35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Have a great visit Steph :hugs:

Just wanted to show off a photo of Zoëlle done today at the studio. Posted about 20 on FB!!!


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Hey girls!!! It's been awhile again! So sorry. I've just been uber busy with this course, but I am writing my exams next week and fx'd I pass!!! Oh please please please I hope I will pass. I need to put this all behind me and get on with planning for baby and get excited about being a mommy!! Had my 24 week appt. today and everything seems good. She is really wriggling around in there and kicking a lot. I love it! i am such a light sleeper she also wakes me up at night now. :cloud9: My latest pregnancy discovery- when I sneeze or laugh too hard I pee my pants :| :thumbup:

On to you girls........ I am nearly ten pages back so this might be long :haha:

AustinGurrl- three girls! WOW I am so happy everything came back good on the amnio. :hugs: I think your money concerns are common and then times that by three! I was panicking earlier on and then just calculated how much I can expect when on maternity leave and have made a budget that started in March and goes until I return to work in July 2012. That really helped to ease my worries and wrapped my brain around it all. We're going to be ok but it will be tight for 6 mo. Unfortunately me staying home is not an option. My husband I do well, and make practically the same salary, but his salary alone doesn't even cover our mortgage, taxes, water, heat and gas bills. We also wanted to do some stuff around the house this summer but with all the baby stuff we need to buy, we have decided to wait until next year. Showers are great, but I'm personally not holding my breath on receiving much more than clothes :wacko: Aww so cute re. your shopping trip. I would have loved to see the look on the girls face when your husband said you'll take three cribs! :haha:

MA- your garden sounds wonderful! My husband is getting into gardening so we'll see how that goes this year. We have a lot of squirrels and a resident marmot so I fear not much will be left over for us. Congrats on your scan!!! :happydance: Oooh sorry about the bacterial problem :wacko: What's up with your body girl? lol xo Nice crib! Very classy.

Steph- MASSIVE hugs to you. I can not even begin to imagine how hard it would be to go home and leave your beautiful baby girl behind. I love her name btw. :hugs: Good on you for pumping even through the pain. I am still two weeks behind so hopefully it has gotten easier for you... I'll read on now. Can't wait to see a picture of her! How much does she weigh now?

codegirl- beautiful pictures!!! Thanks for sharing! xo

sunshine71- I love what you said here: "how to balance being the best mom you can be without loosing the woman you've already worked so hard to become." :thumbup: So very true! Congrats on the little girl! there seems to be something in the water here, LOL Lot's of little girls going around. :)

pablo797- I think marriage counseling is a good idea! It could be really good preparation for you both to have a non-biased third party in on your discussions. I was actually saying to my husband the other night, 'if the only thing we every fight about is money, then why do famous people get divorced all the time?' LOL Btw- for some reason I had no idea you were so close to me in gestation, lol, I think once we get passed the 20 week mark the difference in a week here or there is sooo small. YAY for feeling the baby kick! isn't it awesome?

Junebug_CJ- please don't stress about conceiving! Easier said than done I know. Why do you have to be pregnant by August? Oh and I love how environmentally aware you are! A good ole true Canadian. ;) Nice poem :hugs: Awww Zoe is positively gorgeous!!!!

Vivienne- Kangaroo Care! I LOVE it!!!! I am going to start using that! LOL :dohh: Viv! Your co-worker!!! That is friggin hilarious :rofl: Sorry about the BH. Hope I don't get those anytime soon...

Hopefully i didn't miss anyone. I am reallllly going to try to keep up better. I miss you gals! I haven't been shopping for anything yet! We did pick out our crip, so when I get back from vacation in early June we will go buy it. My parents have kindly offered to buy it for us so that will be really helpful. My aunt and mom are throwing me a baby shower when I am home in a couple weeks. I am pretty sure I won't get much more than clothes there though, because they all know I am traveling by plane. Not to sound greedy but I really hope people think beyond clothes at least at my local baby shower. When I get back I guess I will register for my one here to help our a bit with more practical stuff. I know you need lot's of clothes, but I have a couple friends who are giving me tons of hand me downs so I think we'll be pretty covered. Anyway........ I have no clue on the stroller front other than to start I want to purchase a travel system. For a bigger car seat we'll probably buy a Recaro. My husband is a car enthusiast and they design racing car seats and have a baby line. lol Whatever makes him happy. With the dollar the way it is buying from the US will actually save us money so I figure why not. :shrug: I don't plan on getting a glider or chair for the nursery. I just don't see myself sitting in there. MY house isn't that big so I think I'll just go into the living room to nurse. I dunno, so a crib, dresser (with changepad) and bookshelf? I think is all we need.

