35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh and in terms of foot massages - I did enlist my DH, my dad, my cousin, my cousin's daughter and anyone else I could find to massage my hands and my feet. I think I need to find a professional!

I told my husband if we ever win the lottery I'm hiring a full time massage therapist at my becon call! :rofl: THEN we can buy a modest home.:thumbup:
Good morning everyone!

Thank you all for your words of reassurance - I've decided that I'm just not going to worry about it. There's been no more bleeding, it was small to begin with, and it seems to be a fairly common occurrence. I've been scared to death this entire pregnancy, and I guess I'm just tired of being that way.

Austin - I actually did remember those episodes you had a while back, but I couldn't remember what the cause was. So thank you for posting about it again. It most definitely did reassure me. :flower:

Forgive me for not addressing everyone personally - I'm so tired my brain just doesn't want to function this morning... :wacko:

:hugs: to all and I hope everyone has a good day!
Chris, I understand being fed up with being scared. I've finally got some peace today with the Dula's appointment at our home. It was so lovely. I go into detail on my journal if anyone is interested but she left both Doug and I feeling confident to have someone advocating for our healthcare while helping us labor and deliver. We get several prenatal appointments with her labor and delivery as well as one post natal visit. TOTALLY worth the money for sanity. I feel as though I can BREATHE right now.

I'm waiting for our second opinion tomorrow and am on pins and needles wondering what our experience will be with them. I pray we hear some good news from them. :thumbup:

Get some rest Chris and take it easy for awhile my friend! :hugs:

Hoping everyone else is having a lovely day! :hug:
Afternoon - I was lurking for wa bit - work is a bit hectic right now.

Chris - I think most of us understand about being scared especially having gone through losses previously. I am in my 3rd trimester and still get freaked out over things, but like you said, it is exhausting to be scared all the time. We just need to enjoy being pregnant and not worry so much. FYI - My brain hasn't been wanting to function since I have been pregnant LOL. I think it gets worse!

Rebekah - Awesome on the Dula report! I am glad that you and DH have some peace of mind. Aren't you going to Rochester (?) this week for your 2nd opinion? Let us know how that goes.

I forgot to respond to your earlier question as to what I do at Disney. I am Producer for their interactive division. So if you are ever in a best buy or target and see any video games from Disney I may have been the Project Manager on it. My latest game is for the upcoming Disney/Pixar film Cars 2. Comes out in June around the same time as the film, so if you have any nephews it is a fun game :)

AFM - I got some new slide on tennis shoes and am loving them! Lamaze wasn't about c-section as thought (that is next week). Last night we focused on Epidurals and other pain relievers and the pros and cons for each. We watched some birth video from like 1987 (the pregnant woman in the video had HUGE hair)

We also learned a fast paced breathing techniques. Ok - let me tell anyone who is planning on doing Lamaze - You will LAUGH when doing these. Last night we had to face our husbands while they counted to us. We were supposed to make eye contact. Well with other people in the room and some of the DH's more vocal than others and hearing all the other women breathing and panting and my husband telling me to Breathe continually, I couldn't stop laughing. Our homework for this week is to practice all three different breathing techniques, hopefully when it is just the two of us it will be easier to focus.

Well that is my novel for today. I hope that everyone is doing ok (Great even!). My new favorite must have is the Carribean Passion smoothie from Jamba Juice. YUMMMMY!
Hi Steph!

Oooh, sounds like your job could be fun sometimes!! It also sounds like your learning alot of helpful techniques. Please let me know what worked for you in actual labor. I'm sure all those techniques will help you come up with something to help aid the labor and delivery process. I'm unsure yet if I want to take the Lamaze route yet. There are different techniques. Some are WAY out there!! Others would be great in combination with lamaze and one I think I like actually over lamaze but they dont teach it anywhere NEAR here. Go figure! :wacko:

