too had MASSIVE chineese food cravings for about a week. Couldn't get enough of mooshu shrimp. Then the craving changed the next week.

rottpaw, I can completely understand missing being pregnant. Right now the thought of what's at the end of this prwgnancy scares the crap outta me!

missmuffett, I wish I knew you before, you could have planned my wedding, I hated it!!

vivienne, glad you are ok, thinking of those less fortunate. Take care of yourself.

MA, I have a few names too but have not decidd on any. I am also glad you've found some piece of mind. It helps so much to see for yourself that everything is ok.

Sunshine, i'm sorry for your scare the other day. I know how scarry the cramping can be, i've had lots! Congrads on hearing the heartbeat! So exciting!

AFM, nothing to tell except that ms came back this am. And while it seems to have left for the most part, I still have food avoidance. Some things just don't sound that good. Going to get our travel trailer out of storage this weekend and start gearing up for camping season! I am ready for some warm weather!! Since we'll be in Denver might see my parents, trying to decide if we should tell them or not. Wish the lab results would come back from doc. If we got a clean bill of health then that would help me decide.

hope everyone has a good weekend!! Anna
oh I forgot . . .

codegirl, so sorry you are sick!!

all the newer moms to be out there are you going to find out the sex or wait for it to be a surprise? Just currious cause a friend of mine was so adament about waiting while i'm on the fence. What's everyones thoughts?
I'm home from the Dr.s!! Still no action, cervix is soft but thick :cry: Scheduled for induction for March 1st but Dr. expects that I will need at least one round of Cervidel :cry:

I know I sound wimpy but I did the whole cervidel/induction last time and it took so long that I think I just have some hangups left from last labour. Guess I have a few days to get over it :wacko:

We are waiting to find out the gender. Did that with Edward too. Drives people CRAZY :haha: If your more of a planner then it's hard because you have to buy only netural stuff etc but it does save on the spending :haha:

Our biggest delima with not finding the gender out is having to agree on 2 different names but I think we might have come up with a boys name (we've had the girl's name figured out since Edward). :dance: None too soon hu?
Codegirl, sorry there's still no "action"! I'll still cross another set of fingers that you go into labor before then - at last count, I think I still had four left. Two, if you don't count the thumbs :)

Chiming in with my two cents on knowing the gender ahead of time. For me, I absolutely want to know! (Of course, I think I already do...)

Happy Friday afternoon! Now I'm craving Chinese for dinner. Hot Sour soup, anyone?
Gender. Last time I didn't want to know and I felt pressure from everyone to find out. I'm kinda glad we did with Jackson.

THIS time I STILL don't want to know and my husband and I are arguing (not really, but he's standing firm he wants to know) because HE wants to know.

This is going to be interesting to see how this plays out. I don't mind surprises.

On another topic I found a "lamp" with primary colors that is whimsy looking. I'd like the baby's room to be whimsy and have come up with a few ideas. All because of the lamp I'm hoping will still be there by next paycheck. Haha

Do you all have "themes" for your baby's room? I'm actually going to wait until late second trimester to decorate the room. I just couldn't handle having to pack anything up if it were ever to happen so I'm going to buy the lamp with great excitement. Come up with the idea and then buy it all then.

Anna, after your last post, I'm hungry for chinese. Yum.

Chris, we got a bit of a storm here. Doug said it wasn't too bad getting to work though so I'm glad for that.
Afternoon everyone! Very busy here at work and am about to head to another meeting so this will be a somewhat short post...I will do a more lengthy one later :).

We found out the gender of the baby mainly because I opted to have the amnio (after my NT and blood results - amnio came back looking good) and I asked about gender and the genetics person told me. I wanted to know and my DH didn't have an opinion. He could have gone either way.

We dont' have names either. DH is only lukewarm on half of the names I suggested and the other half he down right vetoes. Unfortunately, we do have a LOT of people providing us with "help" in choosing a name. I personally find it annoying. I don't want nor did I solicite other peoples opinions on MY childs name, however they decide they must provide it to me. I just smile and say "maybe", cuz I am not trying to be rude or hurt peoples feelings either (though sometimes I want to - hormones LOL).

No thoughts about the baby's room yet other than we will have pink and perhaps purple stuff in there (maybe a light green). I know that I should be doing betterm as I am almost in my 3rd trimester, but I really want to move, but unfortunately, the way the housing market is, there is no way I can sell my house at the moment - so I guess I am hoping that a miracle will happen with the house and we will be able to rent a bigger place prior to the baby coming and we can decorate that. Le Sigh.

I hope everyone is having a great day and is doing something fun and/or cozy this weekend.

Afternoon everyone! Very busy here at work and am about to head to another meeting so this will be a somewhat short post...I will do a more lengthy one later :).

We found out the gender of the baby mainly because I opted to have the amnio (after my NT and blood results - amnio came back looking good) and I asked about gender and the genetics person told me. I wanted to know and my DH didn't have an opinion. He could have gone either way.

