35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks so much for the info on the cord blood Rebekah! I had absolutely no idea. In my research for the cordblood banks, I did see that it was expensive. One of the reasons I was researching it was because a friend of mine here at work has a 4 year old son who was recently diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. He is the only 4year old in the country with it. So, i wanted to see what types of things I could maybe do to help. However, after reading what you just posted I will do more research on that as well and ask about them waiting on cutting the cord. There is soooo much information out there that no one really talks about, so I am glad that I am hearing/reading it here!

I don't see you as a hippie, but more of naturalist :). Either way you are great and I am glad that I am getting to you know you more and more :)

I'm going to try and find the links I once had when I was pregnant with Jackson. I'll share them if I can find them.

Thank you SO much for that comment. I like that. A Naturalist. :winkwink::thumbup:

I too am glad to be getting to know you. It really helps the time pass having other women around who've been there. For me, this is my only outlet because we aren't telling the family until April 2nd.

I hope this idea works out. Mom took took that week off and we're actually having all dougs siblings who are visiting from out of state with his parents. About 20 people. It's going to get interesting. ESPECIALLY to see if my dad and dougs dad cooperates with being the first to play charades. :rofl: I figure nobody will get either of their mimes and hopefully they'll figure out "we're having a baby" by the time the game is done. :lol:
Quick update here:
Terri had her baby as per her FB page but sex and name still not revealed! Mom and baby doing well!

Rebekah there are also some dangers with not cutting the cord right away at birth. In Canada it is not recommended due to the potential complications (having too much blood in the body is really not good for baby and causes a condition called polycythemia, which means thick blood and there is a high risk of clotting and strokes). Plus there is no added protection for the baby receiving his/her own stem cells when they are healthy: stem cells differentiate right away into tissue-specific cells so are of no use if the child gets sick later on in life. If he/she develops a cancer, they will need new stem cells from another source since there are none left in the body. I hope I explained that well, if not please let me know and I'll try again :wacko: I'm exhausted and nursing yet another blocked duct, one of the joys of breast feeding...

There's ALOT of studies that have shown clamping the cord too soon is not beneficial. Some studies are even showing that vitamin deficiencies and jaundice are caused by not allowing the babies origional blood to pulsate through. I think you may be interested in checking these videos out from a Dr. at a University who does studies on this paticular subject. It's just ONE site of many with positives to allowing the cord to pulsate. I'm using this one because it's an actual Dr. from an actual research university and the videos are pretty clear for everyone to understand.

You'll find that in clamping early we're actually REMOVING 40 percent of baby's blood volume just by clamping early.

Your issue concerning polycythemia didn't show significance and can be found on the second video at around 12min 1sec based on all the research findings.

It's also exciting research to keep preterm babies alive as seen in the last video. Pretty awesome from my own experience. Though it wouldn't have saved my Jackson because he was still too early, it's hopeful for helping "viable" babies born too early.

academic obgyn

The third video is residual benefits to delayed cord clamping. It shows significant research details. :thumbup:

There are 4 videos but I HIGHLY recommend anyone interested to take a look at all the research and weigh the pros and cons before deciding. :winkwink::thumbup:
Quick check in will get caught up tomorrow am . . .

Just wanted to say a big CONGRADS to Rottpaw and Codegirl on their new babies!!! So happy for you both!

Thanks to all for all your kind words. I was so excited for my test results and it's nice to have others that are excited too.

Have to weigh in on the Cord Blood issue, I think as with all things there are two or more sides to this issue. It's a personal choice. Do your homework and make an educated decision based on your personal feelings on the issue. As with most things there is no black and white. Ok that's my diplomatic answer. I am Switzerland.

Have a good night ladies!
Have to weigh in on the Cord Blood issue, I think as with all things there are two or more sides to this issue. It's a personal choice. Do your homework and make an educated decision based on your personal feelings on the issue. As with most things there is no black and white. Ok that's my diplomatic answer. I am Switzerland.

Have a good night ladies!

Oh no, I don't think Junebug or I intended for people to choose sides here. I think Junebugs intention is to let people in on the reasons Canada doesn't do them to give people a more balanced perspective. That I totally understand.

I think it's just all about equipping ourselves with research and choosing what we as individual moms think is right for our babies. I don't think a woman who chooses NOT to allow cord blood flow to baby is a bad person because of what she chooses. I think it's a choice. One that with all the information I've had since my last pregnancy that I'm willing to make because with all the information it gives more stem cells which have seemed to help baby in the first year "if" they end up having complications, it also helps with bringing oxygen to the brain and can help baby store up to six months worth of iron which helps in a day when we have so many iron deficiencies and babies have to have the supplements in their formulas. There are plenty of reasons TO do it.

