35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

On the whole gender thing - is there anyone out there that would strongly prefer one over the other? I feel like an absolutely rotten person for saying this, but I REALLY want a little girl! I don't have any brothers (or any siblings at all for that matter), and wouldn't have a clue as to what to do with a little boy. I've always been a girly girl, into jewelry, fashion, makeup - you know... pretty, sparkly things - and am dying for a little girl to share all that with. Please don't get me wrong - I'm already in love with the little Squirt no matter what the gender - but I can't help it! I want a girl, d@mmit! The DH, of course, would prefer a boy. And probably for the same gender identification reasons.

Am I horrible?

I just wanted to reassure you that you aren't alone in this. The first time I TOTALLY felt the same way. I was convinced that Edward was a little girl but a lot of that was fear over what they heck does one do with a BOY??? :shrug:

It took me about 30 seconds to get over the fact that my (imagined) little girl was infact a big 9.5lb baby boy :thumbup:

Now I figure I can't lose. Boys are great fun so if I have another it will be super duper but if I have a girl then having one of each would be great too.

The unknown is always a bit scary but regardless of gender he/she will be YOUR child and you will totally just know what works for that particular child.

Oh, and until we teach them gender bias, you can see your little boy in a pink princess dress during dress up time at daycare (at least, that's my experience :rofl:)
Angela - will I miss being pregnant?? Overall = no. this has been a super crappy pregnancy, I am ready to not have 10000000 million dr appointments a week and not being able to play with Edward like I would like too and just feeling all around crappy. Will I miss pieces of it?? yes. I will miss feeling the baby inside and I will miss napping on demand :haha:

I'm just not very good at being pregnant, but being a Mom makes those 9 months totally worth it.

At the begining of this journey I use to say I really wanted at least 3 babies but now I'm not sure if I could do this one more time. Maybe we'll look at adoption or something, specially if we have another boy cause that way we can "make sure" we get a girl :haha:

Oh, and the best part? I have caught a COLD! I can hardly wait to be in labour all congested :dohh:

We spent a couple of hours last night discussing boys names again. I've added one more that I would concider. Wonder if DH likes it any better than my fav (he needs time to "process")

I'm home from the Dr.s!! Still no action, cervix is soft but thick :cry: Scheduled for induction for March 1st but Dr. expects that I will need at least one round of Cervidel :cry:

I know I sound wimpy but I did the whole cervidel/induction last time and it took so long that I think I just have some hangups left from last labour. Guess I have a few days to get over it :wacko:

We are waiting to find out the gender. Did that with Edward too. Drives people CRAZY :haha: If your more of a planner then it's hard because you have to buy only netural stuff etc but it does save on the spending :haha:

Our biggest delima with not finding the gender out is having to agree on 2 different names but I think we might have come up with a boys name (we've had the girl's name figured out since Edward). :dance: None too soon hu?

Hey Code I am so sorry you are sick! I had a cold a couple weeks ago and was miserable. I hope you are feeling better before Tuesday!

:hi: to all! It's been a crazy night and day here and I'll have to catch up in more detail tomorrow, but wanted to log on and say hi and send hugs. :hugs:

I had a bit of an interesting night last night myself, think I have caught some kind of GI bug. Bleh! I was afraid (once again; this is the second false alarm now, for those keeping track! :blush:) that I was in labor so called the on-call doc. I am sure he thinks I am an idiot because i had to call basically saying "I'm having constipation-type pain, painful contractions, upset tummy pain, and what felt like gas pain and I do not know if I'm in labor on top of everything!" But I was in so much pain I was just in tears with it and even my hubby was like, you've got to call the doctor. Long story short he said we could come in and get monitored, etc. but we'd basically be in for an entire night at the hospital. So we decided to wait it out and see if I could settle down to sleep some (which I finally did) and as long as I could sleep through it, the doctor and hospital nurse concurred that it's probably not labor.

