35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi MA :flower:

I have had no leakage at all, and have wondered if there is anything in there lol:blush:

We were told at antenatal classes that after birth if we 'hand pumped' or squeezed a few drops out to start with, to encourage the baby, then it will happen. I suppose I did expect leakage, I know of a girl who was leaking at 16 weeks! :shrug: I think when you give birth, the change in hormones make the milk come :wacko:

Can't wait to see your little bump. :kiss:
You could always post a pic of your boobs MA :haha:

*Sorry if that was inappropriate, :rofl:

You could always post a pic of your boobs MA :haha:

*Sorry if that was inappropriate, :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Haha not at all Chris. Got a kick out of it. Mine are no where near Austins but I feel like I'll need a cattle milker sometime soon. I feel as though these suckers are gonna drop to the ground sometime soon!:blush::haha: I don't remember feeling so "loaded" when I was pregnant with Jackson. Everything about this pregnancy has been SO different!:thumbup: :haha:

I do wonder how mommies with triplets or quads breastfeed though. I'd imagine it gets complicated or do they just constantly pump and feed through bottle?! Austin, you'll have to share with us if you know this information. I have questions!!:dohh::haha:

Well, the other night I smelled a skunk and this morning I thought I was going to hurl because Doug turned on the coffee pot. These injections have caused MS to continue. The good news in all this is that after asking for prayer the other day, the new injection hasn't caused me to be debilitated in bed. The right side of the muscle is still swollen but the new injection hasn't caused any issues of pain.:happydance:

For mothers day I took a ride out to the cemetary. We took two solar spotlights out there to put on the gravestone to light it up at night and then we dropped off this BEAUTIFUL little angelbaby statue that we ordered a year ago that came in last week. The baby is a little boy with little angel wings laying down in a little basket with his legs crossed. Very cute! :cloud9: The following weekend I think I'm going to fill the planters on both sides and plant either lazy susans or Stella De Oro's on each side. Should be beautiful when it's finished. I met an elderly man who brought a chair out last weekend with some coffee and a donut to sit by his wifes graveside. We said hello and chatted with him for a few minutes and left. Broke my heart to see that. He looked so lonesome for his wife.:cry: I keep meeting all these people at the gravesides whom one day we'll be buried together with. At first it was kind of eerie, but I think it's become a bit peaceful and the fact that most of us are getting to know each other kinda puts my heart at ease. Losing Jackson has brought us to a place where we are comfortable with our own immortality.

Okay, enough of that!:winkwink: Enjoy your day ladies....and

Happy Mother's Day!:flower: :hug:
Some women leak early, some late, some none at all. Leaking during pregnancy is NOT an indication on how bfing will go after birth so if you aren't leaking please don't worry. Your body will still make milk :thumbup:

I've never leaked pregnant and I nursed Edward for 13 months and Eric is currently 100% exclusively breastfeed :)
LOL Chris!!!! Too funny!

Happy Saturday ladies! You all have really nice bumps! I guess I will post a pic of my bump prior to Katelyn being born, however I will say I was HUGE (of course my hubby took the pic not me!) You would have thought that she was at least 6 lbs when born and not 2. I am mostly belly and boob or should say WAS mostly belly and boob...now I am like Rebekah - more boob HA HA HAHA.

In terms of leakage, I had read about that on some of the other threads as well, but I never experienced it at all. I was also told by my perinatologist that stimulating the breasts (hand expressing or pumping, or other means...wink wink) could cause contractions. I also didn't even start pumping until 1 or 2 days after giving birth - now I am moo moo the cow. Trust me when you give birth the milk will be there.

Rebekah - the spotlights and statue sound really lovely.

Oh and to answer your questions Lucy - Baby is in the NICU. We won't be able to take her home for another few weeks.

I probably won't be on tomorrow so Happy Mother's Day everyone! Have a great day!

Thanks ladies for your feedback on Bf'ing. I wondered if I would have anything at all upon delivery. I keep looking at my nipple and it shows no sign. :haha: I'm such a goof!
Just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all and thanks to all you wonderful ladies who have asked after me. I have missed you all but with all my issues, I guess I haven't wanted to bring you all down so you can just enjoy your own pregnancies :flower:

Things have been tough for a few weeks and lots of ups and downs. As of right now, me and the little one are doing ok but my body is having a tough time with the pregnancy between my hypertension issues and recent liver function issues. I have gone from modified bedrest at 9+ weeks to full on bedrest at 12+ (actually 13+ but they put me back a week a while ago based on the baby's size). Oh joy. lol Bedrest is not all it is cracked up to be but I continue to follow doctor's orders and do my best.

