35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Steph, she is absolutely gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing the photos!! Love them and she looks so good!! Growing so fast.

Lucy, so god to see you here. How are you doing?? 38 weeks!! How are you feeling? Are you ready for the new bambino coming any day??

Ok I haven't taken the bump picture yet, had book club last night. I will try and get to it today.

Hope everyone has a good day!! Anna
Hi Pablo :hi:

I am ready for the baby to come now, just thinking of meeting my baby makes me so emotional....I am fine except for a lovely thrush infection, so trying to get rid of it before baby comes! :flower:

Can't wait to see bump pics, I am doing one Friday at 39 weeks, feel so huge! :hugs:
Hi Maria!! :hugs: Gee, I can't believe your 38wks. Oh no, a bout of thrush. Praying you get rid of it soon! It's so uncomfortable dealing with that. Can't WAIT to hear about the birth story. It's SO exciting to hear.

Please keep us posted so we may bare in the excitment of your birth with you. :flower:

Doing well, have aches and pains, Especially from the injection site but nothing I can't handle. Doug actually rubbed my feet with lotion today and it felt SO GOOD! :happydance:

Have a good day all you lovely ladies :hug:
Oh Steph!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!! :cloud9: So teeny weeny! Awww I am so glad to hear she is doing good. Hope the bottle feeding goes well and that you will be able to breast feed soon. What a little miracle she is. How many weeks were you again when she was born?

Maria! (Lucy) - glad you came back before you give birth! Please please please post a bump picture!! You must look radiant. :flower:

Bump pics from all you girls! It's an order! :haha:

5 more days until exam #1 :happydance: *But I am terrified :wacko:
5 more days until exam #1 :happydance: *But I am terrified :wacko:

Oh Chris, I'll be praying for you over the next few days. I'll even add you to our Bible Study prayer list so we can pray for you together tomorrow night.:winkwink::thumbup: [-o<[-o<[-o< You'll do fine and I'm excited that once it's all finished you can be free of it and just RELAX:happydance::flower:
morning All!!

Just a quick pop in to say hi and hope everyone is well. Lucy, what is a thrush? I have never heard of it before. Can't wait to see the bump picture. I know i keep promising, but had a going away party to attend last night so tonight's the night, bump picture by tomorrow am. Unless I completely brain fart and can't figure out how to post it.

AFM, doing really well, went for another hike this AM, just love starting my day out that way and my dog is whooped. Speaking of dogs we have new neighbors and their dog howls and barks all day long while their at work. We've left a note from the HOA letting them know this is not acceptable, but he's still at it. Feel sorry for the hound really, he sounds miserable. However I keep thinking paybacks are a bitch, just wait until the baby comes . . .

Have a great Thursday!! Anna
Morning everyone!

Lucy - HEY!!! It is good to hear from you. 38/39weeks! That is fantastic! You are basically there...any day now. Sorry to hear about the thrush.

Chris #1 - Bottle feeding it is going. They are only doing 1 or 2 feedings from the bottle currently. Mainly because baby girl gets too tired. Next week they will re-assess and probably step that up a notch. I was 29w5d when she was born. Exactly 4 weeks ago today! Wow time has passed rather quickly (which is a good thing!).

Anna - sorry to hear about you neighbors dog barking.

AFM - nothing new over here, still trying to get this room together. I have some friends coming by tomorrow to help me with sorting the baby clothes i have (4 big bags from relatives, church, and various friends, as well as baby shower gifts). LO is now wearing clothes so I want to wash the preemie stuff so she can wear it at the hospital. I am hoping to take her a cute little outfit to wear on mother's day :).

Hi Rebekah, Vivienne, Charmaine, Chris #2, Titi, Lynn, June, Code, Angela (and everyone else I may have missed!) Have a Happy Cinco de Mayo! Virgin Margaritas for all!

Hi there! I haven’t posted in a while, girls! Glad to see that it looks like all of you are well!

Steph – Little Katelyn is just a beauty! What a miracle to see her grow ~ it doesn’t’ seem like 4 weeks have passed since she was born! I had to laugh in your post about your DH’s hairy chest… I have one of those, too… (a hairy-chested DH, that is)… SO happy that she & you are doing well! Please post a picture of her in her sweet little mother’s day outfit!!