So today I still have the GI upset issues, and some contraction pain, but it's a little better than it was last night. I had a zillion things to get done today, but ended up just having to take it easy today and try to relax and rest. One of my friends that is a mom of 2 said that she thinks it might not even be a tummy bug; might just be my body naturally gearing up for labor. She had something similar before her kids were born and she said "I was surprised to find that pain is rarely on the list of things to be concerned about!" :haha: So we'll just play it by ear. I've rested as much as I can today and hope to sleep okay tonight.

tomorrow we have one last shower (hubby's coworkers) that we're sort of squeezing in super last-minute. It was originally scheduled for the wekeend that turned out to be Dad's funeral, so they wanted to reschedule it to get it in before the baby arrives. It will be a fun distraction tomorrow. I'm still a little nervous about the concept of being induced, so please keep up the prayers for both me and Terri that these inductions go smoothly! Thanks guys!

The good news for the day is, we *may* have settled on a name. I'll keep you posted as soon as it's official!

:hugs: to all and hope you guys are doing something fun for Saturday night. Poor hubby is a little bummed that I'm not feeling up to going anywhere for our last Saturday night as just two, but between the stomach bug and the need to avoid salt because of my BP issues, I'm just trying to keep my little head down and survive the next couple days as gracefully as I can. I'm SO ready to get this baby HERE! LOL!
On the whole gender thing - is there anyone out there that would strongly prefer one over the other? I feel like an absolutely rotten person for saying this, but I REALLY want a little girl! I don't have any brothers (or any siblings at all for that matter), and wouldn't have a clue as to what to do with a little boy. I've always been a girly girl, into jewelry, fashion, makeup - you know... pretty, sparkly things - and am dying for a little girl to share all that with. Please don't get me wrong - I'm already in love with the little Squirt no matter what the gender - but I can't help it! I want a girl, d@mmit! The DH, of course, would prefer a boy. And probably for the same gender identification reasons.

Am I horrible?

I just wanted to reassure you that you aren't alone in this. The first time I TOTALLY felt the same way. I was convinced that Edward was a little girl but a lot of that was fear over what they heck does one do with a BOY??? :shrug:

It took me about 30 seconds to get over the fact that my (imagined) little girl was infact a big 9.5lb baby boy :thumbup:

Now I figure I can't lose. Boys are great fun so if I have another it will be super duper but if I have a girl then having one of each would be great too.

The unknown is always a bit scary but regardless of gender he/she will be YOUR child and you will totally just know what works for that particular child.

Oh, and until we teach them gender bias, you can see your little boy in a pink princess dress during dress up time at daycare (at least, that's my experience :rofl:)

I can echo this. You are not alone!! I REALLY, really wanted a girl; like Terri said, I just don't have any idea what to do with boys. But so many of my girlfriends have boys that I know I'll figure it out, and honestly once they start kicking and moving around in there, you start to bond with them regardless. I still feel completely clueless caring for a little boy (I have a little sister, so would have felt a little *less* clueless with a girl) but I am now so excited and will just hope for a girl on the second try LOL!
Morning Ladies :flower:,

So glad the gender question sparked so much conversation. DH and I talked about it last night and he said it was up to me, so I think I'd like to know. As for gender I'm thinking I'm carrying a boy, but that's a good thing. I am not a girly girl, just the opposite, very much a tom boy, hated dresses growing up . . . still do. I like to play outside and get dirty, would not know what to do with a girly girl. Plus I think DH would have a better time adjusting to the idea of a boy, at the end of the day just hoping for happy and healthy.

Which leads me to genetic testing. MA I too am getting tested. I just had what I think was an NT scan and blood work last week. Hope to find out the results on Monday. We are doing an amnio too. For me it's piece of mind and /or preparation. As we've discussed on this thread before, comes down to personal choice.

Austin, :flower: I'm going to echo everyone else and say you're not a downer!! For all the same reasons as previously mentioned. Plus when another person joins who has multiples and goes through what you are she'll have you're experiences to reference. Hang in there sister!! Is DH back yet???

Missmuffett, I know the stress of a small place. We're in the same boat. Two bedroom and a large fur baby. However, now is not the time financially so here we will be. I have to start downsizing. My aim for the next three months is to get rid of all unnecessary "stuff". There by hopefully creating a little more space. Then for the next two years save as much as we can so when the time is right we can move into something bigger. I feel like two years is our goal. More than a toddler and we will need a bigger place.

Sunshine, love that you are a girly girl. If I have a girly girl after all I'm coming to you for guidance.

Rottpaw and Codegirl, wow am I wishing you all the best of luck. Rottpaw I agree with your friend. I've heard of women who started labor with symptoms much the same as yours. I am crossing fingers too that this is it!!