Tomorrow is our second opinion and I'm on pins and needles. If talking with the office staff is any indication of their practice I'll LOVE It there. I called to confirm everyone sent their records and had a downright stance with the hospital for my records with Jackson. I threatened that if the records weren't in the office I travel for two hours too, that I'd be talking one on one with the CEO of the hospital...AGAIN!! She changed her demeaner and I let her know I'd give her a reminder tomorrow morning. :lol: I called the new office and told the new perinatologists office that they would be called tomorrow they were just SO good with me! I just like the vibe more at the new office even though it's 2 hours away. We'll see what the actual Dr.'s stance is on cerclaging. Right now the current perinatologist isn't convinced it's Incompetant Cervix even though the events leading up to the birth show classic IC. Instead they want to give me 17P shots which calm the cervix which is for preterm labor only. If my cervix starts to show signs of incompetancy, it could happen like last time within a couple of days and it will be MUCH too late to cerclage. :wacko:

I posted a prayer request on the Churchs' prayer chain in hopes that God would open doors and give us favor to help keep this pregnancy going smoothly! Even if it means 2 hours away and we'll be paying 30% out of pocket expenses on birth. It would be MUCH more calming in a hospital that hasn't botched my last pregnancy. :thumbup:

I'll keep you posted after tomorrows appointment. One of two outcomes, either I'll be excited OR in total crying fits of frustration and will need to gather it together for my child and just move forward in hopes I make enough noise to prevent anything from happening. Either way, I have confidence in our GREAT Physician in heaven and know He'll guide us in the right direction.

Code, how ADORABLE!! Oh the cheeks, the nose, the mouth....oh the hands!! I can't take much more of these squeezy babies! My cup runneth over. ((faint))

Many :hug: and Congrats to you mommy!! Big brother looks too cute for words holding his little brother. What a lovely little family you have there!
Happy Friday All!!!

Well am I glad it's the weekend, trying week.

MA, I don't feel as if I'm overly bitchy but holy cow am I weepy. I cry over EVERYTHING these days, commercials, American idol, etc. Plus I've woken up twice this week during the middle of the night and worked myself up to such a state worrying about things that I end up crying in bed. I've have never been that girl. Pretty stoic, but man I cry at the drop of a hat these days.

Codegirl, good to hear from you and hope you are well. How's the new bambino doing?

AFM, well good news and not exactly bad news.

Test results came back and they were all normal. Good news. The doctor was great and called me right away. I still have to wait a couple of weeks for the rest but the big three, of chromosome 13, 18 and 21 were all normal and I can breath a sigh of relief.

Turns out all that worrying about a guy I work with having the same name as the one I wanted to use for a boy was all for not as we are officially team pink. The chromosomes don't lie. Tell you the truth it was a bit of a shocker. I was so convinced that we were having a boy I was stunned. Good thing for modern medicine because if it were 30 years ago, I would have decorated the nursery all in trains and blue and been quite shocked. DH is taking it hard. I think he really had his heart set on a boy to teach to ride dirt bikes and snowmobiles. But who says girls can't ride, I do!!! If she's a girly girl I'm doomed, but no sense worrying about that now, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Have a great weekend and hope the new signature works.

Awesome pics code! Hugs and prayersnto all! I am off to bed at 8 so I can be up at 2 for the night shift. Whew!
Mornin' ladies :hi:

Angela, he's gorgeous! Thank you so much for posting :)

Good to hear from you, Terri! Hope all's well in the new little family :flower:

Austin - how'd the flight go? Hopefully your little "issue" resolved itself before you took off... :wacko:

Congrats on the good amnio results, Pablo! And how exciting to find out the gender! Don't worry about the hubby - she'll have him wrapped around her chubby little finger in no time. :)

And my offer still stands - my brain's ripe for the picking if you ever decide you want some advice on "frilly" things!

Steph - how was Disneyland with Dad? Did the rain hold off for you? Enjoy your visit!

MA - I had some pretty extreme fatigue during the first tri (just barely starting to ease up now), but I haven't been really bitchy. At least, not any bitchier than normal... :dohh: However, like Pablo, I've been getting emotional more (i.e. crying). And I'm definitely not a crier. Truth be told, I can't stand crying - I've never had any patience for the whole "wimpering female" thing. But the other day I was driving in to work and that song Perfect by Pink came on the radio, it reminded me of my DH, and next think ya know the water works started up! I was like "Really??? Get a grip, for God's sake!" Then they started up again over some stupid commercial on TV... sigh... hopefully this too shall pass. At least it's only happened to me while I was alone and not in front of anyone - that would be mortifying!!