Sorry for the novel!!! Just figured for once I shouldn't read and run! lol Massive hugs and kisses to you girls!!!! :flower:

None of you have posted bump pics so I'm going to start! I have a real baby bump now, LOL

Yay Steph welcome back!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you WILL pass your exams :) Fingers crossed!!!
If I want a year off for mat leave I need to have a pregnancy and the year off before July 1st 2013, when the contract for the doctor hired to cover my mat leave ends. Long story short, the hospital is not going to make her position permanent so I'm kind of pressured to finish my family in this time line :-(
LOVE the baby bump! You ladies are making me incredibly broody. Come ON body and just ovulate WILL you??
Chris, your little bump is CUTE! :Happydance: I'm sure you'll pass and I bet it will be such a breather for you to just sit and RELAX.

We were going to go with the Recaro. I had no idea the correlation between them and the company that makes race car seats. We decided against it when my friend mentioned how hard it would be in the winter storms to take baby out of the seat instead of just clicking him or her out from the infant seat. We'll just buy a convertable a little later I suppose. :winkwink:

The baby shower will be fun and will bring it all together for you. It'll feel more real with each passing week. Be sure to take pics of all the loot when you get it home. It will be fun to see all kinds of pics coming in from everyone!

As for a baby bump. I haven't gotten one yet. I'm plus size so I imagine I wont' have one starting for a couple weeks or more. I'll take one once I see it. :thumbup:

Junebug, I can't believe how big she's getting already!! :cry: She's so beautiful that little one of yours. Her eyes are mesmerizing!

Steph, can't WAIT to see a pic of the baby. I hope you had a lovely time holding her tonight! :hugs:

Hello to everyone else!

Angela, totally miss you! Terri, so glad you peek in every once in awhile. We love hearing about the boys and when you share about the latest news. Titi, still waiting to hear from you dear. How are you these days??

Hello to Chris #2, Anna, Charmaine, LynnB if your peeking in and Viv. :hi: Love to you all! :hugs:
Well that's just it re. the Recaro... it will be a second, more permanent car seat. So no rush there. We'll start with the travel system stroller w/ bucket seat. We plan on buying a 2nd car in July (just a cheapo beater so I am not stuck at home for a year with no mobility), so that's why we need two car seats.

Junebug- that blows being on a time constraint. Did it take you long last time to get pg? When did you officially start? I think you just stopped breast feeding right? Fx'd for ya! You have at least 3 cycles (maybe 4) before August! Keep the faith!!! xo

Night girls!!
Steph once I knew I ovulated on day 16-17 of my cycle (temp charted for 3 months) we managed to conceive somehow the first month we tried! No, I haven't stopped nursing yet, I'm having a really hard time justifying that when both the World Health Organization and the Canadian Pediatrics Society recommend nursing at least until 2 years... I have cut back a lot, no longer pump at all (was pumping 4 times per day) and have introduced whole milk in the hopes my body would ovulate even while I'm nursing :-( If not, I will revisit when she turns one, which is exactly one month from today. I know Rebekah, it's scary how big she's getting :cry: She's turning into a toddler before our very eyes...
Junebug - little Zoelle is beautiful! MA's right about her eyes - absolutely GORGEOUS. So sorry about that horrible conception timeline, though. I'll be the 1st to admit I know nothing about BFing, but is it possible to take a month off to maybe kick your cycle into gear? I know that if you stop for a while it's possible to resume, but I don't know how long you can take a break from it before losing the ability to restart. :shrug: Anyhow, just a thought.

Austin - haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're doing well! :flower:

Haven't heard from Titi in a while, either. If you're lurking, please do a quick post to let us know you're okay. :flow:

Steph, can't wait to see pictures! Have they said any more on when you might be able to start BFing? Hang in there! :hugs:

Chris #1 - good luck with your tests! How nerve wracking that must be - I always break out in a rash before that kind of thing... LOVE the bump picture! :thumbup: It sounds like your nursery shopping list is about the same as ours. Crib, changpad (already have a dresser in there), that's about it. Oh - and some kind of diaper pail/receptacle/thingie. We already have a rocker that I'll probably move in there, but who knows. We have a small house, too. I might just bring her into the living room. I think our biggest expense (besides the crib) will be the travel system. Oh yeah, and the high chair. The DH doesn't know about that one yet... I found this great wooden one by Stokke that can actually be turned in to additional adult seating. Looks MUCH nicer than a regular high chair. But it's about $300. Counting on Grandma for that one... Or I could always just order it and not tell the hubby how much it cost. I hate doing that, though. Makes me feel slimy. Not that I'd let that stop me... :winkwink:

Good morning to everyone else!