But I totally understand why Junebug shares her information. I actually think it's kind to share with others so they can weight their options.:thumbup::winkwink:

So I hope nobody thinks we're arguing. I think it's a great way to share the options out there. Not many people have even heard about allowing cord blood to go to the child. In fact, many people had no idea that their childs stem cells were going to patients for top dollars or the fact that not getting it, they miss out on 40 percent of their blood supply.

In my opinion, there should be more information for parents to MAKE that decision. At least here in the U.S. where it's been performed on MANY women without any problems to baby.:winkwink::thumbup:
Good morning ladies!

MissMuffet - okay, ya caught me. My reasons for BFing are both tied for 1st, too! :haha: I just wasn't going to admit it... :blush: And I really like the idea of stopping once baby bites. I hadn't gotten that far in thinking as to when I'd wean - I just know that I want to do it, but hadn't thought much beyone that.

As for the whole cord blood issue, I've been giving thought to both ways. I've only recently heard about waiting to cut the cord in the last month or so, but what I'd read was to wait about a minute or so before cutting - not 3 to 6. Something about the possible dangers that Junebug was referring to. But who knows - as was mentioned earlier, it's a matter of educating yourself and doing what makes you feel comfortable.

I'd really like to bank it, but I know the costs are crazy. So I guess if we don't bank it, then I'll wait a minute to cut the cord. But that's just my take on it now. That could all change in the next six months as I do more research. Plenty of time to figure it out.

And thank you, Junebug, for the :baby: update on Code Girl! Can't wait to hear more!

Hey - has anyone heard anything from the other Chris? She hasn't posted in a while - I hope she's okay.

I hope everyone has a good day today. Time for me to actually do some work at work. *sigh*
Happy Thursday, everyone!

So excited to hear about the new babies!! Yay Rottpaw & Codegirl! I hope you guys stay around for a while before moving on to parenting board! Wonderful news!

Sheesh.... all the issues! BFing, biting (yikes!) cord blood... so much information out there... I have been reading a bit due to our unexpected news on the trips & trying to get information... After having our first peri appt yesterday, I have decided to try and NOT read too much or get overloaded... I am one that believes knowledge is power, but the bottom line is, there *is* a lot of junk out there... I am going to trust my docs, unless something feels hinky... I have done my research on the doctors and all are very highly rated & respected, so I feel like I have to trust their judgment over what someone who has a blog or has written a book says... not to say it won't be hard not get on google, etc. :)

Stpeh & Chris, heck yeah on the bfing... I will try to pump even if not bfing JUST for the weight loss benefit... I admit it, I am vain... I have never been above a size 4 and now am facing the prospect of nearing/clearing 200 lbs!!! WTF??? On the exercise, I really, really wanted to stay active... am waiting for the go-ahead to do some light yoga & walking after the bleed episodes... I just want to make sure it is safe.

On the peri appt - it was good. We had a genetic counseling session first. It was REALLY good for DH to hear all that info... I learned that with trips, we will do the NT for sure... can't do blood work, as there is no way to tell what baby causes what... SO - if not all is good on the NT measurement, we will likely do CVS if the placenta is in a good place. Another complication with trips... placentas, etc., are EVERYWHERE! And my peri will not do it through the cervix, only abdomen. But no need to jump ahead... it is just a "wait & see" game at this point...

But feeling good about everything... I graduated to a "big girl" ultraaound.... on the tummy, not up the wahoo... :) yay! Peri had an AWESOME setup with 50" flatscreens on the wall, so DH could see as good as me... Everyone is growing, good heartbeats and one little bugger was moving arms and such! Freaked me out a bit, as I (nor DH) was expecting that! Peri made me feel a bit better by saying that he would be surprised if I did not have any bleeding in the first tri ... ( MA - I think you said you read somewhere it was common... )

Dh has been MUCH better, attitude-wise... came home and cooked dinner, talking more about things... even saying "nice" things about my newly forming physique... (as in, "holy sh*t, your boobs are HUGE", etc....) Men.... *sigh*

