35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh yeah, Junebug! I was going to mention that in my previous post - I've heard of people eating the placenta, too. Completely freaked me out!

I love to try new foods, but that's just pushing it to the far side of crazy!
LOL Some even make family meals of it :)

That's just gross. :shock:

Concerning the question I had on the studies the Canadian medical community made their decision based on. It's not at all to discredit them. I'm just wondering why there's no choice given to mothers there to weigh the risks as we're given here in the U.S. Is it more of a "policy" or are women given information and offered the choice in Canada?

Was there even a study that made their final decision based on a certain amount of cases with that specific outcome? I can't quite get my head around the difference because several studies here showed that those risks were minimal if at all here in the U.S.? Just wondering for my own research benefits the difference in risk versus benefits. Most if not all the cases I've seen have been beneficial. I'm interested in finding out whether their determination was based on a specific study or just a policy your Country put into place.
Rebekah women can request it for sure (hence the cases I've seen of over 3 minute delay in clamping): it is the responsibility of the professionals to review the pros and cons with them though. Standard is different too from one province to the next. Most of the studies I've reviewed on the subject in the medical literature, if done in controlled settings (i.e. 2 minute delay max) then no difference between early and late clamping.

Edit: did a quick search within the guidelines of the SOGC (Society of Obstetricians of Canada which also included midwives) and it appears to be standard in Canada that clamping of cord is delayed by 1-3 minutes, because of the reduced incidence of anemia etc (probably explains why we only see anemia if the fetus has a medical problem like hemolysis :wacko:)... The only indication for clamping faster than 1 minute is if the newborn needs rescusitation. So it does appear to be a Canadian-wide standard rather than centre-specific, which is good to know. I have the PDF of the guidelines of managing post-partum hemorrhage (which is where the recommendation is made for delaying cord clamping by 1-3 minutes) if you're interested!
Good Morning Ladies!!!!

Congrats Code on your baby boy!!! That is fantastic. Two boys in the group now. YAY!!!! I concur - Please stay on this thread for a while longer (Angela as well).

I for one have never and probably will never be a size 4 (or 2 for that matter LOL) and am looking to get back into a size 8 (because I danced for so long me at a size 8 looks like a 6 mainly because I have huge boobs and skinny legs). I have already reached the 200lb mark in this pregnancy...I cried a bit, but now I just look away when I get weighed. I am not going to worry about it as my Dr said that my weight gain was fine...though I am still astonished to look down and see my huge belly looking back. It really does take me by surprise sometimes...until I remember oh yeah...there is a baby in there :).

Austin - so glad that your appointment with your peri went extremely well. It is nice to have a Dr. you can trust and talk to. Are you planning on breastfeeding or just pumping? I would think having triplets it would be hard to breastfeed. My SIL had twins and didn't breastfeed due to it being difficult, I can only imagine what it would be like with triplets -heck to hear several of my friends talk, it is difficult with one LOL.

Pablo like you, I was planning on doing P90x after the baby to try to lose some weight.However, it doesn't hurt to do some strength training now. JuneBug - thanks for the links to the workout DVD's. This is very helpful.

AFM - Not much going on with me. I have noticed that at the end of the day my ankles are starting to swell a little bit, which is normal. My stupid hands still swell at night - which is very annoying. I have about a week and 1 1/2 before I officially start my 3rd trimester - YIKES time is flying... After hearing about Angela and Terri's babies I am that much more excited to see my baby. I wish it were June already. Anyway, off to meetings as usual. I will check back later this afternoon.

Everyone else I didn't address personally, I hope that you having a good Thursday. Oh Rebekah - how is the eating going? Have you found anything that you WANT to eat yet?

Yay Steph, 3rd tri, how exciting! Sooooo near!!! The swelling sucks. I could only wear Birkenstock sandals for the last 2 months of my pregnancy. Luckily I was due June 7th so the weather cooperated :rofl: I so don't miss the cankles, but would do it all over again!

I'm only 5'1". While in med school I had a weight gain of 40 lbs and went from a size 0 in clothes to a size 10. Then thankfully I lost it when I started eating healthier and had the time to exercise (in residency). I was determined while pregnant to NOT gain more than 40 lbs (healthy for my height/weight was 28-40). It is really hard to see the scale go up after you've struggled to get to a healthy weight that you are comfortable with for sure! Difference is, you get a BABY out of this weight gain ;-)

Breastfeeding: LOVE the mommy and baby bonding time. Will really miss it when she stops :cry:
Rebekah women can request it for sure (hence the cases I've seen of over 3 minute delay in clamping): it is the responsibility of the professionals to review the pros and cons with them though. Standard is different too from one province to the next. Most of the studies I've reviewed on the subject in the medical literature, if done in controlled settings (i.e. 2 minute delay max) then no difference between early and late clamping.

