35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

24 hours later and still no word from our angela and her little guy. Praying all went well and mom and baby boy are doing well.

Praying also for Terri as she preps for her induction.
Evening Ladies,

On baited breath to hear from rottpaw and codegirl. I hope all goes well for you ladies, and moms and babies are healthy and happy.

Vivienne, so glad you got good test results!!! So much pressure of and piece of mind. You needed that given the current state of affairs at home. Still thinking of you and your neighbors. Lots of hugs:hugs::hugs:

Sunshine, I like your idea of the relationship between a woman's fear of MC and men's fear of financial responsibility. You're one smart cookie.

Junebug, sorry you had such a crappy weekend. Makes the long work week that much harder. Hope the rest of the week looks up.

MA, I think your attitude of eating to live is great!!! It's the philosophy I try to live by, but like you I'm a foodie and LOVE to eat. I think I exercise so much just so I can eat. I applaud your efforts!! Best of luck with the MS.

Austin, I won't lie to you, my DH freaked out when he found out I was pregnant. Don't know why, we'd been trying for two years. He's still freaking out a little. I didn't take him to the 12 week scan because I was afraid he would be negative and spoil the moment. I'm not sure if that was a mistake or not. Maybe seeing the baby for himself would have helped his attitude. I can tell you I agree with everyone else in that men seem to feel a greater sense of financial responsibility for children. It's ingrained I think. The whole must provide for the family thing. Most of my friend's husbands did and it seems from this thread that most of the DHs here did too. Mine I feel is coming around, but he still calls the baby my new "toy". What??!!! Anyway, I think your DH will come around, but most men need time getting used to things. It seems a universal thing. Even if they've know for years that trying for a baby usually results in a baby the actual reality hits them blind. Now multiply that by three. Your DH sounds like a good man, give him a little time.

AFM, still waiting for test results. I will call on Wednesday, but the waiting is making my anxiety bloom. There are so many what ifs. Trying to stay positive, maybe no news is good news. Hope everyone has a good night, and hope Rottpaw and codegirl are holding their babies in their arms right now.

xxx Anna
Good morning everyone :)

Still hoping and praying for our soon to be (if not already!) moms - can't wait for the updates!

Best of luck to you, Anna, on your results today - the odds of a healthy report are highly in your favor, so please try not to worry too much. Impossible, I know... I go for my test on the 14th (the day I was supposed to be flying to India :cry:), and I know I'll be a wreck until everything comes back. I guess the waiting is due to the blood test. I have an appointment with the new OB I hope to switch to on the 7th - I'm going to ask if I can do the blood work then. Maybe it'll speed things along. I've read where other women have done this, and were able to get the results the day of the NT scan, so I figured it can't hurt to try. It'll be a real sanity saver if they'll let me do it that way.

Oh - and speaking of sanity - I've rented a fetal doppler so I'll be able to hear the heart beat any time I get nervous (i.e. every day...) I should have it on Friday, so I'll be able to take it to the new OB this Monday and have him show me how to use it if I can't find the hb by myself. Has anyone else done this? I couldn't believe how inexpensive it was! If you rent it month by month it's $35/month, if you rent it 3 months at a time it's $30/month, and for 6 months at a time it's $25/month. But there's no refund if you return it early, so I rented it for 3 months. Then, in three months' time, if things are still on track (when! think positive - when!) - I'll re-up it for another 3. It comes with a small bottle of the gel, but I bought another one for $7. Something tells me I'll be buying more...

Anyhow, I figured $30/month is a bargain for piece of mind it'll give me.