Hope all of you girls are having a good day & feeling good...!
Quick addition - in what I said on blogs, I was not talking about any of you girls! But on other blogs/websites I have ventured onto in the past several weeks... I LOVE the questions and dialogue that we have on this board. Just didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about what I meant.... :)
Thanks ladies for not misinterpreting my attempts at being devil's advocate on delayed cord blood clamping. I have to admit, my experience is more hands on than internet based (there is a lot of misinformation out here and sometimes it is REALLY hard to sort through it). Here we do not clamp cords immediately anyways, there is a slight delay (I think standard is about 1 minute). And no baby is anemic (unless they have another medical reason to be), which indicates that they have more than enough blood in their bodies to carry required oxygen :thumbup: I've seen a newborn die of strokes specifically because the cord clamping was not done at all until the placenta was empty (midwife delivery in a house so maybe other medical confounders but still, yikes!). The reason for death: thick thick blood that was sluggish with hemoglobin levels through the roof and complete occlusion of the main blood vessel in the brain. As long as people are aware of risks, we can all make our own decisions that's for sure! That case scared me away from both home deliveries and delayed cord clamping though. I realize the pros and cons weighed out are different for everyone! I do admit that my personal experience is quite different from everyone else's because of the nature of my job and I am a LOT more cautious on a lot of matters than others, just because I have seen first hand the worse case scenarios :cry:

Terri had a boy!!!! :happydance: No name announced yet though :)

Austin, so happy your appointment with genetics went well! You are definitely in good hands :hug: I understand how difficult it is to think about all the weight gain, but remember it's for a great cause! I admit to having some borderline obsessive feelings about weight (no eating disorder though, just not *liking* being over a specific weight) so it was tough for me to gain the 38lbs I gained while pregnant. And while breast feeding can help with the initial weight drop, you actually hang on to those last 10 lbs because your body needs it to keep up breast milk production. I still have 8-9 lbs to go, but all my friends who BF'ed told me they didn't lose it until they stopped nursing so I'm trying not to obsess about it!

Forgot to update you on my recent POAS attempts :dohh: I'm on day 36 of my cycle and still no AF, so I POAS 2 days ago. First one was negative and I didn't believe it so I did it again and still negative :cry: I know I said I didn't want to be pregnant until March or April but part of me was excited at the prospect it could have happened without us stressing over TTC'ing. Oh well.
Morning Ladies!

so yesterday I forgot to weigh in on the BFing issue . . . I am soooo in it for the weight loss. I think benefits for the baby and weight loss are tied for first. It's hard not to be vain. I've said before that everyone where I live seems to hop right back into their skinny jeans just days after baby. So much pressure!!

Ma, I am glad you brought up the not cutting cord issue. I myself had only heard of it until a few months ago. I have an appt with my doc this afternoon and am going to ask a lot of questions! I'm also going to ask how much weight I've gained. I hate scales on principle and always go by how my clothes fit, but I am currious if i'm on track or need to cut back. All my pants fit except in the waist so i'm hoping everything is on track.

austin, so glad DH is coming around. And yes I think it will be a bit freakky for you for how big you are probably going to get, espically on a size 4 frame. However, it will be all baby so go with it!! I am still so exited for the tripplets.

I have not heard from svet in a while. Hope she is ok. I may try and track down her pregnancy log, I think she's keeping one.

have a good morning all, tomorrow is friday!!! Anna
Oh and forgot to mention: what they do with placentas and cord blood here! There has to be explicit consent from the women for them to keep cord blood (and no one makes money off of it, it is for public use). If no consent is obtained, it is discarded (incinerated with other medical waste). If consent is obtained, it is given to cord blood banks which everyone benefits from, we have a high success rate of finding cord blood matches if you develop cancers that can be treated with stem cells because many women opt into this program. The third option is personal cord blood banking, which you need to pay yourself to store. Honestly we researched this thoroughly and decided on option 2, donation to a cord blood bank for everyone to have access to it for treatment purposes. In the unlikely event Zoë gets sick and needs stem cells for treatment, she wouldn't be able to use her own as there is a risk of genetic factors which predisposed her to the cancer in the first place, so we would still need to resort to the public bank. The only scenario in which personal cord blood banking would be useful is if we had another child who got sick, needed stem cells and Zoë was a match and her stem cells could be used. If we didn't have such a good system in place for cord blood banking, we may have resorted to option 3, just in case.

So many things to think of when you're pregnant, it's crazy!!!