Besides - it ruins my makeup. Now THAT'S a reason to cry... :cry:

Well, I have some good news and some bad news. On Friday morning at work I felt a little wetness come out and went to the bathroom. Started bleeding again. Not bright red - more of a brownish red - and not enough to soak through my underwear (about the size of a quarter). Not like when it happened the week before, when there was more blood and it was bright red. I still panicked.

I called the hubby, left work, and back to the doctor we went, wondering if I had something like IC. The good news is they did an ultra sound - the little one was doing perfectly, and my cervix was closed and long (I think she said it was 5" - or was that centimeters? - long, but I could be wrong. My mind was all over the place at the time).

But the bad news is they found a sub chorionic hematoma, and that's what's causing the bleed. BUT - it's very small (2 cm) and she said that they usually resolve themselves, so we should be okay. But sometimes they get worse, which I can't allow myself to think about. They're doing another u/s at my regular appointment on 4/4 to follow up/keep an eye on it.

So I've been good so far and have NOT allowed myself to google the condition - I know I'll only find tales of gloom and doom, and I can't handle that. Plus, I remember when they did the u/s after my mis-diagnosed miscarriage back at the end of January, the tech pointed out an area that looked exactly like the hematoma I saw on Friday and said "Oh - there's a little blood there. Must be from last week [meaning the "miscarriage"]. Nothing to worry about." So I'm telling myself that these past few episodes are just that same hematoma resolving itself, and it'll be smaller when I go in on the 4th. So - if any of you ladies have heard of similar situations with happy endings, I'm all ears. I'm afraid to google even that, because there will still be the gloom and doom thrown in there, and like I said - I can't deal with that right now. We've been through way too many scares already.

But back to a good note - I asked the u/s tech if it was too early to check the sex. She said that sometimes they actually can tell in the 14th week and took a look. Turns out the little one was more than happy to give us a good "money shot." She said "Don't hold me to it, but I'd say with about 85% certainty that....

It's a girl!!!!!!! :pink::pink::cloud9::pink::pink:

Looks like we're on the same team, Pablo! We'll know with more certainty when we go for the anomoly screen on 4/25, but I'm so over the moon, I can't even begin tell you! Now if she'll just hang in there until the end of September, I'll really have it all. I think we'll be okay, but I'm still scared to death about it. Please send a few good vibes my way, ladies - I could really use 'em right now.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend! :flower:

:happydance: Another girl for my boy to date!! Hehe
:hi: Ladies. Just been catching up on all the pages! Sounds like everyone is doing well apart from the nausea, throwing up, tiredness and fat comments!
My MS is gone and I am working again, shopping, babysitting my niece and I am getting the nursery ready! Going for pale green with a wallpaper feature wall and animal decals. Have also purchased 20 or so reusuable nappies and my stepmother just came back from Sydney with Ralph Lauren baby shirts etc!! I am starting to enjoy this all a bit more even though I still haven't popped!

Happy early hump day!
:hi: Ladies. Just been catching up on all the pages! Sounds like everyone is doing well apart from the nausea, throwing up, tiredness and fat comments!
My MS is gone and I am working again, shopping, babysitting my niece and I am getting the nursery ready! Going for pale green with a wallpaper feature wall and animal decals. Have also purchased 20 or so reusuable nappies and my stepmother just came back from Sydney with Ralph Lauren baby shirts etc!! I am starting to enjoy this all a bit more even though I still haven't popped!

Happy early hump day!

Oh boy, your using cloth diapers then??

Ralf Lauren baby shirts. How ADORABLE!! You should take pics for us and share them with us. I LOVE hearing what your all doing to prepare for baby. I'm not really sure if my heart can take anymore cuteness in this thread. :lol: :happydance:

Is anyone getting a 3D or 4D elective?? I just found a place in Rochester that does them and I think I may pay to have it done Maybe around 23 wks. It'll be a milestone passage:thumbup:

Angela, I know your asleep right now, but just wondering how far along you were when you got your 3D??