AFM, Well took the plunge and told my parents last night. They kept talking about all these plans for next winter and I finally said, "well our travel plans for next winter are a little up in the air because . . . ." Anyway as predicted my mom freaked, I'm sure she's out shopping already. I just hope this spurs them to finish the house they're building in the mountains so they can be close if they want to be. The house building process is now two and a half years old. Long story. Anyway I feel as if a weight is lifted and now the cat is out of the bag. My mom wants to take me shopping for maternity clothes at Pea in the Pod. I told her how expensive it was and I was planning on doing most maternity shopping at Old Navy and Target, but she wants to go and if she's paying who am I to argue???

Hope everyone is having a good day. I'm trying to get motivated to take my dog for a hike, I just slept almost 12 hours and want to just hang for the day. Alas fur baby needs out, and groceries need to be bought, so no such luck. Happy Sunday and good baby vibes to Rottpaw and Codegirl.
Rottpaw - so sorry you're having GI issues on top of everything else. Maybe your girlfriend's right and it's just your body prepping for the big event :) How exciting to think you go tomorrow! You're in my thoughts & prayers for a safe & healty delivery! (Oh yeah - and as quick & painless as possible, too!) Hope you had fun at your shower today. :)

And Codegirl, I'm sending up the same prayers for you, too!

Pablo - how cool that your mom wants to take you shopping! My mom wants to do the same. Sometimes I wonder who's more excited - them or us? Although that's one shopping trip I'm okay with putting off for a while. The longer I can wear my own clothes, the better. I'm okay with the bump, but the butt... not so much. Oh, and if you do wind up with a girly girl, don't hesitate to pick my brain - I'm all about the bling!

Hope everyone has a nice & relaxing Sunday. Myself, I'm off to do more laundry and finish cleaning the bathroom... Ugh...

Hey - I just noticed I've graduated from "olive" to "prune" on my ticker... :thumbup:
Pablo, I'm the same way with wanting a boy. I kinda feel guilty for saying it. We'd love a child no matter what sex, however there are a ton of girls in our family and I would love a whole mess of boys. Seeing all my neices, our friends twin daughters...they come with DRAMA. Ugh! :lol: I love to get dirty, go on hikes, biking, etc. Dont get me wrong, I'd love a little girl too one day, but I REALLY want boys. I was so excited when we found out Jackson was a boy. I hope this one will be too, but I have this inkling since things are slightly different with this one and the heart rate is 143, that we'll be having a little girl. Which is fine. I'm just scared of screwing up her life! :lol:

I like your two year deal with saving for a house. I think maybe that will be our focus as well. To save for two years and not rush.

Praying your all having a lovely day and looking forward to the two little ones that will be here soon. :cheer:
Morning everyone! Another active weekend!

Angela – sorry about your GI problems. I will continue to pray for healthy and safe deliver and to be GI problem free!

MA & Pablo – My house situation is a bit a pickle because I currently own the house I am in, but because of the market, I am upside down. So even waiting 2 years wouldn’t help much. I am seriously thinking of trying to do a short sale and then renting for the next 2 years. But my DH and I are also trying to move to Colorado (most of my family has migrated out to the Denver area and DH has lived and So. Cali his whole life and would like to be somewhere new – and I want to be closer to my mommy) at some point so that makes it even more messy. But we shall see. I too am trying to downsize so that in any scenario we will be ok room wise. Oh Pablo – very nice that you Mom wants to buy your clothes! Go for it, because Pea in the Pod has some really nice items!

Congrats Sunshine on moving up in your ticker!

As for as gender – I used to always want a boy first because I loved having an older brother. I always felt that it is nice to have big brother to take care of his little sister. Though technically, because my hubby already has a son from a previous relationship, my daughter will have a big brother. I kind new from the beginning that I was having a girl though. Which I am happy about. I am hoping that my second child is a boy, because I do want one of each (that I give birth to!)

Code – I hope that you are in labor and delivering a healthy baby!

AFM – DH and I went and registered at Babies R Us on Saturday. It really started to make things seem real. I purchased my first baby items too! They were having a sale on tanktop onesies and the sales lady stated to buy them know and not put them on the registry, because in a month they would be gone. They sell the summer stuff in the winter and the winter stuff in the summer. So I bought 3 five packs! My mom is planning on buying me a crib, but they are really really pricey at BRU. The one I initially picked out was $500.00! And that was without the mattress and blankets and stuff! So, I might try looking at other places for baby furniture.