Edit: did a quick search within the guidelines of the SOGC (Society of Obstetricians of Canada which also included midwives) and it appears to be standard in Canada that clamping of cord is delayed by 1-3 minutes, because of the reduced incidence of anemia etc (probably explains why we only see anemia if the fetus has a medical problem like hemolysis :wacko:)... The only indication for clamping faster than 1 minute is if the newborn needs rescusitation. So it does appear to be a Canadian-wide standard rather than centre-specific, which is good to know. I have the PDF of the guidelines of managing post-partum hemorrhage (which is where the recommendation is made for delaying cord clamping by 1-3 minutes) if you're interested!

Oh okay, so you guys ALREADY do delayed clamping between 1-3 minutes. Usually it stops pulsating between 3-4minutes, though I have heard cases where it was longer. Aha! So that's why you also have a low case of Iron deficiencies. We have quite an issue, hence the reason they shove it like made in similac,etc.

For the record most American hospitals don't wait that long to cut the cord. It's VERY sad. If they did in my opinion, most babies would receive all the nutrients, oxygen, blood cells and stem cells they need to be on top health wise in their first several months though I've heard even after a year (though anything after the first year needs to be studied more :winkwink: )

I said earlier that the Dr. said it was like giving the child a phlebotomy. :rofl: My husband an RN corrected me it's LEBOTOMY. :dohh: :rofl: PHLEBOTOMY is as you already know extraction of blood. :lol:

Thank YOU!! I Really enjoyed our conversation and learning about the medical system there. As I said, I could NEVER be mad at discussing a topic that can share both the pro's and the con's. It hurts nobody to educate themselves and do the research so we are equipped with knowledge.

In fact, with my past and the medical field here, I've had to become my own advocate. My concern though is not becoming too domineering and allowing professionals to also weigh in on their opinions because they have been around for awhile.
Good Morning Ladies!!!!

Congrats Code on your baby boy!!! That is fantastic. Two boys in the group now. YAY!!!! I concur - Please stay on this thread for a while longer (Angela as well).

I for one have never and probably will never be a size 4 (or 2 for that matter LOL) and am looking to get back into a size 8 (because I danced for so long me at a size 8 looks like a 6 mainly because I have huge boobs and skinny legs). I have already reached the 200lb mark in this pregnancy...I cried a bit, but now I just look away when I get weighed. I am not going to worry about it as my Dr said that my weight gain was fine...though I am still astonished to look down and see my huge belly looking back. It really does take me by surprise sometimes...until I remember oh yeah...there is a baby in there :).

Austin - so glad that your appointment with your peri went extremely well. It is nice to have a Dr. you can trust and talk to. Are you planning on breastfeeding or just pumping? I would think having triplets it would be hard to breastfeed. My SIL had twins and didn't breastfeed due to it being difficult, I can only imagine what it would be like with triplets -heck to hear several of my friends talk, it is difficult with one LOL.

Pablo like you, I was planning on doing P90x after the baby to try to lose some weight.However, it doesn't hurt to do some strength training now. JuneBug - thanks for the links to the workout DVD's. This is very helpful.

AFM - Not much going on with me. I have noticed that at the end of the day my ankles are starting to swell a little bit, which is normal. My stupid hands still swell at night - which is very annoying. I have about a week and 1 1/2 before I officially start my 3rd trimester - YIKES time is flying... After hearing about Angela and Terri's babies I am that much more excited to see my baby. I wish it were June already. Anyway, off to meetings as usual. I will check back later this afternoon.

Everyone else I didn't address personally, I hope that you having a good Thursday. Oh Rebekah - how is the eating going? Have you found anything that you WANT to eat yet?


Oh my goodness it's been awful today. I've tried not to complain too much on this thread. :rofl: I'm feeling nausia pretty much from the time I get up to the time I go to bed now. I can't find A THING I actually like to eat so I've been doing the best to eat what's healthy for baby and I and like it. :lol: Soup is the thing I've had today with a special grilled cheese sandwich.