Chris #1 – Gorgeous bump, girl! How cute are you??? Good luck on finals!!! Fingers crossed!

MA – Glad to hear you are feeling good and that the shots are bearable… Good thing that your hubs in a med professional!! And love your new things!!!

Anna – You go, girl! Literally!! Camping, hiking, … that is awesome. Good for you. I feel winded walking up a short flight of stairs, lol…. I bet your morning hikes are a beautiful, peaceful time for you! Sad to hear about your neighbors pup… are they just neglectful, or trying and just can’t be home all the time? Poor baby….

Hi Lucy! Congrats to you!!!! 39 weeks, woohoo!

June – What a little doll your sweet Zoelle is!!!

Sunshine – Good news on the appointment last week! Don’t feel bad – I haven’t felt anything yet either and I have three of the little chiquitas in me! Nada so far!

AFM – All is well… Today is 19 weeks ~ so I figure I am prob more than ½ way there! Had a regular ob appt last week, no big news… Gained about 3 lbs and doc is worried I am on the verge of not gaining enough…  I told her that the “starting weight” she had for me is actually about 10 pounds on the heavy side…. I calculate my total weight gain at 19 weeks at about 25 lbs… So drinking more protein shakes! Ugh!

I WILL post a bump pic, promise…. IF I can figure out how to post, that is… I will go back and read Rebekah’s instructions to Steph again…. I feel like I am REALLY HUGE… funny thing is when people ask me, “so, when are you due?” and I say, “September.” Their mouths literally DROP open! Lol…

Our baby showers are in June, so we went to do the registry at BRUs the other night…. Omg… we were there for 2 ½ hours. Granted, we have to read & look at EVERYTHING twice. Word of advice, ask your local store when to go, ours said Tues night & we were literally the only people in the store. Nice & got tons of help when we needed it! We just took the regular guidelines and multiplied by 3!

Sorry for the long post, chicas! Everyone have a wonderful Cinco de Mayo!! Think I will have a big vat of queso tonight, in lieu of a margarita!! :)

Hi, bump pic at exactly 39 weeks today, sorry it's in my bathroom, and had to take myself. When ever my OH takes a pic he makes me look like a hippo!

Miss Muffet, I can't imagine the surprise at getting the baby over 10 weeks early! It's fantastic she is doing so well, silly question, is she at home or does she have to stay at hospital? :hugs:

Austin Gurrl, you will be huge by 30 weeks with 3 babies in there! You will be a very busy mummy when they arrive! How amazing! :flower:

Pablo, the thrush is a yeast infection down below which causes itching and other unpleasant symptoms, baby can catch it in the mouth when born so it's better not to have it.....I think it's going away now......your neighbours dog sounds a pain, but your baby will soon pay them back for that! lol :haha:

Sveta/Chris, what is the exam you are having? Sorry have not managed to catch up yet with everything....:kiss:

MA hope everything continues to be ok with you, I will post pics, hopefully in a week or so, hope she doesn't keep us waiting the whole extra 2 weeks, I am ready to meet her now. :happydance:

Hope everyone else is ok today. I am doing lots of lovely sleeping until the baby arrives....:sleep:
Good morning everyone! :hi:

Hi, Austin! Glad to see you and your girls are doing well. Congrats for being over half way there! :thumbup:

Love the bump pictures, Chris #1 & Lucy! Hmmm... I might just have to try and take one myself. No way I'd let the DH do it - he'd make me look like a cow, I know it. Of course, I DO look like a cow, so it really wouldn't be his fault... But that's beside the point!

Oh - and I have a bump question for you ladies. Do any of you find that when you tighten your abdominal muscles, you can pull quite a bit of your bump in? I'm amazed at the size difference when I tighten the muscles as to when I don't. So you'd think that it's mostly fat, right? That's what I'd think, anyway. But - the weird thing is that the bump's pretty firm whether my muscles are tightened or not. I mean, there's definitely some fat there, don't get me wrong. Just not tons - I tend to gain in the hips & thighs, not the middle. So I dunno - maybe it's because I have a fairly long torso? :shrug: I've read that with a long torso there's more room for baby to grow up in to so it doesn't pop out as quickly. Maybe when I tighten my stomach it's pushing her up in? Does that make any sense, or do I just sound completely crazy?