We dont' have names either. DH is only lukewarm on half of the names I suggested and the other half he down right vetoes. Unfortunately, we do have a LOT of people providing us with "help" in choosing a name. I personally find it annoying. I don't want nor did I solicite other peoples opinions on MY childs name, however they decide they must provide it to me. I just smile and say "maybe", cuz I am not trying to be rude or hurt peoples feelings either (though sometimes I want to - hormones LOL).

No thoughts about the baby's room yet other than we will have pink and perhaps purple stuff in there (maybe a light green). I know that I should be doing betterm as I am almost in my 3rd trimester, but I really want to move, but unfortunately, the way the housing market is, there is no way I can sell my house at the moment - so I guess I am hoping that a miracle will happen with the house and we will be able to rent a bigger place prior to the baby coming and we can decorate that. Le Sigh.

I hope everyone is having a great day and is doing something fun and/or cozy this weekend.


Just tell people you've already named her "peaches". :rofl: Act serious.:winkwink:

We seem pretty much in similar places concerning our housing situations. Though we're renting and want to own. Doing it all at once makes me :wacko: I think with my husbands overtime hours we're just going to put the money away and maybe start looking once we actually have the baby. I think I'd feel to rushed right now. We've always wanted a small homestead with sheep, chickens, goats and a place to garden and raise children. I'm not really a fan of the city though I've grown up in it all my life. I'm not even sure I want to stay here in our home state anymore. It makes Doug nervous as we've moved around ALOT in our ten years of marriage. Mainly for schooling, jobs and then when we moved back we moved around to help family members and friends out at their rough times. I'll never live with family or friends ever again though no matter how much they need the help. Lesson learned.:winkwink:

California has one of the highest housing markets I've seen thus far. A friend of mine purchased her house and I though NY homes and taxes were bad. I nearly fainted. I don't know HOW anyone can buy a home there and manage to make ends meet.

Steph, is this your first baby? What made you opt for the testing? I'm asking because last time with Jackson I was totally against it. We would keep him even if he had medical issues so I didn't think it was necessary. Now, I'm unsure. Genetic testing would see if they had any predisposition and early detection of certain medical issues right? I have to weigh the pros and cons here. No matter what we'll keep our baby. Knowing anything a head of time may put me over the edge. I'm so at a loss of these things.:shrug:

I forgot to mention today that the past few days I've had nausia around the clock pretty intense. I had light nausia with Jackson.NOTHING like this. I keep guessing with the nausia and the lower heart rate this time around we're having a girl. We wouldn't mind another boy again but I have an inkling this is a girl beause she's already coming in swinging. Oh the drama! :lol:

Have a bright and sunny weekend ladies. I guess we'll be looking forward to hearing there are two new little ones to our bunch soon!:happydance::cloud9::flower: May Angela and Code find peace, strength for the road ahead and may God as our Great Physician guide the hands and minds of the medical staff so they are able to deliver these babies with ease and comfort for mommies in Jesus name...AMEN!
Hi all - Just checking in...

Sunshine - Thanks! That beautiful girl (my Avatar) is the puppy love of my life, Lucy... sweetest goldent retreiver ever! We also have a yellow lab, Lilly, but she's a Daddy's girl... :) So sorry you have had cramping and yes, I know it's so scary... and you just feel helpless... Keep the faith, girl! It will be allright... :)

MA & Steph - I am sure we will find out sex... just not sure when. We will have our genetic consult next week and I am anxious to know what our capabilities will be in that regard with 3... We have not even discussed names, nurseries, etc.... just not to that comfort level yet... Will be fun and I am hopeful we'll get there...

AFM - Not such a great day... Bleeding started again last night and I was seen by my ob/gyn this am... Good visit and I had another sonogram (2 this week!) and all looks good. They could tell from the sono this time that I have 2 - 2cm subchronic (?) bleeds... not terribly unusual, but could be potentially dangerous... The doc mentioned it has something to do with attachment... I should remember better, but am kind of in a fog, coupled with information overload. Bottom line is that I am not on bed rest, but closest thing to it... work from home, no activity, take it EASY...

Man, oh man... makes me feel like I was bragging I didn't have MS and now paying the price... :(

Has anyone heard of such a thing?

Dr said that I will be "seen" very frequently and should get used to being in the doctor's office weekly... She made me feel good, though and seconded the recommendation to the perinatologist my FS recommended...

I had just hoped to sail through with no problems, walking my dogs, doing yoga & looking "cute" in my maternity clothes... I now only care about what is best for these 3... Worrying is not good, either.

Again, sorry for being such a downer... I hope that all of you are having fantasic days and really can't wait to hear lots of great news next week!! Yay for Codegirl & Angela!!
Austin, I would think you'd HAVE to know the sex. Especially if you were to have both or one or the other. Now there is where I'd have a hard time NOT wanting to know.

I've heard the bleeding is a usual thing with multiples. Though I'm not experienced with multiples at all.

Trust me, if your without morning sickness or nausia, it's one less thing you have to worry about. I think it hit me all at once a couple of days ago. Prior to that, I could handle the nausia. That's what makes me think I'm carrying a girl. I didn't have this with Jackson. Though watch the surprise on my face when I give birth and find out I'm holding a little boy. :rofl:

I just talked with Doug from work tonight and he's said he won't press the issue of finding out the sex. I think I'm getting him on board with the idea. :winkwink: Someone in our Bible study last night told me that what kept her going the last two weeks when it got tough was dreaming about the baby she'd be holding because she didn't want to know the sex.