I've told you all about my tipped uterus and how my son was lying on my bum, they found out this one is in the same spot. I feel as though I have a poll up my bum and like I have to poo literally every 15 minutes. Today when I woke up, I started and poo'd four times just in the morning and then once I ate, I had the trotts from 1pm until 5pm. I stayed upstairs resting for most of the day and am now downstairs. I'm trying to drink up alot of water and am wondering if I should get some electolytes in but have been afraid to drink it because I know babies can have an imbalance of electrolytes.

I thought I would ask the perinatologist tomorrow and "hopefully" they'll check baby quickly to see if he or she is okay in the spot. I LITERALLY feel pressure at my lower back. :shrug:

So that issue is pretty much still the same, but as long as I'm nauscious, I'm praising God because I know it's all good. :happydance:

Oh by the way, I don't know where I missed it but I'm excited for Terri.:happydance: Yay on all the team blues!:happydance: Can't wait for them to have enough time to share their stories with us!! May God truely bless Terri, Angela and the boys as well as the rest of their families.:thumbup::flower:
I'm trying to drink up alot of water and am wondering if I should get some electolytes in but have been afraid to drink it because I know babies can have an imbalance of electrolytes.

Hmmm, I didn't know that. I drink Gatorade all the time. Like every day. :shrug: Guess I will check with my Dr about it. now:blush:
I'm trying to drink up alot of water and am wondering if I should get some electolytes in but have been afraid to drink it because I know babies can have an imbalance of electrolytes.

Hmmm, I didn't know that. I drink Gatorade all the time. Like every day. :shrug: Guess I will check with my Dr about it. now:blush:

I don't know that it's not okay to have, so I just wanted to check to be sure. Your alot farther along and I'm sure you would have noticed something by now, I'm assuming that it should be fine so don't get nervous. I just thought it should be checked out just in case.:winkwink: I'm a bit loopy:wacko:
Oh my goodness! A friend of mine just gave me some AWESOME websites to save on all kinds of baby gear and I wanted to share it with you ladies who will be shopping soon. I've been in AWE.

Albee Baby

baby cheapskate

baby steals
Yep Rebekah, just checked our C-section video and Z's cord was clamped at 2 minutes, she was just held over my uterus on the operating room table until then :rofl: Weird I had never noticed the timing before even though I watched it about 100 times :) And Nathan took about 50 photos, which corresponds with timing too :flower:

Oh my, you've just opened a can of worms with potential shopping websites! Here are the ones I haunt daily:

www.babysteals.com (which you had already mentioned)

I have gotten so much baby gear off these web sites, and amazing deals! They even have great maternity clothes on occasionally!

For anyone wanting to cloth diaper, the owner of this web-based company, Natasha, is amazing!!! It is Canadian, but orders to the US over $100 are shipped for free! We cloth diaper in case anyone wants to ask about that, I have done tons of research and tried different brands :)


Oh and RE: babies. The analogy that I use to best describe them, lovingly of course, is that of a very efficient parasite. Even if the mom is puking constantly from horrible nausea and can't keep down much food, baby will steal from her what he/she needs to grow. There are of course the extreme of these cases called hyperemesis gravidarum where mom becomes so dehydrated that baby can also suffer, but this is a very small minority of women. So even if you're unable to keep down much, I can reassure you that no electrolyte imbalance will affect your little ones, as they will sponge out of you what THEY need. I have a prime example of this, which almost broke my heart but that's a whole other story. Essentially one of my patients with a genetic disease doesn't take care of herself at all: she smokes, drinks, and her only source of calories is pop and occasional pizza. She got pregnant (I was terrified of the outcome) and despite intensive counselling and follow-up, she was resistant to improving her diet or taking her medications. Lo and behold, she carried to term, and her baby was a healthy boy weighing 8 lbs (her BMI is 17), and this just proved to me how strong babies are and how well they can survive despite poor conditions...

My dear Rebekah, we are HERE to support you so please complain all you want! This is the place where you will find that sympathetic ear, because we all have or have had some issues with pregnancy that we need to vent :hugs: I was nauseated the entire time, and was on anti-puke meds plus popping soda crackers every 10 minutes for most of the pregnancy to not puke in front of patients so I completely sympathize!!!

OK back to DH I go, we will watch a few of our TV shows together tonight and enjoy a glass of wine :flower: So glad it's Friday tomorrow :happydance:
Oh Rebekah I forgot to mention, I also have a retroverted uterus (tipped backwards) so I know what you mean about the pressure! For me though I had the opposite problem, the weight of the uterus on my rectum was so much it caused blockage and severe constipation (can anyone say, *prune juice*!!!) the entire pregnancy. Yuck. I will never be able to drink another glass of prune juice again. Don't know what I'll do if we get pregnant again :-(
Hey ladies!