Okay, Anna - I know you exercise regularly. Have you been able to keep at it? I only ask because before I was pregnant I did an hour of hard cardio 6 days a week, and now I can barely even come up with enough energy to do it 2 days a week. I'm exhausted ALL THE TIME! I bet I've easily put on 10 pounds due to lack of exercise alone, and can only pray that I'll get my energy back in a few weeks so I can get back on track and loose some of this extra fat. I'm barely getting my a$$ into my jeans and feel like a slob :( If you're still on your regular exercise regime, how do you do it? Are there any other ladies out there with energy suggestions? I was going to wait until next month before I added coffee back in to my mornings, but it looks like I might have to start sooner. My miserable-ness (is that even a word??:huh:) has got to be putting more stress on the baby than a few cups of java could do...

Rebekah - If you've posted this earlier, forgive me for asking again... Have you contacted anyone at Strong yet? I know you were considering working in conjunction with them and your local doctor, and just wondered how that whole thing was going.

I hope everyone is having a decent hump day - only two more days 'til the weekend!
I have been lurking on this thread for a couple of weeks. Can't believe it but I believe I have officially graduated with a faint but definitely there :bfp: on a FRER test! DH sees it. My sister sees it and says that is exactly what her FRER test looked like with my 4 yr old nephew early on in her pregnancy. So I guess I am not going nuts.

I am so happy but sooo nervous because of my history. I so hope this is my sticky bean!
Yay Titi congrats, how exciting!!!!

Chris, I exercised every day before my BFP. But the first trimester floored me. It seems some women have more of the extreme fatigue than others. I didn't do a thing during my entire first trimester but sleep when I got home from work, wake up to eat dinner, then toss and turn all night due to insomnia. So don't beat yourself up if you can't exercise as much, it's perfectly normal! And that fat accumulating on your a$$? That's your body preparing to be the perfect incubator it is, and prepping for BF'ing (if you chose that route) since breast milk is 40% fat! :) A cup of coffee in the AM is fine for baby, if you can tolerate it. My MS was so bad that despite desperately needing my AM coffee, I would instantaneously puke it up if I had even one sip :-( Luckily in second tri the sleep improved a bit, and I was able to keep down my morning coffee!!!

Rebekah, yes for sure eating to live is the healthiest outlook! However, like you and Anna, I love my food :thumbup: I exercise just so that I can eat more, how silly is that?? :dohh:

Anna fingers crossed everything is A.O.K. with your test results!!! :haha:

I see no posts from Terri or Angela. Thinking of you ladies!!! Hope everything went smoothly and that you are both holding your lovely bundles of joy by now :hugs:

Viv so glad your test results were good too!!! I had a little moment of silence and thought for you and your fellow countrymen/women yesterday. :cry:

Yep, DH freaked out when I had my BFP, I think more because it happened the first month we tried and he hadn't really processed that it was all "real" yet. He wasn't able to come to my first U/S at 8 weeks, but did accompany me to the CVS at 11 weeks, where my OB (who is a personal friend) treated us with a 10 minute "visit" with baby before he did the procedure. DH couldn't get over the shock of seeing a real little person growing in there, how active she was and the heart beating away. I think it really sunk in then...

I think our situation is rather unique, but it adds so much pressure on me. I am the main bread earner, DH was actually in school during my entire pregnancy, and only worked for 5 months before going on parental leave. So all that financial stress you ladies attribute to hubbies? I was the one carrying that plus baby :cry: I couldn't financially take more than 7 months off work, I get paid so much more than he does so it was just logical that he should be the parent to stay at home and I go back to work. Sometimes I'm very frustrated that all my friends get a whole year off work with their babies and the hospital only gives me 3 months. So I decided for the next one I WILL stay at home 1 year, even if this means dipping into our line of credit to make ends meet... He's applied for a different program (sigh, my hubby, the perpetual student: turns out he hated his job where he was for 5 months...) starting in September. So we will save as much money as we can, and hopefully have longer at home with baby... I honestly do love my job though, and when I am here, I am fine. The second I leave the office to walk to the subway, I'm antsy to just get home and play with Zoë though!!!

OK, off to do a bit of work now, hugs everyone!!!
Morning All!!:hi:

First Titimes, CONGRADS!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Doing the happy dance for you!! I know you had some strong symptoms last week so happy they turned out to be worthy. Given your history you must be nervous, when are you seeing your doctor??? I hope this is a strong and uneventful pregnancy for you!! I am so happy for you!!