I took my first “bump” picture and sent it to my brother and mother on Friday. Now, I am somewhat regretting not taking a photo each month to show how my bump has grown . Oh well. I can start now I guess. Anyway, another week has begun.

My baby is also starting to move A LOT. Other people can feel her move so that is really cool – DH still hasn’t felt her though – hopefully someday soon LOL.

I hope everyone has a great week and that we hear very soon of two new babies in our group being born!

Oh I'm just SO impatient today waiting from our two girls about their births!! CAN'T WAIT to hear about the birth stories and see those little ones they've waited for.

Praying everyone is doing well today.

I'm having issues with eating. Still can't STAND meat, but I'm having a hard time just liking ANYTHING. Need dinner and I'm almost in tears trying to make a decision. It's kind of funny.

Steph, I am the same way. I'd LOVE to have a brother first for our daughter, but I'm not sure it's really going to make a difference. Girls mature faster anyways. :lol: I do think I'm pregnant with a girl though. This pregnancy is SO different from my last one with Jackson. They're hanging out in the same place (my lower back area), but it's a totally different feeling all around this time.

Either way, I'll be grateful for the child we have...girl or boy. Can't wait!
so it's pretty slow for a monday and I think we're all waiting to see what news comes from rottpaw and codegirl.

sunshine, yep i'm pretty sure my mom is more excited than I am. I too am trying to make the wardrobe last as long as possible. Trouble is it's still winter here for three more months so pants are a necessity. Trying to make it until 16 weeks. We'll see.

missmuffett, how exciting to be shopping for baby stuff!!! I can't wait to get to that point!! How are you deciding on what crib to get? There are so many choices.

MA, i'm so sorry about the food thing. The were nights when I would get home and DH would ask what was for dinner and I would say whatever you want to cook yourself because I can't stand to even look at anything in the fridge let alone cook it. Best of luck I just hope your MS. abates during second trimester like mine, it's much easier now!

AFM, just waiting for test results. Doc said about a week, it's been a week. Just hope they come tomorrow or wed. If I haven't heard by wed afternoon i'll call. I hate waiting!!
ok happy monday and fingers and toes crossed for our two lovely ladies today!!!
Rottpaw, Codegirl.... waiting waiting... this must be the longest time in your lives, I'm so excited for you both.

MA I feel for you with food thing. :cry: The moment I felt like actually eating anything I would just cram it in asap before the feeling passed!

Pablo your mum sounds like such a lovely lady and what fun getting shopped for!

Miss Muffet, yay for getting down to the fun business of SHOPPING!

AFM my nuchal test came back at 1:2000 and for the trisomy 18 it was 1:100,000 and Turners 1:16000 so I think I will pass on any further testing as midwife seems happy with the results. I heard the heartbeat also today at 138 which is bang on average (that's me-Miss Average), which is what I needed to here after a week of running on pure adrenaline. So bubs seems fine. Anatomy scan in 3 weeks and we will hopefully find out gender then.

We have just had a nationwide 2 minutes silence a week to the day of the quake and it was very moving, many tears shed. :cry:

Have a wonderful week ladies and fingers crossed for the popping of babies soon! :hugs:
Vivienne, So gald the tests came back great!! I've been thinking of you dear friend.

Pablo, the wait is always the worst for the tests. They put me over the edge. :wacko:
Thanks ladies! After a crazy day of last minute prep and then having to literally wait out a tornado warning in our basement, we are finally at the hospital and just waiting for our room to get this show on the road! I am so excited! Will update when I can.

Code I hope all goes well for you tomorrow too!

Hugs to all!!
Thanks ladies! After a crazy day of last minute prep and then having to literally wait out a tornado warning in our basement, we are finally at the hospital and just waiting for our room to get this show on the road! I am so excited! Will update when I can.

Code I hope all goes well for you tomorrow too!

Hugs to all!!