Nothing going on with me - had my regular monthly checkup with the OB yesterday and everything was fine. Didn't really learn anything new. He did say that my anterior placenta will make it take a little longer before I can feel her moving around in there, but I already knew that. I just wish I knew WHEN I could expect to feel her. I'm at 20 weeks the day after tomorrow, and so far... nothin'. Bums me out! :growlmad:

Have a good day, everyone! :kiss:
afternoon ladies,

I need to get caught up here so let's see . . .

MA, sorry the scan is showing a shortening cervix. I share the same thougts as others, will being monitord more often give you more of a piece of mind? I know it's a pain. Also sorry the shot hurts so much owwww! Love the crib and diaper bag!!

Junebug,come on ovaries!!!! Enough already! How are you feeling? Better I hope.

Sunshine, did you get in a motorcycle ride this weekend? Don't stress the movement thing. My girlfriend didn't feel anything until 28 weeks. We're all different. I know ur anxious, it will happen.

Steph, can't wait to see photos. I too struggle with uploading them. I will take a picture of my bump tonight and see if I can figure out how to do.

Svet,so good to hear from you!! I always get a little anxious when I don't hear from someone in a while. Good luck on finals!! I'm sure you'll do great! As for showers, can you register at a store and then request gift cards? I have friends that registered at Babbies Are Us ansd then requested gift cards. That way they got what they wanted and could pool their gift cards to afford some of the bigger items. Just a thougt. Love the bump,and yes we're prett close in due date. I will try and post bump picure after dinner, it's always more impressive with a full stomach.

AFM, camping was a bust. Came home earrly due to weather which really bites as I drove out to utah on my own (DH was aleady there), through a blizzard that closed the pass then ran over a huge rock and got a flat tire and had to change it in a snowstorm. Luckily the guy behind me in a pick up stoped to help. I'm pretty self reliant but I was so over it at that point!! needless to say the weekend just got better from there getting in a fight with DH's friend who is a total Jack A?#&! I ended up throwing my non alcoholic beer in his face amongest other things. Wow the hormones! I am ushually this very mild mannered even keeled person, but holy cow did I go full red neck on his butt. Felt aweful afterward, but was glad to come home. On the good side we spent yesterday getting dresser with changing pad, crib,and rocker from friends for a steel. They have two girls so on top of the furniture we got about two garbage bags full of clothes!!! Their awesome! Lots are in great shape, some with tags still on. DH thinks it's too much but I think he forgets she will grow out of stuff pretty quickly. Had monthly check up this am and all is good. My thyroid had gotten a little high so she's increasing meds on that front. She also explained what's going on with baby's kidneys, and said 90% of the time the issure resolves itself in utero if not they monitor her and keep an eye on her once she's out, but really nothing to worry about now. So I feel much better!! Ok sorry for the novel . Austin hope you're well!! Titti and LynnB, thinking of you.

xxx anna
Chris, glad the OB appointment went well and baby is doing fine. :happydance:

Anna, sounds like you had quite the weekend. I had an issue with my husbands best friend before our wedding. I was trying to decorate the reception and HE kept telling everyone how HE wanted it. I went OFF. Poor guy.:rofl: We're good friends now but one must never step on a womans toes when she's decorating for her own wedding reception. I think he was trying to help but he was overstepping his bounderies at the time. :lol:

I'll find out next friday what my cervix length is and make a decision from there whether I'll go to every week monitoring. Hopefully the injections are calming the cervix down a bit to keep the length as it is. Once I get one more length change, I'll start monitoring more often. The idea is to keep as much OUT of the vagina as possible so it won't disrupt the length or opportunity to cause preterm labor. Most women with IC or PTL want as little disruption as possible while also being careful to monitor and be our own advocates so I'm open to weekly if the length shortens again next week.

The shots...yes, it hurts. It's kinda funny because all the injectables and trigger shots I've had in the bum weren't nearly as rough. The thickness of the medication is the issue I'm thinking. It's going to the muscles to "relax" them. I still have a slight bump on the injection site that now feels like a bruise. Dougs method of injection though made it so I didn't feel most of it going in because the way he preps keeps the feeling on the skin from feeling anything. It's essentially numb. :thumbup:

On another note, they moved the origional 35+ttc thread to the "discussion groups" forum. I'm taking affense to that because it's NOT just another ttc discussion, it's women 35+ finding each other and talking about treatment, support, etc. There are SO MANY threads out there for women of prime pregnancy age but 35+ needs to stay together not be moved out of the way as a discussion because it's a place for women to find other women who are going through the SAME exact issues and once can find support and help during a tough time.