Whew! I can't believe all that has happened in the last 72 hours. Feels like a literal lifetime has passed. We are just home from the hospital and I am going to need to try to catch up on rest for a day or so (wherever we can fit some in! :rofl:) before I can spend any major time catching up or posting our birth story (since at the moment I'm so tired I'm literally stuttering when I speak and can barely string sentences together), but I will definitely do so and HUGS to everyone in the meantime!

We're all still well. Baby is doing great and we have finally settled on his name - Ethan Daniel. :cloud9: The first name Ethan is the only one we both liked and could agree on :haha: and his middle name Daniel is hubby's first name. We knew we did not want to name him as a junior, but hubby was looking to have his name in the mix so we settled on that as his middle name. We finally have a name we are both happy with! :haha:

Sending many hugs to each of you and I hope all is well with all our graduates! Congrats to Titi, I saw your post go by and I am SO excited that we have another grad!

Okay ladies, I'll be back on in the next couple days to catch up. Can't wait to read up on all the news! :hugs::hugs:
Oh how fun! Thanks for sharing those websites.

On the video front, I REALLY wish that were the standard in the U.S. At LEAST for one to three minutes. They're all so quick to cut the cord and get baby suctioned, etc. They forget or maybe aren't even educated on how important that extra cord blood is for THE BABY. The oxygen will still come from the placenta if they keep their hands off the baby for a few moments. I mean, if you need to, suction the baby on momma.

Hopefully it's something that is starting to become a bit more common here.

With Jackson Jeffrey I was planning to do the cloth diapering. In fact, I REALLY like the all in one diapering systems. I've been using this site to check them all out and compare price. The Diaper Pin Are you using all in ones?

I also found when I was pregnant with Jackson, a do it yourself diaper sprayer tutorial. DIY Diaper Sprayer

Thank you so much for your kind comment. :hugs: I am not stopped up at all. The sickness is pretty intense though I don't toss my cookies. I'm going to ask the perinatologist to check out my issue and make sure everything is okay. I've heard of most women having constipation, but not too many with my issue of feeling as though I have to poo every 15 minutes. I'm not sure if the trotts are a part of the "sickness" for me today or what. All I know is I'm feeling pretty awful today. Dougs pulling an all nighter so he can be with me tomorrow. I'm feeling kinda needy. :rofl: It'll be nice to have him home for the appointment and then for the evening and weekend.
Hey ladies!

Whew! I can't believe all that has happened in the last 72 hours. Feels like a literal lifetime has passed. We are just home from the hospital and I am going to need to try to catch up on rest for a day or so (wherever we can fit some in! :rofl:) before I can spend any major time catching up or posting our birth story (since at the moment I'm so tired I'm literally stuttering when I speak and can barely string sentences together), but I will definitely do so and HUGS to everyone in the meantime!

We're all still well. Baby is doing great and we have finally settled on his name - Ethan Daniel. :cloud9: The first name Ethan is the only one we both liked and could agree on :haha: and his middle name Daniel is hubby's first name. We knew we did not want to name him as a junior, but hubby was looking to have his name in the mix so we settled on that as his middle name. We finally have a name we are both happy with! :haha:

Sending many hugs to each of you and I hope all is well with all our graduates! Congrats to Titi, I saw your post go by and I am SO excited that we have another grad!

Okay ladies, I'll be back on in the next couple days to catch up. Can't wait to read up on all the news! :hugs::hugs:

WTG momma :hugs::kiss: Get some rest and we'll see ya when your ready to post. Congrats to you all again on little Ethan. Thank goodness he has a name. :lol: :winkwink::flower:
Rebekah -

Just a quick post because I saw your note about the GI/bowel pressure - I just wanted to say that what you are describing - that constant need or urgency that feels like you desperately need to have a BM - is EXACTLY what hit me about 2 hours after I posted how bored I was in the induction process (HA! That was a great joke on me, because the boredom sure did not last long!!) For the rest of my labor I really struggled with that sensation, because that pressure and the urgency sensation only got worse as the labor progressed and baby descended to be born. I was literally about to crack up and was in tears for the last few hours, as the pressure just got worse and worse. And what sort of caused me to lose it was when I figured out that the epidural (which was otherwise a Godsend) could not touch that kind of pressure (Which for me was PAIN, not just pressure) - the epi only dulls pain, not pressure receptors. The nurses kept saying that to me and it was NOT helpful to hear :growlmad: It got so bad that the doctor could tell it was taking too much out of me, and she said she would either get anesthesia down there to get me more comfortable, or I could start trying to push (with the caveat that it might still be several hours). And thankfully, the pushing actually helped because that sort of gave me a way to push back against the pain. And happily, little guy was born after only 1 hour of pushing, so it got better from there on out.