Wow, Now?! :lol: I pray it moves swiftly so you are able to get some rest before all the hard work of pushing dear friend. I can't WAIT!!:happydance:

Thanks for updating us Angela. I've been on pins and needles. All Dougs been hearing about is your induction ALL DAY LONG. :rofl: Just waiting for the little guy to hurry up and get here as you are I'm sure. Can't wait to see a mommy/baby photo and hear how dad is holding up too.:winkwink::flower:

Keep us posted every hour! Even while pushing. :rofl: We need to hear a play by play.:thumbup: :lol: :hugs: JK'ing of course.
Hi ladies!! I've had a good "last day" before induction tomorrow. Had my (hopefully) last NST and everything looked fantastic. Noodle hates that test so always does lots of dancing so it's over quick :thumbup:

Then my Mom and I went for lunch and I had a nice long nap. I've done some work on downloading some new labour music so hopefully that's ready to go by the time I'm actually in labour.

DH and I went for East Indian food for supper. Nice treat as it will be months before we get out alone again (based on past experience). Now he's napping in my nursing chair while I hog the computer but I think I'm going to pack it in soon for a (hopefully) good rest tonight.

Tomorrow morning we should get the call on when they would like us at the hospital. I'm crossing my fingers that there is room at the inn for us :haha: Last time we got bumped till the next day but still had to go in for a NST to make sure the wait would be safe. The dr. I saw on Friday thought that I would need one round of Cervidel so if everything looks ok I should be back home tomorrow night and then back in on Wen for them to actually break my water and get this show on the road.

Don't know if I'll be back to send any updates before the baby comes, maybe tomorrow night if I'm fortunate enough to get to come home between procedures. Fingers Crossed!!

Hugs to everyone!!
Code I hope all goes smoothly and lol rebekah! I will keep you guys posted probably more than you would like as am pretty bored at the moment. :haha: been at hospital since 8 pm last night. Cervidil in at about 10:30 and out at 5:30 this am. Not much sleep last night for me or hubby. Think he is feeling a bit grouchy about that but I am lol that he thought we would be able to sleep! Are you kidding me!? They were running fluids in all night ( and I already have to pee like 5x a night!) then I can't go to the bathroom alone because it takes help to get all the monitors unhooked and drag the iv with me to the bathrroom. :rofl: you can just imagine the parade now that, this morning, I also have a pitocin drip and blood pressure cuff to take along for the ride. See what fun you have to look forward to ladies?? :haha: so I was not feeling too sorry for hubs especially since his only complaint is being tired. He isn't doing any of the work(or going wwithout food until the baby shows up!). Ah well this is why the women have the babies. The men would never make it lol!! Will check in again later if I can. Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
Ack how exciting!!!! Terri and Angela, sending you both some labour dust and soooo excited for you!!!

Had a rough weekend. At work now. Thank goodness. Needed to get away from the madness (not DH or Zoë, other stuff :-()

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday!! Exciting times here on the BNB Board!!!

Angela - Yes, do keep us posted!! :) As long as you can... Urrrgggghhh, for all the hassle & tubes, etc... Sure that you will have forgotten about it all when the little guy gets here!! Your DH sounds like how mine would be... waaaahh.... No sleep, waaaahh.... men, what are you gonna do? Are you having anyone else in the room with you? Family, friends, etc? Can't wait to hear about all! Best of luck and big hugs!

Codegirl - What a great last evening out... good for you & DH to get away and have a nice meal out. I hope that you get to go in today, seems like the waiting would be the really tough part... Same question, will you have others there in delivery? Guess, I find that part interesting, as I think I would rather not, but perhaps the support and distraction is welcome at that point... I hope that you get in for a quick and safe delivery!!!

Viv - So glad to hear from you and congrats on the fanastic test results!!! What a weight off of your shoulders! And as for the average thing, I think your little one will have quite the story to learn about his/her SUPER momma during this time! Average? I think not... :) Hoping things are going better for you and your city... Big hug to you!

Pablo - Congrats on telling your folks!! And I agree, def let Mom take you to Pea inthe Pod to get some cute stuff... A gf of mine got some super cute 7 jeans, there and confessed she still wears them sometime - and her littlest is 2! Hope your wait for the test results passes quickly! (easier said than done, right?)