Edit: I forgot to mention, many women here request their placentas and cord blood to bring it home for various reasons, burrying it under a tree in their backyard, cooking it to eat it (!!!) and other various uses. Have seen it all :rofl:
Have a good apt Anna! I hated getting weight at the Dr. office, I was always fully dressed in winter clothes AND had eaten a huge breakfast so was usually 5 lbs over what I weighed myself to be at home naked and before eating :wacko:
junebug, yet again we post at the same time. Thanks so much for all your information! I really value your input as you have first hand knolwledge and are privy to more information than most of us. Also thanks for the BF info. I had no idea you held onto the last 10 lbs. Seeing as I feel as if I went into this pregnancy 15 lbs. Over that's a scarry thought! Guess it will be P90X for me afte baby. I have all the DVDs. Have thought about doing part of some for strength training. We'll see, going to run it by doc first. So i'm going to ask my doc about my test results,but if I still have questions do you mind if I pick ur brain? I hate to ask . . But. You can say no, please know I will understand.

ok, all for me, promise!!
Anna, I am here as a friend and I don't mind at all if anyone wants to pick my brain! Strength training is AWESOME in pregnancy and I did a lot of that as I had to tone down the cardio. I am getting back into it and went in 2 months from a size 4 to lose size 2 and almost fitting in my normal size 0! I think those extra 8-9 lbs are in my boobs to be honest :rofl: Remember? 30-C to 32-G, LOLLLLLLL
Oh and I have GREAT DVDs to recommend to you during pregnancy and after for working out!!!


I have the postnatal bootcamp 2 DVD, this is how I initiated my post-partum weight loss (started 6 weeks after C-section when I got the OK from Dr.). I also have the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tri work-out DVDs all ready to go for the next pregnancy!

Edit: this one specifically is the package I purchased
But I totally understand why Junebug shares her information. I actually think it's kind to share with others so they can weight their options.:thumbup::winkwink:

So I hope nobody thinks we're arguing. I think it's a great way to share the options out there. Not many people have even heard about allowing cord blood to go to the child. In fact, many people had no idea that their childs stem cells were going to patients for top dollars or the fact that not getting it, they miss out on 40 percent of their blood supply.

In my opinion, there should be more information for parents to MAKE that decision. At least here in the U.S. where it's been performed on MANY women without any problems to baby.:winkwink::thumbup:

Thanks Rebekah for not being mad, I've been on other threads on BnB where if I dare say anything to present a differing view or perspective, I get completely attacked and bullied :cry: THANK YOU for being the sweet, caring and respectful person I am growing to truly admire and love!!! :hugs:
Oh and forgot to mention: what they do with placentas and cord blood here! There has to be explicit consent from the women for them to keep cord blood (and no one makes money off of it, it is for public use). If no consent is obtained, it is discarded (incinerated with other medical waste). If consent is obtained, it is given to cord blood banks which everyone benefits from, we have a high success rate of finding cord blood matches if you develop cancers that can be treated with stem cells because many women opt into this program. The third option is personal cord blood banking, which you need to pay yourself to store. Honestly we researched this thoroughly and decided on option 2, donation to a cord blood bank for everyone to have access to it for treatment purposes. In the unlikely event Zoë gets sick and needs stem cells for treatment, she wouldn't be able to use her own as there is a risk of genetic factors which predisposed her to the cancer in the first place, so we would still need to resort to the public bank. The only scenario in which personal cord blood banking would be useful is if we had another child who got sick, needed stem cells and Zoë was a match and her stem cells could be used. If we didn't have such a good system in place for cord blood banking, we may have resorted to option 3, just in case.

So many things to think of when you're pregnant, it's crazy!!!

Edit: I forgot to mention, many women here request their placentas and cord blood to bring it home for various reasons, burrying it under a tree in their backyard, cooking it to eat it (!!!) and other various uses. Have seen it all :rofl:

This isn't really something that's done with the U.S. system sadly many women have no idea the choices to bank...in fact, they don't even know it's banked for free from the hospital for 30-90 days before releasing for medical use.

I know MANY women who've asked that the cord blood continue until the placenta stops pulsating and they deliver the placenta. All the children are doing very well. I think the case you speak of is quite the extreme. Look at how many mamals deliver with the placenta and are left on? We're the only ones that clamp and cut right away. As said in the videos it's like performing a phlebotomy because your actually taking away 40 percent of the blood volume that your child was meant to have which allows oxygen to the brain. Not to say that children come to extreme harm if clamped early, but there are cases of extreme anemia here as well as jaundice and other issues that can be helped with delayed cord clamping.

I'd be interested in seeing the study the Canadian Medical Community uses to come to that final conclusion. Wondering how old it is and whether anymore studies were done beyond that final conclusion.