Love to you all. :thumbup:
**&+$#!!!! I just lost another post!! Ok here goes again . . .

MA, so glad doula appt went so well!! Good luck with the second opinion today. I hope it gives you the answers you are looking for. As for 3D or 4D ,are you talking about pictures? I got 3D at my 12 week scan along with sonogram pictures. Did your office not offer that? Granted at 12 weeks baby looked like alien bug.

Austin, thanks I feel really good. As for amnio, i'm not squimish either, but I did not watch the needle. Talked with the visiting resident. I don't mind nedles, but why freak yourself out?

Steph, glad Dad got a look at ultra sound! How fun. Also happy news on the foot massage front, i'm going to have to talk with DH about that. I have heard that the women in the birthing videos have a lot of hair!! LOL

Rottpaw, get some sleep, good to hear from you.

Codegrl, thanks for the pictures, so cute!!!

vivienne, what you haven't popped? I first read that wrong and thought you said you hadn't pooped. LOL I am close to popping. Another week, maybe two. SO good to hear from you and hope you are well.

AFM, family trauma drama, DH is arguing with my mother. Going to stay out of it as they are in denver and I am here, but some stress none the less. I think my mother is so completely consumed by the prospect of a grand child she's lost all sense of what she needs to do. She's done more shopping for maternity clothes than I have!!! Anyway other than that good. Had book club last night and it was so good to have a girls night. There's another woman who is about 4 weeks behind me and I can't help but compare myself with her in terms of how big she is. She's my height and still wearing regular clothes!! Still so thin! Trying not to compare but wanted so much to be one of those cute skinny moms with just the bump. I know, it's all about what's best for the baby, and truth be told I probably had 20 lbs on her before I got pregnant, but still. I thought pregnancy would be a hall pass from the pressure to be perfect. Guess not. Don't worry all, I am fine with current size and not going to diet or anything, just thinking out loud.
hope everyone has a good day!!! Anna
Hey girls! Typing one handed while holding a sleeping munchkin lol.

Bek I got my 3d at 33 weeks, which was a bit late but we got great pics of his face. In hind sight I would probably do it a bit sooner but still late in second tri. It would have been neat to see more of his body too. But I definitely recommend the experience for anyone as it was VERY cool!
Hey girls! Just finally caught up! I think I missed another week :wacko: Everyone sounds well. Sorry about your scare Chris but I'm sure it will all be fine. Congrats on the possibility of a girl! YAY Anna for good amnio results and a little girl! Men are so funny. I know my husband will be a little disappointed if we are having a girl, but I hope we are! We'll find out April 12th :cloud9:

Sorry so much to remember to write anything. Missed you all and I will seriously try to be a better poster. *I don't think I've updated my journal in two weeks.

All is good with me. Just incredibly busy at work and home. Hoping things slow down soon.

HUGS all around!! xoxo

OH!!! and what BEAUTIFUL babies!!! Thx for sharing the pics Angela and codegirl. Congrats again!!
pablo - sorry about the mama drama. I am sure they will work it all out. I think it's smart to stay out of the crazy - you are too busy making a human being! :haha:

svet - it really IS so hard to try to catch up sometimes! Glad all is well with you.

viv- glad your MS is gone. When exactly does that happen?!! I'm still trying to deal with it day to day.

MA- you are awfully quiet today. How are you doing?

AFM- feeling a little crappy - tired and a bit more cramping and pulling down there today, which is making me very uncomfortable. Making dinner now while DH is working out. Gonna sit down when I am done and do absolutely NOTHING!!!! Can't wait for the work week to be over already. It is so hard to be as productive as I was before I was pregnant. I guess that is to be expected though.

We are expecting SNOW again. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It is almost April 1st. I'm so done with the East Coast chill. Time for some sun and a big thaw. I wanna wear flip flops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hugs: ladies
Hi everyone.

Chris, so glad everything is going well.

Angela, I wondered how far you were because his face was really clear. Thanks.