So anyhow, I just wondered if I was the only one experiencing this strange phenomenon. It makes me wonder which is the "correct" bump - stomach tightened or stomach not tightened? :wacko:

I hope everyone had a fun Cinco de Mayo! I was quite boring. I was :sleep: by 7pm... At least we don't have hangovers, right? :thumbup:
Nice bump Lucy!!! The course I am taking is for my job. It's called Wealth Mgmt Essentials. I am in the financial industry and to keep my license (to trades stocks) I have to do a certain amount of educational credits every three years. They make the exams really difficult so there is a high failure rate. Anyway, I am home today studying, so I better get off this computer!

Chris #2- I still totally engage my abdominal muscles. I feel if I let it all hang out it puts too much pressure on my back. Just wait, you are 20 weeks, I though I was HUGE at 20 weeks and it didn't really start to pop until a week or two later. Look:

20 weeks:

24 weeks:

Muscles or not, you're going to pop! :haha:
Sunshine, I didn't look obviously pregnant at 20 weeks, except to me, it was only an obvious bump at about 25/6 weeks I think, I could pull it in and make it smaller around that time, although after 30 weeks seemed to lose muscle tone big time, and now I feel like I have no tummy muscles at all! Can barely get out of chairs/bed without help.....sometimes I feel like a beetle that's rolled over on it's back and got stuck! :haha:

Nice bump Sveta, hope your exams go well....:hugs:
Okay - here it goes...https://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd508/austingurrl/Austingurrl-19weeks.jpg
oh dear... sorry the picture is so HUGE!!! I will try to do better next time... :)) Also taken in the bathroom by me this morning.... love the hairspray and kleenex... very glam!

Anna/Rebekah/Sunshine - TAG! You're it~ :)
Wow, that's a nice big bump for 19 weeks Austin gurrl, imagine how big you will be at 30 weeks! :happydance:
Ohhhhhhhhhh so cute!!! You look awesome! Yup, there are definitely three in there! :cloud9:
Great picture, Austin! :thumbup:

Okay - now I'm going to have to take one this weekend. I think (I HOPE!) I did my major "popping" in the past few weeks. On 4/17 I didn't have much of a bump, but now at 20 weeks I look like you do at 24, Chris #1! Actually, when I tighten my stomach I'm a little closer to your 20 week shot. But when I "let it all hang out" I definitely look bigger than I should at 20 weeks... Oh dear God... My DH is 6'4" (he hit 6' by the time he was 12 years old), and his paternal side are all giants. Even the women. I hope I don't have a budding Amazon in there!!:shock:

I'll be sharing clothes with a six-year-old! :haha:
Ooh - just stumbled across this little tidbit on week 20...

"The enlargement of the uterus during this week is greatest at the site of the placental attachment (usually on the front or back wall), so the uterus has an asymmetrical bulge."

Mine's attached at the front - I wonder if that has anything to do my size...

Okay - I'm off the bump thing now! :blush:
:| I'm sucking in in all those pictures. :haha: Comfortably... not hardcore. But still sucking in :thumbup:
FUN pics ladies! I don't have a bump at all. I'm 17wks 5dys and I'm figuring I won't see anything until 20wks or so. My BOOBS are big though!! Speaking of boobs...

I love the cute little bumps! Your all so tiny to begin with. Austin, your boobs show your pregnant with triplets. I bet DH loves that one. :lol: Speaking of that, are you planning to breastfeed the triplets?! Having only two breasts I keep wondering how mommies of multiples are doing that. It must be time consuming and hurt like a son of a gun!

Another breastfeeding questions for the mommies. I've seen in one of the forums women were talking about their breasts leaking at like 16wks on up. I NEVER had that with Jackson even at 22wks and I don't think I feel anything this time (except that my boobs are MUCH bigger).

I also heard in one of the natural forums that for women who have problems getting milk out the first few days, that they should start "hand pumping" a few weeks prior to giving birth. Has anyone done this?? I would think that if stimulating nipples can cause someone to go into labor, wouldn't breast pumping prior to birth be dangerous somehow?? Forgive me for not knowing.

Love all you beautiful mommies out there! I'll share a pic once I see an actual bump :winkwink:

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