I haven't had a chance to read all of the messages I've missed yet but hoping that you all are doing fabulously well and a BIG happy, special Mother's Day to all of you!!! :hugs:
Just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all and thanks to all you wonderful ladies who have asked after me. I have missed you all but with all my issues, I guess I haven't wanted to bring you all down so you can just enjoy your own pregnancies :flower:

Things have been tough for a few weeks and lots of ups and downs. As of right now, me and the little one are doing ok but my body is having a tough time with the pregnancy between my hypertension issues and recent liver function issues. I have gone from modified bedrest at 9+ weeks to full on bedrest at 12+ (actually 13+ but they put me back a week a while ago based on the baby's size). Oh joy. lol Bedrest is not all it is cracked up to be but I continue to follow doctor's orders and do my best.

I haven't had a chance to read all of the messages I've missed yet but hoping that you all are doing fabulously well and a BIG happy, special Mother's Day to all of you!!! :hugs:

We were wondering where the heck you were! Never you mind about bringing us all down, maybe WE can be an encouragement or a good ear to listen for YOU!!:hugs::kiss::flower:

I am on light bedrest right now but I have this feeling I'll be on full bedrest soon. Your right, it's not all that fun, but it will be worth it when baby is here darlin. Just take it minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day.

Happy Mothers Day to you too. We're actually on our way out because my pekingese is whimpering and limping so we're taking her to the emergency Vet. I'm praying it won't take our whole savings, but we'll dish it out if it means she'll be okay and we'll deal with the extra baby stuff as it comes. God ALWAYS provides!:winkwink::thumbup:

Talk with you all soon.

Just wondering how Angela is doing. I haven't seen any updates on her blog either. Praying she and baby are doing well.
Good afternoon everyone!

Don't have time to read the recent posts right now, but Rebekah - I just stumbled across this article and thought you might want to read it. It's about using a progesterone gell in the 2nd half of pregnancy for women w/short cervixes...


Have a great day, all!
Hi everyone - can I join? I'm 35, just pregnant, just hit 6 weeks and just been hit my morning sickness. I had to leave work today early and have spent most of the day in bed trying not to vomit!

Has anyone else has bad morning sickness? Did it pass? Helllpppppppp

This is my first and I don't like to ask the young uns over on the first tri board!
Hi Storm, welcome and congrats! :flower:

I am 38 and almost ready to pop with number one. I had awful morning sickness from 6 to 14 weeks, weeks 7 to 11 the worst, wasn't sick, just couldn't eat and barely drank anything. It will pass though, and then you can enjoy the nice middle phase until you start to get really big lol :hugs:

You can try different things, I googled and found loads of remedies, none worked for me but you might be lucky! :flower:
Aww Lucy thanks - its been a right shock, went from being so excited and feeling not too bad apart from having bad heartburn to literally being unable to do anything. Was sick 4 times over the weekend and today I just gave up. Thankfully I have a lovely understanding boss who told me to go home as it wasn't just me I had to worry about now.

I'm not sure anything really does help - words of wisdom from my brother who happens to be a doctor where 'eat what you can, when you can, try to keep drinking and don't cook if the smell makes you feel worse.' Hmm maybe I need a doctor sister who would be more understanding :)

My mother never had morning sickness so I was kind of hoping I would dodge it too, but I am older that she ever was and I suppose each of us is different.

I love having somewhere with women the same age, I've nothing against younger ladies obviously but I guess I'm at a different stage in my life and find it hard to relate to most of them.

Welcome Storm!!! Glad you came over. This is a GREAT group of women who are extremely supportive and fun to chat with! Like Lucy - I had morning sickness (throwing up and nausea) most of my 1st trimester. The only time I didn't feel sick was when I was actually eating. The rest of the time forget about it. Drinking Ginger ale helped a bit, but the nausea never really went away for me. Sometime around week 14/15 it went away - so hang in there!

Titi - It is sooo good to hear from you! Please don't feel like you will be bringing anyone down! That is what we are here for - to be supportive and an ear to bounce things off of or vent to :). I do understand about the bedrest...the short while i was on it stank! But hang in there...it will be worth it in the end!