AFM - Working from home for my first day today! I told my boss (a woman) and she was very understanding... at this point, we have decided to just say that we are pregnant and having some complications... My 1st peri appt is tomorrow and we are pretty excited about getting info re: when we can start testing, etc. So far, no more bleeding. I am encouraged by this, yet cautious. I ordered a much-recommended book about pg & multiples by Dr. Barbara Luke and evidently bleeding is more common, but no less threatening than with a single. I just have to understand that my pg is not going to be the one I hoped for (activity level, weight gain, carrying to term, etc), but that the few things I *can* control are my activities and my food intake... which is, by the way, supposed to be waaaay more than I think I've been eating... I am taking the book with a grain of salt, and will want to go on what my drs tell me, but then the book warns against treating it like a single or even a twin, pregnancy... AHHH, so confusing!

DH got back on Sunday night... relief! Thanks to all of you for your concern. He is still coming to terms with this, while it all became very real, very fast for me last week... When he talks about it, he tends to focus on what I perceive to be negatives: that I will likely have to quit working, that a nanny for 3 would likely cost over $50k a year, that we are going to have to downsize our lifestyle, on and on. I *know* these things and he is right, its just the way he is saying it... "hope you enjoyed our vacation to blah, blah.... we sure won't be going back soon", etc... Jeez !! I have read that men see having a child (or more) in those ways first, financial, etc.... Will he come around to being excited about all this? Did anyone have a similar experience with theirs?

And on I ramble.... :) Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!!!
Angela/Code - I am super excited for you both and can't wait to hear all the updates. YAY!!!!!

Austin - Your hubby will come around. I think all men are like that. They are happy to be having a baby, but then the financial reality hits them more so than it does most mom's to be. But he will get over it, especially after your first perinatolgist appointment I am sure. As soon as he sees what HE did he will be a proud papa!

Pablo - I hope you get your results this week and that there is nothing to be concerned about.

Junebug - I hope everything is ok and that your week is better than your weekend

Rebekah - HI!!! Sorry about your MS and aversion to food. If you can, try some oatmeal with some dried cranberries and/or raisins. I know that worked for me.

Everyone else have a great day.

Angela & Terri, I'm so excited for you both!! I keep peeking in on the thread for progress reports... like you don't have anything better to do, right?

Viv - awesome results! You must feel so relieved on that front!

Austin - it sounds like things are going well for you. So glad the DH is home, too - even if he is focusing on the negative. I most definitely think it's a man thing. Men still seem to think that it's their sole responsibility to provide for the family, so when they find out they're going to have an addition (um, or three...) they tend to panic. And not to worry - I'm sure he'll come around. How could he not? Mine doesn't seem too excited either at this point - more focused on the logistics of it than anything else. But I'm pretty sure once he goes with me to the 12 week scan in a few weeks and sees the squirt dancing around, that's all going to change.

I'm convinced that the financial worries of men are directly in proportion to the miscarriage worries of women - as the weeks progress for us and the hopes for a full-term healthy pregnancy increase, the financial/logistical worries decrease with the men. So I figure we'll all meet in the middle and be equally excited sometime during the second trimester. :)

Have a good day everyone - I'm sure I'll be popping in later to check the progress of our ladies!
Okay, it's been since 7am that Angela last posted that she would post more on here. I'm wondering if she's either been having contractions or if the baby is here already. :happydance::cloud9:

Looking forward to hearing the news soon.

Terri, sounds like all is well. Get that rest and we look forward to hearing more about your birthing journey as well. Praying you get right in and that you have a peaceful birthing experience.

Praying also that Angela is at peace and comfort with a beautiful healthy baby.

Austin so sorry about DH's comments. I think Sunshine put it very well. Men have the need to provide for their families. I think it's his own way of trying to figure things out. I pray you'll both find peace and that all will be well for the next several months until you birth the babies in 9 months time.:thumbup:

Steph, thanks. I'm going to have to try your idea. We're foodies and it's just SO odd loathing food. I was telling a friend of mine that I almost believe this is a good thing. I know I need to lose weight once this baby comes. I want to be here to watch him or her throughout life. My mindset has gone from "live to eat" to "eat to LIVE" not even chocolate tastes the same right now. I think if I take anything with me after baby is born its eating the small meals each day and eating to LIVE. I can do without the nausia though...but for the time being, because it's excellent that I'm sick, I'm just going to praise God through the nausia. :happydance: :rofl:

Junebug, I pray your week goes better dear friend. :hugs::kiss::flower:

Love to you all!!

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