But I TOTALLY understand how you are miserable with it because I was just in tears from that sensation. I now think that what I was actually feeling, with those couple of episodes of what I thought was just bad constipation and/or a GI bug, was actually real contractions. It all makes much more sense now, because I have been told I have a tilted uterus as well. I think each of those early labor contractions were pressing on that same set of nerves and causing all the symptoms I thought were just GI upset.

:hugs: my friend and hang in there. The nausea will get better and the symptoms will settle a bit more soon!
Oh my goodness. HAD YOU CALLED ME during that. :rofl: I could have told you that the ONLY way to deal with that darn pain is accupressure. I had Doug press his knuckle to my lower back. That was the reason I kept pretty sane. So you had back labor then??

It's good to know it'll get better. I heard someone in one of the forums say she had it throughout her WHOLE pregnancy. I can't remember if it was in here or another forum.

The good thing is that I have the next book in my Elm Creek Quilt series by Jennifer Chiaverini. It seems as though I've been reading those books through specific moments in my life. I started the first book while pregnant with Jackson. In each book I've signed my name and whatever milestone was going on in my life. It seems as though much of the books have my pregnancy with Jackson, the grief and loss, the healing and now this one..full circle to pregnant again. I'm friends with the author, Jennifer, on facebook and she's a great person not to mention Author. She has two more books coming out this spring so it will keep me busy during sickness and other milestones.
Morning ladies!

Angela, so excited to read you!!! And love the name :cloud9: Can't wait to hear more details but priority is for mom to rest up!

Rebekah so sorry you feel icky still today :-( For me the constant nausea was really annoying, I didn't mind the puking (well, while at home and when convenient of course) because it made the nausea better for an hour or so. I really hope your nausea ends with your first trimester!!!

Yep Angela, early labour does sometimes include signs that are suggestive of a GI bug! Mine did: I all of a sudden "unblocked" and did not require prune juice for the 2 days before she was born! Body's way of getting ready, although not pleasant at all!

RE: cloth diapers. I really though I'd prefer the all in ones (and one sizes so that they grow with baby), but I discovered the benefits of pocket diapers too, so now we have a mix of AMP's and Bum Genius Organic All-in-Ones. The all-in-ones don't last all night, or more than 3 hours for that matter, so we tend to use them during the day. The pockets are great because you can stuff extra absorbant inserts or extra inserts if baby sleeps longer than 3 hour stretches. Our 9 month old lasts all night (7:30PM to 7AM) in her AMP Duo one sizes with a 3 layer hemp insert (folded in 3 so 9 layers thick). https://www.sogreenbaby.com/product/amp-one-size-duo

The other issue: the idea of one-sizes is great, since they claim baby can wear them from birth to potty training. And this is true as long as baby weighs around 9-10 lbs at birth, otherwise their little legs are not chubby enough to prevent leaks. We bought 18 AMP Duo size small https://www.sogreenbaby.com/product/amp-duo-pocket-diaper since we knew Z wouldn't be a huge baby, and she wore these until she hit 10 lbs and we could put her in the one-size ones :)

We bought a mini-shower spray for next to the toilet for $28, it works great! Actually breast milk poo is wonderful, we didn't wash it off the diaper and it's too liquidy for liners to work so it just came off beautifully in the wash. Once we started solids, liners work wonderfully, you just get the biodegradable ones and flush them down the toilet then spray off residual poo with the shower spray. Now she mostly poos on her potty so we have very little poo in diapers to deal with (think I've changed/cleaned one poopy diaper in the last month).

So much more to say about cloth diapers: detergent to use, spray to minimize odours, specific bum creams to use to not damage them, etc... But I won't bore you with details, if you want to know more just ask! :)

OK off to my clinic now, happy FRIDAY everyone!!!!!!
Angela - congrats again and hope you enjoying your time at home now with your little one.

Rebekah- sorry about the nausea. I am having it too and so early on. I am afraid to go out of my office at work for fear I'll throw up. And the ladies too
is one flight up. It is ridiculous.

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