This makes me excited.

I hope the fear subsides for you dear friend so that you are able to relax and enjoy your pregnany. I know the fear. Mine of course was a different circumstance but I know that looking forward in our pregnancy in fear is just not going to do us a bit of good. I'm just praying for peace for you, comfort and strength for the road ahead until you get to hold those sweet babies. I'm sure the journey won't be easy for you, but in the end, you'll find such sweet joy. :hugs:

P.S., your not a downer, just a concerned mommy. :thumbup:
Austin I agree with Rebekah - you are NOT a downer! The entire purpose of this thread is to share the good and the scary. And we are here to be supportive and share in your times of good and need :). Since I went through m/s don't be upset you don't have it! As Rebekah said, one less thing for you to worry about, so enjoy eating :).

Rebekah - yes this is my first child. I opted for the amnio because I knew I would stress the entire pregnancy if I didn't know. Based on my NT scan and blood work (my baby's PAPPA count - protein level that she makes, was really really low. They typically want to see a 1 and it was a .2) the screeing came back that I had 1:39 chances of her having down syndrome. That freaked me out and I needed the testing to ease my mind. I still get stressed when the perinatologist continually tells me that he wants to keep monitering me because I am High Risk due to the PAPPA level and could go into premature labor. I was talking to my OB/GYN about this she is great...she basically told me to enjoy my pregnancy and that everything would be ok.

Of course everytime I have an appointment with the perinatologist I panick a bit, but I am starting to get better :). The latest thing is that next week I have to start counting "kicks".

At any rate, I am glad I know the sex because I now dream about her and what she will look like and feel like I have a better connection than when I didn't know the sex. But the connection thing could just be BS ;-).

In terms of my house, I bought in 2006 before I got married or even met my hubby. It was to be my "starter home" a 2 bdrm townhome. Upon getting married, I know have a DH and 2 furbabies that need a backyard to run around in and now with the baby, I need a 3rd room so that when my mom comes to visit she has a place to sleep (other than on the couch with my black Lab! HA HA). The prospect of moving while I am preggers doesn't sound fun, but I just need more room.

Anyway, I am about to head home for the evening. It is cold and rainy and could possibly snow here in Sunny Southern California! Have a great evening everyone!
Oh, I almost forgot - Rebekah - if my amnio had turned out differently, we still would have kept her. I would be able to prepare in advance for whatever was wrong. I am one of those people that want to know and not be surprised about stuff later - well except with Christmas gifts :).
Oh, I don't know what I would've done with the test results you received. With Jackson I opted out of it all. I refused. This time around I'm not so against it, however, I'm the total opposite from you. All I'd do is worry until I rec'd the results and then I think I'd have anxiety throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

Hm, thinking about this out loud and seeing your response has given me the answer I needed based on my own personality. I guess I won't have the test done if it will cause me anxiety. If I could handle it a bit better like you, I may have the testing. I get so anxious about all that stuff. I DO see why you did it though. I see why so many women get this testing done. I don't know how you do it. In that sense I don't feel like I'm that strong. In fact, as I sit here and think about it, I wonder if the fear is keeping me from being a "good" mother by equipping myself for the future "if" our child ever had a special need.

This process is hard to process sometimes.

As your house goes, it sounds like your busting at the seams. We have a nice two bedroom apartment. I'm sure I could move to the new one almost done which is a three bedroom. But ours has overall more square footage. My parents don't live too far anyways. I think this place could be okay for a little while longer until we actually find the house we like. I wish you well on your home-buying excursion. I think house hunting is fun.
Good morning, everyone. :hi:

Austin, I totally agree with MA & MissMuffet. You're definitely not a downer! You've just had so much thrown at you lately, it's only natural to be concerned and need to talk about it. And like MissMuffet said - that's the whole purpose of this thread. I know it's ridiculous to say try not to worry, but try not to worry! It sounds like you're in really good hands and are being well taken care of. That's the best any of us can hope for, right? I'm sending your advice right back at ya - Keep the faith, girl! It will be alright! :flower:

On the whole gender thing - is there anyone out there that would strongly prefer one over the other? I feel like an absolutely rotten person for saying this, but I REALLY want a little girl! I don't have any brothers (or any siblings at all for that matter), and wouldn't have a clue as to what to do with a little boy. I've always been a girly girl, into jewelry, fashion, makeup - you know... pretty, sparkly things - and am dying for a little girl to share all that with. Please don't get me wrong - I'm already in love with the little Squirt no matter what the gender - but I can't help it! I want a girl, d@mmit! The DH, of course, would prefer a boy. And probably for the same gender identification reasons.

Am I horrible?

Regardless, stock in Baby Gap's gonna go up once I start shopping... (LOVE their stuff - how can you not!)

Have a good weekend, everyone, and Rottpaw & Codegirl - I hope today's the day you get to meet :baby:!

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