Sunshine, in answer to your question . . . no I am not doing as much cardio as I used to. I used to get up two to three morning a week and take my dog for an hour cross country ski before work. Now I have to sleep in the mornings and at night after work I am so tired!! Still am a little. SO I do more exercise on the weekends when I can go at my own pace and take a nap in the afternoon if need be. I might do a two hour cross country ski on Saturday but take a nap later that afternoon. I think it's only normal to modify your schedule. You have to listen to your body. If you feel too tired to work out then your body is using all extra reserves to build a baby. It takes alot of energy to do this. I know you feel yucky, how about modifying. Instead of the hard core cardio 6 days a week, how about 1/2 of walking. I know it isn't the same but it's something and still gives your body the rest it needs. My Fit Pregnancy Magazine, which I love BTW, says trying to pack a gym bag and just don't think about going home between work and home. May for some, but not me. My best advice is to listen to your body and do what you can. Especially for the first trimester. As I get further into the second trimester I feel A LOT better and have way more control over how healthy I eat. I also have more energy so am looking forward to getting out this spring in the mornings again. That's my best advice. For an avid exerciser, the change in exercise habits is really hard. I know you're concerned about becoming one of those women who gains a 100 pounds, but I'm pretty sure your commitment to health will prevent that. Give yourself and your baby a break and take it easy when your body tells you to.

Ok I have rambled enough this AM.

Checking in to see if there's any news from the mommies. Guess not. Am going to call the doc this am to try and track down my test results.

Hugs to all it's going to be 50 degrees here today and I'm wearing a skirt!!! That's so warm for us this time of year!! I did not have the guts or the pedicure to pull out the flip flops but it did cross my mind.
Quick note, Junebug we posted at the same time. I know a lot of moms that are the worker bee and dads are the daddy day care. I can't imagine the stress of that and the wanting to be home. You ladies are sooo fortunate in canada to have the leave you get. I know it seems like such a small amount and it is, but here in the US you're lucky if you get paid matenity leave, and a lot only take 6 weeks. If you work for a larger company then you can get 12, but it will most likely be unpaid. It would be nice if things changed. . Crap gotta go to work!! xxx Anna
ok me again . .

got test results negative for downs and the other thing they tested for!! Yeh such a load off. Nurse said he was ushually really good at giving test results,didn't know why he hadn't called yet. Maybe he wanted to tell me in person so he could sell me some hats! Anyhoo, thought i'd share. Yehhh doing my own little happy dance.
Hey ladies more details soon as typing with one hand on iPod but all is well baby here and we are both well! Details to follow!

Hey ladies more details soon as typing with one hand on iPod but all is well baby here and we are both well! Details to follow!


Oh YAY!:happydance::happydance::hugs::kiss:

Waiting on the details. Loving every minute of it! Glad your both well and looking forward to hearing your story.

Titi, Congrats again dear:hugs::kiss: Exciting news. Looks like you'll be due the beginning of November.:thumbup:
Angela - CONGRATULATIONS and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son! YAY. I am ecstatic for you. Can't wait to hear more from you.

Titi - CONGRATS on your BFP! That is wonderful news! I know how trepidations it is in the beginning, but keep the faith. We are all praying for a sticky bean for you!

Pablo - YAY on the negative results I am sure that is huge relief. Are you still going to go through the amnio? I can't believe that it is warmer in Colorado than it is in So. Cali. It is overcast and 45 degrees here. I want my sunshine and 70 degree weather back!

Junebug - I can totally relate to your situation. My hubby recently got laid off so I am the main breadwinner while pregnant. It is extremely frustrating for him because like most men he wants to be the provider. I believe I will be able to take about 12-16 weeks of paid maternity leave, so that will be good. We are hoping that my DH finds another job soon mainly so he isn't stressed about it. Ironically, I am not that stressed about our financial situation - perhaps it is my faith and I know that God has a plan for he and I so I don't worry about it.