Pablo, no. The perinatologists don't have the 3D. Go figure :shrug:

AFM. I had a pretty crappy day and the second opinion went down the drain. I'm emotional, frustrated and now just waiting to see what happens. :shrug: :cry: I wrote about it in my journal in more detail.

Have a good day everyone!!
Good morning everyone, :flow:

Viv - you make me laugh! Can I chaperone their date? I've always wanted to go to NZ... Glad the MS has left you. That's something I'm grateful I've never had to contend with. And how fun to be shopping and getting the nursery ready! We still haven't done that yet - I think maybe after the anomaly screen at the end of April.

Titi - so sorry to hear you're feeling cruddy. I keep hearing that these annoying symptoms go away in the second trimester, but unfortunately I'm starting not to believe it. I'm still completely exhausted with pounding headaches every day. Whoever coined the phrase "joys of pregnancy" was full of crap. But - that being said - it's worth it for the end result.

And as a fellow "east coaster", we both know that chill won't go away 'til June... :wacko: I tell ya, if I never saw snow again I'd be a happy person. I hate the snow, despise the cold, and am not truly happy 'til it hits the mid 80s. (I'm SO living in the wrong part of the country...)

Codegirl - he's adorable!! Thanks for posting the pictures - keep 'em coming! (You, too, Rottpaw!)

MA - sorry that your appt. wasn't what you hoped. Was it that you didn't like the doctor, or you didn't like the diagnosis? As far as 3D scans - the place I go to doesn't offer them, either. You'd think they would, as they're one of the better places for prenatal care in the area. Oh well - there happens to be a place about 2 miles down the road from work that does them, and I absolutely plan on making an appointment. Not quite sure when, yet. Probably around 30 weeks, give or take.

Hello to Austin, Junebug, MissMuffett, Pablo, Svet, and anyone else I may have missed! :hi:

Hope everyone has a good day :flower:
Morning all!!

Svet, glad you get to find out on the 12th! Sorry you are so busy at work, and hope things get less crazy. Glad you had a chance to catch up, good to hear from you!!

Titti, good to hear from you too!! I am sorry you are so tired. It does get better for some of us in the second tri although I am still tired and look foreward to weekends with longing. It's still snowing here too and yes flip flops!! We are going camping out in utah this weekend to escape the snnow. Should be in the 70s! I will bring my flip flops and think of you.

MA, I am sorry the doc appt did not go as you had hoped. You keep saying how different this pregnancy is from the last, I hope that means in every way and all will work out. Many hugs as you must be so frustrated. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sunshine, I didn't realize not everyone had access to 3D. I know what you mean by the cold. Although I don't mind it that much, but here we ushually get lots of sunnshine ( over 300 days a year) along with the cold so not as bad. However this week has been grey all week and just plain yucky!!! Here's hoping for an early spring for all, flip flops all around!

AFM, just chillin. DH seems to hhave worked out issues with my mom so all is good. Can't wait to see the sun ( think i'm solar powered) . Happy Thursday!! Anna
p.s. Junebug, are you still out there?? Hope all is well with you if you are just stalking.
Morning Everyone,

Rebekah - I am sorry that yesterday didn't go as you expected, but I agree with Pablo, this pregnancy is different and will work out. Just enjoy your pregnancy and let go and let God.

Code - both your boys are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your photos!

Titi and Chris -you are more than welcome to come out to visit me. It finally stopped raining on Sunday and today the weather will be in the 90's. YAY. I have been able to break out my summer dresses that are all stretchy material and look cute with my ever growing bump!

Anna - go to Old Navy Maternity online they are having a sale on swimsuits. I believe the start at $14.95 (they had some cute tankinis as well!)

AFM - I have carpal tunnel in both hands and it is really bothersome at night, but there isn't much I can do about it. I have some wrist thingies that I have been wearing, but they only help minimally. Tomorrow I leave for the Bay area and go to my first baby shower. I am excited. It will also be my oldest nephews 18th birthday so I am glad I will be up there for that as he is like my own child.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing ok and remember it is almost the weekend!


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