35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

I can't say much right now as I am just trying to get through each moment right now. But you have all been so kind and I wanted to say thank you for all your support.

We found out yesterday that our LO has a severe neural tube defect which caused the brain and spinal cord not to properly form. It is called ancephaly. They believe it was caused by a severe folic acid deficiency that predated my pregnancy. I would have required a special folic acid regimine prior to conception. We have been told that the baby's condition is not compatible with life. Two doctors have confirmed. So I will have to undergo a medically necessary termination. I am crushed.

Please pray for my LO and family during this difficult time. And thanks for always listening. :flower:

I am so sorry to hear your news :cry: I pray you can heal with time and love.
I just wanted to say Hi.
I am 37 and expecting #1 and I am due just before I turn 38 (literally by a few days) so might eek this one out and still be 37. lol :haha:
Nothing strange or unusual as yet and only have felt a bit sick on a couple of occasions - finger's crossed it stays that way.
I was a bit alarmed yesterday at my 1st doctors appointment when she said my blood pressure was high. I know I was nervous about going (don't know why?) and I do suffer with "white coat syndrome" so I will monitor it at home and I hope it goes back to a normal level.

Oh Titi honey I am SO SO sorry. That is just heartbreaking and I will keep you in my prayers. Please let us know how you are doing and if there is anything we can do for you!!
titi: I am so very sorry you are having to go through this. We are all here for you and you will be in our thoughts and prayers. :hugs: There are no words :cry:

Welcome to the newbies and Maria! I really hope this is the start of labour! I am sooo worried about being late. Although right now I panic everyday about being too early... :wacko: If only we could 'schedule' natural labour. I'd pick anywhere from 39-40 weeks :thumbup:

:hi: to everyone! Exam #2 tomorrow! And then freeeeeedom! :happydance: *If of course I pass......... Sadly convinced I'll be re-writing yesterdays exam. :|
Hi Sveta, hope you pass your exams! :flower:

I had to go to hospital as had a very 'bloody show' which scared me, but everything was ok, and 1cm dilated so it has begun very slowly. Just waiting game now. :wacko:
morning ladies.

First things first, titti, words can not express how sorry I am. If you need anything, know we are for you. All my love and prayers are being sent your way at this difficult time. I am sending lots of hugs too!!

clairbyl and storm, welcome ladies!! It's nice to have new faces!! Storm, sorry about the MS., I never threw up but felt aweful from weeks 7-11, have felt really well since then. Although this am a little queasy. I have heard that in severe cases there is a medication that is safe and can be taken to ease symptoms. In fact I think some of the ladies here took it! I am due just about a month before my 40th b-day,so happy to squeeze the bambino in under the 39 year mark!! I totally agree with the fact that some of the other threads are for the younger ones. I think as you get older not only are you in a different place in your life, but the pregnancy is really different. Let's face it at 22 your outlook on being pregnant without even trying is really different than getting pregnant at 35+ after years of trying. Anyway welcome!!!

Lucy, how goes the early labor pains? I hope you get your wish and baby is on it's way. Are you still working? That was probably a stupid question. Let's re-phrase, when did you stop working? Quick question, did you get a return of MS. In third tri? I have heard of it happening and am not feeling so great this am.

Steph, sounds like the girl is doing really well. Are her bottles she's getting your pumped breast milk? There are worse things than being all boob. Glad katelyn is getting some boob time!! She'll be breast feeding any day now.

ma, how is the fur baby? I have been thinking of the furry. Hope all is well and it didn't eat up too much savings.

sunshine,austin, svet, junebug, codegirl, hi to all !!

Happy Mothers day to all, we were camping again last weekend,so out of touch.

nearing third trimester!!! Xxx anna
svet and lucy posted at the same time, svet best of luck on the exams!! Lucy 1cm,that's awesome!! Just 9 more to go!!
Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to the new ladies :hi:

Lucy - hope this is it for you, and you don't have to wait TOO long to meet your little one! :flower:

Chris #1 - good luck with your exam tomorrow. When will you find out about your first exam? I hope it all turns out okay and you get your well deserved freedom!