Sunshine - Prior to getting pregnant I would do bootcamp in the mornings 5 days a week and then a 4 mile hike on the weekends. Just before getting pregnant I had just started doing the P90x workout. That lasted a month, because then I got my BFP. I haven't done much other than perhaps walk for 20 minutes since then. And even that it is stretch. I am just so tired and most days need to take at lest 1 nap a day. Currently, I get up to pee almost every hour so I am exhausted in the mornings. In 6 months I have put on about 20lbs which my Dr says is fine. I will be ok if I put on another 10-15 the remainder of my pregnancy. I wouldn't worry too much about weight gain. Exercise when you feel like it. Really you only need to do about 30 minutes a day.

Code girl - looking forward to hearing your good news!

Austin/MA/Viv - I hope that you are doing well and having a good Wednesday.

I am off to a meeting so I will check back in a few.

Hey ladies more details soon as typing with one hand on iPod but all is well baby here and we are both well! Details to follow!


Oh, how wonderful! Congrats mommy! Can't wait to hear all about it. This so great!
MA- thanks so much. Yup, guess it will be a November baby. Alot more to be thankful for!

AFM- I was still saying to myself, am I really? Did a digital test this afternoon- and said pregnant so I feel certain now. My blood tests are Friday. For progesterone and hcg. Last Friday my progesterone was 40. So hoping for good numbers. My FS will continue to monitor me for about 8 weeks but still have to let my OB and maternal fetal specialist know ASAP b/c of my issues with hypertension. Been monitoring my blood pressure and so far it had been perfect. Yay-
Holy "Good News Wednesday" batman! So much has happened since this morning!

Congratulations Rottpaw and Happy Birthday to Mini-Rottpaw!!! :flower::cake:

And congratulations on the BFP, Titi!!!! I know what you mean about taking the second test - the first time I got a BFP with a home test I just couldn't believe it. So I re-took it. Twice. :dohh:

So thrilled to hear about your test results, Pablo - that must take such a weight off your shoulders! I was wondering the same thing as MissMuffet - are you planning to do an amnio?

Thank you, all, for your input on exercise - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that's had the exercise routine sabatoged in the first trimester. I was thinking that I was just a wimp. :wacko:

And I do plan on BFing, Junebug. Reason one because I've read it's healthiest for baby. And the incredibly close second reason is because I've also read that it helps one loose the pregnancy weight a lot quicker. *sigh* Glad i've got my priorities straight...

And kudos to you and MissMuffet for being the main earners of the family. You ladies sure have it together :) I, unfortunately, was too busy "playing" to finish college and never did decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. Still haven't. So now I work as an office administrator, a.k.a. glorified secretary. I'm fairly proficient at it since I've been doing it for 20 years, but still - I won't miss it when it's time for the baby to come. Thank God my hubby's the "professional" of the family.

But don't tell him I said that - it'll go to his head. :winkwink:

Code Girl - can't wait for an update on the noodle!!

Hey to Austin, MA & Viv :hi:

Have a good afternoon, everyone :kiss:
And I do plan on BFing, Junebug. Reason one because I've read it's healthiest for baby. And the incredibly close second reason is because I've also read that it helps one loose the pregnancy weight a lot quicker. *sigh* Glad i've got my priorities straight...

Hee hee! Those are my reasons as well! Although I think they may be tied for first! LOL. :flower::dohh:
And I do plan on BFing, Junebug. Reason one because I've read it's healthiest for baby. And the incredibly close second reason is because I've also read that it helps one loose the pregnancy weight a lot quicker. *sigh* Glad i've got my priorities straight...

Hee hee! Those are my reasons as well! Although I think they may be tied for first! LOL. :flower::dohh:

Yup, me too:thumbup: Of course it also helps with mommy and baby bonding too.