Rebekah - Sorry to hear about your doggie. Hope your little furbaby is better soon.

AFM - Spent most of Mother's Day in the NICU with Katelyn. I brought in a few preemie nighties for her to wear and a cute pink hat. I will post the photo later today. She is doing well and has been taking a bottle 2x a day now. I am hoping by the end of the week or early next week she will be bottle feeding entirely and not having to use the feeding tube (which she is constantly pulling out!).

The other day we tried what they called "non nutritional feeding" where she and I went skin to skin and allow her to use her baby instincts to find my nipple. She did pretty well. I will try again today when we visit so perhaps in a few days she will be ready to breastfeed!

Hi to everyone else - hope you all had a nice weekend and are having a great Monday!!!

As usual it is milk maid time.

Welcome Storm! :hi: You'll fit in just fine in here.

I had nausea the WHOLE time and because of progesterone injections to keep preterm labor at bay, I'm back to feeling nauseated at 18wks and probably AT LEAST until 36wks.

Ginger is AWESOME! Ginger ale, ginger drops, ginger snap cookies. I have aversions to meet and it's back yet again. The only thing I actually like these days is cows milk and vanilla ice cream. :Wacko:

Chris#2, Thanks for the article. I've heard of creams but have heard they're not as potent as the injections and I only heard the creams are good for 1st trimester. This MUST be a different type of progesterone gel that I haven't heard about for 2nd trimester. There has been alot of positive studies one the potent progesterone for 2nd trimester though there are still women who go preterm.

The sad part of the article is that it encourages physicians and medical staff to keep watch of the cervical length. MUCH of the medical community takes a conservative approach. The problem with the cervical issue is they want to see that there are MORE than one preterm loss before they actually move forward because they tend to lean toward preterm labor instead of incompetant cervical issues. The confusing issue to them is that they are never quite sure what causes what...does PTL cause IC or the other way around. So they start with Progesterone and wait until the cervical length has dropped before they stitch the cervix which in my opinion is danger.

The best approach to dealing with cervical issues is to combine both progesterone or 17P injections with a preventative stitch between wks 13 and 14. It's shown less than 1% risk but the medical community seems to think there's more risk for problems and lawsuits than to take each case as it comes and provide the right procedure for the right conditions. It's a frustrating issue. :wacko:

Hi Lucy, Hi Steph, Hi Viv, Chris #1, Angela, Titi, Charmaine, Terri. Pray your all doing well! :hug:
It must be so frustrating or you MA, you would think putting a stitch in just incase would be the right thing to do. Hope your length stays within limits, it will be great for you to reach 24 weeks. :hugs: It will be such a milestone and hopefully you can relax a bit in the 3rd tri. :flower:

Miss Muffet, can't wait to see another pic of Katelyn, it's great she is doing so well, it will be lovely when you get to take her home. :happydance:

I have been having funny pains since yesterday, got worse in the night and today, so haven't had much sleep. I think it's either early contractions or maybe a false labour, as it's not really bad pain, and lasts between 10 and 30 seconds, and coming randomly sometimes every 5 mins, then every half an hour.......I hope it changes into an obvious proper labour soon, its hard first time, when you don't know what is going to happen.......:wacko:
I just spoke to midwife, have had a show, and am in false/practice labour. She said this can go on for days in a first pregnancy or turn into real labour quickly....I am hoping for the second one...:wacko::hi:
I just spoke to midwife, have had a show, and am in false/practice labour. She said this can go on for days in a first pregnancy or turn into real labour quickly....I am hoping for the second one...:wacko::hi:

OOh how exciting - hope your labour goes well and it won't be long until you meet your little one :happydance:
I can't say much right now as I am just trying to get through each moment right now. But you have all been so kind and I wanted to say thank you for all your support.

We found out yesterday that our LO has a severe neural tube defect which caused the brain and spinal cord not to properly form. It is called ancephaly. They believe it was caused by a severe folic acid deficiency that predated my pregnancy. I would have required a special folic acid regimine prior to conception. We have been told that the baby's condition is not compatible with life. Two doctors have confirmed. So I will have to undergo a medically necessary termination. I am crushed.

Please pray for my LO and family during this difficult time. And thanks for always listening. :flower:
Oh my God, Titi - I am so, so sorry. I know that nothing I can say can ease your heartbreak, but your baby and your family are in my prayers. Please take care of yourself, my friend. We're all here for you.

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