Steph, can't wait to see the pictures from your Mother's Day! How great that she's almost ready to breastfeed :cloud9:

Hi to Austin, Codegirl, Junebug, MA, Pablo & Viv - hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day!

Nothing going on with me. I'm still feeling so sad for Titi. :cry: Wish there was something I could do to help.

I was GOING to try taking a bump picture over the weekend, but I got a good look at myself in the mirror (I've been avoiding them these days...) and decided against it. Couldn't bring myself to commit my big ol' butt to the digital world. :haha: :nope:

Have a great day, everyone!:flower:
Hi Pablo, the labour is getting more painful, but contractions are not exactly happening in rhythm, I don't know if I am in real labour or not, so confusing! I might ring hospital again soon. Even using the tens machine it hurts pretty bad now. :wacko:
I stopped work at 35 weeks, as a teacher weeks 36 to 37 were in the Easter hols, so I was lucky there. Also I never had sickess after 16 weeks pregnant, but I know some people do....hope you don't! :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing ok, I am so sad for Titi, it's an awful thing to lose a baby. :cry::hugs:
Titi darling. I'm so sorry. :cry: We had two other couples who were in our bereavement group who's babies had the same thing. It breaks my heart that your going through the same journey. This will be a trying time for you and I HIGHLY recommend when things quiet down and you start the REAL grieving, that you think about grieving counseling. Many local hospitals have infant grieving programs and it helps to get through those emotions and talk with other couples who've been there. We only went a couple times as It helped to let go my heartache and then I needed to deal with it with my husband on our own.

Just know we all love you dearly here and are so sorry for what you are going through. If you ever want to talk, feel free to pm me as I understand full well what it's like to lose a child so early and to deal with the pain that is a process.

Lucy, sounds like your slowly starting to dialate. I've hear that it can take awhile to get to 3 cm's and then people tend to go quickly, not quite sure how accurate that is because I was 3cm with my last preterm pregnancy and had NO CLUE. :wacko: Then it took 23 hours after that to give birth to Jackson.

Hope you start going quickly and I'm looking forward to hearing the birth story my friend! :hugs:

Anna, thanks for asking. Sasha is still limping. The vet said it's not broken which is good. He thinks it could be that she wrenched her back, hurt a muscle or has arthritis. Considering she was okay before this, I'm thinking she did something after maybe slipping down the stairs. Like me, it took several months to heal. He gave her a shot to deal with the pain and we have to call him at the end of the week to see how she's doing. Poor little baby. It just breaks my heart.

Speaking of breaking my heart. I'm overemotional the past couple of days. I have INTENSE nausea, slight pain in my hip from the injection and now I find myself going to the grocery store and falling to tears for absolutely NO REASON. :haha: I'm just emotional this week. SO odd! :wacko: I'm starting to annoy myself!

Speaking of grocery store trip, I started to laugh in the checkout. All fruits and veggies...there were no meats whatsoever in the cart! I wasn't paying attention but it seems that even my phsyche has started avoiding meats. I can't BARE to be around them and I think that may be why I'm so emotional. Eating and figuring out which foods I want to eat for each meal has been trying for me.

On a lovely note, yesterday was my 37th birthday and I got the lovliest surprise ever!! Our dear friend from church who's been waiting for SEVERAL years got THE CALL! This morning she traveled to Cleveland Clinic for her organs. :happydance: We're praying her body responds well to them and praying also for the family who lost their YOUNG daughter. :cry: such a bitter-sweet moment but this young girl lefts gifts to so many others and such a legacy behind! Praise God!!

Welcome Clairbyl!! :hi:
Happy Belated Birthday MA!!!! :flow:

That is great news about your friend receiving an organ transplant. I hope everything goes very smoothly for her. xoxo

Maria- I am soooo excited for you!!! Hope it won't be long!

Chris #2- I'm sure your ass will be well received in the digital world! :thumbup: POST I should get the results from exam #1 by Friday I hope, if not early next week. :sigh: I have made peace with the fact I will have to re-write. IT's how these exams are. They want a high failure rate to weed people out of the industry. It's not like university where if you study hard... you might not get a great mark but for sure you'll pass. I need a 60% to pass and I fear fear fear I made too many mistakes. It's multiple choice and most of the time I am able to weed out two obvious wrong answers and then am left down to two possible. A 50/50 chance is no way to pass an exam. :(

K, better get to studying........................ I am feeling soooooooo defeated!