I am thinking about pumping as well and allowing my husband to bottle feed in the mornings. He likes mornings and I'm a night owl. I think it would allow HIM to bond with baby as well. The only question I have with that idea is if it would be an issue with baby. I plan to breastfeed because studies show it's excellent for development and the first REAL thick part of the milk is the best because it keeps babies immune system fighting all kinds of infection. It also saves money down the line. Here comes the hippie girl in me, I'm planning to do the natural way and allow my baby to wein when he or she is ready. Not that I'm going to be this chick with a 5 year old suckling. :rofl: But I'll allow our child to let us know when enough is enough with mommas milk. I've heard the longer on mommas milk, the better. Though as I said, I'm not going to have a 5 year old on my breast. Haha

Has anyone thought about not cutting the cord until it stops pulsing so baby can get the cord blood?? I plan to do that as well.

Pablo, so exciting baby is doing well there:happydance::hugs::flower:

Praying for Terri and baby. Glad Angela and son is doing well. My cup runneth over with baby happiness!!:happydance::cloud9::flower:
Rebekah - I plan on pumping so that my DH can partake in the feedings as well. Although, I probably won't start pumping until the actual Milk comes in (the thick stuff - Colostrum lasts for about 3-5 days). There are some people that say there could be nipple confusion, but I think it depends on the baby and if they get used to eating from the bottle nipple and the breast nipple, they will be fine. If the baby is hungry, the baby will eat - no matter which one it is coming from.

I plan on stopping breastfeeding the first time my child accidently bites me while I am doing it (or if she decides she wants to stop first). I will still pump and probably give her breastmilk for as long as possible, but the actual breastfeeding will stop once she gets teeth and can bite. After that she will have to make do on bottled breastmilk only LOL.

Hadn't thought about the cordblood in that way. I didn't even know there was an option to have them wait to cut it. I would like to do the whole cordblood bank thing though and am researching that.
Rebekah - I plan on pumping so that my DH can partake in the feedings as well. Although, I probably won't start pumping until the actual Milk comes in (the thick stuff - Colostrum lasts for about 3-5 days). There are some people that say there could be nipple confusion, but I think it depends on the baby and if they get used to eating from the bottle nipple and the breast nipple, they will be fine. If the baby is hungry, the baby will eat - no matter which one it is coming from.

I plan on stopping breastfeeding the first time my child accidently bites me while I am doing it (or if she decides she wants to stop first). I will still pump and probably give her breastmilk for as long as possible, but the actual breastfeeding will stop once she gets teeth and can bite. After that she will have to make do on bottled breastmilk only LOL.

Hadn't thought about the cordblood in that way. I didn't even know there was an option to have them wait to cut it. I would like to do the whole cordblood bank thing though and am researching that.

The cordblood is only good for a short time. The money it costs to store it is OUTRAGEOUS!! In fact, nobody tells you this, but the hosptial already takes the cordblood and stores it for you...I think for the first 30-90days?! If you decide NOT to take it, THEY use it because it can go to helping patients.

We've read quite a bit on allowing the cordblood to continue on baby until it stops pulsing. It helps baby throughout his or her life by allowing the baby to have what God already gave in the cord. It gives oxygen to the brain and stem cells back to the child. THIS is the reason you don't hear very often from hospitals that you have that right for your baby to have the actual blood from the cord. THEY want the stem cells for the patients and actually get money for what they store when parents don't use it. Honestly why put off tomorrow in a freezer what you can use today. The stem cells your child has already been using through the cord blood will work to protect your child throughout his or her life. You don't really need to store it away in expensive banks if you use it up like God intended.:thumbup:

If you DO decide to use the cord blood, you HAVE TO let your OB know you plan to wait until the cord stops pulsing before you cut the cord. Also make sure whoever is your nurse at the time of delivery knows because your head will be with baby and birthing and they move quickly to cut the cord. The key is to make whoever is in the room with you, medical care providers, your husband if he plans to cut the cord and family so that THEY can advocate that the cord will have to stop pulsating usually about 3-6minutes before cutting.