It's interesting though the difference in medicine as most hospitals don't even wait the one minute before clamping. As I said, it's a clinical environment, get em in, get em out. In fact, the last video showed great detail about preterm babies getting the most out of delayed cord cutting when most medical staff want to take the baby and rush them to remove their airway and do what they need to do. What was said is that while infants are still getting the cordblood, the cord is still helping them to breath. It's an excellent study to help preterm infants and maybe even save their lives.:thumbup:

As far as midwives go, I think there are just as many horror stories giving birth in hospitals as there are with homebirths and midwives. Like this subject, each option has it's risks. For me, I'd give birth at home any given day. It's not an option for me. My hospital journey was a NIGHTMARE one in which I'm TERRIFIED to even try again with. It wasn't just an isolated experience for me, it was much of what is considered THE BEST in their profession...which includes the only high risk nicu hospital in the area and the only perinatologist center in 14 counties here in Central NY.

So I think no matter which birth or which cord option you choose, your going to have horror stories. It doesn't mean they're always common though. If you take the amount of women in the United States who allow the cord to actually stop pulsating and deliver the cord, you'll find the risk is quite minimal with exception to extreme cases which you are most used to in your profession.:winkwink:
But I totally understand why Junebug shares her information. I actually think it's kind to share with others so they can weight their options.:thumbup::winkwink:

So I hope nobody thinks we're arguing. I think it's a great way to share the options out there. Not many people have even heard about allowing cord blood to go to the child. In fact, many people had no idea that their childs stem cells were going to patients for top dollars or the fact that not getting it, they miss out on 40 percent of their blood supply.

In my opinion, there should be more information for parents to MAKE that decision. At least here in the U.S. where it's been performed on MANY women without any problems to baby.:winkwink::thumbup:

Thanks Rebekah for not being mad, I've been on other threads on BnB where if I dare say anything to present a differing view or perspective, I get completely attacked and bullied :cry: THANK YOU for being the sweet, caring and respectful person I am growing to truly admire and love!!! :hugs:

Oh no, I could NEVER be mad!! I think in order to make a wise decision we need ALL the facts. We may end up agreeing to disagree in some circumstances, but I still believe that both sides need to be discussed in order to make the right decision. It's THE ONLY way in my opinion. :winkwink::hugs::kiss:
Edit: I forgot to mention, many women here request their placentas and cord blood to bring it home for various reasons, burrying it under a tree in their backyard, cooking it to eat it (!!!) and other various uses. Have seen it all :rofl:

OMG... are you KIDDING me? Looney tunes... Guess it takes all kinds, right? Burying it, EATING it... I am only guessing, but is that some kind of voodoo thing?
Nope not even, they claim that humans are mammals and other mammals eat their placentas to reabsorb the nutrients so we should be doing it too :) And the burying stems from spiritual beliefs of grounding their babies. That's what I've heard so far as reasons. The burying one I'm fine with but the thought of eating it I find quite gross :rofl:
So glad I checked back in - congrats to Codegirl on your little boy!!! :happydance:

I'm vain, too, Austin - and I freely admit that. Personally, I think everyone needs a little vanity or we'd all walk around looking like slobs. :) Pre-pregnancy, I was a size 2, but that wasn't always the case - in high school I was on the chunky side (size 9 or so), and absolutely LOATHED myself. Crazy as it sounds, I remember being in grade school and compairing the size of my thighs to other girls and feeling chubby. :nope:

So anyhow, I was FINALLY starting to feel good about my weight when I got pregnant. *sigh* So much for that... I just remember how much I hated myself when I was big and never want to go back there again.

Ah, well. Once the squirt makes an appearance, it's back to the weight loss clinic. Thank GOD for pharmaceuticals. :thumbup:

So I can completely understand your fear of weight gain, Austin! But I wouldn't be surprised to find that because you've always been smaller, your body will get back to that weight fairly quickly, as that seems to be your natural "set point." Plus - don't forget - although some of the pregnancy weight is fat, a lot of it is actually fluid (extra blood, amniotic fluid). Now multiply that by three.

So see? Once you pop you'll be fine! So says "Dr." Chris. :)

I'm so glad the appointment with your peri left you feeling good about things - sounds like it had the same effect on your DH, too. Very happy he's coming around. Can't wait 'til mine does - I'm really looking forward to all the fun discussions.

And I totally hear you and Junebug about too much internet info. I've had a love/hate relationship with it ever since I found out I was pregnant. I'll see threads on bizarre miscarriage and/or birth defect stories and think "Ooh, I shouldn't read this..." so what do I do? Right.

Guess I just can't help myself. Hey - maybe we should all start a thread on not reading too many threads. :huh: Just a thought...

Happy Thursday, girls! :flow:

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