:hugs: :hugs: titi :hugs: :hugs:
I can't say much right now as I am just trying to get through each moment right now. But you have all been so kind and I wanted to say thank you for all your support.

We found out yesterday that our LO has a severe neural tube defect which caused the brain and spinal cord not to properly form. It is called ancephaly. They believe it was caused by a severe folic acid deficiency that predated my pregnancy. I would have required a special folic acid regimine prior to conception. We have been told that the baby's condition is not compatible with life. Two doctors have confirmed. So I will have to undergo a medically necessary termination. I am crushed.

Please pray for my LO and family during this difficult time. And thanks for always listening. :flower:

Titi, I am so very sorry. I will be praying for you all. :hugs::hugs:
Happy Belated Birthday MA!!!! :flow:

That is great news about your friend receiving an organ transplant. I hope everything goes very smoothly for her. xoxo

Maria- I am soooo excited for you!!! Hope it won't be long!

Chris #2- I'm sure your ass will be well received in the digital world! :thumbup: POST I should get the results from exam #1 by Friday I hope, if not early next week. :sigh: I have made peace with the fact I will have to re-write. IT's how these exams are. They want a high failure rate to weed people out of the industry. It's not like university where if you study hard... you might not get a great mark but for sure you'll pass. I need a 60% to pass and I fear fear fear I made too many mistakes. It's multiple choice and most of the time I am able to weed out two obvious wrong answers and then am left down to two possible. A 50/50 chance is no way to pass an exam. :(

K, better get to studying........................ I am feeling soooooooo defeated!

:hugs: :hugs: titi :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you Chris!!:hugs::kiss::flower:

Been praying for you as you get through exam week, praying for PEACE which surpasses ALL understanding to guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus and also praying for strength and VICTORY over these exams to put all this behind you and move forward. Please keep us posted sweet friend.:hugs:[-o<[-o<[-o<
Rebekah, you are just the sweetest thing ever. :hugs: Thanks so much. It means so much. I'm just so tired... Since Friday I have spent 38 hours studying. Please please please let this be over tomorrow. I know it sounds so trivial, but it's all I have been doing and thinking of for three months now and I just want to have the freedom now to dream of my baby and start planning her arrival. *Sigh xoxo
Hey Ladies!! Did you see there's a "pregnancy over 35 forum"?? :happydance: WE have a forum now!! :happydance:
That's a great bump pic. It's perfect! Mine is near about the same size-ish, minus the perfection ha ha
I can't say much right now as I am just trying to get through each moment right now. But you have all been so kind and I wanted to say thank you for all your support.

We found out yesterday that our LO has a severe neural tube defect which caused the brain and spinal cord not to properly form. It is called ancephaly. They believe it was caused by a severe folic acid deficiency that predated my pregnancy. I would have required a special folic acid regimine prior to conception. We have been told that the baby's condition is not compatible with life. Two doctors have confirmed. So I will have to undergo a medically necessary termination. I am crushed.

Please pray for my LO and family during this difficult time. And thanks for always listening. :flower:

Titi, I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how you're feeling or what you're going through but I sending you love & hugs :hugs:
Haven't been on in a week.... Had about 8 pages to read!

Titi, sooooo sorry to hear your news :cry: Thinking of you and your family during these difficult times...

MA happy belated bday!

Welcome to all the new ladies!

AFM, still no signs of ovulation. Zoëlle is nursing only in the mornings and evenings now, that has been for about 2 weeks. Hopefully this will help? Crazy busy at work and planning our Switzerland trip.

Hope everyone is doing great, lovely bump pics, will post my 39 week one when I get home, just for fun sake. Oh and I worked until I was 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and was 3 cm dilated starting at 36 weeks :)
Titi...:hugs: and I am so, so sorry.

My thoughts are with you, your OH and your baby.


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