Also I've heard stories where nursing staff didn't wait until the cord actually turned white and stopped. They rushed the husband to cut the cord and THEN, they've been known to take what stem cells were left in the cord and drain it out so they could use what was left. I'm telling you, stem cells are like GOLD in the medical community. It makes no sense to give it away when your baby can use it.

If you decide that you can't afford blood bank and you don't do this, the stem cells from YOUR babies supply goes for LOTS of money to cancer patients and or those with parkinsons or those who've cut their spinal cord and no longer can walk. While this is fine and dandy if you'd like to donate the stem cells, your baby can use this same supply that's LITERALLY your baby's to ward off cancer, keep him or her from having anemia once born, gives more oxygen to the brain and SO MUCH MORE.

It's totally worth it in my opinion to keep the cord blood with the baby right away as it was intended. There's SO many benefits!

As for the nursing. I'm TOTALLY with ya on the biting thing. :rofl: It's so funny how I've become this total hippie minded mom to be. If you know me, you know I'm neither a hippie nor am I fru fru kinda person. Pablo's personality reminds me of myself. I'm a no frills kinda gal.:thumbup: Though I'll go as far as to say I don't wear makeup anymore either. I DO wear bare minerals when we go out to parties or somewhere special, I also spend money on good quality skincare facial lotions etc. But not really into the pretty makeup face. I'm get up n go kinda gal. We like to hike, bike ((if we could get some new bikes) and kayak. To spite my weight from the PCOS, I'm REALLY competitive.

At any rate, I LOVE this thread. You ladies are a fun bunch. I like learning about each of you!! :hug:
Thanks so much for the info on the cord blood Rebekah! I had absolutely no idea. In my research for the cordblood banks, I did see that it was expensive. One of the reasons I was researching it was because a friend of mine here at work has a 4 year old son who was recently diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. He is the only 4year old in the country with it. So, i wanted to see what types of things I could maybe do to help. However, after reading what you just posted I will do more research on that as well and ask about them waiting on cutting the cord. There is soooo much information out there that no one really talks about, so I am glad that I am hearing/reading it here!

I don't see you as a hippie, but more of naturalist :). Either way you are great and I am glad that I am getting to you know you more and more :)
Quick update here:
Terri had her baby as per her FB page but sex and name still not revealed! Mom and baby doing well!

Rebekah there are also some dangers with not cutting the cord right away at birth. In Canada it is not recommended due to the potential complications (having too much blood in the body is really not good for baby and causes a condition called polycythemia, which means thick blood and there is a high risk of clotting and strokes). Plus there is no added protection for the baby receiving his/her own stem cells when they are healthy: stem cells differentiate right away into tissue-specific cells so are of no use if the child gets sick later on in life. If he/she develops a cancer, they will need new stem cells from another source since there are none left in the body. I hope I explained that well, if not please let me know and I'll try again :wacko: I'm exhausted and nursing yet another blocked duct, one of the joys of breast feeding...

RE: teeth: Zoë has her 2 bottom ones and bit me once. I screamed and she's never done it again. Health Canada recommends breast milk until the age of 2, but this doesn't mean exclusive breast milk so I plan on stopping pumping when she turns one, starting whole milk and still nursing at night and in the morning as long as she wants to :thumbup: Pumping is a hassle, I do it 4 times per day on work days and only get 10-12 oz. I started when she was 8 weeks to get her used to the bottle, she took to it right away. Nathan only gave her a bottle once per week, to make sure that when I went back to work it would not be an issue. Luckily it wasn't but every baby is different so I think we were just lucky! AND she loves her soother, has from day 3 of life on the car ride home from the hospital and this never interferred with breast feeding :thumbup:

OK off to pump I go, and to stalk Terri's FB to see if there are update!!!

:hugs: Everyone!!!

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