Maybe I'm overeacting here, but I find affense that we're being thrown around AGAIN. I mean, I've moved on to the "Graduates" thread and understand why we're in the discussion group as there's no forum to put Women over 35+ parenting. We are discussing our pregnancies, etc. But for crying out loud...women over 35+ who are ttc NEED each other. They're less likely to find them in the "discussion" thread than in the 35+ forum where they belong.

Okay, I'm off my darn soapbox now. :lol:
Hi All,

Ok - I think I figured out how to post the photos...hopefully this works. https://photobucket.com/KatelynHope

Anna - sorry your camping trip was a bust and don't feel too badly about what happened...Pregnancy hormones are no joke and he will get over it. LOL

Glad to hear from you Chris #1 - we missed you! Katelyn weighs almost 3 1/2 pounds now. Love your bump!

Junebug - Fingers crossed for successful ovulation! Sorry to hear about the work thing and having a timeline.

Chris #2 - Well at kaiser the babies in the NICU have to learn to suck from a bottle first (so that they can breathe, swallow, and suck all at the same time...wow that sounded bad when i read it LOL!) Once they get that down, then we Mommies are encouraged to come in during feedings to bottle feed. There are lactation coaches here that will help with the breastfeeding after the bottle feeding (nippling) is successful. They normally don't start the babies on nippling until 34 weeks (gestation) which for Katelyn will be next week!

Rebekah - I am with you about the original 35+ TTC #1. Why would they move it from the TTC area? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. The entire reason I am on this site is because I was looking for women my own age trying tohave their 1st babies and I found the thread here. Hmmm.

AFM - Me and DH are slowly trying to get the room together. We removed the bedroom furniture in our guest room and will hopefully be picking up the crib this weekend or next. My goal is that by the weekend of May 20th I have the room mostly together.

Anyway, hopefully the photos came through...if not, I will have to figure something else out...

Hope everyone is having a good week.

Ok trying again because I had the album as private...

Ok trying again because I had the album as private...


Hm, Try posting the picture again in photobucket as a new photo. It may be that you need a new photo since you changed the privacy settings.

I copied the URL from your IMG and I can see her images. The code you need for the site are the ones that look like this: https://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i400/wisegal08/792.jpg Click on those codes that have the i1091 next to the pic that say URL and add the links to the photo icon.

She's absolutely BEAUTIFUL! :cry: :hugs: :happydance:
The last photo Steph shows how much she's grown! :happydance: Her eyes. Goodness, she's SO alert! She has more hair than I do on her head. :rofl: Ugh, she's so cute!
I FINALLY Figured it out. I had to resize the photo! Thanks Rebekah!

ok - let's see if this works (it was working in the testing area LOL). Third time is the charm!




She gets all that hair from her daddy! That first photo - my DH was doing skin to skin (Kangaroo care) with her and as soon as she put her face on his hair chest she did NOT like it and literally moved herself over to the gown where she wouldn't have to be so itchy!

Yeah - the last photo is the most recent. They have actually moved the feeding tube from her mouth to her nose in preparation for her to start bottle feeding.
OMG SOOOOOO cute baby Katelyn!!! Thanks for sharing Steph, made my night :hugs:
She gets all that hair from her daddy! That first photo - my DH was doing skin to skin (Kangaroo care) with her and as soon as she put her face on his hair chest she did NOT like it and literally moved herself over to the gown where she wouldn't have to be so itchy!

Yeah - the last photo is the most recent. They have actually moved the feeding tube from her mouth to her nose in preparation for her to start bottle feeding.

WTG momma!:hugs::kiss: You did a great job:cry::hugs: Now we need a pic of mom and baby. Next time, have the nurse take a pic of you both. Doesn't have to be professional. Just a cute little mom and me photo. I can imagine you holding her and just staring at her. Such a tender moment!:cry::cry: Okay I'm SO hormonal. :haha:

Congrats and it's SO good to see that she's thriving on her own. :cloud9: What a little blessing she is!
I do have a photo of me and her, but not recent and yes in the photo I am totally staring at her. Perhaps when we go tonight I will have DH take another one.
Hi, haven't been around for a long time, so hi to anyone that remembers me! :flower:

Miss MUFFET you had your baby, how tiny and gorgeous she is! :happydance:

Hi MA, hope everything is good with you! :kiss:

Pablo, Sveta, hope your pregnancies are going well, can't believe how far along we all are now!

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